The Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 2! Tou.&.T MAT IISI
*esaM. T1sn* 1•a.aee7land+1
S�� Koer
•ik\ Uatarro TeMpkoae No It
P11011yaws. --flee frau., and rine e
boll evertor sae
w� la &mooed : to w►.eeike s la the
lillalee iM reta l" a mile Dollar sad rift,
Arai" 1a wham oto
to tear/v. Tits bwaat r.wrlarly by wa
WM* • favor by arquuutlag tM pu
er �t�e last u miserly .este a. peeelble. When
[ etlelesa aa�� adds.-- cleared. bilk sN sad
Cas maw.ddre.. .. u..: be an, e11. 1411Mmblane..
00m�V, ter .taxa by bask draft, arbores. mosey
sra.e, seet..oAoe order. or reglate erd letter.
aeLeonotian. nt*y possess at any else.
Anrsurnesse Teems. -:atm for display and
oo.tsoet tltl,.rtlerma da will be revs ea aeon -
sum. Cereal and alert t .'meta .deed temente.
tee seats pet line for dna tnwrtlon and twos
-onto per nos for Dare uber.oueut imertMa
llt.saared bya wade of •011atd oostpareil -twelve
Iteae w am nce. Hi nlnce. acrd• of ids Ilam
and soder. Iryve tInllar. per rear. Adrertiae
tam* of Lor. round, • Strayed. bltu.tloty
v$eaat,.kaatton. Wanted, Hous. for Sale tt
tenor Set ete.nnotteze..dl ingIWbt11oa� Article.,
eve (cent- saeb b.rarrtom : One Dollar for fleet
moot!, ries Coat. tot ea, hos ...Quest moot
Longer .dvert1-.rn.uta in proportion. An-
emaDlmeaote la ordinary readout type. Ten
Cents per floe. No sellae pari than Teenty'
dr. Cost.. Any spacial oaks, the object of
wkleklathe pecuniary benefit of any Isdirld-
Wras.00ietlon, tabs considered an .4ver-
U 1 101 and okarged aeror8infly•
To cooperation of
ear ssbev/bsr• sad node* 1. cordially Wett-
e d upward. matte., Tex std v a t . weakly record
of all lead. avanty anddint Det doings. Sso rem
we.leatime meth, attended to male.s i1 con-
tains tie name and adder* of the writer, not
n eo.searu For ppaeblitatton, but as an .vldeom
of good faith. New. toms should r..eb TAN
Saga Atoms root later Clan Wednesday toss
of each week.
it it ked been forced to surrender to
the fleabane
The Shin F.n.r sl. Inulmad are just
•bout the .sass lot as the as.rese..
and Lrvrrgow of Caa.jae-me good to
themselves or anytrudy tub..
Congratulations to Judie
alto hes filled an Inequitable
the bar of the county and
no doubt adorn the ber1.•h
Wises at
who will
iu equal
Canada• war rxlwnditures are as-
suming yaet proportions. A vote of
$•;yo,tk,l,txu was passed at Ottani• on
Mo"day, the (►pp,vitiou ooncurririg
with the Gucernueent in its view of
the necessities of the situation.
Opportunity, which it is said knock•
but 'once at every man's door, is in
this time of war calling clearly to
every wan of military age and fitness.
The most glorious adventure of the
age. the greatest crusade of the cen-
turies, the grandest fight for tile things
worth while -this is the opportunity
that is open to the young hien of this
day.- In years to some, when the war
baa paved into history, manly youth
will look back upon this era and "mourn
its lot in not having been born to take
part in the glorious enterpu ire now
afoot. Perhaps never again in the
world's history will there be such an
opportunity ; certainly not within the
lifetime Of men now living.
For what are our wen fighting ?-
our men of Canada who have gone
forth to the war. 14 their land in
danger:' Are their homes,their families,
their own persons threatened ? The
menace is far removed front ur, • broad
ocean intervening, and it is difficult to
realize that it exists, so far as our own
peorle and properties are concerned.
Are our wen fighting for empire -for
the possession of more territories over
which the Britirb firg shall wave ?
Emphatically no ; Britain has declared
thtough the mouths of ber statesmen
that she wants nothing for herself
from this war. Then for what do our
men fight ? They are fighting for the
soul of the world. Covenants have
Leen bioken, plighted word. have lwen
set at naught, a solemn treaty has
been regarded a. "a ,,-rap of aro,-
aper "little nal jowl have been bullied;
trampled upon and outraged, their
bands iucaa'.d, their home. violated,
their cities destroyed. their sacred
placesdtwecrated, mid violence of every
sort has been visited upon their peonies
and upon those who went t, their
help. Fiendish barbetitiew have been
committed -we hare id our awn town
torn who have suffered f - the (ier-
war. gas : Arid the lives of rnany inno-
cent nun eminlett ante, wen. women and
little children, have been takeri by the
savage and a titblrss enemy. Are three
„ hinge right, or are tl.ey wrong ?
That is the question to which the
world enure give its answer. if con-
sent is to 1w given to three things,
would existence on this earth be worth
while ? Britain says these things are
riot right, these atrocities must not be
allowed So say Franc.. Russia, Italy
When lodge Holt was app tinted by
the late Liberal (i .verrment, he was
made junior judge, Judge Doyle b-ing
promoted to the.eniorposition. Now,
instead of Judge Holt.* tieing moved
up in like manner, Mr. Dickson is ap-
pointed over his head to the senior
judge+hip. Why could not the Con-
servative Government be as decent in
this matter athe Liberals were?
The surrender of 'ivies' Towns -
bend's force to the Turks at Kut -el.
Amara in regrettable rather for its
psora' effect than for its military ins-
pirit ince. There carte less than 10,000
wren in the force; but their surrender
may mean • revere blow to British
prestige in the Orient unless prompt
and elective measures are taken to
demonstrate to the people of the East
that Britain's arm is et111 strong.
The tragic occurrence at Toronto
last week, when s soldier accidentally
shot and killed his seventeen year-old
stepdaughter. should once more teach
the lemon that the utmost caution
should be exercised in the handling of
firearms. No weapon, loaded or un-
loaded, should b• pointed at any per -
anti. Every gun should be handled as
if it were loaded unless it is known
beyond a possibility of doubt that it is
Asquith would have date boiler to
aunts w.ts y. It is jest in hie leasers,
• redness reness of judgment bis capacity
W take the people with him, t be
has shows political serial and proved
himself In be the man for the hour. A
Priam Minister a bo bad tried lib ee
lbs rous
ontry against its habits and crrs-
eictis at the beginning of the war
w ,u1d altuel
ost rig bare landed us te
in disaster. Let the ere' es and a
gruu,ble.s say *list they will, what
has Iwen are ph.hrti i. simply slai-
get Mg hut h 111 1,. Imp i •may and its
"magnificence. And le hind it all there
is a united people.
Gtt Away from ()Jr Prejalicre
-rotate star.
We ought to rearerutwr t hat for many
years our fertile %Vralet11lands Weill.
ageing. We built railway", ire es-
tablished political institutions. we
toads low and order prevail. Still the
settles would not come. When they
did crime at Iret, .owe of our people
amine criliral. S,utedid not Tike the
eyed1.hits of the newcomers. 8 Ode -
eyed at the idea of an "American in•
vasiom," a•. the settlement of our lands
by niers of our own raceaad traditions
and ways of lhimking was called. We
*hero, overt, *he.prrj�rdieer. We
nunst tecogntz+ that Canada is • coun-
try. not (tone RAP., but of many races,
which sure 1r blended and •s.imi-
lated in order that a Cauadien nation
may be built up, just as the English
muni was built up out of the Norman
and Saxon and Celtic elements.
Someof the severest criticism of
Sir Sam Hughes comes from the Con-
servative press The Toronto Tele-
gram keeps up a constant fire upon
him, and the other day The ,l ,ntresl
Daily Mail, another Conservative jour-
nal. concluded a lung editerial article
with these remarks:
British fair play has nothing to 'lose
by putting Sir Sam Hughes in h'e
proper plane. It has mach to I we in
placing him on a pedestal ar if he were
immune from all charges that Miner -
term of Militia and politicians are heir
to. simply en his own say••.,, and an
estimation of hi. services hast on his
own recital of theSir Nam Hughes
is not a modest sun. and liir veracity
has not escaped challenge. His own
indiscretions Orrin to 1..e raised up
a regular ,rep of equally inelisereei
friend., who in their method of de-
fence only succeed in placing him in
w worse position, in challenging his
critics. who may surely- be allowed
their own opinion, especially when
hared on such evidence as. for ex-
ample, already exists in the nm-ial
records of the Parliamentary debates
and the c nmmitteee of that body.
Those uninstructed people who
fancy that leeitaie'r free trade policy
may not at+nd the test imposed by the
war should read the following from
The Westminster list•tte, one of
Bt itaiu's heading journals : "We bear
much loose talk in these days ahaut
the policy of free trade having been
exploded by the exp•ri-nt • .1 this
war. The sole proof which is adduced
of this it thst in a very few trade
which we di.tover to b• important
for munitions, we hare by our laxityri
or lick of science allowed the pmacy
to pass to our enemies That. un-
doubtedly, must be prevented in fu-
ture. but, tar more important than
there is the great carrying trade which
has grown upend could only grow up
o We • a free trade policy. e rc imp-
ly exaggerate if we say that the great
and the other nations of the Allier. supply of shipping which 'his country
And do say's every l'anadien whn puts i. able to bring to the rouse of the
on the uniform, ahoeldets the rifle and Allies is the eminent hal foundation of our
takes bis place in Crcad.r's overseas entire war p'lcy, and as iusportant t(
nor Alpise u to ours-lve.. That has
army.. 1m very truth the world is
fighting for its soul. Canada is helping
in the fight, it is untbinkahle that she
should toot help, and every ('anedian
who fights bon ars hitnsell and honors
his country by giving her a greater
share in the glory o' this desperate
struggle for the rights and liberties of
Our own county of llurnn-good old
Huron -has been doing its part. Thome
gallant souls, thaw adventurous
*pinta, who in Canada heard the fltst
call to arms included in their nutnher
not • few who claimed Huron as their
birthplace, and the succeeding coo-
tingenta have seen more and more of
Huron's Motel in their ranks. Now an
entire battalion of Huron men is being
formed. and it is hoped that in two or
three more week• the battalion w111 be
completed . The call comes to every
rump of Huron : Will you take a part
in this great enterprise and share in
itrials. its dangers. its .ebievrureote
ita everlasting glary I Ot.5Ny to
levied is the young man. the strong
roan, who ave : •'1 can, and 1 will"
Oerwy I. .til tryf.g to eommk
s.ietde at 'Verdun. The ANied eine
sls..awe ass arlt elerr-hyo•
At any rate, General Teo.° i
teres bis MIN Into bettor bandl than
been built t.p by our unrestricted
trade and by our &sera* to untaxed
matetial. None of 'hep. basic condi-
tions have been altered by anything
that has happened in the war. and we
are obliged to take care that any trade
poli -y adopted after the war leaves
there sources of our strength uoim-
1'b. Red Orem wetter, have dssidsa
to maks ea appeal for mosey to time
pe•splewho so bee ave not 000titbwted
soythtog to the wee 1.1y collectives.
W • bower the bet arse hoe ity for saying
tit there are add saris dying to France
.ad Hslgium f(w eke wool of gauaa
pads and baedagps. Our own Cana-
dian retiredly list b iescreeing every
day. Think whas fie would mean if nip
tuew that our own seen were suffering
tor want 4.1 surgh•al aupplies, own
fin* leoys *bo bare offered to toand
between us and the wits' fate that hos
torn met. d out to Belgium. Those of
ue who cannot 50 should at Irrupt do
ill in our power to hrlp those obit ve
staking their lives fur in. Retry
bandage, every gauze rod, every pair
ref sucks sent to our soldiers is a help
to defeat our erasenemy. Think
what it would amp•n to us •II if Ger-
many should win. Our money, our
homer and lands world all ire taken
trout us, and think of the fate of our
women and children It is earnestly
hoped tbat all those who have not
contributed so far will do err now, as
the need ie veryreat. %Ye are asking
wen to risk their lives to protect 7s,
and .hell It be mad that we will do
nothing in return :' The treasurer,
Mr. A. M. Robertson, has received
several donations already from Lind
friend•. It is b lberearo wore
who will amid re this Io manner. The
collectors fpr the Red Croce fund make
this appeal to the eiliz•ns of Ouderich,
feeling sure them it w.11 not he made in
vain. Surely there is no one who can
not afford to give live cents s week for
this great cause, and surely we ern
rack forego a luxury and give the
money tohelp our eolJYen
COLLE(T0R8 Ire et Tttr RED CRoee FUND"
A Successful Experiment in Taxation.
Farm and Dahl
Three are the days of experiments
in taxation. The demand for money
to Inert the large expenditures due to
the war has cause 1 Canadian politic-
ians to vie with one another in dis-
covering new methods, of raising rev-
enue. Some of the methods devised,
however, are far from bring above
eritici-m. They are purely expedient.
making no pretense ot bring founded
upon scientific principle,, their chief
characteristic bring that they tend to
check industry xnd to place a pre-
mium upon dishonesty.
There is, however, at least one ex-
ception. Alberta, along with older
methods., bas been experimenting witb
laird value taxation, and witb very
gratifying results. In one year Chit
Province has collected $700,q 10 by
means of a tax levied on wild land*.
The Calgary Herald, the leading
Conservative organ in the Proviooe,
has recently commented favorably
upon Chir method of raising public rev-
enue, and hits strongly urged the ex-
tension of the pt inciple of taxing land
held from productive toe by specu-
lators. The tax be+ hada double ef-
fect, both of which will be looked on
with (acne by the reel producer of
wealth in the atony Privince. Not
only ha 4117410.000 hien raised without
imposing any additional , burden on
those who ate using the lend, but'it
has 'leo had the effect of inducing
those who hold wild lands to let goat
reasonable prices.
Around ell our large cities and in all
nor new districts are large tracts of
land and other valuable resources held
from legitimate toe for speculative
purpnse". Our Government should
not be slow to see that here is • source
from which taxes can he raised with-
out checking industry, and that such
taxes cannot be evaded or passed on
to the productive worker. The success
that has attended AI bo rta's experiment
in tying unused land corroborates
the contention of those who h•lieve
that the land -hog should not escape
the tax collector.
Biggest Yaw 5d ?
Ywtreal ?fail.
To produce something tram the soil
poet now Is patriotic. Are you digging
ybur bit''
Yukon Buyers Galt tie Cream
London Adv. ten
Hores•bu ars from the State" are
haying tease amend Wyoming
for $1 sad will spell them to
European buyers for M0. Great for
Ont attn.
t. the Army of Presdesa.
Tweets Mail and Ample*
So far as is known there ate Has -
ward graduates fighting in and
Flanders. Twele, have heart killed.
Other Assert/tan univers(ttse are well
represented In the Prvorh and Britktb
armies. 1n days tc row their des -
andante will be as preset of Chess
gallant sews as ever American were
of their rsvdutiesssary ancestors.
The Mee fkr the Mir.
Tis keanse, tesem, Mee.
We do not .detilt that a awes liar
pubese and impsrto.s mea tare Mr -
saes has already give° eighteen per
sent. of hoe asseishesehiptuow to octave
..rete@ or training' to defence of our
King sad country. yet notwitbsta.d-
i.g thlesociifl-r the membership bee
still l.ereasrd and the mleseouary e/- exceed those of any previous
year. The .taliouing ill ministers b
always an impoeta°t as well os inter-
esting part of the reesi.'n. Rev. W.
H. Campbell. it D., of Kenarton,
Seek., is coming to 1 %i 1e.ree to liaru-
i fuer the work of Hee. 11. Ropes*,
who has been paster of this carnage
and who well b, leaning in the sear
future. He le gulag to Naperville.
IID., where he will take ft.rthee theo-
logical studies in the Nene-Western
College. 'tee. Mr. Hoppe' will preach
hie farewell serums in l)uthurne church
next Sunday ev.clna-
MONDAY, May 1.
Mrs Whitely, of New York, is vis-
iting her daughter, Mrs. William Little.
Miss Verve Carruth. of LViogh'm,
i" visiting with Mrs D see Thom.won.
Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Smith, of Wiug-
ham, spent with friends here.
Mr. end Met. Jack Bell are visiting
friends et Teeswater before leaving for
the West,
Misses Jean D miles and Freda services were held here on Sunday.
Aitchison spent the E tater 11011 11'y, At Sunday school the superintendent
with friend+ at Tseewater• spoke touchingly of Mr. Watmore's
Mr. Elliott Little. of Chicago, was life and character, and at the evening
n town last week attending the fun- service Rev. Mr. Hedley preached ao
'era' of his sister, Mess Mary Little. , eloquent serwou directed chiefly to
Mr. Willie Connell arrived borne the young men. tasking •r hie test,
last Thursdayevening froToronto, "He has fought • good fight ; be has
where be ham been attending college finished his course ; he feu kept the
The local members of the 1. O. O. F , faith."
in company with members of nearby
stater societies, paraded to the M+tho-
dist church um Sunday to attend
divine service.
Mr. R. M. Sinclair, of Brussels, who
for the past year operated a moving ,
picture show in town. moved back to
Hiu•s-Is oo Saturday. We under-
stand the rent was too higb for the
building be occupied.
Next Sunday, M.y 7th, the snniver-
wry services i m the Preshyt•risn
church will be conducted by Rev. Mr.
Wood. -i ie, of Turonto, and on Mon-
dry a lecture up.n astronomy will be
given by Rev. r. Marsh, of Holstein,
awristed by hie son John.
A "Mothers' flay" service was a
/penial feature in the Presbyterian
church Sunday morning. The sermon ;
was vii y suitable for the ~aloe, he-
ing on Ire life of Mosesand his mother.
The choir, which rendered two appro-
pri'te musical selection'', was c.lm-
plsel of mothers only.
The Tees,vater Dramatic Society
will present that famous, exciting,
thrilling and interesting play "East
'lbtao.T, May A
Miss Mabel Bailie spent bee Rater
holidays at Toronto.
Miss Edna Beatty .pent her holidays
at ber home at Varna.
Mn. Joseph Hetherington has born
ire iously ill Chir week.
Mrs. Wm. Finnigan has recovered
from her attack of pneumonia.
Mr. Worthy Ryan. of Toronto, is
spruding a few days at his bow. herr.
Lieut, Ileac Hetherington last week
mooed his family- and bousehnld effects
to lioderich. where they will reside
for • time. We are sorry to lose them
from our midst.
friends of Mr. B. A. Wetmore were
shocked to see his nae in Wednes-
day's earealty list -"killed in actino."
Mr. Wetmore was • young English-
man whet VIEW to this country several
years ago. For some time before the
outbreak of the war he was employed
by Mr. Thos. Sheppard. i1e was a
young man of high principles and
earnest ('hiidian character, deeply!I!o-
terested in every depart meat of chueteh
work, and as such was highly respected
lo this community. town after the
war started, like wary another loyal
R.glisbman. he answered the call of
the Mother Country and formed one
of the second Crnadian contingent.
He was in active service for over a
year and no doubt acquitted himself
as a true Hriti.h solider. Memorial
Reports on liquor Prosecutions.
From the report of prosecution: in
North 11 iron by, Inspector Mitebell,
of \Vinathatm, (row May 1st, 191.5, to
Ap il'..'.ith, 1910, the following interest-
ing fact* are t• impiled :
From forty care" of drtinkenness-
thirty•eigbt first Of •ice+, one second
offence and one thitd offence -$015. e
was collected in fines.
'''here write thirty violations 01 the
C. T. A. -twenty-seven fleet off -ores
and three second olfenees-end fines
collected amounted to $1,11.50.
Eleven cases were dismissed, eight
were dropped and in one case the de-
lendsnt died . before the ewe was
Four cases are pending. in thereof
which the defendants are supposed to
have left the county.
There will be noezp•nse to the
county in connection -with the enforce-
ment of the C. T. A. in North Huron,
the surplus of receipts over expend-
itures ling more than Vieth
From the report of prosecutions in
!south Huron by Inspector 1..rr•nee,
of Clinton. for the same period. the
following i+gleaned :
Form tweoty•twoewes ofdrunken-
ness Nlt) wa+ collected in finer. The
sum of $1,0•im' was collected in fines im-
posed as the result of thirty one vio-
lations of the ('. T. A. There were
twenty-six first offences, four second
offences and one third (defendant ab-
Eight cases were diemieeed, flee un-
der the C. T. A. and three under On-
tario License Act. Six caws are peed•
ing. three under the C. T. A. and as
many under the Ontario Act. O(
thirty-one violations of the C. 1'. A.
twenty were by former license -holders.
A total of sixty-seven cases was en-
tered and the fines collected amounted
to $2,0111.
The county thus pays nothing for
liquor law enforcement in the South
riding.but cm the contrary will have a
surplus of over 11500.
Lynne in the Opera House on F. riday,
May 5th, in aid of the Red Cross fond.
The company makes no charge other
than expenses an(t•as it is in the inter-
ests of a good cause we hope fur a suc-
cessful evening.
In last week's Wingbanu Advance,
we notice in the marriage announce-
ments that Pte. Geo. Stillwell, 'dist
Battalion, and Mess Edith Hughes
were united in mart iage by Rev. E.
G. Dymond, of St. Paul's church, on
Fat utda , April 11-4d. Pte. Stillwell
is well known around herr, baying
worked for it year with Mr. Oeorgr
Green, just east of town. We wish
the young couple a happy soyage on
the watt i venial sea.
DEATH or, MART LITTLE -It is our
sad duty this week to record the death
of Mute Mary Little. only daughter of
Mr. and Mee William Little, of town,
who died in Toronto general hospital
on Tuesday of last week. Sbe had
accompanied tier mother • fortnight
pit -Tit -we to that city to attend the
marriage of • cousin, after which Mrs.
Little returned home and Mary re-
named to spend a week with friends.
She was then to ber usual good health
until the Thursday before her death,
when' she contracted a severe cold
which quickly developed into pleuro-
pmeuu unity. Oo Saturday her par-
ents were called to Tcrooto and re-
mained with her until the end came
on Tuesday morning. Luckncw
friends revived the sad news as an
uoezperted shock. Mary was twenty.
two years of age and being in the
prime of life will be greatly. missed,
not only by her bereaved parents and
relatives, but in Cabe social affairs of
the village In general. Sbe was a
member of the choir of the Presbyter-
ian church, And as a worker in the
Young People's Guild was last term
appointed convsser of the program
committee. The funeral on Thursday
afternoon to Greenhill cemetery was
largely atte.ded, and the floral trib-
utas were numerous and beautiful.
The sympathy of the entire commun-
Homeseekers' Excursions via Gr ea ity is eztended 10 tl.e sorrowing pos-
lakes Route. cots and relatives in the ores ot •dear
one, who now is free from all earthly
Hom ori excuniomi•tevia Cans- sorrow.
dian P c may. If they en desire,
take advantage of the Great Lakes
which homemakers' tieksir will be COLJDORNE
T, May 3trip. The steamship 'Manitoba," on
honored, on payment of fp additional MR EVawoguca1. Coterestsecr -
to cover meek and mirth. .all. from The Canada (!lsellrsils0 of the Rvan•
Owen Sound each Wednesday during gelical Aseoef•tienbeld its flfy-snood
saes of na.lttation, calling at Moult annual session In the Evangelical
Ste. Mario. Port Arthur and Port church es Preahron;s, Ort., Alw61 lith
Willis., con.ecting at the latter to 'Lith. Theialberieg
waisted of
point for fbnlppeegg and Wester° shoot :v.flrepisraitoon Ind fifteen
Canada. The am
ll.reil boelorksrs' laytog., emeski °seero was a
excursions are In effect each Tuesday number of ose promisees in the
uatll October 31st, inclusive. Pimlico- tamer srtivltlee of the church (loth in
lore from Camediarl Pacific ricket Canada *tad the Halted ,li�tgotes, tooled -
somata ter W. R Roward. Diabtes lot Ebbe" 8. P. Antes. 1). D , or
Timesaver Agent. Tsteoto. Obierg. OL.�t.~.r.. W. tlmtawtt,
-- Lrwswuntts01 JIs III. toe. Qom -
want to R ilia, lieu. T. C.
Ply law )ills I don't • *% Bat's. t tim eo.form,
tout if 1 mefry lime *1.1 da.'t .Meer worked proves In the
very well see bow f con get out of Itr work. Although the ewesda Ooake.
Old Oe.`-' Stoll nr Meckte, Ohio, aid other.
.ow -ie- r oW b-
People say our
plumbing pays
them. Our work
is first-class.
Expense stops
No Repairs, for it's done
right inthestart.
No Delays, for we aim to do
t h e work
promptly. Try
Phone 1.15 Hamilton Street
•• W. A CtHESON & SON••
• •
• SALE OF�� •
• " •
• Our stock of Carpets is larger than it usually is at
• this season owing to late delivery and we re -marked • •
• dozens of pieces for clearing price. •
• T-\PRN1TRV C tlll're, .n in.•hr wile, heavy pile and in •
• splesirlid, neat. uow pattern., .Imitable for any root, hall
• air stair, at err )wail 50.. •Nr 1500 and 7N
• UNION t'.tRPfTI, all inches wk4, i'evr•esllile ,
4. 50e anti
• ALL -WOOL CARPETS. yanl wide, ittwr yarn .. .
• ire, 1110o Anil $1.00 •
• BRUSSELS ('ARPEIN in new pattern's, at per )'rel
••-. ,,. .-„ .... ...... fn0 . 51.00 and 51.15 •
• TAPESTRY, BRUSSELS and WILTON I(t'(iS in every riser.
• from .uualle.t .iso up to 4 x itt yards.
• genre., l:uluttrl.s m., linuoh•''Clive. N'oralsAls, in all pier
• wool and in sew shade.. Wm*, green., browns, at pear
• yard ORO to VLSI'
• A i,tagtuitio•ol *,•Icetion of new Un•,w 4111., iu Taffeta,..
• Duchene, Pailettrai, all color. and black, yat•,1 wide, at 1;er •
Yen' See. 61.00. 51.25. $1.1110 and $1. 5 •
You'll Surely Miss it
IF you fail to take advantage of selecting a pair of
Shoes from our up-to-date line of Spring Footwear.
Be wise and embrace such an opportunity as this one,
which means the newest and best to be had in
Boots and Shoes at the Lowest
Possible Prices.
Come and see the big value we offer
you on our Bargain Counter.
Er Repairing needy dans at a moderate price.
Successor' to
J. H. McClinton
Walters & Co.
East Side
Pboae 226
Production affhrift
Produce More and Save More
The Empire needs food. If you are no: in the fight-
ing line you may be in the producing line. Labour
is !invited all the more reason to do more than ever
before. Grow food for the men who are fighting fcr you. The Allies need all the food that
you can produce. Every little helps. You are responsible for your own work. 1f you
cannot produce as much as you would like, produce all you can. Work with the right
spirit. Put fighting energy into your effort and produce now when it counts. The more
you produce the more you can save. Producing and saving are war -service.
Make Your Labour FEcient
In war -time do not waste time and energy on unim-
portant and unprofitable work. Economize labour.
Put off unproductive work till after the war, and, if
possible, help in producing something needed now. Let us not waste labour. Canada
needs it all. If possible help to feed the Allies. Make your backyard a productive garden.
Cultivate it with a will. Make your labour count for as much as possible.
Do Not Waste Materials
There should be no waste in war -time. Canada could
pay the annual interest on her war expenditure out
of what we waste on our farms, in our factories, in
our homes. Every pound of food saved from waste is as good as a pound of increased
production. The way fora nation to save is for every individual to save. France is strong
to -day because of thrift in time of peace. The men and women of Great Britain are not
poly " doing " but are learning to " do without."
Speed Year. Money Wisely
Practise economy to the home by eliminating luxur-
ies. Wasting our dollars here weakens our strength
at the Front. Yotar savings will help Canada to
finance the war. Save your money for the next Dominion War issue. There can be no
better investment.