The Signal, 1916-4-6, Page 5THE SIGNAL : GODERICH : ONTARIO Iitir,MOAT, APRIL 11, HIM • MICHELIN TIRES AT OLD PRICES This tire has given extraordinary service to local users and now that you have the chance to buy at about the sante price as an ordin- ary tire, you should lose no time in getting your season's requirements filled before the pcice goes up. EAST STREET GARAGE O 4'..•d and operated lit' .t prm•t i•al Wan. A. M. GLOVER PHQNE 243 LOCAL TOPICS L. A. S. Meeting. Next Tuesday, Apiil 11th, at 1.15 p in., the Children'. Aid Society will hold its n Illy meeting in the•court . o children tends f the cren ar.. bowie All h r invitttl to be present and to find out what the Society is doing. A Good Appointment. Mr. Lionel lis Parsons has been appointed w5n4ger of the Go.lei i.•b Elevetor k 'Transit Co., succeediog the late W. 1... Horton. '1' he appoint - will doubtless give s*tistaction went to all runcrrued, as Mr. Parson+ has been superintendent of the t'uwpany•. plaut for ewe Years and knuwr the eIevstor business from A to Z. Dungannon Oddfellows Here. Huron Lodge, No. d2. I. 0. 0. had &visit on Monday night trotu the Dungannon Oddfellows' lodge, old an enjoyable fraternal occasion was the result. Huron Lodge. put on the 'third degree, and after the business had been ecnicludrd lunch was served In the banquet Mall. About a score of the Dungannon brethren were present. Power tiff. The Hydro power failed on Sato, - day evening, and for two hours the lights rue off, causing much incon- venience to merchants and other*. The trouble w&. understood to he somewhere down the line towards Mtratford The merchants wonder why it is these accidents to Hydro power &Imoet invariably occur on a Saturday night Business Change. Tbe firm of O'Brien & Legg. meat Merchants. bas been diseolvd, nod Have You Tried Our Bread Buns Cakes Pastry ? tam sm.- sews \\'e are pleasing a large number of customers and should like to have a trial _order.. from VOL'. DAVID BURNS The Baker Kingston Street sweesessewseWsrussesere Mc. O'Brien will continue lbs business on Nut street. Mr 1,.egg has pur- chased the butcher b.uiness curried on fot roan y years 1.y \I r. 'Prowse Mor- row and is already in pnssro51on. lie Intends to conduct the business on up- to-date lines and will doubtless Iw well noisinized. V.. (10(14 I 514(1 Mr. Mor- row I, 11 delote his &t' at:u to his farm. Telephone Case The /lnterin Railway and Mnnieipal Board•neld n st•.sinn here on Friday la •t to Lear a request by the I olborne township telephone system for connec- tion with Clinton by way of the node - township ey'stein. The Board ordered that a trunk line between Hrnwiller and Clinton be built at the joint expense of the two eystrtns acid that connection he established at a merit ten rent., the charge to 1e paid to the aystrw at whose office the m,seage. trrmioatre. Suing tor Commissions. In the County Court on Tuesday and Wednesday of this week "His Honor Judge Doyle beard the ease of Adams vs. the Diamond Colonial Furniture Co. of Slrathroy. The plaintiff. Mr. J. M. Adam., of Iiode- rich, war employed ao a travelling .alesman•for the defendant company and he sued for cnmluissinneon rert.in sale., the claim &mounting to over $1111. Mr. J. L. Killoran was counsel fur plaintiff and Mr. J. I. McEvoy. of London, for defendant. Judgment was reserved. Ice Blockade at the River. The Maitland woe m the rampage last Thur•+day. The ice released by the thaw j monied at the mouth of the river and piled up until It was &hove Inc level of the river breakwater. 'Ms water forced a cbasuel from the end of the breakwater ioasonttberly direc- tion •crow the sandbar and into the harbor, disludging'eyeul of the woi k- wen'..base. on the bat. The wafer &leu uoderwined the range -light tower WI that It would hem farm over had not l'apl. Wu.. R Minion rigged up some tackle to bold it. Aa it w u, the tower will need to be str&iI(htened. Two Small Fires. :Shortly after :I o Monday morning the alarm ..andel for a file at the residence of \Ir. W. A. C..uI- thuret, Victoria street. The fire started from the Ilrrplece. hot was quick)? subdued. -1'he btlgrdr was 1)u band pr ptly, but. the use of the boat was not neeeseary. On Wednesday afternoon the roof of Mackay Bros-.' fishing shed at the herlior took fire from the chimney. '1 he brigade was called out, but its cervices were not needed. Miss McColl Engaged at Blyth. Mire Mildred McColl lints been ap- Poiutrd to the position cf soprano se iet. with balmy. in St. Andrew-, Preenyte.ian church. Blyth. She hss already Laken up bee new dealee and sang at la)lh mercers in the Myth chinch Iart Sunday. Tbe people of Blyth are to b, coogratulsthd on se- curing Mile M.•Coll's services, but she will be greatly mused in lino' church. tioderieth where r beautiful solaceh re hr amu 1)l • was beard 10 pleasantly In the service of praise. It rrrw+ 1.0 11441 11341 We cannot keep such sweet .inters as Miss Hc('oll in town. WESTERN CANADA NEEDS 10,000 MEN FOR SPRING SEEDING Steady Employment - Good Wages. Low Settlers' and Homeseekers' Fares Now In Effect. i'or through tickets to all points in Manitoba, Saskatche- wan and Alberta, and informa- flint, -apply to J. W. CRAIGIE, Agent West Side !Square, Godet icb. Phone 24. CANADIAN NORTHERN 1 Custom Hatching The early hatched bird lays the winter eggs. Let us save you the worry and work of hatching your eggs this season. $2.00 PER TRAY OF 70 EGGS. 1 N. Keith Revell, RIDGCREST FARM l • To Builders and Contractors We have a large st k of Square Timber up to 12 in. square to 16 feet lamp, Hemlock, Spruce Jointing and Scantling, all widths and lengths up o 211 feet long. Lath, Ontario White Cedar Shingles, Pine. Spruce. Hemlock and Oak Lumber. All grades. Hardwood and Pine Flooring. Dressed Pine and Spruce. Cali- fornia Siding. Always in stock. Mouldings -Sash Stock on hand. Sectional Poultry Houses all sizes. PH(►N1.71: FartsoryVi Hehner Mill Estimates cheerfully furnished. T ')f� Paget Grain Door Co., Ltd. B.g Day at Clinton. . This is Clinton's big day. The en- tival spring shark show is fr•ing (held r c 'o is there andndthelfhtlia Battalion I tial sssembliug'there for the first time since for detachments were (ir- ganlied at the various recruiting cen- tres in the county The (ioderich eou.- panY. with the tingle hand. left on the early train this morning. Tonight the Meneeetung Canoe flub Minstrels give their performance in the Clinton town hall for the benefit of the funds of the ll(lst Batlshuu. A large number of liodericb people have gone down to Clinton on the difTerent [tains. Stratford Wants a Military Camp, Too. Stratford i5 snaking a hid (Cr two or three Wrs•ern Ontario battalions to he quartered in that city for the sum- mer. A depiration was sent to Ot- taws last week and an interview was had with lion. A. E. Kemp. acting Minister of Militia. 1'he Stratford item on, in its report of the interview. states that : "Froom what could be gathered from the :Minister's reply, two or three ..entree were considered More practicable for training the troops.- London and ti,alerich have teen mentioned, and if a third was re- quired assurance w4'. given that Stratford would not be overlooked. Stretford, h« said, was more in. line to help out the congestion of the two other camps." Frank Yeigh Coming. A great treat is in store for the people of Golericb on Thursday even- ing, 'J'ltb inst.. when Mr. Frank Yrlgh, the celebrated Canadian author and traveller. will give his famous war -talk. "For King. Country and Empire," in Knox church, illus- trated with 1:I) war scenes. In order that every Man, woman and child in (iioderich may have the opportunity 'of bearing Mr. Yeigh and seeing these latest views from the ...at of war, the Young People s Society has engaged the etuditonum of the church and set the admission tickets at 15 cents for adults and 10 cents for children. The seating capacity of Knox should be taxed to its utmost by an eager and appreciative audience. "Yes --my dear Lifebuoy Healthy Soap is most re- freshing. cleansing and healthful after the day's work." The cream of oils it contains is sooth- ing and healing as well ascleansing, while its mild car- bolic solution means no germs. The odor proclaims Lifebuoy an honest Soap -it vanishes immediate- ly after use. All grocers sell LIFEBUOY HEALTHY SOAP au F 5 i • Benefit for the One -six -ones. Everybody is requested to keep in mind Thursday, April 13rb, as the date of the special program at the Model Theatre for the benefit of the G,derich detachment. of the IhIlst Bat- talion. Manager \Vetmore is putting on :,001 fret of motion pictut•ee, and there will be it select musirel .program under the direction of Mrs 'G. H. King. Stewart's orchestra will he in attendance. and an announcement of a�['�iel interest is that. Mr. W. T. Hays, tenor 'soloist, of Seatorth, will sing. Mr. Hays is already known in Ooderich as a soloist of exceptional talent. While living at Regina a few Yeats sgo be was the winner of the Duke of Connaught's gold medal for the Province of Saskatchewan. There will he two performances -at 7.30 and 11 o'clock. Hererved seats will be ;.'ic and tush sets ine. Hy purchasing tickets citizens will be assisting In pro viding for the comfort of the tiddler boys in training. Mr. Proudfoot on the Nickel Question. In is discussion in the Legislature on Monday on a proposal to prevent the shipment of Ontario nickel to enemy countrir., Mr. \\'. Proudfoot, member for Centre Huron, is reported as say. ing that be was info.med that the Krupps of Germany owned about twenty flve percent. of the stock of the International Nickel Company of the United States. which at present controls a large portion of the nickel output of Ontario. He added that the International Nickel Company was re- ported to have had a hi;; contract for the supply of nickel to the Krupp@ ■rid that the Kaiser was a stockholder in the Krupp coneero. Hon. Ilr. Hanna asked Mr. Proud - foot where he got his information re- garding the connection of the Krupps with the International Nr-kel Com- pany. Mr. Prnt.dfnot said it was gen- eral information, but be believed it was reliable. Marine Club Farewell. \ "farewell sexier was bend in tin ►marine Club nouns on Thursday night of last week to wind up one of the most enjoyable and prosperous Masons the flub h.. h.d The seedling's eeter- toinment commenced with progressive euchre, in which the ladies prises were won by Miss Foz and Mrs. Piereryand tho gentlemen's prizes hy Messrs Jos NcNevin and D McDonald, jr. Lunch was served to lA) people, after whirb dancing was Pejoyed until after mid- night. There was Men a envies of Pleotch dances, those taking part i.e- Ing Mir Helen Howie, Mr. D. Mc- Donald. jr.. Mrs. ()tams and Mr. D. Marlyn. The music was provided hy Messrs A. McNevin and Lien. Smith, violinists, and Mn. A. McNevin. Mies Elsa McLwnn and Miss d&Pondry, . pyianIs(. The members M the Club will soros toe leaving to tate sp their The treasurer and secretary of the Club crake the following statement of the receipts and e*persd ilurea in mo- te •I ion with lbs u.Iuatrel show Mk( a 11'r+s. Opera II alar (sale of orate).... $11Mt 23 -t'itrrtosewenls.0 progresses. ;I) SO --- Saki 7:. Kxl'KNpll 1)441.44. ()peril House tient i Illi) IMI 1'. luting reprograms and bills). . &I 1111 F:a pellets of prldoetion 7? Vr 11 175 i1 311.1 75 Pole' receipts. .... Total expenditures. 175 I% Net receipts $'241 17 W. T. Nitrite. O. i:. t'oaniasr, Tseesu.rr. Stemma y. Various or-gpat' on the Great Lakes, and they wish to extend a fare- well greeting to all who tool part with them in the social gather -Uwe of the winter. A Substantial Donation. The recent two -night performance of the Menesetung Cance Club Min- strels netted the handsome sum of $211.17, and it has been decided to hand this amount to the local branch of the Huron County \Var Auxiliary. TREATMENT FOR TUBED. CULOSIIS rotas a. T&I•TY actin. TESTIMONIAL 1 swallowed a large tack in April, 1510, and it lodged in my lung .This developed tote tuber - demo. Tour doctors treated me but I gradu- ally rado-ally Defame worse. Then my slater learned of Nature's Creation and got the medicine for me. When 1 began taking Naha Creation. 1 was haling night sweats cuattoually, pains In my chest and both lungs. $e ...al physielans said i Could not live over Jndays After taking the first bottle of Nature's Cr' at , a wonderful improvement es. noticeable and 1 e sOlo .e to Improve. Weighed 107 pound., now Imo, and never have had any r.h)n1 of the old trouble. .101IN TH11TTACIIE. 517 Thomas A.euue ('olumbu., (Milo, February 15, 1116. N. s's Creation Company el Canada, Ltd., IWO 11. Cosgrave Beadle,. Toreato. Canada. YouC crew that old Gore or ulcer from which you have hem suffering ter so long. If you w111 only use an oint- ment that 1, capable of reading the OW of the trouble. Zan) Bub tea de this becalse of 1te unusu•t pene- trating power.. Alse, Assn Hub Is • strong germicide ---germs caauut live where Ira -Wk applied, so that the germs are destroyed set only •n the surface, but in •Il the diseased usderlying tissue. Theo healing commence.; new Gentle re- placing the old and diseased, until the sere 1. thoroughly and perms- - nently cured. The case se Miss Prances Daudl&, above of Somerset. Man.. •crises the abs etatemest. She writes: "1 suffered for ever tweaty years with an ulcer OD my leg, and all the remedies tried during that time proved inef- fective. Several doctors treated me, but I got ne beneat. Finally 1 tried 7.am-Buk, and I am thankful to say that after penlever•Deo with this ointment 1 am now completely cared." Zamituk 1s also splendid for omens. abscesses, hefts, pimples, ringworm. *ties, blood-pielnentwg. ruts, horns, and all skis iodates and dWa&as. Best balm fer bakes fiord. All dwgslata. lir. biz. M ler $1.26, OT from Lem -Eek Ce., 7brwfie. Logs Wanted We will pay the highest cash prices for ..Il kind. of I:'gs delivered at the mill in Dotter I, h. Custom ..wing don, promptly st any time. Grain and Chopping We will al hue grain at our elevator and will tiny the best mar - bet price.. Orders fol rhoppiort or rolling grain promp-ly end carefully at- tended to at on. , helping mill. J. E. Baechler Mill and riev.t„' north of Mac - Ewa. 1. ..al t aid.. lioderich. MUM AZIEOP CANADA i Bank by Mai ai Save Lamp Drives Mail cls the cheques or cash you receive, with your Pass- book, which we will return with the Deposit credited. Then you can pay your bills by cheques. which we will honor. or 11 you want the cash your -ell, send us a cheque In your own favor and we will forward the money by return mall Drop In and talk to the Manager about It Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCO`.113E, Manager. Canadian Plight at Denver. Mr .4(111, A. IS siker, forrl.4'rly of t1 alrrich, tm.w II Denver, t':.Inutdo, rends .1 newspaper clipping I.) .how menething of what is lasing .lune by the mintier people ni that city for the ...fluor of the Mother Country in 'the European snuggle. He 11151 4.1icies representing 12,0M) in lahar aril material have already been sent by the people there t.. the t'.lnedien soldiery in the trenches. Thr 114'11' palter clipping is as follows: ('anadi*n night will 1, celebrated by the United Itriti•J, ...rietieh with a concert to bre held seturday evening. Marcb IS, et the 1.. 1). '1'. M. hall in the dining Eachengr building. hIvru- ings are taring set aside for Inc variotrn brauchee of the organic rtiun, the Dell. lasing the Irish hoarier, Which will hold a concert April '31. So ex Pensive have "the plans l,4.)• for that conceit thea conlln itt•r•s in 1135 rgr anticipate hulling the en t Nl (alums -lit i,, the audita. i11 order that all j attendants un&t• be accommodated. The principal object of the Hociely is to bring together in a social capacity Denver residents of British der'rnt to carry on the work of aiding the sol- diers in the trenches. Among those[ who will take put tit the entertain- hent Saturday night are Fuquhar Murray. tenor; Thomas A. Christian, baritone; Mee.- J. 1). McLeod, so- prano; Horace A. linty, C. L. drPhil- lips, violin; Miss \1a4e1 Hastings. the Australian sorano; Mrs. Mc- 1Atugal, 44,:tuo. and Miss Agnes Kelly Mrs. King will be the accompanist of the evening. There was once&, old Scotch crofter who, when giving evidenre before the emften. cout'sieeion, admitted that while he was the owner of three cows, VICTORIA SCHOOL. R. port of Korou. I., \'lctot ie school, fur Mlareh, liftmen in "eller of mel it 11 )nor..--lierlrode Mclean, John Pinder, Bert Meg/kw. Irene Hunt, EI -is- Stsncombe. Dosis Moderns, Viola Mc('Iachel1y, Willie Hslwl, Fraser Newell. Chao.- Nairn, \'els. 1\ ilsoo. Pee,. -Harriet Porter. Verna \le- V.ttie, Witty, Bedford, Reggie King, Louise McDonald, Rev Foster. \1 •4'y Sanders, Ernest Viii -4n, Willie \1c - Donald, Laurance Nicbol.on, James Anderson. Below no per cent-Potothy Smith, Glenn Murray, Alex Densly, Martin Price, Battens Nargele. Mat gin t Murray, Eel! Poster, Ila Urleuig, Willie Sanders. Jobe Yonder,. Absent. -Huth Murray, M try Newell, Irwin Speiran. Home study and regularity of atten- dance ate essential. P&reht' should es- t hat rash pupil is doing his beet. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured with LOC'.'[. A PI'LI('AT1. )V`I. as they cannot reach the .eat of the est -e.. -e. Cattails M a local dwea,.e, great)) iunuenred by constitu- tional condition, and in order to carr it You urn -t take an internal remedy. H..b'. t'.,'arrh Cure is taken' mu rosily &od act. through the bl.srt moire moon,,s surfaces of the -)•tem. Hall'. Catarrh Cure .s.4' precnhei by one of the boot physicians to chi- menus for ). ars. It i• compo -rid of -ome of the brei toner. known, combined with ••rue of oh, bent blond outliers. rhe perfect combination of the lnpcdieuta on Hall- t'&tarvh ''oris 1- wha• prndilee• -,,.-h wv reale. fol 4'r -rip- In restart hal roodiboas. Vend forte-tJmmrial- free. F. J CHK\ EY & CO . Prop, . Tolydo, uli,o. All drugg -'-. 7.1e Hall F..mm', 1111- fur: „n.tipa':on Special Vrs way Fares to Pacific Coast Points. Those contemplating* trip to Pa- cific Coast points, including Vicwt is. B C., Vsncuuver, B. C.. Sessile. vVssh , Pori land,Orr..etc., should con- sult l'anadtan Pa-ifle ticket agents for particulars of low fares in (tfect doily until April lith_ Ligge•ns ,-hlunlalea are recom- mended for their purity as Wel as for their flavor. !iol.l and recoumurnded by all ltezell 10 1)l; til o e•. 11. 1'. (I►unlcr. FISH NETS Guns. TRAPS. 11103011TM1111 GOO•• JOHN HALLAM. Limited 4011 Hal u (ding - Toronto To the Public. 11 flboact theatre 1 1 ties., April Ilth J. Warren Kerrigan iianden's e g ac Y Fide Act Broadway Fenton. , 1 Wed., April 12th Edith Story "THE ISLAND OF REGENERATION" ("I \ !' .0 f ` Fres the story by Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady Admission to these productions IOC and 5c 1 "the beast ie. were as thin as Pharaoh's Iran kine.' The chairman. thinking to corner old Kenneth, award him to say how Iran Phuraub's kine were. Even a .evrnteentb-.•rotary thyme would have wanted a day or two to think this over But Kenneth answered at once, "They were we lea that they c'u'd only t.eseen in a dream" • • You'll Surely Miss it 1 F you fail to take advantage of selecting a pair ,of Shoes from our up-to-date line of Spring Footwear. Be wise and embrace such an opportunity as this one, which means the newest and best to be had in Boots and Shoes at the Lowest Possible Prices. Come and sec the l)ig value we offer you on our Bargain Counter. Repairing neatly done at a moderate price. Successors to McClinton Walters & Co. GODERICH East Side Square Phone 226 • e HAVING purchosed the meat market which has been conducted for many years by Mr. Thos. Morrow. I beg to announce to the people of Goderich and vicinity that I intend ' I to conduct the business on the most approved meth- ods. and I solicit a fair share of patronage. In addition to F're.li Meats of all kind, 1 will handle the Celebrated Kincardine Hams and Bacons, Home-made Sausages, Home -rendered L a r d, Corn Beef and Pickled Pork, etc. GIVE ME A CALL --- H. T. LEGG Morrow's old stand Wert Side Square Telephone No. Nothing But Clothes Now that leech hone. -..i Parliament ore 'conking lobs, tll.'i« 'hould le• a law male against a man'. u' 1(1 ing ill -Hl t ing clot h.•.. .1411. is ;t 4.41'4141.qt, to this fait 4 .uuoln of mor, for it. t r .le tio W. or •sin)'• of the , 14 oth,-. lionw. •n 14.1 ,. 'f.. of..r..cmc l ilk till' .1 Intl a e114l1.0. Corrie Jo F. J. PRIDHfl M S Sample Ordered Tailoring Emporium and order a !Nlit Imre. Tit, g,sal• ars the ls••1, t he r lit nmol work- man -hip are not es.. lied by anything •''. i'.'s•n in thio •i' note. A I...k at roque of tlo• :ini•1" d giu•tnento w ill . onvin..• . Io. ANY STYLE, ANY PRICE and hundreds of samples to choose from. You can have your suit cut and made here if you )wish. GET YOUR CLEANING AND PRESSING DONE EARLY, BEFORE 'THE RUSH COMES. WE TAKE THE DIRT OUT. F. J. PRIDHAM Around the corner. North Street.