The Signal, 1916-3-23, Page 7THE 1416111A : OODER[QR ONTARTO Ttrv1ntDAT, Macaca 141, 19111 ir W�me,cnce invalido Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a Miracle. All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. dere are three actual cases: Harrisburg, Penn.-" When I wan single I suf- fered a ghat ileal from female \seakncss because my work compelled nit. to stand all Clay. I took Lydia E. !Inkhorn's Vegetable ('oInpouud Sir that and %vas math• stronger by its 41st. After I was married d I took the Compound again for a female trouble and after three mouths 1 passed what the doctor called a growth. Ile said n was a miracle that it carte away as one generally Koen under the knife to have thou' removed. I never want to he without your i'onllwoulxf in the house." -Mrs. I ICANK KNnnt, 1114.2 Fulton St., llarr'iuburg, Penn. Hardly' Able to Move. Albert Lea, Minn.-" For ala:ot a year 1 had sharp pains across my lark an hipm and was hardly able to move around the house. My head would •oche and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After taking Lydia L. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills, I am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight months old and ain doing my work all alone. I would not be without your remedies in 'oho house as there are none like them."- Mrs. F. K. fuse, 611 Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up. Pittsburg, Penn.-" Tour medicine has helped me wonderfuly. When I was a girl 18 years old I watt always sickly and delicate and suffered from irregularities. Three doctors gave me up and, said I would go into consumption. 1 took Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound and with the third bottle began to feel better. I soon became regular and I got strong and shortly after I wax married. Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am able to work hard every daay "- Mr'.. Ci.an=frTIN• DUNK RIND, 34 Gardner St,Troy .lilt, Pittsburg, Penn s tock Pella emiri Use 5 the ,need sad Ik,w W or read side, Id - at fey uy try's. ,reef. iS co. sato gehe d as Neo • Ms o bh tat I lead were Ii re- arm - 1 b1e going con - K1 by :b al - 4 Ss I my- stroll ystroll near down 11P7- to pyto be with [bat ore tit a nee Mire. tee 1 a the was leper" l was thing, ought. place modes scene s de- sist. ♦spot. s the cation nd as walla, snow never borne It two deme, W ire, ached • dla- ' tool d • re - • bat 11 see • ,reit tater told. • .t t fhe ewer - a the deems base wegl. walk vbsa, saai bas rebs gam - muse aM • • w Whet Ire •h h.. seat. limbo Wee Trews re up deed • bad seen CISCO e l r'e- eTer stlM� AB wooer ala kself eti eo writs is the iris IL Phobias* W oM- eine Co, Lyon, Masi, for special -doles,-1t will be ooaAdeati•L PAINTa from fact est.....'8 pro lii Ready Maud and Fire Resistant -Barn, Roof Iron, griming $1.2gallons S a galloforn $1 1 O 0 Our Paints are guaranteed to ghee moti fs:tics. MINERAL PAINT COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. House Paint, inside or out ide, Flat or Oil Finish, Quarts 45c $1.58 Gallons Why pay regales retail prices ter exl paint when you s get what e want at Mee thee wholesale? a e. add `:ian'atime! Don't let your system become lowered by tr ,, Pint" -take a dose of the attacks of a cough or cold. "Safety 1. �, - --� Oltemb•rlaia's Cough Remedy at ono). It loosed the Cough so.i - - that it soon disappears ; it heals the sacrists' ; fi' rengtbeas the throat and 1 unp so they are unaffected by changes of tempeestura. Chant beain's contains no narcotics or harmfuldews. While it gives relief tr the One dose it may be gaily -sed with the youngest. Al dremists 25e. & 50.. CHAMBERLAIN'S aEMEDY Subscribe for The Signal NOW! Only 60c until Jan. 1st, 1917 ------------- County and District Ales. hurler, of 'Lunch, 1111• 1101d his house and tau lot. to r'. rd Krim. eking, o1 the Iioshen hoe, for $l.tgn. The municipal courted of filyth haul voted $:'11► for shy pur.•haee ut wi i•t• watches for the i eL:1 nits flout th st town. The 7:1•a^re farm of the Ian James N. Huey. East 1%awseio sh, ha. been purchased by Wm. %V ishtuteu for O'2.,1.st. The tine farm of the late John Mie - goose, Tun fiber. y, was held lest week . . Mr. Elliot t. of 11 awaou.b, . the price being *1.4111. Dr. Weir, of Auburn, bar b en ap• pointed medical health of t .-,- 14 ■ the .,haler of lily•h. succeeding I)r. Alli- son, who 1e6ig1104d. un the 13tb ins.. Mr. homer Buswell, 4.1 l'sls.. ur, 111141 MI6* Agnes U. 111411, o1 Stephen, weer, united in marriage by Rev. W. A. ‘1,11111/1111 and Frank Boyce, sobs t Mr wad Mr,. Javier Ito>cr, Staril.•y township, have eiiiirlyd with the Mkt Battalion at lir) 11 -Id. liluev'ale Litre say Society had a J.•L•He un the iu.err.titig sul.j •rt : "I1-e.1ve1. ,11111 the niir 1106 (lone 1111/42' ,fur Lutoanity thou the potilu." At 'he manse, \\ e'toa, on M 41111 etb, N.Y. 1t. A. 1114114d 111 in4triege Mir. L.11 le at •Kay and Mr, \t,ltou Iiutfou.ul, both of (Ley town- -hip. lie ,rge Schroeder, of Dashwood v eh. ity, ba+ pwcltas.(1 fur 1.140 111 V. 10.1 her, j.., 1111 .1he lirousun Imo, ,\1r. i:et bet iutende moving to 1110 State of 1 nations. al r; John Sitter, of Fnquh4r, WAG ditenni -cows a drift of snow when the sleigh upset and he Will thrown out, sustaining a tad fracture of the thighbone. Win. M. Millan, of the 1,1/1`111n rosd near lit u.. Ked, her ruld hi. 11111 -Acre farm to Hen. y let. -..u, of near .Tin- ton, for 67.410. The farm is an mice. - Limally g. od a e. Mr. Phomas B. Lawton, al Crrdite.n, died on Monday, lath rust.. atter a three days' lades. ot pneumonia. Ile was foi ty.flve yams of age and leaves a widow lied • 0e danatiter. • John R. McKay has. been appointed manager of the People's Salt Co.. at K,neaoau. e: ant -reeding the late John Tutmir. Mr. McKay has been with the Company fur twenty-three year,. Word was received last week of the death of Pte. Cleveland McDonald, son uf,Mrs. McDonald ot I',-anbrook. He wa. killed in the trenches io France. 11e was twenty-six years of . ge. Paul Messner has sold his farm on Hat $t. hen tine; mire 'Letrieiy. to'fbso- dore Rader tor 115,1100. Mr. Meader and fatuity intend moving W the Peace River district, where a son is now living. Tae late Alexis M.,u»rau, of Drys- dale, whore death occurred on the Ith inst., is survived by his wife and eleven children. Mr. and Mn. Mous. Beau celebrated their golden wedding last Gari.• mss. • John Wattles., son of James %Van- tage of Varna, died recently in British Columbia. Inside of tau years Mr. \Nankss has Met his wife and his only two sons. the other son, Petry, having diet only *few weeks ago. At the residence of the bride's Parents, Mi. and Mr... John Harris, (tory t wnship, un M.reh tib, Mia Lew Harris was united in w,dlock to Mr. Wm. Alden M -•Davie, of McKillop township. Rey. R. A. Lundy unt- ended. A• the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Holli fry, Belgrave, on the . K It inst., their voungr,.i daughter, Teseie, was marl ied,o William Oardnet Piocter, of Melville, Sark.. by Rev. Mr. Boyle. The newly -wedded couple will reside at Melville. John Bolt, of East Wawanoab, died on Sunday. 12 if inst., at the age of seveuty-11.e y. ars. Hr lived for many years in New York Stair mud set ved in the civil was of the United Sates. Several relatives live in the township of Tut nitro ra. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the borne of Robert Harrison, Ew t 1Vawerew,h, wu.111 his sister. E iz.heth A., was united in marriage t Wm. Cyn us Scott, a pruspe.ous former of the genie t1... .bop, t'.•v Mr. Boyle perforin. -d the °seem ny. Mrs. James B. Simpson, of Hensel!, received word imt west of the °rath of her father, 'Thomas Laing, whish occurred at Winnipeg, in hie seventy. severith year. The deceseed resided in Haytownship, near Henson, be- tween o. , y and fitly years ago. The late Louis Denonase, of Drys. dale, whirr death occurred Match:i,d BICYCLE TIRES hail reached the lige 4.1 entity -■is )-rare. He www 16.011 Di t. tee I'ruvin.•r 111 lj set lac eel (41144' t•, 11111011 a 17 111 Uel:. 11» 'retiree •1.-v.•u .'b11J.eu, 112 gr.r.dcbi$drrU wad a.y-twogomat gre11uch-l.•ten. 88 ...ley Fenian, a G. T. H. employee at Myth, had one of ht+ leg. bt os -ti while wool, ng on Ise tied... 7'11•• snowplow front Lend 01 WAN going r orlh and appru4rhrd Ur, '1'au,an so etid.ruly that he WAG uuablr to get .tear. l'he train crew apparently 411.1 not see hit,, and he lay i11 4 It • •t w 1' it. 61111ie uu.e to-f.>te help arrived. About forty neighbors and 1.1 ft tend* of Mr hind Mrs. 1'1 ., lfi.•Iby, still line of Muni.. gat41.•r.d ,11their 1 • one evening treentlt and ruede q, pir.eutali.,rl 14/ (..1(11.•1 4111.1 and to their daughtrt. tie,0 title, prior to 1heii arpenure fur K011feld, SA.1, wbete they itteud t1/ make their home. In -t week Wilde \l. -Donald. a h.• .111•ut the Iavt yeir ou ,Mer. .lulu, `tlK( 11x11 , 1:41111.41 -I..imerlow 11, went to'1'..1elite iu company with Mr. l:. \1- Elliott, euonty seen -t41)• of 111.• Children's Aid 1 „get, and r11lisrrd in tt.eS1,ith "Umlaut" Ills!tat iun 114 1.11.t .41 v - "\�'1111r" 1• a clack ebot with the r'ttte end was ve. w anti ,u. tJ thin th. khaki. Rev. Richard Hobbs, whose death look place et his h et Toronto "n the 7111 m.1., was well known in this scout v. He was in charge of variuns \Ictbrx}iat cun,7reg4tione in the county to .1 if rent omen', two of bis latest charges 1,.• I•g Wingbam and Exeter. Ne Nae is one time pt•.•sident ot the L-indon (',inference. Mr. Hobbs was Guru 111 I•:uglanel seventy year's ago. R'IXGIIAM. Clara Mae Lockeridge, daughter 41 Mr. and Mtr..lame.Lociae id. e. Lower \Vinghtim. Mad on Monday, March 1:ith, aged seventeen )'carr. • 00 8V.-dneeday of last week, at St. Andrew's manse, Rev. D. Perrie per- - formed the ceremony uniting Mr. S .I- omun I'luakey and !Hiss Violet E. Scott as husband and wife. After• etude a 'veep ion was held at the i home of the hi ide's garrote, Mr. and Mr.. Alex. Scott. Tbe young couple will make their home in the West. H U LLETT. Wt11: Brown, of near Summerhill, has sold hi* well-known mare for 54011. The animal bas been sent to Detruit. 111.. Wm. Riley has returned flow Clothe icb. where .be spent a couple of month. w iib her daughter, Mrs. G. Bradford. I Mr's. Armstrong, who was visiting her Sisters, Mn. Frank and Mr's. Harry Little, left but week for her home at 1 Dsi lingford, Mao. The McCaughey boiuestead on the 0111vrl road has been sold by Mr. J. J. McCaughey, of Clinton. to Wm. Mc- Cool, who gets poaessioo next fall. The death of Miriam Mille, widow of the late 'Thomas Tyodall, occurred on Friday, 10th inet., at the home of her son, Lorne 1.'. 'Tyndall, at the good old age of eighty -nee year,. Mos. Tyndall was born in Eugleed and came toCan- ada when a child. Mt. Tyndall died many years ago and the widow re- sided in East 1Vawaoosh and in (lode - rich township foe some years before removing to this township. She leaves three sons : Edwin T'.. of Phil- adelphia: A. J., of Clinton, and Lorne C.. of Mullett. CLINTON. Rev. Father Hogan was in Ashtleld, last week attending the funeral of his father. Mr. Willi/141 Hogan. Mr. Walgate Tebbut Latter spending the winter with friends in town and in Goderich tow. st.i -. lett fart week to return to his homestead at Druid, Sask. Geo. Sage, of Shell Lake, Sask., formerly for many years a resident of Clinton, was in town for several days recently. His youngest son. Roy, is serving in France with tbeArmy %Ied- teal Corps. Mr. E. H. Cooper, of London, Eng- land, is coming to Canada to join ibis Toronto hat.alton of which his brother, Lt. Col. John A. \'.aper, is command- ing officer. The Mews. Cooper are Clinton old toys. Mrs. li M. Swavely, forme ly Mre. • Norman Fair of town. underwent a Pei 1 .us °permit' in al Stetson hospital, Philadelphia, lett week .Yrs. Sweet.- ' ly, wbo'e borne is now in Crlilornie, had Intended making • visit with ('lin- tun friends, but the state of her health prevented. The Centre Huron Ministerial Asso- ciation held Its Rust monthly sleeting Monday of last week in the school- room of St. Paul's church. The presi- dent, Rev. F. C. limper, read a paper on "Present Day Religious Currents.' The Association put iosrlf on rrcood as opposed to Sunday funerals and late 'bopping on Saturday nights. EX ETEII. Mr. (: .I. Haw it.bippiog bore-• tit Montreal ter war purposes. A ahip- meot last week ineluded twenty-eight Inc animals. James Dennis, a former reeident of Exeter, died at Ayr on the soh Inst. from sn attack of pneumcni.. He was In hes aeventy.ei,thth year mind in wrvieyed by Ids wife and eight. children. Mr. Henry Edward John., r.f this town, was wedded on Thursday, March iath, at Liatowel, to Mire Mar. .ant Vete Edwards, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. A. Edwards, of Saskatoon. Mr. and Mrs. John. will make their bolus bare. 1 The home of Mr. and Mr,. James Jewell was the scene of aretty wed ding' ea Wednesday, Marsh Ifith, whets their eldest daughter. Etlxattel h May, was united in marriage to % il- lia= S. Brads, soil of Mr. hod Mrs. et Bradt, of Roster. Rev. W. O. lf. McAlister officiated Mr. sod Mr,. Bradt will reside .t Medford, when the groom k.s a bodes*. Whet 'night have bow a serious Rn occurred ea the Commercial betel one eight moistly. The en broke oat ie the hasemeet sed lbs building was qquiekty surd with d••es smoke. S.tsvle of the Inmates rusheddow.seairs .wd out lotto the open In their base feet and alibi robes. What the 4e Now that the cold weatherix here you'll want your homes more comfortable. (kt our prices on Furnaces, Hot Water Boilers, etc. Our Pt ft (tion t Ail heaters are just tor• thing to drive the cold .not 111.111.v cornt:r,. .\11 repairing to plumbing. furnace work, etc., promptly [tended to. W. R. PINDER Phone IJ:, Ilatnllt1/n iter[ ARE YOU GOING WEST ? T;le Grand 'I't ink Railwa) 'y.ti in twill run 8omeseekers' , Excursions Ii.\t_'11 T1'1;.S1). V I March 7th to October 31st .1NCLI's•IVE) k.•t• valid t.. rehun within two health- in, I...it.• ..t .Lear ..1 .,.L•. WINNIPEG and return - $35.00 EDMONTON and return - $43.00 Proportionate low rat.s to other points in Manitoba. Saskatchewan anti Alberta. Tip Leland full InTrmutton on a``,plfcul ion o 1.. F. LA,\'K}:NLF:d: SONI. • YOUR OPPORTUNITY The Winter Term now on at THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE owl:N 8U ND. ONT. Three pr moms]. eemp'ete and '.0try d•t.• pour.., of *tasty ; Rualnr.., Short- hend k Tyl.ew.itlne and Prep-era/my. Worthy' *Cadent.. a.-iated to toed mot. int po-. ion... We have an 4nric.,'10d connection with bust bu-inw.., teepee w here our tr aduat.. wow regularly eue played.- Write .or pamphlet. Full in- forntation.esti fire 011 a indication. t': A. FL►: N I NO..F.4. .A.. I'rinci j,l. 0. 1). i 1.,. M t SG. 8rc rete r /. ONE HUNDRED YOUNG WOMEN and One Hrudred \'oust Men wanted a 01010 10 train f w ehuice unl w p►utian,. lab, de - mead s tae IT'S A WINNER! N4) excuse is *aided for The Bachelor Suit 71 . it . .1;vu re:unnrlcu .I.ttiun. It .ominous stile, %Ccar311.1 .l prior to stet th.• tion. -_$15 to $20==.-- \V 2O== \I heti ..to tilting out tie ell!' l'. a e.illi t;t'w nit. tout 'u;ut .' . latt.r than .all and itispe. t tilt t e :. \l'. 14(4i't '.r1 .,ii1 ! :I+itu'. ou tilt I pun I-iti..i of 0001) VALLES AND FAR OFALIN(i McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors THE SQUARE - - - GODERICH Home seekers Excursions Every Tuesday, March to October "All Rail" Every Wednesday During Season Navigation "Great Lakes Route" Somewhere out on the prairies where last year Caaades Greases lis 'teat Crop was produced there is a berm waiting for yam. The 1 CANADIAN PACIFIC MI Yong. 8t. Toronto, i+ enortunu.. We can 000c,1100 >0111 that the* w Y0tat upportunit). Douse deist'. Write t, .1.. - brigade came on the scene the flames were extinguished after ■n hour's hard work. Tbe lose is cowered by insurance. BRt'QyELM. Mr, and Mrs. S. Bailey have received the sad intelligence of the death of their son, J. C: Bailey, at 14L Joseph, Missouri. He was in hid forty-ninth year and is survived by bis wife and a young sem . Thor. Bone, a well-known resident of Brussels, died on Saturday, -lth fust., in his eightieth year. He was born in England and came to Canada when seventeen years of age. 11e farmed in Morris township before moving to Hruesels sixteen years ago. Mn. Bone and a fatuity survive. SEA FORTH . The S•vfortb \Vonten's Military Aid Society has been organized, with the object of attending to the comfort and welfare of our own soldier boy -t. Evaline Dorothy McKinley, adopted daughter of Rev. (1. and Mr.. McKin- ley, died ou the 12th mat. at the l:ravenhur.teanitar•ium. The mutates were brought here for interment. The young woman was in her nineteenth year. Jack H. lest, banister. hes passed the military examination for a lieu- tenancy, and }Wesel! (lest, r•ho has been attending Law School at'Tor,mt., has joined the :rlth Queen's University Battery at King.t..n. Both are sons of Mr. J. Ill. Best. barrister, of this town. James Stollery died on Monday. 13th Inst., at the home of hie son-in- law. F. S. Savauge, after an illness 1/I some mons h.. The deceased was horn in England sixty-three years ago, but lived for many years at Toronto. In partnership with hie eon -in-law be had carried on a jewelry business here t. r the Ia•t flee years. He i. survived by hie wife and one daughter, Mrs. Sava uge. SHE GiVES THEM ALL THE CREDIT. Says Dedd's Kidney Pills Made Her Wiet1. ►Atyd's Cove, Notre Dame Hay. Nfld., Mar. 30th. -( Special. 1 -"Atte' two ,tsar's of weakness and suffering I am igain in pea feet health and i give all :he credit to Doodd's Kidney Pills." That I. the sat»meot made by Miss Oertie M. Newman, so estimable young lady living het e. "1 bad a °old to alert with," Mies Newman continuer., "and Then things just seemed to go Into bed to worse. My beck .shed, 1 bad cramps in m m.eels, andI suffered from beai- aebee. My sleep waa broken sad un• refreebing, s eyes were puffed and 'molten and 1 perspired freely with the least exertion. 11 was always Ir- ritable and In the mornings i bed a Muer taste la m7 ptenoth. Readieg of cures by Dodd s Kidney Pills i lie - sided to give tient a trial. 1 took a demo boxes le all and you ma see bow obey helped me." win take you there, give you an the iatormatim .bast the best pliers, and help you to success. Pat tleWars from any Canadian Pacific Ticket Agent. or write W. B. Howard, Dletrlet Pss.eager Agent, Toronto. , BIG PROFITS ARE MADE IN RAISING CHICKENS and DUCKS • OTHERS ARE DOING IT. WHY DON'T YOU TRY ? Get the be t Incubator that you can buy -THE CYPHERS, that is recommended by the majority of people using Incubators and recognized by the l ,tlerwriters as to perfect safety from fire. They are made in four size,. No. 0 Incubator, Opacity 70 hen eggs or :06 cluck eggs. 1 " 144 '• 112 " ., 2 24. " " _(X) :1 " :100 " " 300 ' • If you would like a book on Poultry raking. call at ou store and see the lucubators and get a book free. With the coming of Spring you will require Gamlen Tools \Ve have a very complete line of ,Samson tools. All Samson tools are guaranteed. Now -k the time to look over your lawn mower and see if it requires to be sharpened and over- hauled. [o not leave it until you require it. Leave word at the store and we will send fur it and have it repaired ready for Spring. Nuw• is the tittle to 1I'le Stock Food. Your horses and cattle have been on hard feed all Winter, and in order that they should thrive you should give them 1)r. Iiess's Stock Tonic. This Tonic is guaranteed by I)r. (fess. Ile says if it does not do .ss advertised and you are not satisfied with the result. von may return the empty package and get your money back. What is more fair than this Are yon going to have the Fleci' tc Light installed in\ your house ? If ,o, ht n t figure on it for you. Let us figure ou Your Heating and Plumbing. All work promptly attended to and felly guaranteed. I)o not let yourself run short of oal as there is every probability of a strike know what that meant a kw years ago getting some in at once. •t , e 11 .1 Ch. Ing 1'1.111. ... f' l I . I1 • r l • 1. ... ..It 1 . W oil 1 11,.• the 1st of April. \-ou . Protect yourself by ....$S.(m per tun .... 7.75 ... 7.110 ' • 7.111/ i e 2.110pet cord !23 " 1 aw 112 I! Com. C. LEE sa1 so er- -7. 0,, Or :Iy Off 16 ee. oat rlr as id r re to 10 M 11 1/ 1111/ IO 0 0 0 1