HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-20, Page 4T syssoAT, APRIL 9ei ISI r'HE SIGNAL GUDRRIOH = ONTARIO =1=1=1 • teen's Easter Millinery Exclusive styles, rich coloring, newest I WE HAVE the hest 1 Iats you will find anywhere, not even in the large cities will you get anything 11 better. The I3ursalino "I talion'' at has it on them all for style, colors and lasting (dualities. .Leading shades in green, greys and black. . Easter Neckwear Exclusive rich colorings, newest shapes - 1 faster Suits 11 As advertised last week, our special offer of fine Blue Serge Suits, worth today $20.00, special for Easter= -- 50c $17.00 1 Walter C. Pridham SOCIETY BRAND CLOTHES, BORSALINO AND KIWI ti HATS HEADLIGHT OVERALLS. Mrs. . with we and glee •t a Institut" the will be with us. and glee a talk on tM work. ♦ geser•1 lovitatloa le ea - tended to all the ladies to he present. All ore welcome. AUBURN. Wsntls.LAY, April 19. R..N.l.s • ssAssd of Now snratct iota taw. L.sv.rosrader,saaly .ith Ridden or A.aalth Mies Everett. of Palmerston, who 'visited in the village over the week- end, assisted the choir of Knox church on Sunday morning, and .1-u sang • solo which was much appreciated. EYurrs AM A PIMA' ATA. --Rev. Wm. Itiiihhv, M. A., pastor tat the Dunn- ville Bap:irt church. and brother of Mews•.. lien. and John Kaitlaby, of Auboou. has enlisted with the Illth Battalion for overseas service as • pri- vate. Mt. Itaithby tient in hieresigua- tion as pastor, but the congregation has asked him to sceept leave of al•- sence. We herr that Mr. Itsitbhy has hewn doing a splendid work at Dunn- ville. and his congregation is evident- 1 ly loth to givs.bim up. SUccgatorat. Beyer —The patriotic enter taiiiment given by the Young Pe.• le'r Societyon Friday night drew a bull house. Te play "The Minister's Bride" created much fun. each ebarae- ter acting bio or her past to the de- light of all. Theoung people deserve credit for their willingness to work a* they ate dolor to raise funds and otherwise assist is the Red Cross work. The proceeds trews this effort were gtli.73. Beton fie program com- menced the Red (hoes Society offered for sale two quilt•, which were bought up tjuiekly and wale presented to the Society and resold. They were thus .old nine times, realising over t{Bl. Mrs. Harvey McGee gave the Society a cusbioo. for wbleb tickets were amid. rai-irg the furthest rum of 610. Thanks are due aim to Miss Walkom, of Dun- gannoe. wbo contributed two recita- tions to the program. i ■ LZ=I =I • ST. HELENS. TC MOAT. April 16. School Inspector Tom was in our vicinity last week. We are pleased to report that Mr. H. \Voodly is able to be out agair after his severe illness. Private Rosa Murray, of the $Sth Highlanders, Toionro, is home for a few weeks to artist his father ow the farm. ,yr. Morphy. who has been working for Mr. Frank Todd for the 'sat year. has moved to St. Augustine, where he has bought abouse and lot. from Mr. Redmond. The funeral on Sunday .Gat of the late Mr. H. McCro.tie was very large- ly attended. Rev. J. Little conducted the services. Interment was made in Greenhill cemetery. \Vottuu'e Isrrrrei t. — The Wo- men's loatitute of St. Helens will hold its Apr'I meeting on %%edneeday, 35th Jnr., initea.l of Thursday. at the home of Mrs, J. B. Rutherford. The sub- ject : "French People and Their Cus- toms ;" question drawer : knitting. Let's All Join Forces on the `Paint Up" Idea Let's interest the mos DIM door mod the man across the street in this "(lean Up and Paint Up" Movement. 11 they will do their share and go after their neighbors, you tee all make a �glorious semen attain m1 b. in preet .apa'bb ful, sens ply .1 civic•ae�.wsew,. lyt olabeartad e;epe .ds i smut %impeded lar ispicoispAti Do your pert earef.Ily tad loyally. V die Hoare bleb dull, or the Porch is were. or she Peace L seined, • Goat id "le% Pun" Psi■( will putt yorrpiaa is the 9pie.edap a dart V then ia any fregig sod .r br iOlema ft a M a. 'Nis week eeuily ateioeor� trdVie iaeven. ars emery IVI*YT HIRK ten taw b .r+0 teed. Milk& ee.wrtso..r liras sad asst wli e...mwssal ryesem et embiseolt.. 11 The Best Medicine for the Baby. - The beet medicine for the baby is the one that never tails to cure and which, at the tame tisue. the mother may give with perfeet assurance that it is absolutely tate. )inch a medicine is Bany's Own Tablets. They are the only medicine absolutely guaranteed entirely bre from injurious drugs aced what is more they never fail to tree the baby from those minor ills of babyhood and childhood. Once a mother baa used them she would use no other medicine They regulate the stomach and bowels : drive out con- stipation : expel worths and make teething easy. They •retold by medi- cine dealers or by avail at Za cents a bort from The Cr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. KINtUSBRIDGE. MoNnAT, April 11. \uvea.—Jobb J. Dean visited at St. Aligned iue oe Sur day Patrick Wallace :son the ilea IuiL 1Ve'hope for his gretedy recovery John and Mae li, iftln. of Clodericb, spent Sun- day w i' b AsbMeld friends Mr. and Mrs. Wes. McCarthy visited at Gode- rich last week , ..... T . boys ars cuss- ing back. Jae, Metbethy wbo spent the last fele whistles Is Detroit. same home on Sati nlay for the suesmse. Jim liked city life just right. be said, but be is hack to help increase Huron's farm produce for 1918, Neil. McAdam returned home las: week after an ab- sence. of about • veer and Ed. %Val- ises is back from (lodericb. THE Bio EYECT oe NEXT WEEK.— Tee thrilling drama. entitled “The Frozen Trail," stirring. emotional, pathetic and picturesque. will be pre- sented here by the K. D. C. on the evening of April 'lltb, commencing at s :1) o'clock. The opening scenes occur in Northern Alaska and the last two acts in Sew Yolk. This drama is re- plete with human interest from start to finish. Alaska tU. O'Connos I, ate AFTER TUE GRIPPE fiasl lastorei.IGr ihmegth Canton, Miss.—"Ism 75 yws old and became very weak sad feeble from the effects of IA Grippe, but V lnol has done me a world of good. It has cured my c000agg�hbuilt up my streofl;th so I feel os"—Mrs. active and well aai;nn, Mrs. Lams BALDWIN, Cantoa,7lirs.' Vivol, oar de ieione sod liver and Iron took without oil. aide digestion, en- riches the end creates strength. Usegoalledhfor eheook coughs coli or bronchitis. Year mosey back If it fails. N.G. Dunlop, Drugltion. Goderieh ROBT. WILSON Massey -Harris Agent Mentos 5L, Gedwteh mate i J. H. Colborne EASTER 1916 White KiJ Gina Just the thing for Kastrr wear. A very fine ..sit I•'r.•tn'h kid and one that gives perfect sati-fac- tiuu in color and wear. anti is a glow.• that can lie cleaned and look as good as new. Two qualities 51.00 and 51.20 Kid (:loves in tan, black and.00 awl 51.25 White Silk Caves 1n all sir. awl in -loss, thud' and long Mentonu h. The-•• Silk blocs$ arc what \1,11 are needing. ce it tin get lisle glove e, Silk has lav • t,.ry popular. Shot•( silk 4.1.4w49. iu black Anil wltite...SOo. 750 Iwal$ Silk I;It iu black and white. at.... ....... . . . . . ...7111o„ 51.00 and 51.25 White SM Beet Hese A Silk Stocking that will swear and give satisfaction. Silk Best Hose are %Vey fashionable and can be hal in w hite.maize, champagne and black. at 25c and 50c Why Celan sad Cuffs Everyone want- a n• vu collar at Kasten. (at't1•. 1. •.1 ti.11ars i - new and the very late -t is Iit'r• for yowl to eh.a.t' roan. Hutt. in white. Hack. awl black azul white. at each *t 75c or by the yard at $1.00 White Silk Waists Silk \\'aista in wliite sill. crepe d.• client• and habitue, in all Pius anal several styles. • Let u- rhos you then.•,\\ sis4s this w•.vk before the 1w wt of theta are wild. Bar+ $2.25. $3.00. $3.50 last of the Boethics. under whose spell both Cod. Rand 1 EJ. !Monett) and Dr. Jack Moore. 1). 1. Sullivan) both tall, is a combination of true womanhloos Fos (J love and eesetaney. J. Sinnett I. Alaska's father, is a typical reeentful Indian. Capt. Walker I W. Lanolin, is an old trapper and miner whose goudnatured, rough-and-ready ways make him a general footlight favotite. Helen IP. Sullivan), the in- genue. and her father. the Hon. Tom Seen i11. P. Hogan(, furnish excellent corned) roles. Mrs. Kaod IL. Mc- Carthy) and Bishop (R. Meyers) por- tray ,American ari.tocratie life. Joe Starkie (H. Hearn,, a consumptive, is a good pathetic character, while his t r,.ther. Ti.. t W. Dalton), demon- .tratee brotherly care and affection with a touch of irresistible light com- edy. The thrilling situations whizh ars .nsny and varied are the parts that male this production a ' ripper." Ad- mission will be :ti and ''SI cents. Lots of instrumer:tal music and refined vaudeville between art.. g The contest was a keen one, and Vere Alt is to bti congtatulated. Mr. Alex. Bsrnby, of the Toronto Dental College, is .pentlingthe holiday at the bowmen( Mr This. McPhee. Mrs. Herbert Murdoch left on Mon- day last for her home at Portland, Oregon, after spending 1 he last few months at the horse of her father, Mr. , A. Breen. The many friends of Will Glenn are Pleased to see his cheery face again in this vi:inity. We understand that owing to the Western chmst.e not agreeing with his h.all,h, be has di. - posed OChis property in the West. LUCKNOW. MONDAY. Apri117. Mr. Jaynes Barber spent the week- end with Kincardine triende. A wte.idn of spring is the everlast- ing croak of the frogs in the nearby swamps. Miss Sadie MI..untaio: of t:oderich, is spending • few days with Miss Ito.. Smith this week. Pte. Telford Aitcbi.ne," who is in training ,e with the Id a Bettalioo, spent Sunday at his horse here, Messrs. (bot don B gues and (larssee Hertdeieon drove to Walkerton hot week, and donned the khaki uniform. Last week we reported Abe D.,rnin as congaed to the house with appen- dicitis. Fortunately the ailment turned out to be less serious. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Rivers arrived from Western Canada last week. They are visiting Mr.. Rivers' pareenti, Mr. and Mr,. Roderick McChsrlee, of town. " Members of the Wingham Salvation Artuy were in town on Friday selling copies of the Easter War Cry. 1'bey also LekLopen-air services in the after- noon and evening. Mr. and Mn. Win. 1.. McKenzie were out at Langside on Wtdoesdiy of last week attending the marriige of the latter'$ sister; Elizabeth McIn- tyre, to Mr. George Moffat. fhe Patriotic Society of Lucknow bbl placed a large hoz at the corner of Mr. D. R. Mc/ninon's store, and is col- lecting old papers, rubbery. etc. The members are looking forward to the rat ng of nearly a carload. What seems to he the moot exciting news o4the past week was brought to light Sunday morning, when one of our local soldiers took his girl to , Wbiteehurcb to attend ebureb. and the girl's firmer beau. in an act of frenzy, followed them from Lu eknow and eut the harness to several places • while they were in church, lesvtng the ydung couple in awkward circum- stance.. 11 reeves,ibe taken. of which that Aviion will possibly more particulars will be to bead later on. 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE mutt be mold by July let, 1916. We bare two ear Toads of the beet tense that tsoee eon buy and we have lmonght mo we can senp rt. Call ``a and ere our mtoes and get our W.� before you boy your tWe need ills mosey and you need the totem. Fm. is -Harry We carry a fell Ilse of Farm Machinery always os band. eel Colima We leave them. MI mbar= and .ia... A large a.s.etmest al- ways no eve Mer. If you need a Mw tote of that p ODS�M>e- vye bore a usrlesei Jose ha. Barr or Salt Wood delivered to any part d laws. Plume No. 1/115 The old raying is, '• 1' can't have both Bair and brains," but it is pretty tough to he lei' h.out Moth. If you will take notice, however. you will see the brainy people drat. Into F. J. Pridbam'r for their clothes. Tkat terrible cagy cwt Y.e kagw hew d.aa.re•e it Id. If Ole Win MOOS Y (AMA IL Y ase.. .r ~se. Rub the Awe( ..11 with Ch..b•r l al a • I..t...t sad nee e deaf ehambwkun'• Cough Remaly. The 0001104011 .ad pma so the .►rt will •.- th. cough will •tep- th• dusger pa•.. Clombwtr.•• nrwr- di.ore safe sod d. 'pot dt.sptietet. =Ss..- a settle CHAMBERLAIN'S LINIMENT LOTMMAN, TossDAT, April 18, LOTHIAN Locwu. —Mss Be..i. Barn- by hate returned home again. atter spending a week or se vWtisg friend. Is Toroab, .. . Mr. Bd. Oilman spent a sew days lam week visiting friesd. at Iswoo Charlene Henderson bas enlisted sad le now with the sol- diers training at [widower Ales. Barnby, of Tavola Ualversit . is spwisg a few days at bbl Was beer. PORTER'S HILL. TI VAT, April I6. Norse.—Mrs. Ow. M bee misread borne. Mmol three week* et Losaos liar McDoa- WlukMDetroit Mrs. eDDosald, hiting of Detroit. 1. visit- ing Is the selshborbood. The Ladies' Aid will meet at the borne of Mrs. Wm. Jobastos es Monday. Apo SIthl wut Oes wears a M Gad .wk ilsys—a baby bcey. CARLOW. WanxaruaY, Apil fel Mr. M. Umber 41epessa et • Deft ros.stly be Mr. thea Batas, Mr. Vers OwNsgbasaas* 1000000000000. dm4M ibe lUlatrrs fat sfoek Doreowead's Display of ARTISTIC HAIR -GOODS should be seen by every rattan and woman who would keep .at- tractive and youthful. L -\DIETS who have not sufficient hair to do justice to their ap- pearance and (',ENTLEMME` N1'HO ARE BALI), come to The hotel Bedford, GODERICH THURSDAY, APRIL 27th wnen von can have a I'Itlifi ototoNsTRATuty of the style that will an.wur your demands. LADI1:S Switches, Braids. Transformations, Pompadours, Naves and many other Chair -goons creations of the finest qual- ity- hair. 11n GENTLEMEN! Hygienic toupee' and wigs which are indetectable, featherweight and are worn by over a quarter million men. See what a benefit it ;Is to YOUR HEALTH, COM-, :FORT and APPEARANCE. DORENWEND'S Head Office and Showrooms, 105 Yonge street, TORONTO. • will pay you in actual dollars and cents. The extra work you will get from a TAPATCO pad- ded horse will amount to many times the pad's cost. H. J. Fisher, THE tis MAN Hamilton Shoot coDESJcl►