The Signal, 1916-4-27, Page 3AIR SIGNAL OODHRICH, ONTARIO
TVv. .*T, APRIL 11. MK •
B0 KB1N DIN (i
bound or repaired.
sir eft TIO staNz... OQMsdch. wvtar
A. IL, TAYLOR. lit narrow).
PATH. specialist In 606100.41 sad Ball
's dawssar. mien. 31110610 •ad amrveue Me
*.dent we. ear. nese end Nnmb paella dial-
_.. lumbago and ra•umatie rendition.. Ado
mel . remove I wltbnet ted knife. Office at
reddasce. eura•r Nel-on sod St.. Am bee's
masers At boss calm Moeday. W4atday
and Saturdays: any creel= by appointment.
nos and West 6Gw TToot OpbIMlMe steed' Aiv lamuta�te,
'JY.1oo t00101., lar. Name bed 1 treat goepnl
�Square. and Meoteasld Ey. Remelts'.
mimash* Eno: Ubangi. ReWaterloo uss R
•ua.m.,xi.46. 111.. mope. Tenabm••
Cleveland, 0.. Apnl 21. -itis most
tmpottant Canadtae vessel deal to be
put through since the formation of
the Canada Steamship Lines. Limited.
which took over stoat of the big
steamship Iluss oa the other side of
the lake., is practically closed, The
Canada Bteamshlp Lines will take
over the vessel property of the St.
Lawrence and Chicago Steam Nevi-
Railag Company, IAd., of Toronto, and
the steel steamers J. H. U. Hagerty.
E. D. Osler. W. D. Matthew* and Iro-
quois. all the boats owned by the
company, will be included in the deal.
The puce pail for the steamers,
which are among the largest and best
Canadian vessels on the lakes. was
not given out, but at the figures that
boats ars bringing it will run into
costlder•ble monr .
The Haim ty, which i. the second
Largest Canadian steamer on ibe
hake., has a carrying capacity of 10,-
l1UU teens. She was built in 1014, and
is 670 feet keel, 514 feet beam and 31
feet deep. The Osier, which was built
in 10117, is 4111 feet keel. 68 feet beam
and 31 feet deep Elbe came out in
10111. Tb. Matthew., which was built
io 1008, has a carrying capacity of
5,013li tons. She it 968 feet keel. 48
fest beam, sod 28 feet deep. 7 b. Iro-
quois, which was built in 11102. is the
smallest boat of the fleet. Her capa-
city is 3,600 tons, and idle is 247 feet
keel, 43 feet beam and 2feet deep.
The big steamer W. C. Moreland,
which is being rebuilt at the Superior
Card of the American Shipbuilding
ompany, was purchased by the
Canada Steamship Lines lame tiros
Box O, Oed rids All t•Nr e:Mee• by teat
lett at Signal adios will be promptly •
ended to. lindanes talar•••• im
R. 1?. HAYS
=;eft Tg .W o,.. m&oet. Ramtltoe serest.
Capt. Ifd. Robinson, of Godericb, 1.
in command of the steamer Osler. _
Ships and Sailors Are Scarce.
Sarnia, April 23. -With nearly fifty
per cent. of the l'anmdtao lake tonnage
engaged in the coastwise trade in and
around the Coiled Kingdumi and on
the rest Coote( America. the balance
of the fleet. comprising about silty
vessels, will be kept I.u.y filling the
largo buwher of charters offered this
season. Several miners have en-
aounced that their vessels have been
booked ahead for the entire meson . in
the grain trade, while other* are pre-
paring to fall in line, but are holding
oft as long as possible to secure higher
pricer. Consequently the shipowners
look forward tu'a bumper season. 1.-J1
Four more lake • faeigbters-the
steamers Meatier). Algonquin, Rose-
dale •od Crowe -will this season leave
the lakes and enter into oce0u traffic.
The last steamer 1. ,bring converted
into an oil tanker.
. Out of the forty-one Canadian boats
that loft the lakes since the outbreak
of the war. eight have been sunk in
one way and another. So great has
been the demand for Canadian ton-
nage that it has leen found necessary
to revert to the building of wooden
vesssl• of thn wiling type.
A. B. McKay, of Hamilton. • well-
known vessel -owner, has placed an
order fora tope masted sailing tort to
PROUD ti1C1LIA1YAN.11000BIi oast fli3.(00, to carry 1.21110 toss, and
to trade between Canadian . ports on
the Atlantic and the 1V'set Indies.,
Recruiting in Sarnia and at otber
Caosdian ports has practically de-
pleted the ranks of the sailors em-
ployed upon Canadian freight and
passenger 'maul. With the opening
of navigation here owners are con-
fronted with the serious task of get-
ting won, and at'present few are be-
ing found.
-A prominent vessel -owner said on
Saturday :
"Serer before has there been, such a
shortage of sailors in Canada. There
is plenty of business, but if the com-
panies are unable to get men there
will be a great loss.-
PC bWC'. 1' 1'C,
Odio• on Ib. equere..•ooed door from tlam
Mrs .user, ueoetrra.
rut ate tunas to loan at lowest ran...
W. Paut:rrwrr. K.U. J. L. kiiu.oa.x
H. J. D. coons.
L 0. CAMKRON. K. C. BA1tK18
TER, .dlcUor, betray impala (Aloes
meet. Utdsrlek tore deer Ie.
Ea At t Linton Tbur.dar of mob week In
on eine' 1 btrert atcupkd by Mr.
r. .snot bourn a a.m. tb a p.m.
RISTLit. atieruer. s•uotter..a.. Cole
river to stud 5.1 lowest raw
V eo-Idwr. Notary Patine awl Cesveyaso•r.
�art hoar (:od•etcb. elle•
MNorval. Fl
aURANCE CO.-r.rm and*04.1.d
t erre P•party meant
UdiookerJ. B. McLaa. Pres.. batsrtk P.O.;
Ian tesesdly. IrleePres. aeierimb P. 0.;
b as IMTrs
c•sa.. Sestemb P. u
P {11 e,neu-U. Y. Reimer. headsets ; Jelin
GMs. W ieW ILLI Wins temetmns;
� se vlbrssneweia, Dreamer ; Jens RoamRoa
; Robert Farris. Weisel ;
tdagweo, Mrss•demd.
Agent.: J. WYs, Relmamvtll•; Ale:.
Leitch. ('limen ; ,Oatmeal Ssmrerta
• N ucaiey. aemteereaab. interY
ts•re sem per
ismeassisesMuir Dards
es. J. Merrimay 'si.'Wtatae Stem. OrmtesOto. t
▪ H.Reld ▪ ntnnNts�.loklgeWo�w.•r
;pa 14 ,0 PRIVATE
1. 8. 0 CAIt•
gMUN.Barrister NamUtes must. 0.4mlea.
• r,AND U..mrimo ar O& CmsM' sd
1b• ( IarIW. of ltd Luaus
-yryr mo 4iv.
. m.n*ss Dooms U a
iWUVamid 0emnmteeCem assyar st Tin
Odies at rsds. deoooertaset 'Peens 17l
sorts mad W. David's stsostR
fABB1A6s L1 1 ms-
WALTiR B.tf1.=ONT.P'
Mill= Or M.& O& 1JICID4eas.
Pateats,,True Nuts,
Secured in All Countries.
Wilts roe ors book-PATa1111 PROM -
110141. Tens all about sod bow to Pte pot
seta awUOOCK et DONE, .slsaliabd IET
f.eserty Pokiest Cake L:smin•r. Master et
parsec Law., 91404 Palest Attorney*
etc.. m St. Jams attest. M.atrs.L araesh.s-
Ottwa sad WshisittCS. R.M•diatstvos ts
M bodge woods..
Brophe) Bros.
toe Laidig
Femoral Ntsciers
sod Embalmers
MOgden bows. Mesa r My
To Le healthy at seventy, prepare at
forty, is sound advice, because in the
strength of'ntiddle life we too often forget
that neglected colds, or careless treat-
ment of slight aches and pains, .imply
undermine strength and bring chronic
weakness for later years.
To be stronger when older, keep your
blood pure and rich awl active with the
strength -building and blood -nourishing
properties of Scott's Hmulsion which is a
1=r:tonic tonic an,t a medicine to keep your
blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and
avoid sickness. At any drug store.
emus Nowise. Toronto. not. .
Has Read More Cases el
Steamed, liver, Blood,
Kidney and Slim Trouble
Titan Any Other Medicine
rAR�T QOOTAl10ili&
Tweets Cattle Market
limey 'helve .teen .... $8.60 to SAM
Heady choice Mame-. 2.M 1.00
Butchers', good . 2.00 2.30
do. median 7.00
do. commas 0.76
thatchers' tows. cbotce6.66
do. good .., 6.26
ds. medium 6.76
do. comma 6.26
/ utcber bulls. choice7.26
do. good 6.60
do. bologna 6.21
Feeders, 200 to 1.000 lbs. 7.26
do. bath 6.60
Stockers, 760 to 200 lbs. 7.00 7.60
ds. pad. 700 to 600 6.60 7.00
do. mel.. 060 to 700 0.60 0.60
do cemmos. light 6.60 6.00
Cotten 4.76 6.60
Caasers .. 4.26 4.76
Milken. cbolcs. each 76.00 106.00
do. medium to good 00.00 76.00
60.00 106.00
5.00 10.60
6.00 5.00
4.60 0.00
4.76 0.26
2.00 7.00
10.00 13.60
Sprtng Iambs. each4.00 13.00
Sleep, ewes. light 6.00 9.10
do. heavy and bucks 6.76 5.00
do. culls 4.00 6.50
Bags, weighed off cars 11.66 0.00
do. ted and watered 11.40 11.60
do. f.o.b. country 10.90 0.00
Mos From Tire Jokes of Apley
Omegas. Figs and Prunes c.mYaed
Wkb Tosia sed Aaeisaptkes.
"Fruit -a -Lives" means health. Ia
years to come, people will look back to
the discovery of 'Fruita-tives' sad
wonder how they ever managed 1. get
'along without these wonderful tablets,
made frees Jrwif jrir�t.
"FRU1T-A-TIVE.4" is eicefist for
Indigestion, Dyspepsia and Sour
Stomach. 'Fruits-tives' is the only
eertein remedy that will eorrect theoesit
Coesliplion and Liver freebie.
'Fruit-a-tiv.•s' is the greatest Kidney
Remedy in the world and many people
have testified to its value in storm cases
of Rheumatism. Sciatica. Lumbago,
Pails in the Back, impure Blood,
Headaches. .V irraltia, fla,y,'ei. Blain es
aced other Skin Troubles.
"Fltl'1T-A-TIVES" has been one
of the great successes of the-eeatwry
and, the sales are enormous, both is
Canada and the United States. 50e. a
box, 6 for $2.50, trail size 21e. At all
dealers, or seat postpaid oe receipt of
price by Fruit -a -ores Limited, Ottawa.
One example it wcrt b a Iboomed
arguments. -(i 1 ad stone.
Thought is the wind, knowledge the
sail and mask ind the vrssel.-J. C.
taetful twin ens pall a atiaRe*
from a bee Without gHong stroll. -G.
H. Lorimer.
1t is hard to fail, but it is worse
never to bays tried to sreceed.-Theo-
dors Roosevelt.
Need Not Kiss Bible.
in future, it will not be necessary
for a witness in taking an oath ie
court to kiss the Bible. The legal
committee of the Ontario Legislature
passed en amendment to the evidence
act, which provides that a witness
shall be awotn by administering the
oath while he bas a copy of the Old
or 73w'1'starnent in hie hand. The
amendment wait Contained it a bill
Introduced by Mr. McCrea, of Sud-
BIad. Straw By Our visa
Fayetteville, N. C. -"My little 4pglt.
ter was in poor health. delicate and
so weak it made o. very .o ay. I
beard about V inol and decided be Uy it
sed the r.mlta won m.r..b..t bar
appt*t. improved, she gaited in wsifild.
tea le now one of the healthiest
in town. Mothers of delicate children
Mould try Vtool.' - Mrs. GORDON J ensue.
Vinol as a delicious cod liver and trot
tonic without oil, a constitutional rem-
edy which creates an appetite. aids di-
gestion and makes pun healthy blood.
AL children have to take it
H. C. Dunks. Rruggi.t, Oodesieh.
calves, veal, good
do. medium
do. common
do. grass
THURSDAY, April 20.
RED Canvas WORKERS. -During the
past three ____its the senior auxiliary
of Lesburn Hill Cross Workers bas
contributed the following articles for
shipment for Red (boss porpoise : Ten
doses hospital nightshirts, value 506 ;
four dozen betppleem shirts. value $48
11' pairs haodkoit socks, value 1102.
The mosey to purchase material for
times articles is **curd by monthly
subscription from the Workers and
also the monthly gReraant from the
Colborne °owtell. Tbeee is aim a
junior hand of workers at Leebnrn,
consisting of young men and young
women who a�v. diligently sought to
do their bit.] Several of theoung�
mot have me e! knitter*.
The juniors have contributed 45=
of tandknil mocks, value 5S6 : 12
bandages, value 59; 2 doses knit wamb-
elatbs and 8 doses tw.cbtbs. Mention
might be made of Mrs. Richard Olid -
don, oto of thl.,nbor workers, who in
addition to her household duties (be-
ing a farmer's wile) hem keit by Mad
as many as four't..s pairs of socks le
one month. Anther !sitter, Mrs.
Clark. sr. (who le past the fourscore
markl, bas kelt on en average three
pain a =oath for the Met tem
mouths. Previous to worlds' os the
roost soatetbeti0e the 1..ebors wo-
nes kelt mete tee Mrs. Maths, Aid.
rick and for the Red (koro Walters
at Amitb'. HIB.-NELan M. OLa.6t.
Boxmtae .
B ob calves. each
Lambe. cwt.
Termite Grain Markets
Manitoba wheat -In store at Fort
William. No. 1 northern, $1.13%; No.
2, $1.11%; No. 3, $1.05.
Manitoba oata-ln store at Fort
William. No. 2 C.W., 4404c; No. 3
('.W.. 44%c; No. 1 extra teed. 44%c;
No. 1 feed, 43%c.
American corn -No. 3 yellow, 85c.
Ontario wheat -Ne. 2 winter, per
car lot. according to freight outside.
No. 1 commelclal, 61.01 to 51.03; No.
3 oomerctal, etc to 11.01 to 51.03;
No. 3 commercial. 96c to 98c; feed
wheat. 86c to 88c.
Oatarb oats -No. 3 white, 45c to
40c; commercial oats. 44c to 45c.
Peas -No. 2. per carlot. 51.60; ac-
cording to sample, 61.20 to 51.50.
B arley -Malting. outside, 63c to
64c; No. 2 feed. 6fc to 62c. -
B.ckwbeat--lac to 70c.
Rye -No. 1 commercial, 90c to 91c;
rejected. Sic to Vic.
Manitoba Soar -First patents.- In
fate bags, 66.50; seconds. 56; strc g
bakers', 66.110, In juts bags.
Ontario Sour -Winter. track, Toron-
to, prompt shipment. according to
sample, 54.25 to 54.36, in jute bags;
balk. seaboard. $4.35 to 84.45.
Mlllfeed-l'arloads. per ton, deliver-
ed, Montreal freights; bran 524;
shorts, 125; middlings, 526; ,good teed
flour. bag. 51.60 to 51.70
This i% the season when any
work in this line abortil re-
ceive careful attention.
Our ataR of workers are
well qualiffd to give the
beat of satisfaction in an
order. of this kind with
which you may favor tut
Fred Hunt
Logs Wanted
We will pa the blgbeet orb
ptiees for all k of logs *Moored
at the mill 1.
Custom awing dose promptly at
any time.
Grails awl!
We win also bey grain at on.
elevator and win pay the beet mar
kit prime.
Orders toe chapatis or rolling
g�resliss promptly and earefelly .t.
iiwded to at one shopping mill
J. E. Baechler
Do dti.eel i%efoostor 0 tsb�
Wholesale Produce
Toronto wholesale prlcue 10 the
Special candled (cart's) . $ .24 to $
New-laids, e1 -cartons...: .23 .24
Butter -
Creamery prints. . esh .. .3 ,:;5
Creamery. solids ....... :31
Choice dairy prints 2s ..'0
Ordinary dairy prima
Bakers ' .24 _+
Cheese -New, large. 19e, twits.
194tc; -June and September. large.
20c; twins, 20'4c; triplet:. 20%c.
Honey -Buckwheat, barrels, 7c to
7%c; tins. 7'.c to Sc; clover, 50-10
tins. 13%c; 10-1b. tins, 14c; 6 -Ib. tin..
14c; comb honey No. 1. per dozen.
62.50 to 63; No. 2, per dozen. 12 lu
Poultry Live Dressed
Old fowl, Ib... 18c 20c 22c 24c
Chickens Ise 20c 24c 27c
Milt -fed. froi n 17c 20c 25c 26e
Beans -Hand-picked, 64.40 to 54.50;
primes, 84.
Potatoes -Bag. Ontarlos, 81.85. out
of store; Delawares, $2; In cartels,
lSe leas.
Maple Syrup - Imperial gallons,
51.60. Maple sugar, 15c pound.
East Buffalo Cattle
Cattle -Receipts. 1.300 ; heavy slow;
others active; prime steers, 59.35 to
19.76; shipping. 58 7.0 to 59.15; but-
chers, 57.25 to 89.5; heifers. 67 to
68.65; cows. 54 t,. $7.75; bulls. 85.25
to 27.75; stockers and feeders. 56.75
to 57.86; stock heifers. 86.25 to 86.75:
fresh cows end springers, steady, 55.1
to 6110.
Vests-Recelpts. 1100; active and
steady, 14.60 to 510.
Hogs -Receipts. 16,000; active;
heavy. 510.10 to 510.25; mixed, 510.15
to 510.20; yorkers. 19.60 to 810.15:
pigs. 11.25 to 69.50; roughs, 89.15 to
19.25; stags. 80.544 to 57.75.
Sheep and lambs --Receipts, 13.600;
heavy slow; Iambs. 19 to 811.60; flip-
ped. 60.60 to 610.25. yearlings. 66 to
88.50; wether.. 57.75 to 58; ewes, 54
to 67.26; sheep, mixed. 67.60 to 67.76.
Dressed Meats
Toronto wholesale houses are quot-
ing to the tradet tallows:
Beef. forequarters .. .210. 60 to 211.60
do. hindquarters. . 14.60 16.50
Carcases, choice 13.00 13.00
do. oceans 10.00 11.00
Veaha, cosmos 7.60 9.60
do. tedium 10.60 12.64
do. prime 12.60 16.'S0
H eavy bogs 13.50 14.64
Shop bogs 14.60 16.00
Mattes, heavy 10.00 12.00
do. right 14.00 16.00
Lambe 19.60 21.00
CM..eo Cattle Market
attle - Receipts. 1 eel ; market
, beeves, 16 to $10; stackers and
65.90 to 51.70; and hell
ors, 5410 to $0JS canes, 50.60 to
Hoge--itecstpte, 23.000; market
higher. light $9.26 to 59.96; mixed,
2010 b 00.00; haws. SAO to 29.00.
Mat, 51.40 to 58.66; pop, 27.30 to
6haaft of sales. 00.70 to 58.66.
aeeoyto, 17,000; market
weak; native. 9636 to 58; limbo, no
deo 57.00toMAN.
Sided Nay sed (strew
kto.ebeats are bootee out track,
twoate. et the toile rise pekoe:
Stied fay. sew, No 1.511.00 to $16.00
M Wo. 1 14.00 11.00
Wed stray. M 6.00 7.00
PRING Cleaning is now the order of the day. We
kJ were never better prepared to meet all demands in the
House Furnishing Section than we are this,,season.
Carpet Squares in Great Variety
We have every size of Carpet Square in stock, in Axminster, Wilton, Brussels and
Tapestry, all at the keenest prices, bought before the big advance in prices which
are asked now. We would strongly recommend an early inspection, as many of
the lines cannot be purchased again.
Scotch Linoleums, Canadian Oilcloths
We feature Nairn's Scotch Linoleums, which tor hard wear and long service are un-
equalled, in blo,:k and floral designs, to suit all rooms. These in 3 and 4 yards
wide pre very scarce goods. Per square yard 65c
Canadian Oilcloths are without dcubt the best value in Oilcloth made in Canada
by Canadians for Canadians. All widths, block and floral patterns, to suit all
rooms. Per square yard 40c
Curtains and Curtain Materials
Large range of Nottingham, Swiss, Scrim and Madras Curtains, in all the newest
effects from 65c to 58.50 per pair
Curtain Materials by the yard in endless variety, in Nets, Scrims, Muslins, Ma-
drases. Special values in Nets in white, cream and ecru, all new designs
19c to $1.25 per yard
Special sh3wing of Bordered Scrims, in white, cream and ecru, in newest effects,
Ser the New See the New Madras Muslins,
Very' Handsome Designs
See the ,New Congolwm Art Rugs
1 Sc per yard
Millar's Scotch Store
F.U.B. Oshawa II
To save time, to decrease work. to increase pleasure. and to have a whole lot of fun
in the bargain, get a CHEVROLET. The car of low cost, tow upkeep, excess
power, quick response and unusual beauty.` The hand at the wheel, the foot on the
accelerator, only can transmit to the driver'the joys of driving a Chevrolet. The
even. gentle,nsive Row of power of the motor is as difficult to describe as the
swelling and f ing away of a note of music.
The power engine under the hood responds quietly and snhoothly to the touch of
the daintiest foot upon the accelerator.
curtains, clear
, valve in head.
M. J. FARR, Agent