The Signal, 1916-4-20, Page 67. • .• 4"'""" ° • 0 TistquipAv, AiaU1.,•“; The tionse of Ity 1) 1;! f A!?! • • I • t ' • • 1 . 1 . 1 c. lee t• hy. 't • L At a t, lee? 'Wen &▪ lee?' 1 41, N • !r, ' lfrLvt et r, V.. 1.*.° ve i1\tewn 1 t tee -I ..* t eee •r elan- teert •erenel to my **l30 1,0;'s yprd. :rout kW t SU:•rded by et ;Sol, r ; LI 1 loved her as 1 e width was, locked that night.d:2tit tt t • telk JO needed the key 1i that door ta,..re tlnt',.. out. to the stable. Why &dill gee :•"." • . . 1 took the other." • 1`.Cr. -.7 on one nail 1 pate.. bo' - at the same "Which of Ile two bun: foremost?", -I didn't notice." 'You took both?" "Yes. 1 took both.' 'And went straight out with thin?" 'Yes, to the stable." "And then wberer "Threur.h the adjoining grounds downtown" "You are sure you went through Mr. Fulton's grounds at this early hour In gee evening?" .1 !Ill 1.(04:1114*. - *`Was It not at a later hour, much biter, a little bent. 11 Instead of a little before e?" "leo, sir. 1 w,, on the golf links then." "But soiLe one drove into the stable" "So yea say." 'Unharnessed the boree, drew up tbe totter, locked tbe stable door and, en- tering the bonne, bung tip the key where it belonged." No answer this time. Cumberlaod, you admitted In your direct examination that you took eri:h you out of the clubhouse only else bottle of tbe especial brand you favored. altbougb you carried up two Into the kitchen r -"No; I said that 1 only had one when I got to Cuthbert road. 1 don't remem- ber anything about 'the ether." But you know where the other -or, rather. remnants of the other -was found r aln my awe Stable taken there by my man Zadok Brown, wbo esys be 1 ricked ft oat of one of oar waste bar- rels." 'Tine is the part of bottle referred 0 en. Do you recognize the label rill ad- hering to It as etmllar to the one to be found on the bottle you emptied tow Cuthbert roadr "It Is like that one" "Bad you carried that other bottle off, and bad It been broken as ttala has been broken. would It not have pre - /mated an exactly similar appenranee to thlsr 'P0MI hly." "Ont!, poegibly "It would hate looked the same; 1 •eannot deny It. Whnt's the use fool- ing?" 91r. Coniberland, the only two bot. dee known to (-notate this topecinl brand of wine were In the cinhhouse at 10 o'cloek that night Flow crime one of th.,ii to ret into the barrel out- side your .-table before your return the next day?" "I (linnet pny." "Tittle berme stomi whore?" • "ru the rosgetM behted the stable," paksage you paw through oa your way to the door leading Into your neighbor's grounds?, The drended 1.. nt had coule. Tbls "Yee" Lad no sootier left Arthur's llpe than I see Lela throw out her In. Docent arms and lefty impetneuely to her feet with n loud, "NO. -no, I cab tell" - She did not pay white tor at the hub- bub roused ty this outbreek In open mart *he fainted dead awry end was carried out In her dismayed father's &Ms. This necessarily ratified n break In the proceedlt m. Mr. l'es pospended hb crow examinationrind in n few minutes more the Judge adjourned the *spirt As 1 °beers -en theaattfaCtion th wbich Mr Moffat senpd this wItnes•-• antleflICtI0•1 which hied little eonsideration for ber if abe ever came upon the stand -I sur- rendered to fah. Inwardly committing Cannel's future to the Gerd whn made her end wbo knew better than we the story of her life and;het her nery temper bed cost her, 1 w a pie,. of eerier from my pocket abet, while the rotirtroem was booty ediptying. hastily adebseseed the beflowing linee to Mr Moffat, wbo bad lingered to have a few worda with his A t • :.1 ' I been retched the ' ':'' • -7 0(0 knew / I • 'tr. Mont on t: rningei sees L, eeent whIch t irtere where • r marked -;ed 1 mairveire (I. 'to of ore mates In aft- the her sel 2241 I et petinti• j and the powerful eteect wll 0212 be prC•s:tleett 011 a feverish ere by a well ordered neenee suggestive o coinintien. , I, who knew the basis of thls eg pectaney and the nature of the actioe with which Mr. Moffat anticipated startling, the court. was the quietest person present Sine.- It was my hsnd and none other which must give lids fresh turn, to the wheel of jegdee 11 were *ell for Inc to do It eabley and without any or the old maddentag throb of heart. But the time seemed long before Arthur was released from further cross examination and the op- portunity given !fr. Moffat to esti his Dell witness. Something to tho attitude be now took, something la the way he bent over his relent and whispered a few adausidtory words. and. still more, Ms emotion with which these words were received and answered by some ex- traordinary protest. aroused expectation to a still greater pitch and made my course seem even more painful to my- self than 1 had foreseen when dreaming over and weighing the possibilities Of this hour. With something /11:e terror I awaited the calling of my name, and whets it was delayed it was with emo- tions inexplicable to znyeelf that I looked up and saw Mr. Moffat beeline open a door at the lett or the Judge with that attitude of respect whieb a man only 'flames in the presence and ander the dominating influence of woman. , 'Eller thought L nristead of say- ing her by my contemplated sacrifice f Carmel, I here only added ono sae. flee to another" But when the timid. faltering step e could faintly bear crossing the room beyond bad brought Its pos. 'eager w I tit! n sight and I per- ceived the tall. black robed, heavily veiled woman who reached for „Mr. Moffat's sustain- ing arm 1 did not need the startling pleture of the pri.oner, etandInc upright with onthe'd and repellant han,de to rentlze that t h e Intreeetble 21244 happened T1114 KI(NAT, **C0DERTell ONTARU) A Daily Treatre- Alwan Accentable and Delicious. 1r Wiairctriu-11.11ii It ioetier •. o I C.. -.ge and c 1 C ...In r 113 It 7. •,t; tor knau 22bad blld: •••• I. • %no 4 rt..:1-4.........f r 't p;t:•.1 1.11.'; • r due yoe. Elie Lad • • at take- . trued under r; • ' the mho - •'. wateh ste well as 4-1 •---- I -:ratitttse gale . .2;;11 lartirove. rued mentellv h;(0215(2124 • t gained stretie.th Otiterwl,e Pm: I . pressed everyt v. trA the, c:/or 7 tn- ht e.b, in her eye and M.! absence of e ,cry - eel thin,: ruezestire of t.eoont In ber ex- t pression and billinle-" There w" rbe same c, :.nlete los. of memory up to • the time of the tragic occurrence whieb had desolated her borne. the same harping at odd moments on Adelaide', hattPiness and her own prospect of seeing this deer sister very soon which had warted the open'ne, days of ber sonvaleacence. But beyond and beck elf WI this was some secret Joy, unto, comer7=ble.r reeerdedthe nuniete eick willeherhielPaa tee's Mattningie Carmel was allowed sock liberty as her condition required, bat was neer- left alone for a mousent after a certain day when her eye =A- ttester took on a strange look of con. fused inquiry totally dlasociated with anything she saw or heard. The awakening took place at Lake- wood. Carmel had been out and WAS just crossing the hall of ber hotel to the elevator wben she stopped with a violent start and, clutching the was eanght by her nurse, wbo had herded up at the first intimation of anything unesual in the condition of t heir patient The cause of tht* agitation was im- mediately apperent. Near them sat f two ladles, each with a small wine- 'P glass In her hand -a common sight ° enough. but It worked a revolution in Canners darkened mind. The light Of youthful joyousness Bed from her face, and the cheek, Just pulsing softly with new life, blanched to the deathlike bue of mortal suffering°. Dropping her eyes 1) from the women, she said to the worn- b colleague There la a witness In this bondIne tetie man testify more clearly ani 41•Illettety Mali Wes rotten that Arthur Cumber. Sawa. fee min we have hoard In 'Panda. stribilletio• tn• Thlant farm goaa aa mh* put Hoke at 11-41 thew he swears to That woman IS !oration 111.-WOutt RA141CLAGIL I was reedy to meet the irarprised lawyers look wises els •ye roe* from liba _Words 1 bed writing _and settled "I ivrYs4ox gAnutt . Cruttent_its-D." arid that all which be. as well aq had done and left undone, seffe.red at d sup;,ressed bed been In teln. Mr. Moffat. with no eee for him or for u( cotidred his witness to it chair. Then a. she 100.n eerl her veil and let it drop in ber tap , riot! In tones which .rang trete end to end of the courtreor.l. "1 summon cannel Cumberland to the stand to wittiest' In her brother's defense.- 74, wa. eotnr.!ele. It was a great 0320.-nt for Mr. Moffat. but for me ali n ennfmtlon. dreed. n veil of nasty dark:ie.!. through whieh shone her feee, marred Inet1:1,40- able a .ar. but calm as 1 hnd eerier ex- ne,ted to see it marlin In Ole life and henntieni vrith 'A anille nrulee which her deeply- 0 -leen and ertn- aelnti• heothe• hint; •Iowly hi-lt •into Ids amid a at'enre na profortml Its the he".1 she 11-4 immediately taken tines all boons. VC -1;!1•4 Bi.JY1rIGYEAST NSIST ON HAVING TtZ PACKAGE GC • DECUNL -UTES • • 1,4 TN.,. 4- ra.,„ •Ii 1 1 !ALI-1.e, Ltrre, neit1171 L1.D I.• !... F4-'(- litil.treeni to hies tirtuni st.,s, 0.4 fCreal mu ber int:Krieg t: 1::•:,1 got snfieletig strittirth ; • it. • ro( elver.) ttla are0001 1.• Wh.0 st.o Lad 11 fu:ly in tut.. 1 4-' 4..O1 up I nto the nurses fa., i...ette , 2447.1 repented. quite cuindy, but wb e treenreat le •deeteer. the order of an tten °our befere: 'We meet 4-0111113 at ('0(0. Yott s°.•:;11 s'▪ on',1-prick up inueedislielY•'' t hie • 111/.ss lexided Dui began tf to,,,,‘ open the trunks. ete,. This, howernr„ was a rum. She did vtly. got intcad to take her patient brie care thnt night She erns afraid to risk IL tam Tee next day would he n sooenough. bye. net she woult! ca?tti her by making 21'ndy Sr.:1 iviv.11 the proper moment the mule would some comp:teat/on of Ac- trains which would Interfere with *le:r 'iv. Unwed:ate departure. t. Iteenn.hile she would eommnniente hod at the *120207-20 with eir. rot. with a'ae had been in the habit of gendim,: 214131 freenteat telegrarus as to her pa - wee ileat's condition. They had beep inva- ee able so far -"No difference, mind rill tenr.k." or srere code word sig. ow nIfIcant of the 24,121:0. Rut a new word doe- was necertenry 121377. Site 41704-1 101k It ted up and formunoe her teleentru before - sheee did anythlreale. ele The code be- was In her top tray. She hunted 1 'limited for it without bean beILg able to 1 y her hands on fr. She. • •'•• rift* w:: Vie elfell, which 421-1 leen wit 2, t2 • trt .• 'Pr 0 and ,1; 1.-ertt t. norrrr irmn •• ••••• rtinntrtc% bat the 4•11 t; • LI, ic aod 11^rs,'? (aught .1 nrheld I.or, 12200300nrentl ef another aaental it not p teal collar r Rut Carmel had nen. t"O'k into world of conselemenese 1-' 11217. ter' z her nurse's imppert. but Ind ['ea stRn of waning fartnitire or perfect understandiag of whit she seen, she spoke quite clearly and her eve. fired upon Miss Unwtn. "So that is why I am net,. a from 50 my Meads. Was I too 1U be told? Couldn't you make Inc les what ens happening -you or the tors ore -or •nybodyr "You wene much too 111," probe the nurse. leading her toward the tater and 114, by dee.reee to her room_ "A.:(.1 Arthur -poor Ar.bur. has tLe sufferer: Tell rue the whole story 1 can bear It," she pleaded. "I bear anything ben not knowing. Wb e beald he have fallen und.a. artepIC1013 He wag Dot even there 1 most go htta. Pack up out -clothing. Miro El ins. I most go to him at. once.- Wtth the sudden rendlag of t clouds whkh bad obscured her Int lect strange powers had awakened this young girl "Yon shall go," began the nurse. a stopped_ Carmel was not Itsteninc. Anot change of thought had come. "Ilo caa I?" fell in UnCOnScloUs. betray from her lips. "Bow can I!" Tb she stood anent. dhadtly with lack color one minute and rosy red with ts excess the next, unte it was ha o tell in which extremen her feeli poke most truly. What was the feeling? Nurse Maw elt it imperative to know. She a roached Carmel with renewed offe f help and atieb expressions of ly pithy as Steeeribt right tuft bee Into Rut dberetion hid come with fear nd Carmel. while not disdaining tb ther's kindness. Instantly made it a *rent that, whatever ber burden owever unstilted it was to ber presen grew very netn.. Sbe was only hu - can man: she was in a very tryine poet - 7 nos. and she realized ft Where could to that book ner Suddenly sbe eeterel it uck. and. ratline on ber knees before the frank. with her back still to Carmel, he etudted out the words she wanted. el. She was !wining ever the tray to write the -:e words In ber notebook when -no coo ever knew how it happened -the nd d r,f the bear; trunk fell forwent and l'e Iron edge entek her on the nape of het. Ile ne-k with 22 keen bl ,w which !old w fter senseless. When Cr.neel renehrd at ter side pew Prird teraelf t::0 nteme en Me and her ie-°e.ort nurse the pt:-nt. of Whom heir ha 1 been einernonedthe accident explained and everything ed done f r the uncouselocis woman wince/ g medical skill could suggest Carmel, tIntlIng. ft moment to herself, stole to in the trunk and, lifting up the lid. looked D- in. She had been watchful of her rs nurse from the first aud was Sund- a' clous of the actions which had led to th.ts untoward accident. Seeing tke two little books, she took tbem out • The notebook lay open, and on the • page thus disclosed she bebeld written: Ap Let Fklestum Trun•un Ridiculous noneenee-untn she con - silted the code. Then theme detached and meaningless words took on a sig. reticence which she could not afford to Ignore: AD -A change Lot-ltak,s remarkable statements. ridestuneeenati we return? Trubuzn-Not tractable. Carmel endeavored to And out for wheal this telegram osis intended. There was nothing to inform her. A moment of indecleion was followed by quirk action. She had uotired that she had been invariably addressed as Miss Campbell by every one who had et ne Iut,, the room. Retaining her own room, which was on the other side,of their COMItteri att- iring room, die collected a few neces- sary articles and Placed them In a bag, which she thrust under her bed. Hunting for money, she found quite an adequate amount In her own purse whlrh was attachee to her pemon. Satisfied thus far. she chose ber moet inconspicuous hat and cent and, pat - ng hem on, went nut by her own -1 ininw: bose arms she f.::t herself imp - "Explain! Where am 1 r "At Lakewood. In a boteL Too ham been 121 and are only Just recovering." Ber hand went up to her cheek, the one that had Ie,, bnrned. and still 'bowed the deep traces of that acci- dent. "I remember," Feld she. Then, with another glance at her dress, which bad studiously been kept cheerful. .he re. marked, with deep reproach: "My Wai- ter Is dead. Why rim 1 not in black?' The nurse, renlIzing her reeponsibU- Ity (she said afterward thnt It was the most Nerioui mothent of ber subdued her own nstoniehment at this proof of her young patient's knowledge of a crime of winch she was universal - supposed to entirely tenoritat 721(1, hestowlmt 012 misuring smile on he agitated gift observed softly: 1 ott were 2 o III to be burdened with Mark. Yoe are better now and rsnY rentone It If you will. I will help you buy your inflaming." you look like a kind womaa. What 14 your nam-. plenge. and are we here Alone in this great hotel?" n metier of expediency, ent to Pare Carr ..2 frori• the unendurable fro curiosity of the erowd and ben/elf Da from the Importmdtbei nf the New 11 York reporter., Miss Unwin had reg. !try 1-tered her‘elf rind her charge ander Ina *seemed names She was. tbereforie, *Pee forted to reply: a "Me name le titteLlna. and we am IL here nlene But thnt need Lot worry you. I liner watched over yon night and dny for runny weeks." "Yon have? Recauge of this Wight burn?" Again Carmera hand went to ber cheek. "Not on aceount of thnt only. toa Arlie had a tenons illness quite apart from that Injury Rat you are better; you tire •Imost well -well enough to go home. tf you will," "1 cannot go bomteenre Initt yet. I'm I'm not anent( enelleh Bat we shonidn't be hero alone witkont some mon to look after us. Mls• IlockIna where i. my brother?" At this question. uttered with inn- pheata, elth anxiety with India -mottos even- It hue Unseen felt the emotion site had on ,fter.earifolly •ntetned op to this ',Noreen? betray Itself In her vole, a. she soserered with • quiet motion to ward the eievatert "Let as go np M our eer.re elate will answer all dend year questions" heat Rut cermet. with the waywaninees teed rst' her yowls* or perhaps with deeper It• mooning powers than the other would OF I be apt to attribute to her. broke *only Prod early from 11110a Unwire% detaining Ih0 mad and, walking direetly Into the lar""; effiesp. looked •hout fur the newsroom ,,k!as• eland Rhe reviled it port as a boy ne' sreak condition, it was not one eh* felt wilting to share. . "1 must think." she murmured as she finally followed the nurse's lead and, seated herself en a lounge. "Ar thur on trial for his life! Arthur nn trial fur til.. life! And Adelaide was not ercn murdered!" -Nor gasped the nurse, intent on every word this long silenced Witness let fall. "Rad he no friend? Was there not some one to understand? Adelaide -- here ber head fell till ber face was lost to sight--"had-a-Igfer"- "Tete Mrvno4 ntallelattil. tie was the Orst to be arrested for the crime." The soul tn Carmel seemed to vanish itt this word. The eyes, Wbloh had been so farseeing tbe moment before, grew blank and thr lithe young body stiff with that death in life which la almost worse m look upon than death Then the stony eyes softened saw re, the rigidity of ber frame re- laxed, and Carmel sank Lark eeeln OD the sofa and tried to read tie. bead - 021 the open sheet bet -n' ben Put her eves were unequal to tle task. With a Deb she dropped the paper nod rented the nun,' to relate to her m her own Luowledge all that had used. Ise rnivin compiled, but with res. ationn. She said nothing about the rks on Adelaide' throat er of the Lai reason which the police had for nesting 1(r. Ranelagh. She did not re. Strantrulmion was a horrible death te eontemptaur. and If thrs ter th crime-e41e was not deceived by Carmeee exciamatios that there had been nn murder -was unknown as yether patient 5. tt Must be free, err: it she had wild. rnd the absolJte as she tboUghl• of '‘? knoweteitstent in the THICK, GLOSSY RAM FREE FROM DANDRUFF Girls! Try HI Hair Data soft fluffy and beartful--Get a 25 cent bottle of Danderieen 11 you faro for heavy hilt that ells tens with beauty ani le radiant with life; hag en Incomparable softness and Is fluffy mid Instrnii4, try ilanderine Just one *petit -anon douhlee the y of year halt. besides It Immo- ely rilneolees eserip particle' of ruff. You can not have Moe T• healthy hal, If you have niff This deatrurtIver Oellrf robe hair of Ha lustre, tot strength and -nry life. and If net overman, It ores a feverishness aad itching of sealpi the hair mists ?amIah, n and die; then tbeheir_ fella oat Surety get a !some ho“IP of niters Driderine from any drug store mad last try IL door Into the corridor. The time -It was the dinner hour - favored her ntternpt. She found her way to the °face unobserved and. going frankly np to the clerk, in- formed him that ahe had some tele, grams to send eed thnt she would be out for some little time. Would he see that Miss Harkin.; was not neglected ' In her atmenee? "I sell see to 14." said be. Thee, as she turned to go, he ventured to add: , aft is quite dark now. If you would like one of the boys to go with you" -- A; A /lll • 2 t it e a i; , ..), c . _ ' giot .. . Ti -e Thre,7 Escape.] Surgical 4i: , )t..• (!ie 1 -4.• t - "4 . ^ it) the; ....tory at 1.) Int. ‘'•'019e't after they h.tve 1 r,--st opt r.it'on have ,be -n 1(1,. k. tiegt ta)lc Compound. I sick women should read thou. if• . • Tht7 of - ' 221 flU. ills .2 i.u7 ;Len of 4-. SL!!-' 4 to an ii\ lb, 2.11c1.4 letters. A11 t.-, \VI, -"I ;'' "•"1 ,or'and he t(!4 4.... 1 a. • . •&wale trout lo, and I ! t. I to ' ,i.• 1 loaci been ruarri.d only a ti:,. . 1 . : [IWO Tkiltts awl my /Mr ---------------4an the tit-. !took Lyoil t: ." tout. eitteiel and W01.4 Aid 1 to "l too in every way. I give yon iwrinission pruldi,h lay name bevait.e I 10,11:-,I thUnkfill :Lat. I 1,(4 -Its. FILM, BEHNKE, Kit incite, ••r: I first took Lydia E. riulthant's Vegetable Compound I was so run down with female troubles that I t4Duld not do anything, and our doctor sail I would have to undergo an operation. I could hardly walk without help's) whyn I rex1 about the Vegvtable CompoUnd and what it 1, lo1 done for others I thought I mould try it. I got a. bottle -Id Lydia E. l'inkhanes Vein -table Compound and a package of Lydia E. Piukhaues Sanative 1Vash and used them according to directions. ,They helped me and n slay 141114 able to do all my work and I am weIL" -Mx s nos. _Owl -Li:, 9'49 naukee Ave., East, Iktreit., 3lich. Pit,-'- I suffered more than tontrue can tell with terrible bearing down pains and inflammation. I tried several doctors and thvy all told me the same story, that I never could get well withottt au operation and I just dreaded the thought of that, I also tried a good many other medicines that were recommended to MO ead notio of them helped me until a friend advised 0121 10 give Lydia E. link. ham's Vegetable CtiMpound a triaL The first bottle helped, I kept taking it and now I don't know what it is to be sick any wore and I am picking up in Weigle. I tun 20 yeare old- and weigh 145 pounds. It will be the greatest pleasure to rue if I • can have the oj•cor.• t unity to recommend it to) any other suffering woman,"-31Lss Irirxe FuoLwritra, 19°23 31anhattan $t., North side, Bellevue, Pa. If you would Ilke special adviee write to Lydia E. !Inkhorn Mod, c,o.(eontidential ',Lynn, Maim; Your letter will le• opened, read and answered by a Woman and held In strict Confidence. found the te/etrraph offlee. from whir she sent this meneace, directed to he pbysician at home. Dr. Carpenter:" Look for me on early franc AB la clear to ma kow, and I oust rattan. Prenares When* till w* meat This Me signed with pet triune known only to themselves and dattn back to her cbildish days. Then she bought a ticket an studied the time table. When quit aatladed she returned to the hotel Sbe was met ln the doorway by the physician wbo was attending the name. Ile paused when he saw her and asked a few questions, which she was penetrating enough to pereeil e were more for the purpose of testing. her own condition than to express Interest in hls patient. She answered quietly and was met by a surpriPe and curios- ity which evinced that be 14:Is greatly drawn toward her cage. This alarmed her. She did not wish to the ob- ject of any ones notice. 0.1 tae con- trary, she desired to °bitter, her- self, to be counted out so far as all these people were concenied. Bat, above all, she wan rufous net to reuse .uspicion. So site stopped and. talked 3.4 natinailly ns she could nt,Leit 11iss h , left 'half the money she had In chattel r or the clerk. Then she went upstairs. She was not seen to come down again, but when tbe *45 train started out of the station that night 11had for a isso t *eager a young, heavily veiled girl, wk. ' went stralzht to her section. A ha" g : cony running by tier window bad fa; vored her escape. d She was &lased the neat morulag, , e and an account of ber erratic Matt reached the papers and was published far and Whirs Cut the name of Mlle Caroline Campbell c4Ireyed nothing • 11 10Atbet thPetitiblio°Use of Dr. Carpenter ohs • town erns as yet a $em* to ever7 OBI met Mr. Moffat What she told high Martened him irreatly for the strung, he saw before blm. Indeed, It etas* the 'whole tone of the defense. Pei,eels-Eng from her story and front villa ' the doctor could tell tem of their wok Ing at the station that her retains 'hi i but thenisetre., Le begged that ab ! eecret should continue to he kept I I To It. •'''r' it ii. -ii Next. Week Ituckins' accident and what tee pros- BANISH PIMPLES pects were for the night. '1 hese were favorable, or so the doctor declared, but the lujured woman'a cutebtion call- ed for great eare. •od he would send over a Capable nurse at once. Mean- wl;:.e the maid who was with her would du very won. Ehe herself need bare no worry. 'Awl are vary good." said Carmel. "1 nut tired and whorl 1 once get to bed ellen certainly pleep. 1 shall give or - dere not to be disturbed. Isn't that right?" -Shall I nceompany you to the door of your roem?" be asked. She shook her head, with a smile."1 I nni gulf', capable of tailing my 0003. 1 hope Miss Iluekige will be as in a week from now as 1 nra at 11143 moment, out. tiwtor -sts. bed Leen stniek by a strr.tige "I relined like to sena. one tittle mat- ter be?'ro me pert. The money 1 hnre maj not 1.1. quite aa' e le ray Immix. - my memory /nicht leant me egaln. • and then Miss 11 ieklus twat, surfer if yeti trill take charge of same et It , en her nerourt 1 shall feel relieved d moold tenvs. preeautiod" he , Imirted. ''t ut you mold just as well 41 01 the desk." rem** •-•10 *Mead Then, es hie ,1 • retrilnel ' cd on her: 'Noe are itt If 1 !live Meade We both te-4 le•te 'net rem, from tele. 2 to of them Toe cue I But h e revel red no encouragrement and allowed his suggestion to remain un - She looked grate(u) for this and was pulling down her veil when she per, celled tvro or three men on the other side of the room watching her in eel dent wonder. Stepptng back to th desk, she addressor! the eleek arida, this time with a marked disdisebliant bare been very 111, I know, an uot always quite myself. Rnt the sleek of this *cement to my nurse bas cleared my brain and mule me cepa. his Ravin of attending to my ows If fain Too ma trust use:1 can do Mr errands all tight, but perhaps 1 had better ham ob. of the boys go with Me." The clerk, erestly relieved, rang his hell. With the Aral step Into the street Canners trembly freed mind began ft* work "Where In (he rat/road eta - boor she Inquired 01 44* hot who was trotting aiong at her slithe -Over there." he answered vaguelly. ^Take ere tn it,' The slight of the station. from which • teals was port leaves& frightened ler for a mottieat teeth its beside sad Mine nettj. bet she Wiled seder del etress ef her AND ERUPTIONS. In the Sprinielo:t People Need .1 I °ilk. Medicine. ghae of t he eineet ...,;c1-- l I, 4' li- Wood is tint ef eerie, is (40tee pen, 2....ig4it IV et option. and rex-1114 112..1 .• ,,,,, .. fr., ivientla witti the rhar.g.• fto . %tint..., 2...pricy. lile... for.•te I i. -It I h.. I'll, g indoor life ef *30 42 ham had it. effect minn the Id , 4 I, Anil thst •,,. locie reed/. e•:tre i. fief -Jed ?" put it r i,..!.I. indeed . there Att. few people win. do not need a tonic sI I hi• .ea -on. 11.11 Ile, d does rut men Iv -how itaelf in di.Slincing eruption.. T.. !hi. .anie e,milition i., duee riownistt•tn, end lum- bago ; *11.- shay p *1-ellittott getine. of *elm -lira and neutaigie ; p nr sppetite and a do.ile to •Inlid.zer ien. Ton (winner erre Ih..... troubles by the tree of purtativ• n ediciirte.-yent need a Ionic, and • l 4 car rn y, and minting all h.eciirlite. the,. I. non.. C••11 • (0/.1 Dr, 55.114 .n-.' Pink l'il•• for their tour. Wein% oo g, rowvierestrering powers. Every deo. of this meth. itte make, new, rich Iluo 1 stile h title... out int- relir "...a ';:eliiir1;17; :we: F li.e",,ti," :::3 en y to weal, time I, ailing 111P11, 1 *neaten end elmililren, f yen am nut of sorts give thin 'di.'n' a ,etal and see how quirk's- It will trete re the appetite. nrive iiroinerne spirits, eor, 1111 poor vein. with new, "heall h•gi ring 414004. You can too the.. Pill. front any nadieine dioder or lay resit et fin emits hoz er eit PW•114.• Ire PIM (I nm The ie. Willionig Idedieine Co., Brockville, int. purpnsant. enterts* Imre es web an early mine. All tut 1 dread is that Miss Rocitins will worry ft about me If her enneekalellIMNI shoskl return during the night" "11 w111 new return we soca. Meet week we mey look for 44. Thee you eats he by to reassure bib tf obi asks tor yogi." The doctor. lifting Ide departure. The tatertriew Med 1111,111 hand 9,.adautes. She feet all fiblifigh it bad imbed OM hoer. tAlbril.11110_445t_b_re-ltftigAgi A *read tom. :Be your ear *As siolen?.. Irdpdn't. worry: perheps it will 1 "I'm net worrying about the ear; Lbatarm immured. But I had six gel- ! Inn. of garotte. in the tank" and 1 can't afford , eland that hew " •