The Signal, 1916-4-27, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTABiIO
in the
East Street
Twenty-five 3o x 3 1-2
fully guaranteed tubes,
suitable for Ford or
while they last.
4 4st tied nod nils t.lte.l I. :a kill 111811.
ustom Hatching
Next hatch starts April 26th. Re-
serve space NOW.
H. Keith Revell
New Judge Appointed.
The anooueesuent ie made of the sp-
',ointment of Mr. L. H. Dickson. of
Exeter, to ,uec. d Juug« Doyle am beL-
ior judge of Hausa snooty.
Mr. Proudfoot Re elected.
Mr. \Villialu Pr,udfoot, K. ('., of
(,udericb, M. P. 1'. fur Centre liar. u,
has been ee-elr.'est a bencher ,.f the Society of t-p•,rr Canada.
Killed at Calgary.
The sad news wa+ receive" her. thls
11'hurrday I efts.. noun that I I ,add
'hhortspeou. 14111 of Mr. end AI is. Wil-
liam 'l howps,ut, of (lo.ierich, had wet
death near Calgary while engaged at
his work as railway brakrswan. The
hotly is being htought east for inter-,
Gall to Rev. Geo. E. Ross.
Rev. (leo. E. Ross, pastor of Knox
church. ham received a call to become
pastor nt St. Alatthew'r Preshyterian
church, Point at. ('barbs, Montreal,
from which Itev. Or. Gibson resigned
recently to go to \Voedetock. rbc
call will be considered in Montreal
Presbytery today.
Change in G.T.R. Timetable.
A general change in the O. T. R.
timetable is announced to take effect
on April :111th. the only change in
the lioderich service is the earlier de-
perture o! one of the outgoing trains.
The train which now leaver at 22.35
p. in. will depart five minutes eatber
--at 3.311 p. m.—after April :Mb.
Man Sentenced Is in the U. S.
The first jail sentence giveu for vio-
lation of the Canals Temperance Act
in Ilurun county has been imposed un
\Villiaw Bender. of Zurich, by Police
Magistrate .1'ldrrw.. of Clinton. The
cbatge seat for bringing liquor ille-
gally into a Caneda Temperance Act
county, and as it was the third offence
a sentence of four u, ,nths in jail was
given. Mr. L. E. Uancey, on hebalf of
Bender. has inuleappiic.tti to quash
this couvictinu. Bender is raid to be
running a hotel in Is-•troir and has
di sfw)srd of Lis proIWrty in Canada.'
At Ever 'Age
constipation can best
be overcome by ill,
gentlebut surelaxativc
with the pleasant taste
? L'H.OAT, APRIL .•f, 19111 C
Pte. W .taut furter with hi. father
at Dalt.
Mirsnlva ttubert..u. made • hotel.), trip to
Mr Honer' T..0wr. a Hoed ',kt y vL.itor at
Tomo. a II
MW. Pearl Bradford •peat Easter rtuoday „t
W.. C. M. Campbell sea. in Toeuuto;for the
Mi. Lead M. Droner. .1. gat Easter liva4ay
at Toi O.
%IMMMOT•rnVit 1. Io Toone° ea• vi -it
of two week.
Mi,- Hamilton -pe .t Eater wAh her br.t tier.
..t l'.uupbelllonl.
S.14 is 15. wood sae •.....r
R...11 D.., Sf........:
noon, when their eldest daughter.
:race Arena, wee married to Mr. Don-
ald Campbell McLachlan. C.f Toronto.'
eon of Mr. and Mrs. P. McLachlan, of
Goderich' hev. A. Laing, of Auburn.
officiated. The bride was given away
by her father and wore a suit of navy
shot taffeta with gtey hat and shoes.
The Duly attendant WAr Mise iteta,
sister of the bride, who acted aa brides-
maid and wore a rail of green and blur
shot taffeta with hat to watch. Mi..
Ruby \Vise, of Clinton, cousin of the
bride. played the wedding music, Ind
during the signing of the register Aliso
Het& Wise sang sweetly "Because."
The grouw•s gift to the la ;be wart a
handsome cheque and to, the brides-
maid a cameo pin set with pearls.
A!ming he gains fr. A distance
weir Missew Edna V i. Anil Nellie
.leukins. of Clinton, ami Moe Hog- her nue:., the Lite Mt..Thome Farrow, .•s -
gal ill. •41 ''rum:sty. Atter the wed
ding 1 •hrun Mr. and Airs. Alrl.aei.- F. J. Rutland and family. ..cer mpanied
len left, ' 1 shower.) of emit.,ti and
4(44-1(454441 .tires of their many (4iends,
for Toronto, where they intend to re-
The Good Friday Concert.
Anniversary of St Julien.
The annlvrrsal ' of t hr (tattle nt St.
Julien and Langeuttrek wits fittingly
Cuu1lm.Inornterl 111 North at1';et Meth. -
dist church tau Sunday evening,
is ben a mash meeting was held after
the regular church services were di•-
w..seed. "The address for the occasion
am, given by Rev. J.1i. 1otheriughatn,. ,
rector of St. lirurge • church. in :he
*barber Of Captain. Dewey, who was ,
prevented- through illness from at-
tending. In eulogizing the hero'.. of
triv or.m)rablr lutltle the speaker!
trade it an orpOrtuntty t„ weak home !
to all pre eat the urgent need of
greater saclillces if the war is to 1e
waged to a successful issue for the
allir,l cause.
An Illustrated Travel Talk.
That ('aneda's neutral scenery tenth.
W inspire the patriotic zeal of all Can-
adian•, and is something in itself ;
which is well worth fighting to pre-
serve, was the ides which sea. brought
benne to tare awdienoe ie Krog cherish
last Thursday evening when Mr.
Frank Yeigh. the noted author and
le-turer, cowpated the l•r.11ties of
Canada with devastated France and
B Igiuru. The views shown at the
outset portrayed the wonderful wealth
of scenery which may be seen .1 al-
most any point in C'a11ade. lint especi-
ally in the Canadian R,wkiee. In ad-
dition, historic scenes in Great Brit -
sin were shown, end pictures taken
before the mer in France end Belgium.
together with mute Aar scene+, were'
as lit.ks in one of the most interesting
travel [elks ever given in liodericb.
The event was tinder t11AA11splees of the
Young People's Society of the church,
and the proceeds. After all expenses
were tort. were over ls.
McLachlan -Wise
A quirt but pretty wedding took
place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
\V.., Wise, Loyal, on Wednesday at
Mobet tbeatre
Mr+- Macfarlane and )Il-- Cain.. -tore Euler
iu the ljneen t ity.
Mr. Kiley Hearth rd i- home trout Clifford for
the baster 11011,1..1..
Mk. Itobertaun 1- home; from %Vlud.or for
t1. 1'1..-'er v*e.I ior,.
all., 1.4 I n Mete,,, -pen. E., -err stood.)
w.thf ieude
MI.. Eolith N ieeie. i, •p•nding 1.. -tor week
with friend. at 1 pronto.
Mi...- Jean aril Et het Nairn ate home from
:smut ford for the holiday..
1'ouneillnr Mo-er and darieler. M.-- .tons,
•l•.ut rhe holiday at Linwood.
Mi.- Nellie Graham. of Toronto, i..Ir•ndirag
1a.ter week at the I.are,.t..i house.
Mr. Fred Ito.a. princip..l of Dungannon pub
he school. in town on Tue.d:.).
Mb. Mary 1'loni., of London, w.. the gue.t
of Mrs H. McY,dyen over Kiefer.
Mr. Walter :sauna .- ,.o the -kik 114 and ha.
been remove.' to Alexandra hospital
Mr. and Mr. H. H. .then mei ttaro -on. spent
the holiday. wl.h relative. n.earLondou.
Mn T. T. I..ckle and .on. Monteith. are at
Brumfield 111.. week on :. , Islt to relative,
Mi.. and Mi.. Oak,*, both of
Aram,a, aro the go,*t.. of Mt.. Ireuc fila ham
Itegl-leu and Mr.. a'. 1 Asst. .ts•nt F:.+ter
with their son-io 1•w, lir .1 .1 eutherlu,d. in
Mn. M. J. Fins arrive,' home ou M lay
from • viral of two mouth- with friend, at
Mk.- Mary Gundry returns this week W
l'hinago after • vlaat of a month with her
'umber In town .
Mr. and Mr. Walter rihumin Left last a,tt
onlay for Detrain, where they parla••s' taking
up their reaideuce.
Mr. Fred Mickley and-on•WiW.rm.of Hamil-
ton. are vi.ilia,( Mr.. Kickley - p.,' Mr.
and Me. Win. 'Sharman.
Mr. Wm 1. M:.. -.4r5. of Winnipeg, Heel -tear
neutral of %lar.naba. 1.111 .own (hi.. ,seek on a
I t -I1 to hl. mother and .i -tor.
\1 r..ifr.R' 11 )tcNesill, of Toronto. :pent
1., -ter at the home of her fatl.er1m M... Mr.
.4..1. \I'Nsvin. \' ietorla..treeL
NH. 1..,rra Farrow sea.. at Hlnev..Ie %ted
nrday of t..t week Attending 111.. funeral of
The concert in North *inert Metho-
dist church on the evening of Go.,d
Fr iday was well patronized and those
who were for!unste enough to It•
present enjoyed a" rare musical treat
The choir, ...skated he talent- Brum
other churches of the Wien, showed
careful training in the shot u; Leis.
Th.- opening selection. ...... a Thy
\\'Wiling al..rning," from 'The Rose
Afai t n," is deserving of special men-
tion, as is aloe the concha ling chorus,
"By Babylon's \Nave, " by l iounod,
which was sung for the fir.t time be-
fore a Goderich audience. Mrs. %V. F.
;Saunders sang polo.) with her usual
sweetness: Aber Scrimgeour, as a con-
straits) soloset, was very ;nearing. while
Mrs. King's numl.ere, with Nine obit -
gates by Mr. H. - Blackstone. were de-
lightfully rendered. Miss Ada Mc-
Clinton took the solo part in the
chores, "Yea. Ern as Die the Roses,"
maintaining her 1eputation as one of
lioderich'e test socialist,. Bandlnx,ter
Baseingthwaitr favored the audience
with *cornet •n1o, while the program
was further augmented by violin selec-
tions from Alr. C. V. Henry. Mr. Car -
Tan, organist of fit. George's church,
MIS organ AccoIquani+'. and Miss•a
HAIL: AI et the piano .•' ntri'•uted in no.
small degree to the ,'-.►s MI the en -
ter tailiwellt
On Tuesday of this week a pretty
matrimonial '•vent Iva, solemnised 8t
i th" home of Air. and Mrs.„Villiaw
1 \\ Aru.,ck, A11. rt. 'lt••.•t, when theit
youngest daughter. Albs Iris May.
lolnrd hand and heart with Mr. Roy
M. Sparling, also of 1 i alerich, - tam of
Mr. and Airs. henry hp.rlil of-C'ar-
gill. The cru-wony was Nwriorwed
in the drawing -room, w bleb was taste-
fully bedecked with E,,.Lcr lilies and
daffodils. Rev. taro. I: Rose, B. 0.,
I officiated, while the wedding Molter
war played by the lit iiL• s sister, Alias
(:rare Warnock, of 'rhesa&lon. The
event was witnessed by about thirty
i invited guests who formed &horseshoe
of good tuck al the
Iper,,iee while the111nu11 a1 kuc
otw, -
heing tied. The bride o .re her travel-
ling costume of navy blue taffeta,
I with bat to match. Atter congest 111
I t 101,e had been offered the nes ly -
wedded couple. the company partook
of *dainty luncheon. .And at the con -
Watch this Theatre for big features on.
Tuesday and Wednesday of next week
You will ind relief in Zarri-Bek I
It eases the burning. stinging
,pain, stops bleeding and brings
ease. Perseverance, with Zap.
Buk, means cure. Why not prove
Jae bea
was the recipient id :(4 ,ny handsome
The Top Note
N THE matter of installing Electric Fixtures
A we always aim to reach the "top note...
You sometimes want a jot) done in quick time and
on short notice. That's the time to test us.
Send in your hurry call to telephone 82 or to 193
and note how quickly, accurately and satisfactorily
the work is done. The very "top note- of good
service is assured.
To the Public
Our store is Headquarters for everything in
Electrical Appliances, from a POCKET
Beauty and Utility are combined
in much of our stock, and —
HAVING purchosed the
meat market which
has been conducted for
many years by Mr. Thos.
Morrow, I beg to announce
to the people of Gcxlerich
and vicinity that I intend
to conduct the business on
the most approved meth-
ods, and I solicit a fair
share of patronage.
In addition tO Fresh Meats
of all kinds. I will handle thc
Celebrated Kincardine
Hams and Bacons,
Home-made Sausages,
Corn Beef and Pickled
Pork, etc.
Phones :
Office U
Res. 1103
Morrow's old stand
\Vest Side Square
Telephone No. 2
t here.
Mi.. Jennie Man -on. ho D engaged hi 4ichil
-erv1ce Word at !sycloey. NoVklb 1'...01.114. 1. ill
among the Ed -ter viottol - in tOwn. Ill: Kir-
cher aerionipaniki Mr. F. T. Kiri ner, .
Private Archie Kay, of the .ainay
the tioderieh Organ
Is facilitated and eni,
cc uraged by the open -
OF CANADA Ing of a Jr -int Savings
Account in the names
of Husband and Wife, Father and Son, Brother and
Sister, or any two or more members of the family.
Either can deposit or withdraw money at will, and
the Interest accrues to the credit of both.
Ask the Manager for full particulars. •
Godericn Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
A I N T direct from factory
saving dealer's profit
Ready Mixed and House Paint, inside or
Fire Resista.nt -Barn, outside, Flat or Oil
Finish, Quarts 45c $ I .50
Roof, Iron, Priming Gallons .1____
-el 0 WhY nay reguhu' rebut prices for
paint when you can get what yo.
10 gallons for want at less than w h ol e sa I e ?
Our Paints are guaranteed to give satisfactioa.
is Riseumatiam nf the faces
Fere .%.•al bit M the Stood
by siesedeeed kidneys
To Builders and Contractors
if Square Timber up to
12 in. square to lett
Hemlock, Spruce
jointing and S6nrling.
all widths and lengths
Lath, ni:ario White C. La
Shingles, Pine, Spruce. Hent!.. k
Hardwood and Pine Flooring.
Dressed Pine aml Spruce. Cali--
fornia Siding. Always in stock.
Sectional Poultry Houses all
cheerfully furnished.
Paget Grain Door Co., Ltd.
: with diamonds set in plai inure (wing
the gift from the groom. The eCanist,
Miss Grace AVernisek. reeei veil Fenno
the gt nom a pretty penal In ooch. Air.
wild Airs. spa, iing , v. ei!ditiff trip in-
, tomb.. fie wiii,i h 1.11e, they left en
present at 1 lic stet ten to give them n
royal eend-t•IT. The lei* and gi
have a large cis de of hien& in 4 :ode
; Lich who J. in its wishing for ;ben. a i
I yet y happy future. Th.. i1111 iiii ill!
;circles. l
The piddle schools will 4e -open on I
dren testi enitm the kind. rgarden classes
the terns. They iii.ost be flee 'bases .,t
be held lit the home ot Mrs. Hos i
riven arid three will 1 c All elect 11111
One Chance flore to Buy
Hardware act A.uctin
Saturday, April 29th,
Afternoon and
'Ube afternoon s:tle ill he general :inc. of• day useful hardware
voR,Ks. 11ANDLI.,.. GRIN, 00:1\ ANI)
Howell Hardware Co., Limited