HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-27, Page 41 1 lllvelwAT, Arent V. 191 rHE BIONAL. t3ODICRICH = ONTARIO Walter C. Pridham Scientifically Cut Proportions Mean Perfect -fitting Suii s ! FOR the man who is ordinarily hard to fit, our ready -to -put-on suits have tilled a long - felt want. Many meet can now put on a stilt and wear it home it they care to without as much as a button moved. it is economical to purchase really k.00d clothing. Our suits have proved to he superior in fit, fabric and finish. Priced from $15 to $25 NE1Y TATE STKEET, LIVERY Having purchased the 'berry humors; of 1Vtn. Knox. 1 nut improving the equipment and ill. tend to'no%i le Good Horses Prompt Service and • Rigs U -to-date Ri „ P S A11 order* will receive pluwpt and careful at- tention. TleLKI•IIONI. No. 173 for a gouts tut ['Jut. PORTER'S HILL. Tct:+u..Y, April 2.'. NnTi "_—Mi.a May Lindsay, of (itde- rich. spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. Lindsay ..\Miss UrManus, of ' Cotten ne. is vtatting with her cousin. Mir, Jean Horse Mr. and Urs. \Vestry Vanderburg and sou. Albert. were in London on Thursday of last week. Hent. Helmet t. oIt Detroit, visited uI the neighborhood last week. Miss•Minnie Johnston returned 1 test weei froth Trow bi i.lge, where she had been visiting her sister. Mr... L.,rnr Tabor Owing to g'rat- terly meeting et Hay Held next Sun- day. April :;Rh, there will beuo.errice at Bethel. tea, where they will be for • couple a(I and limey 1'. Upen.. *Ed K wield be weeks Mr. and Mew M. Me- tmpo••ibls to •y which was the haat Dowell. of Wsstileld, are'vtsilissgg at The orebr.ir• I sista e( Jerry Coo - Mr. P. Clerk's Misses Elizabeth nor. Will flalfttb W Lemmas and and Lrursi tialkeld, t1 lioderleh, are wtas Mcesrtby del hied the aadienee Iles R. K. Miller's ... Mr. B irboor, I Chas wit h enteral • id violin selections, of Erin, ie • visitor at Mr. R. Wends'. I while we must not omit to add that Mr. Anderson, of Milvrrnnn, is the kind order and attention of the visiting at N. J. Ttdd'e Mlas T.Iaudience delighted the troupe, and B. asinine is a visitor at Yrs. Millrr'e. inside playio• pleasure. The step - Mrs. W. K. Gurdon will live dancing of -Messrs. Jas. Sinnott end with Mn. Miller Inc the suwnser I Walter Dalton was very good, while Mrs. H. 'tutherfort. Mr. J. li. Rother-'the manner In which the funny Indian fund, \\'III and Mary It'ttherford. Ur. !scalped himself certainly thought down and Mrs. Jae. and Mr. and Mrs ('her. , the boner. The Club hopes to put on Darnin attended the funeral of tear rnt•thrr play in alwnt a uuotth. Hera r tate gr,. W. It I,h, of Wiulfhsim, !townie that it will Iw as successful as nn Fn i lav The concert on Mon- I "Thr Frozen Trail." Jnr 11'ght era. quite a sneers. About 4".."2 war taken at the doer. AUBURN. \VEusBSDAY, April 2tl. Mr. WOO. Sturdy is not enjoying as good health as hie many fi lends would like, Mr. John Ferguson. of 'Toronto, and Miro Cora cave up to their home for IEtotrr. I P.tvat • Nicholas Proute, of Toronto, pante ur for the bolidseit and visited I bis trienda. Mr. Joseph Irwin has the carpenter working on his new .table and expects I to have it c pleted soon. Dr. and Mr,\Voir went to Strath- roy on S tturday to visit the Doctor's worher, returning on Monday. I Mis Annie Jackson, Mies Jemima Fiogland and Private Murray Ping - land, of Tcronto, visited their parents over Kaster. Private Alex. Casemore and Mrs. Casemore, of Wroxeter, Wm. Mole and Edward Mole visited the parental bone over Easter. Miss M. K. Blyth is spending her holiday,. with her parents at 1)urbaw and will retut11 to resume her duties in our public school on Monday next. Mr. Stanley Metch has panted his exarmitut' ion et the O. C. I. end lM allowed to tike a *oldie.'. place on .he farm sand conuneneetl work with Township (le: k F Ingland on Monday. \VKuui w. -The home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Letup was the error of a pretty wedding on Monday it 10 /4.01., when their eldest daughter, Mils 51r- linds, was united in wedlock' to Ur. Lawrenre Ityall, of 11 ►tudluu, hy ltev. Ur. Zeigler. After the ceremony the relatives and guests assembled on the. lawn for a group photograph. The young couple expect to leave in a few day+ t ,r their 1 at Hamilton, and they will cart with theta the bent wi -h•s of their want' 1.iends. \uTK.—Srrrrai items of personal new. have been te-eivtrlfrom Auburn without rite signature of the sender. Acrr,edingty they are not published. — F. 1, $toN-it,.I KINUSBRIDGE. 'ST. HELENS. - Tt'K,LAY, April 25. 'l'e'ft„u tea, April 'i;. AuoTHKR DRAMATIC cct.V1SS.—The r flu MID ..cored r .. • wan Wirt) I )run t 6 rr g K •ri ,e 1iv . L t VlPty. Inter has wnutnrr big .neerr hare on the even- ta•en tece.vrd fruru Ptr. -\. Levis, sit in of the'ettb. when, they presented Ihr p,th t, nli'n, . the k.andlibe thttr draws, '•1'he Frozen Trail,” in ('sump, Krnt, England, thsnktug Ibe 1 the Kingsbritigr perish hill. TM Women's Institute for the nice parcel dr*wa eau eeyyu•Uy a. strong as Tube" of rocks received from the 1.11dier. He ; envious pradreerlo., and io the e.w says they were ju,t what he needed- utwtntn of tenet of the swlaewoe was He reports b• tog well, end tbr. mud I better played. The instrumental meek ' drying up. j ww•d vsudevdle• which was C iM.tINLI' PERSONAL --The tracheo I under the to. ruction of the Ciub of and .tnd.•ots aI r it all hoop- from flcient musical director and vaudeville their chits -rent scho.ds and see n t . ti.'�'aeeotapani,t, yin. Jas. tiarvey, was enjoying their h al.dayr Pavane 1 uwy'aeeponahiy great, and WAS one of 1'muserun id boor f.u,u Clinton. We the strongest factors in making the [t `' hope•tu see bier i-apruve rNteoly under] e,ttertasnmeot a rosrinet*newer. The ``• u O the parental tr.of Pnvatss Haket I v..ual •rti.N were : Miters Hattie w I and Hotwawno, of the MOM Hearn .tat- I young and Elis,beth McCartby. I taboo, left this morning for Walker. t N-wrr...Jusepb Unffln, Horace Hearn ilandy llelps for SpIc and Span ilomes Of coarse, you are /oieg so "Plaint Up" is Spring.' There's the bedroom, parlor or dining roan wall to be re -finished. There are Floors to be passed, stained. varnished or waxed. There's the Oa Clods or Linoleum to be made Spio sod Span. There's the Furniture and Woodwork so be brightened. Here are six "EPIC AND SPAN" FINISIIES that we can freely resotmmead for this work : "NEU-TONE" Fiat Tints for the wa+Dh 'WOOD LAC" Varnish Stains "IAI1LE-iTE" Floor Varnish "MUM WAX", for hardwood floors "SENOUR'S FLOOR PAINT" the old ramble "VARNOLEUY", to beautify and preserve Oil Cloth sood Linoleum. We know that these Finishes are the best of their kind. They are "Made m Canada"—and we guarantee thet you will be perfectly satisfied with the results you get when you use any, or all, of them. You'll /suttee be partied np Pickles and Preserve& You'll need labels for the jars. Come 1. trod get • set of I ruin Jar Labels—prieted sad /aminal. We flus them free to our friends. it 1 F. HUNT, GODERICH, Ont. s PORT ALBERT. W EoN asps v. Apt tl •Jtl, limit tt.—The roach are not drying up as quickly as we mould like ort see thew. Very little spring wink has been done on for land y. t .. .. Mr. John Schoottbale and hie wen are re- pairing the milli herr Mr. N. Cun ningham is preparing to move back to his farm. Theis uaany friends will raise this family very much Mr. Wallace Cunningham it home from his school over the Easter holidays.... Miss Fitz,tereld is visiting under the parental toot over the Easter holidays. Miss Hawkins is the guest ut her sister, Mts. Wm. lirsy Miss Eve')a Reid is the guest of Mies Min- nie Dickson Mn. Kllen Burrows is bsek to ber borne at Port Albert... . Mr. and Mrs. Tom Green are in De- troit at present Mies Winnie Cuo- niogham and Mier Minnie are visiting under the psrental roof rover Baster. Miss Mann, of Seafortb, is visit- ing at Mr. J. Meliee's this week . Mr. and Mrs. Peter Cook were the guests of their daughter, Mrs. John McGee, on Sunday Mrs. Hy. Hay- den is bark from tit- Thomas.... Many will be glad to Ieam that John_ Sande is on the road again with his remedies. Mr. and D es. Hy. Hayden had much pleasure in eliding their Etrier dinner with their three chilJren,l'apt. W. Y. and Otway, sit the Dental Corps at St. Thomas, and Miss Evelyn. of Stratford Mi-'. Vs-bs.rr is under. the care of UrWhitely ...Mrs. Geo. McDonald and JO Nixon, of \V. lket- ton. of Port (',ih,rne, Th• happy )- 1 for Nis- � - U' • t . {t Iain r l . t o I UeKen•r.ie of Chicago f: '' Couple left t o the t 1 Green has been sick iv oh la grippe.... g r 1 Pte. Alex. Willson. wife said fam.ly, 1,1 Cleve Aitcheson, Itilrt Battalion: Miss gara Falls and Ihittd.., the l it ie the 125tb Battalion. Brantford, were 'Edith Irving, of Wiugham, and Chat- wearing a navy blue suit with pansmN here over Sunday vis'ting.their rel.- lotteBogue. ofMilverton. hat. Vat led and costly gifts trcriced :rieakof their p.lpular.ly. 't'h• bride DUNGANNON . it highly e.teenied in Dung moon, w rii,n',AY April .,, where she has spent thew r ate.: part of 1 FLOOR COVERINGS Japanese Mats and Matting For a medium-priced covering in a bedroom there is nothing so pretty and serviceable as Jap Matting. It comes in squares of different sizes, in greens, reds and fawns, or by the yard in natural color. A floor covering you will be pleased with. Congoleum Rugs Congoleun Rugs are .absolutely waterproof and washable, and a simple mop- ping keeps them fresh and new. They are beautiful, durable and low in price. They lie flat on the floor and will not kick up at the edges. We carry these rugs in all sizes.. A rug for every room in the house. Let us show you qualities, and prices of these serviceable rugs. Floor Oilcloths and Linoleums English Linoleums in the best patterns and qualities and at solid prices, are here from which tochoose your new .overing for kitchen, bedroom or dining -room. Floor Oilcloths in all the newest patterns are also here for your selection. Our stock is very complete in these lines and we should like very much to show you our range. Velvet, Brussels and Tapestry Rtigs Tapestry Rugs in all sizes, from the small :doormat to t'ie large seamless 3 1-2X 4, are here,for you to go through and find just what you have been thinking of and looking for to put on the room that you intend to cover this spring. The patterns are new and the prices are low in comparison with prices today. Let us take you through our range. J. H. COLBORNE tires. PRESENTATION TO PTE. Rt I)DIK'K.— Pte. %Vm. J. Rudd.e k's home was will filled on Saturday evening by a gash- V.\Yt Tut. ULn P.trEKa•-iaher life. Her iiiy th �e \Vit- new couple t. vest's fight and prr.prrr ming of neighbors and friends who jmuen's Institute of Uuo ancon is cul - haul assembled to present hind with a Bertin old newspapers and magazines:. Ullt IIfP: farewell address. the adder -s ex• K fo peer-ed appreciation sit hie action in ; which will he sold. the money to be CrOLBORNE. th I61 t H teal' .nd panic ,devoted to Bed Cruse purposes. Any- \I vt tY h t k t i t 1 Apia ularly or ,his saeullce it leaving bra Ione wi• ang o era ei a eon ri .0 ion Is tet ue,ted to brin tt to Ihnr annon .—\Ire. retei h'i.her i+ cnn- huWe sad !amity io rrsp•.nss• to the to the, nate at the ostofflce sot to fined to the house with an attack of call of duty- Pie. besot. was, then landl p la ;t,ippethisweek \C. li.l'tanley prerentrd with a Irrautiful wrat- h rist- where it is U. be left. is spending for Ktstrr hob t.. . at his k ! affection d Astation HERO F BLLS:V --it is our • t a fi w was spent to singing sial loottro tt to I hunched rods of fencing for sit. I), F. pltontaaro/ se4K �� were ut)ticiaily oot.flrJ of len death on t 1"d g 1 The b of tb Scb watch, as • to en a 1 to a rel un an hot,. wt (2nrrnsrUlr. lht need wishes of his neighbors and I Ihr death .1 another of our 1 ravrot outy again this week to Pi.oys port 1 Inose Durst it sprtidn'e hese Indid.v- lends. Pte. Kuddock in roily under the p trent tl tad Mr. Wu. thanked the gathering for the kind -jet the front, the victim this time be - Durso is .xcacatintt the crl!ar f..r hie r Win. Seaward, of the signal- . nae shown bier and said he leu w f tog rte. \ m. w g ling corps of the 58th BBltalion lie is new hosier this week we them .11 again when rtctot y was ; Ynuttgblut sit 1,.. ..t township h ere on. The remainder of the reraiog'Ithr adopted sono liken the contract for erecting several f Mr. and Mn. Jar. Young. of this place. The parents b ti roues 1O Moeda eat. sympathy e wane The trotters of S. 8 with dud Sam the 'Usti.' , community gm, out to ibbeni in ibis I No. 7 have let the contract for erect - bout of entente distress. The cruel toga new fence around the school preen- tics of war are now beginning to be I tan to hewn. Ynuogblut. Our realized its our own comunit re. and genial eouocillnr, Mr. L. B. Snyder, t w had the rued • grader at work ..r the • to Thr Pte. Ruddock hands Pivotal tete following nate of thanks. addressed to Mr. S..bn A. Green for the Putt Al- bert lbert people : Dear Friend.—i heg leave to express my sincere thanks to the kind friends who presented flee with a wrest -watch on Saturday last. I hope on my re oro to have it fastened cn say wrist As t f escape• not until then can we fully learn of ravages -abroad. Sinuoct+LY Ixdoetto.—On Friday (.f Jag week,' while Mr. Saul. Tref of the nth concession of As=tneIJ, was idtivi,.g to the mill, his team bees/tie • 1 may not see you all again 1 take uomsflage•be through were trivial A HhILL1.BNT RaoaKu. Mr. Frank his way of tbaaking one and all who rause mrd succeeded in msk.ng their .t MacKrnxie, w.n of Mr .lobo dell which proved disutroue to the Maitland con-es,toe .1 art week, pat- ting acrown on ib. -pond. ASHFIELD. ToLSD .tT. April 25. , were 40 L iou on .baso t e spar . ,asst Macli►rr. xis, of the 1'2t h concession of ing that you all may be spared to reset drawee• Ile seas thrown out of the A.bflrr, bas de # inguirheil concession ar- me again in old Poet Albert, after or wagon •ed the heavy wberb ran parr cord at the Pre.bIr * di 1'ullrgP, ,Don• have licked tee Germane. 1 am. bar leg, haoturing the bones in hie .real. The Munuerleal n i'..itte, in its Yours realwrtfally, Iankle in Breese! places. 1)rv. Elliott, account of the graduation exercises of K w. J. RunDim.. of Lucknow, and Case, of Dungannon, Uodericb, Apra! 21. i were immediately called. Mr. T„. the College, wakes the following re- leaven will be cooflned to the house I (errors Mr. F. S. MacKenz e, it was manyan- LUCKNOW. I for tbree or four months. His any 'treads regret bis serious accident and Tr¢ GAT. Aped '=l bop. Inc his st.eedy recovery. Dr. Elliott was in Toronto • few WHAT THE WO/16MARK Drrt,u.— days last wick. 'Th. Women's Institute of Dungannon Mrs. Harty Bogue; spent • few days washes to thank all the ladies who last week at Toronto. helped so generously by sewing, knit - Mr. Frank Bogus spent Good Fri- ling and d,watioos foe the bales wbich dayat Listowel with relatives. were sect to the Red Cross headquat- r. Fred Armstrong spent the ten, Loudon. The contents of the Easter holiday wile friends et Barrie. bele, collected from January 1.t to Miss Dore Lees has arrived home April ,=:rtb were : 6 comforters, Mt front ,Lhts ot. where she spent • few hospital shirts, '22 day shirts, tri pairs day.. wicks, 24 towels, 24 kit bags. The girls 'Ile ladies of LJkaow exhibited a of tbs Institute gave a play in Fetru- largr variety of Eames millinery on ary,d the proceeds amounting to 997. Sanday. A bazaar was beld in March which %Ve ars pony to report that Mess netted 911.1 .tet autograph guilt was Mary Little is 'seriously ill in Toronto do.ated, .,the proceeds of which with poeuntonia amounted to 9lu. It has been decided Owing to • Might mishap on the by this branch to exercise all its en- t:raod Trunk Railway near Mora oa Saturday evening. the train was over three hours uverdus before resebiog Lucknow. • Word was received on Thursday that tete. Donald McDonald. 111th Bat- talion, now in France, bad been wounded in theles. We hope his in- juries are not •atious. Pte. Wilmer McDonald, w fornser rrgy for the soldiers' ald and Red end enables halo to take txtst-grA MateCues purposes aslong as the war ,hal last- Any donations of work or ma. work at any g universityof sego Iizwl terisl will be thankfully received. ng. 1 PEartot.ti. MaNTTt.N.—The following are home for the Easter vacation: All isn't gold that shows up in a glit- Mies Peat! McKersie, from Torooto tering mining prospectus. Normal school; Mies J. Stcthers, I We can hardly bate anyone that of the Leamington public school start : we know.—Restates Miss E. Case. of Toronto public school flounced, had been the nett successful student of the year, his record compar- ing favorably with any in the history of the ('.,!lege. Una total of ten sub jeers be wad—an average of In out of a possible 1st; only on one of the minor subjects did he go below Iltt. He won the stub •t t J. Drysdale -gol.l medal for church history, the Princi- pal MacV.cer scholarship, the J•dge !i tchiaon prise for ec-iwia•tic.l architecture, and wt the meeting of the senate of the University yesterday it was decided to waive the 'special examination, for the degree of B. U. and to confer it upon him in recorni• tion of his splendid career in the 1' .1 lege, and the j•.int-faculty swerdrd him the travelliog schoilaisnip. The scholarship won by Mr. MN• Kei z e is worth S$II.IM) • year for two tears member of the Med Battalion, who stat? ; Mrs. Oarsison, of Richmond was rejected at Quebec as physically Hill school, and Mr. Ed. [handl. of unlit, has enlisted again at London. Kincardine high school .... Mr. Ellis He is in the I &Aid. London's Own Bat- talion. Pte.. Wm. Stimson and Alex. Crimp - bell left Monday for Walkerton to train in tbe machine gun vection of the Bruce Battalion. Pte. Gordon limeltzer accompanied them to train in the signal corps. The members of the young men's eats of the Presbyterian Guild were in charge of the steeling Monday evening. As this is the last week the soldiers expect to be in town, a Mois- ter took part, which added gteatl; to t he c serer of the evening. HON/MINI TRI Ii.AVIL—St. Julien Day. Aptil Y2, 1915, was not forgotten herr, as the flags were boi.ted Satur- day morning on the public school, LAMS ball. and also at the barracks of the IftIth Hattaboo, sad retained on Sanday and Mondry. Many of the brave men who helped to -mare the situatio." now deep in Flanders, while others are going to take their canapox. tlelor1. April 22nd. 1917, we peace may nista mod ware will cease. to he no more. HOLIDAY VtstT'olto—Soots of the Easter visitors In town are : Alfred Newton. of Detroit. and Jack, of Pets - ley ; Brown Mallowgh, of Berlin ; Miss Nora Smelttee, of Clinton: Mrs. Charlie Richardsoa.of Teeewater; Miss Marga ret McKenzie. of /go at ford : Joe Mrl'ny, of Stratbroy : Lloyd Agnew, of tetras ford; Alvin Cameron. nf `Ving- ham; Lieut. E.D. (:atoetat, Plea Tom Stnthen and little son, of 'Toronto, were the guests of his patents. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Soothers, for a few days Mies Dolly McManus, of U.derich, spent Easter here, the guest of Miss Myrtle Allen Misses Myrtle and Cora Allen are visiting in (lode - returned week Nr. H. A rgurtios; It returned from Port (L.Il,orne, I w re he had het° attending t e mar -1 ri a ref hi* niece, Miss Edith Augue- t for Meese* Timmer" Elliott mid 1). Sproul. of our burg. seem to be in ++ great demand three days among the ladies. They are, of course, our lea per-bangerg and decorators t but if i they don't bang that paper on just) right. oh, the criticism 1 8o he careful gent=. (bw-AN . Arrertrrtu&. -- A pretty event too place at high noon on Sat- urday. April 22nd, at the residence of Mr. Mertitt Ferris, Port t olh,rwe, (Mt., when Kdtth Cordell* Augustine, daughter of Mr. Alford Augustine, be- came the wife of George Cowan. a prosperous young fanner of East; %Vawanosh. near Blyth. Tbe hide was Prettily gowned In Ivory silk crap. de chore, with pearl trim- ming, wwitt* a gold pendant, the gift of tbe groove, and retrying a shower hnuquet of white carnations. The bride was presented by her feather. The nuptial knot was tied hy Rev. O. Bosom. of Dungannon. Among the visitors wet, Mr. B. Augustine. of Duagannna, Aad Rev. esti ala. 0 . Spring Styles In Footwear Moth fashion and good! taste demand suitable shoes for every occasion. '► The new shoes for spring enable vote to indulge this taste without extravagance. ind with_the rltann of -Var- iety anii correct st) le they, combine numb:rate price. We want you to ser the beautiful creations We arc flew showing. REPAIRING Geo.' Mac Vicar N.„,,, SidrS.p to (dt1►i•:111111 Every Woman Knows the discomfort of dusting—hut few realize its dangers. When sweeping carpets and Boors with- DUSTBANE the floe. grey, microbe -laden dust Is thrown up in clouds, to settle on tables, chairs, window - ledges and every ether place where a minute psrticlr can find a testing place. As it flies it carries germs of many diseases along, which are breathed int) the lungs of tbe woman who sweeps, and of children and everybody dee in the house. Guard against die great eviL BUY DUSTBANE at all grocers. Insist on having Dusthant, for imitations err not eo good. One One day's idleness of your horse will lose you more than the cost of several Pads. Your horse needs a Pad just ate surely as it needs feed and shelter. TAPATCO Pads end trouble for you and pain for your horses. J. H. Fisher, THE HARNESS MAN ilimai /ow *motCODERICH