HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-5-4, Page 1THE STERLINGBANK OF CANADA SAVE, Because --- The man who saves will never have to depend on charity. wanes. ELLPP� WANTS°. -A L U$Hstttt or LTD..MsaJsLL tNODIB & OltgR WARDERS WANTED.- IN PRI. late' vAT41me�%e awn wkYs ave sal• - ate.' walk hemp the Swam M eastern weton le the town. her iaesrrtf.s may be hall ac•eelbatlm to tY0Z !a/ SIGNAL rOe - WE WANT SOME WOMAN IN OODERICH who be • etwiet7 wader is sea wear n epre.*ntath. dee{e loth after New mad wew.pl Ya�.�geY ka�erlatloso W. will eke the VOIR NW. Mara .d veer 1.0111M,. tem. are Hwy and the p.e.eed• win M vett •awetaM. Le weor te year favorite p0- beetle Write MAfor SrtereddlettioL OAN OMAN HOJOUM- AI.7141 Richmond 11. W.. Toronto. GIRLS WANTED • APPLY OODBRICH KNITTING CO. FOR SALE DRI V ATR SALE DURING THE 11 Mo NTH Or )EAT. !Iris teem rilrin • •m• - �iw►e: e[ ,..► mis�"see"gdd itr.'�e�sle soI rsse : Oaeser Oawsi since toilet Ma asseeett, irtater..M /sem am.�)@egs , ....e�wl tot *gllag;irtrw 1s*a NW: **acre d ThsimamW lidn���rl obtain. °Gannets It rMRLE.-VICTROLA.1N 0001) omanlas ; els %weary-tbreve reosrdw Ap SIGNAL orrice. GS FOR HATCHINO.-BRED- dT�id Tt1.L\T Barred Rork.. Wild and Pitt.. strain, %wo of the heaviest Mying .trete' ha... n. Keg ti1 for I.1 In on.Nroab white Leghorn• we have mat d a ten of build and helmet. lee -aha. to Barton'. cockerel., Imported direct from Eni- rand... hem dda {m.e Ire n record of !; n ono per Pyeaen X I)alemor.Par female. mated to (band ee°ker.ls teas st UIrolbomo Hotel. Apply to A. CALDER, U0OS FOR HATCHING FROM L limo that Lay. -We are prepared to - p - pis a lance number 01eggs foe h.te.blort Our hett poem from ttaoo. obred-tolayy 4raio of Single Comb White l..gborn.c Settiog'. Me ser Ix or a7 par ISR Om .peglal pen w tw o year. GM beat rested with Tom Samoa strain jotg'11. el.vi eters**�tryI�nacuubator tote • soedalt . N.. gEi1AATILL, Preeeiet.Pheae 1 o mlti N. SALE.-OEDAR'POSTI4, A1140 s. C. s114.c ea Moir W. T. RIIDDELLif' IF you want to know where, when and how to diepote of that farm, town or city property, wt us : we know. If you want to buy a farm, either large or small ; if you want to hely a house and lot in Ood.rich. London, fnrontn, Buffalo or el.ewhere, ask %s; we know. It you have property to"exchange" sad want to make a quick and profit- able deal. ask us ; we know. We handle anything and everything in Real Estate. if lou have a Widmer you wish to dispose of let us bear from CI. We have continual enquiries various parts of the Province. You ran make no mistake in Bating your property with u.. Remember - no sale, no charge. SPECIAL Perron• b•ving houses in Oodericb to rent will find it to their advantage to list with us. We have several en- quiries every week. Don't let that tot use stand. vacant. Let us get a ten- ant for you. A vacant bosses no a "complete lora" REAL ESTATE. Weald you eke • aloe hens sad Mt or t we late on `-!tart• newt 1 It ere be boeght reweably. r weak( take as act m.w. as part pay nett - We ha IS a ern weme-s h•I/.nrr boos w Olson S st,t ter sate M a bargain. wf.tktngMu boy a hese 1. Oedrbt liwenereek Y ea Le era. Whew street look good to yew t w • ey skew Mea • hamplu %hota we bees a boom en S.oth street. Pesetteeily 1101eit w01 be an reaanebi o nemowa acing to be the lung we • sear .et beide M MD yea le tette space (1..em►w et hoar we have ter tan sad ober lidesties. net wises gee are up bowl ems is aed ses I M 0 ere ebo ta1eY riostte. pp•• d. um brad 11.ACEI10rrs ntinnimea We hey. ems 10 sur s..4. eat The Writ- he ewe q: et bserne bl �g M h1��rwgwyket kir �wi� .1.e'Ii'gmet w ( wet: Yrs: at. A any tor gaina en. rwrite a.+e, rt.r the O'NEILL & COMPANY, The Meal Ewate Feeph, Netto street. O.rdarisb. Y. 4 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. NOTICE TO CEEDi room. p.m. ernes o. Attu. w Laac.arza ___ TON. Lala or Tae Tow. or (bromum. ere ltd liouww our Smwe. iso lactn. reins wkanilanne *wtl/ eM. dl, i1 oh pe to IL B u, =migraines.' the to ef the Wilkins Msutw, ed. who died on or ahem the Ra day if lar',•, 4- D. Yls, r noYsd o ere delMer to the u ttd•snleni� r tote= estate ef Staid deo rete,„ M 'he Ire sere oddm000 . awl 4 on/Wed. W. eartirelaee of their thaw. a wwae.m..t yl a.w..t hr mem MM lea that amu r each 1•n delle said vier. wilt proem d 1. dbWhese ik. �aralr.1 ear( r he paKW hht•a tam. o. rine rOUar.lwly to tie of wktah .WI %nee have antes, and filar tar mid e•.CN.re wig net a liable any phe th a hl ser ant er of nwisw a2Wmmt ontt�ine than nettef wet hare hoes received be Ai.Kd the Mk day d diatribe, r il. AeIt.. Mit IIMILY YATMLEIty HvRToN. �eMARLraGaRRoW. (I.doelni. MI. Mit ara AUCTION SALES. II ON � SALE OF VALUABLE att0.l) ryas ITUSX AHD 1 •m lemtruetee by .1111t. RT. OidOpE PRiCE y mer i tfc aeadma at kis Women Wakes • r 11111RITMAY. MAY IRh, tan leant. diems mete, dlelrreew ram lenekcase. Irl. e.a•, @terms, elm*. 1 roma Melees. 4 reeking haft!. Morris okay, kitchen o•bioet, medwlne "1004... leg elm cbIr. !treed menet .weeper., co..l mil Mem. 1 isnven 1 mall oven. J kitchen table., 1 eapao.td. refrigerator. electric til.era wringer and nu.neroa..,ther article. 4 Mr. Pr .e hetv rented his boos.. the entire enteate mu.t he diq..q.d til Term. ca -h. BODBBIQH. ONTIRIO, [JRSDAY MAY 4 1916 MENSIETUNO CAIIOS CLUB.1 M L NOTES. w Y ail .•r Has Seta Meq Osage. In fleet C lob's llm shersMp, the asemal memalas of the Mmeem► beetC1ab wee bald o Tuesday ao�vsm�a1aR�ioad mellow erase past year% Pracitia•lly half tis. meet ke**blp oaf tdbe Club had slagged h within the year, owingalma Masada jtoget her to enlistment@ for war end removals from town. Io sOte of the wry *brings., however, the ntetnbse.bip of the (Aub brie been w.5 maaletah0.d, Me new admi.doo, aim making • reoord, and in other re- m rsine thesuwasr wone of the most m e',eeeftrl 10 the Club's history. The oiMe.rs elected for the coming year are: Pmwideat, W. M. Robert- ••st vise-prwkdent. P. L Walton; .sena 'y, 0. 5. Carthorse; treasurer, W. T. MEW.; eoomeodore, J. A. Lam- inae ; vice -commodore, H. J. D. Cooke : edditiooal members of execu- tive, U. L Parser, L M. Mabe. ; eboplalo, Rev. J. B. Potherfnghem : auditors, L. L. K.oz, J. W. Fraser. PERSONAL MENT1014. Mr. Rail Wake Is hams form Tomato Uel vweety. Mn. W. J. llerrew W recanted to toes from WalkervtUe- Mke Pato %Matta spw the Easter hdlalaye at bet hew at WhwW, rand at Detroit Me R. A. Lorre. .1 the Newts tali swot the Iteet.r helida,• at Peron. and Landon I Woo getUaan O'Hara, ee Tbr war n, 'rent 1 he • r holiday. rebs MIM Edith Williams. St. tanner street_ KWHelen UtMr kw mase te ferento to en Iter ween i worm a• aarr►b-:melee at W neo el hoept•L Mrs. 0. R. atlas riled he rand sur Ilatertiax lad mime bre b..baod at Mastodon C. nap WOte, Lag. *mea Jew and Ethel Vales and Min Mary e r.1..ed oe Moeda, to Stratford is le ser thele unties. Mien Evelyn Merry bes ret-troed to her Mm.M &arab after • visit to her seote, Mea Donaldson and Mrs. MltehelL Mr-OgeweeMalden len Wed.admnen- lag foe Marian patM to the Wok a(mweeMegtheew. kleeter James Mrsis Taylor, Istmonolog for 11Iiowherekm Wibtissibe d ire',.• the far caret month. ea m ,d hie seesl. Yr. freak be where Dr, R and famil are rot reach. 1hie De. will be r .pealed with . A. W Marne la the Montle* ail chiropractic Mr. Rehr t MrKa ba. Mwr fd te taws atm •.mad4. the whiter mantle.. at Bert♦wds. Hie bealtb. we are glad to ssy, hoe ►w ohs std•eeMy inspr'e•t& - Ml -s Tyr r. of New Ikea welt, 1. •1-itiag Mrs Oak I l.... Mir Tattle t. a Der of Me rMerok a n.. Ta, lar. a. s• rd m ... a the Bank et Montreal. M.nt+.a4 Mtn LWee Maar**, eusi sed es Mend• M Totowa. whe n.he wda nemeno 0.r new hie et abut averse reenewslas Bet 1r.n11r req be to k.N► tket seson r- .. Ef i1Pw amu, sr. ad is health. %'apt Reds Int Moo.. Nn es ream(t arty her Fort William. wham 0. will be d dv*` a the r•.o.. Th. .te..wrer wined. of whkh be we 1a command MA .e•..rt. W been taken ro the A. Merle ocean. Mr. and Mr.. T. P Ret1welL of To-oate. formerly of UodarM-b. announce the sagaae- n.rnt of their daegbter Helen Nam,' to Mr. Fred Melmugltha. The maniac.. will ?Ake plea.• quietly at Sr. Rarnaba..' enure... Dan- forth avenue. Teruel/3, on set today. May Y '10. • ' THOS. OUNDRY. Anti lower. Ut'T1UN SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. FURNISHINGS, DRIV- NO EQUIPMENT. ETC. MRtl. WILLIAM M.1EDEL will sell by public auction at her reeidooce Saltford. no A fruit expert informs The Signal that, judging from the appearance of the hied., the prospects for apple* this year are good. SATURDAY. MAY t at 1 o'clock. the following property.. is One ribber-Urnd bulgy with new tire., 1 twomaled rot, 1 wagon, 1 cutter. 1 sal liar nese. 1 ,et harrows. 1 scudler.3 fork., 2 shovel.. Yrake.`!More,..robsn mower 1 wtteele.rMw� 1 coil . Y . 1 err. er thorough Rock chlokeru, 1 cream te,.ar•tar. 1 ran.e Wel or woodl. 1 coal 'dove. 1 oil stove, 1 Singer sewing macbin., 1 dlningroom ,rat, 1 ask tub(.. r rocking chairs 1 bedroom suite, matt:m.ev and spring-. I oak hall rack towers d 1 awing hammock. 2 .ideban oarda- Y sols. leo g lamp.. pictures and numerous ather Tera. cash. MRS 1V. Iempristr1. THOS. . MORTGAGE SALE. MORTGAGE SALE OF VILLAGE . PROPERTY. Under aol bl virtue of the power of tale cootalned Ina mortgage made to the ...odor. then will be offered for .ate by public *action at the Union motel. In the town of Ood•rlch. on SATURDAY. MAY Pith. at the hour of 2 o'clock In eke afternoon. the ts1k,.lne freehold property : Lot number tarty -three sad the north half of tot °umber forty-four. in the village firlarg r• god Plato meow known as Wilma, to the township o1 CNberoe. In the manly .4 Huron. halite the property formerly owned by Mary Ann 1Ntr... There 1s a rood frame house and .table on the property and • •umbr of fruit trese, and ie suitable for any perms warble. In Uodertch. Thane or Mato. - Tb peperty will be. mold eaUoct u a r.arve hid. Tea per cent of the ptteha.. money .bell be paid to the vender'. nYdtar on the day of rale end the balance of the Purchase money ...little thirty days there- alter, he e -of .r, orbs. • conveyance w111 be made and the porno/haw let Into pow.emloa. •• the property U sew vacant. roil farther particular. apply to Loi -rt'* e. DANCLY. Ran %.ter, eta.. Umdm ieb, hat di.lbt.d April YSth. lata. '1531 Willie- Old the Why conte from Heaven, Durr % "Nur..--"Yeft des r." Willie -"dilly kid 1 He didn't know when he was well off." NOTICE TO WATER - TAKERS IN ARREARS Notwithstanding the urgent re- quest made in January to theme in arrears to rail and mettle, a usher have left their account* nding unpaid. Bills will be sent t this week and if not attended to in ry aetnable time motion will be taken. W. T. MURNEY, Chairman Water and Leight I lnmmla@kriL Op -ht FOR SALE OR RENT TWO FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS .TI/ RENT, -le hOtherionotatnInn ear con. veni•noe.: -'0.40.4 ea East Mare"_. Further ra porta ulamap 0.0.4 so .,/Ho eatn to this calk*. L OR BALE. -IN THK CITY OF l' DALY. . grocery -tore and neat room Weenie,: brick building ; •s erytbing up to date. Voter good rob trade. Foe further p•rUenlary .ppiy to tam 41. 0.11, out. it';.Iin WOR BALE OR TO RENT. -A TWO C .tory frame house with eight rooms and kitchen; bent and soft water. lltaated on Bridge street. war O T. R. station 7.. r.par- ticulars apply to EDWARD RAID, /Ogle avenue. Kim PUBLIC NOTICE. IRE ! FIRE !-NOW IM THE TIhiE for you to Ste out ,nor Mtter bed. and [towa and let me renovate them ,at ono, a. 1 can not attest to this work for loot. All kinds of raga. bones, paid fier la rs ■A1ap a garobber. eta, taken awl call eons 6. e cwt ;lwtll HAIR GOODS. -MRM. A. N ICHOLI., Nel.on street, M prepared to do all kind. of bay week made hem eat hair or rw.abimps sod aspp1fn., halt fo"r orders. unwinds tre.t- anent, climates, etc..,he awl .Mo . for sale o ton. t r.p.i.itoe, ab.mw_yeew Yd mm De r.•1. r maw.'•mess. 6aioe PIANO TUNING. W. C. TAYUIR Wolk street, Ooderie0. P. tl Roy 1.0. Ui10.R te.tlnortYM In town. Timing la town. t1.40:..teem work accord WE to anaemia NOTICE TO THE PI'BLIC H wing been desiron.+of enlisting for some time past, i have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacEwan, manager) to take over and carry on my cartage bnsineas during my absence. l have therefore signed up with the 161st Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and i would respect- fully solicit from the public gtFner- ally, and from, my old cistoehers particularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any business affairs entreated to their care during my absence will therefore be thankfully appreciated by me. TelephoMt all orders to 'phone 44. ALPRRD H. JANE Ssbeca ra�atl!� lifter the Baster bolid•yyee oe iota• y'g May 1st., for the very siert ager of ao01 thirty tomb - lag days. to be tottered by tbie et no- nage days of the departmental seem - tato too. The fellow*, whose deeding during the yam the start w certify thee aalq qualif.d to pass the depeetaeatal nations for which they were rtag have gone out to do farm work I September to unable as many e sons to enlist for overseas enols. Joe M. Garvey, Stan 1q Kaiak Andrews and Eimerr.dlry, A others desired to gm, but the Mal gtsuW not with a char steaseienot led them the seem. eery ee l- eery Orli Wing 1hens to the depamtw.stalpi•rtiflcate. TheomL Ms*. S�amp� y, under t be eu- perviaie ld {lford, is issuing the amal a. a 1. Jocs1al, setting forth in part the Win *Dings of the .cbool year. It will esWaia some forty pages of reading INIIIMIP. Tb* proceeds of the sale of star no to maintain the ti. C. I. cot at OBveden hospital, Eng- land. The austral 10spectbn of the O.C,I. Cadets is to h. madoon Tuesday, May 9th. at 1.30 ppm., In the Agricultural grounds. The cI.lzrns are cordially latticed to be present. The corps has teen !readyred oe.O in numbers by reason of tf llae nt of to manyovertonefor overtservice d farm woe k. The staff congratulates the following ex -students oo their successful oom- pl.tion of the connive they have been pursuing : Min Penal McKenzie and Yr. Richard W. Lowy Normal certifi- cates : Mr. Dem. Nlabolsoo, railroad and civil .oti.Meing degree obtained at Queen's. gR Applieritioao tlrritbng on the lower school I'tornmt entrance have been made bf ht students el the school. such are urg- ently asked 4o in .ecurlag diligent daily syph to their home Medias to resew eateppmi+. Mr. O. B. Wbitek'wt the G. u 1. staff. has iter Merwr meek0 retiring_hem petition ea April 211th. Thejapideste had pilaff lost at the elate of the ariernien 'eosins is the Aasembiy MIS tw111d Carswell to Mr. bite. j5 him with a head- woe slight totes kisadly the year reeler-wateb as a ap>pecei•eipa of IletvfeM donne Debts purpose o in going forth to give hi. cou� and the wider eases el world -Leedom The {test tif.M of ao4 students lltf' . tie tenet tie d{ts',a• P, service in • a ruse ace ens hops that he easy be pertained by IKv.ne Prov- idence to return safe to hid native land. Mies Augusta McLeod. of town, an ex -G. C. I..tuden1. h.. horn appointed to complete Mr. White's year. Mics McLeo1 hokle the neeeew.ry qualtfiea- tioon and has hal aorue three years expire lents in Leeching the work now in her charge. 1'he i.oard was fortun- ate in seeming her servicre. She bad just oppou Lonely completed her second year's work at Queen's Cniversityy Captain Campbell, of the Gttdrrieh Company of the 101st Battalion, another ex -student of the G. C. L. is eery kindly giving amiskaaee to the Cadets V completing their drill pre pagetory to lo.p.ctiva. J. P. Huila, Principal. SAW KAISER TWICE. -- MAR Ma. EDrToa,-1. the last week's bows of your paper, 1 saw • etatlwg that probably Mr. earlier:421h town, was the only in Ooderieb who had 'seen the CIT. Permit me to say, sir, I have seen him twice. I am an ez-sergeant of the 3rd Duke of Connaught's Uwn Regi- ment, the Hampshire*, England. I Rest saw the Monier 0t the great re- view at Aldershot, which was held In the long Valley of the late times. Victoria. Jubilee in 1887. The Kaiser was present with many other crowned beads. There were at that review 18U,011o troops. Again I saw him in 11189, when • review was given in b000r of his visit to Eogiand, in wbicb (il.UOU took put on the Queen's parade ground, Aldershot. Possibly there may be others who have been et one of the.e great reviews. There has never been Ware or since s.tch a (rood sight as the Jubilee review. The Loog Valley is black sand and you are more like nigger. when you knee it, but it is a grand place for drilling and reviews. No doubt some of our Canadian soldier. have seen it ; if so, tbe7 will newer forget their visit there. 1ru.ting I bare not said too much, i am, Yours faithfully, 5 W. Jutu)itt, Ex-Mergt. (iodetich, April 24. - Mr. Charles Kerslake, of Ooderich, Is another citizen who, as a British soldier, was -reviewed" at Aldershx, by the Kanter. Mr. Kerslake describes him as • man of striking appearance, who would attract attention any- where. Just recently Mr. Kerslake was offered • place in the 31.18tb Bat- talion band as cornet player and be 'Wrote exceedingly that physical nearness prevent• him from lending assistance to red the Kaiser's toad career. Slaty Years Married. Mr. and Mrs. George Warrener, of Clinton, celebrated their diamond wedding anniversary on Wednesday of last week, and the occasion wart marked try a family gatb►rinp. The but leaves for Loudon next week to family are : John, of Sate is : George, join the Am Mwdical or over - of Wattaoeburg ; Thome.. of Goderieh; in smrvir Army y Corp.orps Mantle, of Detroit ; Harold, of the 43rd 8.:t.lion, in training in Kngland; Richised H., of Toledo : Robert, of I OOderieh boys are In the thick of the Clinton : Mrs. F. R. Vellary, of Tor- fight and ase continually turning up onto ; Nathan paw.. Warreone, d i i• unexpected places. Thi. is mu. - Revisal. In edditiep gegebleetwestee ititled ll ♦ m} letter from JPte. R. R, C. A r+Ra+�k,, oT (i tiiticlT. ret -writes : "'When gran c ren, 1 rogue out ret my billet the other day Get wise. people If you went • who should 1 see standing before me suitor aoygarmmt that a man shoubatt Cliffottl N\"illiams : I bad flat wear go to Pcidbuu F'. .8 "tis Neo him for s.veral weeks abaci t{tnt knows. He has samples of the finest wee before we left Ergland. It wail Wind' pr.tcurahle, which he will have certainly a pleasant surprise to both matte to your order by the beet work- of n•. We %pent an Interesting hour people in our town. He i. slwo i.bow together relating tale. of our varied ling temples trout the ite.t ordered Sailor experiences since we landed in France. iog houses in Canada, and you can We went fcr a short walk and en - have your choice at any price, every 'gamma a tuade M your order. Don't be timid &bout truing in and having a look. He won't kilt you. but you may get • pointer as to your buying. F. J. Pridbam,Ooderich-North street, around the corner. to renew Melba Sigt•al Ina oils. We th•ak these aahserlMle who have already renewed and pserbe all a great teg dollar's worth .ter - tag the coming year gas ti1111NrA1 3111,1130 Uo.. warns). Pvwtame THE LADS IN KL The 1401st Huron Battelle', is %seder orders to mobiliz+ on the 15th of May, and as it is .sill about mo moo short of the required number an extra effort Is to be made this week and nett to being in recruits (iodericb and the adjotel townships are. of course, expected to do their share, and it is Loped that when the roll -call of the battalion is complete this district will be at least as well represented as any other part of the county. Mr. R. R. Sallow- * has received a short trona Mr. Melville And- erson, who a with the Canadian En- gineers In Belgium. He states that the wet season is practically over, that ideal weather provable, and then adds : "Ooderich seems to be doing well in the matter of recruiting lately. It shuuld, after Major 8a1e's sacrifice. 1 bare seen his grave, • very simple one, among [bcusands of others." Mrs. H. Barker, of - town, 'bas had a letter stating tbst her ren. Pte. Charles Barker, is in a hospital in Englaod suffering from chromatic fever. The names of two soldiers well known in Oodericb are included in the lists of casualties during the pest week. They are Harry Carey, of the P. P. C. L. 1., .on of Mr. U. F. Carey, of town, and Reg. Hautiltoo, of the machine gun section of the same regiment, son of the late Cayley Hamilton. of Re- gina, and nephew of Mrs. 0. F. Carey, of Goderich, and of Dr. C. J. Hamil- ton, of Cornwall. Information received rewarding Private Carey is that he has a scalp wound and has been removed to • base hospital. Private Hamilton is reported wounded in the head and back, but no further news as to his condition has been received since his name appeared in the carualty list. Lieut. I. Hetheriogt raw, Lieut. R. Y. McLean and Lieut. C. K. MacPherson are in London taking the captain's course at the Royal School of Instruc- tion. Mr. Clarence McDonald. of Luck" now, was in town for • dayor two n this week. Mr. McDonald has been ou the stag of The Luoknow Sentinel, Huron s Battalion- --the 161st. Surely the phrase should stir within the breast of every man a feeling of pride and of patriotism in the knowledge that In the day of an Empire's stress our County has had the glorious privilege of forming her own Battalion- A Battalion composed of the sons and grandsons of those sturdy old pioneers who. in years gone by, settled within the borders of the County and by the sweat of their brows carved out the broad acres and laid the foundation for. the unexampled prosperity of Huron. To the sons of these men --to the sons and the grandsons who have not listened to the command of King and Country --I make this appeal. The Huron Battalion has been ordered to mobilize about May 15th and the needed 250 men to complete the establishment of the Battalion must be enlisted by the time of mobilization. This is a direct command of your King and a command which must be hearkened to by every man in the County- If of military age and physical fitness. your duty is plainly to enlist. If over forty-five years of age. your duty can be done by urging and insisting that the younger men do their "bit." If under forty-five years of age and not physically fit you can, at least, wear the button -ribbon which will be supplied you by the Medical Examiner of your local detachment. after he has examined you and given you a certificate of military unfitness. This is the last call for men to come forward, of their own free will. and to save the County from the stigma of reproach in that "she did not do her duty. Kitchener 'the last man and the last shell will win the victory." MayhiP your individual enlistment will be the means of the Allies' inevitable triumph Put aside all petty iealousres, and considering only ail Empire's need and County's welfare come forward and take the place reserved for you amongst the meal who in the days to come will prove worthy of a County's pride and of County's honor. The twelfth hour is striking. The time for your decision has arrived. The answer must be Aye or Nay. Wig it be "Ready, Aye Ready I" in the 161217 H B. COMBS, Lietw'C4L countering an artillery brigade on the move we were agreeably surprised again when we re'ognbzrd Archie Tom a.. one of the gunners. He waved to us as he passed," Clifford Webb and Alec. Straiton, members of Major I.ewi.' hattety, were home from Guelph over Sunday. Mr. J. M. Roberts, of the Union Bank, Belleville, is borne this week on s visit. "Jack" is now in uniform, baying enlisted in a heavy Beige bat - tet y at Cobourg. - A draft of twelve men was asked for from the 161st Battalion for the tela Pioneers which is being orgarmed •t London. Pres, Geo. Cot'kfie ht. sr., Leo NVhitty and Allan Christie volun- teered from the Goderirh company and left for London on Thursday last. When the whistles tooted and the bells rang .t 9 o'clock this morning people wondered what it meant - whether the Kaiser was dead, or the British had taken Lille, or the German fleet had been blown up. or Sam Hughes had dented the judges at Otta- wa, or word had been received that (lnderich was to have the camp this year. It wasn't any of thew things ; it was the signal of the e-romence- sent of the final recruiting campaign for the 101st Battalion. and it is to Ow repeated every morning until the close of the campaign. Someone suggests that instead of making that noise regularly every morning the whistle. and the tells he started every time a recruit Mens up. It would he worth something to a fel- low to know that he was causing such a tremendous racket. The announcement has been made of the appointment of Kenneth G. Boyd to the rank of flight eiih-Iiputen- ant of H. M. 8. "Einellent.- stationed at London Mr Boyd is a former Uoderich bay who went oyer.eas early in the year Recently word wee re ceivtd of hie some= In the preliminary technical examination*. J. L A. Sinclair, of Toronto, who is wFFII known in Goderieb, is another of the "bird- men" who is training at haatbource Englaid. for • place in the Royal Naval Aviation Service. with u•, of Doane, egad feting very at. The Wit we at Shores: Me " He Nye alma mat we bear tea tures as mock war news in Canada as they do over the* e. A letter has been reed•111 from H. 0. Sootheran, of the 71st B tLtalion, written at Br.mehott Camp April 19th.II He say.: "This ramp is about ltf'trin mike *oath of Aldershot and is all Oessedian. We are part of the 16th Brigade, In which • ao are the 74th and 7bth, which arrived a day before aa. Iso fillet is with the nth rtmd two of the G.rrows with the 74534. Oarf. Dunlop and Bandy (Nisbet) are Dr. J. B. Whitely bas rtaivM pen 04.nmiun to juin the staff of the Casa. than hospital In France for a period of three, as or DIM. months. H. has not decided t t go, as be fettle that the demands of bis practice hers may rea- der such • step inadvisable. Mr. Wm. Chipman was in town the other day and enlisted with the 161st as a ((oedemata. He wee a member of the :Gird Rea tonna bawd here forearm years and was also a popular memb.e of the Oudericb hockey teem. He has been working lately at Sdaforth. The New Furniture Man, Mr. Wesley Walker, the new fut- nitute man. who is taking the store recently vacated by Mr. 1iobmeier, ere pests to be ready to open up with a full line of furniture, bousefurniske Ings, piano., talking ulachloes, etc., In a few weeks. He has bad the base- ment floor lowered and the ceiling and wall. plastered, .o that it will make a first-class showroom, and is also hav- ing the store repap.red and painted and an office acted up at the back. Mr. Walker win become • permaoeat resident of &lodeticb, moving his wile and family of three boys here just of soon as he can close out his interests at Clinton and make suitable arrange- ments. In the meantime Mr. N alter will be in O. dencb practically every day, opening up his new good., which come direct from the factory, and al- though his blinds will not he pulled up for regular bu.inear for a few week. yet be will be at the store and can be .een by anyone wishing to do boldness. Mr. Walker bas had an ex- tensive experience in this line of busi- ness, starting at Wibgbam. For nine years he was in business at. Clinton and tor two years at Guelph. Osgood. Hall Notes. The following co.e. from t his county were disposed of in the Appellate thy• inion rr Osgood. Hall durwg the past week, Glazier •. Brown. -W. Proud foot, K. C.. for defendant. M. ti Cameron, K. l'., fur plaiot,ff. Appeal by defen- dant Irmo judgmeut of County Court tit Huron tit U %ober ;JO, 1913. Action to recover bible) claimed to be holistic* due on purclra.e of 'land; in default, pos.wah.s and ',twill of personal' y alleged to have been cumin Led to bis own use by defendant. At trial judg- ment was eatere4 toe plaintiff foe INNISAg gad tut writ of . ptereemiu', w o., - t1M•erlt, and for delivery of pereenar" property in gde•tion or payment of so therefor on default with centra Judgment approved in terms of coo - 1.01 minute. put in.' Nae.•gls v. Oke. -U. ()arrow (0s4e. richt for defendant. W. l'roudfoot, K. C., for plaintiff. Appeal by defen- dant front judgment of Comity Court of Huton of Fehruaty 18, 1916. Judg- ment: Appeal allowed and action diswi.eed with costs. ' Judgment not to issue for six months, and mean- time the tights of the parties should continue as under judgment of trial judge, with right to plaintiff -to re- move the hydraulic lam during that period. Keep Off the Grass. Under instructions of Mr. J. C. Laitbwaite, chairman of the parks conimiuee of the town council. a por- tion of the park in the Square has sera fenced oft with wire fencing, tete idea being to keep petiole off the bare places which have been seeded for grass. Wben this portion of the park is in the required condition, the fenc- ing will be taken down and removed to another s:otGm, so that in lime, if the experiment is successful, the ap- pearance Of the whole park will he greatly improved. The townspeople should co-operate with the perks com- mittee in this e•eort, and if they would keep to the gr :e) walks. instead of waking path.,ass the grass where it is net fence . in, they would still further Ovist in keeping the park in good condition. GUNDRY'S AUCTION SALE LIST t(ATcom•r. May a Auction tale of boom - hold furniture. firolnMnggss, Aril lag mi mimeo rte_ the pt°pertr of Mrs. WWlwn. Maedel. `Milford. Teruw. rash. N.Tt Rn. V. 14 sr Po -Mortgage sale of village property ret the Union hotel. Oudorleb L E. I n.mey. DIED. JLFIRF.Y. In Il..terfcb. on Tuesday, May 1, I.eanot Ilenomy. bclor el wife a J.amph Jeffry. LLDKK -In tiodetieh, on Monday. May 1: Robert Fader. aged es year..': m.n tba and day.. ALLEN. -At Dunlop. on Tueelay. May 2. Margaret O.nlucr, widow of the late An- thony Allen. In her 011th year. The funeral will take pl.ce from her late realdeoce. Dunlop on Fray. May 3, u 11' o'okrt p m.. to Dunlop. monetary. rt.rvka at the Amiss at 2 o clock. THI)MPte.v. At Melville Peak . on Thor.- day. April rr. Harold 1roompnon. .on of Mr. WiOMtn Tb.tmpoo, of OodMrb. and at rear. Mcl.E01).-In l(od.Aeh, on Friday !twit 'l l..cy Kernaghan, wife of Captain Alex. Melaod. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -May 4 Pan. Manes t et Mea Wasted -Thr Robt. f4.Y Thrasher co ..... Reader 1'. P. R ... .. . Tbe road Car -W. R [ear Farm iabanr. Weeded -C. HS , ........ 7 Notice to Water T•kew-A. T Mwau,... • 1 firs a Haloed 1 rernl.h.d Roams be atMad %Moo &Grunion t0 totem -- White Star Llan 4 lla te0*. nab -L E. hawser . l Meat* nate-The Meow M.Ilwgti1 Amnion Sala -fit tla.rv. Pries a Mea at Harm them Ditt+M 4 SOW the ttleft•d Deep -Met ear raitafte M UMWtw r Bwp-ahlase tttawlb»