HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-6, Page 4• tat:/..DAT, AP IL 6. 1916 1rRE SIGINAL 3OfERICH UNTARIU �OOCCOO 1I 1 1 I SPECIAL Men's NewSpring Suits $16 VERY NEAT pinhead pattern in grey cloth. want you to see these" suits. You \\ill be interested in thele. '(1u will like then. You will leant one for yourself. They' will be in our window. Call around an(1 see them. Sizes i ; to 40,, Price, $16.00 WALTER C. PRIDHAM Society Brand Clothing King and Borsalino Hats Headlight Overalls i 1 0 il 1 i AUBURN. \VKURE8DAY. April Min :,iarg+ret J*cksrm spent the past week et Toronto. Mee. M. Lockhart and her daughter, Mrs. Haven, are visiting friends at (i.derieh . Mr. John'Frrguson left' or. Monday morning for 'Toronto to commence duties as black.mit h nu a emelt' uction gang. Rev. E l4. Powell, county field sec- retary for the tempt—tither force..., will occupy the Me'h•.dist pulpit herr next • t3nhhath morning. Mr. Joseph Lawton has received the Contract of c*, 4 yule the'nail f. ora, the C.P. R. to the Auburn pupt('mee and I comnlercrtd his du. ies April 14. Mr. Forest Corte, bar tnf,ved into Mr. John Naegle's him—wand i+ et pees• ent teaming for Howson k Lawstm'a stwmill, which started operations on Tuerdsy. The Auburn branch "(the Red Cross 14,eirty shipped the following goods on March al -t : 1:4 day shirt-, IS hon.' peel shire., 2.i2 pill.. sock., 11 pill Hee, 8 pads, 72 pairs pillowcase.. parcel of old cotton. 'total v .1.1.., $310.:.1. The., last previous Nh'pul,nt wad made Feb- ruary 24. PATiterrie C.eteKK1.-1 nder the auspices of the Young People's Society a reelect c anp+ny will prreenl the sketch' Thr Alno.eel's Bride- in the F.rreters' halt, Auburn. nn Ftiday evening, April 11th. The %ketch is in four scene., providi•.g two hours of interest and whdles ,ane fun, and everybody who can po-t.ihly do eo ■hould come and enjoy It. Duos 4.11-0 7.:81 o'clock : ploy continences S Adrniesi •n, pec ; reerrv. d ertre, P1411 of 11,11 at Mune'. store The proceeds an• 1:u the finds of the It d C'ro.. Soc.ety and every Neu in the ball should be oe.opir '. OniTuAKy.—After test cal months of pude' mg, death .**Illi- icily M,,sday mnrnine to Mr.. F r.ier•ck 1'unttt tut, of emolresiou I1, Hallett. She leaves her bereft hu.•band, thiel stns - 1 Robes t, Joseph' and Edward, at home—tat Carlow, is about to return to his god two daughter'. : Mr.. (. Mai, of f•rm near Auburn. Londrstxno, and Mr.. R,eherd Goyier, The farmera are realizing good of Mullet'. Thule. for third sister to I prices at the pte-ent for home. Last Ise called in less then s year. The week our local shipper, Mr. O'Connor, family has the sympathy of their paid $11).40 at Mrgaw. many friend. in the lows of.• loving wife and motI-rr. The funeral takes place today i \\'etlneeday) at 2 p w. Death caner to relieve the suffer- ing of Hobert Anti+on, 134h conces- sion of Hnllrtr, on Friday nigh,. sf...r several months of pain and suffering. He had resided here over th.rty-live Mr. Wm. %Vatson is.making prep- arition to build his new cement house this coming summer. He is anxious to .retire a eoulpeeent workman in the cement business. The ladies of the Red (-rose Society held their usual meeting in the town- ship hall on Tuesday, 4th inst. The years, engaging in the woollen will meeting was well attended and a large business. The fitment took place to Ix,z of .oaks and shirtt was packed for 11411'• cemetery on Monday and a I.rge our boy■ at the front. It uieket it number attended to show their lett most encouraging when all the respects 10 the depuGet , Mr Clod (a workers are so wilting and enthusias- nephew; and Mir. Caul( arrived on tic_. Monday from near W p. g 1.e ..tt 'nd the funeral. COLBORNE. The Colborne Red gross Workers At the age of eighty-two years, Mrs. have •hipp.d since last lepxtrt the fel John McGregor quietly passed away lowing article : 42 hospital shirts, 77 d+y shirts, 7K parrs id „a ke. The fr life on \h edneaday morning, Society gre•tfully acknowledge, the \I sr ch nth, at her home in Kinlail, contrihntien mf reek.' from the follow - tor McGregor had been in foil health Ise ladies : Mrs S. B. Pott••r, 9 pair.; for ur►rly two year but was taken Mist!lhepperd, 9 p+irr : AL -s. Phos. 1 critically ill the last week. She was Clark. 0 pairs ; Mr.. Jas. 'l'ahb, 3 p irs : Mrs. F. Gilder.. 3 parr ; Mr. .las. Scott, 2 pat,. ; Mrs Cunningham, 1 pair. Mns. E. FISIIKit, M.c'y, lag them to be peeked. It ie for the ease of the soldier boy. Donations have leen gratefully reewved frogs Mi-. Lyda Walters and Mr. Melvtlls Sturdy, $1.(10 each ; Mrs. Ch iris* Whitely, 14 11), end li,der'eh Ton n - ship Rifle Au•r•ci•tion, $12.31. Tea F.AKMante CLeu.—On Thursday evening lest the Farmers' Club held • meeting et the home of Ms. H. Keith Revell Torre war • good •ttrndan••e and • wont Interesting evening was alien! Mr Revell give a demonstra- tion with Ivo large incubator, wttb iu*t rurtivr remark+ on the hatching., feeding and general carr of chit kens. A vote of thanks was tendered to Mr. R•cell for bit. address and dem mot ra- lion. Other numbers on the program were a coca! duet by Mite Blanche Elliott and Mr. Elwyn Andersen, with Mrs. H. L. Salkeld at ace p.niat piano selraioh• by Miss Irwin and Mr. Revell. and it recitation ley Master Billy Andrew.. Lunch WAS served and it pleasant social time was r1wnt be- fore the gathering dispense. (luring the evening a petition was circulated asking the townehlp council to make a grant to *id the. United Patriotic So- ciety in its work, and we,are glad to know that on Mondry the council re- ceive 1 the petition favorably and inside au initial grant of $1401. KINTAIL. TuasDAY. April 4. I/E.tTII oe' Mita. JOHN Mt'GKIOOR.— CARLOW. Weiete$DAv. April J. Mr. Jacnh \loser, of Gtefetich, has been vete..ring Mr. Lid. (arta'. wind - Align Minerva McPhee, who has been vi -ling al, !'arbor,,, hes twit, nett home The fanners are getting their work shaped up mad. are prrpaling their m,u•hn,rs ter the seeding sea -on. Some t(I Ver farmer. are tnsking maple syrup. Up to the pre.ent time the run has not 1t •511 a. good •t u+oa1. born in Rosa -shire, Scotland, and emigrated with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Donald McKeozir, to Canada in 1S19. after which she spent- two years in Oxford county. She was merited in Goderich to the late. John McGregor in the year INA and came to live on the farm on which she died. Mrs. :McGregor endeared herself to her neighbors by her kindly ministration. In sickness and trouble. Iler husband died in the year 1411. There were seven children, all of whore survive : John, of Spoken... Wash. ; Mrs. Robert McKay, of Kincardine, Ont. Jirurc And Rehee,a, at home : Mrs. A. R. Murray, Bismarck, Dakota : Don- ali. of Galveston, Texas, and D:-. 31. Mcliregor. Fargo, N. Dakota Tle•rr ere also thirteen grandcbildren and Mr. It dwrt Scot,. our popular four great grandchildren. Mrs. Me- thrr•her, who for mono, lime has lived (iregor retained her faculrirs to w PAINT direct from factory saving dealer's profit House Paint, inside or outside, Flat or Oil Finish, Quarts 45c $1'S0 Gallons Why My regular retail prices for paint when you an get what Ready Mixed and Fire Resistant -Barn, Roof Iron, Priming $1.2-. a gallon $ _ 10 gallons for 0 want at lass than wholesale? Our Paints ars guaranteed to give eatiafaetisa. MINERAL PAINT COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. s ASHFIELD. MuoDtr. April :t. The Ashtleld Soldiers' Aid Society will marl at the homy of Mr.. Richert Me\\'hiunev April 10:h. This Society wishes to than the following tidies for knitting of Patriotic Gregor yarn : Ms, Jennie Maiz., 6 pairs eyelets ; Mrs. Angus Gordon, 4 (.airs; Iilrs. Rube. Higgins, 1 pain ; Mrs. Richard Mc- Whinney, 3 pairs ; Mrs. McMilien, Mrs. IS McKenzie, Mrs. .las. Craw- ford, Mr•. John Quaid, Mise M. Mc- Kenzie, 1 ptir each. Anyone wishing to knit may have yam from Mrs. gold. Higgins. remarkable degree to the vety lett. 1 The funeral took place on 1•'t iday after- ! noon to Kiutsil cemetery f her Iste residence Rev. J. S. Hardin. of A.hfleld Preehyterc.n church. eft"- ciated and the pslIbeerers were John McKenzie. James McMillan, Wm. I Crawford, 1)an Meeircgor, Donald 1 Rain McKenzie and Harry McDonald. HOLMESVILLE. WRDXeamty, April 1. Mr Len. Yeo has donned the khaki and is at preaeut in, training at Lon- don. Mr. J Gliddon has rehvned to the West after visiting hit parents here for the winter. Horse show day at Clinton on Thurs- day will he quite an attraction to the residents of this vicinity. Sunday, April 313tb, is to to observed as a special Epworth Isagur Rally Day. An interesting and instructive service is being planned. A very successful operation for ap- pendicitis p-ppendicitis was Performed on Mn. W. Pickard last I•ridsy morning. Mrs. Pickard is improving steadily and•we trust will soon .regain her usual strength. The township eoupril, which met 00 Monday, voted • grant of SIM to the various branches of the Patriotic Soci- ety in the township. Representatives of these societies were present at the council meeting. KEEP CHILDREN WELL To keep little one. well the bowels must tie kept regular and the stomach sweet. Nine -tenth. of childhood ail - menta are caused by derangement. of these organs. Baby's Own Tablets never fail to regulate the stomach and bowels that ie why thousands of mothers would give no other medicine to their little one*. Coneerning Them Mrs. ('has. A. Turner. Marie Joseph, N. S.. writer -••We have been using Baby's Own Tablet. off and on for the pear year abd it half and have found nothing to equal them." The 'Tablet. are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 'Li rents a hog from The Dr Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. OOOERICH TOWNSHIP. \VKhxgaDAY, April i. The rag, rubber and prayer nommit- tee of the Cn.ted Patriotic Society of lioder,eh township wishes that all per- il. old rags, ruhher. or H. J. Fisher p,r, would lyaveeet, at the hone, If re. lien. Andress•, Hayfield road, Mrs. Jas. Johnston, Huron road, or Mn. T. M Johnetnn; Taylor's Corners,helm g W ed need a y , April 12th. t'YITRD PATRIIrrtu Soo irrY —Tile general business meeting of th. 'steed Patriotic Socistl was held at the borne of Mrs. Oliver feiwarsl on Wednesday t,f this week. A hale ront•inin5 13.2 hospital shirts. IL pain of socks and and get a line on a good Idea 17 bandage•s has been shipped—one mouth's work me question hiss often been asked Should the shirts end that will interest you—and pock* t. washed ? Yee ; every mem- 1 her ran assist in packing by thorough - save you money. , ►a warebing these articles before bring - HAMILTON STREET ROBT. WILSON Mase', - Harris Agent Hamilton St, Godench 7000 Rods of STANDARD FENCE must he sob by July 1st, 11110. We have two car loads of the best fence that money can buy and we have bought so we can sell right. Call in and see our stock and get our price before you huy your fence. V. nerd the stoney and you need the fence. Fin Machinery • \Ve carry a full line of Farm Machinery always on band. Bogies sad Carriages \Ye have them, all shape. and Niter. A4 large assortment al- ways on our floor. 1f you nerd a few 'tune of tl-at FAMOUS O L 1) H 0 M E - STEAD FERTILIZER, we have a carload just in. Ilard or Sot \wood delivered Coming to Goderich r Eminent .Eye ,Specialist WILL BE IN GODERICH TEN DAYS ONLY Monday, April IOth,toThurs., April 20th 1 HAVE ENGAGED Mr0 F. Wo Myoir9 Eye Specialist, • to give Free Demonstrations of the Wonderful ((Shadow Test system of Sight Testing each day for TEN DAYS only. This is truly a great opportunity ,to consult a specialist whose reputation and ability are known all over Ontario, and who as a practitioner in the Optical Profession has few rivals and no superiors. .Mr. Mayor is coming for the express purpose of instructing Mr. W. I1. Harrison in the mysteries of the Shadow Test, or with the simple aid of Retinoscope "Looking Into The Eye" and thus locating its defects. %Ve ask all to come -- those now wearing glasses or those who suffer from or suspect any detect or trouble Remember—Satisfaction Guaranteed. ---Free Demonstration Each Day. —Glasses Advised only when Needed. —Prices Moderate. —Children's Eyes, Our Specialty. /, Make This Your Opportunity Night Is Just as Good as Day 14'. H. HARRISON Jewel/er End' Opticin NILE. WED: R80AT, Alan•h D). PATKIOTI,- Box Mot-IAL.—The sox social given by the pupils of the Nile school in the Orange lodge on Friday evening was is decided success. The program, consi,ting of di•Io ues, music and readings, was excellent. With Mr. Win. Watson as auctioneer the boxes sold for such high prices that th. sum bf $21 was raised for Red Cross purposes. Mrs. Alton. of Ines, is visiting at the honie of Mr. Jee. Thompenn. Mr. Harvey Pentland, of Stratford, spent Sundav at his honie here. to any 1p.trt of town. Miss Ethel Johnston, of Dungannon, !'hone No, Ilii is visiting her cousin, Miss Della Me - Cann. ...t'.......t'. Every Woman Knows the dineomfort of dusting,—but few realize its dangers. When sweeping carpets and floors with - w' • DUSTBANE the fine, grey, microbe -laden dust it kbrown up in clouds, to settle o tables, chain, window. ledges and every other place where a minute particle cars find a reetin place. As it Hies it carrierma of many diseases along, ieh are breathed into the lungs of the woman who sweeps, and 01 children and everybody else in the hooey. Guard &gale lit great evil. BUY DUSTBANE at all grocers. Insist on having Duetlranr, for imitations are not so good. ) BAYFIELD. TugaDsY, March''*. Mrs. John Worsen and child. who had been spending the winter with the former's parents. Mr. and Mrs. James Fowlie, left last week for their home in the West. Three new recruits have beer. added to the number of the local squad -- Hugh Mackay. William Elliot and Peter Clark. This brings the number in training here up to twelve and hcpes are entertained of getting as many more. The concert given last Friday even- ing in the town hall by a number of the soldiers from Clinton, under the auspices of the Patriotic Society, was quite successful, the proceeds amount- ing to over $40. At the close of the entertainment the performers were treated to supper by the ladies, at the home of Mr. F. A. Edwards. Spring has come at hurt with • rush, rain and mild weatherearrying off the snow with great rapidity, making roads alniost impassable and filling cellars with water. The wild geese and other heeds are flying north in great numbers and the robins are un- usually numerous. dawns being netieed in • single flock. The birds at least seem to be perfectly assured that spring ss here and we hope they Yr right. ST. HELENS. TramDAy, April 4 Roes -tn Mr. and Mrs. Grummet` on M►r•b 31st, resin eels. Mr J. Jo et has hewn nut on 81. faro engaging` hie mel for the weasel. \ number al the boys of this IAlat Battalion are bone tide week recruit- ing Missive Delia Climates and Versa \Vends returned to Wingbam high school this week. Mr. W. McQuillan attended (be Fire Insurance ('.. 's meeting at Dungannon on Tuesday. It sounds gond to hear the Todd k Joyrt mill %hotel, attain. The firm intends running Ihr trill for a couple of weeks. Stuart M-(.uire has engaged with • K. Cameron, Cecil Hyde with W. J. 1•'oiehan and Gordon ('aweron with Freak Todd. The prayer -meeting this week will Ibe conducted by Mr. ('lark. Rev. J. Little expects to he in Toronto on Thursday to attend at the Iteaconeeei I graduating eserci•ee, hi. daughter, Nin J. Little, hying a member of the I clue. FARE $3 22 .11.114P ../. _cam .:. .r.. .... �C ',Waller.. The Cosa Ship-s!i.AMDREE- :v l/a.ee awl came sur. 7 'tin ea ..-. r 6tY.d e•.,w .1 It. w-rA two fs I1' pr, .-a 'VITT cg. Ila(:.- A. 3 r.relsata. ”st st...r_. a,. r w u.N BUFFALO -Donna", lst to Nen. 1G:12 -CLEVELAND ice.. a.m.". ;at Lam Z•=6 tie ► f1. sass! -+ ) W t) L .1aea.eys�M1. K�NhMt�r ra awe short, eamsam.d.• - 'CTY 01 CU7FAL0' i 1 .:i.N W►.•J rsdalr 1•- • s el Is. !Mesh ire 1 r +e. wool ..d s .. a..t•.... Ad ro w t .we 1) L 4-1..""" - .w.1e...as ^~ 'er ow sod �aata.. y Are ala 1. fw"w lir TIM!? CLIVILAI;D a eurrALO T..AM..IT CO., Cta-M..ttl. os..