HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-20, Page 7Voullwanl
year besi
C. Pridham,
•. Ontario
Tsrdiloas. — 1
Mr. George
2111%0 16.4111t=bleses
Ms. Andantes. Dm
Ws, O. Soak Ms. Rasa.
]Mg rests. (1) sins Met
Belief Ostsmftiew
irweselL the (t) J••Nici Teem
Mab wen the birthplace of
the Patristic Pas& Montreal
hate the record d over !!viii
m saMMa$ o as stn days wblrtwW
Eleall=ber. 1$14. ask 1M
rota: setltaldw'•d
g @gag sal .seen Mai
meal mod Ibe bleed et wflak lhatreaall
EItio.* MOM Mee
Ile Intereete see
Oar by tity-ste ledles seine
We Ward liseds. maw the illOdolohdoe
d Ms Sim Molt Team are awed-
Ellot lead de koollrod lady Odeon
voderIoke M sake periodical
~ at So
01111. o lio �rmj to .ease
labile rolls[ Y Sosonay Might
etdeawles afty eat at lee srto AiddIdee. Altbsngk
Yate aro *allow-
Matibbses aro Oboe id t
rale aatn be n-
em large famines. amid at
aagaaletty la the ease of Meese.
dMs rebel has to to eve* The
mire Sews ezp.rt advise ea
oat Ss ton of , SW chairnss revo-
ke" at =srgivsad wheel !
es tic. beetwheel
of lertft
sod Sven boo tet wThe sI
Sae Soder obi* ole. Wayveea..ss
ba! see ens a Pro bis Oe` rOMrd
promise esti 'Tear service is per -
weal. patrletlr and ritelet It be
kindly. loyal and (Orient"
The hooch .peakiag families are
card for by lrresea aparalos ladle..
each ward baying a F-Cea din.
as well as as Coa1W-Caaadfaa boat
Darin the semmer months lectures
lave been gives In the both 'anglaise
so hygiene acid dementia esesom7. and
the Parish Priests, the Ward Alder -
sass. Mleletere ad Teatime* are ea-
rwraied to mite an 1citKest to comes
la their dlstrlet •r parte. Then 1. a
Patriotic Donal hod amid Cew.tery
Leta. a storage for remitters. and baby
estate sod clothing for special ewes
Over IS doctors give their services
wlAaottt intergeell system of curd intermit
sad ...Mas On Reed Commlt-
tes M �aedle all rases wltb prompt-
awe'sides.! There are hetwees
WE, Is msv.aty-11.• advisee 'set dal
et .MMM l• address. boortles, births
and dsrtlm. WWsessss or din 1a
me rases tiny UN bias
bees Notified. Tie seeress dans .t-
teaMare le sheet 200 anthers Greet
ears lou to be takes th.t the Pvnb to
ernaoattrelly scoot used that nn Aspll-
VMS ey on.ecomar7 Pillftwrna abesld
be made. sled tale Is wily possible
a tan
aMtlis• The Wag fees . aloes mow
Laithwatte Tells of His Experience in
Dalry Farming.
In "Marro and Osier Mr. George IOW cow for $:150 if she will not stated
L•ithwalte, of the Berea road,tlude-
rtuh township, writes y article under
the title, •' l f 1 Wen Storting on •
!rues with 112,1oui. ' The article is as
follows :
Looklog hack over the years we have
spent in dairying sod with the dairy
breeds. it bas um been all sunshine.
We have had our rainy days of trouble,
the tuberculin use. 1 knew a tem
who paid il'.M) toe • $1,000 sow.
owner eaytug she wine out idseedilMe.
lo fns years her eoodlthei host kirmi
over $Yalu. In foundation steak
health oowss nest. beliedlte$ Dant sed
dollars fret. Wei should not despise
the day of small bottoming,. Neither
should ws bs covetous and aims �to
make world•s record peoda
uce. They
lease the e, but spoil the pocket
also our floe days. `V bets wanting • yowwgs stook bull, we
Mrs. L•itbwaite and 1 started our can exchange our $1.000 bull calf wit
farm life by renting • farm for tree I a brother breeder and thus both will
years and wit $1,(U) to stuck and hive made • good bargain.
qui it. 10 some 1ommg people this 1 have had • little experience in the
field of wupptyiog milk to ettstooerw
ft in this business, however. nue Midi
be familiar with what to market sail
for. If three per cent. milk. geode
Holsteins will make the most mosey,
as other dairy breeds wiU give the
customers too much for their mono
Wben all the produce is sold w whole
milk our calves are not worth raising,
unless wellies • beef bred ball, as stock
farmers will then pay more for them
and we will be helping along the meat
would bs • poor start. but nay father
wee strongly of the opinion that es cry
person @timid start •t the bottom
rung. He teed to say that "you get
need to the height as you go up. • This
is a Welt expression. Young men
starting at the top rang usually get a
swelled bead and fall down.
In outlining a plan to fellow in dairy-
ing, first we must decide what breed
we wish to feature, then fay out a
system and live woo the idea of mak-
ing a succese of our work. Too many
people start wroog and it takes them
ten years to right themselves. Too
litany of us are like • cat with nine
1 believe it wouia tie • bard proposi-
tion to lay out $2,000 to quip a plant
to deliver 100 qts. a day, but lees than
lives; that is, we get iota politics, be- this would not pay. Two or three
long to three or four societies, are in- youngmen with small means might11
leresled In 1s1.114in work, church 1eo-o rate sod form a company,
work, national problems, and with our they base soros knowledge of the bud -
attention taken up with these things nem, Gurnee would likely, follow. 1t
we try to .tock a farm witb horses. is pot lack of capital that puts people
In The Spring
SI/ws de dr "Wed id-
"TMse is w ems
the seklier es Ibe d -yet the
missr maw
M whoyam- let vie Se itabitare soil
et the
We haws ramide • genet
.i 1_- i•s in es rrle dirt will
mho tho power Ihet emus
bowie lens -doll$ ar. . Y
11 we dim Ant we bees ang five
melte Ohms degendillit Ups di
Us dome r tis *atm at Ike body
from whisk Riles em . des*
nib, tee Woo -'-- 0 • Way
stems$ tam tic Ind w est We um*
Yrs Icer i Mind = tie
sed 1 the
~mars/ M tabs Sit
a* ondblok Wpm ed amen
eilded.em bel js bo l■ do hied
foe lb000dk h rdi st blimp*tic@ Dam.
Use 1hGabbs bliodlod Db.
so�y to weioise 8whr, '
it, le bleed purifier sol toll.
wthisethat smokes the lb*
n tonfely *she
, Ss wind
sleet, So views kowtow mid
eels ambitious sod steep Isco rho wire
Captains slew aleobol ear ser-
eotis. 1i ia0diets are It's
prised m wRr'� glycerine
alterative ezfsmade addse
from native roots and barbs.
Bold by medicine dealers la liquid ce
tablet form, or sand 50 mats to Dr.
Pierce's Invalids' Hotel, Buffalo, N. Y.
for • trial box d tablets.
pig., sheep, cattle, hens, e1.;t,, Then we
sometimes wonder why our farm does
not pay interest on the money in-
vested. The true reason is neglect..
A man can oversee • great litany
things,givicg orders and making plane,
if be hos none of toe work to do, but
it is Netter not to get too many irons
In the fire if we wish to be successful.
There are several different types of
dairy farming -dairying and mined
farming, specializing in purebred
stock ; selling milk or cream to the
nearby town or city ; sending milk to
cheese or butter tactory,etc.
Suppose the young man starting has
62.000 to invest. The location. sue of
farm and amount of plant food in land
must be considered. If one Intends tq
go in for growing and selling grain I
would advise renting • farm, but buy
a farm for dairying where all feed is
fed on farm, thus increasing its value.
An 80 -acre farm for dairying and
mixed farming could be secured for
$4,000 with fair buildings. One might
pay 1800 down and take out • mort-
gage for the balance. 'Then I would use
$1,2110 for equipping the farm, divided
as follows: Live stock, $866: for ma-
chinery and implements, $140 ; for
bulldiog silo and seed the first year,
8106. In buying machinery the best
plan is to secure it at auction sales, as
it can he purrhased at a reasonable
price, thus cutting down expenses.
Thr man who wishes to specialize In
purebred stock is wiser to start oo
good healthy grades and have a share
in a stock bull from ancestors with
good records. Give him one pure-
bred cow to start with, and if he
wishes show type, let him get it. He
will be a poor man all the rest of his
days if be follows that type. 1f it is
production he is aftet, do not buy •
at • disadvantage to farm life. It
lack of ezperieoce, lack of busine=
ability, lack of system and not reckon-
ing the real profits. For instance, the
Doer daya man invited e to have a
treat. m
nother friend came aloe
and we each spent 28 eta. That 750
went into the other man: pocket, for
which we had no value.
Some will criticize me for recom-
mending cheap farm equipment. The
farmer oo the small farm today ls up
against it paying notes on farm imple-
ments. How much real profit does
the cost of a binder lick up ? You
may veil 10 bogs at seven cents a
pound, weigbiog 200 Ibe, each, which
will amount to $140. It meta you five
cents • pound to teed them, leaving
you • profit of $4 eacb. If • binder
coots you $PY0 that will amount to the
profit from Sevigs.
The suggestions that 1 have gives
herewith are all gleaned from our own
practical experience, gained ohne Mn.
Laithwaite and 1 made our own
humble start One of our chief efforts
has been made toward the develop-
evelopmeat of • producing bead of purebred
Jersey cattle. I would like to give
something of the work done by our
Goderich Jersey herd -of 11 bead. Last
year the total production of the herd
was 05,062 lbs. of milk, from which we
made 4.463 lbs. of butter, bringing us
The feed Dost us $1506. This leaves
us • profit over and above feed of
$666.58. In addition to this we had
00,58111bs. of skim milk, which le worth
at least 30 eta. • cwt., compared with
the prices on other foodstuffs nowa-
days. This is the kind of a herd to
which one may work, but which
would be expensive to .fart in with at
the first.
pies the tune of three ham aki
eeriest. bowe►sr bio beee dSs West -
reel .dtst•letntl . Set lice Deetas
Charity Organise a Seedelr has emb-
seed for a report sed It le IMMO that tie
Montreal methods will be adopt* to
tido sod ether tltls se M Olt s
Send fdty cents (or stamp) to pay fee
wrapping and mailing a copy of the
Common gens Medical Adviser, in cloth
binding. 1006 paps, with color plate.
Have You Tried Our
We are pleasing a large
number of customers
and should like to have a
trial :order from, YOU.
The Baker Kingston Street
The ()median Soldier -"That's about the wont wreck of a forest I ever
The Canadian Woodsman -"it Is, eh t Then you ought to see where lett
after. forest Are. 111 take you to • hundred township right b.re in
Canada that will make such a picture look tame. We think it Ise pity
for European forests to be unlashed and yet we em•ah our own by nearly
IU0. Umber Arse per annum."
The Hollis• -"Wm'• Thai's a new way of looking at it."
PANT swing dealer's t
Ready Mixed and
Fire Resistant --Barn,
:Roof, Iron, Priming
E-2" 25 g
galbnsfalbocn 1 O
our mot ern gnatam1Md t. she ..Villus
House Paid, istfW floe
outside, plat or 011
Palish, Quart. 45e $1.111
rig gay mobs weal One
yoke ono rod ISM
weal amt slew +ens wk*Mesta $
Now that the cold weather is
here you'll want your
homes more comfortable.
Get our prices on
Hot WateriBoilers,
Our Perfection Oil Heaters
are just the thing to drive the
cold out of chilly corners.
All repairing to plumbing,
furnace work, etc., promptly
attended to.
Phone 166 Handltoa Street
Denali= ',rob Laitotlee• soot kora
wok. 1 5( 1t
5 mwenlk Nsar
aid bowel*
Look at the tasges, f.0ebsrt
coated. your little ane'. stomach. Iter
and bowels need demonise st Mie.
When peevish, erase, llstie••a, dosea't
sleep, eat or act nateraiy. ver M teem. -
Mb, stomach sown. breath had' Me
sore throat_ dlarrbaO. tall 4.014. evil
a teaspoonful of "Caltfored& Syrtp cri
Wigs; and 1ci a few hours an the Mal.
ooastlpated waste. tmdpsled toed
and sour bile gently moves oat d Its
little bowel without griping, sad yea
tars a well, playful child •gala. Ask
your druggist for a 100eat bottle of
"Gafford. Syrup of rim" wbltdi eos-
tales tall directions Inc babies. chil-
dren d all ages sad for grown -ape.
Osderich Waste s Call.
pttBbies seta= bV the
i�miasb err
Ike Nllewftte b Ito wmbee. just
rssdwed :
Abs. weeders, blodsrleb, Oct, who
writes eoagrwtnlsikig us on the -gin-
e** we bmivantot aboard is our drat
number, says : Too do sot appar-
ently know where the town
In l' 1. mike
above *arni•, on the teat of
Lake Huron. W• have a grouch omi.
betimes yo u do not Ball on tis."
grout that a
we dostimpliM'tt f his
pie. grouchy beeaus@o
Ball t Patients.. Ake. I Yee
have focussed our aitentios os enol►
tisk. W • win say yeti have tees to
kW ninety about yoer fne tows. der
service le only In 1u Infa..y, and we
peered 4 that when you wake up else of
these One seoreiege you will ties what
y ea w1 me.