HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-6, Page 8?Vv'.DAY APRIL, i Al t REFINEMENT iN Wall Papers In w4w•liug N all Palers dl. and oseel.x.l the fact that y.al 110%I. t • lit'r• Ate. M fate w ills them.. Simple, graeetld ole- eiglt- toutl a eest.fol i.Ipndiug 14111.1... No 04.1 1.. th.• .,.- titling intim-sic, of any home. 'tVe mak, it sp..•iall i of 111.• nee • est and Ia•..t iia 1\ hell 1'apx•t.. 01111 a wide tt--.•Itmen! of attract 1\.• papers to oeleell front. including the poled/sr plain effects. s. I.:meiug 11 Drift. from I5c to 50c per roll .1,0, 1110 c h,•.al.•t• 1.1111e1 a nese priced 5c, &, 10c, 12 I -2c and I i(• per roll. THE COLONIAL ROOK STORE Geo Port. J SPECIAL ! For SATURDAY Only LUNDrs FINE CHOCOLATES Fresh Shipment Just In. 29c Ib. Regularly sold at 40c to 50c Ib. jame6 M.'Campbell Phm. eB. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Corner North St. and Square Goderich Bus. AO 'PHONES Res. 328 MacEwan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON 'COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity Maple Slats,, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pinel TELEPHONES, office 98 residence '12 cr 68 best all • •• 'Ihe North street Methixlist choir, twisted by otiose locsl talent. are practising bard fn preparation for their concert on April 2Ist. This p1 omiws to I. • a wusietil treat. THE SIGNAL • CODER WDUNOANNON { ELDERLY WOMEN [DNi[wD(a. Apt :r. il Mr. J. 11 McNabb returned from • business Gip to Toronto last work SAFEGUARDED Mr E Uurnin, principal of Kirwan dine High School, was home last sal• urday. We art (leased to know that Mr• i and Mrs. Ruhr. Davidson have fully I Til CM6era ierovered frow their illness. Ptr. Killougb was home from tiode- ricb 1a.t Sunday, and Pie. Lorne! Juhnstc.n it home now a few days' ..wing to sickness. Mr* Gartman, who has teen htome for two weeks. owing itt the three. mf het little son. rationed uta Monday to her.cht.,1 at Riebmond Hill. New cars 01 measles are still devel oping, but fortunately none of for patients is seriously ill, whish speak• well for our careful practitioner, Ur. ('ase. Mt Arthur MWhisky , of tigderich, was the t. iest of Mr. and Mrs. Rohl. It.wid...rl the flet part of the week, previous to going into training with the 11.1.t Huron Battalion. Mr.. A ,Treleaven entertained the choir o the Methodist chtuch or. Friday e.rninit in horror of Mr Harr y Bellamy, who left on Monday morn- ing to join the ranks in (iodetieb. Mister, Harry Bellamy and Robt. • More left oa Monday morning to john the ranks of the Inlet Battalion at (iodericb. We wish the (toys the best of Lick, and a safe retutit when the, Kaiser w. s "Bnough. 7'be members of the 1. O. 0 F. from oar burg drove toGilder ich Mon- day evening, when the initiation of the t bald degree was conferred . They report having a good tone while there, all hough the journey was slow owing to the had roads. TI a uietuben of Erskine church choir mer :it the home tit Mr. and Mrs. J. R. M:X.bh on Thursday evening in honor of Miss Edith Augustine, who left for fort Colborne on Saturday Winning. Mies Augustine was pre- sented with a jardiniere stand sed a well -worded address, complimenting her on her faithfulness and devotion to choir and Ostrich duties. Oen Hoetot Rom.. l'te. Benson ('ase, Field Ambulance Corps. Second t'an. Invision. in Bel- gium. Pte. !lett Rivera, 71st Battalion. Pte. Ernest Seguse, Pioneer ..Battal- ion. in training in England Corp. Feed Errington, Gunner, R. C. H. A., Kingston. Pte. Arthur Holland, Portsmouth Battalion, England. Pte. Ernst Neal, 71st Battalion. Pie. Earl 1Vlson, 71st Battalion. Pte. A. Herford, Huron Battalion, (ipderich. Pte. Geo. Brazier, Huron Battalion, (itdet ich. Pte. Joe. Killougb, Huron Battalion, Ootterich, Pte. J. Woodley, Huron Battalion, Goderich. Coop. H. Case, Cavalry Headquar- ters, C. A. S. ('.. Regina. Pte. lairneJuhnston, 161st Battalion. Pt r, 14 1.1.Mnore, 161 e1. Battalion. Pte. Harry Bellamy, ltllat Battalion. • ST. AtiGUSTINE. TUESDAY, April 4,. Mr. Michael Leddy is on the sick 11.1 at present Rev. James Wilson left on Saturday for London, whelp he will -1.e the guest of his brothel Mr, Joe. Wilson. Mr. and Mt-. 11. Spencer returned this week to their house at Kinsale after spending the winter with Mr. Spa'nerr's -i-ter. Mr. Eliza Thompson, The regular monthly meeting of the st Augustus 11 •Men's Institute will.). held at the hums of sere. %Vit. McAllister o•n Tuesday, April ilio. at _:41 p.tn Kindly mote the change uo the day -Tues las instead of \Ved- ne-$day. •1V 1 these who have auto- graph quilt bl..•k, bring theta to this meeting ? DUNLOP. \1'i•rNy.si,.(Y, April M.(i INei FA KEW ELI,. --A large party. niirnter ing about right y,nrighborsand friends of lli and Mrs. G. A. liliddon, gathered Et their hum•• on Tuesday evening to under them a farewell nI. dress prior 10 their dere :flits to snake their borne tiro! ifntn.lton."'r'be fol lowing addle-. wns read b. ffr. A 1.1 - riot riot •"a : '.tr anal Mr. Gen•i. t.bddnn. I)nnlop 1Mtsa Ma. ani. Ma.. (Duna -is -1,. 1- ajar unfeigned .arrow ih •1 we lean r. of year las hooted departure loom Ilii- r..nm.nity in wbich ) •.0 hesa a loved for the L,sr ore year.. louring your re -timer an..51.I U. yww Asti. frove , yoir-.I' a good neighbor. and .twuneh riend.. saws). ready to lake part iv any • Mow They Were Carried Safely Through Change of Life. Durand, Wis. - " 1 am the mother of ourteen children and 1 owe my lite to Lydia E. Plttkham's Vegetable Com- pound. When 1 was 45 and had the Change of Life, • friend recom- mended it and it gave me such relief from my bad feel- ing* that 1 took several bottles. I am now well and healthy and recom- mend your Compound to other ladies." -Mrs MARY RIIx..wAY, Durand, Wis. A M;nw►chasesta Woman W rites: Blackstone, Masa - " My troubles were from my age, and 1 telt awfully sick for three years. 1 bad hot dais* often and frequently .aUered hum pains. 1 took Lydia E. Pink es's Vegetable Compound and now we welL" -Mn. P1RRRE Cov[NOYER, Boz 239. Blackstone, Maas. Such warning symptoms as sense of suRoc •tion; bot Beatles, headaches, back- aehes,dread of impending evil, timidity. sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu- larities, constipation. variable appetite, weak ores and dizziness, should ber heeded by middle-aged women. Lydia E. Pink- bam's Vegetable Compound has carried many women safely through this crisis. movement for the welfue and program of the community or b. the social affairs of the uelghbuhood. You wall (.' 'greatly wt. -ed by your n41 friend. and neiahbots here. but in ex p...tnit our regret At you. departure we alw erieed our sincere and hearty osobe. let ) our prp.per(y and happiue,. In the .ph, re to which you are now gotr1g 1n token of our good going. In preaest the -e gifts. trading that they well In .orae dight mesaaro 000duee to your comfort sod cant. venison« In your new borne. and that some. Woos. u M. clack ticks awry the hours, you will remember the 1)uu10p p•'ople and .end a kind thought this way for -.odd tang") oe. Signed om behalf of theduout. Mist Belle Shaw then presented Mrs- (Guidon ta(Giddon witha mantel -clock and Mr. liliddon.with it pipe. Mr. liliddon re- plied, beat Lily ilmoking his friends fur their gifts and good wishes. After- wards the patty spent several hour* pleaaanily with music, galore. and other social ,.•cups idle. including a lunch, and concluding with • dance, PORT ALBERT. W[DNt..D.(Y. April Sucker fl -hung i- tete order of the day in the loot 1 these Dines. Rev. J. W. H.diey, mf Nile. called on friend. heir itis d,) list week. 1 Pure Powder Out flaking 1'. n. der is mink wit!, 99 per cent. Pure Crean Tartar 1No:li nl tit•:uono mial :uaraut...l full strength. %\'ori h :on Ih. SPEC AL 2k SATURDAY WILLARD'S CHOCOLATES 1Th • "ally fort kdipt i t t'ana.I:. r Regular 40c for 29c Ib. A.L.Caldwell,Phm.B. tiiltx•r,tt•,l Ie, C. I.. Con1ti,. Phone 1:► tinemwein 1 fi f i a a a if a • made this way Tailored by hand -skillfully tailored masterfully tailored, wonderfully tailored -when you buy made to measure clothes you enlist the services of skilled hand tailors. 1 h c advantages of hand tailoring are over- \ihelming -- precise fit, styli' and shape perma- nency -no puckers, no wrinkles or strained fabrics. We'd like to tailor�g suit to your measure dais spring-Vou like to bv called a good dresser ad hand tailoring is the sig road. ART CL avv.r tllrrva ► s Walter C. Pridham Goderich = = Ontario Mrs W. Money left Mmda toe a friendsooth's whit wit►friendsat) • Mr. Woe. J. haddock hes meetly joined the telet Battalion sad will 1.e to training at Oodesieb. We wish his all kinds of success and a safe re- turn hoar when the war is aided. Don't forget to come 10 the box social at $bep p•rdtoo, Which is to be held to the school house Friday night. A good program is being prepared and w • good time is exported. Pro - ends to be banded over to patriotic (tootle. tlIYTH. W [uNa'a1DA V, April S. Mr. am Mrs. Albert P. Young leave tomorrow for North Bat-tletotd, soak., when they will reside. Miss Nora Mc('aughey had returned from Stratford, where abe was attend - tun the Normal School, The annual meeting of the Blyth bowling club will be held next Tues- day evening. ttev. Geo,. Jewitt and Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Carr were at Toronto last week attending the temperance convention. At 8t. Andrew's manse on Thursday last Rev W. 11 Turner united Edna Webb and % intern C. Montgomery, both of Ssaforth, in the bonds of mat- rimony. Miss Mildred McColl, of (iodeticb, who has taken the leadership of Ht. Andrew's church choir, sang two solos at the services un Sunday last and was heard with much appreciation. Mr. P. McTaggart, of Buster, was hero this week visiting bis sons, O, F. and 1)r. J. A. McTaggart. He was •c- cotnpanied by Me nephew, Mr. Milton McTaggart, of Saskatchewan, who has been visiting his relatives in Ontario. Aikenbead Bros., of London, have purchased the Blyth sawmill from Mr, W. Ir. Vanetone, of Wingham, and took possession last week. One of the partners will be here most of the time and it is expected the mill will be run to its full capacity. AN OLD-TIMk RISoIDIN'r.-The re- mains of William Shane, a former welt -known resident of Blyth, were interred in Clinton cemetery on Mon- day. Mr. Shane was in the hotel busi- new here tetany %eats ago and later was engaged in the carpenter business. He left herr to live with hie daughter, Mrs. A. Belft y, at Montreal, and after- wards moved with her to New York and Detroit, being a temident of the latter place at the time of his death. He was ninety-three years of age and is survived by three daugbtere and one .on : Mn. Nation, Mrs. Belfry and Mr. Chas. Shane, all residing in the State., and Mrs. Ft, S. Hay•, of Seaforth. HAVE YOU BEEN SICK? Then you realize the utter weakness that robs ambition, destroys appetite, and makes work a burden. To restore t hipstre ngth and stamina that is so essential, nothing has ever equaled or compared with Scott's Emulsion, be- cause its strength -sustaining nourish- ment invigorates the blood to distribute energy throe ghout the body whitens tonic sake sharpens the appetite and restores health in a natural, permanent way. If you are ran down, tired. nervous, overworked or lack strength, get Scott's Emulsion to -day. At any drag store. aced a tbwee. Toronto, Out. KINUSBRIDGE. Tr[sDAY. April 1. Rpt. Father O'Neil, of Parkhill, viei,ed herr last week. \1 a are pleased to see Mrs Matt. Connor out again after her recent hal- oes:. \Vold geese are in abundance oiitations of Dodd'.. Kidney rills are legion. The box is imitated, the outside coating and shape of the pals a:.• imitated and the name-Dodd's Kidney- Pills is imitated. Imitations are d.ulger.ws. The original 1s safe. Dodd's thine%- Pills have it rerutati.' 1. Imita- tors have none or they woukln't Unit/its. So they trade on the reputation of Dodd's thine.- p111.. Do not be deceived. There is only one DODD S. Dodds in the original. Dodds is the name to he care - 101 Abawt- • D -O -D -DIS KIDNEY PILLS 1 i 1 I 1 1 I I a it Up-to-date Plumbing This is what you want in your house or place of business. Don't let anybody put you off with the inferior kind that is al - way's causing inconvenience and trouble. When yon have s Plumb- ing job to be done, call in Fred Hunt HAtrrt.mow e'rRUKT 'Puma 136 ki. Not Another Suit Like It THE WEARING of an individual garment appeals to every lady. Youlcan he assured of having a Spring Suit that is individual in style and ma- terial if you make your selection from our excellent stock of high-class Tail- ored Suits for Women. Of none of the good garments have we more than one suit of any distinct style, therehy guaranteeing our customers that individuality in dress somuch desired.. This applies to practically all the siK .5suits we show at over... ... Very attractive styles and splendid values in Tailored Suits at $16.50, $20.00, $22.50 and $25.00, with some really exclusive novelties at $26.50, $30.00, and $35.00. Sport Coats. Special Showing at $io.00 The light separate Coat. either plain cream or cream ground with over check or stripe, promises to be the popular garment for the coming season. We have pre- pared for a big demand and are showing some natty styles in these popular garments. - Special attention is directed to the splendid assortntent at the popular r O�M price of . . . . . L ill/ eidr. Your choice is not restricted to one or two cloths but we can give you a wide variety to pick and choose from. Dainty Easter Neckwear \Ve are -showing sane dainty new Neckwear 2•.- Easter wear on Saturday. Pretty. style.: that rr:le.t the latest ideas in neckwear for women. Price. 25c. 35c: 50c AND 60c Pretty Waists Too With the Neckwear carate wipe of the prettiest code Waist• we have shown for many a tit,. Cut and modelled is the season's latest styles. They are sure, to plea -c. Prices are eery toder..te. $1.25. $2.00 A.D. $2.50 Velvet Cord for Coatings T.serything paint; top big run on Corded \'ettcts for separate coats for the coning season. Just received this week a spacial line that is particularly well .tdapteel for this purpose. It is 27 inches, wide. extra firm quality and will stand no end of real hard! wear. 11 cairn in fawn, green and brown, Cl 00 1'ric. iter yard s 1 )ther qualities in Corded Velvets at 60;7 .715C. Let the "E'JREKA" Cleaner Help with the Housecleaning The Eureka Electric Vacuum Cleaner will pay for itself over and over again in the labor it will save. It is beyond doubt the best Electric Clean. er made. It is built to last a lifetime• easy; to operate and has many goal imitate peculiar to itself. Free demonstration in your own home if you wish, and easy terms of payment. April is Awning f`lonth This is the month to have vonr Awnings repaired or order new corers. We are agents toxone of the big- gest Awning nt.ukers in the emotes, and carry a full range of cloth. amt quote you maker's prices for all kind,. of Awnings. IS. will measure your windows. door or verandahs and give you an estimate if you wish, This is without cunt to you. April Is Raincoat Month n A big shipment of new Raincoats just rout of the t.ts,-s this week. They are right from Canada's foremost Raincoat, factory. Real snappy styles in .Iesirahlr cloths, guaranteed without trot' reser.e. Price. for Coats $8.50. ,$10.00 .lima $13.50 hese We h.a%r other Coats rot so timid at $4.80 00.'. $..oO. April Is Umbrella flonth You need one for April showers. Some really good -aloes in our stock nada,. :Attractive handles,stroag frames and tinfadeahle and uncuttable tops. Each $1.00. $1.50 AND S2.50 Dozens and Dozens of Pearl Buttons at 5c Nearly a thousand dozen of real good Pearl Buttons, all four -hole• smith finish and clear pearl, right out from Japan. Worth really IOc. To sell then quickly, price per dozen 5c Furniture upholstered Umbrellas re-covered Awnings renals, re-coyererl or put up Blind- niade to order DIRECT IMPORTERS Hodgens Bios. GODERICH, ONTARIO i here just now. nut we haven't heard 'of Any toeing brought down yet. The local Dramatic Club is again re- hearsing for a drama which it intends to stage at Easter. Further refer- ence will be made next week. We are ;draped to report that John O'Neil, who had • severe attack of pneumonia, is recovering nicely. He is being attended by bislater, Mrs. Ronald. formerly Miss Martha 0 Neil, who is a trained nurse. A Manning Ar r-ID[NT.-It was with the ie.peet regret that it was learned last week_that John F. Milllivan, form- erly of Asshfiekl and proprietor of the old Sullivan homestead between Kin - tail and Kingsbridge, nn the Lake road, met with a ssrMu. accident In Detroit. lie bad just been promoted to alucr•ative position In a brass fac- tory sod while showing • new noon how to operate root piece of machin- ery was caught in a wheel, which re- volted in his leg Neing broken and his skull bng fractured In two plass. he is in it serious eoudltion his any Menda bora are bop.fnl of his manvery. A ?Ka..zu.za.-Edward J. Dalton left again last week after npending fate winter mouths with hie mother how HM de.tieatioe this tine is Northern &ltii Odnnshia. bet prier 1'r R= there he will visit Detroit. Dat►, Butte and other United States imitate Owing to travelling some years. ago tor the good of his health and follow. (Rs the occupation of proepretnr this last few years, probably there is no pennon In Huron county who hay seen • much of North America as "Ned Jim." f The cold North. the sunny Mouth, the silenee of the Northern Ontario forret,' and the busy life of the great metrop- olis ate all familiar to Ned. W e wish 1 biro *nemesis in his expedition this sim- mer and look forward to hie return i next autumn with a fresh supply of i stories of his ezpe.:mews for the en- tertainm.nt and amusement of the "nativew." 11101191 III= Mil law Tinel ids ice tibsag ibsirwll lr. Obis -"I wish all rases m..sok. rundown wars eesM hate D was se week and Rspows 1 amid adalseg thin[ aIhs maim to se Moiler ledtry isoda d , _I ..M eat eay- lis skwairet Friday, April 21st --Keepp this date free for the tv.neert in North street Methodist church. H. 0. Dunlop, Druggist, Ood.Ach Rost and freedom tonight from RHEUMATISM Make geed was teem ed th..•I.'udl huhu. W ,e...treeau sl. fed .sly In Chemhwt la's AMNteae tlal- .nwt It mr.e the weary ache sed Bele from ere resa5W wed .$err. Or *Ws. se you era on mow hal rest sad seas tearbt Chamberlain's Liniment ghee west ranee all sears Ase masa ssni- Aesessakm new rani.. toms betel. lambs.• ate. Wombs* ... •. r