HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-23, Page 8a Tntwao.ty M.yttett. 'rt emu
ibWJr>Ii1ilrNrtinInI ryytlwWdbNitlitemIrili►GNiNrul tlatbdbwrWWW
We have just the paper that
will make your dieing -room
the most attractive room in
the house.
Secure at ouiv when \ ou It tv
the cleaner of the pick of a!!
Deet new ptap i t
Papers this season atevet�
reasonable in prier•, and there
i. no excttee for remaining
disstti fest vvi'h the paper.
con nn'.y 1,1\ t
Can ,ii.•a 1' craw ex)uttttt•n,
u.'• t riollttp.to
Introit I'.tt,. t: ralige in 1st,
tr•e?tt i:. ' 1011 tilt to .
Keep Your Conscience on the R.ght
Side of You and Happiness Will
Come -Otherwise Life is Dull
How's your conscience' All right:'
Good' Than you're all rlg•d. beep
It right, and you'll keep upright. Keep
1t o leer. and you'll .keep clear -tit
wrong. Ik,u't mess about with the
works; let it be an accurate register
of right and wrong; a stern standard
to measure mural conduct; a check;
a brake.
let your conseiene•e have perfect
freedom of speech. If it doesn't re-
proach you. you've nothing to re•
proach your:e 11 with. Nor have
others. A ticer•vonscienee means a
cleats life.'''What is cunactence'."
No ik'iitltion Is. needed. Van may
call it 'Cie inward monitor; tee obit
small tui. 0; tie• voice of (cod; a'.at.
you '.:11. A moi auce. if'you Elie.
It's th+:'e. and orbs, you lire t it tiwah
raperl°c•s. t . •1 .. .w .t'I• excuses, or
i ,., t:e rt.. 1, it will tell ,yoq
tr..:' apes:' To 'be apt -Toyed'
co: !., yeah.,.• indeed, rave
C,." >'s ..c_. Pt-nsion
.,n 0.:. , Z.
- i.. ,1 .i. . . ,R:- ! -ono
cutis,•, d,. It means eia.:,c
has no 1:.teard .t r,tiunal to pass Judg-
ment eat his s a, ta. lie's "eonsctence-
less," aud „ a man to be afraid 01.
A clear,cetnseletn t is a' pioeetous pos-
session, aud -beat* to Wlsbegottea
batik balapce. it means that you can
look Luck over your lltte aud see that
your pht'.i has been, itraigliily trod,
and ;one attic:rs devbid' of -crooked-
ness. It dot sal meats that you
'haven't made`mi. rakes, but -.that is
life's Battle you 0 -re a cicauefighter.
every':bing for rn„ inward
peace 1s better than 11l -acquired pros-
perity aiief a consc.ence that gives you
no peace. You .see, it is quite per-.
misslble Au pass other men, 1f yob
wish to .''get on," but it's against
conscience to kick other men down.
And it you get -to the top by foul
-Means joue don't- go alone. ...You're a
Moubled conscience tot keep you cpm
puny. Give your conscience freedom
to speak. , ftels quite possible, to
'sffettce cite .i01 -ft srostt voice, but the'
lossis irreparable. With no con-
. sctdncb to check you you are Loose
on the aurld like a 1)east, 'with
nothing to, limit You safe law and
. your own interests. And neither of
these It equal to the check of a good'
fJa� ;working conscience.
MEwan Estate Listen -to the-"SIN\rning
P EC I AL t.
I re.h Sltiprnent just. In.,
29c lb.
Regularly sold at 40c to 50c Ib.
ame4 . (. Vampbell
Phrn. B. ..
Cavort Ninth bt scut Syuarc
Rut. i5) '" ' Pitt INES Rc. :t i
l' Cultivate your conscience, then.
' When it "pricks," halt. When it tt+%
Exclusive agents for , bukeq, -listen: and undo or don't do„
tite wrong. the sl?affly trick, you
done •j; rontetiplated doing. Be
thankful that In the scheme of things
, as Provide ar has settled then' there
IA, quite apart front the laws °Linen.
seniethhtg mysterious; -Inward, ' 'un -
v Feen, which instantly tells us when.
• we are Offending against the unwrit-
• ten law that that -which Is right is
right, and tt.at which is wrong 1s
wrong. . Witt can call that "public
epinfon" 1f you like; and what.js
public opinion but the harmony of
many consciences"
Any qunntity twee all Maple 'A good .conscience lives in a good
coat:. and has matte him good. And
fatally, Mixed Wood, Hemlock In all the harsh and bullied ntis-
and Kindling Weiler or Pine.) in
Of the world there is one
' eut.reme consolation which buoys a
TELEPHONES, office 98 4 man up -"a t ar conscience." Get
residence 'la or 68 : it. and keep it!
le preserve her ssmplexton. At
this time of year. despite the raw,
bittag winds and sudden changes of
temperature. this 1s an easy tank 1f
ob. uses 7.am-Buk.
7.am Suk Is a skin food. that not
only keeps the surface skin smooth
and soft, but. being of unusual pene-
trating power. reaches and feeds
the underlying tissuesit stimu-
lates ttie cells to bealtby amnion.
produces vigorous circulation. which
tarries away all impurities, and
thus creates a permanently clear
eomple:fon. Hew much more satis-
fying than a temporary complexion
produced with the std st powders
and cosmetics!
All druggists 60e., or direct from
7..... -Rik Ce.. Tornntn.
We often talk e. the right word is
the right place. but 1t is not always
forthcoming. We all know, for in-
stance, that It Is right. to say ' A
swarm of hoes," yet 1t Isn't, after all.
We say "A swarm of files," but "a hive
of bees." Similarly, we say "A shoal
of herrings," "A school of Whales,"
"A string of horses." "A brood of
chickens," "A pack of hounds." "A
litter of pigs or puppies" But don't
nay, or ought not to say, "A litter of
foxes." The right way to say that Is.
"A skulk of foxes" We say "A gang
of prisoners," and "A galaxy of beau-
ties or stars." and "A crew of sea-
men," and "A fleet of ships." and "An
army of soldiers." Yes, we know all
those. But how would you describe
a lot of goats. or lions. or hounds, or
partridges, or curs' You would prob-
ropably b.' wrong every time, perhaps
with nue exception of "A covey of
partridges." And you might be for
given, for the right way of it 1s, "A
tribe ttf goes•" "A pride of loons."
"A male of !ettggds." and "A coward-
ice dt cunt" :Inanimate things are
Just as clue, r 1Ve say "A pencil of
rays,"- "A bat cit 'of bread," "A pile of
books+:' "A c!ntup of tree+." "A bunch
of !rapes." "A collection of pictures."
• dight of stairs," "A row of pillars."
"A slack 'of corn," ":t shock of hair,"
"A pack of cards." No wonder the
toruigners loc' upon the Engt!ah and
Chinese as a' " t equal in difficulty.
Yet it,.ts,the ri at weed in the right
Place N111c'il makes the difference be-
twixt Shake are and the rest of his
court• ryn, .1
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
How Many ?
ttit• • our w Olden toe
A full line of
Toilet Articles,
Drugs, Photo Supplies
Willard's Forkdipt
Try our Saturday Special
Reg. 40c Ib. for 29c Ib.
1 L.CaldwelLPtl®.B.
tinn•e•swrt 1.,
l'hone 19
Up-to-date Plumbing
This is what you want in your
house_ or place of business.
Don't let anylxxl+;, put you of
'with the inferior kind that i, al-
ways causing inconvenience and
tre,til.It . When you have a Plumb-
ing job to be done,'call in
Fred Hunt
The Industry Increasing in Enormous
Proportions -Both Sexes at Work
The cultivation of the tobacco plant
In Great Britain and Ireland Is a
growing Industry -in two cases. rive
years ago it was practically non-
existent' To day there are plantations
at Methwotd In Norfolk, Bylleet in
Surrey Fleet in Hampshire. and else-
where. The planters rontribute an-
nually to the revenue to excise duties
about $100.000, and large nurubers of
women and girls are employed tn.gw-
nering Its harvest
The female workers on the planta-
tions are all garbed alike in a dress
specially designed to prevent damage
to the tender growing plants. The
dress conelete of a loose blouse, and
a short skirt worn over a palr of
knee breeches. The girl■ are a
healthy, happy lot, and most of them
are by no means averse from enjoy -
Mg an oec Zonal attr r dinner cigar -
sate made fr.m tobacco grown on th4
Ahout 1,200 pounds to the acre Is
esteemed a 30.51 avenge crop. bat
one of the Irish plantations has pro -
Wed 2,240 pounds per statute acre;
which is a world's record. British
tobacco le good tobaccoit is beteg
shipped to places so tar away as
tuna: while fkstldloos Americana
ere paying big prices for it. preferring
k to their own
Bronchitis - Asthma --
Coughs -Night Sweats -Debility
And those condition. lea.li'trg to
In all reentries. Ask for our 1vVtar-
Soa a ADVIIIMM,whieh will bit sant boa
MAB'lON • 11t111t1011.
gM university SL. lav etrdel.
Sento Extracts front Sworn Evidence :
says : n leaatture's Creation' i.
helped nu."
CH91IU.ES KNOPH tri (t:,tti Sav5:
My nilxt sweats atoppitl, and my
ht•nu)rrliotge stopped front the first
clay'' .•-•
LOUIS C. ZiNK. on (Ytth, says :
" 1 Mace to thank 'Nature's Creation'
that I nm here today`."
Send for itrxeklet cimtaining complete
statement. on Dili! • 'from these who
have ,used " Natures Creation."
Nearly one third of the entire em,
o et It. globe Y ervsssd b tib
Arai Oaaaa.
Logs Wanted
Vis will psy the highest rest)
pt tree for all k of leµs delivered
at the twill in G•elerio h.
Custom s.w inµ done promptly a
any t'm• .
Grain and Chopping
We w II. o but to .11. •t 0111
...ley'', tit ..nA will Pay the Inst near
ket pill e1.. .
Ln , hoppinu , nllieg
ei•tie pr. top ly aril e.refully s1 -
tended 10 at err' thepping mill
J. E. 4aechler
Complete n,• cedar; How to Make An
Interesting Tool
A drill to bore ti.rotigh iron is es-
sential to every'' ley it.te hanic. Grind
down an old file to the r.• indl
cated. After it 1' gro d ' :.t 1t to
a chwrry r' 1 and ti
dozen times into a pied 1
By this meth ,d you oto t n,'
hard ebot'g:t to drill t!r, -
Fix your bit into
2 inches long, as shown ..
\1.11 11.1 eley.tnl nn.th • r Mac -
1;w , renal yard-. (hdesich.
Opening Display of
Continued All Week[
▪ Our Opening Display of Spring Millinery will be F"
I continued throughout the coming week and we
.3 heartily invite you to visit the showroom when- E
• ever and as often as convenient. Shipments of I<
P. late styles and models have just come to hand E.
• and will be shown for the first time Saturday.
wrivto wtvefoftvvv rmiftlferefivert rlinwnireolfl> eitl ql
Some Very Attractive and In-
teresting Styles in
Moderately Priced Suits
L_. J
Sketch Shoevs of D•
and Method cf 1 Sir-
place tit. heavy round block
"1." The handle ": " has a ho:•
centre and fits over the brocfa
also. A heavy cvrd is threaded tt1
through one end of the ha.tdle. then
through the top of the broomatic:
and down through the other end a
the handle.
The drill Is worked 1-. pushing tt
handle up and down. 1t is fine to
your electrical experiments whet-
ltermuch drilling of brass und copper
plates is done.
Origin of Matches
Should the price of matt hes ri.
the ordinary man w.it be surprise,:
To hem matches are quite Inconstder
able, since he thinks of them by the
box, so often obtained for nothing --
or next to it. }tut 1t was leas than a
century ago that one John Walker.
an apothecary. of Stockton-on-Tees,
England. found • the release of the
smoker from the tinder box or the
live coal In the grateit ones an ac-
cidental spilling of a sol:flan that
took fire which gave him the hint,
and not long afterwards, in 1527, he
placed on. the marks. his boxes of
matches, containing 60 each, at 25
centsit was not long before the
"box of matcheri" fell to a cent -and
finally was given away to iv'.par-
chaser of tobacco.
JOHN HALLAM.. Llwtltsd
KA H..b.ro Bedding - Toronto
He Would Save Us Alcne
One political personage, with a great
belief In his own powers. Is said to
have filled In his form In the "alterna
tive occut.atlnn" space of the National
Rcg.ster in Ragland, with "prepared
to sore the country." Which reminds
one of the story that In the early
stages of the war a certain political
perren aptroached the Prime Minis -
tet and said that he was convinced
that war could only he carried nn pro-
perly by one may with unlimited pow-
er In every direction The P M.
thought It over gravely for some time.
while the other pictured himself burllag thunderbolts by hind and sea
"Tee may be right," waii the I1nal ver-
dict "But at myags I doubt whet\
or 1 should be Jtutidsd In undertaking
such • hordes." Which 1s probably
the neatest snub ever administered
Red Mata may be kept out of wear
barrels by drain ag • wide chalk mart
rood the tap. sear the edge.
Speakers ed the Mosso elf Cemsnws
seascape reactive a pests of Pane
and a peerage on ntlrement.
la one year a hews e a sew will
eat ekes doses Ka ewe wwipt:
These Suits are the most attractive moderate -priced gar-
ments we have ever had the good fortune to show. They
come in Berges and gaberdines and are cut in thy seasons,
laterst and most favored styles. Coats are lined with silk
serge, most are belted effects. Colors are navy blue and
black, and the price
$13.50 and $15.00
Handsome Suits of Taffeta $35 00
Taffeta Suits are undoubtedly' the correct thing for Sprdng
wear. We are showing several very handsome mode, in
both black and navy. Garments that have style and will
appeal to you. No two alike. Made from high-grade
Taffeta beautifully tailored at
$30.00 and $35.00
Taffeta Silk, the Rage for Spring
Everything. points to n unprecedented
.demand for Taffeta Silks for the spring
season. .Already they are becoming de-
cidedly scarce and prices are on the jump.
\Ve have shite splendid values in troth
black and colored Silks that we can
strongly recommend. in blacks we show
them at $1.50. $2.00 and $2.50
per yard. while in the colors we slake a
special feature of a pure Silk Taffeta :i,
inches wide and real high-grade quality
in all the leading shades. at per yard
A New Kid Glove
Just received this week a new Kid Glove" for
early Spring wear. A soft, •pliable skif, per-
fect fitting, either in or out seam sew has
very attractive back, comes in 115tjlesh r
grey, coffee color and ivory. Sines .) ( to 1.
Per pair $1.50
Another Good Glove for Street Wear
One of the hest street Gloves for Spring wear
is our English Walking Glove at $1.2.5 per
pair. This is a good quality cape leather,
perfect in fit and a splendid wearer. Ail sires.
Per pair $ I.25
Another good leather Glove not quite so high
quality, at per pair $1.00
New Middy Waists
Middy Waists in a dozen or more splendid
styles. Values better than we possibly
can get later on. Copenhagen and navy
blue collars. Absolutely fast dye, which
will be very scarce as the season advances.
All sizes, at $1.00 and $1.25
The early selection of Spring Suiting
Materials is advisable
Stocks of Spring Suiting. are nirw at their
hest and we strongly advise early selection, as
it is impossible to get repeat orders filled at
anything near theprices iluoted today. We
have whipcords and serge:, at 60c to $3.00 pt -r
yard and a splendid showing of ,Fancy Suit-
ings in colors, at per yard $2:OO to $3.50
These with son:e excellent values in broad-
cloths, both black and colors, make up one tri
the hest c.-.1Iections of materials for tailored
suits we have shown for many a day.
What about a Vacuum Cleaner for
Thcrc i. just one "Hest" Vacuum Cleaner
made and that is the "EUREKA." It has
many gond points exclusively its own and
won the highest prise at the San Francisco
Exhibition over 18 other makes of Vacuum
Cleaners. The manufacturers are making an-
other special Free Offer and we are authorised
to lace this wonderful iabor-saving device in
your home on absolutely Free Trial. Take it
and use it, and if at the end of the period you
do not care to keep it let us know and we will
still and take it away. The Eureka is easy
to operate and :every small consumer of ,elec-
tric current. It is practically indestructible
and with reasonable care will last a lifetime.
One of the greatest labor-saving devices you
can put in n home. Sold on easy terms of
payment if yon wish.
Apprentices Wanted
Smart girl wanted to learn dressmaking.
We also have ltion open for an im-
wh has had a few seasons
prover --one
ply at once.
For further particulars ap-
Get ready for April showers and
have yntrr umbrella re-covered.
You can have • new bop put on
as old frame at a very merieratp