HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-20, Page 1011111 TWewnsAT. APRIL !D big THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO Splendid Value:in WALL PAPER English Sanitary Tiles, the best made, guaranteed not to discolor or turn yellow on the wall. Price per roll 25c Borders to match. per yard..5c Genuine Wool Oatmeal Felts, 30 inches wide, the 50c kind for per roll 35c Alread Cut Ont Borders to, mate per yard.10c,15c, 20c Prett) in Tints and All- over effects, per roll .15c, 20c and 25c Borders already Cut Ont, per ) and Sc and 10c Good t•alue in Canadian Paper.. at per roll 5c, 6c, Tc, 8c and 10c Borders to match, from per yard ............. .. lc to 5c Kindle comfare these prices with city prices. THE COLONIAL BOOR STORE Geo. Porter Formaldehyde FOR PREVENTING SMUT ON GRAIN. 41 Per Cent. Gsveraoeat Standard Strongtk PER La. 30c James A.Campbell FI.uL B. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Corner North Si. and Square Goderich Bus. 00 . 'PHONES Res. 3214 MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and bistrict, Best Coal Mined. Any quantity hest all Maple Slabs, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling 'Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES, office 96 residence '12 or 61; 1 NA -DRU -CO Toilet Cream (GREASELESS) An el.•Kant prepinatkm, .w.vtly js•rf 1 with .si"t• of May ti<.wcr-. 1 diat.•ly Aliso: bed. leaving it rely et y effect. Per- feetly hartule.r t.. the tua+t. del lea te skin. Re.•Mnmended fur chats. and , uuMtrn. PRICE - • 2Sc and Sec SATURDAY WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES (thy on' c rut kdipt in Canada) Regelarlfec for 29c lb. A. L.Caldwell,Phfll•B. R.i. cessur 4. C. I.. Coultis. Phone 19 For Hair Health Use Rexall at93" Hair Tonic. madam est `prsystbe bsalth el your INV and scalp nip will wrhrwbet yes this In its trial. any a battled llasall'43" Hair Tonic, eat k as directed for 3o days, then it not nanny satiated come aad tell as and q promptlyheed back your money. Resell Hair eak is plessaat to see, bass hint aarasNe odor aad is sold at assail Drug stares sxclarively. sue. sad fi.00 bottles. Resell " Ade is is meow tatoda cls mp Me .i ekes, sq'tsal beimhYl--tax. GOOERICH COLLEGIATE EXAMINA- ATIONS. The results ilf the examinations held during January, February and March at the Collegiate Institute are Riven below. The figures in brackets after the names of some students indicate the number of esamin$thons from which the student was absent. There are too many in many torus moot be- low pass standing, 60 per cent. The co-operation el parents interested in these etudeots is urgently solieited FORM 1 A. HONORS. K. Handy (1) L Newell • 79 .75 PASS. B. Longmire .......69 H. Austin • • .s.4 L. Johnston (1) • . es .1. Habkirk (l) .. _so H Smith B. Drennan 0. Tubb (1) 1. Chisholm (2) K Sowerhy M. Pinder W. Me(:luekey (2) 80.9 B. Weston ... 66.3 64.8 _64.4 ELS 6E3 a L. Sowerby L Watson (3) L Stewart J. McKenzie.. J. Wilson 11) 0. Ma+lell (2) A. Barger 121 11. Finnigan H. Inkster 0. I)nwn (l) A. Murray ;I) net.ow. E. Beck 111. • • A. It.Itunfalvy (1) 1. Mitchell V. Page 0. Steep (1) S. Aldous. (:. Farr J. Feagan U i 60.2 68.4 68 57.4 57.4 ..56.5 55 64.8 64.7 634 51,5 51.4 48.1 48 01.7 411.4 'u.8 34.'2 FORM 1 B. HONORS. F Lamb 77 M. McNevin . 76.8 PAN; M. Bowler II). .74 .8 J. Ilonaldson 74.4 J. Marshall 111 71,7 1. Foster 11) 72 L. Adams ...71.6 F. Washington 70.2 N. Ginn 611.4 H. Kidd i2).. 1 00 8 E. Jones 65.4 64 E. Pridbam B. Chisholm (I t 63 E. Moftridge...... 63 C. Tape 633 O. Pearson (1) 62.3 S. Mountain 62 T. Bullard 111 61.8 E. Levy' 01.8 F. Humber 58.7 K. Monologs.. 57.7 M. Dougherty 67 W. Sturdy ria.8 0. Maedel 66.7 1. MeNevin 65.2 F. • Beevers 1.4.5 M. 'denary 54.8 M. Paltridge 14.2 A- Bradwin 63 H. Howard 51.8 G. McLeod (1) 50.8 L King 80.2 A. I.*itbwalte (1) 44 at A. Bropbey (I). 60.4 I. Thompson (3) 48.3 V. MacLennan 48 8. McNally 48 E. Mu 47 48 .37 .5 1.l4ithan to (1. A. Wiggins (4) FORM 11. B. rasa. A. Hume K. lioldtbo 8. Wallace e 8. Wilson V. McDonagh (1) C. McRae. G. 8aults(8) M. Kelly O. Black (2) G. Portae (1) J. Kelly (4) 8. Has (1) M. Baker I) M. Ladd?7� M. Wasbingttoo H. Clutton (1) R. McPhee (4) D. Daneey (3) L. Lautensl.yer and 8. Bassiaa- tbwaite not graded. FORM 11. A. PAM. V. Kilpatrick 42) 72.4 L Adams .70.8 G. McKay (11 70 N. Match 80.5 E. MacKenzie (4) s D. McManus ..67.7 1. MrQuoid ...... .................67.21 R. West I s.7 (:.Martin,. 04 IC Cos 111 ..•..rt S. Bradley(5) 00 R.Rutledge (I).... s 8. Bradley (6).... A. Atsdrews A.eR. ...s R. Pr�witoot (2) f • . e i OP '74 712 70.3 m as 64.5 a .7 81.8 ... ..... .......110.2 anc(pw. .. s.7 ....56.2 57 56,6 5b 54.6 53 11E01, Mt, 11111 'lair law T. Cribs Cllr Omagh Ja�ea4 Mi•.-" I Mk a carpenter. std (be v po tda rt me with eeaie e. i -down, wap gut and weak. I - ell kinds of cough syrup' Wool without Wo be I reed about ol and decided to Ng ik Beta re I bad taken a bottle I Lit bsl!�gt7 od after term aks 24 I bin aew Dasa�� viratssep�.' L DtVaVinolisdelicious for delieious cod liver and iron bteinbeooehitia and forall week rot -down conditions. H. C. Dunlop. Druggist, Goderich D. MaDesaN. 0. Johnston. ..... 46.7 Mdd. a 91.6 0. bake 54.1 A. J� ))L. I6 S. IlleashiP.o (ihjt) (N a asLow. Logs Wanted We will pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of logs delivered at the mill in Goderich. Custom sawing:done promptly at any time. Grain and Chopping We will also buy grain at our elevator and will pay tbe best mar- ket prices. Ordeta for chopping or rolling grain promptly and carefully at- tended to at our chopping mill. J. E. Baechler Mill and elevator north of Mao- Ewan'e coal yards. Godeeleb. WEA .....40 COMMERCIAL FORM:. agaaaL M. Meals at PAM. V a� ... 7111 T. Giesler r(4) 09.6 H. Webb - (s) .. WO A. Amour 81.7 61.7 eM. PW(I) O. Olask .... 56. FORM III. B. somas. J. Macawaa 111 ...71.3 A. M.eewan I1) 'M rasa IL Sallow (s► 74 O.�nder(1) 49 M. II:. Sullivan 018 R. Worsen 131 .. 60.7M. Pridb.m BELOW. M. Baoebler (1) K . Weston (21 I. VMsoa (1) 1. Outt (1) B. Loam/ire H. Mersey (21 0. O'Connor (1) 8. McArthur (1) 8. M. Lee (I) C. Dalton A. Saanders (1) V. E. Williams FORM 111. A. Hoxoaa, L. King PAIS. 59.6 50 6 58.1 5a 67.6 555 555 55.2 511.4 5113 47.4 45.4 81.7 8. Pridbaoi 11172.4 ••Af4 8. Dougherty........ 0. Wootton.. Si G. Newton(1) - 07.6 W. Cos (1) .. .•66.7 L. Howatt 85 H. Powell (1) .. 04.8 H. Hartwell (1) 512.5 8. F. Joy (11.... .615 P. Johnston (ll -- 62 M. 7 will (1) ......60.5 L. Wagner .60 BELOW. M. Graham 59.8 B. Parker. 57 N. Whitely (2) .........56 J. B. Roes. 56.5 D. Hays 54.7 O.V.WIlliami (1) 54.7 L Mom 14 G. Ross (2)5 6 L Bowler (l) 51 H. Shackleton ..50.5 E. Hume 46 8. McManus .42.4 Ther standing of 8..Brimicombe is not given. at be is taking some work is Form IV., as well as part of Form III. FORM IV. -PART I. PASS..' M. C. Galt •.67.5 J. G. Bowler ..66 T. A. Armstrong (3) 65 H. E. Walters (1) ...... b4 BILLOW. J. C. Young ..54.1 J.M. Plunkett (1) . . 54.4 K wtbbsrs /Reddest (1) 51 4 E. D. Gait 45.5 PART II. HOSORs. .. F. 1. Hess ....78 J. M. Garvey ...7.; NEAR DISEASE is a symptom of Kidney Disease. A we9-keoww doctor leas said, 1 .ever yet stades poN-nwrtames- amwretion in a case oI dealt from Heart Disease/106- ms bnding (he kidneys wereatlash." The Kiialsey methane which wa;I,lYt • the market, most e{ttpes- fe1 for Heart Disease and all Kidney Troubles, sad most widely imitated le Dodd's Kidney Pills PAas. 61. A. Oilkinson 74 (9. G. MacKwan.... @111 PARTS 1. AND 11. M. K. Johnston (1) 70.8 Sebool closes on April 20th for the Easter holidays. to resume on Mon- day. May 1, to continue until June 18th next. J. P. Hung. Principal Don't scold a child for being ernes ; try Rexall Orderlies, as tbe trouble is probably with the bowels. Sold only by Remelt drug stores, I5c and 3'ic boxes. H. C. Dunlop, Oodsricb. Early seed potatoes, also potatoes for domestic use. All kinds of field and garden seeds -at Cooper's Ware- house. Hamilton street, Godericb. HURON'S POPULATION. TowniipenddVMasses Wine �Towns Villages Decline. Thepopa(a$loo of the countyof Huron in 1915, as sbown by the mni- cipal statistics compiled by County Clerk Lana showed a decline of 296 from the year previous. The decline this time is all In the urban population. the rural population actually @bowing an incenses. The towns and villa went back by 448, while the townships increased by 147. This is owing( part- ly to the industrial situation and part- ly, no doubt, to enlistments 1n the arm w bare been more numer- ous in the urban municipalities than in the towoabips. Since the year 1891 the population of Huron has decnaeed Da 9arte %1n17 009-1rom 66.781 in 1891 11116. Following are the figures for 1914 and 1918: 1914 1016 TOW Madame Ooierieb Hallett Hay owfab M Me Tara Taekereberryesitk Milat eweoesb Wed W.wwoab vowels.ARD Hayashi Myth Malan fib Hews' Seaelele furs 1441 I099 260 216E 2141 IOW NIP Mgg El sane *on CO IN 644 UN U11 NM NW ell WM 11• Easter Gloves Guaranteed Qualities TilE Glove Store that offers a wide variety of new styles and,'qualities that are unreservedly guaranteed is en- titled to first consideration in the selection of Spnng Gloves the finishing touch to your Easter outfit. Such a store is this, for our stock of Easter Gloves is full to overflowing with novelties as well as the standard staple lines. On Saturday we expect a shipment of Washable Chamoisette Gloves in white, just about the scarcest thing in the Glove trade today. KID GLOVES in standard guaranteed qualities. black, white and colors, full assort- ment of sizes. , Whites either plain or black-stitt:bed. Our high- grade qualities at $1.00, $1.25 and $1.50 A .Novelty Glove, $ I.5o This is an exceptionally attractive Glove. Comes with heavy stitched back, seams in or out sewn, in ivory, coffee and battleship grey. Sizes 53, to 7. A Glove that has style and splendid wearing qualities$I� CO Per pair J New Chamoisette Gloves White and washable, expected in for Saturday selling.° Sizes up to 7 1-2. Extra high quality; at $ 1.00 per pair Lisle Thread Gloves in black or white. Exception- 50C ally good quality. Per pair.. Silk Gloves Wrist or elbow length, white, black, champagne, etc. 50Ct0$I.25 Per pair J M The Easter Suit "Now that's different." This is an ex- pression we often hear when ladies are shown our splendid range of novelty suits that are shown this season. Of the more staple lines and plain tailored styles we have a splendid assortment, while there are many novelties, no two alike, that appeal to those who are looking for that individuality in dry so much desired today. No time here for a detailed description of the many styles, but we draw partic- ular attention to the splendid values to be had $13. 50, $16.5o, $20 and $25 The Easter Hat You will surely want a new Hat for Easter. The latest and newest models are here. Many that have only come . to hand this week that are the newest styles shown. Our ,milliners have made extra efforts to prepare an ex- ceptionally large assortment of these late novelties all ready for Saturday. Come and see them. We know you will like them and the prices will be found very moderate. Coating Corduroys Popular above all other materials for Sport Coats this season will be Cordu- roys in almost every color obtainable and the narrow and heavy c(.ris. We have a splendid stock of these mater- ial. At file we can give you a service- able quality in practically all the fashionable shades, including cream. At 7Sc we have a little better quality, one that makes up into a splendid coat, while at $I.SS we have a fine cord in green. fawn and brown that is excep- tionally good. At f►Sc we are showing a Corded Velvet, fresh from England this week, in dark and Tight shades. This is a particu- larly good line and we strongly re- commend it. New and Dainty Collars Many novelties in Collars for giving the finishing touch to the Easter gown. Pretty and attrac- tive designs. at.. 25C tO 75C Get a New Top on Your Umbrella If the frame is good we can re-cover it for you -at a very moderate cost. What About a Vacuum Cleaner? Let the Eureka Cleaner help you with your house-cleaning. You will be more than delighted, and one will save its cost in labor over and over again. Free demonstration if drained. Hodgens Bros. DIRECT IMPORTERS 1