HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-27, Page 1"Sons of the Al res" containing (be national songs of the allied nation.. E,.rr. Signal subscriber when is) i_ig for his paper for 1914 oat have his choice of this holt. ..t music or a 1916 cairii•lar. iXTY•IIU11TH YRAIF-N. Bus (T01)ERICH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY APRIL '27 1916 r, Now Is the Time to resew for its Signal fur !VIA. We thank times subscriber. who have air nd% renewed end promise. 311 a great big dollar•+ e.,rth dur- ing the c.mliu1 ,.. at 1 THF •IIIINA1. PRINTING (•r, LIMITFIt. Pi HI totem lHL STERLINGBANK OFCANADA SAVE, Because --- When you are retired from the business arena what will be your lot ! Poverty and Want or Comfort and Security ? WANTED. FOR SALE OR RENT THE TOWN COUNCIL. assured the ruuncil that it war kept as low as it H.sible. ilia AVorebip al./, • added it. t'uuucillor ]Iuouiug.' trport )101t MALE. -IN TIIE PITY OF of the visit w the cattilrl. (rata, a tots• ry -lore and elght-romi l Illus A\ Iglr welling; •k balidl eve IAII up to date. Putt /.'..1 •s.h trade. Foe farther pat t cru .r.. each to 'Irl •X 1•l, Uel•. tad. I.7 1 ru FOR SA 1+1i OK TO RENT TWO torr frame hour with eight rooms met kitchen: herd and waft water. M1Ut*IPd on Widen .,feet. m'err III T. 11..0.1(0,. Forµo- tkut■r- ■p( -l) to Mitt' AHD HMO. El/in arrow. tat Im FAfillrt FOR SALE. • it potted .i tad that no FISHERMEN TO SECURE QUAR• aettlrwrnt had yet been leached with TERS IN TOWN FREIGHT SHED. the Doty company it: the matter of the Me insurance adj,lsuuem. After Two rroa la.. farm. 1r. McKillop, 1•,) a -be. each ; two 114110.1 from Merfnrth : 1r1ar1 bnlld- Iuep.: choice farm.. Will be .old .• prrrtelr or 'randy. Apply to PIWCLFUUT. I:ILIA1K.1N r'tx+6i: Goderich. Y 0'. PUBLIC NOTICE. --- - -- an explanru''i of the 1.11111[1..1 1.11.1- Ing IoWw rell the town and lite Liedy I General Settlement w,th Doty Company coot -rift. the general tiew of the ('.44111 Due May 1st --More :hale Trees cil appeared to hr that this matter 1 to Beu Purchased Dominion Day mioht beheld in abeyance until alter to Be Celebrated Letter from Mil- the let ot May, when a genet al settle - went with the company it due, such ,uaDepartment. settlement to include the artearag.•r 1 on the loan from the town. The following motion was passed : 1 The regular mini Ing of the Gown (mined was held C' , I•lidry evening I last, Mayor McLain, pr. - ding and all _ .__ - 1the ueembeis Wag p.r-Ent with the cr ion bbf Cotttel Vier Pall ridge. THE OODER101H ELEVATOR AND a ,\ communication non. the Dllmin- I TR.AN81TlUYPANY,I.IMITL'Ir, 1 Associating' o(1Irrl'hiers,request- -- ing that Goderich send it.. file chief to h. ldf t iso. ..tor u Tao.' rich Kies d T nt r i The Annu.,I srt.ra1 111114111”e111114111”e of the .)Are- ih el iveotion to be held at Windsor .rr o the a Company. 1 m.ite.t. 0(11 be hem it, the came. in Atreus'. war reed l0 the lire - u•u.e the Union Hank. North .treet. (loam ich. cumruittee, on l An application from Mr. M. J. Farr NOTICE TO CREDITORS. w F:1/xF:+u.+Y, MAY :w. 191a, at 1: °clerk nom. for the election of director. -- -" -- h,r, the en-ul yews end the inn -artier, of {nllup on t'olboros Bit eel , 10 froft of wxrso AT ONCE.-li1RL FOR NOTICE 1'OCRKDI TORS. us ah.r wi 110 iso may p000 •t7 a IIIc gaeagP, esu rattled to the public 1110H be wsse hllto 11Kn. /O H1K (broagtit befog.- the meetl.e- works cowmitt0. Mr. Fahr esu it Its rut Gran or Wittiest Lseest rca Hoa- U. 1- PA KtiON'. p, begot and adds riot d the roune it and 8o•hiary Trireme...toon•uilsed that the pump would not he God..: irh. April Lv,h, Ltle a1 I P , an 1,1+truc1 1o0 and that he would sign 1ODERICH • INDUSTRIAL AND •nY 11eoe"'ary Bond. for permission to' elect a gasolene HOL'Ml3 WANTED. -RSV RN OR 1 imt esl ftt Mao ; Mem r *+A, s orr.04 rse[i,.o o1 town. A. iptlrA at °•Arnica Mfg. t 0. jZOAI1DKR8 WANTED.- IN PRi- iJ VATIC boarding bowie within ate m10- /s walk from the tt4qu►n. Is ea.Mm .•ecUoe Nth@ town Farther ,nformatlon m.7 be had SyyHwtlou to tlllUX :13 SIGNAI OP- EACHBIIt WANTS[) FOR U. M. 8. NO. til OutJer to ra.i44 , - 'leTHt ry rind er taTH TI, K K. Nes Oat. tmlt WE WANT 80ME WOMAN IN UUUKKIOH who I...o)ety worker to ad a• our r epr•ientative and to UAW after new and renewal rahrrrlpuon.. We will ate the emelt eaey, plean..1 and tory profitable. 000 teems are very Moral and the proceed. wt11 be very weoeplehte ttoe yea or to year favorite pw- tmist ie sot hay . Write u oaten for tens. aed re Ner4Mdlotrlct. CAR ADI Hu11LJUt:KN- AL, 71 al IUrhmotrd t 1. W., Taranto. GIRLS WANTED APPLY GOI)ERICH KITTING co. t UTO$Oe101_YOB SALE OHIiA P. -3,W.(K - 10x. LATE or Tea Taws or Uoriesue1I. 1 V Tela /'01.511 0r Ht•a„\. r.x, gas■n. Nosier I• hereby Itoo./p ur-uant to K. S. U., (hap er 121. motion.. , th.t 11 to node h•vlor claims.gein.t the setae of the .ani %indent L.acsrrr Horlow. atrea.e.l. who, died n or ebu-,t the . 14' day of March. A. U. 1111n. air required to sad oft deliver to the u0derslgsed ezeeut0 . of the r.lete of the add d. ...weed. on oe befog• :he both flee of Mal .t. u. IWte, their 11,1.1tao and saraaroe., Mae, .1.d de.- erlpUo..e, the fall earticu..r. of their chain-. a .trtemeot of their accounts and the notate of the .ecuritle. tit enyl held by them. And further take •alke that after such Wt mentloo1't date said executor.. will proceed to dial Abuts the amet. of the deoa.ed ■mong the pats eat stied there 0, having regard only to the cl.lw- of which they .hall then save r./eivd Donee. awl that the •aid executory wig not be liable for the ..id •..wU, a any pert thereof. to Bey parer or pens. of whom. claim. Dot ice . ell not have been received by them at the time of 400)1 dleuibu'ton Dated the rib day of April. A. It, 1911 EMILY K.ATHLEICN HURTI)N. 1 Halal:3UAKKOW, Executors. Oo.(wrlc4, U.t. 077-4t from lT AGRICULTURAL NU('ar11. A communication f out urgeon- ' General Fleet. Depial y Minister of STANDING FIELD CKOI' a•UMI'FTITiO\, Hilitis, was to the effect that the pol- I10/1_ , icy of the Department with regard to camps in this dietrid was already de- cided and not ter I r •cam a L t 0mts-talon I. In (lata. Fold. for Tom- Goderlch. The Mi petition 1,111-t 1,e not ler time five nor more2. "Should it become necessary, how - pet 101111) w•re0. ' ever, to utilize another camp site at • lciety.t stole can he only one entry In me Society. and n.u.t he « become member, later dace, the claims Put forward on now of the Otderleh Iwluaria' .od Agrlcul- behalf of lioderkh will bre carefully turel Society. and nettle moat not be more than considered." r le. 1 n Pauvrsclal. 00Y0RSMC.4T Ko, xa I did 1 td p t Miter condi red : Rees ml room (lade/rich. The clerk was instructed to send • .i Not h•.• Mao tem none- ow be arae td. sett the aurorinrendent mu -t be 004141 l' not suitable reply to the communication. Mined from the 'secretary. mart be ailed le • id the matter of employees liability in- rob: 0 rotaroed to him oat nr b.folw May 2 d., wall, to surance that the only employees of be rorw.rded ahe Uep.rlmemG ( the town that would come under the J. ADCS FOWLER. policy were the public works mu - P. loses and the caret. ker of the parks, P. U. RUN 171, Goderich. Hnor P y and It would cover them only while on ordinary duty and MA including later max ■ylet. taut The special comm ttee report in 4 Forma fa lodlt-idea1 eutrle., to be on _ Moved by Councillor Munninge, sa't•- onded by Councillor Meer, 1 hat the Captain C. 0. Vanstone, adjutant. iTlent. committee meet at tr• early date and Captain H. t'alnpbell.GEO. WILLIAMS, ask Mr. Doty to meet with thew with • Captain P. C.'1'owne. A view to settlement ;tailing in this, Lieut. T. It. ttnndle, signalling 0111- Treasurer. that the matter be taken up with Ihr cess and laru:ri .nIa Moody, Hod-, insurance company. err, Wilson, If. 04. 8e .tt, A. .1 lirigg. l'.,uncillur \\iRlr suggested that gen*. Reid. R. I. Ferguson, H. Y. Mc- THE FIGHTING McGILLICUDDYS. now was the time to commence prep- I Lean, W. P. Grieve, J. K. flair, W.- - &rations for the Duwini•lu Day erlr• F• .yen![ l'. K. Alaephenon, E. W. Three Sons of Thomas McGillicuddy Illation in Goderich, and the matter 1 Poiirr. H. r! Mclean, W. B. O'Neil, Carry on the Family Tradition. was referred to the special committer.D. E. plulwr+. U s• Han, E. Tcrrener, Councillor Moser reported that; J. . M`icutt, F. H. Doty. F. N. Chill. eavestrougbing was requited for the - tool boiler in the rear of the town heti, I CiitTord \Vehti has gone to Guelph and his committee was authorized to to enlist in an 114 sheen. buttery. attend to t'. - Sprint is rowing. and 1)gputy Keen Sergi._'tIaj.r (Geo. James has gone Laitbwritr remarked that the Nun I to London, where he hes been ap- beuches ahould be ierainted. pointed to the po.ition of assistant in- Couneillur Wigle - "There's not etnlcUor in physical drill. money.' - It was decided that the benches The bugle hared was away last week should be given one coat (11 paint, ys4ietiug iryp noes airing campaign at It esu decided that first considers- Hruseels, \\ inghaw and `ieafolth. Lion in the planting of shade trees The hugh were hissed -very much should be given to those persons who indeed, make application for tame at the _ town clock's efflee. Lieut. Grieves has been transferred The public works committee was to 8eaforlh to act as recruiting officer instructed to report on some method there. of impooving Ibe accommodation in the clerk's office for the care of municipal document,. The council then adjourned. THE LADS IN KHAKI, Goderich Patriotic Fund Follnwwg i, a list of lbw of1'ers of I Subscribers are again re - the htlst, \I ULAt ..1 the otticere have minded that the third instal- "'Y" "'eel"""II.loillrt., ere the ment of their subscriptions fell battalion 11.111 pr. Imlay out Iw folly 04gp(.nioed until it ,4 01001 ret .bilize.l : dor on April I st, and are re- ffia Laaaae 1' A. 11. i1. ('uu110. or co o,n,alnlfuR quested to pay same to the Major C. M,-I'It,il. second in c 'l reasurel without delay, in 111111..• R. S. 11 iv.. junior nisi it. order that the cost of mailing a Maur M. 1). Mr'I'aggarl, payor+► -notice to each subscriber may tet•• - ' be avoided. ter, medical officer. Motor Hetherington Several subscribers have not Major Hethulyt°n et id their instal- 1'ap1. W. 1i. Allen, quartenu;wter. Y Pa January AUCTION SALES. OWN OFGODERICH TOWN t)UI'TION,3AL1•: OF HOL%-'IEHOLD il'KNiTI KK Ft KN*'SHINGS, DRI\' (1 Ey! 11•11 ENT. F rt. YRS. WIi-LIA4 M.AEUEL wW sen by public •notion a' her random- In ItaltflMfi. soSATUIt1AY- NAY a !•t 1:ek boggy with nest re with new t 1 l 1 edlesseiii. wool . 1 sewer censtructioa. The annual pisv- PUHLIc NOTI('g. rolls amounted •pprSXilnateiy co ,- tarred the -_ 391 and at the rates prew- on -,.4 atter May 1-t at dog. osis -t wear tum would he shout *75 per year for attn. nett to a cvdlae *Guderreh dog n tom tag. an unlimited policy rc $52.' ( per year iu noon„ •dar,e with Bylaw No v of leitl Aay deg r iuntng at liege contrary to the fora limited policy. The minimum I peemiump, however, bre $1.111 and 1100 for unlimited and Ile ;led policies re- spectively, and wont: have to be paid unless the council t . rseiged to take out the iusurainm ec,v I'ttll ly with the Wath{' andiriun on their u ritlf•9 tlhWliM uM1111611d that no action tg the mattet be oaken at present. The co hire also recommended the venereal of the poolroom licenses of J. \V. I'raigIe lactbl, h. H. 11AEUF_t._ eaa and F. H.IiWood. The water,r,light. and titular com- HAiK000DS.-MRM.A. NI('HOLi., mitlee rex,lllllended that party inns • Nrl.,n.treet.4. prepared to do .Il kind.. 1.1 eonsteir ted in the town freight Poor wn the a acre+ ao. ler ranted to the fisher- I111iIdinR of the railway to li.derich provt•i.sa f the h71■0 may be owpturr.l• killed ora her oimdLpoaedet. I'p'wt a nog beim regletered. numbered flow -rib& .nd Ik'ere d 1. the ore or I he co leets of tans.. Tows Bell, a leg will be homed. „, .d Oda uu dos ed!N R i► ntUR BALE. -ABOUT TWENTY E HENN. ten each of the Hewed Mork ■nd White Rook strain., gb.raeteed all Milne at 'be pweeenl time. Alm a ger.eral urease /n.t-.•la..'9ltirn' bnree, ease,. year. old. .\pate. to Jl11Ei'H Mt KRA Y. Newpt' at reel, d l)K SALE. -V I(TROLA, IN GOOD pit condi* ion : slantwenty Ihr.. re.ntd.. A y u SIGNAL UFFIO'K. L GGy FOR HATCHING -HRED- j:/ To'LAY Barred Hooks, timid and 1'111-- 1.41 .tr■ina, two of the hose -Wet laying .mita know u. lean II for 1:. we have M .)ngle-comb white Leghorn- rmattd a pen of Guild ...d ()else,... fe'-owle- to aerron'• cockerel.. imported direct from Kos land. wh..e dame W a record .f 24 rag- per year. at tea per IS. Pen /4 at female. per mated to Guild oeokere4 IrpeerLSr, per 1:.. Apply XVI EK, Colborne Hotel. EED GRAiN FOR MALE. -FREE from weed .sod. No -n.nt. grain all treated keit year. Harmer oat, No. eat •. lyambeny eats. U. A. ('. No. •'1 barley. The two Int ter elven tag cher .Id give excellent Yield. o-i.•r early. Former (01001 enteral. A. H. (-Lt'T- TON. It. It. No. I; Goderich : phase OIL Iwo miner. E(iOS FOR IfATUiIiNU FROM Hen. that l.ay.- We .rrprepatred to -vita PP/ . 1.1We number of egg• or hatching Put - pow. from the femme. Utidd bred to 11.) attain of Mingle I'„mh N•hlte 1.0140rn,, t4•r tne. Sue p.r 1:1 or 13 per 1r.,. ()se apietel pen of . sat-yrar- old hen. noted with Tom Marton -train c oOrekerel. ill per I.'. Incubator isle. aveeier3 Hohn.owllle Poultry Yard.. Plate ton 1121. N. W. TRBWARTH.t. Proprletar. 'rl-tf. ['H(;AN FOR t ALI' -IN THOR- • OUGHLY IIOR- ODU H LY rood .'nndlt Inn. Alen • ren,nd- \ aM piano. N•. 1'. TAYLOR_ South .trot. ER SSA -LB --OI $DAR POSTS, ALSO 1 1L C. .141.51 . Apply N - T. R1fDF-LL. A rm. !+7 (1 Kral cif w . 1 ch▪ i Stine. 1 owing ma the. 1 dlnlwgrsom set. teas 4 rotated eheln.11 bedroom ann.. and apnea.. I oak hall root. dowers led stood.. 1 +wing hammock. 7-ldeboerd.. t mew 1bangingOwl.,pettier. anal oamerou.other PliErma n -h alt.0. 44' a1 .%Two,. P,044tI are"♦ TH( Gl.'NDRY. Auctioneer. MR. FARMER I)o you RE:\LLY want to sell that farm. or are you merely hanging up "the Muff i" Spring time is upon lou and in w vet v short time the soil will he calling for cultivation and seed once more. Why not give us a chance to dispose of it For you: We do not cater alone to meal trade, but we are in touch with prospective buyer's from outside `wino. Write us or call and see us. Let us tali the matter over together. It EA ESTATE. Among mor erste 1n local property are beu.e. on t'ambr.a rand. South -greet. Vletorla .t rest, (ribbon- greet. 14'e hate property iobailtford at • b.rrai'. • Who h.. . -manner cottage to rent 1 i.et u. hear ?nen you. Would you .ate to pnrrh0.4 from four to ten acre. of land with building,. mutable for gardet.'ng or loolrry retain' t Come in. Itt to d1 you out. Are }me di.-ntl•de.l with your pr•.ent Ioca• ((000.4 51-1. to none! %Ye ore the people' to common a. to where there I- • house .uhablc for un. it.. yon t,•wn a corn )• for a.le 1 I tar .7. tem of sale evert- all otln r-, N'e will deal bnn,'.11y Ind hom.wnhl) with you. and if w,• fall to we. re -nit. we w LAI not a.k you for one oast. N•bee von are up 1.1011 give na a .111 Ya an cordially welcome. We mre :at your errryttrest't0.•-i.t on. We cat,• Ica when your prot11•rt) ir-itma'td: we can cell it )mot the wane. Remember the -pot. 3ti-t off the Siaar.. (►'N Ei Li, k l'OMI'AN Y. The Real Estate People, North ,trent, (lnderich. NOW 1 . is THE TIME A YEAR FROM; NOW MAY BE! TOO LATE. Young man, enlist today with the 161 st BATTALION HURON'S OWN -and help in the great fight against the enemies of liberty. information as to terms of enlistment. pay, ht ., cheerfully furnished. Recrniting Office for Goderich `and district in Horton's Block, The Square, Goderich. LIEUT. H ETIIERiNGTON, Recruiting Officer. LL PERSONS HAViNO FURS AT Lt Ihr y6.rd• r tana.ry. Saltfitwd. are re- quested to emit fes them on nr b.a.n T►undaj•. him Ith. If sit. mote will be add at public o f hair work merle frons cut hair or mn.hiog,. shed at the hot d p GRIST FOR THE COURTS. Cadwell and Fleming Are Banging Action Against the C. P. R. An important and interesting law - Putt it on the docket for the next non- j,lry sittings ot the Supreme Court of Ontario to he held in Gorier ieb, which w ill open on Tut•id.y, May 9th. before M'. Juetire elute. Cilantro W. Cad- well and Oscar E. Fleming, of the city of Windsor. who own the former At - trill property at the Maitland River, are the plaintiffs, and the l'ansdi •u Pecitte Railway l'ompaty and the Guelph & bodega. h Rodway Company a e the defendants Toe plaintiffs The Toronto Telegram of recent 'dale has the following, which will he of special i1teiest In rrwlrt4 of The Miguel, as the three young wen men- tioned are sons of a foam,' editor of this paper : Three young n10n who have inher- ited soldiering trndenciee from • light- ing stock are Setgt.-Mrj•a• lhnt 0. McGillicuddy and his tau brother,. sons of 'Thorium McGillicuddy, o! T3 Bartlett ave. The flet -named brother. Sorgt.- M•'nr Donald, is a member of the C. A. . ('., and is in No. 1 Field Hos- pital, France, Private John G. Me(.lillicnddy is with the 'J' Il.t Toront. Light Infantry, The third brother. Thor. D. Mcliilli- cuddy. C. A. `M. ('., in No. S Field Hospital, holds a sergeant drill in• •tractor's certificate. and ward ser- gesnl'r certificate, but enlisted as a private. At the time of the CIiinean War, one of the niave Halite's in the (1Ad Regiment of foot wag Daniel McGilli- cuddy. grandfather of the three boys. !3o notable was his bravery that he re- ceived a medal. decorated with four clai ps. Again, he was- winner of • Distin- guished Conduct M dol in war with the Tut k". The father, Thomas Mc- Gillicuddy, took pelt its repelling Ibe Penial Ittid, and holdsmedal there- for. The following privates have left to assist in spring operations on the farms : Privates :Anderson, R. Moore, I. Killough. W. S. Vwnsrone.., W. L. Johnston, T. A. Bell, R. Fowler. J. F. Jones and J. Kirk. in -Memoriam _- ♦ .•e • YNtUlm Enpl,pl0111• r}lde vl the ..I1r-rteer (Retugiw) •.11110 ibh, plaintiff.' lauds are high hwuks of sand and groveler( excellent merchant - cause for the purchase of the grid lands , able quality and was the inducing by the plaittaK", who are engaged io.! among other things 1 he sal: of Mand and gravel for building and peri-, . nlrnts and other purposes." It is I and -u 'pile,. hair for 001.,"..ienlltla brat- claimed by the pIAn0Ulfs that in the ker partitioned off merit, c nine. etc., and elan has for,rle toilet requl.i.e-..pampa powde,+, cream De Heente or m...a,ute cre.m. herb°. and (ibr.ellne. a4lf IAN() TUNING. men for their business. There ore to and the construction tit the embank - he four fourteen -foot spaces, and each went at the river the aural, bar been is to be rented at $3 a month. the ten- so neriowed and diverted that the ants to occupy their respective poo- waters of the river ata thrown with great force against the northerly bank ' of the river on the plaintiff. lands, washing away Iatge quantities of the sand and gravel which they claim to be not less than 31st!M01 cubic yard., worth 1 W. l'. [ions at the pleasure of the rounal. South +greet. Goderich. P. P.O. bite ter:. The prospective tenants are Murdoch Higbe.t to.Umontale in town. Mcly„oald, McLean & McKay, Peter Tungrig In town. $L -o; imitable tweak accord McDonald and John Graham. The tag to diatacoe. committee reported having conferred KNIGHT, DOCTOR OF CHIKO with the water and Tight commission at least ten cams per cubic ental u it BR1 YRACTH', bits opened a permanent of regarding water supply for the Baerh. Its.. The plaintiKs claim Ike (,ler1 dte'at h1s rasddonce, corner of helium .treat ler Lactory. On an assurance from damages, an injulctiun rrstlwiuing and (-awbria rood. Umoe Mur.: v to a ►. m.. Mr. Haechler that the annual revenue the drtrn/INlll a from further injuring Ito 5 p.m. and 7 to 5 P m- Coo.uh,ti n hen from this extension would amount to Ihr daintifts' Ixbd+, and :t mau• Lady attendant. o ►m at least ten per rent. of the cwpitsl cost, der ,1 y •lydrr requiring the dr(rndan[ inch main from Cambria road to the corner of Anglesey and Albert streets. .4 Hre hydrant also will he placed at the corner of Anglesew and Albert. The tInancecommit tee recommended aed and are the payment of A number of accounts, and • under ,isthmitd bridge wore constnii to of Acts 111 including one of 511:.70 for the ex- Parlianment : that the laud, ur a to1- NOTICE TOTHE PUBLIC - Having been desirous of enlisting for some time past, I have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacEwan, manager) to take over and carry on lilycartage business during My absence. flow all .1..11114 for titinutgee. anti that 11, loo Ing memory of l:un•o1',,i • t a settlement had been made with the the piniul111.purrhilartl the Iambi atter \\-n,. I'al1,t•r ,N,,, (51111. I,l 1,„,,,,,,i,,,,.te ra I have therefore signed up with ineurwnceconlpanyh Wilding the policy, hilway had la•.n constructed and k,lh•,1 in rt'tiol .April :Itis, Port. ;tK.•d the lfiltit Battalion for active tier- the town to p.wy the rumpany 1112:.- 'he 1 ''- with Iinll of the rights of the roil- : •tet •ni . ' 7'he cemetery and park. Committee wsy cowpant. •• vice overseas, and I would respect- flaked for power to purchase and plant uLlertesidentsuf the Inwn tetneu,toet i rho11 art gone% dear on, . ill . arty pout h fully solicit from the public getter- 'I'1 y •• II ol. t,',I ally, and front my oto customers particularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as the cowrlissim agreed to pis in • six- to tr-tole the Maitland River to its natural etal.. The defendants der y thst the em- bankment has the effect alleged. and state, further, that the embankment pensee of the recent deputation to Ottawa. The fire committee reported that in the matter of the plate glass ofSmith's Ai t Store broken by the ladder wagon tion of it, was purchased from the plaintiff.' predeceasurs in title, and that by the deeds of conveyance the vendors released, the railway company -Alor 1 ;>1Mt maple 4hrule tree.. that in the ' 0tar.' .here 4004 a set les of I• The alwre report. were all adopted Iow.•.i1. cYPr the prol•.•ely rights at 1'11• dnty dotn•, in d.•e.l .nnl truth, w ith wt discussion. T ft. , And WDLL 14•ncut h t h• -had., the Knee Maitland. The lis 111'.onie lon,•tree oil •ur;h made e9 r.. Councillor Mannings gave 0r. oral Company, the late Henry Attrill._thP . . It n hr.• ' land ton I I call again retitlt0' my occupation. He mentionedal•o that meml+t•ts of 1 Platt and 1 mer \I, J. s Platt I \\ •, '• yoomronnTllif•a it, ,t' li lo.eictnry" report of the depilation to 011 A.M. Dnu,inion /: lvrrnu1r1t1, Ihe bate saw- ur l' ' ' \w in *11 day' g,,*. 1, . `Ihr deputation on th, it return abcetl w•o•r• ,ill artir,o to ant• ..r wore of the Any business affairs entrusted to oyer in Toronto and paid aomP wttetl- 1CIII Ila Ind man)' ihnn.aud. 01 dol- , Ibe.t.11,•10 A\'111.I-,••l. *114 t4:rl.o+• •'.m-. their care during Illy abseflce will tion to Hydu.Muattw. then Iwfnrr the lar. were ,pent In litigation. It 1p- They alto .lill lite to it t, 11 therefore be thankfully appreciattvl LeRislaun P- pears that Ihr poorihthl i4 of the old , Ilow many a gallant -oldie, ate 'j' all 1 Mayor MrLPan remarked that the Alxlllmtil in the way of providing ma ! His life 1t Lengenuu• k and Ypres. Easter Visitors In Town. Miss Grace Warnock, of l'he.aalott. Nits. Agnes Hama •n. of Fxet •r. . Mr. Beeson Lorre. of We Royal Col- Ieee cf Ihental Sorgeeme, l'00wtl,'. Mr. A. E. ('oak, of Tr -vont.. \Ir. Glafrow Burd.tt.. of Detroit. Mr. H. Earl Whittt: c.f Molreworth. Mr. and Mee. Mar Kenzie, of -Toronto. Miss Lottie Polley. of N t Aller' . Mr.,and Yee. Eli Syn.'tuIs and chil- dren. of Itrautf,nl. Mr. ani Mre J F:•ne.t Robertson and daughter Clara, of Mount Forest. Ties and Poles Sold. Councillor. Ales Fraser and Mr, Jaws, Brown, on F1 iday,lhe lith acting on itlattaction' front the taus- - bre, rind the ties and telegraph no.es h.'longing to the Ont•riu West . shore It ',away. The sale took place at Awhrtley. the 4:h and Pine River. .• The prices t.o, from 57 to *111 per hun- dred for tie.. 1'),e pu1,•4 sold at ab Mit IV. to SS per guile and a.quarter. 1t wa. batter that this should (1e done than have them gradually alp away. Councillor Fraser did the selling under Instructions from the tae, and th.• priers are gond.- -Kinctttdinr Re- porter. Fur x dai111 c dessert use Edwylds' pure ice cream. made in fancy brick. or hulk. I /ril,-r* delivered. 1'horie 31', GUNDRY'S AI,CTWN. SALE LEST. M,t0Hptt, Aro • Auction -o,• of hour'• hold. fu, ore. 111• 141440.. dr „ng e'lurEE.u.Pnr etc., the pt+,i•'• , d Slr+. ly 211,.,, Mo.lel. -van font reeve- • •h.• -- - - - BORN. • :•'No4 11)1''. lis spode... nu April 19t to Mr. .nd 41,-. 'r M. t+nonden. • da tighter (abet h Iia-.,Inord. MARRIED. semt6INt:.-N'AKN(a'K,- At the bone. of Ihe woe'. I aerie-. AIM•tt -t re,•t tin.lr- rN h. Tnr+A.0 4. , by ate. lien. 0 Ito,- H. A . 11 14. 1 0-4*11',n, Sao I, , Irl+ M..y.daughtcr W Mr and Mr-. %%Thant Wat pock M(I.AI H1..%\--\C1+E At the tinter of 'he bride • patent-. 1 olben,1' town•hlp. on A1•r.l :T G,wee• Arana, eldr• daughter of Mr. a, d Mr. 1. N'. %Yin•. too Ibnald' Campbell Met:. h' .n. ,.f 1' wont° mem.; '+rY.t1'.oKr. At the h of 'I., by mc. Telephone a orders to hill of r rprn.P. ut Ihr Ot Awx dPputa• f; 'phon 44ALFRED 1T J.‘\ E. 1 rattierI but. be teri,41 for Ih,• h+tc south, ars not Yat 'Those ungl')•1fu1s yo'I II 1„•nr no More. brMle. father_ Mr. Vi Client '•w sr. Tot A' t'nllly von li I,Ic tt •t re.! 1:..1.•r i.h. N. Ane.ai..4. e •• uo1 rug 11.,00111 :mgr• u rxhaustrd. AA 11 meet yoit on lis .:AO. It . Am 11 :x. M Her. t:,•o. S. Lo-. It A . It. I,, -- Lucknow Men in Real Estate Deal.vtr..l newt Hewn. 61.4 Mt.. Flo ..I w• •*,art, 1 'fill tle•'r - Waal -IA.% r.. al I, , : b••thof thicker h. Another eerie to come berme the, KF:TTI►M A1cll.N' 41N 4 n.• m.• . same court iv in connection with a F.\THI:R, Mly HEIt \\It I TEIIS. io,4erb.A 'w, N',am.-d,t 1r•,' +:. i. Kot real estate deal, the plaintiff. (wing - ire,.. F: 1G'.• H t It It yl,-. Ll,ha•, Me..re. A. E. !holm]. 11. M, tIvedl,ii. I Attractive Dlning•ear Servtte. J,•nt,c Melte o'. - „ -• f ill, 0 1 \I• - f rohahly nothinghelps amort to 11•.gh M. flat ne . NI- w,:,,..,. 1r' ••r lobo Webster .Inner, Alton. .Isntrs' ' 1 Il. .iw. l.•th of l• •.•I r.. an.)or. Notice to Horse -owners will be MR. MORRIS SEGAL in Goderich all next week (beginning May I st) to purchase Horses for French remount purposes and also Work -horses. 4'masa r•, AY. E. Mrl'het • '1 and Niles l n, ke a railway join 11.•0 ',atilt 1.1 Ictjnillsn, *I1 living at ,it in the dein• aide 1ha0 n visit to th • '•,lin'nu • . 14IIIrF I t+••!• icy of l.nrknuw. The defendant i• the especially it it be a l'ae'ut,wn I x fi,• h ,• 0' or n.. 1l, N t'' Canadian Nott het n Montreal Lund dining rat, where the pa` anger is s. 1 li„,r. r t. "ti "I'' a;' , (*.imprint.. Limited, of Toronto, and 1 emelt of the highest fora, ,f efficiency j m• a le, Joh irti1• \I I t,., r • u the and involved i• at Mo11nt Royal, in the •olinery art, the c ("rest prof• M. Il.w t • o'- In orbs,• •. r. Il.o•. 110• Melntif; loci -sled Ct,:111 vi.11.n• the n.arket sff.." prep*r••d I .4 .tad ::1.I-' •tot, tt 1 o a awl demand the,r'l ,ern of the money on the .,vientiflr pt in,.,1,0.• known am ..,,!..5,, .t.• . 7 With interest froth i• 1st. 1911, 'di:,tet i•• blending' F'F:AU.4Y. In 1(\••• N'aw.n,.-n, on rot. ! t claiming t t the rep1•P lilt minas Your fnvori1,' ,fish, ea yn•1 like it, ! •herd 2.. Ms• ii J u,r Fe egad. age.! :• pc.. -. oyed at r, 1-,mn ,(1,1, root... ,loo,• and,.. r.)-. wads to the n in connection with the en 1 deal have tin been .irried o-lt. wmid.t ideal .nrrnlindini white I travelling on the Pais-„li.tn Pacific. N W ADVERTISEMENTS Ape 0 `7'1- Milline•y Exhibit. :it The n,illinwr department of the In• P,o nO;" Foul ` • y i A New SonK Hr Ilor-r- t1'.., r., iso r doutrial `Oe toI colli ally 1t'll) P the „AYE \\ 111 F, hl t t11 th • 4. , Mr i5 Iborden 410 •d -Itox '¢l.. -'.1 , • •;1'• ladies of the town and the members 1'4 R y • the industrial board oflhe lis 1'. 1. to \A od' ie the title of w 11. 1t patri0tir AatontoMl.• for r',le-J, N,• . aohg which it ranking 1 hit 1'hfa UMI N'•nt,d -ll' Fo,hennen'•11 .... .. in.port the prim done' h, th0 rlaatrer during the spring tern), under the in- t n- anlg is drdirNed to ' 1'h'• Iky, of the Aoc•Nw1 Sale -)Ila. N'. ?t aed.t sit notion of Mier. Hlanrhe Knox, nn 1111514 Haltwlion" and is on role st J•,. 'A New none Hit -.1. l'. Thou, -,n, - .N,. . \\ edneed•v evening. Mwy 3r1, frv44tm • F. 1'befi on'm moeir Store, the price Il Ktere t,. '1 „'.•Inck. in the politic library. being'P) rPn1... It'. greet. • 2 t. Hen -s Wanted -.4, Edward tt: DIED e