HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-13, Page 1THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA coetaidag tie mollooal soots of the allied nations. Every Signal subscriber when paytrg fur his paper for 1016 may have his choke of this lobo of musk•or a 1016 calendar. .:71.77 -err of to resew for The Signal tor DIM. We thank those subscribers who have already renewed and promise all a great hug dollar's worth dur- ing the coming year ?fah IYTT•OUHTH TIAs -Nen aIle GODERIOH ONTARIO S8tB8DAY, APRIL 13 1116 TEE UAL P*UITONI Cls. UM1TZD. fvasal o --loser; SAVE, Because --- Economy in private affairs is a sure indication of ability to economize in business. •ARTRI. AATED.-,11i QPBR i F.NCKD ( NOTICE CO ORKDI CORM. keesshsegkr, AS* DUX nee, Uoderieb NOTICE TO CREDITORS. (1ARETAK ER WANTED AT ONCE. l A ppuc•tigr .Mroewd to Um ".der d ...d u S will be roseired .p aterd•y, April �r.l ter ,he petition of caretaker of Nath rtleet Met &idle dem& Dream and other hlo.em- truisms be bed hoes the endeneened. Apple rant. well slate mdse, expected. JAMES YATZS, M7 -[s R..rding Sae r. WANTED.- YOUNG, INTSLLI- DENT new to earn _ rh10►endlas, M tae" asseeded iU) end.. . f YYCC�( MUwUUHIPD I LDINO NU --- A- T,1. _Cellierwood. Ont. Rat (L�BNERAL MAID WANTED. - Or Apply to MPS. R. B. SMITH. Colborne acme • WANTED. -A CAPABLE MAID to tea weeks, from April (ltd W' esa west. Amplyst home atter tee Nth„ M1tle C. C. Mt...1B0,14. St. Monona street. WE WANT SOME WOMAN IN aone representat ve sad to look after neww earl reneed 00 N 11 es. We will wee the elm B.e tram. plea.t sad very profitable. Oar l mum ate eery litter sad the premed. will be wry to yea or to year [Arnett. pa- t riet)c Write aeons ler tern and surd dietrlat CAXADI AN BuME JUUBN- AI..1# Riehmend fit W., Tomato. hi ram rears qv Wtu.uam Laacasnre How - roe. tars or Teti Tower or Uot,00jeH, Tena " I1 Ta COUNTor RUm,.. m$CSASID Notice 1. hereby Ores. t unman' to it. N. U. cclaimerclaimer11I metes ut th at all persons let•baft claims easiest the estate o the mid William l.i wRer Porto.. dowser.(. wbo died u0 or •beat the Rb day d Marge, A. D. 1111, are required b seed et deliver to the undsr.1 .cad exaeelee. et the reale of M said tie=d oe.befor'e :he loth day of 7147. A. D. nu their Chriet7•• and .ursamet, rete. sod deeerip1sns. the fell sartkeLtrs of their claim,• stensemet K a their erosol,. and Ins tats.- of the war(ti& rat any) held by them. And farther take soil& that after each hee aatleeed date sold executor. will proceed to ht dribute the meets of the deceased *more the parties entitled there o. having regard °ply to for claim. of white they .Wen I thhave reoelvedmidautos. and that the + executors will net b. (herb for tbe item •meets, es a7 part threofe. to ay an o ed pia p.00 whew (Asian anion shall not hate been received by teem at the Muse et .rase distribution ay Dated the Intl dof April. A. D. tine EMILY KATHLEEN BURTON. CHARLES G ARKO W , Entente .. Bede ich. Oat . tett OUDERICH d u wbe M a society worker t1 - - _ -- - rt is proposed that throughout Dan - ads the anniversary of the battle of Ypese. in wbieb the Oanadlan soldiers played so gallant a part, be cbeerved by the geee,•1 (Replay of !lags on Saturday, April Mad. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. la rum Moran or Atlas- --Luca MaCaa$. Lars Or Tau TOwN..HI►Or Wawa.Oa. 15 THE Cot NTT or Hl -WE. ['STORED Fianna. Da- ctu1u Nolen iei herein elver, parsert to the Stat- ute 1. that behalf. that .at perm& having any chime naistler McCabe +rho died on the 14 stalest of leP.bre..,. ISN. at the said town*fp of Waw...* are repeated es or be- fore the 11A► day et April. 11141. m rend by poet or .1.11 chimes d their to Rev. W A. At A (let. or Wu1Wu A Out...xocu- ters n( the well •1f th1 Bali dese.esrsda. or to ths sod t1.. Ile �iHr�mnisapedenteere{M; and levees rega�enb to the Melee t which then shell then have bad notice, asd that tae mid exssutsrs will not bollards for the raid &est.. of say part thereof. t0 any berllft of wbe..e oisim they .WI riot then bsye re- ceived natio.. „Dated at ()ode .eb the 'Jab day et Havre. PRUUDFOOT. EILUMAN t ()OOKIL Uodeticb. Ontario. Solicitor. for saidessestor.. GIRLS WANTED APPLY GODERICH KNITTING CO. WANTED --GIRLS TO OPERATE K NITTING MACHINES Experience Not Necessary. Good Wages. Steady Work. Apply personally or by letter. R. M. Ballantyne LIMITED. Stratford • - Ont. AUCTION SALES AUCTION MALE OF HOUSEHOLD FL'RNiTt RL' MRS. FRANK DODGE w111 offer for asks by public auction at her test deice. Meeks ergot. Oederioh, on WEDNESDAY. APRIL 19th. at 1.3) o'clock p. m . b.r booaebWd furniture. Melodies 1 ddeboard. 1 tete. schen, 1 eoU•re able. .5 reeker., lou..,.. healer. 1 dre..wr, Dori mode, bed .pring. and ^tattr.e.. 1 rano, table, new .swing me Mee. barn.. linoleum t arpet.. Winds. curtain.. Mahe.. kitchen utensil.. • q.tuantity et male& of fruit: a nomber of chili* hour poop ; folding baby oarriame 1 pair relines hen, Terra, real MRS F DODOF:. THOIL UUNDIti', Proprietress-. Asetiooeer. A17(TiON SALE Ole NEARLY NEW Ft RNII'URE AND FURNISH INOS. - MR W. T. SHARPE.. ortasi.t, who , going with one of the regi- ment. leas inn for the front. will well by public auction at hl. residence. Elgin ares". on 1a.tsrdar, April Lith. commencing et Y .tarp .har A quantity of household furniture. eoc.1.1- Ir.g of parlor. dinIngr'ooei, bedroom and kitchen fureltnre. rttg., window blind.. our Wit and Gee few Staaderd MO, Move, a g•aStlty of .1101001.. see. No terry.. Term- mak, THOS. LIUNDRY, Auollo.ser The regular meeting of the Ahmeek Chapter, i. O. D. E.. will be held in t he cruet house on Monday, Apri 171b, at 4 o'clock. ARE YOU DOING THE RIGHT TIEING in staying at home and letting someone else do your fighting for you ? No other man can " charge YOUR responsaliility. The r1611t Battalion, now being raised in Huron; wants Don't wait -DO iT NOW. Ie tion a.s to terms of enlistment, pay, etc., cheerfully furnished. Recruiting Office for Goderich and district in Horton's Block, The Sqnare, Goderich. Recruiting Of., JLtXUT. HF.TI*ZIINOYOW, 11 Lowe. OaTIMMS. a 1011 $ALR OR 111? WARMS AND TOWN PROPERTY Irma erne. A choke Macre farm. well (seated and rimy modem t.. Uud.rlei All stood cull, no we to lead ; well /pock 'cod aetterI. imitable Peke tar /nrale. wetter_ No.le 2Ls V are worth half ur more t}•n f the price a ted fee the whole real a1eae Goad. well heated faros of dtf►esa data, oseveeleot to (edericb, et prior esti terse that aboeld ►r attractive to etyma emitted a fare. PKOPERT If IN GODERICH TO WN A Imre °resod -a half eery house. a good smell barn 0.4 «.lido. .od eeeecre let. to cbeice oarditisahet lag • Sae variety of free teeea, graorp�. ra.pbe-rle., etc, on 1t. ('o.roe. lent to l'slsglate leek uta. An excel ear •oda-elf bee... veneered 0rw 1010(ion. rereacr Brined. Ioua.1alpgptne.d�d bathroom Z. Meet est llj6o��ooedition. two lota i0. rsweat I. Tb1.. ralsabis peeper,)' le offered ed at s{•serbter price for quick .a)s, a. tbe owner's health 1a pow and bvepy wire& to et• town. Other all prrah.. fee m1e. roeparticulate ,seer write Bet J. W'. AKMSTKONU. r .t Brock .t .war. UMer$c b. TO LET.-UOMFOKTABLE HOUSE ou I.Wuhan* trent. Modern reinvent. eros' (seed location. rear Square. F.u)t o' all kinds tied small garden Apply to A. IVULI,. Llabtheue.tne It R SALE. -IN THE CITY OV U.1LT. g secry .tore and eight roam ..IWte: 44r4.k Maiming : thing up to data Doter good co .10 trade. For further PhGentler. .ppl) to Ore C, U.P. Oat. *e ire ATTENTION !-WHO HAS A nice rent lot i, Godes lcb for rte. with smell or fa relied boor en pre.tl.e. f Pike Dan nee to two then end 44th+,. Most be a ldrgan. (late -bele ac-, to two acre- le een- aon los preferred. We ha. e • . • -b Call at our 01110. on Perth greet. 1051 ES -INE Square. O'NEILLtt'UIIPANY. • b'ORSALE ORW TO -ATO `a- ewe frame bowie with eight roams and kitchen ; bard mod soft miter Situated on Ocular- motet. mar O T It station Tor par •11110014 MVO' CDW' ARI) KE'ID. algin Utiles To RENT. -A SPLENDID UPPOR- TUNI rl' for tutelars •od uodertakl.g busies.- In the stere now wen/tied by Mr. Hohmoler to Doe of the heat blacks on the Square. See J. P. BROWN at mace for teem.. •e tf. R SALE. --GOOD BRICK HOUSE and sexes erre. et land fermi. In Salt- ed. (load bank barn wits etre/ridable : large varied)' of chaix trona and apple orchard are: -failing maniere Amine. Howe it in Are eh& repair. An .11 place for a home for any eat. For farther yy • riculanappl> to WI1.1.1Ait MAZDEL. au the premu.se. or adder - K K. Ne. L thieve it. Ont. FARMS FOR SALE. Two first el .,. farm. In Me1Uhp, lot tteR. each ; 1 wo ant.- from eeaforth : good butle- Inp ; choint• f.rm•. Will ler .old . peiately or .mired Apt Ir to PROUI'VuOr, GtL. ohAN PUBLIC NCTIC11. f110WN OF GODERICH 11 r...- ' FCrfI{.N: NoTICe. On and .Re 710) 1-1 all 11.0 went attaobed to • cellar a Oudirich dqr 1:•-en.s tee. is ateoidance with Bylaw No 9 at Hee Any deg tanning at large .•ontran to the pmrt.lon. . r the bylaw n...y be &moiled. killed or w ber w1.e d i.parrd of. 1 yon o ah a being regi•••enwl. cnmb.,,d. de..cr)b.d and I+cen.e.t it the Dale, of the col Iw;tor, of lax,., Town Hall. a tat will be laud. Dated this 11th day of April. 111•i. L. L. 1:1,7-3tNON,1,7-3tTowu (lark. WRUNG AND SKATING ASSO- CIATION. The seems] meeting of the above As-cria- tion ham been adeourned to Monday et ening .1p 11 17th, at r o -tock, for election of direc- tors and other gener.1 buds.•.. 55M. 1AMPBCLL. It - there' try Tr..0 un•r. NOTICE OF DIS$OLt'TiON OF it PARTNERSHIP. Notku 1 benby sero •hat the firm of O'yrien R Legg, carrying on hadne& a. butchers .t the town of (lode tettwas tide da t mutually 4*010e..l, and that the tett, ell he cool loved by D. M. O Brien, who ha. pur chard the lntere.t of Iboma. Legg In -aid boat se... All sroonta nN ins to the std firm ..111 be paid to D. Si O -Brien and all tlabuttie• of the mid arm will be liquidated by the mid D. M. O'Brien. Dated tbi-e Let day of April, 1915. DA V i1.:L M. O'BKIEN. HENRY THOMAS LLUO. Witter.. Mabel 1. Masker: HAIROOODB.-MRM. A. NiCHOLL, Nelson streetis prepared to de all kinds of hair work nude from cut hair or combing.. andup{pliee M.r hair for orders.fonttl1 treat men4 cleaning. etc., and elm baa for .ole toilet requisites. .bempen powder+. wean 1)e Swat. CO ..•mage areas, Hems.. and Ulow•elhe. e.541 IJIANO TUNING. I1 ty. r. TA1'U.oR South street, Uoderlrb. P. 1). Ben £4 Higbee te.tlmorus. in town. Tent In town. awe: o"t.lds work Sneed ingted KNIGHT, DOCTOR OF ('HERO- . PRA(TI(', ba. opened a permanent of - at W evidence,.oor.er of Nelsen .trent sod Cambria road. Moe hour.: 9 to 11 a. m . 1 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 P m. 1'o0s01t4tl011 free. lady attendant. 70Im N(YTI('E TO TH }': P1111.IC Having been desirous of enlisting for some time past. I have finally succeeded in making arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. (P. J. MacEwan, manager) to take over and carry on my cartage business daring my absence. I have therefore signed up with the ifilst Battalion for active ser- vice overseas, and I would respect- fully solicit from the public gener- ally, and from my old customers particularly, a continuance of their valued patronage until such time as I can again resume my occupation. Any busines.; affairs entrusted to their care during my absence will therefore be thankfully appreciated by me. Telephone all arderi to 'phone 44. AI,PRRD H. JAWE. tfilST AT CL 11TON. GaMricb Soldiers mad M, C. C. Minstrels Take Part is Days Deiags. TThe ooeeemtrwtion of the va rioua unite of the 161st battalion took place at (Minins on Thursday of last week. The weather Ranco did not look with favor on the grocer dloar and the cold, stormy day hada tendency to dampen the arsine of bele soldiers and specta- tors. The Gebuiich detachment lett on the early teosaing train and upon arriving at (Alston was, with the %V log batn.Blythaod Wroaet or de tech - manta, which aseeved at about the saw time, laspstedby Lieut. -Cot• Comb. ami hie staff. After a parsds "loofsaf abs male direst the soldiers were dismissed mall 10 o'clock. when the again fsU la and mot the train which ha might to the Mertaall and Exeter de tacbrnente. The Beaforth and Bay- fi-Id detaebeneete mortised ie. After the detachments bad beset formed Into platoons and eots.pmeies they paraded 11 the recreation perk to the saraiDs of the ttattallod hard, wilt the bogie hand ti Wog io the latervale. At the park the troop., shout Mot) atroog, were fined up in plations and inspected by Col. Shannoo, d London, D. O. C. of the 1.t military 'Monies, sad Col. Smith, chief staff oMcer. After the io.pection naw a greed march -past sad thee, aft.. a street parade, the sol- diers were taken to the old skating rink, when they were addressed b (' ds-w . Sh.n and Col Smith, bol of whom compiiesested the battalion upon its ■ppear.aee rod stated that although they had inspected • number of battalions recently they found the Hurons second to ams. The eoldiere replied with rowing cheers. The various detachments were then told off to the different churches of the town for dinner. Theyfound that the ladies of the churches bad made ample provision end the soldie,s were well pleased with the entertainment vat SALE 1416G8 FOR HATCILNO.-PROM A 11.4 good bolaswetn of uurrbr•d Plymouth Rook.. Thirteen ter it, ten U. W. AND - HEWS. Phases= tea SEED GRAiN FOR P4LB.-FREE hem weed seed, (lee runt• grain all treated lad year. Banner..(., Nn: nu., 11sbeay oat.. O. A. ('. No. ri baro). The two letter. ripen trgwtbsr and give a °indent ,1.14. Odder oarlr. Vernier pelves rduoed. A. H. CLUT- ON, R. K. So. Y, Osier+.b; peas" tut. Ben - newer. 01.Yre 'woos FOR HATOUINO FROM Seam that Lay. -We ire to sap - ply a large number s( sh"•. ler las pee- 1.:decers [sum a the Uu•ld to. le .train at 1Mr„ iKle (nhW he fir, gee prtaeiaoer(0.theme OBI a1 wo-years 7�avid�te1hose meted wee W. 7'H1 iba(� ry i •,vA ft trd"i� l i •RTH.t. Permit tor. trtV. GROAN FUR .rn.MALEN-n a.-ITHOR•I l! OI UMLY 5001 l•111 .rwmd band p(a1,4 W. C. TAYLUK. south .tre.t. iii lm. POR SALK-CEDAR POMTel, ALSO 1' H. C..Uogle-.l tip!" W. T, RIDDELL. Aubert". 10 tf IF a man earns one dollar per day and spends one dollar per day, be will never become a millionaire. As we study the lives of the world's greatest financiers we find the secret of their success to he that their am- bitiva in life was not only to EARN as much as possible each e day of the year, but also to SAY as much •e possible, and as their ear fogs account grew from Lime to tim e • portion of this money was invested i n stock,., bonds and real estate which in time dslivered handsome result.. Mr. Reader, during the yews gone hy,have you found that the daily neces- sities of life demanded ILYWRY cent of your daily. earning. ? Or have you been fortunate enough to foresee a proiable rainy day in the future and accordingly laid aside a portion of tit we immure? if the latter has been your experience, and you now have e little sum laid by, why not conoi.ier an investment of the best and highest nature '' Live no longer in • re i, ed none. Have a house of your °tin, We have on oar list some excellent properties for sale in Goderich and in M•liford, too. Bargains, and real bargains, and on the beet of term.. It will coat you nothing to investi- gate. "Be it ever so bumble, there's no place like home." Even though a tenant. true, you call the place of your abode "home," nut in reality it is not a true home unless you are lord of the land upon whi.'h you dwell. Consult us as to mune of our listings bete. R E:1 I, ESTATE. Among ear .nape le t h.• 11es are two suet lent bow.& on carebrh raid, este ea Ulbeoa. Mreot rut and eru In Salt fore. Weald rrare to petters from four to tee acre. et land with % nMinim sulfates ter lir::aardsnInc or pnaltrn ral-mgt C.O. 1st. let et : ret ou1. Are you dl.tJatwi with your cent loos- Oar and whet to move/ W-. eO I.. 1. peopt. to r - t as t• where there I. a blef Eve yet. town pregierti fee ray 1 our y - UM of sale secede all o'0.ere. we tell deal ►aeer7v and benerebb' cath pee. sed If we L omit 4A0wtl1 to g_et remwienits we will nee alit you to see We see medially rs ewel otowers n at Yoe, meed* to angle you. FARM l'ItOPERTY. Rays yen same meal to Owes In erin Dvw bby 1 If eh, we ba (Ile psoas • lo�vesrt n1 peep � � the goods Webs le of e8 else.. Ideas be aa. o mil gal Ion., and tt yo went .(1.1.10 te bey or b sola M 1, will be to your ad va.tage to ran en ea Reenent r there le no 01 •....Nr the senora a .rid or rs.td by ea, Lot edvertlei It the yes We more .00 s hew your farm is eitestell. we enn rel it 15.a the sane. If one ee 0110., write they eveeived. The afternoon wee given over to the Clintoo hone and cattle show and the soldiers amused tbeareelvem in whatever way their fancy dictated. The churches also provided supper for the soldiers and towards even- inR the greater part of them had paraded in detachment' and taken train for borne. Had 1t nut been for the unpleasant weather and the muddy000dition of the roads the day woud have been most successful. Despite thee condi- tions the battalion made a good show- ing and It is hoped that many more young men- of whom there appeared to bean abundance' in Clinton in civil- ian attire on Thursday -will join its rank". Large crowds of spectators were preempt on the streets throughout the day and all the factories and rebook proclaimed • holiday, while the buslnees sectioo, though dressed io holiday attire. was •ppaiently find- ing the day good for trade. In the evening the Meneeetung Canoe Club !haricots. of Godericb, (taus w performanon in tete town ball. Ever) seat was filled and ...cotes of people were standing. and the per- formance was beard with evident appreciat iota. THE OTTAWA DEPUTATION. Goderich Lays Its Ca* for Summer Camp Before the:Militia Department The civic deputation to Ottawa, to present Goderich'e case in connection with the militarycamp for the conn summer, left on Monday, and o Tuesday interviewed the acting Min i.ter of Militia, Hon. A. E. Keuip The deputstlon consisted of Mayo McLean, Councillor ?dunning' an. Messrs. Jos. Kidd. H. E Hodgens H. J. A. MecEwan and W. T. Mur ne , Mr. Dudley Holmes, K. C., 0 W Ingham, joined patty at Toronto and at Ottawa Mr. James Bowman, M.P. for Eat Huron, Introduced them to the Minister- In addition to the Minister, Adjt.•General Hudgins and Brig. -Gen. Elliott beard the deputa- tion, which was well argued with dia- graFma and blue prints showing the grounds available hen fog camp pur- poses. Afterwards the deputat ion waited upon the Premier, Sir Robot Borden and was g,aeiou.ly weaved. Morar of the (i.wlerich torn returned home Wednesday nigght. As to the pruh.ble results of th visit, all that the rnemlwre of th deputation an say is that the Mini* ter and, the Dep.rtrnent heads now have full information ss t . wbat (iode- rieh can offer in the way of arc nurue- dstior, and unless .11 the ".estern Ontario battalions are rent to London for the summer there is a good elkssea feriloderich'e sscu.i..g at least • portion of the troop of this division g n • THE LADS IN KHAKI. The latest rec'uita for the Mist Bat- talion are : Wm John Huddock, Port Albert. Hobert Roy Preach, Oodericb. Burtoo James McLean, lis It ford. F. W. Berry, 1'olboroe township. Lieut Col. combs was In town on Tuesday and while here iotroduaed Capt. H. t'awpbvll to the local detach- ment. Capt. Campbell has been trans- ferred to Ooderieb front Winghaoi and will have charge of the drill herr. The Oodericb detachment will shortly be augmooted by a number of other detachments, bringing the total up to 2511 men, and will be organized as • company. Copt. Campbell iv* son-in- law of Mr. A. Straiton, town treasurer. The local detachment paraded to the (i. T R. station on Tuesday and wel- comed horn. Pte. Sam Ward, wbo hat been invalided how from England. Pte. Ward left bete with the 18th Battalion, but on arriving in England wan seized with an internal complaint wbich has kept him in bospitatl. He was met at the station by the recep- tion committee of the town-couocil and escorted to the Square in a brougham, the procession bring beaded by the bugle bond. On roach - log the Khaki Club rooms the soldiers were drawn up at attention and Reeve Nairn in • brief address welcomed Pte. Ward back to Ooderich. Three hearty cheers were given by the sol- diers fur their returned ' c3mrade, None regrets more thin Pte. Ward himself chat he did not get, • -crack" at the enemy. • On Tuseday evening L. O. L. No. itt; hor'esented three of iia members who ave recently donned the khaki with • a gold signet ring and • pocket Testa- ment The recipients are Ptes. Harry McCreath, Harty Smith and Alex. McNevin. • The battery which i* being formed at Guelph, compote/Al of students from the Agricultural College, has Will Rioset, zoo of Mr. and Mn. M. Bleat, of md Height', as one of ire members. THE TOWN COUNCIL. Baechler CompanyAgain Complains of e Lack of ater Supply. e The regular meeting of the town council was held on Friday evening, S. A. MCGAW'S ESTATE. Net Value s134,s6d.so-Died Without 'Asking a WIII. Winnipeg Free Fie -- Personal and real estate of the net value of 51:((,:.116.:41 was left by the late Samuel Alexander llcliaw, prominently idetlifird with the Win- nipeg Grain Exchange, who died at Los Angeles on February t) last as the result of an automobile accident. The late Mr. McGaw died intestate. and relatives have appointed the Royal Trust Company as official ex- ecutots and administrators of the estate, according to documents •(- ready tiled at the probate court. The total asset., amounting to 1161,836 •J't, are made up as follows: Life insurance 572,2314.00 Stocks and shares -. 58,485.110 Promissory notes and ether securities 9,221.50 Real estate !1,1!10 a) Cash in bank :i,79t1.70 Household 'furniture and automobiles 2,0(1100 T'otal (tlei,811.20 The liabilities ue j:u(,25070, leaving net assets of the value of $134,506.30, The amount o1' jes,t)t-..isi, given as the value of the streak. and shares, includes an item of $.),idol inverted in the Western Canada Flour:Mills'l'otn- panv, Limited The halance is made up of mull items. In addition to his widow, who now resides in California, the late Mr. He - left tour children of age, namely, William) Ernest, of Winnipsg • George Henry, of North Ba ; Mrs. Henrietta May .Scott, of Calgary,' and Grace Acheron Mc(isw, also of Winnipeg. Two other children are under age, namelyy. Allan Robert and Philip Miller McGaw. There are elan four grandchildren who will benefit from the estate, children of the late Mr McGaw's de- ceased eon, ('heries Alezandej, Me - flaw. Their names are Hetet. Mary, Albert Fairfield, Ruth Iitace and (leo. Alexander McGaw. Mutt says to Jeff : "What is the matter with you ?" "Oh, 1 am sitting on • tack - And why don't you get up ?" '•i aw too tired... says Mutt. "If you would buy your clothes from F. J. Prldham you would sever he tired. they sun so comfortable." No man an do effective work it constipated -Retell Orderlies are an effective laxative. Mold by R.ea11 drug stores only, 15c and 25c. H. C. Dunlop, the Retail store, (b}odericb. Early seed potatoes, al potatoes for domestic us.. All kind. of Reid and garden ponds -at Cooper's Ware- house, Hamilton street, (loderieb. On Thursday. April tab, Doren - wand's d Toronto, Canada's foremost hair -gouda designers and manufse• ut.rs, will display and demonstrate a sererstools of les' quality hair - and tI• en's ton sad . at the Bedtoed, A row tJom et amF� afield* to anyone interested. ■em�b.r the sent Ja-t off the e�eapa t O'NEiLIL & COMPANY, The Real Renate Peep* North street. Godeeld, .y won alt doe suedes Orr$ present. Requests fora I euewal of their billi aid and pool room 1•cenara were re c«iyrd (tum F. H. WVcxad and .1. W ('raigie and were referred to tb sloecial committee. Requests for are nee of she row freight sheds for the purpose of not lag nets and p.oklug fish wen rs. tarred 10 the barber committee.- A eommu0ication from A. H. Wyat with reference to extending Gibbon rarest netoes his property was sent to the public sear kw commuter. The following letter from the Gode rich Manufacturing Co. was read : (iENTLEEZN,-We hest to advise you that Mr. Mahlon,. the Provincial far tory inspector, called on us under date of March 21).h and informed us fiat we must at once provide drinking water and lavatories for our office matt and employees thrcugbout the factory, and in order to do this we must insist upon having the town water extended down to our facto) y at once, in accordance with the hyla.., We also wish to inform you that the underwriters will not accept any- thing but • 6 -Inch main for the sprinkling system. We wrote you • year ego today and asked you to have the water brought down to our factory, And unless some action is taken to supply us with water immediately we will take fur- ther steps to see that the bylaw is carried out. We had to haul water to build the factory with and we cer- tainly consider that w« hare rei rived eery shabby treatment on your part. Trusting yott will get this work .tinder way as quickly as possible, Yours truly, The Godcricb Manufactoring Co.. Ltd. ;J. lisechlrr) In the discussion which ensu.vl on the reading of this letter it appeared that, while the Company wishes to Nave a $Linch main initialled, the water and light conuniesion is in favor of putting in a smaller mein. as it is claimed that the revenue from the water used by the Company will be very dight. The matter was re- ferred to the water and light cotnmie- cion to confer with the water and light committee of the .'onncil. A letter from the town solicitor was read stating that the Ontario Railway Board had granted the lull Telephone Co. permission to erect poles on St. George'. Crescent, The tuatter wee referred to the special committee with instructions to enquire into the matter 0t cberging rental for all poles erected on the streets of lloderirh. The cemetery and part. committee recommended that James Bowmen he .ppointrd caretaker of the parks. Me recommendation wee adopted. The special committee recommended that Louis Candos be gaoled • license to peddle peanuts, popcorn and gum for the remainder of the year for tbe sum of 5.911. The recommendation wan adopted. The finance committee reported that (1) the Paget (train Door Ort. had paid .G�,, being interest la duto r 7. (e1 theauditors' t 1. being printed at the eater as last year; ( 16e valuator had boon over the Raechier building and reports would be Bent In at ones: (4t the debenture* issued uoder bylaw 22 had all been taken up. The 51.00 note given to the Rank of Montreal to provide for the grant matte to the BritiA Red Cross fund bell. Was planed meg ilhe salaam 00,1Wf1 had been placed to • .penial account in the Bask of Montreal to no pard to the O• .diad Patriotic Fund In twelve equal monthly instalments. The commute. recommended that 510 be paid as fee for ntembersbip in the Hydro -Electric R.ilwr Aseode. tion and that a number of local ac- counts scounts be paid. The report was adopted. A deputation of citizens was present In the interests of baying a military catnip at Goderich. Mr. H. E. Hod - gens spoke briefly, stating that the citizens interested were willing to assist the council in any move that it might make to have • military owner established ben this summer. A motion was passed to have • deputation of five, consisting of the Mayor and Councillor Motoring. rind thuee members of the citizen.' com- mittee. wait upon the acting Minister of Militia at Ottawa on Tuesdayof this week, the council to pay travling ex peoses, After some routine basins.* had been dealt with the council adjourned. • A household necessity-Blackstone's delicious ice cream in bulk or fancy bricks. Phone 2411. Shampoo your head with Rezall *UT' Shampoo Pate -Vic tine. Bold only by the Rexali drug stores. H. C. Dunlop, Goderich. Edwards ice cream is made from pure rich cream. A trial will con- vince you. Orden delivered, Phone _bled. COMING EVENTS_ MacGillivray Mission Band Entertain ment The annual entertainment of the Mat•(iillivray Mission Band will be held In the lecture room of Kat x church tom3rrow (Friday) evening at K o'clock. Admission lac. Social Evening. A p.ogreaaive euchre and dance will be held on Friday evening, April 14th, under the au.pice. of the Wormens Institute in the Maple Leaf Club rooms, Hamilton street. Proceeds to Ito used for the Women's Instituto Red ('tom work. Admission 2'.c. - "The tlattle Cry of Peace." A very special opportunity for the people of Goderich to see a metre - pulitan feature withi)ut going to the city is offered by the Mudd Theatre, which oo Tuesday next, 1N.11 ins., will put on the nlantmoth production _ "Tne Bat tie Cry of Peace." 'l hes is :1 picture production of a atuiking *tory e on "Pieparednesa' ti tti(b hes a thrill- ing intermit for everyone in these n rime. of military and natal Astraggl. Tare city of New York undo.r bombard- ' client by "modern fleet, the city in tie handy of the invader", and other t scenes in this great series of pictures alai lt stir the heart and the imagina- 1, tion. 'There wor bre three perform - (traces -matinee at :( o'clock and even- ing performances at 7 and 9 o'clock. I `ice advertisement on page 5 for tut - ther particular.. Illustrated War -talk, in Knox church nn Thursday even- ing, 201), inst., Mr. Frank Yeigh, the celehttted t'anadian traveller and writer, will give 011e of his popular tape, illustrated width 1511 war .cenee. Admission 15c., children Irk. Good Friday Concert. On Good Friday evening, the choir of North street Methodist church, assisted by members of other choirs. will prevent is fine program of choruses and solus, under the direction of Mr. Geo. H. King; Mr. Henry and Mr. ltaseingthw•ite will also assist with violin and cornet selections. This concert should be well patronized : Leven of good music will fled it • 1 rest. Patriotic Euchre and Dance. ('nd.r the ausl••ces of the Sodality of Mt.l'eter's chu -h • patriotic euchre and dance a to 1--. bold at Oddfellows' Hall on Friday •• arming, April :Nth. Admission :f:,e. '1 he proceed.* are to be used in further ins; the Red Cres work, GUNDRY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. Fam.v, April 1t. -Auction tele of row.. 'eit& and young cattle at Union hotel -table - J. F: Feretiem. proprietor. ,.n'an.y. April 13 Sale of lutetium and rurnbhing-, pmprrty of W. T Sharpe. F:hut yea an BORN. MEMO. -In Uoderi•-h. on N".dneday. Nlveh *to Mr. sed )Ir -.Albert M.•r.... Mouth ter. 11ILVF:EN.--At 11 rafted. nn I'u(day. April 7 to Me, and MU. 7.ID. 51.(k ecu. a -0. tl'rneela A.fred. DIED. 51AF:UF.I. .51 natter& on T.atia), .l.i.ril II. W ill M+r•.te1, .gel :e years and c ay-_ Md'I..t1 HF:KTY, In (to.der rb, on W'edee- d.r. April 12, John Mct laeberty. in hi- 7fend l ear M.('KttSTIh At Retract.°, Saturdar..1).r.1 'u. Hutt, ler. ro-ren. mired s- )tear, 1HE.\1t11..W a. in llee.•rteh, em Aer.1 .. AI.,-. Maud Treble, wile et mgraeII Shea remote NEW A01KI1TIS(MtNT$-APea Pose No lee to Crdlt.r- Lab W. L eerie.-Ette- reton Perdu -Dort and 21101 -:tie Yetl.eamp.t 5 Grocery Store .od lalweItI g to Sale Igor 8! (dale . _ .•1l hili' for lletebl.g 4. W. Aadrear ,... I Hones to (tent -A. feg1M ..... 1 rt I.tle Heir Geod. -Itoren wend • . t Public Node, Town 0f *4.4.Aea.., . .• .. 1 Caretaker Wanted -North Street Methediet Chore%-.. 1 Rader Derenwend'r 1 Hrnwteeper Wanted -ale R 1 AdJoerned u.sustg-Cee ea4 01atrg Asmelatlen . 1 Aedie* Sale -Mr- Freak IW 1 14.wr'e Flew Palate -P'. ilhaiL.... .r 5