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The Signal, 1916-3-30, Page 5
THE SIGNAL : GODERTCH : ONTARIO ?UaaDAT. MASCO 30, lots MICHELIN TIRES AT OLD PRICES This tire has given extraordinary service to local users and now that you have the chance to buy at about the same price as an ordin- ary tire, you should lose no time in getting your season's requirements filled before the price goes up. EAST STREET GARAGE t)wiii.l 0114 u14e14114.I 11) 41 prae•1i)aI 111414). A. M. GLOVER PHONE 243 PERSONAL MENTION. 4.11-- Enw.1 a Spahr tidied et t.ondee _ 44 44-e• al day. Wt week. Mae 4:ertrude Fos 41.111d friend* at 1.011.1211 Seer the week end. Mr*. Medd of Londe.lnro', 1. vi.It4.g her :is. ter. Mt. J. if 4'oltorne. Mr.(' 11. Motto r .4).d MI,. Edith are .pend inc e few der. et Uclolt. W,l Clifford. nr113ant ford. 4.In town et the ree'dener 4)t her bra her, Mr. Hairy Mori-. wears ars +'x44'1 to horn or ins continued ill. SINGER STORE Children's Dresses in all the newest 'Up-to- date 1 916 styles, All size,. Cotfie•and see then. Ladies'. Misses and Children's Middies. Good -fitting, `well -Made, up-to-date goods. New goods to hand in Stamped Underwear. MRS. TAPE THE SQUARE Have You Tried Our health of our old friend 3.1r. Harry %1or, a•. Mears N. M. Eilio•i out e. R H1.k :ire at Toronto 44114 udu4g ty. Uuwluluu. Alliance (movrntlot.. 'Mr. John Proudfoot '4444 a• home from Uetrolt tnautud the fate rat of hi. grandfather, the in a Itobrrt I'r.ulf.ot. Mr. N'il1 Proudfoo 1••14 on Tue.day for Port I74 Iburue l0 loin 1 he new of Om .4 emcee tiler for the .ear.otI of oat ligation. Mr•. A.rablh lid. e`1 4 7i.•eoh, and Mr.. Hobert. aro. of Hamilton. •rent the week cod herr with 11,,'.r brtther. 110ai-tray font•. . Mr. J. MLdt.itUr. soot 4.u..•e(. left Is week for Midl..a.l. whet. the -team. r J.A..% `tale 11 bring ratted out for the ....o44. Ala. V. 6,, Wet mere resumed home ma Tuee- rte) from a ' fait : u Hutt.b• whither .he had Mom eallrn on 1141'44201 4t4., lIioe-' of Orr 41.- tt•r. Mr., llenrr Huek. - \Ir.. J..trm•tmne. Ind Mr. and Mre, 4:. a. (.1.ham , tteilde.t the fut.rnd of Mr.. John NMltoo. .1 Pry. ey. The ,let... -cd lady via. a 4 -ter ofMr.. Arne -trona. Bread 8.1..5 Cakes Pa.t-try ? - 4414 - DAVID BURNS I' , i..•1' 1. lI ' o44 "tr4'et LOCAL TOPICS Coming to the Model Theatre (ot uoe Jay only. April la -the wundr, ful phew production .41 "The It.ttllr l'. y u( 1'ea..•e." At • special tet••run4 of the town council "11 Friday evening Mr. A. N. Cbryst•I, of town, and Mi . \V. .1. Levy, of Toronto, were ..pp.Mite.1 valuators of the Ser'4hinrry Mud rqu4p- 111.111 of the thllieri, h \lsuul a.•1 ,nein,( Co. Their ren:uueratiull real fix ell Al flu a da each, with rslrrusre for Mr. Levy. Mr. U. A. Reid lied prey ly been appointed valuator for the land In Con ne cs.lonwill) t -he r}we matter. Patriotic Concert. A benefit entetttinturut under the auspices of the 1Var Auxiliary will he held at the Model Theatre on Thurs- day, April 13th. the proceeds to be devoted to patriotic purposes. Mrs. U. H. King has charge of toe program and a first-class entertainment is a; - sure.] The event is heing put on -in the interests of the 1 al detachment of the 161st Battalion end everybody is expected to "d.1 bis bit" by put- chatting a -ticket or two. 'The Proudfoot Family. The Toronto Globe said editorially on Saturday: The Protidfoot family. to which W. Proudfoot. M. P. 1'., belongs, has rare claire to distinction. His tether, who died lately in tiodericb, was the son of one of the pioneer Pre-byterian minister' of"t'pper Canute. Tice latter came flow Pcithehite, Scotland. He was an earnest eviiinethiz'r with the proteigauda rat tine Liberals of his day and4was 110 outspoken on the subject that be 'came under the suspicion of the loyalist party. and wee threatened with the Ione pi his pet -foetal liberty. He bevawe.-and remained through his whole career, quite pre-ewinet.t i4) the Londim district. and his thee.. sons bad, on the principle of heredity..anex- cept tonal neutral endowment. William Proudtcot became a pin rruinent lawyer in Hamilton, whence he was raised to the Chancery bunch. and after bis re 11180)em he served for sohle years as a professor of Roman laW in the Uri= vereity of Totunto. Rev. John Proud - foot, long a pastor in London. tilled with distinctionth,• chair 4)t homiletics and pastoral theology in Koox College. Hobert. lite o;•easionof this Dolce, was a successful husiueee min in Gude- rich. the county of Huron being the original Canadian home if the family. The present representative of that coti()ty in the Legislative Assembly • maintains worthily the reputationof the family, fairly eirnel through two gerierrtiuns by its member I., LOW .all pae4red awry. Police Maoist rats /icily we. at Toronto this week and had all hart,.ew with t'rem•er Heat _t nn -Mt-ince. to ,11)111111.1 -4 .11th the lh•nvu 4tot M Gelation of 1•olive 3tagt-trate-. of which he 1.secretary Mr. Harr Keein..er. of rlr. Wm. Krwln of inept.. retooled home lest week after .pending the winter. In K.•.la, wM re be Sea. ensagell' in railway ew,-•rn4llan work - roar Archangel, the far eurtberu port of the Czar'. empire: Mr.•Wm. atraehan he+ Mea in .\atoll and Tora'to Ill• week. He was called to the forme, torn by Rin death of 'la. Strachan. onek. M: S. J. Nteekenzie. Mr. Mance Ver.g11.o74, of i. aolborrrr. al -o a.4tendel .1 he funeral. Mr. Hart 4'ult hit lest week for IJor... ha1- tog (.aleo the pI-1, too 01' organic 4)d •-hole! nix -lrrofthe 1're.byteri..n, hnrrh there. Herr 1. a.killed moat due aid a -Wee .lamer" who ie an ar,lul.ltlun to ear rse n, and Ilse Elora 1DV� .n, to bo coneratutetel upon .murine 111+ .cn le, 4.- t "7111 Rattle Cry of Peirce" in rine of the oust wonderful pictures ever Wined. T,v Edward. for -nyetert-select +pal✓biter. -•":hl nasi. 7.•1 cent, a q,usrt Phgne ala). C WESTERN CANADA NEEDS '10,000 MEN FOR SPRING .:h. ist t 4e.1 f ,t. vv s. c t4 n' . a y :lithnr f.. i'nt:.l,• . •.1 r, y fl i t (1 R -1 :,e. -•i. Lova Settlers' and t1: ' 1 1: "4 .' sy' 41 I- , � ;r� `, j r Y .J j 1 It i'i • : 4 , !, .;. 1 1 41,i. I 1'l• �-1©meseekers t . i ( .,'..!;,..:1;1,1.',„';,,;.' �,,. ; , i Fares Now ' ,•t:, 4 la:..1i1_,,,,. I Seine Extract; from .Sworn Evidence : Irl Effect. L::::1rrh•(:znnotBc Lu cd R NDO:.PH - '.t.:4Lr. -Hlacketime's deliciou41 we cream of superior quality is demanded by all wbu insist , it the hest: - , , duRftENT LirIERDt'PC1!e7' , Tilt: ('.yv,mv Mv.:.sztee.- .The Get 1min War ,.%.•to of." an uiteneely Wtrte-:ing Article lye Eva \l tdden. is the .11r•t.tion in err .1pr•il 14)11111t1 "t Th» 4 .......1 Magna rte. It i1i 11 ' - Lombago i. Rheumatism o(Ihe• back. '14,e cause l..' Uric A,,.1 is. Ow hood if the kid- r.evs did their work there would he no Uric Acid ant no Luetbag.' Make Mie kidneys do th,'ir work. The 441re, pu.iti.,• and era), cure for Lwnbago Ls Dodd's Kidney Pfll1's Keep Your Receipts. How often do we hear a person sae. "011, never mind a receipt I'll only wear it out in my pocket.' This atti- tude ie mole creditable to a person's heart than to hie be.t.1. Don't follow such a1: example, K%•ep your receipts. A business man may die 4)r fait. and hie accounts be assigned for the benefit of creditors. in 11006 a ease where 4e the w itbout a receipt 11 at happened that through accident 4)r 1•'tketfulnees his payment was not etedited: He could have convinced the man to whom he paid the stoney, but that roan is gone. Your receipt is your proof of payment. HE STATES HE GOT RELIEF AT bNCE. What Dodd's Kidney Pills Did foe Mr. Wilsons Rheumatism. liotdonville. Ont -Mar. 27th.- ( Special. i -That be got immediate relief froent•beiunatism when be used Dodd's Kidney Pills is the experience of \Ir. Thos. Wilson, a well:known resident of this place. Mr. \Vilson bad' tried other medicines but without getting beneficial results. "1 certainly must say that DndJ's Kidney fills did nae a great deal of good." Me. Wilson stated when asked concerning his case. "I was `uttering from rbrumgti.ur and could get no The week' .• p a.'. r meet 1nrf , for MR. W. T. SHARPE ENLISTS. • Kao: Church Organist Enlists as Bands- man with Toronto Battalion Mr. W. T. Sharpe, otgs:Os( and cboil -director of Koox chin eb, has enlietrd with the 1911th Battaliou, Toronto, as a beadsman. At the rye ' g service in Knox church last Monday, the 'ewes. Rev. %spree E. Roar. wade retro -rime to Mr. Sharpe's *cth,u and read the following minute which bad been adopted by the weskit, -The sessMMI of Knox church, hav- ing received a fetter tide day, Mircb Seth, 1018, 11.1w Mr. \l. 1'. Sharpy, inliuraUug that he has enlisted me (landsmen i4) the 1'141K.11 ll.tt'alion, To- ronto, for service oversees. and re- questing that his resignation re or - genies and choirmaster' herewith be accepted, to take curet after Sabbath, the Illth day of Apel next, unani- mously Nitres to e ply with 1Ir. Mbarpe's reqyuest and to release him *from his it m(11)I duties at that time. "In doit.g w the ares' 11tlACCe on record rend conveys to Mr. Sharpe its high appIrrtrtien of his character; c..Iglatulrtes him on his action .ie thus respoudiug to the Empire', call repels the toe. sustained -1,y the con- gregation i4) hi+ re 1111,8141 : to. ututends the faithful and -1 ftleiesit " wanner kr which be hes di.cbatgerl the duties of efttre during his two year: service itt Knox church; nod extrude its best wiebes for bib success. a+ a nibbler and wuiician wherever his lot may be cast end for bis rife` return bonne when victory for the Haiti h atone Ilan 1.»e`* achieved. "I'he erasion also ai..hw to convey to Mr.. Sharpe its seodislappreciation of,tbe voluntary and valuable service+ rendered 1 v het- as a mrtulwr of the choir and l4) the various organiaihons of the rougtvigil ion to' which she has eo ttenryultily given of her time and talent i4) the pyo tion.of eve'y good work." NOT ENOUGH CHILDREN ever receive the proper balance of food to sufficiently nourish both hotly and brain during the growing period when nature's demands are greater than in mature life. This is shown in so many pale faces, lean bodies, frequent collie, and lack of ambition.' For all such children we say with unmistakable earnestness:' „They need Scott's Emulsion, and need it now. It possesses in concentrated form the very. food elements to enrich their blood. It changes weakntsl to strength; it makes them sturdy and strong and active: aeon a Dowse. Toronto. oat. ' CHURCH NOTES, (r 1.'14.11 1.st.rtel using Dodd's Kitt- • women 4 , 1 1 ••' i:eld in lire 1,.:ore nev 'fall•+. They hr.:ught m1• "t.lief roan, 4)1' lir. ••. , :rut- ' r - 4444 "w .,.»„ r:...='.+�ie:a,CApiilrlrr•11�.e►•+t•t- .,.r. "d 1e a duo al veer 4,• treat rheutua l4) Shu„y u next y I , 1 reo- 1t1W. is to trP..t Ute rvin.v+ seed the. +4,K t{,•c, 1i c'. !{ 4444 4,-.: all.... ,ib.• rtral way 1.4, ti Put t lir l .lucre is to, 4,.()14444(.: " 1a e• t, ire 4:4 _ : us1)ptld's Kicker Pills. 'i -h,• .Tinea. 10 tt1.• i.111 11 .• hi. lthru,.uii1_ 4444 .; .• 4%111 pias:' lour.j lir at tine toothy, untl'y- slimy I,. WEAK LUNGS rt!xt a 1' -1• !: Jt1r lib l.iugdun • an beam id att4. 1•• • .4)d, N. is t 4 r th 1 . •411 It ••• 1'r • •.'h 1 , orb buil SEEDING •"gar' .-.1 �. y• the 1 .mens itt (.11'4 awl; Lv 11. 0. flatpnton,i : Broroh.ta Asthma - lin -11.1 rt Coughs ; Nigia Sweats Debility • t 11 u : Tlo..a .l 4)na It. 1',r. . \\. , : t: 4'..11. h,: . ,r.. A \\1.111.,, •, ..,,t. Cusloin Haic)ing The early hatched bird lays the winter eggs. Let us 'save you the worry and work of hatching your eggs this season. $2.00 PER TRAY OF 70 EGGS. H. Keith Revell. RIDGCREST F:1 R.11 • To Builders and Contractors We have a large ,tock .4f Square Timber.. up to 12 in. •.hare to Ski feet Sunt;. 1 I Hemlock, Spruce Jointing and Scantling, al 4yid0.i, and lengths tip to 20 feet long. Lath, Ontario Whitt l'4,i.lx Shingles, Pine, Spruce. licntlocki and Oak i.umler. All grades. Hardwood and Pine Flooring. Dressed Pine and Spruce. Cali- fornia Siding. 'Aletay, in ,tack. Mouldings -`lash Stock un hand. Sectional Poultry Houses 1'1I11N F:st Fact.4ry 271 H. mew MO all sizes. Estimates cheerfully furnished. ci Paget Grain Door Co., Ltd. • 1:y .4. ,1',a CHARLES i+ Lott C --" . ,rod:y. 1 P.• 1..r . I . .,-w:y Ferrel 0441 I Coast ' Points.. .: '.•i4i '1,1,.4, •'-i' t. Pe. i NATURE'S CREATION CON:PANY;."4, . OF CANADA, LTD. li 4 ot • 1, 4 do -id e: : \ ilo'41 in, iH 1 \411 11 1. '• 1 t N.. -h I.h 1 4h1 •hoot 1 n- • . .1 ;it l'or‘oie. i e Lot ng. rat' 4t . 1 low tato-e ill 'tT • t .1.ily 4l•:t.l vteil IIth. e 1 7i..' 1. 1 1411110 w{ I h alalia lrnit'ed ''.il' ,a.. 4 4 ' 114 it x 441' 'Oki. thin' ' 1' .. i, .\ 1 1 . e•411 tie rig ,tors tell i' I 1114.1••) I.„ 14.1 LTA it end ttpit e h 4 1 -. It 1'. ll,tnh•Ip. dr4git4st.1. . Atioe'iorot are aid vices. litit they Ile. rano• -o. it t1'.• 1111110 It -h d flee of 4 hen. - ...lief. SAGE ANO SULPHUR DARKENS GRAY NAIR' It's Grandmother's recipe to I Restore Color, Glo•s and Attractivent::3>, Almn't 1'v. r• one kr',-• s that, Fiat:' Tea end sulphur. prnporly 0010p000 101, brine lark tl a nattlrs! co:or and 1u•tr.' to the hair '1 i1 /1 faded. streaked c1 gray. 1 ear+ a.n 1110 only .ray to get this mixture 14 a•• to make it nt finn.r, which is mieoy and trouhir,ome. Nowadays, by netting at any drug store for "1\'yeth's Sage an,4 Sulphur ('ompound." you will get a large iwrtth of this famous old reeip..improved by the addition of other ingredients. for alwmt fill cents don't May guy' Try it' No .me can po,onbly tell that you darkened ymlr hair, ae it does it sr' naturally and r rrnly. You dampen a epnrlge or soft brush with it and draw thi• through your hair, taking ono small strand at a time: by morning the gray hair die - 4 app.ars, and after another application Or two, your hair becomes beautifully dark, glossy and attractive Wyeth'a cage and Sulphur Cnearoto d is a delightful toilet requisite for those who desire dark hair and a youthful ap- praranrr. It is not intended for the Pyre, • mitigatioa or prevention of dIseaa.. • 1:3)M : •; 'RAVE BUILDING, tC:t. ,J. CAN ATM i ofJ Wated ,',. \1,, .,i:t 141 • • h g!, - pt ire. 1..1. :dl 4 . •'i I ,r . at the mill in 4, del :ch: l,4) -t ,III .i,• ii.. d"t,.• pit any truer. Grain and Chopping .1 We >e i14 111 .0 1!uy (clout at L.1:' PIPvater 141.'.1 H,11 'Vey the hest 1.5.4r• kat ptitr,.' (lobes fur 1'inR n1' 4.i11irR glom j.romj y and pot 0(11•v nt- tiinde,l 1, • 4 .1 . le.,pp iig wi441. . J. E. I3aecliler \I ill and 'leyitor moth at 31ac- Ewao P coal value. U.xlerich. ( FISH NETS GUN., TAAMr SPOIMINI 0001118 _JOHN HAI. AN. intuited 400 Haltom Building • Toronto 1 •1 '' anal lie 111.• n -e. 4.1 the (';.4 V-4,. ,,. tx,ii, f.it.i. e, 4. 1,.i..4 ,. e'.' .I. 1, .1 I11 44. . o. ,. .-n ! l . ,. . 1111 Orli 11 ,..:1 1.. -044.1 14 :. 411'` 4,1 (':4t4 4.e'. . ' 7. 1 11:4 I11t1. n i'.• • :::.‘4:: _ .1. 14 Ino 1'.,11. , V•4:4 • , ,1 4 1 1... 4110ea:.er •41 u 1'.t 1.41 4 i1- .•r•., 5 m• ' bat i!. ,'..a. ,•Ile • 41,..44 " -. \tt 4 oid 'Il- l n, t ', 1 t, n:.,. Ile 44cL11 1 the 4, ::441 ..,i i,-,• :i 4)l Me Via ,11-t !. 40114.' 4114'4, , ••Y• 't,• 4',)t 1 o 4 ., -Kllew' y. '... I' 4t:4 • .4 inlet 41e.•r4 . I .. that r..rr,• 4' 1'' I, i 4bat they, wr1.• dote, et •• j ,r 'it • Father, vie. tion .4)d 114.1: ly'4pil•4. '1h . s *kin ie o laket.1 tin• 11.1.6, 41 '/•heist 4111.1 reveal thrift to un n, and 1'hr.-t state.) that "1114 luau k .wroth the FAther Inst lb...ton 0..J . e to whom the sort .hail reveal Him,' sr' that the there pt•tanrls wore engaged in the work of ret*Mln1K heal to berth. NJ ono who is hostile In 1'itri.t over yet. 1P.rl the New TPalwruent 1hrouah eyn,p,uheli.• .JIy. The speaker elo.erl a i, h an sp- ore! Mt know ti.a1 by Kell:ng ac- qualntelt with JPstet ('nriet. Soweial noi'ir sae el•ndrrrd by a toll 1•nolr w.ih Mrs. Kirg as snl0ist. In the Pvet'- m♦ I hr. •*shor intik as hi, sul:ject "The Motherhood of (iod.' Dr D1Ug- all'. visit to th.• ennttr4gation was .loch rni„ved end 1..• remained in town until Turvlay *fretn1,.441 in c4, dips (0 ra4 as ninny as p.e.ihle of the mem- ber, of Lig 1111 'Der 1.ung,.'gatie11 It..mr.,nl•0e the date of "The Battle Cry 011', .• .4..1 14. r\ 1.1 THUM HIE OF CANADA i A Valuable Feature of a Joint Account cpened with the Union Bank of Canada in the names of two persons, Is that If one dies the family funds are not tied up just when they are likely to be most needed. The survivor can withdraw the money without delay, or formality. Think It over -then open a Joint Account Godericn Branch -1. WOOLLCOMBE, Manager. "1 tell you 111 1.• u.•.ter of toy house when Ila a man," ►a d tittle' Bennie. "flat'. what yr 4)r father thuugbt when he wee your age, Ilan- nde." replied the hovia mid het. l4 I Says Vinol Creates Strength Rosary Bili Home. Hawthorne, N.Y. ,-'1 have used \'incl for many run- down. weak 4)r emaciated patients with ben. fit. One youngw„-+ inan was weak mend ill she could hardly creep to my door Ifor aid. 1 suppled Viotti to her liberally and in a month 1 hardly recognized her. She was strong, her color charming and her cheeks rounded out,"-MierueK M. ALPHONSA LATHROP, 0. S. D., We guarantee\'inol to sharpen the ap- petite, aid digestion, enrich the blood and create strength. B ("octet loft MOTHER SUPERIOR . l'. Ihud, p, 1lruggist, WEsTFIELD. MoNn.ly, titre!) 27. MiraGrace 1\iK 6lnan y•et rtfriends at Blth one day recently. Mies J. Itatkley, of Dungannon, is visiting her sister, Mts. W. A. Camp- bell. The.O'Connor rrotheia bare sold their farm of lot acres to 311•. F'.lioyle, of Ibnnylrrook, for thea of SI,tl(A). We are pleased to stair that Mr. James Redmond: who was ill for tromp _ - _ time and ie now undergoing treat- ment in the hospital ist Loudon, is lin- SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, proving nicely. GASES OR INDIGESTION For the ser 1 time Ode Winter the grippe baa gi4Ptr tit" 11e,11P 1f tl.i, vi• Each "Papa's Diapepsin" digests 3000 cinity la call.' We are glad to'+ay that grains food, ending all stomach Mies \hitgarPt Farrow, who was in its misery in' five minutes. grip, baa •dery Irr„yYle'd'. Onv cif \\`.'stlie1.l'N yonpK 41111 Ire- Time lt: •Tn five n:brut. -, :,a ,tns- pondPd to the salt tai the fl •4. last ash distress wt11 t;a. 'so'su.ligez;tio.; wePI, in Ih" n••rr.on':f I.v1}t \\'iglu- lltart!,urn, sourness or belching oI mien.. 11.• i+ x •..n r 4, \t r. 4.3,11114,:r.; ga' acid, or eructatlot of und'iKeoled 11.it;htltl .,r at 1 4fin 'i nDI' 1'g , o loon, 1'.0 d!��inrss, }41oa[ing• Inu1 h416;w ••.li, lA�sYtm':446"1tut1-»1i *51.',%t+rtofttr of';TOOref effts'"' "'' 1411led 41 1. wr04:. Both j'ine.i1 1!1'0.1.- ; 1•a1e•s 1)iatlt psis 1s not:_•.1 fir. fly oto 'htn r. 'al Myth. tJ in, rt eniat1ng ,nowt sto'noba, 11ss \\ 4c.e10, .Uthr.ith t4,r uu'i1 , is F..(' surestqutiib,•`1 eta•nurhrPrn- in 1.11)41. *44•-d 4:11 4' h. ' t 4ill u' Ila• " 11•irun 11 4tsl el i lei w •. k. '4 Rio ' =3' It the yi'hr,l4• worn ind We`(4)1 g It sorry 1• . :,mitt' 4! i- still -1,,4 t. 1, i LSrm s. Cni nit ' t i sh)1,arlr foray"r l.� ,!:';:`t1}e`1; sus idol lit^4)1ee there .110114)1 dela '501• 4,.1L Eft. f':1! `la n al 1T41r �, It to t itt. , 4.14 44 •, :UI-. 1 . Cli.c i'a14S •.un, :u1tlt ti. t.•.r_,,n i4n1} . �I•'rl ..,t :>'ny dF11� std ['t1'. • 1 44).,x'47.• q Sell, c:1i Cu its t .laic leaf .i.•. q iii riot 1 1. • •.40414. 4,•' necdl4 as eta; t1• Nil eel'• I t,rr u . ,I h 4t f m In•ticry h t,. dr'spelwla n.' any ' ,'4041 ,l j - • •1 ' 11 ., ,.t ,,i. It's ' . . ,t.. 44ut.4)r :.4 • 4,..;i 1. Che (l)c cL theatre Coming U OnN-L Ye lay I.LESDAY, 18th APRIL -'file \t.ut/uu)th Production "The Bathe Cry of Peace" • This is only one of the many t►ig pictures icily shown at this Theatre - in the next sir mieeks. WATCH THiS SPACE FOR FURTHER AN- NOUNCEMENTS.- l'1 .a I bele : 4.1 • tyt': .. 1 h'. �'�m:44th,• . The t'o(::; li1�41 t.r ..;et: -->r: ;t f`uN'lt'4 Salt rlco.%s Fireclu 'From P4r�cck j€ n ndShake r ,4 . Art • Last I\iothir,Nothinp 13u1 CIoi;":; „1,bt'4444 •'Come to -)11.141-1 S unple 7"( l _ . : t');'in , h.l 1pOrit:Il)l- t' ANY STYI.E, ANY PRICE and !*9n reds of samples to cilfoose from.. l ou can have your suit cut and made here if you wish. GE1' YOUR CLEANING AN PRESSING DONE EAR4Y41EF'QRE THE RUSH COMES. WE TAKE THE DIRT OUT. F. j'. PRIDHAM Around the corner. North Street.