HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-20, Page 31 HE SIGNAL CO1►i:I;I('II. (►NT:1RiO
0'161 Al
F.' N1 Alt E.
1 :ON" -
I Ill'
Br►OK13I Nll1N42.•
bound ur repaired.
A6oder. ' %toward 's ca lerwtes
aoau111EIIMMA1 (ieasr.1F
A. I. 1' A l 1 A ).:. let K AT71,Rn.
11'IR. 61.11.). 11F.11.E3IA\N, oars -
s... ea owner.'. sod del
ileo'. dreene., .eutr...I.ront, end .trsrtsssdh-
alder.. eye. ear. elms sa,d lanai, t.trtW Mat
ens. luW lwgu awl 'heonatb rut. tH bas. Ad..
octet- r•n,utrl with, et the Melte. Unlet at
rawlesae. censer ICI -'u ad St. As4rtw's
e4, /414 Albl.r *Mew atralWlw
aad soy ea ruing by
-Rae. J. R. Vu}U4TL+'R-Bar E. EAR.
on.. .ad throat only. Hone surgeon.
ea 1'.,rk uyhthalo4c end Aum lu.Utute,
llrek•.1 Assist .. 1•..4,, Neer ond 1 Lrost Ho.total.
lAuiden equate. sod Mou sat•ld Frye li.rpita.
London. F:..alatol. UlIk a Ste W uerl.ro Street,
9iratfonl. oppoans Koos than h. Hones W.
• III am..tw1D.to..7toll pat, T.MWom
fkx s'. Uudertat. All In.troetlooe by mat
krt at bytaal omce watt be ptttuyee) .
traded lc. Render.* wlepaoue 114
C'. HAI•
bAltRIeTER. S •Lll'1'R,It, NOTARY
2.•l bWt, tTl.
UMce-Sterling Hank Meek. Hamilton Bast,
3o4eriere. Tutepboue at,
Heal Iitat a Lassa m/ laearaa.a
Mos on Me gear*. ...and doe from Maw
Mese .fret. Una I tea
etas ate tuud. to lean at hetet ratan.
W. Picot swan. K.l'. J. L. k*Ltoaa"
H. J. IJ. Coarse.
(>?. CAKKONii Ii. V.. HARRIS
L. 1'417. mibtdr. sitar, psbU . UMoe.
iaaollt..o duset. asudsrlcs, taut door ti- •
=re. At 1 buena Ib,.r.day of each week 2.0
on Asian t Nre•t .a. upu.l by Mr.
limper. ..dk-. hour. Y elm. to. p.m.
' IHAttLhtf IrAKKOW, LL.B., 'lats.-
k,/ blast ►ll..uaawr. soutane. etc.. Uode-
rrd. Y.,..tv w AAA at Warta rate.
. Wt. r. %trtary PsbUc .til tsarw1>r*
•tlls. -ler bww U.414s . t •
14ik&LLUk' MUTUAL /filth IN
M. at; R A% Lis C u. -Ella .ad leolu.d
t eon penny .accred.
Waxers -J. R. McLean. Pres., ae loath P.O.,
1 r. l,oul.ouy. Vast -Pte.. Galeria P. U.,
fauna h: nay. eel:. -1 r..... bearortb P. U.
iatecton-u I'. M.uresur. tleof«:b ; John
N . ranee, N ratting; N unarm Rluo, t ~tattoo.
Juba het brodb.Rso; Jaws._ 6.w,.
.e •
bebu.4 Rouen .; HuueWerra. darnel ; etoulau
Atakora. Ilnaet.ed.
Ad. ;• : J.. leo. Hdmes r.;le; Alar.
Legore. t u.Wo ; N U1 ae l I.s.ney. aestath .
k. no..'4... y. ba.tot Lr Pulley-aola.i. can pal
11,1•111.81% a n WA teen .:aros rax.elpted a
Ik J. Me e • Int.. 1 parr; erre. Clinton. it
I -i1 t - t.. • era : ..t!.gst•.n 1 1 fl.1, ttludtrrlet . or
.1. b. Bell's treen.I*ste..Beyand.
(Vi is.a• App:y to ]l. U. CA]I
N. Rare, tee /Wanton 'met. Ua:etloh.
MA ObliitTnOa.
VIA& *Nr, Leith. .Na: 14147644 C..o.dtan and
a00.Us%r Ite.aanrt♦Nb arraorsaa' Lentil.
ITT : The learn Au•klenl u.d Uuersulee
.ortN,relk.•u. Lttat&.4. of Loudon, ling.
i10rIJ7r ARLl.eaaa1T4t 14,,140: The U.S.
bidelul .., d Unuantee Company.
tyre el rt..r: •I..r. t:ortnes.t corner of Vk
bels ,.ad tll l)e,Ia s anise. 'Pbo.e 171.
ai►aaIAoz uctRsts
VYA''l't sousaiKC'; .. J. Y..
Patents, True ruts,
Irscured in all Countries
. write tnr ties I..nk "I'AJ'LHT1 PROVO'
? ION. 1.1). all slant and he to set pat
can. RA1M-1,1:k k SUNS. ....bI,.brd Irl;
formerly Patent t tsps ksomiuet. bloater of
Patent Las.. Inal.tered Patent Attorney.
Mt.. # St. Jaen'. Street. Montreal. t r.eehre
(Rtawa sad Washington. Ret•re..tatUres In
pit (telae r nntrte.
. r
Brophe) Bros.
1 ne Leading
Funeral Directors
Sad Embalmers
Orders earetslly attended to
at all boors. nigi.t or day
felkve: ._ FRUIT, THE GREAT , f!A"tKET QUri}TATIC.r-
1Thr tar a*sts iiiii ei nt this annwel
r p,'s44ataH as n, wore as .l;
el •hw 1, • (iUat.,14,
Toronto C- ff7'ket 1,60
t•+}.!i Taira-• 17:12. t et .!Jt. roe, t• ata
,., , 1 ., tI ..r ,...1 i
• I!.tdl :,k,‘.
.`� a4,. .,4,1:, 1. t',
I• i. 7 1I -
a '1''. \,
i }
It 'v ear 114, It
\• 1• %.. it I:
(i.. • !). t n.
la., Hoak! Pears of Fruit FEL01
,- by I.Frt if-a.tiYas'f
rill, ft-
tar .G
,1. 1 t
1 •'7 }rtl' Y, .1. 1711
elle. I! ‘1••'V1::ae.
te• .
1 14,'.
rt , •a• it ,1,1 •••'1n1s.
Team t.. 1, .r,,, . 9: x
t'Iq t eprt oke .- It. ll. l2.
rllreltltt1.11-R\1..t. -'.
117:44,2. lull•. 114.4,'.1,.:• u..(oTrj•
tl Net*. rhe,na.'. klat,.
VMS" tat geltt,n, . 'tin c t-, sr, alai
over --P. I•'t.tl.i'rtwl.halu,.'1'..1. [tate,
'onkl. -
Filly or grl.];n t. t.v,.' •ar° and
tinder three -Alex. (Ctigbt, J. ileguI,
11. Irl.eau. . •
F,11i• of jrrldiny, one yeer and tinder
lea --Vele 1'ur'..iughalit, Jti-, Caanlab
&lhm•,ln., Mt i l•11r. .
Ilor.e; r d' u. 12.117, tin.lvr one year
-Jae. toeni.h dt S.,,'. R. \n•1.
Teale in harn.-t:-I). F. t ,-'r.wRARut,
J'. UAI,, j•., A:I..t 11, rt ,t.
Sarepslake. 1). F'»1he, ,••
JJ reel more. ti/rrr yr„t • :.id over
Js . VanEgiuonJ, A. and E. Fisher.
3".11y or rtrtdr g. there years and
over -Jae. ' itiE etwcnd. R. I).rker.
Team in btrness-l..e. V:ln1Rmond,
J. Illeekrr, 11. ('h+nll.ers. •
!twrep-take--Jaen. Vo:Eglp.'nd,
1.11 i n r Ili H1$I,. -111/A
SI ALUM". 1:,; hen(.s and y -r -Leo
('hat lei. ui l h. 'Bert y & Hoes, hnry .
Stallion, untie, 15turnd.-Meleougall
!tweepstekes -Lw Mertes wort h.
l'aerialist horse in barn.. -W. alfl-
Ier,-('harles VanEgmnnii. W. Reid.
ttnadetres in Ism nese-W,. \1iI!er,
('bar. VanEaaseerel. W. Heid. •
Re*dster horse in harness -Morton
Elliott, (iso. Beatify, frank Perdue.
• Carriage team in barnes.-Rohl.
Perris, L H. Hader.
Roadster Irani in herbeu-John
1hrker, tiro. Laithwaite.
Best grey tram. heavy .draught, ag-
neultural u4, general pu,Bose--Jas.
\'anKjt d, '
Kept matched teas,, Heavy draught,
gricultuiil r r general purpose -D.
!lest lady driver - Mrs. Jas. Vanisg
mood, Mr. C) Trhhut'. Mi.,. 14.,(look.
t ATTLK-.114)RTHu3\.
Shorthorns -Bull, a years and over,
-1 E. Wise.
Bull, 2 years -,1 E. Wise, 2 James
Snell A Sons.
Cow. 3 years and over -Jas. Sash ,a
Sons, 1 and 2.
Helfer, 2 years -1 leasee Snell M
Sons, 2 K. Wise.
heifer -I Janie, Snell .l- Son, E.
Wise 2and 3.
Sweepstakes- E. 3Viw
('.,w, :i year* and over -1 G. Shipley.
P4)LLKU AXt;I'4.
t'olled cow. :( Teats and over -I
Charles Lindsay, 2 L Trick C Son.
Heifer, uhdera feats -1 (ren. Ship
Dairy row.. anyage or breed -I H.
Fitzeiruoni., 2 B.'it,•imons.
Fat heifer. age considered -1 Jas.
Snell & Son•, 2 E. W iew.
The judge. were : IL•nry horses-
liearge Dickie, Loudon. and James
Brandon, Forest ; light. horses -J.
i)ana'ch, Listowel; cattle -John Big -
gine, Clinton, and A. 11. McKay, o!
1' r 1.1.
Tells Suffering Women To Use Dodd's
Kidney Pills.
Stewart Vnll.•e, �a•k., April HAI. -
(Stpee1a1.1-SiI's. 1•' .1. Gulls, wife of
an estimable. te•idrnt of this place, is
enthusiastic in her praise* t Dtalu'.
Kidney Pill..
"Ih.dd's Kidney' Cilia have h.-Iprtl
ID. wonder folly,' Mt e. Gatti. says in
an interview. •'A yes» ago i ws..?e
bad with my hark I could hardly
move. 1 souk four (arra Of De ail'.
Kidney-Pille *od they help. -•1 are more
than 1 can till you."
Vii,'*. Gallia is now able to atterd to
her hla.rhohl denies Ila a • II a nurse
her fine big ha'.y Is.y and .hr feels
that she r•antfot recommot„l [)odd',.
Kidney Pills to hiilhh,
Backache is the crane of the average
twnrnan's life. It is *croaspu u.d by a
weakness awl laa.itude that make
lite a fru den. But tho•1•atnle of
women all over Canada are telling
their suffering sisters that relief and
cur. is to he found in Dodd's Kidney
Mn. Ellen Montgomery Receives a Note
of Thanks from the Trenches.
One of the kno ler* tor 1 soldiers
in the 1rrnrhe'. is ?It.. E.I n Mont-
gomery, of town, tt'.a,' is is ghty five
years of age. L8,•1 '1os'rulher her
name and eddies. .err placed in a
pair of locks .he was sending away,
and a few daysagnshehad the pleasiiie
of rereiving es letter of acknowledg-
ment front the soldier to whom they
were, farmed. The letter ie da
France. Mitch 21, 1916. and le as
DRAR All Re. 11101 lin FRT, -1 wag
more than pleased to les able M receive
your gift of Stecka and especially from
such an old kind-heartlrl lady like
yrnrrself. 1 watt in very much need of
them, aa the trenches have been very
wet for some lime now. Weld this
tett-IM. war is still going on a. "tering
aa ever and neither side baa dune a
great deal since teat fall, tint hope porn
to b. abler In deride what they ran do.
Well. 1 will say* little of myself. 1
was hot in Belleville and have lived
in Toronto for the last fifteen years, so
I know where (loderieh is. 1 was
never there, but have heard A great
deal about It, i received your socks
. i14,01,1410'44%
ES! alt 1..14, ua. sy s ice tran-t'>ri.:
'Pratt a :I ti* Rl+! r !1 ".e .
The tr ,h(sft2!4
pro -vest ii ax of
1::1t3t 1',Urear'.a.Ton,•i1
t'. tar:waf!ent, 124,;all• an.!
is r:elhk r, Sian llilesees, R!ltxrtnati__ ,
lkt•urki„i; 1%'- ('ltronic Ile. 1 .u• c,
rLe 4-nortrtgfa tales of 'Fruit a -Lives,'
TsIv'nsoAT, Artist, SI. 1f/6 $
11.0 ' i pilleal
C oni.e.r
11i1Ii9 e { .' 0, each,.
an' the host 'proof of the„t
''utoe nj ti ,. t• :t to 4,4,117 �!
1, a jrbit mai. -Are. l riT x4)01'
6+)e. a hoz, t3 foe $2.90, trial rt -r, ,enc.
$tJ:•air•r.orsent tpostpa;ll ontee, 'I tof
prieo by Frelt-a-tires Litelie•1, ()tuna.
trtilay Mtu1M4(.1'141tt dt,n
try •- y . t.•
Flo, • g:n"•t y.' t'1'
III • 14n1' Ir•ie, • 1,
c..un' 4 v }• t'. -.'al i lot i to
lurlui,g:. 1 • ali blown
1 h y ale 1 t L11u r',' •.
leave It to ie. t •.`I:rd•••r-
t11Hu ,1 T for rt a 1. I hole. 1 T the
time ibis note 1iawilr. you that }- u
ate 'it t„-'1 i,-altl. !.[flu s{ re Ih:t6
70441 n:4, a..wr : > roueh 1is.ai.y . r 1 t
eat }oar nl..•'wLen you. have been so
t` rughttnl .wrth r.,'..gif ...-
ere not a'ioterd •0 .1t• v.'ry 1,
shout th • w•, r in lair art t'.' ' 1' am. rot
*We' to pay ;set y taurh ahem: it . 1. aim
F,avet to ask a• 11 aro 1 1 ,-.• a sense this
Wri•inR e• we h•.v.- t ewer oar knot
fen .r (al le. ae1 4,..41• dag• tits e14' t•••I a
smolt *rt1 nt_ar.' jn.. aide t , -.1 up in
them. - 1 mCgh( say th-.t 1 was,yery
thenkful. for your gift and 'aLnot ray
lar twau•il 2.(i 1414*a! .•f ktit•tl a hied -
hearted hnl}, 'and at voila'. age it iv
t'rrtninly uiarvellcus.. I hope that you
will Re -.rpt IIlk nntw as thanks. I will
have to-eLue'. wishing You again good
health. 1 remain,
Yours truly,
44:42' (greeneL.flt:1TFRI1ZLD,
14th B.1'., 3'd /frigate;
'1.1 Canadian Dii(I.ioil,
n in my ern:;!
11. \1
h h.q.. 1
''i'ie 11.1 tIt.
If s .mitt their
14. 1. "1' 8 ..o.l
11174 tr tt.•'c
w{ wII ovale • To n t O i M k is
do. t .... 4,
do. r-. ..- 4.'-
'Bob f'1 r.'4c :.,. a';' 6
Lamb,. t 1.44 1 :
Sprin� 1 .%.b*, each S.e0
,bheep, , light , to 9.60
do. heavy and but:.s.4:73
do. sulis 4.00 k 6
Hags, .113'X3 off cart 11.65 0.1
do. fed at;d watored.lj:x3 0.8 '
d0. f.o.N:'tountry....10,t9
Do colds settle on cols clie-,t or in your
brontbial tubes? Do coughs hang oo, or
are vim subn:ct to throat troubles?
Stich -in, ,:t:les.aboul l have iinmediate
trestmeet v.:tlr the -rare curative potvrts
of Stott'* .::mnlsion to, guard against
consumption which so easily follows.
Scott's Et:rl:Z,i.Jn contcius pure cod liver
al which preu:iarly strengthens the res-
piratn: y trrrt and improves the quality of
the blind; the glycerine in' it soothes and
heals the tender membranes of the throat.
Scott's is prescribed by the test s; ecial
(ata. Vol* can Eat it at any drug store.
ron o re a4, e
Manitel. t r heat -In atrtre at Port
Willtanf No. 1 northernr $1.14'2.; No.
$1 I r No. 3. 11.08. f.
3, Mari ,: l oats -in store at Tort
V, 1l!..: i N.'. 2 .W.. 44 .,:o. 3 C.W.
42e; ,\ e..1..'stra teed. 42c; No. ).feed.
41c. •
American •ora -No. 3 'Pilo*, S4c.
l's,xattlan (-urn-1''eed a,:• to :1c:
Ontario- i•Loat Ne. 2 winter. per
carr lot. .rcording to' freight outside,
. 1 cat e 1 1 t
O nnl CCta . 6 U1. ''
3 0. No. 2
commercial. bvc to $l No, 3 co:••
emerclal 1,5,r 'to )7c; .feed wheat, "
to E S c. .
Ontario cats -No. 3 white, 44c- to
45c commercial oats, 4.'e in .44...-
Feas-No. 2, per "(erlot. $1.6e; 'ac-
cording t3 sample. $1.20 to $1.7.0.,
Batley --?Malting. outside. 62c t.,
64c; No. 2 feed. 49c to 65e.
Buckw!:est-63c to 70c. .
Rye -No. 1 commerch.l. 59c to Mc;
rejeoted, titre. to 87C'.
Manitoba :Hour -First patents, in
jute bags, $6.504 seconds. 1';', acro:..,
bakers', $5.se. 1n lute bags -
O.ttarie, Iail.r-Winter. Ira, k. Tort':.
to, prompt shipment .according t
sample. 14.15 to 84.25 In jute bags;
bulk. seah. aril. $4.25 to e'
If s t,
tall l et d -Carloads. ,, d_liv"r
ed. Monti.. al freights; I.rat t=• .
shorts. 126; raid !'!lags. $:7; ,t;aad t.. 1
Hour, bag. 41.60 to 41.70 - -
3laanttobn oats[ -HHay ports. cargos...
May shipments. No. 2 ('.%V.. S0%e,
No. 3. 49e.
Manitoba wheat -4: ot,. 1 track,
lake ports. 6LSIPte; NO. 1. 11.31%;
No. 3, 41.28%; eargoatti, May al'Ipmer,t,
No. 1 northern. _$1.244; N1,.
$1,22%; Nu. 3. 111.27%.
Se, [ a (♦,rote T..n,•, t,,. on,
N 4.oletate Produce
R. . trade:
C'ortlinu.d from Pew 'S.Eggs- '
Special candled (cart.** .e .2irtol .
New-laids, ex -carton$:.. .24
Toronto , wholesale prices, to ti.
and won't we fair stagger the'ou•e at
the next tins( song 'o Ibe biiaadr
!trapper chuckled and 'breathed
contentedly into his beloved mouth -
organ. add first 'Kerry and then the-
hemarching men took up the word. :
'Ire of the 'esrt, and 'its of the 'and,
hy water an' "de hy land,
'(hi do we 'ire to beat the (land ?
ldeficient, memories, it will he Indicted,
being compensated be effective inven-
tions in olid 61,4'.1
The answering roar of •England'
startled almost to shy irg- point Ila,7
lo.t•-r of a I rigadier trotting up to the
tail of the column.
'What un rArth are those fellows
e.ingiog'r' he asked one of his unl.•rr,,
while soothing hi. mount.
'I'm not sure. sir,' said 44144 °$fleet,
'but 1 believe -by the words of a-
ve.., it's the Germane' 'Hymn .,04
!hoe.' "
A French staff' officer riding with
the brigadier -sealed in astonishment,
Rut at •the marching men, and then at
the' brigadier, who was rocking with
laugbtet in ha. saddle. -
••Wberr on a:,t•'h did they get the
tune ? I've Deter beard it before."
said the brigedi.'r, and triedto limn ie.
The staff officer told hint •thing
of the tale as he had heard it, and the
Frenchman'. am+sernrnt and the b,ig-
ather's laughter grew as lee telt' was
"g'r'age one foe. .I.1' one tales.` "
'mellowed Ire- Tower., and mut of 'the
pane that emus .o effe.•tively befo,r
the List word of rhe ser nose a 11i-
umphant .,lue•41 tion, the utouth•'a-
gem, and the appealing voice e1 l'ri.
vale 'F. eery Irving --•'New, th.n, put
a bit of 'ale into it."
But even that artist 4.1 the euiotknit
bad to admit his critical s.n•e of the
drautstir lolly .atisfl•"d hy the tone .1
vociferous wrath and hatted flung in-
to the To Wells* answering !MAT "1" ...
England '
-Win.. an e4traordinary pw.ple 1"
Ili I the Clew staff nolle,. eying
the tuigIdler shaking with laughter
un his roaming charger. And hres,uld
only hetes. his shoulders up to an ear.
embracing Motor of non-co•tiotehen-
.itn when 1 he l.uahheg brig* II. i treed
ter explain to hint fag I riot, tined kiyou
in the leeginnini) :
"And the brat bit of (hr. whole Joke
is [bat this partirnl*r regirlL•nt Is nn��
litth 1.o the h*rkbone."-Itol'thae a
the ('ornhill Magazine.
A Joke from the War Front.
The people of Luxemburg ire not
wanting in a tremor of humor. One.
day. mo the story goes, an ofilrer of
the Prnesian n4uunr.t entered i b.rher'.
shop and had a eh*ve. Whereupon
be tendered to the barber a two-
penny piece. "Kscueie me, sir.' said
the barber, "hut It'. thro'penre now."
"Why thr.'epeoreV" asked the Kaiser'.
(:nar•dam*n. "In August last you
only (+engird me twopence." "that's
true aweigh," wart the barber's reply.
but eine. the battle of the Marne
your face has grown much longer."
" Butter -
Creamery prima. fresh. • .3.2.
Creamery, solid, .33 .. .
C1o1. e dairy prints.31
Ordinary dairy prints.27 - .L:•
Bakers' .25 .26
Cheese- New. large. 19c; - toles.
1314c; June and September, large.
20c: rains, 501,4c; triplets. 20%c. _
Honey -Buckwheat, barrels: 7c to
7ljc; tine. 7%c to $c; clover, 50.1').
tins, 13%c; 10 -ib. tins, 14c; 5 -lb. tins,
14e; comb honey No.. 1. per dozen,
32.50 to 63; . Na 2, per dozen, 13, to
l'oultry Live Dressed
Old fowl. ib..- 15' 20e 22e 24 •
'Chickens 1Se 21t 24c 27c
Milk -fed. froz'n 17c 50: 23c -•26.'
B. :ins -Band -picked. 14.40 to 14.2.4,1;
primes. 34
Potato. •ilag. 4'ntarfos, 41.15, out
of store; Delaware,, 357 in cartels.
'15e less.
Maple iyrup - Impertil gallons.
Dressed Me: is
Toronto wholesale t:e s are quo:-
L:;g to the trada 2..5. £t. 1. ua:•
Beef. forequarter'.....$ :.0to$.0 r^
do. hfndyuariers... 30
,C'area.es. (lunge11!.tM 11
do. common 1 '0 10,1•
Csals, comuou d'' 14 ,t•
do. tedium 1... •r 1
O. prime .
..nay hogs 14,..1
4,.109 hogs t 1:.: t.
:'utton, heavy 1 •.1 u- 1^
do. ilght 1 1 -1 1.:.
Lambe 17.:4 31
IChicay0 Cattle Market
Cattle - Receipts, mart:•'•
steady; beeves, i•'s to ?1,9; stocker
and feeders, $6.90 to `,' Iowa ant;
h.'ifr.ris. 14.10 to 49.2"; ..,Ilea, 67.1.1
10 610.50
Hoge---Recelpt., 11;1:-,'. mark.-'
firm; light. 91.50 to 311; 0:,; mixed.
;49.60 to $10.':.: heavy. o'ao to 41':
Irough. 19.40 to 49.:17,. 1ts7:,.. 87.4' to
$.1.2*; bulk of sales. 19 t . t0 410.
Sheep- - Re, 1•ipts, :i 4', . mark, '
strong; !Who, 47 to 4. 25; latah
•$7.76Ito 111.55.
II Ease luffalo Cattle
Cattle-Roceipt.. fin: so. *47.
Veils -Receipts. 50; actWe goo
Steady; 64 to 611.20.
Hogs -- Receipts. 1.20e': active;
heavy and mixed. 110 411 to 31n 60;
'corkers, 396* to 610.60: plea, 89.15
to $9 21; roughs, $9.40 to 39.50; stags,
Sheep and lamh*-Rec'•'pt.. 2.400;
sadvn and steady; priori, unchanged.
Baled 44ry and straw
M.rrhant. aro buying oa track.
Toronto, at the followtag peters
B ir
On a. So L 617 $+ 111.01;
1fb.. 1 14 09 15. (ket
glared slags (Mia 1 60 7.01'
r J"
1-* :mss -
• in. .in.t-ctrl,
olor: 1'2. I1 (�:: t ls:,
Pit -1i. :it.
- •. -••
Perrin > l.L,. I
41,:alk., tar, 1'.117'.'• ; !'..
match 11.. n.. ;, . . S , . ;
P. $1.25
Kayser `i!{; (iloves
. t•. �..
1'crr :1-.:144) 4 .Ilia Gltivos. in 12 and l(,
1•ut!{'n 11 tl2 i1J1,. in black, tan, whit • and
. I' +tyualiti. Pail -52.50;s $2.75
Niagara Maid Sill. Gloves
wade in
i l h' ilrn
U] sires,
h•t, c2.
Silk Bloc(- n;:.:a i4,. l nada, Nir,gr;jra ll:tid Silk Gloves, l2.
double finger tips, Nadi,tt11.;: and C:111;1111, .superextr;tquality, Ifl
colors. , all sizes. hair t\ bite, double h►e l tip..
50c• Pair
New Neckwear for Easter
Vett will 1-e, more thr.n i't'l'ghtrd with .the beautiful showing of dainty Neckwear
for al.
1.. lir in� - •ti
all ,
the tact t . tt ll- a
• ZSc 35C„ 50c75c and 51.00 each
New Easter Blouses
Just opened up, ;In exceedingly smart
lot of new Spring Waists in- Voile, Silk
and Crepe de Chenestyles, Si to 55each
Special Values in
We are .showing some very special
values in Nacy and Black Serges, so
much in demand to Spring suits, at
$1.00, $1.25, $1 SO to 52.25 per yard
New Spring Coats
Smart showing of new Spring Coats
in the season's' most approved styles,
in Tweed effects...from 57.50 to 515.00
Two Black, Silk Specials
Special 36 -in. Black Pailelte Silk;°rich
finish, extra heavy weight, will not cut.
Per yard •$1I.00
t ,s special.,
111 Ilar $lack Duchess Silk,
36 in. wide, beautiful satin finish, wear
.guaranteed. Per, yard 11.35
I PHONE56 JVlillar's Scotch Store
MODEL 491)
F.U.B. Oshawa
/ •
• - T
4 � a
To [:ave time, to decrease work. to increase pleasure, and to have a whole lot of Fun
in the bargain, get a CHEVROLET. The car -of low cost, low upkeep, excess •
power, quick response and unusual beauty. The hand at the wheel. the foot on the
accelerator. only can transmit to the driver the joys of driving a Chevrolet. The
even, gentle, responsive flow of power of'the motor is as difficult to describe as the
swelling and fading away of a note of music.
The power engine under the hood responds quietly and smoothly to the touch of
the daintiest font upon the accelerator.
Including speedometer, ammeter, mohair top, envelope and side curtains. clear
vision ventilating wind shield, electric starting and lighting system. valve in head,
and completely electrically equipped.
NOTE Owing to the great demand for this car we would suggest plac-
ing your order early to ensure delivery.
M. J. FARR, Agent