HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-13, Page 4Tttevruay. Aram t t 1 it 1 1'NB SIGNAL °ODRRiCH t ONTARIO = = =IMMUNE= • SPECIAL VALUE in BIue Serge Suits $17.00 NO DOUBT you know that ail woollens have advanced in price, and especially Blue Serges. Blue Serges are up and going veru much higher --the serge: we are asking you $17.00 is for worth $_o.00 if we bought today --the \\ hole story is we bought early and in large quantities and paid old prices; therefore we offer you until after Easter fine imported Blue Serge Suits, good mohair linings, fine canvas and haircloth, exceptionally well tailored, at% special . . . . s . . Boys' Suits --Try this store for Boys' Clothing. A large selection-ces. to $4.50 to $13.50 choose from and at right prices. Prices J `N J WALTER C. PRIDHAM St•I.E Ace xT FOR Society Brand Special Ordered Tailoring u 000ERICH TOWNSHIP. Montsev, April 10. Box $utak a L.—Thi patriotic he social mod danceat the home of Mr. and Mrs. George 0. Sturdy and eon on Friday night tut was • dreaded salerew A very •ejoyable evening was spent by all present. The pro- ceed., which amounted to 1112, were given to the Teylnr's Corners branch of the Wotuetis United Patriotic So- ciety, for which the Society ie very grateful. The ntenlbets of the Society take Ibis opportunity to thank Mr. and ?Ire. Sturdy and sant for their kind buslatality.—SBt•Y. KINUSBRIDGE. Tt•esui . Aptil 11. DRAM \TR' EytkNT —Kanter Monday, April 241b. has been .et for the pira- •ntation of the modern drains. en- titled, "The Frczen Trail." in the IKing.bridge balk This play mode a . great bit in biome of the eider when staged by professional c pubes, and the Kingsl.ridge dramatic troupe are confident that they can give all who attend its production here hog value for their money. Watch next week for final particulars. Ploomest —Joseph O'Connor and Jack Quigley, of Underich, spent Sun- day in our burg. ....Pie Albert P Johnson, of the ldtkh Bruce Battalion, Ripley. spent a couple of }lays here Islet week.... ..Mno. O \eil, sr., re- turned to her borne in Ooderich last Wednesday attar a visit with her son, John O'Neil Mr,. Roland returned home this week after a stay of two weeks with Kin ebndge relative*. We welcome Neil McAdam hack again after a year's absence . ..In- formation reached here tart week that the injuries John F. Sullivan sus Itained in Detroit were mit so serious as first reported. Although his skull was not fractured, aa etated last week, he was unconscious for altuost a week, but r.ow is on the road 16 recovery. i BENMILLER. TuioosY, April II. RED Coos Woat:.—On April 7th the Beautifier Red ('roes Society iCol- borne towneblp) shipped a bale of goods to the bead office at. Toronto containing the following articles 27 • •1111111111111110 = i'—'1 =I =I = =I IMIN111111110 . mens working shirts, 12 py))ams •nits, 12 hospital shirts, :yet pillow- slips, 15 pillows, 1112 pairs sock*. 5 washcloths t tni ), 1 parcel old *niton and linen, 4 Uremia tagarinee. -Value ;211.75. Tb 'Society is indebted to the following 1 for the pillows in this shipment : Mrs. Jae. Long, 1 pillow ; Mrs. W. liledbtlL Mre. A.Heddle, Mrs. J.Trehlr, Mrs. Jos. Mitchell, Mrs. (iso. Been. jr, Mrs. Jno. teny,al, and Mt*. R. Moore, 2 pillows rash The thanks of the Society are due to the following ladles for conn -motions of socks: Nn. J. Ti ebb., Mrs. W. Gled- hill. Mr.. Ruiherfor.l, Mre. R. Moore, Mira Hazel Yonne t1y1+111•Miss E r ,wine. Miss Libbie Walters and -Miss tiertrudr \Vatter+, Mies Ella' •lilydhilail. 1 pair each ; Mrs. Jae. Feagxn, Mr.. l', A Vanst.a.r, Mrs R. !Hake, Mr., Breckow, Mit.'Hikla King, Miss Maine Walter* and Mee Elsa Ince. 2 pair. each; :Mrs. P. Welters, Mte. Jno. Ve•tean, Mrs. 0. emu. sr., Mr■. S. Allan, Mrs. J. All{n and Mals Ethel Stn.ughan, 3 pain each; Mrs. J. Jenkins, \Ibis M. LUCKNOW. Mosn.lY, April 10. Messrs. Allan McLeod and Russel Johnston have purchased new motor, care Messre. Fred Johnston and Andrew Huston spent Sunday It ith friends in Goderich. Maple -syrup -nuking is not very ac- tive around here, on. account of poor sap runs. Mr. Abraham Durnin is at present confined to the house . We hear it is appendicitis. Mist. Alice Whiles returned home from 'Toronto last week atter spending a few days in that city. Miss Armstrong., of Palmerston. a former teacher tit 2nd concession, Kin - lose, public rbool, diad recently from pneumonia in Toronto. She was well known here. Miss Annie NleInni•, who underwent an operation tor appendicitis :n \Vingbain hoepital some time ago, ie. we are glad to report, able to be around again. The ladies of the Women's institute donated a quilt to the Red Cross, -- — which was tattled ori. It was an- nounced on Friday that \lies Libbie Lyons had drawn the lucky ticket. Mr. Kennedy, a student of Knox Col- lege,Toronto.occupied the pulpit of the Presbyterian church on Sunday even- ing. lie has just completed n year's course and is awaiting an appointment to the foreign mission Held. Mr. John Hell. who for the plat two years hes been connected with the hardware business here, hes Bold his share to John Joynt. The partnership of lied & McLeod will in the near future be dissolved. Mr. McLeod will still remain in the business. A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and .Mrs. David Huston on W. ednesday of last week, when their daughter, Alice, was united in alai ridge to i'te. Robes Fisher. of the It41ti1 Bruce Battalion. Rev. .1. K. Duncan officiated in the presence of a few of the nearest relatives of the contracting parties. The local Extent play, "\V^atch Your Uncle Dudley," drew a full honer on Friday evening. The performance was in aid of the hockey club, which was unfortunate this sexton in meet- ing expenses. This will mean a good lift for the iwlys. In Net, the play sew. so good .het by request it was again presented oh Saturday evening Ind about 1:1' was.raieed, all of which goes for H'•d Cross work. Let There be Light And there was light wherever we were given an opportunity of installing Electric fixtures Experienced men and the best materials is the secret of our success. Our store is Headquarters for everything in Electrical Appliances, from a POCKET SEARCHLIGHT to an ELECTRIC STOVE Beauty and Utility are combined in much of our stock, and— PRICES ARE RIGHT. WEST STREET ROBT. TAITf 7 Horse Owners Callon H. J. Fisher THE HARNESS MAN I1 \MII.'flE STREET and get a line on a good idea that will' interest you- -and save yon money. BAYFIELD. Y. April 11. \lies Janet Cowie. who spent the winter in tioderich, returned to her houtr last week. Mr. H. Derrah, proprietor At the Commercial hotel. recently paid n tine of tF311 for an Irfrection of the 1'. T. A. mew OMENS The. A. Attwood leaves this week to join her husband in Detroit, where they expert to take up housekeeping, Ree. F. Riekaul ane( Iter .I. E. STANDARD FENCE Jones were in Clinton on Monday et- WEAK, SORE LUNGS Restored To Health By Tied Camden, N. J. —" I hada deep seated cough, was run-down, and my lungs were weak and sore. I had tried everything suggested without help. One eve- ning I read about Vinol and decided to try it. Soon I noticed an improve- ment I kept on taking it and today I am a well man. The soreness is all gone from my 1I do not have an cough and haveid fifteen pounds -6 — FRANI HteeneN. We guarantee V 1 no 1 for chronic coughs, colds and bronchitis and for all weak, rundown conditions• H.('. Dollop, Druggist, (ioderich YOUR OPPORTUNITY The Winter Term now on at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE stn NI). oNT Three porn Mel, eamp'ete w4,1 neto Aatr ,..' r•.•. of study : H,,dne-•. Rawl h.lnt S T, i,rw. i'lalt •ed 1'r'4.ratorr. Wort h• uelen'- nauto foal rwy- Ina tee, nr. Wu Mee an unci, a!1 if eo..e,. t oil with blot bs•IM+, h sew u herr our gr•a luatrw sr. r•talarly bin. P{1'Y" 1. w'r.te for pamphlet. rail to torinattoo .rot fowenappltaation. r'. A. VLF: Nt\(t, V. C. A.. Principal. e:. I.. iI. r:sett rte tierr•.arr. ••••••••••••• ROf3T. WILSON \I. -1• -vv Harris Agent Hamilton St., Godench 7000 Rods of tending the meeting of the Ministerial Assnciat inn. Mr H. Johnston, wife and family, front Sa.katrhewan, have arrived and are at present living with Mr. John.Ion's parents, M. and Mew Jae. Johnston. 1 he weather contimies very cold, with f,.,.t almost every night. end so far there is ecarc-Iy a crack in the Take ice. There is ' every inaioat ion ofll a lair spring and very few of the fsr'rjr- ere have done anything At all on t e land last yet. The Reeve, Mr. A 1: Erwin, and Councillors Copeland en.l Petite' left today to attend the llydro-Kleetnc meeting at Tomtit)) tomorrow. If there are any railways ening, surely Huron county nimbi to get one. as it bee hewn sadly overlooked in that re• *pert in the put. The I1.yfield 'toad of khaki men, ender command of Lieutenant Mair, merrhed to Clinton Inst \Vednmel.y crowning send hack again on Friday morning. taking pail on Thursday in the military manoeuvre... The men all ibis,( the teat well, the affects of their physical training showing al ready. most h,• sold by Joly 1st. 111111. We have two car Lads of the twat fence that money can I•,ty and we have bought so ser can sell right. ('a11 in and ewe our stock and get . our prier (,fore you huy your fence. We need the money and you nerd the fence. Fars Mec`iaery We r.tit p A full hoe of Faruk Mvch.nety nlway on hand. Buggies and Grunge \\ r hove them. all shapes and sizes. A Isrgw assortment al- ways on our floor. If you need a few Icas of teat FAMOUS 0 L D H 0 M K- Sl'EA1r F1' II.iZBH, we have a carload [seat in. Hard or Soft 'Wood delivered to any part of town. Phone No. ifl.i 0 • • • • • • • • • • • • ...—................,_....................________ ,.._ EASTER NOVELTIES in COLLARS .. UP -TO -THE MINUTE Collars, made of the newest and best materials that add individuality and style to the garments upon which they are worn. Fine Silk crepe de chene, fancy voiles, organdies and georgette crepe are among the materials that are used in these new and fashionable collars. Separate collars and collar and cuff sets are very pcpular and can be had at all pricesFrom 25c to $1.50 each • Something New in Silk Dress Goods that are Blouses Values The !silk 111. to 1. the leader for Spring. Our .e•tyn•v ate the lest clothe tin the Markel ,bits tett Ir .. snpl.•tr of just thew- wanted Hlottai e, in today. 7111,1 N'.• al.' prepared In fill ynl/1' Ntlnf. aw ,.ilk in law natural color, 11 nil the Nallt..l whis.bn and ynwlili.. silk cr'i.pr dr r•Iwne, ""ill and battik ur w In \real .plant it ler send r..{u P.. Silk erelw de then- in white, maize, pink and \'cry heavy 50 -inch Serge in blur, black black, at >N.SO br..w a and green. at Raw Silk Blouses in the natural .hatle. in all sizes, $1 .111111. 51.50. 31.75 at 54.50 Broal,lelothe, venetian*, poplins and many Habitue link BlrNrw.. 111 p.. i.• N'hit.• alta all sins, a .t her clot he are ton o11r shelves tee fill \tali' *2.50 and 33.00 wants at twicvw that are exceptional. J 6 1-1• Colbor'ne 1_,................__., ,.._ NOW IN GODERICH! Eyes Tested FREE t , — 411/ All Work 6uaran- teed. EminentJ3ye Is Here This is a rare accurate system Seco� p Until Thursday, April opportunity to have your eyes tested by the most advanced known to Optical Science. allst 20th and Children's Eyes, Cross Eyes, Difficult Eyes -=Our Specialty Night Is Just as Good as Day 11/ • 11. HARRISON JEWELER and OPTICIAN Schwan,. \W Strarrghan, 1'nusinaand 4 pairs t1 Mrs. Mrs. Mitebell,s I:i Miss and Mrs. kindneaa rock Mn. ly tion. rreei•ed municipal A chtithelp help source miller JAS. Shaw visit the Roods Joe (iodsdcb, h.,* returned aftse ton week frogs Hager. it pit large .ea severe ing Mrs- IL-.E.aber. alters, Mr.. \Vni. Mrs. 0. Mina Pearl each : Mia' Ruh. pyre: Mrs. Wm M-WP.Inney John Young (Loyal Fd Walters and I.sltsearh : pain. and Mrs. Jas Winnie Vamoose, Sim Lashio Walter". 7b• Society deem.. John Young .Loyall in knitting over legs during the month Young and daughters doing (heir -bit" in March have from the following: council of Colborne, t•Yiend.$' : Yonne L&die.l'lusotZ in, globi.::► Such in this great work of Qrrat satisfaction branch of the C. Los...- Pres Besailler LEE BUNN. a LrltPCs• L a .su.—Miro is home from .. Mr Home week -end with friend .Robert Polo, of i with bas moth (aasix, of the 1.11 spent Sunday lir. and Mn to Mr. ler -v w stay of several Mr. L Klrek to the farm whish Mr .I Moser . of O,tderich, es -copied of the Presbyterian afternoon and eongrepatkon, Rev. rsg *•r beim In his d the Mt •. (!. Me, Mrs. Wm. Been. Jr.. Mn. Young .1...yid., Young( Loyal i, ant, ., 7 pairs each; Mrs. Jas. Mrs. Ed. Grigg, Loot:, irk pair*; 1 washcloth, 4 washcloths, to thank for ber _+s) pairs of of Ner:h. are certain- Spatial dona- been grateful(, The $1.1 ler; on will ertai l to is certainty a to ibe Ben. H. C. S --Max. R. C S. air. April D. Blanche Unclerich on a Chinon epent at Saltft.rd. (i. rich, spent r.Pte. Bo talion, with friendsa limy liv have Stewart': again weeks at l'lln- le Moving this he _ • 1 I • when you can have will answ'c your LAI)' kS : Switches, Waves and many 1 ity hair. — Doreeweed's Display of ARTISTIC HAIR -GOODS should ire seen by every than and woman who would keep at tractive and youthful LADIES Who have not sufficient hair tri do justice to their ap- pearance and GENTLEMEN WHO AR1. BALI), come to The Hotel Bedford, GODERICI 1 112 THURSDAY, APRIL 27th a FREE IIEMoNRTR.\TII)N of the style that demands. • Braids, Trans ormations, Pompadours) other hair -goods crewions of the finest yual- — GENTLEMEN 1 Hygienic toupees and wigs Which ar'e inttetectablt. featherweight and are worn t1} over a quarter million men. Fite what a ilenefit it i1 t0 \'OCR HEALTH, COM ' Cowl' and APPEARANCC. DORENWEND'S Showrooms, 103 Yonge street, TORONTO. . y {r' parthwsed ... Roy. \V K. the put. church last preached to a Mr. Hantil- home with Office and . tell hair •rais- *.ren. attack grippe. tees wast• of tisee to et .►ice to held -headed