The Signal, 1916-4-27, Page 6S rtivtasoaT, Ar*ii 27. tyle
Wife Cured by Lydia E.
Pinkbam's Vegetable
Des hides. lows. -" Four years ago
1 was very sick and my life was nearly
spent The doctors
stated that I would
never get well with -
o u t a n operation
and that without it
I would not live one
year. My husband
objected to any
operatipa and got
me some of Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound. I took
it and comatenced
so get better and am now well. am
ttout and able to do my own housework.
1 can recommend the Vegetable Com-
pound to any woman who is sick and
run down as a wonderful strength and
Health restorer. - My husband says 1
would have been in my grave ere this
0 it had not been for your Vegetable
Compound." - Mra. BLANCHE JEFFER-
SON, itti Lyon St, Des Moines. Iowa.
Before submitting to a surgical opera-
tion it is wise to try to build up the
female system and cure its derange-
ments with Lydia E. Pinkbam's Vege-
table Compound ; it has saved many
women from surgical operations.
Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham
Medicine Co.. Lynn, Mass., for
advice -it will beMnifidentiaL
1t is test to love wisely. no doubt :
but to love foolishly is better than not
to be able to love at a11.-Tbackeray.
There is nothing expresses a man's
particular character more folly than
his letters to his intimate friends.--
I've made it a practice to put all my
worries down at the bottom of my
heart, then sit our the lid and smile. -
Alice H. Rice.
A Good ' Medicine for
the Spring.
Do Not Use Harsh Purga-
atives—A Tonic Is All
You Need.
Not exact) sick -but not feeling
quite well Ibat is the way moot
people feel in the spring. Easily tired,
appetite fickle. sometimes headache.
and a feeling 01 depression. Pimples
or eruptions may appear on the skin,
or there may t.• twinge. of rheum*
Lamm or neuralgia. Any of these indi-
cates that th• I hood is out of order -
that the indoor life of winter has left
it.. amok upon you and may easily de-
velop into a mote ectiris trouble.
Ito n t do.e yourself with purge -
114 so many people do, in the
D ote that you can put your blood
right. Purgative, gallop through the
q uem and weaken instead of giving
strength. Any doctei will tell fun
this is rue. `'hat you need in spring
is a tonic that will make new blood
and build up the nerves. lir, N'ut-
liarna' Pink. 1h11s is the only medicine
that can do this speedily, safely and
"surely. Every doer of this medicine
makes new blood which clears the
akin. btleugthene the appetite and
makes tired, depressed men. women
and children bright, active and strong.
L. 1t. Whitman. Harmony \hilly, N.S.,
says: "As a tonic and. strength-
huilder l consider Dr. NVilliami Pink
Pills wonderful. My whole system
was badly tun down. and altbouet I
faithfully took a toric givena by
my doctor I could note no ise�tove-
ment. Then I began Dr. Williams'
Ptak- fills and was soon restored to
my old-time health. teen moot heart-
ily endorse this medicine."
$del by all medicine dealers or by
mail et ',ii cents s boa or six hotsea.fot
ii'LGo from The 1)r. Williams' Medicine
Co., Brockville. tint
Glass of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
a Splendid Habit
The House of the
t.�.sna tats.
le Ass [ssberses *Mk
Carmel wished her brother Wormed
et her return. but the wily lawyer per-
suaded her to excuse him from tablas
Arthur Into bis conndence until this
last moment. He knew that be would
receive only oppesttial from his young
and stubborn el est One of the stipu-
lations which be bad made la securing
Mr. Moffat for kis counsel was tbat
armel's name was to be kept aa muck
as possible oat of the proceedings, and
to this Mr. Moffat bad subscribed, not-
withstanding his conviction that the
Mme laid to the defendant's chary
was a result of Ranelagh'■ passion for
Carmel and consequently dtztlnctly the
work of Ranetagh's own hand.
He had thought that be could whit
W cave by the powers of oratory and
■ somewhat free use of innuendo, but
W view changed under the fresh es-
Ugbtenmeot which b• received fa W
conversation with Cermet Ile saw
unfolding before him a defense of me
paralleled interest Troe, it neared
this interesting Deftness in a way that
would be unpleasant te the brother.
bot he was not the man to secrties a
client to any sentimental scruple -
certainly not this client, whoss well!
be was just beginning to realise
Carmel was not strong sots! >ra
much talk. Dr. Carpenter would and
allow 14 end the continued ciser'spa
of ber mind was too invaluable is bis
case for this farseeing advocate in
take any risk. She bad told Ides
enough to assure him tbat cream
stances and not guilt had put Art!!
where be was and had added to the
asnrance details of an unexpected
mature - so unexpected, indeed, that
the Lwyer was led away by the
prospect they offered of contotadtpe
the permeation by a line of dams,
to which no New bad been given by
anything that had appeared.
Ile planned then and there a armee
tic climax which should take the
breath away from his oppooeat para
change the wbole feeling of the colt
toward the prisoner. Strangely esowek
the subject of Adelaide's death Ma
discussed in her hearing without ally
mention being made of strangulation
se las immediate cause. Would her ac-
tion have been different had she tenet
that this was a conceded fact?
5 armel's gaze passed from
ber brother's face it traveled
slowly and with glowing heal
ation over the coantenariees
of those near her, on and on past the
judge. past the jury until they reached
the spot where I sat There they
seemed to falter, and the beating of
cry beart became so loud that I in-
stinctively shrank away from my
neighbor. By so doing I drew her eye,
which fell full upon mine for one o►er-
whelming minute; then she shrank and
looked away, but not before the color
had risen in a flood to her cheek.
The bops which had sprung to life
under her first beantlftfl aspect van-
ished at sight of this flush, for it was
not one of joy or surprise or even of
=conscious sympathy. it was the
banner of a deep, unendurable shame
But in a few minutes her featurev
SINAI >m —
igassiday wows than as am
obese at the brother wheal lis limas
pt»psssdb there to save.
lratstaed by this fear. I wwid
emote to 1,4eseilbable Wham.
lm .
d mei voice of Mr. Melba Deed
M epee my gam. Dared bad rewet-
ed lessen utter taking the oath. and
the customary question could be bend:
"Tourname, 11 you please."
"Owned Cumberland."
"Do yep recognise the primmer, Mils
"Yes; he 1s gay brother."
A thrill ran through the room. The
Mogedag tone. the tender accent, told
dams of lbs feeling sbe thus expressed daring that another bottle of wipe
seemed to ass Into every heart which should newer be opened again in the
seesassplated the two. From this on house. unclosed her fingers and let
Masse a be wail looked upon with less her glass drop on the table, where it
Mala— People showed a (Reposi-
tlls to Sneers Innocence where per
baps they bed secretly desired until
stew to discover gait
"Wes Camherland, will you be good
fila year ewe boomer
Tbs amine cams with simple direct-
•.. lbs same way l west 1 drove
Beek to my brotbef . cotter. mod. being
all aloes, just as before. I put the
horse away myself and went into my
empty some sad up to Adelaide's room,
where I lost consciousness."
`alts Cumberland, do you ones Ade
oat aloes on nights 1110 that?
•1 Dever did before. 1 would net
have dared to do tt then 0 I had not
taken a certain precaution."
"A►V what was this precentionr
"I woe. an old coat of my brother's
ever my dries and one of W hats a
my beat"
It was east -the fact for the supple*
.to d which I had suffered arrest
without a word, because of which Ate
Our had gone even further and sub-
mitted to trial with the same cos
stoney. Instinctively W ayes sad
mine met, and at that mamma there
was established between us an odor
standing that was in strong contrast
to the 'amending turmoil, which new
exceeded an limits, .a the highly
wrought tug spectators realised that
these statements. if corroborated. de
maroyed one of the 'greatest points
which had been made by the prosscs-
tlo► This ceased a stay in the pro
e..dlnss until order was partially re
Mond. and the judge's voice could be
beard in a warning that the courtroom
would be cleared of all spectators if
this break of decorum was repeated.
"Miss Cumberland, will you now give
the jury the full particulars of that
evening's occurrences as witnessed by
yourself? Begin your relation, if you
please, with an account of the last
meal you bad togetber," said Mr. Mof-
fat when the trial was resumed.
Carmel hesitated. Her youth -her
conscience, perhaps -shrank in mani-
fest distress from this inquisition.
"Ask me a question." she prayed.
"I do not known how to begin."
"Very well. Who were seated at
the dIaner table that night?"
"117 sister. mybrother, Mr. Ban.
Les and myself."
"DM anything uncommon happen
airing the meal r
"les; ray sister ordered wine and
bed oar glasses all filled. She never
drank setae herself. bat she had her
glass filled also. Then abe dismissed
Helen. the waitress, and when the girl
was goals she rose and held up ber
gess and invited as to do the same.
'We will drink to my coining mar-
arrtage,' said she, but when we had done
this she turned upon Arthur. with
bitter words about bIs habits, and, de -
broke. Arthur then let his fall and 1
mine. We all three let our glasses fall
sed break"
"And Mr. Ranelagb?"
"De did not let his fall. He set it
MOM& to tell ns wbere yon were at down on the cloth. Ile bad not drunk
re fear the hour of 10 on the evening from It"
Clear. perfectly clear. tallying with
what we had heard from other sources.
"Miss Cumberland. where were you
looking when yon let your glean fa11T'
My heart gave a bound. I remem-
d ym sister's death?"
1 was In tie clnbhotse-In the house
yea call the Whispering Pines."
At this astounding reply, unexpected
by every one present save myself and
the unhappy prisoner, incredulity, sea- bered that moment well. So did she.
soned with amazement marked every as could be seen from the tremulous
countenance. Carmel Cumberland in Bush and the determination with which
the clubhouse that night --she who had sbe forced herself to speak.
been found at a late hour In her own "At Mr. Ranelagh," she answered
home, injured and unconscious! It finally.
was not to be believed, or it would not "Not at your brother?"
have been Lf Arthur, with less self "No."
control than he had hitherto main- "And at whom was Mr. Remix s
talned, had not shown by his morose looking?"
air and the silent drooping of his head "At -at me."
that be accepted this statement, wild "Not at your slitter?'
and Improbable as it seemed. Mr. Fox "No."
started to rise at her words; but, noting "Was anything ealdr
the prisoner's attitude. he hastily re Not then. With the dropping of the
seated himself, realizing, perhaps. glasses we all drew back from the
that evidence of which he had Dever table and walked toward a rents room
dreamed lay at the bottom of the where we sometimes sat before go -
client's manner and tbe counsel's cos- bag tato the library. Arthur went first
Ilm�c7 and Mr. Eanefagh and 1 followed, Ads
laude cowing Iasi- We -we went this
way two the little Croom and -what
ether gaieties Oo you wish to ask?
she finished, with a burning blush.
Mr. Moffat was equal to the appeaL
"Did anything happen? Did Mr. suffering greatly."
Ranelagh speak to you or you to bins. "Buffering in mind or suffering a
or did your aster Adelaide speak? body r
"No one spoke, but Mr. Itanelagh pay "Suffering in my mind. I was terrf-
a iittle slip of paper into my band- fled, but that feeling did not last very
a note. As be did this my brother
looked round. I don't know wbetber
be Dew the mete or not but his eye
caught mine, and I may have blessed
Next momeet be was baking past me,
and preemiey 1» flung himself eat of
the room aad I bead him eetng ep-
staln, Adddds bad joined me by
this time, and Mr. Remise% turned to
speak to lar, smelt -sod I went over to
the booksbelms to read rap meta"
'And did you read It ewer
"No: I was afraid. I waited t1i
Raaolagh was
gone, this i wit
up to my mat
and read M. • 1t
was not s --a mets
be be glad ed -1
mean. proud of.
1'es afraid I wee
a IMtle glad et it
at gist i Des a
wicked Buri"
"Ike Owurbsr
Mod. berme you
led Y absSt
this awes w0
you los g.. d
twwwgb a Idwss
ass w10th.r ashy
mires mimed be-
twwsm foo sadT deter ter hems Pee
wean ppsab
"Ob. yes: was talked We a ammo
MIMIC bot it w•as about bllereed
maim ms servsste Deem game ti
a WL sad we spots at tare 11S
lamstaga did set May Mem. Fl,
mss w r.lmrtle/ Mettle ilitillisagg
Used in Millions of Tea Pots
Daily—Every Leaf is Pure
Every Infusion Is alike delicious
1 1st
stack dlr� } Sealed b �,'e 111111
o[ Milted
.iilIng balm him and took his leave.
I was not in the room with them when
be did this. 1 was In the adjoining
one, bat I beard his remark and saw
him go. 1 did not watt to talk to Ade
"Now, about tbe note?"
"I tea k as soon as 1 reached my
room. Tbet 1 sat still for a long time."
"MW Cumberland, pardon my re-
quest, but will you tell us what was
in that note?'
Sas lifted bur patient eyes and look-
ed straight at her brother. Ile did not
meet bur gam, but the dull flush which
Rt up the dead white of his chem
Mowed how be suffered ander this
ordeal At me she nover glanced.
1 do not remember the words," she
said finally as ber one fell again be
her lap. "But I remember its mean -
lag. It was an invitation for me to
leave town with him that very even
Ing and be married at some place he
mentioned. Ile saki it would be the
best way to -to end -matters."
Mr. Moffat who saw everything,
settled into a strange placidity, =Ws smiled slightly as he spoke encourag-
turbed by the leveled gaze of a bun- Ingly to his witness and propounded
dred eyes. Her whole attention was hist uestion:
nez q
concentrated on her brother and "Miss Cumberland. was your slate
wavered only when the duties of the with you when you went to the chile-
luboccasion demanded a recognition of the ho.„.
. various gentlemen concerned in the "No; we went separately"
trial. "How? Will you explain?"ll Mr. Moffat pref.aeed his examination 9 drove there. 1 don't know bow
by the following words:
Adelaide wet"
"Mny It please your boob". 1 wish I "You drove fherer
to ask the indulgence of the court 1n "Yea. I tad Arthur harness up Ms
(t1N'1 my examination of this witness. She lures for me, and/ drove there.'
Open sluices of the' system . ch L jolt recovering from s long and I A moment of silence, then a cities
morning and wash away the dangerous 111nemn, land, while i shall It sleekening on the part of judge, tam
poisonous, stagnant matter. I' endeavor to keep within the rules of and prosecution to the fact that Urs
examination. i shall be grateful for case was taking a torn for which they
any consideration which may be shown were UI prepared. To Mr. Moffat k
Those of us who are accustomed b ber by your honor and by the counsel was • moment e[ intense .rest cow
feel dull and heavy when we arises
souon the other side." gratulation. and soli of the
t theadache. stuffy from •cold, ongue, east > breath. acid Mr. Fax at once rose. ile had by Patlflcatlos be felt crept tate Id'
stomach. lame beck, can. Instead. this time recovered from his astonish• voice as ise esd4:
'both look and feel as fresh as a delay meet et seeing before him and in a fast ! "*10 amend' win feu dollellim
always by washing the poisons and date of !h.� ywnr e.1r1 wt•�n be tills Dowser
teams troth the body with pbosphated '?! Dei= a ray bene. It lou • Lugs
rning , Aad every reason to believe to be Ail
1 of real hotW •t Lakewood and under the care of • ?allele r
hot Dearer each men, bei black and nu Ib left sbepaar."
We should drink, bei^Tw breakfast, to a condition of partici forgetfulness " Po .roti 11. I was s I6ur. ad
a glass water With
a ter ..r°,.., a Qatter -sy brMlara cater-"
It to ft of from
omach. te r women entirely in his confidence as Wam that br.tb•r will 700? 1)14 M
It to flush from the stomach, liver. under his express orders. Re hal, also
kidneys and ten yards of bowels the mastered hi. charrin at the Mumps secompam7 Iva to Your ride to lea
previnu44 day's indigestible waste. sour whim, bur power,. beer and j Whispering Platerbileand/poisonous to:lns: th s cleans "No. 1 went quite alone."
lata- eweetening and partt Ina ta.• ....em drematit etremmstences had I Ibtra.. lnpt had now eased apes
entire alimentary tract tuforp putting en W adversary Lie expressed 1n every read. ,gam f her betimes,
more food into the stomach. warm tomes his deep deans. to extent 'esti. tot Dem put rely time wander
The action of limestoneempty
phosphate w� Indnlgrnca ! lags of a sided not 117 restored. Ms
and bwater on an empty stomach MoQst bowed hit aclraowledg
I. wonderfully invigorating It cleans ktarest .t It was Intens►
out all the sour fermentations, gamesStouts ta4 waltid for Ills witness N "And beer 41d you return? With
waste and aridity and gives one a take the 0th• which doe 414 with a whim sad by yatousaat did yos re•
splendid appetite for breakfast and simple grace wbieb touched all heart*'
1t 1. said to be but a little while until even that of her constrained and as-
tbe roast begin to appear sen the rernortied brother Compelled by the
Anoka A quarter pound of limestone mut" as my own enemas* planes
pbotpkate w111 coat very little at taw is bet et bar te my owe 4ngltk 1
dreg store. bet 1s suicient to make eaugbt ..... .weer and ete.atsd Wad
nem.anytimec who U bothered with Mfloas with whir's abe WM her band es the
sea.. neasttpaHne, stemacb tremble or
r4amatt.m ■ real enthusiast our the (look and sated mrrtf 11 bee prty-
evblert of letiernal sanitation Try apes bars was nee s *elf .sees mules
M d roe aro soared- that lar will white Irma being msrtatertkie b em
Inst hats. awl bel better le levee bels, white e'.sM .eek ber and boo
wiry Ow*.
•go; Pm afraid not 1 slipped out by
110 side door in as careful a way as 1
could "
"Did this attempt at secrecy wor-
rrceed' Were you able t0 go and come
wtthoot meeting any oner
"No. Adelaide was at th• bead of
the stain when I came back, standing
there. very stiff and quiet"
"Did she speak to your
"No. She just looked at me. But It
brought Foga feet
Ahs te
Turning to the judge, be curd:
"This testimony la irrelevant
and Incompetent and 1 ask to
have It stricken oat"
Mr. Moffat's vote as be arose to aa -
ewer this was like booey pouted epos
"It is neither irrelevant nor incom-
petent. and if 1t were the objection
comes too late. sly fries "bona
have objected to the question."
'The whole course of counsel has
been very unusual," began Mr. Fox.
"Yes, bat "o is the case. I beg your
honor to believe that 1n some of its
features this case 15 not only unusual.
but almost without a precedent I beg
that my witness may be allowed ti,,
proceed and tell her story in an us aii
"Tse motion le denied," declared the
Mr. Fax sat down. to the untrersal
relief of all but the two persona most
Interested -Arthur and myself.
Mr. Moffat. generous enough or dis-
iecreet enough to take no not of his
opponent's discomfiture, lifted a paler
from the table and held It toward the
"Do you recognize these iinesr he
asked. placing the remnants of my
half burned communication in her
She started at eight of them. Evi-
dently she had never expected to see
them again.
"Yee," she answered after a me
ment 'This II a portion of the note
I have mentioned"
"Yon recognize it as enchr
"I do."
Her eyes lingered on the scrap and
followed it as it was passed back and
marked as an exhibit.
mfr. Moffat recalled her to the matter
In hand.
"What did you do next. Miss Cuba
"I answered the note."
"May I ask to what effects
"I refused 11r. Ranelagh's request I
said that I could not do what he asked
and told him to wait till the next day
and he would see how I felt toward
him and toward Adelaide. That was
all. I could not write mach. i was
1 did vas to tied it Aatises Omit. 1
board blur settles ready to go M. .r
1 wasted to speak to bins babas 1r
west Wb.. be bard ass 1t. ovsest
Um door and let m t as beseD •1
epee oo bis gdsvaoces, bat 1 could see
Wteu to them 1 waaIad Mm to bar
fines the gray mare ter me sad blare
M atatsdleg In the sables 1 expiab ed
the request by wing that It was
ascessars ter me to see a metals Mead
of mins insesedlatel7 sad that so me
would notice me to the cutter midst
lbs bearskins. He didn't approve, bot
1 persuaded him 1 •vg persuaded
Mai to waft MMI Ladok was gone. se
that Adelaide would know nothing
about It Hei looked glum. but he
'8s was gotng away whet 1 board
Ad.Lt4rfs steps in the adjoining room
TWa trlght.oad ma The pertltlos is
very thin between theme two rooms.
and 1 was afraid she bad board me
ask Arthur for the gray mare and cab
tor. l could bear bur rtUing the barb
Use to the medicine cannot hangta
ee dais very wall 1 hurried boob
to my own room whore 1 co/Meted
apes RUM articles as l needed der the
espsdftlon before um
"1 bad hardly done this when 1 beard
the sweat ea the walk oohed*. the
wasn't • common look t ahaU never Artbar gang sown. The impulse be
see and speak to him again was tne-
sistllbM. 1 flew atter him and cased
blm in the lower hall. 'Arthur.' 1
body else when you came in at this Qom' look at w -look at es ltroli-
r and than -kiss cost Aad, he did them
"Yes, oar maid. -Ilelen. She was just M Fm glad when 1 think et it, tboagb
laying down a buocb of keys oo the he db say neat minute: 'What L the
table 1n the lower hall. I stopped and 1�ttt with yeast N'hat are yep going
looked at the keys. I had recognized b de -to meat that vUlalnT
them as the ones I had seen in Mr. "l looked atralgbt mW his tamksls 1
Ranelagb'a hands many theca IIs � welled tin 1 saw 1 had he whits all•
had gone, yet therewerebis keys lstiod Thea 1 said as slowly masa.
One of them unlocked the clubhouse. empDaticall7 as I could; If yes nna
I noticed It among the others. but I good -sol 1 shah sever asset Km
didn't touch It thea Ilelen was still .gels. except is Adeialash grasses
in the hall, and I ran straight up- He will net want to meet a Yea
stale where I met my sister. as I �y Mat ease "beat that Tames`
have just told you." mer ad will be welt and Adelaide may
"Miss Cumberland. continue the .to- ', shruggedIds shoulders a�
ry. What diel you do atter re enterbng _emsfoe W met sad bat. Am ha
your room r trams than a 1 sai4, 'Dere
"1 don't know what 1 did rent I begdd io "rim. ng dray: 316.1 19 was very tufted -elated one minute, gray mares 'And Mem et the
deeply wretched and very frightened
or the ham. 1 1> 1 &el weal "dal"
the next. I mast bare sat down, for
I was shaking very mnch and felt a 1Uyme- S IP -w'.
little sick. The sight of that key bad j To Be ('ontint.ed Next Week
brought up pictures of the clubhouse,
and I thought and thought how quiet 1 If voile hair seems lifeless try the
It was and bow far away and now I Rex■Il ' 1.1' hair took : all Rugall drug
forget 11"
"Aad what did you do then?"
"I went to my room."
"Mies Cumberland. did you see any-
WAS A w»
long. Soon I grew happy, bappter than
i bad t>inn in weeks. happier than I
had ever been In all my life before. I
found that i loved Adelaide better than
I did myself. This made everything
easy. even the sending of the answer I
bare told you *boot to Mr. Ranelagb.”
"Miss Cumberland. how did you get
Ude answer to Mr. Ranelagbr
"By meam
ns of a gentlean who was
gang away of the very tI had
been asked to leave on. He was a
roast next door, and I antipathyantipathytams
ft to hi"
"Did !s Ae tL7 ,e "
Mw your Male! oat • >m eunt bottle
d D•a4 .Mae eletrt new -Alm
steps Itchier, ssslp,
cold Itwas.00, and d how secret I lettere aw.
ll it order an ablue rmoney-
k t e„Qec a red tjl
would go there for what bad to do- tattle
1 fancy g°"r,in r .
there! And then 1 maw in my fanI H. b.c 1'. Uuulop, l:oelrrich.
one of Its rooms. with the moon In It, Moroi, at... ys the sun, only we
and -but I soon shot my eyes to that Tbi Aust do our I.a. t, we roust move into
I beard Arthur moving about bis roots. tit. -('lata Lcu:ee 1lnrnhmwt.
and this made me start up and go out
Into the hall again.
"Arthur's room la near and Ade
Elides far off, but 1 went to Ade
talde's first. Her door was shut, and
when i went to dpen 1t I found It
locked. Calling her name. I said that
I was tired and would be glad to say
crest nl_ht. She did not answer at
When she did ber voice was
strange. though what she said was
very simple -I was to please myself;
she was gaing to retire too. .(nd then
she tried to say good night. but she
only half sail 11. like one who 1e
cboked wttb tears or some other dread•
tut emotloi.. 1 cannot tell yon bow I
this made me fee4 but you don't care
for that You want to know what I
did-wbat Adelaide did. 1 will tail
you, but I cannot burry."
"Take your time, hike Cumberland;
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