HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-30, Page 3t HE SIGNAI. GODERICH, ONTARIO T1110aMOAT, MAac7 se. 1916 a THAT ORIGINAL IND ONLY GE NOINE BEWARE OF IMITA- TIONS SOLD ON THE MERITS Ott IIN&ID'S LINIMENT BOO KB1ND1N6 MAGAZINES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES bound or repaired. 9OLD LETTERING on LEATHER GOODS An wdw. pe �c17 attended teas Navtas ae� at THi e1tINAL Oodertck. A. R. TAYLOR. 8IItAT1oaD. MEDICAL 11K. ORO. Hh 11.h:MANN, OSTR- AY PATH..per:talwt to woolen . aid Jell dren • dimmer, acute. chronic and nervosa die seder., eye, ear, now snit throat, partial deal- e rs. lumbago slid-heuu.atic condition*. Ad. - O 040.. rewo.v t without the knife. Umoe at residence. corner NrLon and St. Andrew* meet.. Al home office Monday., Wednesday* aid Saturday.: any evening by eppoiotmeot- F. J. R.1rUItt3'1'I?R-BYE, RAR, one and Mussel only. How euresoo, ew York Ophthalmic and Aural Institute, '.:Ilaloel '..04,t., Ear. Nose and 1 brut Ho.pttal, Sheldon Square. and Moorefield Eye Hospital, London, Englund. Ulnoe, SJ b. Waterloo Street, Stratton. uppo•Ite Knox Church. Hours, is, e tag aw., 1 W 4p.w.. 7toll p• w. Telephone W. AUCTIONEER. THOMAS UUNDRY A UCTIUN F -SR Bos e7, Uoderlc h. A11 Instructions by mat left at Shoal °rice will be prem W tag • coded to. Kaddeuce telepbonr 1I9 LEGAL ILI . HAI! BARRISTER. S. rLICf7Y►R. VOTARY Pk, BLit , ETC. Grine-Sterling Hauk Block. Hawlltoo 5.oat, aederk:R Telephone re. Reel Estate Loans and Insurance. " PROUDFUUT, K I LLORAN ok COOKE g3ARRlgrgRM. SOL1t!Tutu3, NOTAR111. -' rvntTe, Sit w Ods on the Square, second door from Ham Otto .ucet, UW.nch. crit ate funds t0 Wan at lowest rata W. Pinot orterT, G.C. J. L. EMI oar* H. J. D. Coons 11 G. CAM1s*WN.•lli. C.. BARRIS ILL. TER, ....Motor, oiler' public. Odie* 'WO 51.1101.-1. hhodertch, thud door dr =re. At Clinton Thur.day of each week in odes w. Albert Street occupied by Mr. Hooper. Write hour. Y a.m. to s p.m. Q4 HAKLIse tANHOW,UAK- 1.) WWI k,it. atu+reey, soibliw. etc.. bode- Motey to feud at lowest rales -- 1 IMAGER, BARRISTER. SOL- . �je-Can Ho rag Pitot i a�ad Con:, fteraficer,. ItNsui AJCE, LOANS. ETC. - 11oK111DP MUTUAL FIRE IN 1 C R A N C Y C' U. -Farm and isolated taws prope-ty tasared- tldoere-J. B. McLean, Prue, 8eal'orth P.O.; Rcodapily. Vlos-Pre.,. Uoderlch P. U., aines IG Hays, Itea-Trea.-. Seefortk P. U. IMnctor.-1). F. McUregor, Seaforth ; John N"luthropy; W them Kinn. Cooataooe, obs lieunrwets. Hrodhstreo; Jams Ivan., wood ; Robert Ferri.. Matlock ; Ilalooim Melwen. IfruoeaeW. Aaeut.: J. N. Yeo,- Holme,vUte; Alex. Leitch, Clinton ; William Chesney. Seafeeth ; M. Mlnchley, beano M Policyholders nen pay aersownente and get their cards niceu H. J. Morrish'. Ck,thing Stan. Clinton, R. rl Cott's (ironer,. ltInt'.1oo .crest. Ueder•1c3, et J. H. He4d's lirnclwl Mom, Bayfield. PRIVATE FUNDet TO 1120,001, leap. Apply to M. 0. Call- CRON. Bannon Hamilton ..treat. Ooderiob. W R,1KOBERTSON s INSUKANCI AOYNT. Ran AND WonTNZNO: British. Canadian and American. a001DRNT S1(:aN(raa 0ND k.M.LOrai% 1wea11.- ITT : The Ocean Accident and uuarautee Garnet -Woo, Limited. of Loedoo. Ile. ✓ taauTy AND VUeuNTaa BONDS : The C.S. Fidelity sad Uuarentee ('ompaay. (Joos at residence, uorthee.t corner of 71o. Ikeda and 8t. dant. street.. •Paoos ITt ■AREIAOE LICENSES WALTER S. KELLY, J.P.. UOI)IRI('H. ONT. lat3U .H Or MAKRIAOI 1JCZN8ES. Patents, Trate /arts, Designs Secured in A11 Countries Write for bre book -PATENTS PROTEC- TION. Tells alt *loot avid how to art pat int.. IIA14((ICK & 84)NN, e-toblt.hed i$7; formerly Patriot t Toe Examiner. Muster of patent Laws, Itesl+tered Patent Attorneys ole. d St. Jaats Street. Mont r oil. Branches - Ottawa and Washington. Re tallow in all 1001.18e 001"0 1". l� Brophe) Bros. GODERICH Tae Leading Funeral Directors a.d Embalisers Orden easrldully attaa1e1 to at all bout.. eigiN ow an,. BUSY WOMEN WORMER& Merck Record of Red Cross Society at limb -water Mark. The mentor monthly tneeting of the Ked Cron Sur w y took place in the North street room. on Mon lr Mrrcb 'a), att.; p. w., with Mrs,. Colborne In the chair. Judge Holt reported that be had received and forwarded 9734 for Belgian relief, and that the central rascutive committee, in acknowledging the receipt of the sum, had .laud that the money will lir urd in purchasing wheat, which i• wgrnlly needed. lodge Holt further Ieptttrod that the Virt.cb relief fund now totals 97M.3a1, and includes $2.',.lal flow the Ahmerk Chapter, and 9111(X1 floe the Maple ).eat Chapter. I. U. D. Il, This fund will he kept open f.)r•uuw time longer, and contributions are 1, quested. On motion of Mrs Enid. and Mrr. Taylor the secular y was instructed to cuuvey to the (1cdetich Agricultural Society, to Mus littler. Mr. Sharman and Mrc tt. lee the thanks of the Society for their recent generous con- tributions. The bill. for the month were as fol- lows : Sewing couuuitee, $158.46 for yarn, $1r2:41 ; tangiest supplier., $72:91; Britannia branch, 9111.194-a total of $5111.79. Bales were shipped as follows : March 3---744 (Imre aletxbent pads 6z7inebes, 56 dozen pads 0112, 5.8 doz. n 10112, 1110 lace cloths, *17) mouth - wipe., value $1:0 0,3 March 8-144 pain socks, value 9115 210. March 1(4 - 141 pears sucks. 1 scarf, value $116-0W March 1S-6 pairs clippers, :14 hospital nightshirts, o dreaei ng gowns, 25 day shirts, 1 surgeon's coat, 11 t.edjackets, 7 convalescent ruin. 111 nurse's aprons, 12 sheets, 6 pain bed .,oeke, Yn runts of pyjamas, value $'.21.'25. March IM - 3 dozen pasty socks, value $2'l (M3 March IS -SUM mouthwipe., :3 dozen slings, 3 d. zen M '1'. turudegee, 3 dozen M. T. knee bandages, :3 doz •n house- wives. :3 dozen diet cloths, 3 d( r. n washing flannel., :3 dozen pneumonia jacket-. :3 dozen persinal property tags, 33 Iain bed .4 cl., value $11M.40. Ready to he -erns-7h dozen a)sa,rbeat pads 11.7, 56.tozcn pale 9al'2, 504 dozen pads 16.12. Ifa1 (ser cloths, 000 mouth - wipes. value, $1:4).41). '1'be total value of the bales le, there- fore, 94473.443. The secs etary's repot t was a. follows: 11•lanee as per last unenthb re• port....... . • $543.10) 1Vard collet Cons. includ ng148- 25 flour W. C. F. 31.... 245.111 Total $73(1.3X) Expenses of the lay's :101 711 Balance available for next month %M0.21) It will thus he seen that the 10(141 Fled Cross fist; completed the most eucces,ful month since its organiza- tion. - Mrs. Jamieson Reid, Mn. [Moran, Miss A. McDonald, Wm Janne Mr - Donald, Mrs. Newcombe, or , f res Hodgson ( Toronto), Mn. W. L. !lout. Mn. H. Darter, Mn. I'. McLaughlin, Nn. E. Mitchell. 2 pairs oath ; M,.. McKee, Mir. Hays, Mn. Carrie, Mr., Joe McPhail, Ws. Fred %Veit, Mt.. Harry LVatwu, Mrs. Jane, jll..e t. Porter (B. bronchi. Mn.. H Hawkins, Mrs H J. - MacEwan, MOs Mend.. Armour (R. branch), Mrs. Stokes, Mn. McNevin, Miss Hurritt, Mir. Handy. Miss l.izcie Adams. Miss Rhynes, Mir Irene Saults, Alien M. Dark, Mn. Hoot ie. Mr,. Jessie lirum- melt, Mrr. McDonald, Mite Nolma Whitely tit. iraucbl, Miss 1I. ).all (B. branch), Mi... F: to Sault.., Mass 3'. tt nl- rams (H. branch), Mr.. Sanders, Mts. lager, Mrs. Howie, Mrs. Stratton. Mies Tye, Mrs. Wright, 1 pair crier: ; l'edar Valley Kunuay School -Mrs. John McV%hinn. y, :3 peire socks ; M• s. JAS. Jobnetam, AU., 1). M. Johnston, Mn. J. iterkley, Miss Alice MctVhin- nry, 2 pain each : Mn. lien. Pentland, Mr.. Geo. Johnston, 1 pa r each. WOULD NOT BE WITHOUT BABY S OtNN TABL ETS. Baby's Own Tablets are guarant••ed byaGuvernurentanalyst to3..atolu .- Iv sate and free from injurious drugs. Once a mother has toast them .he would not use anything else for her little ones. O..ncerning them Mr.. OeorgeTaillun, Noslville, Ont., write,. : "Please send ane two more boxes ul Baby's Own Table s, for I have found thew so good Dur tory baby, 1 would not he without then!." The Tablets are a.dd by medicine dealers or by m til at 23 cents a b.sx Iron The D'. Williams Medicine Co., B,o.'kville, Ont. "That bacheL,r you introduced ,i*. h, appears to he anxious for war." "The,'.. hectors - he is a bachelor. He doesn't know what w r means " MARKET QUOTATIONS Toronto C_ttic Market Heavy choice 4•rera $3.10 to :3.50 Handy choke butchers. 7.7.5 8.15 Butchers, good 7.40 7.75 do. medium 6.75 7.40 do. commoa 5.75 6.75 Heifers, choice 7.50 7.85 do. good 6.75 7.36 do. medium .. 6.00 6.60 Butcher cows, choice. 6.50 7.25 do. good 5.75 6.25 do. medium 5.50 5.75 do. common . 5.25 5.5e Butcher bulls, choice6.50 7.50 do. medium to good5.75 6:50 ' do. bologna ' 5.25 6.00 Feeders. 900 to 1.100 abs. 6.00 7,50 do. bulls. 5.25 5.75 Stockers. 750 to 900 lbs. 6 25 7.25 do. met., 4'50 to 700 5.75 6.25 do r.. ,.t, IlgIt5._" 5.75 With capable and experience! wo,k- Cutters, a ;. 1 4.50 5.25 ingconrrnrfbrr.subs, are co,l•nieaan•rat 4eminer. .• 4 30 4.58 the Most urgent needs .t tier hospitals l lfilk, r•.. , ... earth. _50.04 104.00 through (a-Tam...kat vi -its to II:e head -1 r• . me,: ,. i 55 00. SO 00 quarters 111 Toronto, and with ever- Springers growing bands of well -organized, t,,,,, . ,, ._. ,.11d workers, the output of the Society is do. rle,i:u::1 limited only by the funds on hand. do. rte.: no I Material to the value. of 9:01.70 wan do. 'gr. , purchased last uipth. Only a little )lob cajv.:4 I'h next month. Collectors end corm -doe ton are requested to do their utmost in keeping up this most necessary form of war activity. On motion of -Mev. Phelan ant: D-. Taylor the purchase of supplies for next month to the following arnounte was authorized : For yen], $100.(0; surgical supplies, $80.00: sewing com- mittee, 9141..411; the Hiitannia branch, Win (4), 1 deputation consisting of Mrs. Williams and Mn. Hays, on behalf of the Women's %Vas Auxiliary, offered assistance with Fled Cross work, the assistance preferably to be given through a special committee. The matter was referred to the •owing committee, whose representative, Mrs. Eliot, expressed the thanks of the tiociety for the tiger, and while point- ing out that the most piessing present need of the Society ie for more funds, requested those willing to gimlet the Red )'row to come to the North street roans on Friday afternoons, when wool is distributed. promising that tb. y would be prnvided with material as far as means permit. The tweeting then adjourned. The Society acknowledges with thanks the following donations : Mr. W. Sharman, 0 !.airs slippers ; Mies Bruce, 13 suits pyjamas : the Agricul- tural Society, 9:3.(11 in good. : Mn. W. Ler, :3:', the. wool. Owing to lack of spice the nature of the workers of the sewing ccmnittee are omitted this iilonth, but the Soci- ety thanks the to toy ladies who have tuade it pvasihle to send such a valuable bele more then half sun is available fit. • • • The Society thankfully acknowl- edges the folk:wine contributions : Mrs. Ruben., 10 pairs socks; Mrs. U. Ferguson. Mi-. 1i. ('lark, M pairs each : Mrs. Robt. Young, peirs ; Mu. N)chol.on. 3 pairs : Mr.. Hoye, 1Nn. R. Mitchell, 1 pain each ; Mr- (Ur.( (lark. 'Mee. Gordon. Mrs. A. Elliott, Miss Lila Howatt. :4. pato each ; Mrs. Ale:. Stirling. Mrs, McManus, Mrs, Clement, Miss Mabel Curwen, Mrs. Weller, Mrs. Fisher, Mtge A Andrews, Mill,' Diens, Airs. Orummett, Mrs. Rohl. Sharman. Mrs. Burritt, Miss Hurritt, No Name. A Friend, Mn. %V. E. Kelly. Mr...3. P. /frown, Mn, Peter McDonald, Miss 1I. Dark, 2 petrol each Mus E. Sault*, Mina AIIeo, Mrs Mc- Farlane, Mn. Straiton, Miss M. A. Hurritt, Mies Galt, Mis Woods, No Name, Mn. (leo. Drew, Mn. §twaf- fleld, Miss 34. Dark, Mn. Davey, 1 pair each : Mrs. Hicks. 1 scarf ; Miss Kath• leen Straiton, 3 washcloths. The Society wishes to thank the following corytrihut(m : Mrs. Jaine., 10 pales socks ; Lafalot Klub. 7 I'an : Mn. Oen. William.. fl Pain ; Mn. D. Ferguson. Mn. Jas. Dickson, 5 pairs each : Mn. McCarthy, Mn. Hay,. Mise S. Olark. Miss Montgomery, Mrs, Geo. H. Mcleod, Mho Mattel Curwen- Miss M (;lark, 4 pain each - Mrs. Jor. dan, Mn. David Marwick Mr.. Wer. Taylor, Mrs. Clifton aad Rose, Mrs. T. Netted. Mrs. W. R. Kelly. Mn. W. L Horton. A pain each ; A Friend. Mrs Aia. Stirling, Mrs. Foster, Mn. Jobe Lee$mire, Mies Annie McLa , Mn. Angus McNevte, Mrs, 1. Drinbwater, Mn. Murray, r., Mn. Jaw Me W bin - soy. Mrs. aider, Mrs. Angus Mathe- atse, Mn. Hurrit , A Prised, Mn. floe. Bell, Mn.eves. Mn. Wm Howard, Mtn R. Clark, Its. Wallas, .60.00 101.00 9.00 11.00 6.e.) 4.50 5.00 6.00 4.75 6.60 5.00 9.00 10.50 13.50 Springs 1. '..., -each9.50 12.00 Medi•:au i. i I cavy.S (O 10.5n Sheep, est . ,. C ht 8.00 9.5'3 do. heavy :.d bucks6.00 7.75 do. culls ' 3.00 4.5c Hogs. wet -'1e:I off car..11.00 .0.00 do. fed :ural watered.10.60 0.00 do. to 1•. r' tintry....10.25 0.0( do. li, t and heavy a dnir'9tEt .3331 Tcrcn:o Grain Markets blanitohx wheat -Int store at Fort LVtlliam, No. 1 northern, $1.09'.; No. 2. $1.05'.' No. 3, $1.04. Manitoba oats -In store at Fort 1t'Illiarn. No. 2 ('.W.. 41%c; No. :3 t' W., 299..c; No. 1 extra feed, 39%c; No. 1 feed, 389yc. American corn -No. 3 yellow, 81c. Canadian corn -Feed, 68c to 70c. Ontario wheat- No. 2 winter, per car lot, according to freight outside, 99c to $1.01; No. 1 commercial, 95c to ).7c No. 2 commercial. 9.3c to 954 ; No. 3 commercial. 90c to 91e; feed wheat, 45c to 87c. Ootarto oats -No. 3 white, 42c to 4"c; commercial„,.ata, 41e to 42c. P(as-No. 2, per carlot. $1.60, re- cording to sample. $1 to 51.30. Barley- Malting. outside, 62c to 64c; No. 2 feed. 59c to 6.c. Buckwheat -68c to 69c. 1:y(• --No. 1 commercial, 86c 33 87e; rcjecte 1, 4::.' to 85e. Manitoba flour -First patents. In Jute bags, $6.50; seconds, $6; strong !rakers', $5.80, in Jute bags. 0 nark) ttotr--Winter, track. Toron to. prompt shipment, according to sample, 44.03 to $4.20, In Jute bags: bulk, seaboard. $4.15 to $4.20. M111tred--('arloads. per ton, deliver ed. Montreal fr•tght.: bran. $24: shorts. 125; mlddliag., $26; good feed flour, bag, $1.60 to $1.70. Wholesale Produce Toronto wholesale prices to the trade: Bperfal (cart's) ncwlaid.8 .27 to $ .28 New-lalds, ex -cartons... .26 .27 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.. .34 .36 Creamery. solids .32 .33 Choice dairy prints.11 .32 Ordinary dairy prints.27 .29 Bakers .. 24 .25 Cheese -New, large, 19c; twins, 19%c; old, large, 19%c; twins, 19%c; triplets, 20c. Honey--lluckwbeat, barrels. 7c to nuc; tins, 71}c to 8c; clover. 50-1h. tins. 13%c, 10-1h. tins, 14c; 5 l tins, 14o; comb honey No. 1. per dram, $280 to 33; No. 2, per down. $2 to $1.44, Poultry [Jia Dreamed Old fowl, Ib... lac tic 17o it ( Srtkale 11St 2 .y eys 180$c fine 26c. iec ks llc 14c 16c No Doses .. lee 12c 17c 'so East Buffalo Oattle All.- Receipts. 1,M$ steres, $4.211Po �w1 1 4e to N 26: 0; \sten, St MN; Mils, $$i6 heifers, $i 71 to $4. feeders, N to MAI wrtassr•: active W $lee. Vaals--accMpts. 1.see kat: w91; Everyone Should Drink Hot Water in the Morning Wash away all the stomach, liver, and bowel poisons before breakfast To feel your beat day In and day out, to feel clean Inside. no sour bile to coat your tongue and sicken your breath or dull your t,ad; no constlpa- tlon, bilious attacks. rick headache, colds. rheumatism or gassy, acid storm itch, you must bathe en the inside like you bathe outside. TL:s U vastly more Important, because 1 .-' skin pore/ do not absorb tmpurl'le- Into the blood. while the bowel loin•s do, save a well known physician. To keep these poisons and toxins well flushed from the stomach, liver. kidneys and bowels, dr.ak before break- fast each day, a Ela'a of hot water with a teaspoonful of limestone phos. phate In It. This will cleanse, parity and freshen the entire ,Ilmentary tract. before putting more food Into th • stomach. Get a quarter pound of Hmeston- phosphate from your pharmacist It is Inexpensive and almost tasteless, except a sourish twinge which Is not unpleasant. Mink phosphated hot water every morning to rid your sys- tem of these vile poisons and toxins; also to prevent their formation. To feel like young to1ks feel: like you felt before your blood, nerves and muscles became saturated with an ac- cumulation of body poisons, begin this treatment and above all, keep it up' As soap and hot water act on the skin, cleansing, sweetening and purifying, so limestone phosphate and hot water be- fore breakfast, act on the storearew, liver, kidneys and bowels, 1 to 41000. Ilegs--Kecclpts, 14.000 head; slow; Leavy, $10.25 to $10.35, nilx, J, $10.25; >orkers, 19.50 1.0 $10.25; pigs, $9 to ,9._5; roughs. 89.25 to $9.55; stags, 6.50 to $7.75. Sheep and lambs --Receipts, 8,000 head; active; Iambs, 34 to 811.90; yearlings, 96.60 to $10.50; wethers, 19 to $9.50; ewes, $4. to $9.75; sheep, mixed, 38.75 to 39. Dressed Meats Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trad3 t.s follows: Beef, forequarters $ 9.50 to 3.0 50 do. hindquarters13.50 14.50 t;arcases, choice 11.00 12.00 do. common 9.00 10.00 :gala, common 7.50 9.5u 48. `seen -um le.50 - 29. u3 du. prime 1.;.50 15. i0 Heavy hogs 1..340 11.50 Shop hogs 13.50 14.00 ;.Dutton, heavy 10.00 12.00 do. light 14..10 16.00 Lambs 19.50 21.00 Chicago Cattle Market Cattle -Receipts. 16,000; market weak; beeves, $7.75 to 310.05; stock ens and feeders, $6 to 38.25; cows and heifers, 34.25 to $9; calves, $7-75 to $10.25. Hogs -Receipts- 35,000; market strong; light. $9.50 to $10.10; mixed. $9.66' to $10; heavy, 89.56 to $9.96. rough, 19.65 to $9.70; puts. $7.50 to $7.85; bulk of sales, $9.80 to .5995. Sheep and Iambs -Receipts. 9,000. market strong, lanmba, native,. $9 35 to $11.90. Baled Hay and Straw Merchants are buying on track. Toronto, at the following prices Baled hay. new, No 1.$17.00 to 414 r 1 I do. No. 2 14.00 15 1•. j �.t-w ........ a CA .- MILLAPuSON arpets, Curtains, Linoleums, Oilcloths, Mattings U R Spring stock of new Floor Coverings is now in, and notwithstanding the great ad- vances on the prices of all these goods, we were for- tunate in buying when prices were much more favorable than now. SEAMLESS TAPESTRY SQUARES 2 1-2 by 3 yards, from $12.95 3 by 3 yards $12.75 to $15.00 3 by 3 1-2 yards$I2.50 to $16.50 3 by 4 yards $14.00 to $21.00 3 1-2 by 4 yards.. . $20.00 to $24.50 3 1-2 by 4 1-2 yards. $22.50 to $27.50 SEAMLESS VELVET SQUARES 2 1-4 by 3 yards $12.73 3 by 3 1-2 yards. . . . $22.50 to $26.50 3 by 4 yards $27.50 to $32.50 BRUSSELS SQUARES 3 by 3 1-2 yards. ...$19.50 tz, $25.00 3 by 4 yards 523.50 to 530 00 RiCH SEAMLESS AXMiNSTER SQUARES 3 by 3 1-2 yards, from 530.00 3 by 4 yards, from 535.00 STAIR CARPETS IN ALL WIDTHS r Nairn's Inlaid Linoleum -Extra quality Nairn's Inlaid Linoleum, pattems through to the canvas, in designs suitable for halls, offices, bathrooms, kitchens and all places that are subject to extra hard wear. Per square yard $ 1.00 Nairn's Printed Linoleums, Four Yards Wide--Nairn'g Printed Linoleum in 3 and 4 yards wide, extra heavy quality, will wear for years, in tile, floral and check patterns, suitable for all rooms. While present stock lasts..only 65c per sq. yard DOMINION OILCLOTHS Dominion Oilcloths are the best wearing Oilcloths for the' money that are to be had. We have wicltl'rs ire stork from l }-aid to 24-2 yards wa4e. -ire block, fltara - Xtra tiht patterns to suit all rooms. Price •....... . ............... ,40c per square yard NEW MATTING NEW CURTAINS fStoreill ar•s SCOtch PHONE 56 Subscribe for The Signal NOW! Only 60c until Jan. 1st, 1917 Through the ups ar,d downs of bicycle riding. Dunlop Tires have always been "up" 'to the mark. Dunlop Bicycle Tire knowledge is worth much to you there is no other Canadian tire company that can boast ten per cent. of Dunlop experience. Dunlop Tire & Rubber Goods Co., Limit act 0fflee arth4I\ Factories : Toronto (aranchwe 4n Leading Cities 'BE PREPARED' BYUSING THE TLQE THA T SELDWINEEDS TOBE 7