HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-13, Page 6• s TavMD*r, Ai'att. 13, I916 REAMS CAME TRUE 11. Uaba•ra►I. from Indigestion Anal&► Restored ►y "Fruit -a -fives" The house of the Whispering Pines Mt t•_r. to / • 1, .:.' 1 . to 1' •u)1,•r I n, l ,,11.1 ' 1 or!leo". aIle,• this k /,•, r &fru•„• 1 •1 ••'I;1\I-I.'1 1:11', 121 all S !- 1 y .11 11,1x 1 e,, 1 rte' ,t••. .:. A F,olcee "'1 hc:u v..0 c..11a,K Ilw.lauii,iel itc0utlh•epul• t'1 . n..,;hrt fteu. the kit ''1 44..1,1 t..0 1,. e0.111l' in It. .,, ,i carol :11.• \tld (.12111 .t 111.1, 1111 [ p •. .F',,.,i1 41,,,.. t 1..i. to .l };a1,t .• i' ,' I pity 111•1 iteirt i,y:rr .. . .1 - tl 1. gild . SPRING.RE\1INDERS OF-RHEUMATIS Y''. IlaN%. I)rmp \\ eather tarts, the Pains, But the ( rouble Lies in the Blood. tee:, • car:.'re i. I. ,.'1 t.. t: .., sett s, 1. 1., u. I.1 lo . ,11- the 1:'tv, dant'. vs end- aui!tile i tttlh�r , of lu tit' ti, •re . > i,. , the 1,1 :••• t,•,rtl•b.. 1:.' r roust be •1n.t.ner'itt mind t, : thew..ithrt' tit.' tette.- '1.12•• tt• I.1•. i 1. 0,1•.1 Ir hang' 1 • comber the first 0:1e you bad ever Ina. 1 there?" ask -e'1 Mr. Fox. "No; 1 hid been th. re once befo-.' Bat J alwbya pall for my depteda- tiotis•" be * 11ed pros :•1I'. 1' 1 !,11.11 ' t tl , t .. 'I: 1.1111\' N , • ;.1 , lou! •,' . 1 '1 ,, t t: . .I. 1, 'I 'I;• 1. 1 '' 1 i ',,:,1 t.`It- 1c , tl 11 . ti. , .11 t..i: ,1 1,1 1.1. ge le. 1't i! ,.;, Pito:. 1'. . • u..il.p th.1' 1.1 . n • t., .. t1 ..1 r1u• t:,.:111, i:... • 1.1 1,1. 411 t,,r.en n .. nteit at ', I„-, etet Itont'*1,4' ' Iir.a•kvi1l., 11 ,1. By ANNA KATHARINE GREEN eweesEW INS. ar An,• (.1►snr a,Yle. CII \PTER XX. THE a` s t-aa1.E Or DO0w. Eerier • slowed- Clifton and I bad : opportunity of ez- tb:.nt; d a few words. I1• sots . -Ode, I W. reticent. "He lute I. hlm open to attack on every side I z ba• but to follow his lend -and the e. Ing Ls done. Pour Ar- thur way be aulgy, but be certainly should have . cry chart... a, careful lawyer couhl ,Ove him 1 hare never thought now% or )*unit myself. els wins his ca...o. but” - "Ile will a' , ibis," f muttered Clifton 'too looked at me very rteteely fora nut.', paled a little -1 fear ;teat 1 t• very pale my•.Of-belt dist n,'1 n•l t• • que.tlou r* .r,g to Lis Ups) "There I. m.obod In the madnc-• of • man 1/,‘• that," 1 punu.'d with • gloom 1 could not entirely roncesL "Bo hot come upon 1wm0 evidence wbf.'h bribe, not even communl,vt,d to his clleut At (east, 1 fear so. W• Mud be prepared for any uutoesrd , event" "Elwood." said: Clifton, "you've not been qu+tr nl.e:i with m.'" "You have n right to rrpro•t'h me," said 1. "b•1t n •t .wholly. 1 -lid not de - tele. you in essentials. Yen may till Yv'va osex ersv QUITE Or= err* zrs' 1 believe • me as C,!tlesa of Adelaide's th violent d.'nth a an can be who drove her r. I hers Into misery whirlsdeath alone could end.'""1 will believe It." be muttered; "1 muse" AA' be 1rupped the subject, ashe med. a� tee ..fur'e•cer. 1 drew a deep breath of relief. 1 had com me very near to revealing y secret When we returned to t•be courtroom THE SIGNAL GODERICH ON'TARiO )Ir. MI•.T:t boarded to hl• feet. ba the pYslr,,er bad uuslcercd before b MOM Speak. "Just eft.en min•rr.•" "Hole come ye.: to krow the erne s exactly ?" "Ra :use 11..:t d ay 1 did look nt u. watch. 1 ha 1 on enoat-ement In th lower town and h t•1 only twenty min ate% In which to seep It. I was on time." ' lloneot at the core This boy wan growing rapidly In my favor. But the honk bat unwise answer was no plean!no to his counsel. who would hare :dosed. no doubt. n more gen erat and lra iienelce renly. flowerer 1t had been mode. and Moffat was no a ratan to cry over spilled milk. Ile did Pot even aim r when the district at "Nothing But Leaves" Not Tea Leaves intermixed with Dust, Dirt and Steins but all Virgin Leaves. has the reputation of being the cleanest, and most perfect tea sold. t? 147 BLACK, GREEN OR MIXED_ SEALED PACKETS ONLY. ogu1tlob of bis Inability. real or fan - tied to ezplaln away the most damn• las feature of the case against him, taken with bra own contradictions sal growing despordrocy. could not escape toy eye. accustomed as I was to lb• habitual ezprrsaiou of most every per- son there. But 11 wast not yet fisc Im• penetrable gloom presaging c000ctioo. and. directing Ella's alae toward kir. Moffat who seemed but little dis• turbot either by Mr. Fut'1 satisfaction or the prisoners open despair, I took heart of grave and waited fur the dis- trict attorney's trait move. It w'aa a fatal one. 1 began to recognize this very soon. ;druid.. as was the subject be now Introduced. "Wised you went into the kitchen. C1 1'I1,hS are se'c. •heel, or 6 t oea Mr. Cumber -rand. to get the stable r(or �.guxt all dnle{gub. Sample sent door key. was the gas I!r, or did you (n. if rcgt:: ,ttal. • 3 vFOR Tllti K I DNCIfs Why They're Bought "I can certain) say the Gin Pills have done a lot of good for me. Home four years ago i could not walk rep stain, my feet and ankles were to swollen. )tut I nook three hoer. of 'an i'Qls anal the trouble has never returned. My mother, Si year: of age•, is taking them and feels flue. Mite. J.R. SALSBI'RY, Camden East." bole to light It: • District Attorney iox matt •Sow, then. did you get Leo tie stabler The stable? t e . 1 hid so trouble O Ili getting 11,1e Ilse -•. , ••N a. It unlet i. I y' A stow Ousb br.-lr o,.r tete ynann- ✓ er's wbolo face. He R�.: whi-r.' be bad toeu landed all took a u -mute to pun himself togetber be'fcxe• be reveled 1 I had the key to that .1...r too. l tut It out of the kltcben a "Yon have not spoken et gotag Into t the kitchen-'• "I hare not a;,oken of comino down- - stain-" , "You went Into the kltcheor' t "Tees-" ".When?" "N -hen 1 first cam,- down." "This Le not r Accordance with y dlne,'t ter:lmoo; on the contrary. yo said ttc;t on • dowistalrs yo went straight •: a reek for you torner prnreedrd to elicit from the prt=oner that I.e wag a good walker - Now. as 11.e eorn, that night had been at his bolt tool he wig 1n a hurry to reach ht. destination It was evidently nomInrrmbent nom him to erptatn how he had mnratred to use: np the Inter rening time of forty minutes before enterinc the hotel nt 11:30 "fed you stop in the midst of Viestorm to take a drink?' asked the dis- trict attorney. As the testimony of the landlord In CuthbeCuthbert road had been ezpllclt es to the fart of his having himself nn - carted the bottle which the prisoner had brought Into the hotel Arthur could not plead } ca. 110 must say no. and be did. "I drank nothing- I was too busy thtnkjng. I was so busy thinking 1 wa udered all over those links." "In the blinding snow?" "Yr., in the snow. What did I care tor the snow? 1 did not understand my 1dster beltrg In theclubhoese. 1 did not like it 1 was tempted at times to go back.' "And a-tty didn't your' "Because I was more of a brute than a brother, became Cuthbert road drew me to st•1te of myself; bec.s.ee"- ire stopped with the first hint of emotion we had aeon in him salve the morn- ing. "1 did rot know what was going we found 1t ntready packed with a 411 br tthrto c 'I should hate gone back, very mteltesl :reel hfeatbles crowd. It differed a0rnew b*tads from the 01.e tads had fared u..le the moo log. but Ella sod her parents were there and manyir other,, of the acknow.l;;••d fr.ends of the itemised and bin family. As he took the w i1 nc-s chair and prepared to meet the coo.- evamtna- Hon of the distract attorney a solemn hush a•'ttled upon the room. "11':Is the visit you Mede to the win• vault on the events:; of the 24 of lie. t "• , I ' 'Then you knew the wave' 'Perfectly." 1, "And the keft" "Snakclently well t. .,•pea it wltha,t I difficulty." a "llow long"dn yon think yon were in t entering the h:.nse and prncnrin." these bo!; tear • : i....to: ons. 1 hate nn resone of knowing. 1 sever thaneht of loot-1o.•t my watch" "Rnt yon know w',on eon ,left the elnbhonae to go betel.?' "Only by this -It hod rot ret tteeni - to 'now I'm told Celt tete nr141'Mitre fell that night at ten mltrn'o. to 11. 1 wag on the golf Itn'ca wtlen (lea hap- pened " Mr. it'os n.ka1 "NV hertaho:it• oo the golf !In: •? They .;ten 1 •,' sum.• elk .:Ince, yon remember " ", her are .tel yard.. aetuaa from drat tee to the third hole, which le the nee re.' 0:,0 t" t'nthlert n ail," A ohm' pnr'te•:-.•ri:-.ed "1 cart r. . 1 rrt t teeye•. ,, • r w :.err 1 . .•r ,n 1t :r .•r •ret tr ..as • rand war )ren. the bees*. The snow came on very fiercely For a little while 1 mild nal see wy way," 'Bow out see your way Y' "The snow new into my eye. - "Crut,aing the links?" "Yes, sir; crossing the links." "But the storm carne from the west It should have beaten ngalnst your back." "Back or front. it botbered me. id could not get on as fast as 1 wishe" Mr. Fox cast • look ret the jury. D1dnt they remember the teetlony of the landlord that Mr. c'tnnl.erlauld's coat was an thickly plaetertd with snow on the front as It had been on the back? He seemed to gather that they d1d, for he went nn et once to say: "Yon ars acrs.tomtd to the links? You here crooned them often?" "Tee; 1 piny golf there nit glimmer.""I'm not alluding to the time.. when you play. 1 mean to oak whether or not yogi had ever Mefnre crowed themm Atrartly to Cuthbert eds' "Yee, 1 had." "ln • storm T "No• not In n atoms" "Now long did It take yogi that Numn to tech Cnthbert road from the Wh1► pertng linear Spring Stales In Footwear 1e1111c. 1-t t1' I e. 1 C.4.1 1, Thet:c'C shoes In: ole' ct+ahlc ' 1 11 to intlstlgr t taste '.e tih"Ili l Xtt•tC1tZ:1 And It illi tla.' charm . iety and col rt '.t. , rotnbinc moderate )'t tot, Wu want ).•tt to arc fife 11t•a111tifnl rreatiott. rte arc 11'tq 'ltflp'ifig. REPAI ItINd Geo. Mac Vicar .1111\ •1iSide %Aunt» 1.111'1•:141' II t t r r (.11.• SiIt A; '' IS.w,i,h w be sent free alAItloUvrllr ♦ MARION. ..Islty et. Meatr{ty. ttli be sbed out, with a decant look at m!. his eoae { 'Tamyou heard yoursister's voice to tb• clahbouse how did you think she bad got into the building?" "Dy means of tete keys Benet,* had lofr ct the house." .• "When, Instead of taking the wbete Duro h. jou tot, tel.' cue Vey run want- ed frt,m the rttln dl,] you do so with any idea she might want to -make use of the r ti" "No; l never thoogbt of it. I never thought of Ler ::t a'1. ' "You took yopt one, key and let the rept lien" "You've. sold 1t" "Was this before or after you put on your overcoats' - "I'm not sure -after, I think. Tes, t was atter, fur I remember that 1 bei deuce otn time unbuttoning my cos: o get: at eny trousers pocket "Yon dropped this key into your rouser pocketr - "1 did-" "Mr. Cumberlar.t. let me ask yon to 6z your memory on the moments you spent in the hall.' Did ,yon put on your hat before you pocketed the key or afterward?" "My hat's flow can I tell? My mind wasn't on my hat 1 don't know when 1 pat 1t art-" "Nor where you took 1t from?" "No" "Whether rah temthe keys Mot and then went for yntlr oat or. having pocketed the key. wetted"- "[ 1141 not watt" "Did not eland by the table thlnk- tngr 'No; 1 was in too much of a burry." "Eo that you went elralght nuts" "ie.'. as gnlet:iy as I could" The district attorney panned t0 be sore of the attention of the jury. When he caw that every eye of that new thoroughly arortt body wan on him he proceeded to ask i "Dees that mean tmmedlately or 14s •Mtn 1411 you rumor titter yon had made certain prep- arntions or hell certain talk with some 011. yon called or who called to yon?" "1 called to not...dr i-1 went 0::t 'mmediately.ie 1f was .Tldent that h. nod: erldent, ton. that a had Iitt'e I• •, townhis 11e. t'neaatnews wren .11,“the pines of ennfldenee In his y..r' til. mooed.mooed.andieelletiined mind t'nn read spoken to Dim Ina the 1,1 . 1 c•e •.+ed ft 'h,•q, 1 knew 1t afterward anBennett he to dece'leo the. court WAt telfn!d a O'er whn.e .tn•nti.'n Lr.l tee • dn.wn W tete c o ret I.) bra own coot', -,'1 !f be answer.'1••.1 all he moat rom- , promise 'rat •,t' I old no fear of 1244 .:ding this. frit! 1 h •.1 greet (ear of what Ella might do If he let this Imell- eallon st,u:d a...I made no effort to ex eeerale him .. if by tioncin;; hl4 prey fore In the cutter nod consequent re- turn rrturn to the Cumberland home. The TWAnk side glances 1 here obeerced cast to her direction by 1,4tb rattler and mother showed that she had made Meme Impnl're dem 'naratlon risible to them. If not to others, and fearful of the cnneremences If 1 did not snake ,erne effort to hold heir In cheek, 1 kept roe s r eyes In her direction ando teat .tr'(tur's look and the look of his rnetn.el ns he anawer.'d, with Just the 1 word 1 had K ad cect -short and dog- ged' nor "1 eanrot esplela u It was nay d.•ath werrant- . realized I ` 1 I11a be hs oil of e h i ocerroat. Seer, er, read a hat t prisoner said e . **plc." A rustling of r°:. distinctly to hero.' In the .1 .:,e silence of eh /-0 001. aa. for, u• 1 : y the reading u t'.'; reply and --over "Yet you cal - • S. which of these 4,70 Overcoats uu put on when y homeleft your hoe Sri briar orso after fin tatting your dinner?" "I cannot 1 was In no conditlop t notice. I was b, -;.t on g01ng In•o town and on eomin; downstttrs 1 *en atrtlgbt to the rack erred pulled on tt firet thtn•os that or.-ered.'1. The prisoner oto od.lm neblle, Ont w" n deepening line etttb.r1ae on his Or .w 1 until the last word feel Then Oe'said 1 "I forgot. i went for rhe key- before 1 put on my orereoat.- 1 wanted to" see hoe.- tbe'ttick hors. looked," "Did yon drop t'1• key into yonI pocket toor "Xo: I carried It In' • the hal!." "What did you 410 u.::', it there?" "I d,n't kbo-w. I'ut it on tie table. 1 Suppose." 'Don't you remember? 'There were ether keys lotto: on this table. Don't you remember Whatrot:did vrith the one in your hag ! cab:'e you took the clubhouse key ?r .-„ the midst of Mfr. Ranelagb's blur h; ' "I laid it on 1':e table. 1 most hore-- therr was no ether place to put 1t" "Laid It down by Itself?" ,Ten " "And teokit up when you went oatr "Of, course " "Carrying it stralobt to the stable?" "Na to rM I ly." "What dA you do writh It when you Mme out?" - r - "I left 1t to the Mable door." "Ton did? What excuse h^re yon to g'ce for thatr "None. 1 was reckless and didn't care for anything -that's all." "Yet yon tock several mtnnte., for all your hurry read your Indifference, to get the stable tier and look In at a horse that wasn't sick enough to keep your coacbman home from a dance." The 1 rlsotier was silent "Yon hare no furttier explanation to give on this subject?" "No. All fellows who bre bosses will understand." CHAPTER SSL "I srMiio`r CARMEL ct-Mnxata'D." TILE dL;oict attorney shrugged this ::rawer away beforefore his went (II to say: "You bare 116 torsed to Zadok D'rown's testi- mony. -viten t,• returned n t 3 he found the stab*. dn..r locked nod the key hanging 1 e en Its usual wall In the kitchen. t do you account foe this":" "There an' t 10 wsy>" "slentlun tt.er. If you please." "Zadok h:.d t.oen to et dance and may not have been quite clear se to what be saw. or, finding the stable door area, t-tay have blamed himself for the fact aril soogttt to cover up bis fault with a 11e." "Hove yen ever caught blm 1n a nes' "No. But there's alto js a first titre; " 1-� then?" "No. Ton have asked me bow this discrepancy could be eIplaltted, and I bare tried to show you-" "Mr- Cumberland. the grey mare was out that night 71Y haft been amply proved." "1f you believe ladok, yea." "?ea have heard other testimony eoreoborattre of this act She wog tele• on the clubhouse read that night by a person amply qualified to identify imo" 7o 1'. been told" "The perwnn driving this Dowse were a Mt ldsatitsed so an old one of yam ebur► bat car afterward found at year bone on a reasote peg to a sal - dem mord closet It you were sot tats pees04 bow els you eiptatn MID use M your horsy the um of your clothes. Use locking of this stable deaf–w arra roe drlare yntaself to have Isrt men -lad the baagtng up et the ell las .we eaD T It woo a eeeeful auertle -kWer eR tial no one knew Lot oar two Mesa would Impeach his testimony T.. 11.• ('outinued X. s' el 20 Natior•I Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Toronto. ". •! 1 del plait linen s to yor!r drys. Summit.:" will .: : f' - , ,. and you will wart all t'-. • ti:' you can :t out-of-d(cs .1 t, ):one t.ct :: hnu., 'ft l:' iitlnt't•:1, ! Nott;, .,,: 1 it• will cost only .t f -.-w !,. ! .\,1 Ina-t;tl'.,:ti+ :i 1.. r• ':u ta!l.•it t .'r - : -1 t r'. ti:c C4•', -O'•:1 lle;u,: i tl Lt,_rlat '. . • t. •• -. . - WAS CAl2ILD ORT it HETI DISMAYED ?Anti at:11s tb1Ln even wbule 1 held Ella's eye with mine Sud .mwthed uty countenance to meet the anguish In hers, In the effort to hold her back for a few minutes longer t:11 1 could quite satisfy.myselt tt.at Arthur's case was really list and that 1 must speak or feel myself his murderer. The gloom old •h followed t1.1. rec. The Re14 Trleph.n.• ('.•. of ('anuria. (:rntlentrq:—stewse see rnr shout R. it.. ,.re Tell ph,,nr .'errire, _ Addr, s. 1 JELsiiii Your Floors Need Paint Paint preserves the wood. Paint keeps floors sanitary and healthful. Painted floors make the rooms bright and cheery. Painted floors are easily cleaned—a damp cloth keeps then) free of dust and germs. Paint your floor's and thus have them always Spic and Span. Senour's Floor Paint 1. tt: At. 'SAD( IM CANADA" is all ready to brush on—anyone can apply it evenly and smoothly. And it gives a hard, durable, lustrous ffnitrti, that stays fresh and bright, and wears, and wears, and mars. It costs less to use than other floor paint, because it covers more surface and wears longer. We have Senour's Floor Paint in 14 beautiful colors, suitable for every floor in tis. house from kitchen to ,Itrret. Come In fat a color card, sad a copy of entertaining book, "The House That Jack Bt1 Written for children, but "grown ups" get a of fan out of it. Free to our friends. F. HUNT, GODERICH, Ont. 0