HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-30, Page 8r
TRVP$t *1 ))ARD H. 911 410
Wall Papers
In M•hrl.,g N% NII Pupils do not
'art -look the fart that you
1111\11. t.. II%.' fa.v to face m it li
then.. Simple. graceful de.
sign. 41111 11 rest r111 1 letulillg
.11 color. w111 411.1 10 the w-
hiling inHueue, ul 11111 11,414,•.
WI' it ti.,• It slk•eialt a of 11. neat -
I,.t Ulla l4.'.1 in Niall I'41M•rs,
with a wilk 144..ill 1 41.111 .4
nth -Nettle aria•r1 1., ..•1 ••t
from. including the IM1pn14r
pl+liu 44e, t., 'awing ui prier
from I 5c to 50c per roll
111•• ,41,441a'1• IN/IM•1'.:11.'
priced 5c, &, 1 Oc, 12 I -2c
and 1 5c per roll.
Gr• Po,t
Fresh Shipment Just In.
29c Ib.
Regularly sold at 40c to 50c Ib.
Tamer 4f.'Campbell
Phe.. B
Corner North St. and Square
1111a. RI 'PRUNES Res.
MacE¢van Est,te
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity Best all Maple
Slabs, Mixed Rood, Hemlock
and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.)
11/IIWRT P(ort'I)Fltlrr.
At 1 he great sg,• of t inety-tyle' rare,
Ili. Rubel'. I',uulttunl q lie•ty elt.,ytht
away trout life 11, \\'outer -,1, v even.;
irg, Match 22nd, est the 1.. me rf his
sun, Mr. J. N. I'roujl...n, He had so
Mora.: the utachinrry of IJr g,adttal-
ly slowed down and (h:vl . gently
.',Jr. ) t ientfamily. Hewas. bores at
1..0.14411r, Pelt 1.41,11'., Scut:and. i4
PC:1, the .on .4 Her, 1% (posies l'rJoid•
'tea. alio 111 IM:t canoe to Canada a• a
uiisei.nsry.1 that b41.1.e1, of Pie -by.
teiiani..• iu 1'4.,11..Id celled "11se
United Ass.'.. ie $y.od of Ib. MI -
crs.iun. Church.- Alter a winter
spent at whal 1. ,..,w the city of To-
ronto, Rev' Mr. 1'rolalto.4 waved to
London NMI a•.1111+ d the miniony oft
two cungtrgali.ms - nnr in 1. ,eidon
township. the oth, i the 1'. 1'. church
i11 11.e .•II.agr of I...ndon now know 1,
a4 Ihr 1•'11.4 Pi e.t.a...t'latl chuteh. Two
brig het. , f the eat.• 4.1ee,.4-111 Wert.
}C.V. Ili. l'r..11dfol t 1.1 Knox College
' and Mi Jost' Is N'sII. esu P.. uiloot of
High ('oast of Ontario, built of
who,,, 111.•.1 a few veal. ago,
In IMI1 '.1r. 1G•l..r1 1'roud(.a11 e,.n.r
' w,t h an .n ole, Mr. Roles. t A.tchr.on, I
1 , the township .,t A.htavld, which
wa. (belt Iwing orf 11'.,1 s yearn
I*Ir1 be.o.•id Iark iu'he old 1
.trail ne.. Lao o4. and tlrc„about j
sixty )sate ago 6ratM.k un a (Nim in
Coll u,lie township, near ('..low, and
ad sire, ,o,. *,,,.4;, Ie.ldent ul ibisl
1. In 1.1;7 hr terru,vrd I41 Iowti
al.d 1.raqu.,t•t of•rte. lma hr was!
� leaf. Safely ata Through PvcChang*
Vegetable Cat pound,
Nash vllle,Tenn.-"When I wasgoing
through the Mango of Life 1 had • tu-
t .- r as large as •
��llhllli;lll! I child's head Th.
I ll , for said it was
three years coming
and gave me medi-
II ill
me for it until I
as called away
from the city for
ome time. Of
rse I could not
to him then. so
y sister in law told
• that she thought
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound would cure it. It helped both
the Change of Life and the tumor and
when I got home I did not need Use doctor.
I took the Piokham remedies until the
tumor was gone, the doctor said, and I
have not felt it since. I tell every one
how 1 was cured. 1f tits letter will
help others you are wde ane to use it"
-Mrs. E. H. Bewrt, !?!Joseph Avenue,
Nashville, Tenn.
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, a pure remedy containing the
extractive properties of good old fash-
ioned roots and herbs, meets the needs
of woman's system at this critical period
of her life. Try it.
If Users Lanny symptoms In your
Cane which puzzles yea, write to
the L) dna E. Piakthetaa Medicine
Cs., lL3 na, lamas
'1'111-: LATE It, NIERT PK. .1'nl•'r,rr.,
engaged in the wilt -Pry business here
finally reining atelia tw.1.1y-Hv
yr;u. a�.:ni,• Which t' • he had
lived wi!b hl, son, in;own. His wife,
�INrgarrr f;Inoor Darlington, died in
I. She wits it native of Ireland,
a1111 their 111a1'1lay(1• a':1. 1'rl,•hrated by
Rei'. \Ii. Campbell,' Fiugli.h church
• lei ..f G ' h i-ieb, in the year 1846,
'there were len ehildleu, of whom
four survive: Mr. 1V illiaru 1'rotolfoot,
K. C 111. -P. P. for ('entre-Hur•u, and
mi., John M Proudfo -t. of Goderich;
Mrs. M.,wh+i,. of Spokane, %%ash„
and 3g.. Shelton. of Rah itnere, Md..
Mr. 14rundf,.ot retained his (arulti.e
to a rentalh,b11• drgir' to the vet y
tart. Only last y.'ar he contributed
to the London rind SCiddlesex His-
totice!S. ci1'ty 11.;1114 Ya111.1)1(4 hl�
Ira( sketeh,,, which have been pill,.
11.11:r1 by the Movie, y under the title
"The llroudloot .Papers " ')Though
vetted 11' Pre.bvteriant-in, hi. left
that chii,rh many years tigl on what',
by ron.ldeleil ,. "vital quest' of '
principle. and had ,ince Ia-. u a mere -
The Ler of the Anglu'nn church.
,Iftani.. tmtli'i theeral khplace
on lni, ef Mr. J.FriNI.
1'roudloot In Me,tt}in(' crnirtety.
Nev, .1. B Poi II.•.I nghani, rector of
St. George's, officiated, and the pall-
1'•arer.- .were ,fudge I1„It, Sheriff
ItPsnulde, llessrs..4. L. Killoran, ,V,
L. Eliot, W. E. Kelly and R. C. Hays.
JOHN It.i 11E11'1`x.
There died in Goderich un Saturday
LInt,John Roberts, s t'sp.•4Ird ,•it izr.
of 11116 town. ii .141(4( Natl. Mt' itl.l.rr't.
ons L.rn at '1'unl•ndg,. "ell•, iink.
NPV( r11 '(o,lr ,,yearn a.tn, Hr
-noir tr, Canada slot sett It'd :.t G. de -
eel. in IVpd and was, for N number n(
•cors connected with the Canadian
iayal service. He i'. survived Iry tun
one and two daughters ('I arks, of
TELEPHONES, office qg
residence 'is or 68
the 161st Battalion. ,John and Yrs. C.
Wallbar,k, all.of Goderich, and Mn.
, Kitchener, of Detroit. The funeral
to_,k place on 11012411.y from the ;est -
i deuce of hie son, Pte. ('has- Roberta,
Wolfe street, and was held under the
auspices of Huron Ledge, No. &, 1. 0.
0, F., of which the deceased wan a
ruemllwr, Rev. Geo. E. Ross con-
ducted the srtvice at the house and
the service at the graveside was con-
ducted by the lodge, which attended
the funeral in a body. The pall -
hearers were Messrs .1, W. Smith,
Hobs. Gibbons, B. C. !gunning', Alex.
Johnston, Thos, McKenzie and F. F.
Lawrence. The interment .wan made
in Maitland cemetery.
I: F.oRGE 1VANs.
Geo. );cans, an aged and respected
resident of Goderich, died at the h,'me
of his son -in law, Mr. Arthur Reeser.,
ori Monday of this we. k. 'I he deceased
was hornin Engl..nd eighty-two years
ago and had spent neat Iv half a cen-
tury in this country. He is survived
by a family of four 441(14 and seven
daughters, 'Try sue: Benjamin, Mrs
Oe.. Yolk Mn. Itl•astsel Weigh, Me..
Artb.r Mantrees and Nee.
Steep, of (loisricb ; Arthur, of�(`I Marry
Albert, of LVawanisb ; Mrs. E.
L. Lowry. of Windsor ; Williaa+, o[
Woodblock I Mrs. Wilson. of Walker-
ville, and Mrs. McNamee, of Detroit.
The funeral took place this after0oon
from %Ir. Hoven' borne un Elgin
avenue to the C'ihorne cemetery.
Rev. J. B. Felh'.ringham 1- ..ducted
v be services and the pidlhearers were
Messrs. Jas. Inkster. Jar. Me('laeherty,
Ales. Johnston, Andrew Foley.
W. O. 11 *TTl/aw a -
Mi. William lisp Matthew., whose
death was announced in The Signal
last week as having taken place on the
:not inst., wee born in the township of
Ashflrld, at Nile, sixty six years ago.
and lived there continuously until
there years ago, when he retired
from the faun and ,,,oved to Bods.
tier., lie was married in the year
ISM. to Miss Annie 'fackaberry,
who survives. Mr. Matthews o wan
1 a Ulan of deep religious convic-
(ions and was an earnest worker for
the Methodist cause and for fourteen
agars was claw leader at the Crewe
Methodist cburrh. Ile was a man of
strung physical flame and his death,
resulting from • bunting blood -vessel.
was • surprlse and shock to a serge
circle of friends. Besides his wife he
in survived by one brother, Samuel,
and one sister, Mrs. (leo. May. both of
Nile. The funeral took place on
Thursday from the reaidgnse on Park
street to Maitland cemetery. Rev. J.
E. Ford conducted the services and
the pallbearers were 5lessrs. Thos.
Hawkins, John Holland, David Munro,
Thu•. Andereon,! Wm. ('at ter and J.
1.. Leech. A uufnber of relatives were
present at the funeral fromIangside, 1
Dungannon, Crewe, Matching and
tioDFREY 1(1L 1I0LSON,
There passed away 14 his home in
(i.Mlerirh on Rrdne.day, 3larch'►'nd,
Mr. Godfrey Nicholson, who for the
past ten years bad Leen a resident of
this tt.wo. He tr as born in/ Quebec
seventy-nine years Igo and when a 1
lad of ten came to Hay township, '
Their he ''untried Harriet Sheppard,
who died twenty nine years ego.
Liter Mr. Nichol -et. married Miss
l.irzie Tichborne, alio survives him.
)'here ate four *MIN and two daugh-
ters by the first marriage: R. J.. of
Alvinston ; Godfrey, ul Crediton
Richard, of Arthur : James, of
Nebraska : Mre. E. R. Johnston, of
North Dakota. and Mrs. E. R. Graham,
of Lang, Sask. Tulip filneu.! took
place on Friday afternoon, from the
late residence on the Heron road to
Maitland cemetcty, Rev, J. E. F.,rd
conducting the eel vices. ,
Minutes of council meeting held on
[arch 31th. 31eutbe s all present
(inure. of last (meeting were teed and
nfit med. A resolution, favoring
1'. establishment of a mobilization
amp at Goderich tar the training cf
verseas battalions. was pa. -
emus. Sturdy- and I'felfer waited ,
e council and a:kesl for a grant i.
d of the Red Cr Tse Society at
41'41(1,•. Corrie -Buchanan, th-.t a
nation of 11110101.e given. to he divi-
e•11 between the Red Cress Sr,rirlip,
Auburn, Ilelgrave and While -
Pure fiat
Baking Powder
cburrh, - Parried- Currie - Irwin,
that the 'ollector•s salary be placed
et .Qui and that applications be asked
for for this office. - rained. A by-
law wa. read and passed for the fol.
,wing appointment..: She. P valu-
Our Flaking Pvu,i ha,, ul
with Ir
99 per text. Pare Cream
Tartar X11
ohm. 1•I' alul..,ni..1
clot:.lnteed fun strength.
Wort It :110 IL,
t + - D. McGill. J. (i; Stoltz, .1. T.
rrie and .I, J. Kerr. Fenceviewere
%V. J. Parks, 11..1. McGty',' F. D.
alker,, J. Menzies, R. Shrill andA.
Robertson, Poundkeepers-J. Hoare,
H. Matsbal!, J. C. Stoltz, B. H. Tay -
lar, C.o. ('unningha:n, O. M. Robert-
son, 1). ('low, , Thos. Robinson, J.
I'ampbrll, J. Cochrane end J. (' Currie.
1 Pathmasters It Lockhart, 11, Dater,
°mere, V. . Potter, "A. Parker, .1,
Doerr, R. J. McGee, J. Hoare, Wm.
ughan, .1. Howard, A. McGowan,
'aldwrll, Byrn. Fear, F. D. Stalker.
. Mason, %Vita. Walden, .1. Mc -
. W, J. Parks, R. Chamnry, R.
Redmond. I). Carter, A. E. Walsh,
P, I
)'hos, Noble, 31. Hell, W. G. Nether'.,
Chris. Neth,ry, W. Blair, Sam Morton,
R. H. Taylor, Fred ('ook, W. Rath,
I'. McLean, D. Dunbar, H. Campbell,
W. C. Scott, R. Harrison, J. 0. An-
dersan, J. E. McCallum, E. Stapleton,
Ed Walsh, N. Bolt, R. Henry, Chas,
Ring, Pat Gibbons, Geo, Irwin, R.
('uultd', P. Mcandrett, Wm, Salter,
J. Cochran, Geo, Coultis, H. Shie11,
W. 0e Reid, J. T. Currie, A. Pattison,
H. II. Scott, Thos. Taylor, J. Elliott,
(Teo. Pocock. I. Stewart, W,11. Wil-
son, Bert 'Taylor, r. Coulter, F.
Davidson, i) ('low, W. Pardon, J
Srhellz.r, 1', leaver, Ilan S(wrrin, J.
I)ow jt.., Geo. Naylor, Nam Thompson,
J. Mason, And, Jalnie*on, Wm,
James, H. Ch•niney and L. Marwood.
Next meeting of council will be held
on May 2.1,h .. a court of revision
and other ordin+uy business. - -A. Po1n-
TEKI (ELI,, (let k.
.1, N
t14.-onla I,,Ik.lii.t inCiao/obi. J.
Reralar 40c for 29c Ib.
A. L.CaIdwell,Pilm.B.
SiI,re,.,q 4„
C. i.. Cottlti:.
Hume 1!1
:thatgreat 1
You'll sa,,- it when you try
these made -to -measure clothes on be-
fore a mirror -«'hen you search for
tIay.s you, can't find - when you look for
wrinkk's that aren't there.
I' h C ::rf%'.,;Utak:• of
having suits specially
tailoIredl -tie measure is
shown fit the well
(1resQ.e f .:pr...U'::r,cc of
Mien a 1 I wear the
c!)thcs---t .1 e y aren't
C. pcnsi�;c.
We've an almost
countless number or
fine woolens for you to
choose from --.e very
one sparklingly orig-
inal and unordinary --
you'll find them to
your liking.
4.. - cr% t 7741.‘ t. -11
e• .w ^wase
t �J
Walter C. Pridham
Goderich = - Ontario
Up-to-date Plumbing
This is what you want in your
holm or place of business.
Don't let anybody put you off
with the inferior kind that i'. al
ways causing inconveniency and
trouble: When you have a Plumb-
ing job to he done, call in
Fred Hunt
A Splendid Suit at
ON Saturday we show one of the
.most attractive Ladies' Tailored
Suits we have ever had at any‘‘ here
near the 'price. The style is one of
the season's best, smart and snappy ;
coat is belted effect ; skirt cut with
plenty of flare ; material is good quality
all -wool serge ; color, black or navy ;
lining of coat, twilled silk ; workman-
ship throughout, high grade ; alto-
gether it is the hest little Suit we have
ever run across to sell at the price.
The quanticy is limit- al 2
ed. Special at........ J • Co
Other Suits at
$16.50, ;20.00 and $25.00
ri1►Wlii\liiliNiIL'Iii11fti�illiiiiNi11fW11/iWit/ O 1VillNitilillf ta11fIliiVNiWIWtli
The Millinery
MANY new models can be seen in the show -room on -Saturday and next
week. The stock has been replenshed and a shipment of lata novel-
ties has filled up the gaps made by the sales of Opening Days. In this de-
partment there is always something new and the stock is kept constantly
freshened by weekly shipments from the fashion centres.
1!!1'mm!I%mfm!11Tf1P.11fPTMMN11! ^IVTm ft%11%fl felhr,pvnflN%
Get Ready for April Showers
See that you are ready for the showery days of April. A good Raincoat and t nt-
brella and you are prepared for any kind' of weather.
New Raincoats Just Received
New Spring •tyles in Raincoats opened up this
week. Sprudid ahowsr-proof materials made up
in the hest styles for the present season. Coats
we can guarantee to you without any reservation
whatever. We can give you • good Q_A
serviceable Raincoat at at.{} �eJV
Better ones at $15.00, $7.5Oeand 11 8.00. and
reaamtl high-quality garments at 510.00. 1812.00
Get a New Top for Your Old
You can get a new top on your old Umbrella at a
very moderate price. A t1, zee or more qualities
to choo.e from. If you have an old handle that
you value highly, have it re-covered. it will root
you from 1i.25 to 82.5II, depending un the quality
of cloth you select.
A Good Umbrella $1.50
We have a,speeial Umbrella at 161s purr It i•
good nntadable and uncut table cloth, real nobby
handle, (ratios and rod are extra strong. Aspendid,
all round d'mbrella for general tore. 0e, $11
Special price, each
Let the Eureka Cleaner Do Your
It will do the hulk of the, heavy work for you and
do It thoroughly. The Eureka is in a class by it-
self. There i• ne other Vacuum Cleaner quite no
good. It carried off the, Gold Medal agalmt Is
other nukes at the San Francisco Exposition.
V.. will be glad at any time to show you the
inany good points of this wonderful labor-saving
Ladies' Spring Coals and Raincoats
Ve have completed arrangements withone of the largest manufacturers of LADIES'
SPRING COATS and RAINCOATS in Canada, to hold an exhibition of his
entire range of samples in our store on the afternoon of Monday, April 3rd. A
special representative will be here to show the garments and we feel sure that %ou
will be interested and that it will pay you to come and see them. it affords a
most unusual opportunity to select a Spring Coat or Raincoat from the Manu-
facturer's complete range of samples and have any style you wish made to your
order. This maker is one of the leading manufacturers of these garments in the
country and we consider that we are fortunate in being able to give our customers
this opportunity to make their selection from a range such as he shows. if you
want something in an exclusive Coat or Raincoat, do not fail to call on Monday
afternoon and see this big range of sample garments.
We want one apprentice and
one girl who has had some ex-
perience in sewing in the dt•em-
making department. Apply at
Hodgens Bros.