The Signal, 1916-4-13, Page 3THIi IOUROTTAWALEITER Ot161NI1 IND •41.149491,041"•41.149491,041"M. 0. MDS$Y •• ONLY Ottawa, April 13th.- lirnet41 in. n nathy ie Wham extended to Sir Thom*. \\ hits for the unlucky fate whin GENUINE rntaugltd • Finaooe Miafrter with a 1 i•ina rrp.ttatlun for colymtM NOM IR a foolieb argument on Nhell Commit- tee.. and Their Mistakes. MnlxlonalJ of Pi'•tou put there.luctia ■d ebsutdunl sbicb Nir Thollta• WW1 eol'r.l •m to defend (bis way : 11, Thee i• no1hiog to investigate. 121 it i, im- 1)-.`.,6Ir to Iuvrstigate b, r ober the OF .Ii II ('olu&it'pe is under Inoperi.1 curtti01. 13i we are truing to In yr.tigtt.e IMIfA- but only as &Melt au .lir Opposition TIONS finds out for it.elf. This le h fly sums BEWARE ‘i OLIO. ON THIS MERIT$ OF MINARD'S LINIMENT BOOKBINDING! MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. u ?OLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS LllaWreeprotaotl attw4 bler , to ow Is•v asp at •1111. tl10 Y.4.1, (:od.vlca. A. E. 'TAYLOR. reowrinutn, MEDICAL '1 'IR. (:Fu. HI:ILEMANN, OMji'E- 1) l'ATIL •4,rt44.4 u. woven'. mad ebtl arwn'.drs,e.i.,.rut.•, J.ruuir a,41narrow du- es1ee.. ere, err, to.e u d lnrmat, p.ttial deaf 11110.. lump...,.. 4:1.1-bculuatic ent..uliop. Ades N olo. ut lbs ki,Ie. °tart) at resldeu.r "atm' \,1-..a and St. A...tryst,. /Alert•. A.. bus..4.4.• Monde>-. Ned,✓.dor. .ad 1'4nuda). any rt r1,°. 44 rl•t'olultner,L F. J. 1.. FOKsTER-EYE„ EAR. saw and thrust °ally. Boo..-rtra.sa, York Upbtbalmic and Atom/ lwtltute. 1..i-•.. Las. No.. and 1 bruit H,.-piU.l, fdatd.n • Squat,.., 4 M.aaede14 Lye H,.prtsl, 1sm1es. Liaat•n.t. udder. 330 Waterton snort, 94wtford, oppo:dte Kuua 1 buts b. Hu'.r. s, • tits. m:. Y t., t t. 'n.. 7.to 6 t. to. Teloubuse A. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS tiCNOR TY AU('it"VER (kdcnab.' All. in -tragi ioss by mat lop .t 4. .Ilicr.MIse: 1.11.44(1) * es1.d Iu. ftwatiut.rc Lei0.4J4.s 119 LEGAL up Sir ' rho&•1: •perch en the sul-j-ct and the I:nvernutrut'• c twee of act uptudate. - It wise a poor ease and Sir Thermo. knew it. He hemmed and bowed and 41o,tndried Ind *tumbled. but c.u.ldh'I stet) out fre✓ly any whrl r nn ave 111111 of the load lir was earl yirg, a Toad of little quibbles muter suited to at 41101. 1101611e11. wh.t.0 spr•itl busigt'►s i• the small stuff .11 debate -the smaller the Letter. Poor Mir Th,vna.. f It was hard luck that he .1 1,1 hr asked to cheapen hie mit Al with such pettifog- ging. but he did it lurt the halite. The Finance Minister has a nigh sense of duty. He takes the lean with the fat. He doesn't expect all the gravy all the ble1Vhu. at',. he did the best he could with a had job. 11e need all the arts 111 the orator '.0 coax Iheapplausa, thul.derrtit lightened, boo icenrtt-the 1101141 blunts in feet , hu( 11,1111Mg doing. Hansard will by aide to pick nut at least a hunched telltence, m grit; tat he waited for the raptor -ns.•heer., of his (.1ooerra Ile the 4l,.v,- 1111).•„1 side, Save for a cIi,ln•. of Ilse. *S.i,tid by the sardonic laughter. f 1 I M4 bnffnrl, 1411, It. hurl for hi, rxiuctrd Men.toi•hip, 11'1 (diem . .-our. Like wi•c nn earl urs -w' lrcas, 11,41 %I1at y111 would 111 ,e,'. ' New y of ; I. 011., how- ry.-r. The Urn. Andrew IIruJ«)• wiU, » pori( of doom. •11 Ily Ma. l.•nn 'sc•1u-1- ing d»Illy,, Muntbri Arid 1.,,4114(14.)). cunsiden.ng in A Collin 1.0.11r 11.4rh gram) Nati. natio,. ►h, told be -.skid" to ►wallow, the rank and file of the p111 t with I..ng Sun.t,ly fa:• •s, ,t, who.)) ,.'..1 say. "1t • up 111 yon. Thr wo1.t 1• y,•l to come." \o' ray 1 f h• i.• .' T:'+tt „rapid.-'.re-rte,r .u,d•the:d:,) 1 gtrt-i..-p i-4 look rvrlo-wheir.' Arthur Meighrn go.piog like a •ick 44-1.. 1'1 *-Mese- den Knee ing a a 415-u,i1t t.. i.:.. -n11. do ,l t to help hie. digest the rra.ou,• advanced by hie Float.. -r• Mini,trt. 1'hP 4.44 of the Cabinet plung-d in '.meow.. l• it any wot•der that it got onM,r'1'I ,a' nerves atl,,l`billed up hie argument.? . Sit 'lhotus*analyze d, as be u••4••• pleastrl t, • call i', the• r.,ntractht w ith the American Auemuniti.'n l'utnpsn nd ti,,• lotern,Ciou.1l .4, 111, end Fu. 'otopety i. t•d_11j• ,S1,.:hy'e. Si Tholes, drew fn•nt these th r1,41.111sloe tb.t the rnifyir.g letter given 10 Ir :441111 came 41'ues bona, 1 l•pr bent ing His 41: i'atuur Msje.t,'e Govrin beret l•. old thatcon.orl.tly the Cent, •111,3. r , •• t , . nmrnt.ha.t no teal re•4.in �itrl:-y for theta. It *As therefoi nut o1 1•114.• r li1g, n4.-.. h. aft -ter wisteet by ie .'like of l' amerce:ice base brnchet --t h .1 I he Hot den Gavel n men/ ghat t dAn in‘ eat igotinn into a little as might 1* found out 4nut tint to time by the O;ipar.iui:n het weer now soul the lir xt grurr,tl elect ion. A . for thr 10.1, a 3.ca 5..)bns4nrs u their'. t:oW route) tt10. • 1-an4tre advert tulwra And their 1' magi n16%1.44w'rena al ansidr•p,t11ters gouged the dear tilt Mother l'onntry. Uf roulwr, rirTh,nn», di,' not put it !int that way, but that •w--as , the ut.- ance .:f rt. Ni, Thomas tikewisr dis- claimed ant oevernuient knowledge L.(wilhun-Beller cuimithe ioo..,n .id,•r,. not yet in haul Fpl r by 13rr 4 j0u,in 1*4,klis. Yoakum, E. \V. Harem . 1 H. Cadwell, Eugene LRnanti, tb,. 11•.1 • player, *nil ut her 4rrrs4•11s more or le... neatly connected with that soul u( honor and cheri.hed friend, of Sit Mom's, oans•ty, l'nlunrl John Wes:ey- .\11isou. Sir Thomas di,chuntetlany knowledge of these ger t1 y, disclaimed them with a.glrst deal of personal e I0 a Tr 01 (►-l', 1111;a H.e1:ItIriCK, `1,471 !Tilt. NOTARY 14.141.1.. 1.1. . !idle- B.erUorl 10.1.1. 1410.1. lialuiltoa 8-r.e1. ,s\ 3ebrk:u. 1 et.I,bw.r .,c. Hilal Lobate 1.0.0., 01 .,1 1u•urancs. OU )F'uO KIL i.11 tAN I'R t 1 1 akl'OOhF: I4AHltl8l3.10 , r•'! 1. 17. 1 r, NUTAIU Pt 44L1( ..►.lt. t• e [hit,- f 11 i' -e quid ..1 r 3.., ,. 1 trig • , t)rt• • . ..ri.i ll. (4' 1,1.11' . 11.1•-n 'n Plr 111,11 - )% VI 1110 1t.., , 1 ..',•b .•1*1 Alin 1 11 1 it IU•. . t.• i) 1 „)'r l , n.1l.�, 3.1i .1 1 11.1..! , 1, .1 I r 'l.uu.. 4 t•,t . 1•. 11".41.0'. Alain . • hi. ,•t ...'4 I. . . .a.4(, k 101 In L- •,i , t' '''c.It . (pec.., ,• .r,l 'I1•., • .., 1 4''r 4141✓ 1'. t . +,...cls 4,1,i 1, ,,•a ig- t 14111-1'!' n utih, ,., .•e 1 .sol'=• l l 1•..r a th n' 41, 1.1.11:1 Sr Ir•• r • t,,,• -bur •Prean 1HE SIGNAI. COI)ERI('II, ONTARIO CIRL COULD MARKET pmr�no� � NOT WORK - -- Toronto Cattle Market How She Was Relieved from • Easter a''rr.. :4 w 49.N Heavy choke .Iyer. .. M.4,) 1.50 Pain by Lydia E. Pinkham's Hanby .oke . t. • rs . 8 1u11 11,40 Butchers', good ... 8.10 7.4u 7.75 do. common . .. 6.75 7.25 Taunton, Mass.-" I bad pains in both Heifers, choice .. . .. 7 65 8.15 Sides and when my periods came 1 had do. goo 7.25 7.65 W a t a y at home too.medium, 6.50 7.2S from work and suf- 7.60 for a long time. 6.75 One day a woman 25 came to our house 6.50 and asked my 7.75 mother why 1 was 7.50 7.75 suffering. Mother 6.75 told her that 1 suf- 7,25 forbad every month 6.25 a:d she said, • why do. common, light_;r 5.70 don't yott buy a :'utters 4.75 5.'.8 bottle of Lydia E. ('annrr.l 4 110 4.45 Yin;: ham's Vegetable Compound': My Milkers. choice, each ...7".(r0 90.,00 mother bought it and the next monthill I do. nledipm to good .:.•'00 75.00 was so well that I worked all the month 3prlugen .. :••,. W 95.00 without stayingCalves. real, goad....,, 8.50 10.80 at home • day. I am do. median 6.00 8.00 in good health now and have told lots of do. comm() .... 6.50 1.00 girls about it. "=Hiss CLARICE Moat►►, do. grass 1.2; Russell Street,Taunton, to ,Mess. Bob calices, each 5.00 Thousands of girls suffer in silence Iambs, cwt. 13.60 every month rather than consult a phy- String. Iambs, etch 9.00 sician. If girls who are troubled with h D. Pwcs. Blit •.•q 9.60 do. heavy and buck ,_00 7.76 painful or irregular periods, bad:lehe, do. culls' 4 I0) 1.50 headache, dragging -down s--ns$ti'.ns, lioga. weighed off car j 1 .40 11.60 fainting spells or indigestion would take do. fed and waterea t 1 .00 11.10 Lydia Fs. Pinkham's Vegetable Cont. do. f.o.b. country... 4',.07. 10.75 pound. a safe and pure remedy made from roots 'and herbs. much suffering 1 •Toronto Grain Markets might be avoided. Manitoba wheat -lit - ut Fort Write to Lydia F.. inkham Medicine \Ci114ptn. No. 1 norther '1..!414 ; No. Co., Lynn, Mass. (confidential) fur -free $1.111/6; N. 3, $1.0 Vegetable Compound. do. medium ... Butcher rows, choke.. • 6.75 do. good 6.225 do. medium' 6.75 do. common 5.25 Dutcher bulls. choke 6.75 do. bologna 5.25 Feeders. INN) to 1.100 ,t,.t6.00 do. bulls • 5.25 Stockers. 750 to 900 lbs. 0.25 do. med.. 660 to 7114 5 7:. 4.75 2.00 le- 50 •i . 0.) advice which will prove helpful. r•or.t p.n. lio-.••t n • \`.'u. 1 4' 41,111•1 I, htt o, 1 .:n.5 I f 4'ns h•• `Ilyl;«a . d ,1'. 1111• •y:,•'.l ill.. Ise ..:4) 7:) e✓1.'4( t. 140" pt is • ,.t o, h (u-.•, b„id horn toL•.4.44144'ur '4%',,n•• 1olh,. cowl a tor,, oho r.. J. \1 t.4. y ,►14 ••al GJ ttT,l to 1.•1 tie.. not 1514,4'.4. '11.0' meson.; tion 1), that. the +.,;rpt turned the N1 oto -Pal don rt. .11 a1.y'la'e 4...,, 4.401 iI at-rans arut ..Ir. 1' 4i1141(11''41.44,•'' hn.iur.• w tip 'vino hot h..i de.l .tat Ibis ,'. i.tr+.ris the crow) 41 • "sin°stet a•lveniu'er.'.- 4(14 Sir. \\' 111, id e.ul- 141.mr '-who levir I Intl '.n the ttessurr •'1 1.,,r,1anJ And the PAN, d of 4))10 „'ld irl•. lieu:.1.1r,.ti;c'1Vilt'Ij•1 I.slilier op'ly rkprrss 1 h ,full l,..tr,•r "4 it In .n,r' r „ 1 r 1 p ,4•nt plirca t the uµ1 r .. h. 1•'16 n. th. ))autos l:.•r the lit, (v.. 9n. •u .'.un . o3.h41e tl•r-.• i'ankr, • 1,1,7141 r'1• -. n', I tare a, the ..,Pond door from Hem Woo .u.. 1, 1140.• .1.1.. ✓rlvat. Iwo*. 1° Iowa at lowest rata'. W. rebut UtOOT. K.C. J. L luLbasua H, J. U. 4'00kL. c41. C'•tdlkkON, is, C., AAli(Kib 1'l It w41,»tur. panes public. Utww. tot a •, ts.den. n. third deur fr • !,o are .11 t1 loge '1Ll. 1 of each week uts°ddooee w, nite•.t l+:rapt u, .p.•0 by lir. Nana r. tilt.. hogs !,. 0.1 .1 t 4,1' t11AKLhb UAKILO\b, LL.H., fiat kla'111, a.tur.wp, ,o.t„:,tur, etc.• Got.- 1-441111 /n.. , v -0 1•11 al toMr.4 Pal... • MEAGER, HAKRISTER, SOL- • • ktt.r, \iaary Public and Cooveyeneet. 'iq-t oust Honor Uodericb. - aging INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC. 11c41W hl' JIUTCAL FIRE IN JJ1. a (, It A\ l k t U. -Farr abd Lobated l 'eel troper,y t1..ured. Oak rr--J. t4. McLean. Yre... seat rtb 1'.U.; Jr. l to 1.041. Vire- Uuderlcb 1'. 0., rltawa. L lr..;.. 1,••t.-1rrae., asafortb 4•. 0. 111neun'-11. t', 111,1lirvirtn. rwateete : Joke W.Urtese. w ,nu/.rep yl0h4e: Ftiva. l ow -banes: J„be det.n. carr•, lkodh.et',,; Jesus kseu... Poectt*oat ; Hobert Vertu., Harlot* ; 1151 vinosleiwm'. Itrwiwid. '• A..•1 •. • %L. Yeo. Holme•eillc : Alex. Igito 1 1 11111°1 , 0ytow tit t Leant). OMfatb : ►_ , 0 ht.), geisha. i' I'ollr)Amble. re car pa) w.er,meav, and met t4..:. 4.001•. nrelpted a H. 1. MorriL) rk, Store. 1Untoo. It 1 m. 1, ' %,4.¢•441 0rre.4, Uoderlel, or J H. t., .1, . • rata... .. Noy j,)' 1 I'KI \ATF: EIJNON -Tu (�,1f11() ,nae. .yeeip-to 41.0. CAM 1W124. tie. r ieter .►aa t1:.' • tteet. Oawls& N' . It RObERTsteN IN 4U*LANCL AuliNl. /ball AND La11111t.ru 14r414.b Canadian and American. aWillaaTrataatmas ANL/ LltPLOT&Y' l.laau. ITT : The Omen Aside,,' and (4warwale1 U.0per (los limited. of London. En. gtsso litr aa(End.tAKANTrs 14.,r1., 1 d.Ltyaad Uwnrsntee • ..ratan). 0dol at ,.-ld-ewe. tor. 4.e. -L corner of ylo Ions and at. hat 1.1 . •1 r•,,- Moor 176 MARRIAGE LICENSES AL'14‘k L3011Ca(4' it: UN 1. ttt!t 4.r nP )IAIaaA4.1. 1.11'1.\81:24. Patents, Trade Darts, Designs Secured m 44! Countries N Otte t•'r free toe* "1'ATENT4. IjttTNI:' Ttn\ 1.11. 411 /dam' a rat how to set pat roto. 44.\114.-14 It k 441\N. t-t,binbtd lf47 formerly Patent 4 T,-14 [x. ,net. Master lel Istria t.ww-, I1..,.ter•,t l'at t .ttlarasp* et.., Writ. Jas. Stn, . 3.101,4 real. )4rwa11s.- Ottawa and Wasafrwtoe.. Itetes'enlativas h all femurs .ssettee- 41111111461.111111 Waft 0 Pailarrielien ea sae ne as Brophe3 B os. IDF.RICIR 'lie Leading Funeral Directors aid Embalmers Orders carefully attended to et all bout, night or day. I Aii*a,,.11 ten .C. 11140x1.•.14,41 tee 4 1.•t esti' al l n..' 1 ' mese', f •, t hirlr d 1on'! .1 We -1..y All h :•11,4 I4,. trot d • t..:,.. III.. 4.rnv ,pert.. I r r •t1•..• th.• 1'..li -'l •11 14'11.1,41t:1r• ser,:•.I• t•' ,i,) it 1.. :aero-: '1•heo, w.. xrigger • inthe fen, •..n the r -;1,.s,•t'ltlty- h3.c resits ad -l.• l rn b.• .pl 4.ci; oo •v. - 9n41 ('1114.4'41:4.11113.• they 1114)' flood 1••s, u:••nr3.. Fact.. like these, rr1'I Nino up from • tin11• to bole, M1,0••••p 11.1 .4:0‘.•1 1111,..5,1 \taJ-lirnrlal ".,n, .,i •1 Irleno.. tekr a for 01 .•Tnl.n•n• 1Vhst next % Th„ rxpLlios tlig .l'u,•,I,.I I '.k f the• tmseibn,rnt 1'•.tit`l.en,•hi+ \lr0nwbile rth.v Rcle .4•'.ut liken two trying (.11.••••••Yhe 1,...41 ;•, freer. rf , A tanrral, It: F' 4.. nthu,iosm.. After which heatdmitted hat the mention , f their name, 1Ta. must)) to al out the 41overnme11t. specially so Mr. Kyl•-'srharRe*slanted t the honor 171 our of their cnllragurs, Li short. Sir rh'luas hinds a goat I•tue of the necessity the Govern - eat Rea under either to blackball or whitewash • S,r 5 till, now that hi. 410.11.1' bar c111,c• 4 u: into the open. 11' Mel) stows a.i.po.itlon on the pelt of stir Thomas and his colleagues to make Mit Sow Iles goat, if Sir Maui will let them. Outelale hi. own feelings in the matter, Sir' •tit would 4.e tale to pft int nut, »s Sir 4Vi111•id did in his speech, that the principle 0( collective Coloring re.pottsibllity applies in thi• ease de writ as in othere and that 11 one member of the ((overamrnt • (alb' ell fall. Which is no doubt the view Mir Sam would take of it also. Btsidrr, to get down to brass tackF, how could the Cabinet and the actinic Ministers whn have handled the Mili- tia Hopei Orient daring Nir Ham's yeti • ons abeenr'es he ignorant of the busi- ness that was going on right under their noses ? Neither Mir Thomas nor any other member of the Government has at- tempted to answer, these gtlestirms.. In.tead, Sir Thomas went on to explain why he preferred a Royal Uonomiseion to • Parliantientary committee -be- cause it rejects rumor, hearsay, Insin- uation : bream.* it insists on the riles of evidence, beceuse it ran et chamber if it likes! because it ne •dnt reveal stele documents to the (ho- ming -all the old arguments, in fact, and one or two new ones. Milch arguments in favor of • Hoy*l t:onlmissi,q as Mir 'tremas overlooked Macdonald of Pictou picked up and hurled hock at him -•a for instance tb•t a Royal ('ummiaeinn is • judge without • jury, cold low without warm public opinion behind it, also that a Royal Codnni..ion is • pleasant, ambling, dilatory thing which needp•t make a report until long after the eventa have leen forgotten. And, if you don't believe it, rnnsider how long the deer, old, dowelling i)avid0on ('0m- mi0.lnn has been on the job already. Incidentally Msrdona d of Pictou sp t114d the feet that whim Nonoral Bertram and David Carnegie were in the United 5t*te• in .lune, 1815, the agent of • well-known Amerieltn com- pany of standing earn* to thorn and offered to make fusee on a bards of \lalltuba oats -1n 4.\'I l liar.:, Nn. 2 l'.1\•.. ('.W , 401 _ 0 : X11. 1 -ex' : No. 1 feed. 3PI=c. Am4'rkan , rtl No. ••f(.iw. S^c. ('auad, n t •,ru 1'4 ,c to 71,c. Ontario' v. -heat -No. _ winter, per car lot, re:,rdiiig to fr :•.4 Out: -i 4. , 81.:1 to '331.. i; No. 1 , , 07,. at Fort r; No , t. 4',1 c; to 314)4; No. 2 (04144:, 9lle:' No 3 comerci� herd ahem. Sae to Jr Ournrto o.:ts --No. 3 45c: cOmn.erci l oats, 4'.•arr No..C, per coo cording 10 , :trople. 41 t Bari. •c ';along. on 621 N teed. 59c t ; t - li:k 10 bhN,. ' ommer• .reji•4'It d. • •. to 7l•. Manic. Cour FM.:' r. jute t. f").); Mrtn:• )', r�' Ila ) 1.1 jute i.. t) ,tar , . • r--\ irtet to, pr.', .i• ♦ ,1 ,1.•.. •" - • ' 1 1 I 41 Malt.. c: 1. \1,•, : 3aorts. $ • dour, ba ;. tort trade: Fe .,4(I r4( Now 191.:4. . l utt r -- f '1 Cit • t 1 .rn r .' '-.. t)r.t.nar; Chet .• 19',0; J1,, 20,twins. Ilut.cy-:1 tic", tints. 13' c, 141 c n::: t $-.5o to 3. 2. ;0. Poultry (41.4 4.' 1. 1111! ns Turkeys Ilu,k:. -- -- - Eaa. Curr. Cattle Cattle 11, ..11.'• ' 1 WHEN YOU WAKE - 3"5, . , :, 5., but. 4;131.5%:'t 0 cry; f , -'1 t„_o . • w . 3t1 • `t. • 4 lgll'-, 4;' ,:,; 'v s--;, r- and feeder.. $4 to ,. , stock 1,. ,»-r - 1 1 '95.75 1.• 3,1':-•: fr1•r', • 4('v and .pr.:: ere. a.m. and str,G',1 150 to ,floe to \'PAsuIs. otpt vy I. '; avtivs'; •: t _ M. ill Wash the poisons and toxins from ){o4.` tie' elpte , ))Pili; r i:3.• : I cavy and n . ?990 to .- , i system before putt.og more • food into stomach. 3.nrke-.; 99..:. tb 3 • pi. 9..7:. 39: roughs, yes:, t at:u+. } .: to 47.75. trays Inside-bathino makes any. 4:1t.•p elyd Met _ -' "A' aeric.; 'Inn:ha, 3!, ; yea 1''I:r one look and feel clean, .6.60 to 910.7'.; 'v,' M9 In 4;405 sweet and refreshed. ('w1 a. 34 40 49; s'. • mix, d. a :.. I u. 31)."‘".: Milli, .l 4:r 8S to f 1r :.: 1 r llppr 1 °beep 46 to " .4 awU.SDAY, APRIL 111, Har, a lip111111111=11•11m111•11, 11 t, rt, 1! UP DRINK GLASS OF HOT WATER Wash yourself on the inside beton. breakfast like yen do on tn4. outside This is vastly more Important because the skin pores .lo not ah.'orb Impuri- ties Into the blood, causing Illness, while the bowel pores do. For every ounce of food and drink taken Into the stomach, nearly an ounce of waste material lutist be carried out of the body. If this wnste material is not eliminated day by day It gnkkly ferments and generates polsons, gases and toxins which are absorbed or sucked Into the blood stream, through the lymph ducts which should ;.uek only nourishment to sus- tain the Daly. A splendid health mca •r, • 4s to tir:nic, before breakfast each day, a eta,'. of ural hot a:ter "Oh a tea- spoonful of limestone phoapbate 1n It. which is n hartnMss way to wash these poisons, gases and toxins froni the stomach, hater, kldn*ye and hoe -el.; thus cleanetn4. sweetening en.l frrehcning the entire alimentary c:'nal hefore putting more food tato et.e stomach A quarter pound of limeetrnte phoe- phate teats but very little at the Arne store bid is suffielent to make anyone an enthusiast nn Inside hnthlna Men end women who are aronstomed to wake up with a dull, aching head or here tarred tongue, had taste, nest' breath, sallow complexion. nthere who have hnloos attacks, acid rtomarh or or•esttpatlnn are assured of pros nonneed improvement In both health and appearance shortly. • • Dossed Wats Toronto wholt•salr 1- n,sas are quo: Ing to the trad • (, :lows: Feet, for- iearter: ..1 9.50 to 4.0 do. htud•,u.tr,e . 13.50 14 Cara::ea, ,. . (4. : . 11.00 12 di,. cant:-.,lt . . 9. 10. Vett:),('1):•1'..441 .. 7. , 9 . ' do. Mali:n . .. 10.50 12 do. l rime .. 1:1.60 1 , Henry I. "R.. ...50 Shop 4:ng.. ' I.5'i 15.0:. Uatton, henry :'.W 1:'.0o do. light 14, JO 16.04' I.awi.1 o.... 13.54 - 21.11:. Chita, Catty MerA.t fettle-Reeelpta 00;!market weak; beeves, 97.90 to 99.96; stockers and feeders, 86.86 to 80 55; cows and heifers. 84 to $9; calves. 91.71 to 99.51 Hogs-Rereipts, 59.000; market strong; 111..1, 89.20 to 49.71; raised.l 19 26 to 39.,.,; heart. 4).11 to 89.65: II rough, ;9 I,i td $9.86; pie'Ad to 15; bu)t of 0alec 11146 l0 1?.Opt Sep- roeelpt*. 1' t a.rkrt f.rm, natir.• 17 t1• 49 lamb, sa- tire. $7 64 to 811 70 Sated Hay and Straw Mercbaet: are buying on track. Toronto, at the following priers Staled hay, new, No 1.117.00 t,, )Is 1 0o No. 2 '4 00 16 e ' baled etrw1.. toe 6.11 7. et. ' D. 1`'I I LLAk U SON Just a Few More Days Till Easter EASTER STOCKS ARE MOST COM- PLETE ALL OVER THE STORE. New (Heves for Faster Our Spring stock of Gloves i, row in, in every size in ;i1 the-fashionahl4) colors,- :Perrin's Guaranteed Gkw..'s our specialty. Perrin's Real French Kid Gloves' in black, tan, '‘shite and ail shades to match the new Suits. Sizes 31 to • Pair $1.25 K- a) ser Silk Gloves, male in Canada, double finger tips, black,. white and colors. .all sizes. Pair Kayser Silk Gloves 50c New Neckwea Perrin's Nler.ell:t; Gloves, made from selected -kin•, folk t, uarantced. All colters in. stock.' Sties 5: to 8. 14;fir a Perrin's long Kid lih)Vts in 12 and !t) hutton length, in black, tan, *bite and j,Tret, llest'quality. i'air$1,50't` $2.75 Niagara Maid Silk Gloves Niagara Maid Silk (1.o'. -es, made in Can.`lla, extra super quality, black and tyhite,' th uhle tini,.'r tips, - All.• sins. ...50c r for Easter Pair. Von will be -more than delighted with the beautiful showing (It daint\' N..k\•.:Ir for Easter, in all'the latest styles, . + 71I • •. Zsc, 35c, 50c, 75c and $1.00 each New Easter Blouses Just opened sur, :in exceedingly smart lot of new -Spring \% aists in toile, S,iik and Crepe de Chene.t\'les, $ito $5 each NEW VEILING Special Values in Serges We ars:. 'hewing* some very -'Speci;: 3.t ,lute. 1 11� 1 t\ \' iitl 'Black `4.r`Tes•.' ,tjluch in Mtn :4.r,..t. r �prir�- .itit�, :.t • '$EQ0, $1.25, 4.,I 50 .to $2.25 per yard - New Spring Coats Smart showing of new Spring Coats in the season's most aprro\ed styles; in Tt' scot effects...from $7 50. to $15.00 NEW VEILING Two Black Silk Specials Special ,;f) -in. 1;:.4,,k P7 •ailette Silk, rich i holo` h extra heavy \\elg ht,%\ill not gut. Per Yard • $I.00 7. . 111151. . n obi 11 •li4(.•l: Du.hi.. ;t) in. bride, beautiful-satitl lini.h, Lt 4.;t: gt;a:-:niteed. P.'r yard• $1.35 " 1'1'IcCALL'.3 PATTERNS AND MAGAZINES FOR MAY ,NE1� HA1U=BAG.. NEW RIBBONS t 4 h FHONE 56 l e l l L jars Scotch Store PHONE 56 .....4.....*ANDOMINSMINI*00pamoll.411.41.1111MONIMIIMIINIMMIOnsarisananoansill a MODEL 494) "Chevrolet" $6.75.°° F.U.BOshawt ii it Show Us the bill that This Chevrolet Can't Climh. Show it to us - that's all. Or show us'a hill that you think it can't ,_„ and we will show you the most amazing motor that you ever sat back of. I hi• 1916 Chetirolet Model Four -Ninety is the most powerful car ever priced at less (14111 $900. O EQUIPMENT including s' x-e'dometer, ammeter. mohair- top. envelope. and Mile curtains. clearvision ventilating wind shield, electric starting and lighting system. valine 111 head, and completely electrically equipped. NOTE -Owing to; the great demand for this car we would suggest plac- ing your order early 10 ensure delivery. M. J. FARR, Agent COLBORNE: STREET, NEXT CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE