HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-4-6, Page 3RHE SIGNAL (;ODERICH, ONTARIO THAT mil NAL OUR OTTAWA LETTER IND ONLY 6E NUINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLI) ON THE MERITS Or IINIRD'S LINIMENT BOOKB!NDINU MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. SOLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS All order. promptly attended to oo leaving ass at 1'Ilk SHUN AL, uodertrh. A. E. TAYLOR. a'i'r RAT►o.n. MEDICAL 1\It. GEO.- HEILEMA\N, OsrE- PATH. .p.clall.t In woaren • and all erne. dime.... acute, -hronin and nervous dt•- mien. eye, ear, tare end tercet, partial deaf ttsr., lumbago and •bsuoaMie conditiuo.c Ade - nod. nitwit- I without flee knife. Un1re et. reedean, comer Nela• sed `.t. A.n4rew'. et soma, At bone eine lrsr*F., w edn..day. sod tcatdrdal• : 104 ,,. .. b)I apt•olnuneot. i�R- F. J. R. ?OIt8TME-E1 E. EAR. 11 no-" and throat eat/ House uneou, New York Ophthalmic and Aural 1 Utute, 7.11atral \w.i.t-, liar. Noce and 1 hroat Hospital, Ytdlee actuate. at.d Moorefield kyr 11o.ptisl, Legion. Enabeed. (Mace. St 14. Waterloo Street. 9trwt•nrd. oppoa.it. Knox Church. Huns. s. • 12 a.,n.. Y to p.... ttoap.as,.• Teleptsooe AUCTIONEER. THOMAS GUNDRY 11 ACCttuYEILR Boa 67, (laden(h. Ail instruction. b1' toot loft at 04(1 ai once wul be prawi,i) . ended to. Itu.Meucr trieuauor 119 LEGAL R. C'. HAYS, BARRISTER, 14..Wt'ITOR. NOTARY Pt. BLit Oboe-eterllag Marl hock. Hamilton gleet. 3eder1c1.. Tempters. ea. Nail Estate hose. and lu.areaes. PIROU Dyour, 1C I LLORAN &COOK E SAIL tial LItd. 4I,L11 ITURri, NOTARIES Pt: BLit, ETC. Oros on the donors..esosd doer hem Haar titre street. Was rich. Private toads to leas at lowest taut, tA. PW1tt1,UOT. ILl. J. I,pklu.oaax FJ. J. U. Couatz. 1ti. UAMliiitON, K. C. 19ARRIS TFit..olicttor, notary patio- °taco. ton Street. tiudertea. Mad door tr `lewste. At 4 l!nen 1 humidity of each week .0 Il�ooeep/ on Aibr.t nt feet open pied by Mr. r. .,nae hon.. •a a.m. to s p.m. ctHARLha &,ARROW, LL.B., bAK- R1n't &11. atwruer. soawtwr, eta, Uat . r Mw.v w NLAI at lowest rater 1 MEAGER, BARRISTER. SOL- Icft..r, Notary Public and C ;ne-t. oust Hour Uudeeioh. filar INSUllAIICE, LOANS, ZTC. Mcjc1W OP MUTUAL FIRE IN IIU R A N C E CO. -Fars and les(ated t'era property moir.d- O,.ons-J. B. Mclean, Pt•... dertfortk Jae Connolly, Vice -Pre.., Uodesieb P. 11 , Tamar 1L Hay este es e. -i r,., tleatorth P. V. 1Mreeter.-Ip. F4. lldiregor. deatertb ; John U.OAeve, w'tete rop W Ulises Rion. Co,aetaoce, John Hent.ewel., Brod heron; James gvao., lio ekwoud ; Robert Ferro., Matlock ; Malcolm Meiwea. Nruosaeld. *�ppot.. J. \\,Yoe. Holme.vilm; Alex. Leitch, Clinton ; %4. UI *m l he. nev, $sstortb ; A Miuckl.y. imam th t'olicy holders ono pay aINssrseo(e Sad get their Dards reemptes at B. J. MosrW's Clothing More, Clinton. K. •L ('wore wooers. amnion street, Uoderlcl. or J. B. Rcid'e General Mor••, Bayaekt. $20,000 PRIVATE FUNDS TO loan. Apoly to M. O. CAM IKON. Banister uamtltoo street, bodertak. W . R. ROBERTSON Ill INSURANCE AUKNT- vans ANTI LIGHTNING : British. C.aadl*n and Aes•riosn. Aao.naMT n,arttme AwD kairio•asa' LIASI t.: ITT : Tim Or...n Accident and Guarantee : ortwr.Uon hoco' hotted, of London. Lo. FI•tl-ITT AN0I}UARUKTaa Boal' : The On, Fidelity and uuarentee Company. One at maid enoa, .e -tbesrt owner of Vic- toria and Bt... Divide Amen* 'Phone 171E MARRIAGE LICENSES WALTER E. KELLY, J.P., 0FUUKR1CH, ONT. I$141 ER (W H' RRUA016 UCIINSllat. Patents, True /arts, Designs Secured in all Countries Writs Mor tree book "I•ATLNTS I'ROTIDI:- T1UN. 1elle all eland and how to set pot em.. BABCOCK t BONA. etabIl.►ed Ia77 formerly Peteil (.meg Examiner. Mader of Patent law., Real+tend Patnwt Attar's,. err_ s St. James Sued, Mony.sl. Pr.sekes-- Ottswa and Washington. Repremetatdves in dl foreign counter.. Brophe3 Bros. GODERiOH 1 at Leading Foams! Directors sad Embalmers Orden earef.11y attended to at all bows. night or day. ••••••414.8111 N. F- OAONv•••••••. Ottawa, April nth. -Now that the tumult and the shouting have cl.rified, 1'u to speak, one can rod, Ye the grit - real le.tuns more o trimly than war possible a work ago wbeu Patliatnrtit Win •till aglow with tirorge Kvtt'. speech. The !louse has not frit 00 waive saner helot• the war. When ad d it a the rurwM r for Rachel d,'. . N., b concluded kir remarkMir %Vil(ri LAW ire war thoroughly kindle "Stung," be exelaiw.-d, and Whet' M N ilfrid drops into the vetttacular that way you can bet the large emotion ate Released. The speech wbieh rail d the Govern- ment to its Mho!! ('outwittee and Mr j .r -General Mil Sam Hughes to his dear friend Colonel J. Wesley Allison. although four hutuw long and not a dull minute anywhere, war perhaps the easiest part , 1 the woi k. Before that was the Tong. hand job of tracing the Colonel to his velem. lain in New Yolk Stats, and Virginia, sur•priring him Red-handed with his fellow bandits, sorting out hie aliases as disclueed (.y the wurhrooni cotupanit s he dealt with or caused to be iucorporaled. and establishir g an official connection be- tween his dark (teeth., the old :Shell Committee and Mapn Oen. rel Sam l'he Colonel had es many disguises as Jupiter --but w(,.tly he waatlte Guide Shower as, experienced by Dante -en believe me he look some trailing, al some quick thinking and clever deduc t hon . As two beads are better tban ene in this Sbrtlock Hoboes townie's, it is no rurplise to learn that Frank Carvell helped his friend George •Kyte with the detective end . 1 theater. I'ogethsr they got the afttdavits, sratrrd copies of contracts. ••arched records arid one way and another made such u neat tight -fitting IegiiI .nw of it that Pew Maw acid his 4' lewd and the Horden Government ,41,11 lite of l Shell ('uw- tuitter could go int. any court en lir land and (ou,e out alib a 1,•4tlict of guilty. Then these two partnere in good 'collie, disdaining all little p t sound rivalries, pooled their infnruta- tion, and while Fronk Carvell o*S b.ek and fagged papers for him George Kyte stepped out in front and made the speech of his hie. lietwe( 11 the two they spread all the horrid detail• nn Hansard. Like Jack Sprett and his wife they licked the platter clean -a mighty big platter and a lot of licking, including the lick- ing the H(,den l:overnlurt.4 will get at the next general election. To get the whole case for the ottiseculinn all the student of politica has to do now ,s" to orad the sloe/ocher of Carvell, Pugsley, Pardee and Kyte-Chey cover the wound Cal veil and Kyte •rob ably cover a ground, but the others made glhal rhootiog, t(xo. Great heavens. what fighters those Maritime Province fellows ate ! They don't' believe the truce should he used to covet a multi(Ude of sins and cootie, quenlly they don't use it ttno. way. they lift the cloak end *Low tate pill. age and graft undelneat b While the boys are away in the trenches fighting the Germans. the Home Guard un Pattie:urnt Lill dors its hit fighting the tuiddlrmeo. Haw is it the Wile Nosey develop so much fire 'r They may have lilu. Notes, but there isn't a man of 'en. harl'nld Feet. Take George Kyte, for example. Never was a blither, bonnier lighter than (..orge of Richmond. Such a thing ae losing hie t.mper George Kyte dor. n, 4 kuow. As he lays about hint three is ever a twinkle in his eye. When he itf merriest look out for him --fur it's then •he hit, barite -4. The only danger signal hr a glint of red in his chestnut hair. If I were on the other side of the House, I'd watch that and when it lit up I'd ray "Warr George!'" As for the rest you wouldn't find in a day's journey a milder, gentler, more humane wan than the one who adminiateted the knock -out to the Borden (iovetuwent. How quickly yet how mercifully- he did it ! (inc to the solar plexus, that is to say to the Shell Committee, an .t her to the point of the j Ow, Colonel J. Wesley Allison. another just above the heal t, said heart being Major-General Sir Sam Hughes. Three swift puncher and all was over. 1 he Government pottered, tottered, ciumphd and went dowu for the full count. To get away from these prize -ring metaphor and put it in plain English, Mir Thomas White. who bad rashly ventured into a d,-cus..ion where 11ae Honorable Robett Rogers feared to tread, then by sacrificing to hie pride of dialectic the reputation he had won as a sensible finance Minister who minded his own business-S.r Thomas, 1 repeat. went back on the whips' arrangement to take a vote and moved tits adjournment of the debate, which wove • sure sign that the Government way ce•ping for air. A two o clo Ak in the morning Cabinet meeting was held. rut no two o'clock in the morn- ing courage was engendered. The Ministers were melancholy, discour- aged, bewildered. Their mood, if one might judge it from their faces a*George Kyte *oared high, draping his long tale in a grace- ful stranglehold around their necks -- their mood as the people in the gallery saw it was one of pain and surprise, mingled with a hollow feeling at the pit of the stomach. The Premier was obviously dist reseed. The Finance Minister wore a look of disgust at the sordid story. The Hon. Robert Rogers smiled faintly, sardonically, for wasn't that ancient enemy Air Som getting his at last ? No the Honorable Bob molted as * man who doesn't run away ran afford to smile at one who door run away, like Sir Mom. who at the very moment hie colleagues were being bombarded for his actions and tanneactions was some three thousand utiles away from the fire -tone, hob- nobbing with Baron Rothschild and his fellow -millionaires in London. Yes, Mam had run away and all the Comfort the Cabinet had of him at (his er4Nea1 moment was the smell be left behind. All those thoughts were behind the Hooerable Bob's dark sad broodingsmile. As for the Honor- able Arur Meissbee, he was plunged Into • green sickness of despair -no Dare stamina to LE Arthur, at hest not just then. The other Cabinet Ministers looked as 11 It wee all news to them --perhaps it w.. -Maus le a hard men to keep track of -but they didn't enl 1'i it any more ea that seemed. 'I'G•t kind of ewe takes the 11 11 Khoo gimp out of any Cabinet. news of a uaugbl y brother who boasts that In has thew all by the •hurt wool and dares them to get cul of him se they d.d-o( Garlanu and Vow er. Oh. what a tangy( web we weave wheal drat we practise to deceive! And bow much more tangled the web 1.. when a Mn jut-(Irurral, a toaster of t rocs, does the weaving! Yee. Sam's ort ie a strong net -a will drag them all down. If Kyle's charges were news t0 the (iuvrrwurut ht was the Guverowent's own fault. All the Government had to do was to look up the fyl.', in tits 6(unili.•11 Hoard's oMee where the contracts still rein tin unrancelleJ I,v which 14 ,ton ! J.',Vt'nl •y Alliwn arid his dieiinguishrtl asrocie re. K. 11. Cadwell, Benjamin Franklin Yo.kum, E. W. lla•ptck, all Arueticau., and Eugene Lignanti, a Montreal flute player --with M•j...(Jeneral Salo in the backgtou .0 -.plot a two-ntilli.'n- dullar rake-off and preruuial h- a thn e- and-a-ball-mtlli..n-d..11-or sterner oo twenty-three u.illion dollars worth of order, for time fuses and grat • fuarr, only about teu per cent. of which have been delivered Up to the prerrut 1144•. These orders wets placed by the Shell l' •iter on June 11), last yea,, with the American Am,nuuilion. Cuwpi,, and the International Furs, Cun.pany, two wu0hr..otu (u49ts with only four thousand actual rash capital between them, the former organized Otter weeks, and the latter just :en drys le - f me the blesrin+fs negntiateu by Colonel .1. Wesley Allison arrived Prow Ottawa. 1 hese two Yankee mushroom companie. with no plant, no machinery, no buildings, au1 two complete owls of dummy officials. tint only received orders for 11123,010.0101) worth of tone arid graze lure. but also r -ash advances' tit 011'1' thrt.• and a hall mil ion dollar, enough to •et up ten (use factories in Cana.:* -all I hos at 1 he hands of a Minister of Mili- tia wit . in 1911 *too! for 110truck nor trade with the Yankee". '1'heeobtrart with each company is rntrt.• 1 into by the Shell (' .lace, acting through Hrigadier-General Mir Alessi -net Belt- ran), and each contract 14aecnmpa•.ird by a ratifying letter from Slain-Gen- etal Sam iiughri., ishi h would natur- ally bring his' n*ms, into the di hate even ,f it hadn't been there b. fore. l'p t0 Meech loth last, the two muahroom companies -of count, they are peddling the order, out -had not delivered vote than $2.3014 I11r1 worth of fuses, a little o•er ten per cent. of their allotment, and though the time cleusee in their contracts have been Rage rorty violated the contracts stilt remain uncattcelled. At this stage of the game, with three stallion dollars and a half ea.h advance in hand. three million and a half Of Canadian n.00ey for time fuses for which Cana- dian soldier* .court wait at • a bitter :mat of hl. od and pain and only, $.2.- I(141,1l141vworth of fusee delivered,. these two favored r..wpaulet .cnul1 i;'t Oilt of - bovines. alt .geth-'r, pocks.. . he t• profils nn h- fuse:. Hireoic i,1ult., pellisps a toillioo riu1185s, keep (lar cash edv.o c • amounting t.• au.. 1 ire Iwo nnh1,. a •locorerram 4.,.1 let the l'.nadi*n Gov, rntuein whistle rot it, money bac... 111he c. 111? mietoi are canc.-lief that is what 11.ov will probably -,do. Th - way l'o'.0'-1' Allison ani hie helpers have gal h ns,• fizr(I uP, (h -y .fund 10 will w•1,..,ev.-r.happens. A: -a nut' - ter til fact, .- tit hart~, me Jute. 11Kh. 11/17., bine .fay. lef,,te the c tit, nets weir signed moth the tail cowponies. a profit-sbarirg partnership of. nego- tiating middlemen. con.i.tit: u.uf E. B. Cadwell president of the Ann -oilcan A...... irina Company, Benjamin Franklin Yoakum -of New Monk .sod E. W. Ha -sick ot. Bridgep0r . 'Coto.. was busy not only counting its chickens but actually dividing them before they were hatched. The coin - mission of ten per cent. on an anti' i - piled eleven -million -dollar order was .alit this way -Yoakum $375,I111I, HAr- .ick $275.11414'. and Cadwell $250,4•5', Stich keen frllowa, or the other keen people they stood for, wool,' loudly forget to share up the cash advance at the same time. This same 11. F. l-oakurn , who took the lung end in the million-dollar+phi:, Moues as partner in another profit- taking triumvirate formed shortly' after the war began and cuo.iaing of himself,. 1. Wesley Allison, and Eugene Lignanti. sometime flute -player or piccolo -blower at the' Ritz-Carlton hotel, Montreal. Who is Yoakum?" He seeing to be spread ov+r all the comhinationa. in private life he is a curb -broker in New York. Ottawa knows his, as a frequent visitor to the Militia Department on business 1'n my- sterious that be never registered at a hotel but always slept in a private car at the Broad street station. 'sVbnse private car, by the way:- Lignanti, the flute -player, who fell out with his followers last Mertember-- hence the dieclosure of profits -prob- ably put in all the real money that 4141. in the combination. He was a saving man and her,' was a chance to make enough to retire flow the flute business for ever on the investment of a very small capital. Lignanti took a chance. It was the, be -t chance he ever took in his life. When he drew ort of the partnership he had claims for =21(1,11451 in cow noissinns and a com- mission on *hells which he Commuted for $711,1145) apot cash. On cnn'racts that Lignanti knew of himself. Alb- erni and Yoakum stnoal to split $1,(14PI,- (1411 in commissions between them. All these facts the Government could have learned by looking up :he reeord s in the office of the Munitions Hoard. That great and good man Chairman Flavelle must have known the facto, although be did not cancel the con- tracts or ot.herwiae act on the guar•an• tee elauera. Moreover, Gereg • Kyte, imine a good .p .rt, gave the. Govern - mina far warning a week before he announced at • public meeting just *Lout where be was going to land the punch. Even at that the Governtoeljt watt taught unprepared, being very much like Belshazzar of old, whowent on Hel*b.izzaring in spite of prelimin- ary notices on the walls and else• where. No doubt Belshazrsr thortgbt that when the oeeaaion armee his Solicitor -General would explainevery- thleg. Oh, well, yeas all know what happened to itelsbaxnar. if F'. G. When little uses as, peevish, give Ronan Orderlies ; eon.tlpsUoo is often the causal. Sold only by Resat) Drug StoraM . lie and e bones. R. C. Da.- lop. dr.tggbt. MARKET QUOTATIONS Toronto Cattle Market likavy choke steers.... es 15to88.71 lla.dy choice butt hers. 7.75 8.15 Ifs,'•et., r t. rood .... '.4a 7 --, do. medium .. r ;. du. common ... 4; 00 Betters, choice - 50 otos ' good i; 75 ; du. medium 6 00 butcher cows, choi.-ct; 50 du. good -- du. medlem 50 do. common 3.25 Butcher lulls, choice 6 50 do. medium to good. 5.75 do. bologna .... . 5.25 Feeders, 900 to 1,100 lbs. 6.00 do. bulls 5.25 Stocker!, 750 to 900 lbs6.25 do. med., 650 to 700 5.75 do. common, light5.25 Cutters 4.75 5.25 Canners '5.75 4.75 Milkers, choice. each .. 70.00 90.00 do. medium to good .50 00 75.00 Springers 50.00 90.00 Calves, veal, good S 50 10.00 do. medium 6 00 8.00 do. common 4 50 6.00 do. grass 14 75 6.25 Bob calves r, 00 9.00 Lambs, cwt. l0 50 13.60 Springs Iambs, each9.50 12.00 Medium and heavy 8.00 10.50 Sheep, ewes, light 8.00 9.60 do. heavy and bucks6.00 7.75 do. culls 4.04 6.50 Hogs, weighed off car., 11 35 0.00 do. fed and water. -'l In S5 10.90 do. f.o.b. country. 1,. ) 0.00 6 6 6 . . 6 .J 5.60 7• GO 6.60 6.00 7.50 6.75i 7.25 6.25 6.76 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat- In stone at Fort William, No. 1 northern, 11.1311 ; No. 2, $1.12%; No. 3. $1.10%. Manitoba rata-irl store at Fort William, No. 2 C.W., 42yc; No. 3 ('.W.. 4044c; No. 1 extra fee), 40%c; No. 1 feed, 39%c. American corn -No. 3 yellow, Stoic, Canadian corn-I+'eed, CSc to 70c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter, per car lot. according to freight outside, 11.02 to 11.04; No. 1 commercial, 97c to 99c; No: 2 commercial, 05c to 97c; No. 3 commercial. 93c to, 93c; teed wheat, 85c to 87c. . Ontario oats -No. %bite. 43c to 44c; commercial oats. 42e to 4,.c. Peas -No. 2, per carlut, 11.60, ac- cording to sample. 81 to 51.30. Barley-Slalting, outside. Glc to • 62c; No. 2 feed. j59c to 62c. - Buck\l heat --68c to 69c. Ryea-No. 1 commercial, S7c to S8c; reject,- I. 83c to 85c. , Manitoba flour -First patent,. ' In jute bag., 56.50; seconds 5.1; strong bakers $5.50, in jute bagel - O.ltarfo 6ot,r-Winter t1', k, Toron- to, prom1t • ehlptucnt, a.. nrding to ,:,mple 14 1410 in ja' 1-.:. bunt; I ..'aboard 4.-1 to $4 Mlllfe d ,' .r r t 1 • :. dell.( ed, Montreal freight 11').:) 5_' shorts. 326; tui I !!.tiF good f,• 1 flour, bat:, 11.6) to $1.73. I11 WI-otesale Prc'•:;e Toronto w1:o;e-a:^ r.'i: o 3 to t': trade: Eggs - Special rand'', .1 , r:'sa : New -laid•, ,-\-car chs s.. Butter- Creamery prin., ire:;:.. Creamery, s•:! iv Choice dairy prints Ordinary darn pr.a ts. '; Baked .... 25 Cheese -Newlarge, 19c; - twit -. 1914e; June and September. lart.•,_ 20c; twins.- 2014c; triplets, 201_.. Honey• -Buckwheat. barrels, 7c to 7%c; tine, 714c to Sc; clover, 50-1h tins, 13%c; 10.114. tins, 14c; 5 -lb. tins, 14c; comb honey No. 1. per dozen, 82.60 to 83; No. 2, per dozen, $2 to 52.40. Poultry Live Dressed ()Id fowl, Ih.., 1st- 20c 11c 20c ('hit kens 114.' N 20c 20c 2; Turkeys 1Sc 20c 26c 30c Ducks 14.' 15c 18c 207 Geese 12c 13c 17k. 19c D d Meats Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade t.3 follows: Reef, forequarters. .8 9.50 to $.0.50 do. hiun'luarters... 13.60 14,50 Carcases. choice 11.00 12.00 do. common 9.00 10.00 Yeats, ocotillo!' 7.50 1.50 do. led 111111 ... 10.50 12.69 do. prince 13.60 15.50 Heavy hog., 11.00 11.60 Shop hogs 13.60 14.00 Mutton, heavy 10.00 12.00 do. light 14.30 16.00 Lambs 19.50 21.v0 Seeds Toronto whole:=altrs are sllliLg to the country trade. No. 1 red clo •er, cwt .126.06 to 324.40 do. No. 2 24.30 25.5) do. Nu. 3 .4.0 00.40 No. 1 alsiko. cart 21.01' 22.00 do. No. 2 18.00 19.01 do. • No. 3 16.u'1 00.00 No. 1 alfalfa, cwt25.60 28.0.1 do. No. 2 23.00 00.09 do. No. :t 19.00 oo.e0 No. 1 timothy, cwt. 12.00 14.00 do. No. 2 10.00 11.00 do. No : 9.50 10.00 Chicago Cattle Market ('nt1L' -- Receipt;, 200, ma -kat steady; h. -eves, 87 50 to 89.40; *to, k ere and feeders. 85 s:. to 8.2:;, cows and helpers. 83.90• to 88.75; calves, 87.25 to 89.1:7. Hogs - Receipt. 6.000; market strong: light, 89 to 19.60; mixed, 19.10 to 19 heat v. 89.06 to 19 55; rough. 53 05 to 8910; pigs, 36.76 to 8840. Sheep -Receipts, none; market steady; native, 8430 to 89.10; lambs, native, 119.!8 to ill 48 East Buffalo Cattle Cattle- Receipts. 200; market slow and steady Vesla-Recelpta, 10; market active at 84 to 110 Bogs - Receipts. 2400, market *low; heavy andemizd, 19.91 to 810; yorkers. 89 21 to 89.96; pigs, 81; roughs, 18.86 to 99; stags. M4 60 to 87.14 Sheep and ksaks---Re.stpa, 1.409; usertet active; kkaks, M a 8114i; yesrttags. 9030 le 1111.Them rtes chewged. T.e.auAY, APItIL 6, 1916 31 MILLAUSON w1'-►saor.r E 44.7 .. {�,w,,.•,+ arpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Oilcloths, attings O UR Spring stock of new Floor Coverings is now in, and notwithstanding the great ad- vances on the prices of all these goods, we were for- tunate in buying when prices were much more favorable than now. SEAMLESS TAPESTRY SQUARES 2 1-2 by 3 yards, from 512.95 3 by 3 yards 512.75 to 515.00 3 by 3 1-2 yards5I2.50 to 516 50 3 by 4 yards 514 00 to 521.00 3 1-2 by 4 -yards... 420,00 to 524.50 3 1-2 by 4 1-2 yards $22.50 to 527.50 SEAMLESS VELVET SQUARES 2 1-4 by 3 yards 512.75 3 by 3 1-2 yards....522.30 to 526.50 3 by 4 yards 527.50 to 532.50 BRUSSELS SQUARES 3 by 3 1-2 yards519.50 t o 525.00 3 by 4 yards 523.50 to 530.00 _ _ met' SEAMLESS AXMiNSTER SQUARES 3 by 3 1-2 yards, from 530.00 3 by 4 yards, from. _. STAiR CARPETS IN ALL WIDTHS 535.00 Nairn's Inlaid Linoleum Extra quality Nairn's Inlaid Linoleum, patterns through to the canvas, in designs suitable for halls, offices, bathrooms, kitchens and all places that are subject to extra hard wear. Per square yard. $1.0(1 Nairn's Printed Linoleums, Four Yards Wide-Nairn's Printed Linoleum in 3 and 4 yards wide, extra heavy quality,; will wear for years, in tile, floral and check patterns, suitable for all rooms. While. present stock lasts.. only 65c per sq. yard DOMINION OILCLOTHS Dcminicn Oilcloths are the best wearing Oilcloths for the money that are to Le had. W'e haveall widths in stock from 1 .yard to 2 1-2 yards wide, in block, floral and tile patterns to suit all rooms. Price - 4 Oc per square yard NEW MATTING NEW CURTAINS . PHONE 56 j /l a r s Scotch Store f1' PHONE 56 11 Subscribe for The Signal NOW! Only 60c until Jan. 1st, 1917 t Preparedness in the home. The humble little cottate or the mansion on the hill are equally dependent upon, the Telephone. )R guards wht'n emergencies arise, and is ever serving in a thousand ways, great and small. Get a Telephone and save needless work and. worry. The cost is only a trifle 1u•t :1 few cents a day. Fill out the Coupon la low and mail it to us to -da The Bell Telephone Co. of Quassia. N EWGATE STREET LIVERY RY 1 Having purchased the livery I .sine... of Wm, Knox. I am improving the Apt ;intent and 111- ten. to i•rovide Good Horses Prompt Service and 1 Up-to-date Rigs All orders will receive prompt anal careful at- tention, TeherHtor. No, a good turnout. R. STOWE The tall Telopl sus Ce. of Corrado. Oewtiernew : -Phase say rase about 1ws(sltwes Tlsispeas a Swaity, Naves Adams �CENTRAL SY1tAYFO1t0, OMT.• Tett Ca. se cu re a rtt:iti.. If you take it cowrie with .q The de a..,1 epee us for trained help id many those tis .umber gradating. Sta- rlight, are entering each week. Vat. Clay ester at y) time. Mrrtte at once for cur free cirt.Ssgue. Q A. WoLACBWN. Principal.