HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-20, Page 5the pea oat was farther increased and when the fendant from and froni intel'fetingtl With thenoise. sion. dee and rt j ' went thereof b)' plsiotils; and 1 .,-.es+ the damages ,or the wrongint trespaer of defendant at Val. Let it further be declared that tie town of St. Mary. is entitled to the now of the water through the raceway unimpeded. and to damages for the obstructions thereof by the plaintiffs, which 1 assess at $fli, and which miry he deducted from tlfe damages allowed the plaintiffs. and to an injunction rest raining plaint 'Ifs from obstructing the sante. '1 he plaintiff. ere entitled to the genital costs of action, and defendant, lite town of St. Marys, is entitled to such cute as are incident to the finds in its favor. R. S. Itoloer'son t St ratio, for plaintiff.. F. 11. Thomson, K. t'. (Mitchell) and F. C. Richardson 'Strat- ford) for defendant . Sorry to Lose Him. At the conclusion of the Sunday school exercises at North atreetMetho- dist church last Sunday. Mr. L. E. Doherty, who is leaving this week to [wide at Stratford, was made the re- cipient of • farewell presentation. Mr. Doherty hes been one of the tenet active members at•d rflbcials of the oongregstioo. Ever sines corning to town arwtut seven years ago he has been secretary of the Bentley rich' oi. and • moist efficient and faithful rine, and hew ill be greatly missed by the whole eoneregatir n. Speeches were made ny, Mr. A. M. Robertson. Mr. W. C. Pridham. Rev. W. K. Hager and Mr. ii. J. Mega* expressing the seises of Ines felt In ibis varinos di p na- useate of the ebnerh'p work owing to Mrre, and ten eringDobetyis rood wishees [for the tendering him K fatale, and on Mbalf of the cinggrsga- Boa Miss Rett W nrsell pprrrwweentedm ids with a club -Mag. Mr. Doherty • fooling reply Yesterday evening aixsnt two wens* of little foike, members of the North street Mission Band, herd tel in the lecture room of the ehereb, in bonne THE SIGNAL : GODBtRICH : ONTARIO Bicycles X40.00 Bicycles $33.50 Bicycles X29.50 Biggest assortment in the county at EAST STREET GARAGE )w11e.1 .0"1 „la•rut,rl by a lilac! i,,tl utas. A. IN. GLOVER PHONE 243 LOCAL TOPICS ence to the announcement in our ad- vert inert r•oluwnr. Congratulations I A quiet matrimonial event was solemnized at Victoria street parson- age at ti.:M o'clock on \Vedoesday morning of this week, when Miss Lillie Morrish, daughter of Mr. and Mr.. \VillIew Morrish, Bro,•k street, be- came the bride of Mr. Wesley M. Mc - ,Leen, son of Mayor and Mrs. Robert Lon all of Cnderich. Rev ,J E New Furniture Man. The store on the west side of the , Square recently vacated by Mr. George Hobweier, lbs furniture man, who , moved to Berlin, has been leaved by Mr. Wesley Walker. of Clinton. Mr. Walker will open for Wetness on \la 1st and will be prepared to cater to >11 the want* of the public in the furniture line He will aleorun an undertaking humor*. A Great Picture Story. Nearly • thousand people must have seen "Tbe Hattie Cr of Peace," pre- sented at the Model Theatre on Tues- day. 1t is • great picture story. vivid and stirring, and Mr. Wetmore, the enterprising proprietor of the Model. is to be congratulated upno presenting 50 strung • feature. The Model has some gold thinks on the program for next week, es will be seen on refer - William*, Toronto ; president, Ober. vi i int, Andrew Partum . ee pees I M E �C Porter : secretary, Win. Lane ; tresrs- urer, U A. Nairn ; committee, H. T. Edwards, L)r. Hooter. C. H Humber honorary asembere, Jae Tigers (Haro- iltoui, Jas Yate*, 1.. E. Doherty. Mr lkiherty was treasurer of the club tn. last two year., arid a, be is leaving town he was placed aro the led of hon- orary members in recognition of hi. efficient services. Spells Elise! Tiede Tkeres „o nus prtea, es bourne' wet pisrws w care doe- ache i• your hips or beck —the troabie is iatide. Your kidaeys &remit et order. GIN PILLS go right to the can.* of the Maki. he and Wel sat regulate the kidney and Madder ectain. the* you get relict, permaaset rebel ! "Jimmy" Reynolds' Proposal. Mao "tan std woman en° hoe bees 1iaelpb Herald : Mr .1. H. Itey- a,uhlrf up ,sub shoot ( pars in the tach noble. of the King Edward hotel. after having to tad work see w health madams toes 1 .rr ua he Led read the. a nerwrnt litany �e• that all licensee would be suspeude t on lteptemher ltltb, suggested that this Wee the time fur the ur'ganizstiott of a hatter of artillery to be recruited iu liuelpb. and to be known es the I1.1te1 Mena Listtery. Ile is confident th•tt it co,tld be recruited to Lull atreogth in .1 %butt time. us many of these wen will have nu other occupation, and will be anxious t') verve their country. Curling and Skating Association. At the annual meeting of the Uode- rich furling and Skirting Association on Monday evening of this week the following directors were appointed 1)r. W. J. H Holmes, Win. Wallace, D. McLaren, J. H. Colborne, Judge Bolt, Ji'1'. t:oldtborpp Alex. Saun- ders, H. J. A. McEwan, Chas. A. Nairn. Wm. Ione and Jas. Mitchell. The following officers were elected: President, Wm. Lane: vice-president, J. H. Colborne: secretary-trrasurer, \\'m. Campbell ; managing committee -Masan. �Vallace. Nairn and Mac- i;wan. The financial statement was yc read, .bowing a email balance on Ford was the officiating clergyman. I After the ceremony Mr. and Mr, Me- hand, with sufficient assets to pay all Iran drove to the O. T. R. station, current liabihtie.. Tbe managing where they toot the train for a short committee were instructed to prepare glens for the improvement of the ou blevard on \ aterloo %trent, the plana to ie submitted for approval to a future meeting of the Association. wedding trip to Toronto and Niagara Fall.. the bride wearing • travelling ,alt of blue serge with hat to match. Mr end Mn. McLean will reside in Unclench and have the Lest wishes of 'their friends for a very happy future. Bowlers Elect Officers. The Gamed meeting of the t.oder ick lawn bowling club was held on Mon- day night, when the following officers wete elected : Hon. president, H. S. lTCustom Hatching Next hatch starts April 26th. Re- serve space NOW. H. Keith Revell RJDGCREST FARM Goderich 1 lelst Benefit. The benefit performances at the Model Theatre on Thursday even- ing last. for the Goderich de- tachment of the heist Battalion, were well attended, and the proceed* were =211.6. Much credit is due to thuee who gave their assistance. especially Mrs. King, who utok a leading part in the arrangement mod execution of the `rrogram ; Mr. \V. T. Hays, of Sea- co forth, who sang two *otos which were + the Uompsny. The englueer was tu- heard with much pleasure, and the I stt•ucted to rrpott a to the toot of a Stewart orchestra. Pities for selling I four -inch and a six-inch thein, tickets were won as follows : let, Pte Ruddock. who "old a igbty. a pipe pre- Wedding at Keewatin. Isented by Mr. J. W. ('raigie:'2nd, Pte. Tbe following is from (Hazier. who sold seventy-four, prize Tbe followenora Examiner er and reproduced from m !given by Judge Holt : 3rd. Bugler the marriage x • former refers tu Teddy lialkwill, prier given by oflScrA girl : On the afternoon of Wednes- uf 161st : r'h, Pte. R. Reynolds. A day, Apnl 5th, the home of Mr. and hase for S'3) for the h•ttal'uo band Mrs• Charles Symonds, Keewatin, was has been sent to Clinton and baa been for -. rare of a very pretty wedding, Cowte..Othedged exphenditures nditur sbI, beim when their daughter, Lulu Pearl, was Combe. Other tdl statement are being mauled to Mr. Joseph Harkins, of made, and a full statement will 'that town. The ceremony war per- formed by tat. r. formed by the Rev. T. Constable. Saw Kaiser Wllhtlm. The young couple were unattended. • • KIDNEY$ Two bosses camplslsly cored Arnold Mr/Wien. o(IweySetnr.N.S. "1 have never had any trouble with my beck dace," be says. 1t you have a lame beck -or any sign of Kidney trouble—Get GIN PI LI to -day and .tart tke cure weeks( lax• a box, . s.a boas* for ��aad every boa guaranlr.d t.' give ealitdaction or your *teary back. l cul treat - meet tree d you writs National Drag & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited Terasee Ont. 15 Tinning/1Y, AMYL 20. 1014 • of the Mietres Marjorie, Jean and Mary Doherty. Mr. and Mr.. Doherty and their little family lease todayfoe Stratford, where Mr. Drherty wilcatty on his Work as district manager of the Nun Life Insurance t'umpeny. He expects art be able to visit (iodericb quite Ire- quenllyand no visitor will he more welt Not only iu church affairs, but as a citizen generally. Mr. Do- herty took bis part well during his residence in (ioderich, and the gores( wishes of all accutupany him and hi. amiable partner to their uew home. OBITUARY. .IUH1N MeeLAI IIYKT Y. The funeral of the late John Mr ('lacberty took place to Maitland ceweter ou Friday afternoon from the residence of his sun, Mr. Jamey Met lacherty. The service. wet" con- ducted by Rev tiro. E. Roes, pastor of Knox church, of whose congrega- tion the deceased war • member. The pall -helmets were Clifton %I/dimwit, Jar. Robbins, Wm. Abell and Charles Black. The late Mr. McClacberty was a staunch Presbyterian, and d.,ring bis residence at Clinton was elder of Willis church for fifteen years. that in case of fire the peakload charge would be abated. A Letter from the Goderich Manu- facturing Co., addressed to the :own council and referred to the commis- sion. asked for immediate attention the fart nisbing of water supply for WILLIAM MARD.L. The late William Mandel, to srbo.m sudden death reference was made in Tbe Signal last week. was a native of l'olborne township, being born at Lienmiller fifty three eanago. \Vben be grew to manhood he learned the tanner's trade with his father, the late E.U. Meedrl. Sixteen years ago he. commenced bttainese for himself at Saltford and he was still engaged at tbie business when the sudden call came. Mr. Mandel is survived by his widow, who was Mise Margaret Uou.ins. of Colborne town- ship, and • family of two sons and two daughters. They are : Harold W., who is a sailor aro the Atlantic and is now on a trip to Australia : Florence E. and Herbert H.. both of Detroit, and Greta E , at home. He is sur- vived also by bis aged mother, Mrs. \Vilbehuina Mandel, .if Benwiller, and three brothers and two sisters : Arthur Maedel, of Detroit ; Fred, of Ann Arbor, Mich.. Paul, of Colborne township ; Mr,. Fisher, of Belair, 3licb., and Miss Louie, Mandel, of Ben - miller. The funeral from the family residence in Saltfori took place test Fridayafternoon to Colborne cemetery. Rev. W. K. Huger, pastor of North t street Metbodist church, todet icb, of Rested food. which .ours and ferments which the deceased was • Member, like garbage in a swill barrel. That's conducted the service at the house, the first step to untold misery-indi- and at lire graveeide'tbe officer. of 'ration. foul gases, bail breath, yellow Moruingstar Lodge, No. 3t1Y, A., F. A, akla, mental fears, everything that is A. M., of Carlow, tock charge of the horrible and nauseating. A Ca,scaret service. In addition to the brethren to -night will give your constipated hoot the l'atlow lodge several from bowels a thorough cleanalng and Maitland Lodge, No. :i1, (..de- straighten you out by morning. They rich, •leo Tele in attendance. work wbfle you sleep -4 10 -cent box 'l'he pallhearet'•, were L. E. Doherty, from your druggist will keep you feel - S. Bisset, H. R. Long. W T. Murney. tog good for months. ('has. McNeil and Rod. Young. Mr. CANADIAN PACIFIC Easter Excursion Fares Between.all -tat ii 1 - in Canada. Fiat '�Villiarn arid N'ost. :end t.. Sault St('. Marie. 1i.•tt+lit. 3li.1i.. Buffal.,an.l Sing .ir+t 1 -'all., N. 1' GOOD GOING -APRIL 21ST. 1916 Single Fare RETURN LIMiT-APRIL 21ST. 1916 \I ininnnn Charge "3 Caw- • Good Going -April loth, asst, 221td and 23rd. 1916. Return Lrm1t- April 25th. 1916 \I.i:uutarttlt..rgeS:,1.:. Fare and One -Third Particular. fr.un J. -. Kidd. Canadian 1 . ii' Ticket Agent. or from W. R. Motor nl. 1). P. A.. 9"'t..uto. 1 i oast theatre MONDAY, APRIL 24th ENTERTAINMENT EXTRAORDINARY and his troop of Juvenile Scotch Dancers, assisted by PIPE MAJOR SUTHERLAND Donald MartYn MR. TWEEDY, Toadied ted A QUARTETTE OF MERIT, in addition to the regular program of II ADMISSION— high-class pictures. 10 cents and 20 cents and and HARMONY FOUR TUESDAY, APRIL 25th Hobart Bosworth A five -reel Broad- way Feature. - - - in "Colorado II ADMISSION cents and 10 cent WEDNESDAY, APRIL 26th 11The Great Divide" A V. L S. E ProductionI) ADMISSION-- in _six acts. 10 cents and 16 cents Mr. I)avid Burns, the Kingston i The bridher e.who fatber, It oas given in marriage pre street baker, is possibly•tbe only per. by ton y. ( son in town who ever saw the Keiser wearing •moa need sir Wine owlore 'Wilhelm. Mr. Burn+ sailed the seas white er'p de for many years, and the occasion of and a juliet cep. The wed ling mar.h bis Bering the (iceman monarch was was played by Miss Ilensen. and dor- when the latter weir invited by the ing the signing of the register Miss late King E.1.vatd, then Prince of Fraser sang-Until.'The largeflt,n the Wales. to accompany hila un the ter of splendid gifts Jos I maiden trip of the steamship Teutonic popalanty of the years tn��le. is - to Npitbeed. Mr. Burns says the among them being a haw1 Kainer was an nrdinary-l. oking man, Ston clock, which was presented by (and he and the Prince were apparently the Sunday school tescbers and eboir 'the lest of friends. In those days of the Methodist Church. in which Britain and Germany were un. good connection the bride was an, active Genus. and :he steamship on which worker. Mr end Mrs. Harkins left the royal party for k thi• trip was the ti "i train for 1•: rmunton. where named in honor of the Teutonpeople. A to.gn:ficent dinner was prepared ed for the party and it took 1111 persona. iincluding cooks. waiters, et.-.. to pre- pare andl serve it. Mr. Burn§ he- two sons with the Canadian troops --William, o( Ntrath- Itoy, with en artillery corps at Toron- to. arid Robert. of Carleton Place, 'with the :ilst Ilatiery at Kingston. WM Cal Ihs Ink Tee Ca lay Advallage You kreser bow eteiy ng cods more wtaeo you bast a to buy os credit. Why nct practice self dental for a while if necessary, open a Savings Account in the Union Bask of Canada, aid wtth the enc req 1n hand, buy at Cab prices? The discounts will help tc swill your hank balance, and ycu will have made a good start tcwards ttnancial Indepefx:encs. Go%lericn Branch—F. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. Nee Hlucketo,i.. winJuw distik nt ( Despondency avid the "blues," u.m1- b:aster novelties. Mr. P. T. Eimer. of N.. w Yet k, i• 111 town .,n I, frit. He refereed .nth Mr-. Ijceu.v and a,tw Marta tet MaeE.aa. who had pweu frit. tag for several ween. brew city. Do not fail to enjoy the musical treat in piepatation''hy the North street Methodist choir for Gold Fiiday even- ing. The . bottle. "By Babylon's Wave," will ire poeluced for the first time in Ooderirh. An Expensive Blaze. The water anti Tight commission i. are entllled to _ restrains g dnfrndrntitin, and a in - I dealing with what is .-ousidered an I J tu overcharge in the Jenaruy power entering on plaintiff.' ,.sad lands. 1 uccount from the Pmvineie! Commis- I Judgment: Let j�+went he en- • g Sion. While a blaze waw being ex -1 tired declaring cl ringattha plinaintiffs are statement tinguishel in the roof of the Doty 1 foundry one evening in January the 1 of claim went jotted titoluding t' ' electric pump at the pumping station lands covered with watet and a was operated at an hour when the entitled to the p.sssersion and use peakload, under ordinary condition., thereof without drfeu.lantcience on and are ene •� height. During pa Exactly. -Would poi er-marry me, Wmute'?" "Oh! Algy• you set -price me? Cer- taiAl) I'll want y you. - "But -1'm not venom.. doncher know! l'awn's you *crept a Wks?" -That's exactly what I've done -Life. ally the result of constipation, quickly %uccurnh to Recall Onlerlier.. Sold only by Ilexall drug Moretti. C.e mad 21.c 1, ixe.. H C. Dunlop, Ooderich. 10 CERT "CASCA>ZETS" I!t BILIOUS OR COSTIVE For Sick Headache, Sour Stomach, Sluggish Liver and Bowels -They, work while you sleep. Furred Tongue, Bad Taste, Indiges- tion, Sallow Skin and Miserable head- aches come from a torpid liver and clogged bowel.. which cause your stomach to become tilled with uudl- Mandel was well known and highly re -I spected and his untimely death :s tuucb a regretted. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured\ with l.UC tLAPILI A l' TN)]?. a. tory eau.ot reach lh lama e . �;W inftueneedl Gr �euaeta•f tlaaal 000dtttoo•. and in enter to care h you moat take an Internal remedy. H.J 1'- i'.. •ai rh l 'neebtak.•n I.Itinalli and act. t h.ourl: tM blood on ib.' muco.+- wort.,•.- n! 110 -)-ere. Hall -,'.tank lure .war pro. nhed by one 01 • be bent phy.ieiw, • to tot-«..nduy 1a 1'.1- 1 t t. eowpo'.td o t -owe el the b -' i amt - -.town. with -witted the bed blood ponder.. lie ;wife,-t.,,nbrsatwu or the intrttdteut. in Hall'. catarrh 'ure'1.. tenet prtd,t,e-•+nth M.a.de %tel rFn11. dean hal Condit:".,.. I. sad on they will *lend tin ir honeymoon, fort,-untoned-.tree. after which they will reside in groora. y_.1 , Hest F.V. co. I'u-,Toledo.,'• •+o. I ell drrlfat .� Judgment in St. Marys Case. Hall - I., nal, Pill- for Judgment has la -in given In ;be eooAita:i. f St. Mary, Milling Co. v.. t A household necessity -Blackstone'. cane V town of `It \laic- tried t.e'fore Mt' drliriou. ice errant in bulk nr fancy Justice 1'lute it the assizes here last bricks. Phone 'Int. - month. This was an action to re- cover damages for alleged treatises on Fur a dainty dessert a -e Edward. plaintiff,' lands. and declaration of pure ice cream, made iu Laney betake plaintiff.' ownetshil•, and that they or bulk. Order. delivered. Phone yt), itemeniber the concert 'in North atter Methodist 'chur''h on Friday evening. April 2'141. Mrs. King and other stdoi.i• will appear on the Ft. - EAVESTROUGI1ING ! 1111 'chi.' is Ur,• :t."rt when Guy wrirk in thin lite should r.-- eeiye r.trr(u1 itteutiom. 1)ur staff ..f w orkcr' an• well ,Itwlitl,•. 1.1 gi'.• the. last o1 Sat isf+tc•t ioii in any order+ of this kind with whine y,at aria' favor us. Fred Hunt I I.+M11.Tt)N'STREh:T gram, Mr. Remy and Mr. Brusingth- tvaite will It,ve t • 'Ion and • or net solos and a full chi ir will render "By Baby- lon's \Peer." thorns from "The Rose Maiden," aired other selection.. was at it. progress rig t. unn• kl L titled to nn injnuction restraining dr- the fulte of the tire power account for January was ren tiered the town wan charged for the full month with the amount of the peakined tired during that brief period. The additional charge is about i3OO,). and the local commission is pro- testing against it, as it was understood To the Public HAVING purchosed the meat market which has been conducted for many years by Mr. Thos. Morrow, I beg to announce to the people of Goderich and vicinity that I intend to conduct the business on the most approved meth- ods, and 1 solicit a fair share of patronage. in addition to Fresh Meats of all kinds, I will handle the Celebrated Kincardine Hams and Bacons, Hone -node Sausages, Horne -rendered L a r d, Corn Beef and Pickled Pork, etc. - - GiV E ME A CALL— H. T. LEGG Morrow's oid stand West Side Square Telephone No. 2 • To Builders and Con -tractors We have a large stock .,f Square. Tiniber up to 12 111. ' 1narc to "iii fete lung. Hemlock, Spruce Jointing and 'Scantling, all widths and lengths [111 to '-'1) feet loth: Lath, Ontario White Cedar Shingles, Pine, Spruce. He nllo. k am! Oak Lumber. All grades. Hardwood andPint' Flooring. Dresst'd Pine and Spruce.' Cali- fornia.Siding. A1*a)sin stock. Mouldings- -Saito Stock ••u haslet. Sectional Poultry Houses all sizes. Estimates cheerfully furnished. a PNl).t : Ltd. F:t• t.,t•y'= Paget Grain Door Co., It.,u•.• :ilei Hardware at Auction I BIG BARGAINS ! 1 Don't miss this sale Everything must be cleared Saturday afternoon and evening SALE STARTS AT 2 AND i.3o $. M. Howell Hardware Co., limited THOS. GUNDRY. AUCTIONEER