HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-13, Page 8L THE SIGNAIJ GODERICII ONTARIO Easter Cards and Easter Booklets ! We hale nese. shown such a large :arid artistic showing of Kinder l'alds end Easter Hoot. - lets Air war are .hoeing this WIC. - ..n. 1lainty little Easter !Nisi cards M 1.•11% !tr.... .... ll' emelt Others :t fist- 5, 2 for N. end 5, each Very artistic E*+drr a. 7. 10, 13 mild HOt• each Faster Ii.Nd.Ietr. Vet yerti.li h- and eery Eii,t-r-lite, ranging in price flow ll. to d. ,,, Easter Decorations TAHI.E NAPKIN', 'l'ARLE ('U)THs DOILIES b'L.t (' F: (' 1 R 1►.S F ENT(rl1N-. F"I't'. Prices Reasonable THE eOLONIAL BOOK STORE Gro Porter Formaldehyde FOR PREVENTING SMVT ON GRAIN. 41 Per Cast. Geversl.eat Standard Strea=tlt. PF: R Ls. 30c James A.Campbe 'Phrf. SS CL\ TRAL RUC STORE ,rner North St. and Square 11 Goderich It,,. !a. 'I'H(.)NFS Res 3'' MacEwan Exclusive a SCRAN co tale ents for TON AL for Goderich and District. Best C oal Mined. Any gicintity best all Maple Slab•, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEP HONES. office q8 residence ' 12 0r 68 NA -DRU -CO Toilet Cream (GRLASLLLSSI An clegalit preparation. 19.11% pN'rt.1n..91 with /slot of Ma) nwetr. sr -6 Immediately a1,'nibed. testing n %chef y effect. 1'er- r etly harmless to the nnw.t delicate ,kin. H,9, •1141,91 1.,r ,boli. and .iniburn. PRICE - - 2Sc afad Sec SATURDAY WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES (i lie only f.'1kdipt in ('enation Retslar,40c for 2!c VP. A. L.GaIdwell,Phm.B. Sur( essor C. 1. Coulti,. Phone 1 p FISH N ETg GUNS. TRAPS, IiPORyrwn Goods 0091M HALLAM. Ll.wlt•etl 40e Hallare Building Toronto CROWDED 0 Owing to the prises columns this week. article* at hand are uta ed out. These Jeweled Collegiate Institute e the prize list of the ('1 and other articles. r UT. re • OU Atte of voidabl awwd- e the Oodaeieb xaulioatloe IiN. loton stuck show. GUDERICN T OWNSHIP f w IIHrru Woae.-Tbe members of the Uritrd Patriotic Society of O. de - rich township wUl have • awing M the home of Mrs. Bichat. on Wedoee- da), Awn Itkb, and of Miss Nettie Sturdy.:on Wednesday. April lith. If tiny ,y0w:1n caaoot attend either of these meetings she is invited to ask for homy work, as the need is just a. urgent as ever. Donations were re- ceived from A Frieod (Taylor. Corner), ill W ; A Friend, 25 (10. The township council g,anted SIMI to be divided among nye ...cietles of Goderich town- ship. the United Patriotic Society receiving A little over t]Kdlt. LOTHIAN. Tutted, , April 11. IA/THI uN law -Aut. -Mrs. Donald Roes amid babe, ul F.dwonton. arrived herr last Ftidayand intend spending two or three months visiting bet parents, Mr. and Mrs. T F. Henderson Eli MacNamara had • wood bee one day Inst week which was a great roue - cess..... Jack MacDonald spent Sun- day visiting (timid, in lioderich Mr. and Mrs. A. U. Culbert ip.nd family left last week for their home in the %fret 4,. and Mrs. George Swann. jr.. base moved into the house on the McKeitb farm. DUNLOP. Wrr,NKaI.Ay, Aptil 12. t III 0 41 saavItS.4.-Owing to the fact that Her. James Hamilton is still slnrwwhat under the weather from the after-effects of la grippe, hie charge herr was kindly taken the last two Sunday b brotbewinisters from Uoderich. brother ministers Sunday tbe pul- pit was abl) occupied by Rev. W. K. Hager, ot North street Methodist church, and the previous Sabbath by Rey. .1. E. Ford, of Victoria street, who also delivered an able and inter- esting discourse. Next Sabbath the service will 1* in the afternoon also, some friend -front town again taking the charge. Service at 2.80 o'clock. ST. AUGUSTINE. TcaenAY, April 11. N(rrr'.. -Some of the farmers in this vicinity have started plowing ()avid Errington wits cutting wood in this vicinity this week with his gasoline outfit Mrs. Jos. Boyce is visiting Hulett friends at preeent..... Jas. Ploughman and W. Nixon are helping lames Craig to cut lumber at (resent A number from this vicin- ity attended (leo. Naylor's auction ,ale last Monday Miss Clara Mason, of Belgrave, visited friends in this vicinity last week Mien Mets% McAllister is visiting Stratford friends at present . ...Making maple syrup is the order of the day in this vicinity. DUNGANNON. WEDNESDAY. April 12. • Mica Viola Sturdy, of Lucknow, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Duff this week. Pus. Bellamy and Killougb, of the Idiot Battalion, Goderich, appeared in the village last Saturday evening. %Vt. were pleased to see them. Our editor retakes a first -class -baking sol- dier, and no doubt will flee a straight bullet when the trine conies t0 do so. His experience at the butts the last few years will have fitted hie for his new job. It is i-eported out barber, Mr. Wm Mole, has enlistr.l. We have given a number of our citizens. even our edi- tor and barber. but we bope our taker will remain with us. Miss Rae Stothers is home from Goderich Collegiiite, having been laid up with measles, but we are glad to report she is improving favorably. A number of our villagers took in the box social at Sheppardton on Fti- day evening 0f last week. The leant of Dungannon - public school has purchased over fifty dollars' worth of equipment to he added to the supply for the fifth forms. this be-. ing necessary to bring the winimuII. value up to the standard required by the change in school regulations. AUBURN. WFi NI..81AY, April 12. rs. John Fingland is improving in health after being confined to ber bed the past two week,. lieu. A. Laing was called to Cohourg last week owing to the illness of his father from paralysis. Ile returned Saturday and reports improvement in his father's condition. Mrs. Robert Medd, sr.. does not Im- prove as her many friends would like. Mies Fanny Scott has sold her farm in West Wawanosh to Mr. M. Lock hart. He intends using it for a pee - tore fare and has already purchased about sixty -nye head of cattle for delivery In Mat Geo. Yungblut shipped is car of cattle to Toronto on Saturday. Mr. Murray Patterson has lett for West Monkton to act as C. P.R. &gent there.' We hone his successor will fill the place herr as well as Mr. Patterson has done. If so, no eomplainta will be heard. Mr. Petterxt.n intends moving hi, family as soon as possible Mr. A. Asquith has claim to a new title, "Grande, a son having arrived wt tbe home of Mr. and Mrs. F. 11. Mc- Ilve•en. NVatfor,l. Sale ot Buttons. The council .1 the Women's War Auxiliary reports the following re- turns from the sale of the buttons during the past week St. Andrew's ward, -$10.x1): St. Patriek s ward, g3i.ic.; M(. David's word, -11110.I6: lel. lie.wgs's wank,-gbft.& : total, - $12h1 C:,. The pr.ieeeds are to go to - /wards the purchase of band intro ments for the 101st Battalion. As 211M1 buttrnN were sent to be sold there ere nearly Mtn remaining. It Is hoped that every man not in khaki. and every woman and child of reasonable aaggee will purehsae and wear • button. thereby showing • willingness to do his ne part to win the war. Tose who leave not yet purchased may get a Mutton at Mr Porter's hook store and help the cause. The council also Iwishes to express Its •pyre si in et the wlltlsg services of all wbo assisted la the sale. YJiJ CAN RELY ON e xa i kitde e Tho mid bat on `stab,: with the *snot taste It you are Woos or constipate Resell Orderlies Keep your System as clean as a stone jug rinsed with cold sprint water 1 Sc. and roc. hexes at the Ipomea Drog Stara Only. N. C. DUNLOP DRUGGIST Goderich, - - Ont. You Can Secure a holism If you take a course with us. The de- mand upon us for trained help is many times the number graduating Stu- dents are entering each week. 1'ou may eater at any time, Write at once for oar free catalogue. D. A,. MOWCHLAH. Prtael.st. Logs Wanted We will pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of logs delivered at the mill in Goderich. Custom sawingjdone promptly at any time. Grails mad Chemin We will also buy grain at our elevator and will pay the best mar- ket prices. Orders for chopping or rolling grain promptly and carefully at- tended to at our chopping mill. J. E. Baechler Mill and elevator north of Mac- Ewan's coal yards. Goderich. beumatism.. is Uric Acid in the blood Unhealthy • kidneys an' the cause of acid hying (here. litho kidneys acted as they should they would strain the Uric Acid out or the system and rheuma- tism oouldn t occur. Rheu- mati-m i; .a Kidney Dis- ease. Dodd'. Kidney Pills hay+ made a great part of their repot .411011 curing Rheumatism. So get at the cors, of th.r.e fearful shooting pains and stiff, aching joint.. There is but wk sure way- Dodd's Sidney Pi]ls Up-to-date Plumbing This is what you art ant in your hoose or place bf business. s s. Don't let anybody put you og with the inferior kind that is al- ways causing inconvenience and trouble. When you have a Plumb- ing job to be done, call in Fred Hunt HAM rt oN 9. nsmf 'Panes 1M OBITUARY. MMS. J. Z. HO IW The death took piece at her resi- dence, ZS (lenge .tract, Belleville. Osterrhr, e. Thursday, Apll tttb, of Lucy Osslemaa Howell, widow of the lat. Rev. J. R. Howell. at one time motor el, Aorta Street Met hodiet cherish, (Iodeeieb. Mrs. Howell, wbo is .till remembered with affection in Uodeeieb. had reached the age of wv- ssty-four years The remains were loterred at Belleville oe Saturday Int. JOHN M, 1'LAeHa*TV. Following au illness extending over eeveral weak., the death of Mr. John McClacbwty occurred at the home of his eon Junes, on Elgin avenue, on Wedaeday of this week. Mr Me- Clacbert was born 'sweaty -two years ago at Mitchell. where bis early life was spent. He resided at Londe.boro' for fifteenears and afterwards re- moved to Clinton, where he lived for twenty years. Oo the death ot his wife four years ago he came to Gode- rich. where be wade his home with b:s only son. Jame.. The funeral will take place on Friday afternoon of this week, to Maitland cemetery. BZNJAMIN w'IUoN. BenJamla Wilson, • native of (:ode - rich, and brother of Mrs. J. L. Aitken, of town. died on March Mb in hospi- tal at Saginaw, Mich following an operation. The deceased wee born here oe September 1st, 1552, and when a lad learned the harness -waking trade with the late %Vm. Acheson. At the age of Sixteen he enlisted witb the Canadian volunteers and tbe following year saw active service in tbe Fenian raid He was for a time engaged o0 the gunboat Prince Albert and had held tbie positions of bombardier, corporal and sergeant. Mr. Wilms afterwards 'soaked for • number of years at Seafortb and Camlachre, Ont., and Tater at St. Louis. Mich., but since 1900 had resided at Varier, Mich. He was married in 1s;9 et Forest, Ont., to Mary A. Wellington, who, with a family of six children, Survive.. Besides Mee. Aitken. one slag,, Mrs. Beasley, of Maplel'reek , 113a, k., sod one brother, Edwin lis of Frank, Alta., Also swrvive. Mr. tVilson was greatly interested in the preset European wet and would bare peen in the tight on the side of the Allies had his age permitted it. The funeral took place at Vamar on the 1:,tic ult., Rev. Geo. B. Marsh. of the Methodist Episcopal church, conducting the eeryicer. Xlia. 8. SHEARDOWN. Alice Maud Treble, beloved wife of Samuel Sheardown, passed away at her home here on Saturday lest after an illness of more than two month,. Mrs. Shasrdown was born in Colborne township and was in bee fortieth year. She was married t s her now bereft husband eleven years ago and leaves an infant sue to mourn her low as well as an adopted son. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Treble. of Gode- rich; and three brothers and three sis- ters Mao survive. The brothers and viten are John Treble, of Colborne township Mrs. .1. Oke, of Boissevain. Man. : Mrs. J. Manoir.g, of Brnfold. Sank.: Mrs, I.•Kilp.trick. of Provost, Alta. ; and Charles and Sam. Treble, of Watrous, Sask. Mrs. Bheardown was an earnest Christian and an ac- tive worker in tic! Methodist cause. For eightears she had been the treas- urer of tbe Ladies' Aid of Victoria street church and she was actively connected with the missionary .ocr- eties. The funeral tont: place on Monday from the residence on St. Andrew's street to Maitland cemetery. Rev. .1. E. Ford cc.nducted the ser- vice,, assisted by Rev. \V. K. Hager. The pallbearers were Messrs .1 ('., Wren and Elmer Sheardown, John Trehle, Elmer Pickering (Hhiplst and Jas. Jacasoe (Mitchell ,. Among those from • distance wbo attended the funeral were Mr+. Ira Bice, of ('lande- hoce ; Mr. and Mrs. l'bas. Lochner, of 8hipka ; Mos. Jas. Flynn, of Stephen Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jackson, of Mitchell. WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS Tose sersons system is the alarm system of the human body Is perfect health we hardly reales that we have a network of nerves, but when health is eb01ag. when strength isdsti- i1rg. the same nervous .stem gives the alarm is hwiehes, tiredness, demid Sleep,briledmility and unlessd y1e a b a breakdown. To eorisat nsvosaess, 100tt'a anal - nen is exactly what you should take; is ritlAertsiment gees into the blood and ,trim blood heat The tiny aerveeelis stYtt the wink gaarwl responds to its reloads- tag ef -tag tonic Ince. Peed from baneful drugs. a.awt a tl•wee. Torww. Ow.. Hee Blackstone', window display of Easter novelties. SCHOOL REPORTS. S. 8. 240. 2, (IODBRICH. Following is the report for 8. M. No. 2, (ioderieb. for Meech. Names are in order of merit. the standard being bailed nn esaninations, general tests and general demeanor : IV. Sr. --Bila Have Toa Tried Our Bread 1B11OA Cakes Pastry ? t► 'WI WO We are pkeeing a large ti umber of customer; and absak1 like to have a trial :etfder!!froot VOt'. - . .4101 DAVID BURNS Th• Bake. KfsMdM meet WWWWWwWWW vf WWWwwW r r > ;rr W r rWW y ;k ,oCharming Easter Millinery: 11 NE of the most attractive places in the store these days is the Millin- ery show -room. There we are making a display of Easter Millinery that excels anything we have ever attempted. Large shipments re- ceived this week have filled the gaps caused by early selling. There are new shapes, new flowers. new silk and ribbon trimmings that are fresh from 11 the centres of fashion and reflect the very latest and correct Millinery styles for Easter and Spring wear. You are always welcome to visit the depart- ment and study and examine the styles at your leisure, and there is always something fresh to see. ae TTTTT01ftTTTTT9WP TTTTVTTTTTTTTIIOPTTT The Easter Suit ANEW SUIT for Easter can be selected with Perfect confidence from the large collection now on our racks. Many new and exception- ally stylish garments have been added to the stock the past few days. We are showing an assortment that gives wide variety of choice both in style and material and would do credit to a store many times the size of this. The season's latest and most popular styles are represented. Both coat and skirt. have that almost indefinable touch that gives good style to a garment. The materials are serges, gabardines, poplins and silks. We show them in navys, greens, blacks, greys, browns and some very pretty broken checks. Most of the coats are silk -lined. The garments are perfect -fitting and the values are exceptionally good. better than you would expect' to find under present conditions. From a neat, well -tailored. all -wool serge Suit in black or navy at $13.50 all the way up to a handsome Taffeta Silk Suit at $30.00 and $35.00, you will find Suits that will appeal to your judgment and good taste. Specially good values and styles at $16.50, $20, $25. EASTER GLOVES Nearly every lady want+. new Gloves for F.i4 ter. they con he twieetti fn,A, our st.ek with perfect confidence in their wearing gitalitie,. The $t,rck of all size, i, 11111 today and prices iris• lower 1.y a KissI deal than they will Is' for many i1 day to collie. These lines are par ticolarls' g.NNtrallies : OUR "SPECIAL" This clinic, in taut,. grays. hltek and whit'. super- ior quality kid. Vire ,how them in $1 plastically all sizes. at per i' ii .00 OUR "LEADE R" AT $I.25 This i. a ,.tial French Kid Gime. r qt. pliable skin, shown in 1'nu 1ically all colors and black and whit.-. Perfect -flt t ssl-wearing $1.25 (.love. Per pair OUR ."SUPERIOR" AT $1.50 Thi. is n high-grade French Kid lilote. (nee that flu, perfectly and is guarantrell without any res - VIA at ion. All tin• season', fest color- ing, and lintel nod white. Perpati,... $1 eW Suede (.loves in black and color• at . . $1.25 1411.1 1111.e0 A NEW GLOVE AT $1.50 This is n soft. pliable, leather (thou.. either in or oMt. sewn. Thev e. • in ivory. 1.•ttl.',hip grey and coffee ..odor. Heavy stitched Ise lea. \ very 'tv- lish (:love and one that. has leen much $1 ail -e d. Special price per pont• a l/0 EASTER NECKWEAR i • of the daintiest and pr'ttie.t Neckwear we have shown for uuny a dry '-sine in this week. The newest styles for Eoet.•r near. (M used. td the good liner. We have but on.• .n two (,iter% of any particular apse. 25c. 35c. 60c nn.l $1.00 SHOWING SOME NEW HANDBAGS Fresh In the factor- this week. wine. spring Styli-, in Handbags. They are jurat a little ,at of the ordinary and will be sure to appeal t. you. Made from good .1lulity leathei. silk or L•ethier lined, coind.•f, with t•oin pNIM, 111irTK. Ttey art, shown ,n black. tam bluego and ry and theppriers, an $1.M00 1., $2 75 The linos at *1.00. 111.50 aril $*i75 o • exceptional style and .alto•. COMPLETE STOCK OF FAMOUS NEMO CORSETS ('ouiplrle I N l 0( nil Ume nutnis•rs we rTy 111 th.' famous "Nen,o" ('orN'ts now o0 ot1'ao shelve.. There is a '•\e sl) -1e for ..% cry figure and the butit" in the department will be pleased t, explain the ratan) features s of then• Cars.•ti mal ht•Ip y.Nr ..•loot th,• style that will M• etllt9l t, y.Ni Thew• l'.pWt. gifyetthe Ills ' of MNnf(n't anil the demand or heta is 1ncn•asing month y nr. Nu lady who b has once worn her eurr.rt Ntyle andnth. right size in the "Nemo' Corsets cares to Ovral env other took+. Nem. Corsets at $2.75. $3.75. $425. $5.75 NVhat mica$ a "Eureka" Elect ri, Vacuum (leaflet the' Spring Hou,w'ilea Hodgens Bros. tt DIRECT 1MPdTERS GODERICH. ONTARIO ji Rutledge, Marian Rutledge. (Hedy' month of March : Jr. IV.-(Nive Mail cowing from Ginn, Lorne ,Rodges. Fred Schwarz. Willis, Retia Murray Sr. III. -Ivy points is now censored. IV. Jr. -Vera Thompson, Grace Mc. Ruddock. Hamel Green. Viola Hoy, Cabe. 111. 8r.-AlviaThompson. III. Minnie Dickens, Pantie+ Murray. Wil - Jr. -Mildred Thompson. 11. Sr -Min- 11e Onley. Jr. 11L -Mildred Richard- nie Noakes. Annie McUshe. 11. Jr.- .on, Wesley Fielder. Leese McGee, Hairy Willis. Sr 11 Violet Wilson (Tara McCabe. I. -Orrral Rodger, Gordon Johnetow. Primer -Doris Rodges, Fred McCabe. Number on roll, 16 ; average. 13. K. R. Kays. Teacher PORT ALBERT. The following is the standing of the pupils of S. 8. No. 1. Ashfield. for the 111111-1111111 /MeOhm( 114 Oar Vtasi , Yw PertaI, M.T.-` 1 woo is • Now w rwa. wrevsS turd week ewdlltlwk w et I amid sde the heineessek 1•r 111111stangly of Thee. 1 had Men sadmktd amain. sed et samadlea hhiend A nd 1+x11 r sliest 1 Mel ad aIt seen htldltmpiady Wdewand mods mi:immuldll zinc: 014 11:.11117aaaa"rZ theftand R.0. Dtltalop Deaggbt, Bacteria's Victor Hoy. Jr. 11. -Jame. Ruddock, Fred Dlcksoo, Most Murray. Hazel Riebard.00. Part 11. -Bobby Hoy. John Gauly, Norman W iieon. Hr. -Ivadel Hoy,Graee. Beres Richardson, m ()nm Ida Wilson, Osmium Hay -1 den. Number on roll. 16 ; average at- tendance. IS. Pumices[ J. FrrenwitsLD, Teacher. DUNGANNON. The following is the report of tic. Orebaed Row school ter the month of Mareb : Sr. V. -Stanley Rivers, Oladyyee Rivers. 'Morn Sproul. 'David MacDairtwM. Sr. IC Howard Sproul, S$dna Rivets. Pr. 111.- Robsrt Statham. Andrew Sproul *Oral Flanigan. Sr. 1I. -Myrtle RRppr eennl, Velma Pine i 1r. 11. - Sproul. Peed Sproul Cheater MMu6eattee. PL t1. -■win Young, • erg Rivera. Pt t. -Mary 17= I Mortem* Young. Meat par- ticle in11 atletntl• t M /aabeaPillibr AMraaeYhmetio flpouL Thine nsaksd s were •sweet hen wane el the a umelealdnM. MAIM. A. BAtti'a. Teseber. United Stets* 1'+