HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-23, Page 6• Ti,Vw 'r Naar x 23, 1910
Until He Used "Fruit -a -tires)'
The Great Kidney Remedy
I oisonvu.t.r, Oxr., Aug. 26th, 1913.
" thout two years ago, I found my
health in a very bad state. Me Kidrrrv.;
%c . not doing their work and I wage!!
run duan in condition. ]laving seen
'fruit -a -live,' advertised, I decided to
try them. Their action watt mild, and
the result all that eoulJ be expected.
My Kidneya resumed their uormal
action after 1. had taken upwards of*
dor•. lose.' and I regaiaedrayolddime
rrilalily. Today, 1 am aaylrell as ever."
B. A. Ki:LL.Y.
rile. a box, 6 for $2.71tt, trial wise s:lc.
At dealers or sent ou receipt of price
by I ruita-tives Limited, Ottawa.
A Successful Run.
A .Ito c is lord 'd the dauKhtre of
\\ illlaur •Ienni.lb - Bryn,.
When s caul,,; girl she .rt..lted h
"school nit K, and ether a tbs..
perste tint for .. sti eta est' tlnallc
succeeded In ravrhing it. A. she tum.
her carat she gasped:
"%Veil, I'm glad one of the family
cast run for huu,rthing avid get it
An angry citizen putted into the Of-
fice of the local newspaper.
"Look here. sir!' he shouted, "what
do you mean by publishing uty resig
nation f bay wunieipal office in
this way :
"Von Kaye the dory nut yourself,
didn't you: asked the editor.
"Of cour.e I did ! But your Paper
prints it under the heading of 'Pohl..
1nlproveurenta!' F'. mina.
Cured by Toning the Blood
and Strengthening the
Itis the opinion of Ute hest medical
• ,tlwrilit•., after long observation,
that nervous diwaaes are more cont
moo suet r serious in the spring
than at any other tittle of the year.
Vital changes ill the sylurtn, antes lima
winter month-, may cause touch more
trouble than the familiar epi it.g n.eak-
1ios :u1d weariness from which Most
ptutirbulbar' ap the result of in.hsa
lite, in poorly ventilated and one.'
ovei healed buildings. (iflicta' record-
`"oysllhat in Api il and May neuralgia,
St. Vitas Jenne, epilepsy and other
harms of nerve troubles are at tbci.
'avoid, and that then. tong -than any
other time, a blood -mak Mg, tit rve-re
ertoring•tut.ic is beetled.
The antiquated custom of taking
luugntttraw the epilog is useless, tot
the system rcatty 'weds stnowt henit,t;.
while poi gat iern only• gallop through
the Towels, Leaving 0,1 weaker. 1)1.
AV illisms' :I'lok Ihlls ate '16e hes'
a.o'dicine. for they actually make lin
1.ea', tick, led Lima' that feeds the
itnlved n.'rvri.- and thus cure tine
nowt f tiros- of oervoua dittordets.
They rote' 1.1•4t such other forms ml
spring trent+, its hesdach.s, •pool
appetite, ereaknr•s in the look-, as
Mell as rrtrtrrte'insight ly pilnt.I.'. ant
eruptions. 1u tact the' uuhtIIti .I
tiling new health and flu ritjl li 1.
w ik, tilted suet dela estit d men, at toast
and chilta••n.•
• Sold by all bndiiine dealers or by
mail at Jt emits :. Lex nr .4, ix (axes tot
111_' fat from The 1)r. \Vithiani. Nrdicibl•
Bowl.%i11.•.Iltrt.. . •
Spring Styles
In Footwear
Roth fashion and good tastt
demand suitable shoes for
t very c•Cca•t1 It.
The new slues: for spring
citable yon to indulge this
taste without e'xtravllganet.
And with the claret of tar
set)' find correct sti le they
combine nhslcrate twice.
NrVe W.mt you to ser the
beautiful creations we are
illi\\ showing.
Geo. Mac Vicar
North vide'qu:u,• tall)l ltIt'11
?da Cas Secure a Petition
If yam take a course with ns . The de-
mand upon as for trained help is many
times the number graduating. Stu -
dente are entering each week You
may enter at any time Write at rice
few our free catsloRne.
D. A. M•LA('1iL&P . Petwelpetl
The House of the
* Whispering
C•ptrigat. 111111.
gy Lora a•th.rins R•\II■
But she had gone 111 dti'gulae to this
Whispering Pines, uu'l abe had re-
•turned home lit thu same su-plctoea
The wearing of ber brother Arthur's
hat and coat over her own wosanly
garments was no freak. There had '
been purpose In lt-a purpose which'
demanded secrecy. That Adelaide
should hare accompanied her under
these cireumatances wax a mystery.
But turn the whole affair was a myt
tory, totally out of keeping In all Its
details with the characters of thews
women. race -and what a fearthl ex-
ception 1 here make -the awfnl end,
wheal, alas, bespoke the eery rah and
tnlpuke to destroy which marked Car-
arorel's unbridled rarer.
Of a Ices emotional attack she wonM
be as Incapable as any other good
woman. Polson she would never rasa
it's presence there was due to antie
era forethought, another. determtaa-
Uon. But the poison bad not killed.
Both glasses bad been emptied, bob -
ah, those glasses! What explanation
bad the police now for thane tete
emptied glasses? They had aitlssets1
summed me to be the second permit
who had Joined Adelaide in title tetane
nnchnracterlstic drinking.
Knowing nothing of Carmel asvbg
been on the scene. they most imerfba
this at either to Arthur or to ass
and when they came to dwell upas
this point more particularly they twist
see tete improbability of her detnkLlg
with hint ander any c1rrumetawassi
Then their thoughts would recur to me.
and 1 should find myself again a ante
pert Tbs monstrous suggestion flail
Arthur had brought the liquor these
himself, bad poured It out and forced
her to drink It, poison and all, oat d
revenge for her action at the dinner
table a abort time before, did not ot-
car 'to me then. but 1t It had then
were the three slaws -be would not
bring three, nor would Adelaide, net,
as I saw It, would Carmel
Chaos -however one looked at ft,
chaos! Only one fact was Blear -'-dot
Carmel knew the whole story and
mlgbt communicate the same K ever
ber brain cleared and she could ba
brought to reveal the mysteries of that
Did I really deetre spch a consols-
onsolsmatron? Only God could tell I only
know that the fear and expectation t
such an outcome .lade my angulab for
the next two weeks.
Would she live? n'oald she die? The
question wax ou every tongue. The
crisis of ber disease was approaching,
and the next twenty-four hours would
decide her fate. and in conaegaence
my own, if not her brother Arthur's
As 1 contemplated the anapenae of
these twentyfonr hours 1 revolted
Madly for the first time asptlnst the
restrictions of my prison. 1 wanted
air, movement. the rush into danger,
which my horse or my automobile
might afford -anything which would
drag my thoughts front that sick room
and the anticipated stir of that loverdlstrrssed ber to hate intra out when
form Into conscious life and suffering you tell. Don't you remember that abe
Clifton told me no one was allowed went out that night?"
In the sick room but the aura, and "Did .be: She was right
the doctor. Even Arthur was denied most hare every pleasure.
admisalon and was wearing himself
out In his own room, as 1 was wearing
myself out here. In restless inactivity.
Ile expected her to pitik end never te
recover conacloasnrsa and waa load
in his expressions of rebellion against
the men who dared to keep him from
her brdslde when her life was trem-
bling in the bnlanre Itnt the notes
had hopes. and so hes the doctor. As
for ('ermel's looks. they were greatly
chanced, but beautiful still In spite
ef the cruel scar left by her fall
against the humin[ bars of her she
term grate. No delirium disturbed the
right Immobility In which she now lay
i could await her awakening with
(inlet eonfidenre to the Jnstlee of God.
Thus Clifton. In his Ignorance.
Tb. day was n bleak one. and the
evening hours were no better. The
bandm on my wnteh crawled When
the door finally opened it came an a
shock. 1 knew that 1t was Clifton
who entered. tat 1 could not meet bis
i dug my ball• into both my poles
and waited for his first word. Wises
1t came i telt my spirits go dewm
down. i had thought them •t their
lowed ebb before Re bewttatsd tad
I started op:
'TNI me." 1 Med-'Carmat_ a dater
"Not dead." said he. "but silly. Her
testimony Is no mere to be relied upon
than that of any other wandering
"eaxax is Tutt dt.aaar
I T wax some tines�r-
before i .
ed the particulars et Garners
awakening. It had occurred at
sunset. With the exception of
the doctor and possibly the auras'
only tholes Interested 1• ber as a wit-
ness In the most perplexing case ole
the police annals were grouped in s! -
lent watchfulness about the room of
It come suddenly, as all great
changes come. One moment her lids
were down. her face calm, her whale
figure quiet In its statue -like repeats;
the next her big violet eyes had flash-
ed open upon the world, and Ifp• and
limbo were moving feebly but ver
tatnly to their soddenly recovered
freedom. Elbe murmured. half petu-
'Why do you look at toe got Oh. I
remember, I remember! What's the
matter? I tasnot more as I used to
do. 11Mi-1 feer-
"Yon bare been Ed," cams aootbtndy
from the doctor. "Ten have been to
bed many days. ?Cow you are better
and will soon be well. This In your
scree." He imM nothing of the others.
lib) were so placed behind screens es
to be tawtifble to her.
fe CSatb ed to gala first at cos
Oita tat the ether. As she did leo this
dash faded and gave Way to an
sidows, troubled expression -not Jost
the expression anticipated by those
wbo believed that with returning con-
sciousness would come returning mem-
ory of the mysterious scene which had
taken place between berut•It and ber
sister or between ber sister and her
brother prior to Adelaide's departure
for the Whispering fines
'Too have the teniae tiled' look for
me as always," were ber next words
as ber glance finally settled on the
doctor. "But hers -bring me the mfr
goer she cried. "Let me see with
my own eyes wbut I have 110W to Cl
pect from every one wbu looks at
me. I want to know before Lila comes
to Wby. Isn't she here? la ahs
with --with"- Then In the shrill tones
which will not be denied she demand-
ed again. '"The mirror' Nurse Cnevin
brought It. Carmel was still for a long
time. during which the nurse curried
off the glass.
"I-1 don't li!:e'it." Carmel acknowl-
edged quaintly to the doctor as he
leaned user her with compassionate
wools. "1 shall have to get acqdatnt-
ed with msselt all over again And
so 1 have leen 11'.' 1 shouldn't have
thought n little burn like that would
make me ill. How Adelaide must
bare worried!"
"Adelaide is -la not well herself. It
Per Tired, Weak, Nervous Wooer
'tellefontaine, Ohio.- ' 1 wish every
tired weak, nervous woman could have
Vihol, for 1 sever spent any money in
my life that did me so much good as
that i spent for Vinol. 1 was weak
tired, worn out and nervous, and Viral
leads me strong. well and vigorous after
fag else bad failed to help ate,
r1 can sow do ley hnneewnric with
ple.eme."-Mew J. F. iANDOWN.
We geerent a Vied oar i Wiens tied
liver and low t for all weak, run-
down, servos% debilitated msdhioss
H.• Is. p Isem ii,.Aeri.h
She has
'WET 11101'? $U waan?s
e arned ber good times. 1 must be lbs
Gee to stay home now and look after
things and learn to be useful. 1 don't
e xpect anything different Cal! Ade-
laide and let me all her bow -bow
satisfied 1 am."
"But she's UL She cannot copra
Walt till tomorrow, dear child Rest
b what you need now. Take thews few
drops and go to sleep again "
"1 can't take tt" she protested. "1
forget now why, bat I can't tate any-
thing more from a glass I've prem-
ised not to I think Take 1t .way.
It makes me feel queer. Where is
Ber rn.wory was defective. She
could sot seem to take 1• what the
dieter veld her Bet be tried ber
Wain. pore moor be spoke of filmes
se the mom Of Adoalele's absence.
S et starlit too wandered wWle be
spoke of it
"How It did bsrtr abe cried "Bet
1 Mde't think much sheet It 1 thongs*
[sly alt"- Next mamma Mr voice
lees in • ahrlek. this, bot lmpetaeea,
and 1mb.ed witk • Dote of witched
teettng which made every paras there
Mart. "Ileac should be twee she
grid 'Twat Wby te there say .Ger
7110 setinded sin revise. T. dee-
tera tore toot on • Mee et eleseere.
G al tie aura stirred ememally.
"Om r set mospl That Is why
alsealde Is est eatiaaat Weal. ems
0s MK vaac and tell mit Gelate
This Advertisement
may Wines you to try the Wet packet et
but we rely absolutely on the inimitable flavour
and quality to make you a permanent customer.
We will even offer to give this first trial free if
you will drop us a postal to Toronto. B1 13
me, as I expected ber to? Tell ber it to
not too late yet, not too late yet, not
too late" -
The doctor's hand was on ber tore-
"Rest," came In I)r. Carpenter's most
1 soothing tons-"eeat my tittle Car
mei: forget everything sod rest" Ile
thought he knew the algulfcance of
her revolt from the glass be had of
bred her. Sbe remembered lite scebe
at this Cumberland dinner table on that
fatal night and shrank from anything
that reminded ber of 1t Orderlug the
e asdldne pot In a cup, be offered It to
her again, and she drank It without
question. As she quieted under its in-
fluence the disappointed listeners. now
tiptoeing carefully from the room.
belled ber murmur In anal appeal:
"Cannot Adelaide apare one minute
from -from her cu:npauy downatatrs to
wish Inc health and kiss me good
e igbtr
Was it weakness or a settled that'll
Ivy to remember anything but that
which filled her own nlludt
It proved to be a Fettled inability to
take In any new ideas or even to re-
member much be. uud the completion
of that dinner As the days passed and
news of her condition came to me from
time to tune I Lound that she bad not
only forgotten what had passed be
tween herself and the rest of the tam
By previous to their departure fur tine
clubhouse. but all that had afterward
occurred at the Whispering fines.
even to her ow•lt presence there and
the tide borne. Sh•• could not eren re
tato in ber mind f 1r any appreciable
length of time ilia Idea. of Adelalde s
death. Even after Dr. Carpenter. with
Infinite precaution=. revealed to ber the
1 truth -not teat ,\del:ade had been mur
1 dered, but that Adelab'e had pegged
' away during the 1•.•riod•of her own 111
Deas -Carmel gat a I-ut Sane cry of grief
then tmmt•di:1tt•ly burst forth In her
old compl:tiro that Adelaide neglected
ber She had lost her happiness and
hope and Adelaide would not spare het
an hoar .
This eeap re•. -i• •• when 1 heard of 11
convinced me. aa• 1 believe it did sonn
others. that her rot of Felt denial U
not hnmortn, my whim and Avin.
from home and duty that night hue
made a stronger tmpres"ton on be
mind than ill ghat rams after
She nrr'•r n•,avl for trthnr Th'
may liar.• rrlered him' hitt. iceorstit
to my faithful friend tint attorney I
appeared to have the contrary effect
and to bring ben positive retie[. When
It was bora In un him, as 1t was soon
to be b.,rue In un all. that her mind
was net what It was be grew notice
ably more cbeertul and leas .uvpkluui
In has manner.
With this new shock of Carmel's In
ability to explain her own part In the
tragedy and thus release my testimony
and make we a duan again In lay own
eyes 1 lost the su.tatnlug power which
had previously held we up. I became
apathetic. no longer counting the boars
and thankful when they passed. Ar
thur bad nut been arrested. Dot be un
derstuud or allowed otbers to see that
be uuderatoud the reason for the sur
vetllaoce under which be was bow
strictly kept •
Of the inquest, which was beld In
doe course. 1 shall not say much.
Only one new fact "was elicited by la
means. and that of interest solely as
making clear buw there came to be
evident -en of poison lo Adelaide's stom-
ach wttbout the quantity being great
enough for more than • temporary dis-
Maggie. the .eeobd girt. had some-
thing to say about this wbeo the vial
wblet bad held the poison was banded
about for inspection Elbe had handled
that rtal many times iso the abet!
wbere 1t was kept Once stop had
dropped 11, ■nd. the cont coming oat.
some of the contents bad escaped.
Frightened at tae mlabap. she had
filled the vial op with water abs
pat It. thea diluted. bark on the shelf.
No one bad noticed the difference. sad
she had forgotten all •boat tbe matter
until now From ber description.
there mnst bare been very little of
the dangerota drug left la the veal
w,r. w
` OM
and the jury rendered the noncommit-
tal verdict:
"Death by atrangtilation at the hands
of some person unknown."
1 had expected this. The evidence.
pointing as it did 1n two opposing
directions, presented a problem which
a coroners Jury could hardly be ex-
pected to solve. 1 was allowed one
sweet half hour of freedom; then 1
was detained to awalt the action of
the grand Jury, and so was,Artbar.
When I was Informed ot this hitter
tact 1 made a solemn row to myself.
It was this: 1t It falls to my lot to be
Indicted for this murderous orreries 1
will continue to keep my own COuus*L
Rut if I escape and a true bill should
be found against Arthur then will I
follow my better Instinct and reveal
what 1 have bitberto kept concealed,
even It the torment of the betrayal
drives ins to self destruction afterward,
for 1 no longer cherished tbe smallest
doubt that to Carmel's sudden rage.
and to that alone, the death of Ade-
laide was dna
My reason tar this change from
troubled to abe lute conviction can be
easily explained. It dated from tbe
Inquest and will beat appear In the
relation of an interview 1 held wltb
my attorney. Chnror Clifton. very stop
after my second tnrarcentlon.
We had diseased the situation till
there seemed to be nothing left to dis-
iecuss 1 understand him, and be
thought be understood me. tie err
Ifectd Arthur guilty and credited me
with the same convictions. 'Thus only
routs be expatn my inconceivable
reticence on eertaln points be was very
well assured 1 cnetld make clear 1t 1
would. 'that be was not the only man
Who bad drawn these same cooclustons
from my attitude both before and dur-
ing the inquest troubled in. greatly
Ind deeply disturbed my conscience.
1 introduced the topic thus:
"You remember tbe detached sen-
tences taken down by the nurse dar-
ing the period of Carmel'• unconscious-
ness. '1 bey .were regarded as sense-
lega ravings and sucb they doubtless
were, but there was one of them which
attracted my attention and of wblcb t
sboatd tike an expianatlon. l wise 1
bad tbat woman's tittle book hen. 1
should like to read for myself thou,
wandering utterances."
"You can." was the unexpected and
welcome' reply "i took tbem all down
In shorthand as they fail from Dr
Perry's lips. I have not had time since
to traneertbe them. but 1 can read
some of them to yoo U you will give
me an idea as to which ons you
"Read the Ant-wbat she said on the
day 'of the funeral 1 do not think the
rest matter very mucb "
Clifton took a paper from her pocket
and after ob1y a abort delay rad oat
these words, among others:
"December the nth - At 3:40 p. m..
as the services neared their close, a
violent ebaoge took place in ber sp
peal'ance, and she attend in shrill
Conte those astonishing words which
horrified all below and made us fiel
that she bad s clairvoyant koowke
of the closing of the cullet then raking
"'Break It open. break it open. and
see I1 her heart is there!'"
"Pantie there." 1 raid. 'That is what
1 meau 1t was not the onty time abe
uttered that cry If you will glance
farther down you will come across
a se•ulyd exclamation of the like cbar
atter "
"Tes; here 1t is It was while the
ubiquitous Sweetwater was mousing
about the room .
"Read the very words bi' heard 1
have a reason_ Clifton 11omur me
for this "are'
"t'ertnlnlr nn trnnble. Phe cried
two. Break 1t open' Itreak the
ala.. and 1.••k In ' Ilei heart shonod
1s• 11.0e. tr." hent. her heart" Ilur
Mhl" tint von In•i•led Ramoarb
•1 .h•m••h, 1 b•'arI 11:,1 w.,rd Striae."
I mime•' -i or'r. to nits't1 then te
tits, 1'.. • n1•5 •1 ••h1.k1 .x f,., n1
10• ••.t • hnnrhl ..n• nnnhl,
1. .. . "".n• '! .. 1111
e•• ••.1 K.• lavage pins
was" 1 snaaested instil, Thee b►
f..r. bas •'.'. u 1.1.1% N hal '1 run
think the .. •rledtit ht • ••cwt
Clteuaw 1n 0.0 t".'i' nr /
N hy, •b. ',..t- +1 .up I -.imposes
woes* M made erotic w log '1 rrt.•rewb
go... 11
.4 cut IP whet 1 •MMM Ikea '. awe.
1. '1r dm o -.-,its asset .,•". Snit la
Sawa r
1 b'le.e• •„ ram► ep
etn's1 no arms Mon t•nhig..
ease inn, 1s.
hi is .b1, '• •,1• wa-
ke's It.. i.i,. 1r• Iasi • •
(Oa and w ri eon. run•
sawn h.rr •- lap, • •
wb-w 11. , .. lel.., "1
Weal aMt• en 1 ••
tin this err. ear v:....
m■t be alist. •. -t. ,••'
..ot Iwo
"1 n, •t inn, awes* . nag
• 1• •.
riot. i••
O tee
• kiss
• o/..e
- to...
int 1
he babas eon et Wag tan salt Se
went in this dark. and 1 dans nu
nothing to sea the rteatloa Be ear.
(s again toward evening, and Ude was
what be told me:
"1 have seen Sweetwater and was
mon fortunate to my interview than 1
expected tie talked freely and in the
course of the conversation described
the very occurreac. In which you are
so interested Carmel had been lying
quietly previous to this outbreak, bot
suddenly started into feverish lire and,
raising herself up 1n her bed. painted
straight before ber and uttered the
words we have repeated. That's all
there was to 1t, and 1 don't res. tor my
part what you bare gained by a repe-
tition of the mow or why you lay so
mach stress upon bar [star.. What
she said was the thing, though even
that ts immaterial from a legal point of
view. which is the only view of any
imports oft to you er to me st this
Boon •ft.r this Clifton left me and
I could thtnk out my hideous thought
(brmel had pointed straight before
ber. shouting out, "Break in the
glass!" ,
1 knew hat room. I bad been tabus
tin there once by Ad.lalds aa a se-
quence to a long conversation about
Carmel, shortly after ber Bret return
from .cbooL Adeatde wished to show
▪ s the cabinet on the wail the cabinet
e t which Cermet undoubtedly pointed.
If ber bed stood as It stood then. It
was not *lotto full at that tins 1t did
D ot contain AdeWde's heart among
the other broken toys stitch Carmel
had destroyed with bar own hard and
toot In her moments Of frenzied pas-
sion. Adelaide had kept them all,
locked behind glass and in toll view
of the child's eye. night and day, that
the shame of tbos• past destructive
moments mlgbt guard ber from their
repetlttoo and help ber to understand
ber temper and bersetf.
I could not doubt ber guilt after this.
Whatever peace ber forgetfulness bad
brought, whatever Innocent tonging
after Adelaide, the wad cry of those
first few hour, ere yet the impressions
of ber awful experience bad succumb-
ed to disease, revealed ber secret and
showed else workings of ber conscience.
It had not been understood by others;
It had pasties as ■n awesome eplauda
At 10 tnrrEah or 12.
I.. DON'T care a rush what you do
to me. 1f you don't believe
your own officer w bo swore he
saw Ranelagb's hands opoo my
sister's throat. then this world la all a
jumble and It maks very little differ-
ence to me whether I'm alive or dead."
When theme words of Arthur Cum-
berland were repeated to as 1 echoed
them In my Inwood goo). 1. too, eared
very little whether I lived or died
The grand Jury reeled off lea cases
and finally took up ours To the lad 1
hope) -sincerely, 1 think -that I should
be the man to suffer lodfctment Bot
I boped In vain. A true bill was
brought against Arthllr, and his trial
was set toe Jan. lel.
The first nae 1 made of my liberty
was to visit Adelatdda grave. In that
sacred place I could best review my
past and gather strength for the fu-
ture. The future! Was It under my
control? Did Arthur's fate bang upon
my word? I believed so. But had 1
strength to speak that word? 1 had
expected to; 1 bad sees my duty clear-
learly enoneh before the stunt of the
grand Jury But now that Arthur was
indicted. now that It was en serepted
tart that he would have to sand trial
Instead of myself. I way cooartowa of
such a recoil from my contemplated ac-
tion that 1 lost all confidence In my.Nf
and my stoical adherence to what 1
considered the elation of triticea
1 tr'ayted Arthur; I distrusted Car
mel Rot abe had Maims to i'ooaldera-
tlon whir!) he tacked. Fb. was •
woman Her felt would mean Intl
fetter more to her than anis Memory to
In The Spring
Now is tar time to bring to your aid
Dr. Pierre's Golden Alediral Ibiwitvcr)
m tablet yr [quid form). 'I his woo-
• ul remedy helps to restore stomach
to its natural health and strength and
to mecum pnup•r flow of the dignitive
jnir•vs, a good appetite and full diges-
igertion of the food you eat. It invigor-
ates the liver, regulate* the bowels and
purifies and enriches the blood.
lir. Pierce'. Golden hlediral Dia-
eovery 1r ahsolutely free from alcohol
and injuriolu drugs. Its ingredients
printed on wrapper. You earl he cer-
tain it is a true blond -maker, besot. -
builder, and a restorative nerve took
and that it will produre no ail 4iha`
effect 77wwa•nds-probably many of
your neighhore-are willing to recom-
mend the " l )urovery" because it has
made theta liquid
in body, brain,
Buy it invalids' Hotel, lot. r
meed Dr Fie,.. , to
N. Y., ten cents for trial package.
Prime Rupert, B. C.-" 1 take great
/ileaNttee f.0 a•sGsbdng to you heart-
nkss for
_ irttorrboyAr-
hes derived from
7'ssr leedi1ine
Osldea Medical
Dbwvery.' He le
a Mersa boy al-
IbptiMr • to tak-
ing live betas. Hie
meld to be
•sd his
Mena& end bowfin
shrew emit d order,
bisi Dr. m
' Meisel DIneee y alae wad
whomever we alis aim we hist Items la
SIM bekaer."-Mao. Oreo Mauna IN
Id An.
Don't complain abut pies is seer hart
who■ the remely he. right to Yard. tae P01.
stop 1,,•tache., ewe they do it its as may
rustural stray by going right to the twit d tae
u ou fate
GIs NII set ea the kidney. sod tine
bladder. Tiry soothe .sal heti the i•4med
orgasm whist' are cawing the
N r kalee7. .ad .erotica Usual. •.d
feta, lariats and ankle...•. Lkely 1.• loll•..
A dee d tan P111. 1. ume asses • w0111 w(
. pals
You will realise their .nine when ran r.ad
what Mrs ) P. 'i wedge, 01 semoetade,
P.I. 1. writes
"Girt Pills ear•• the greatest of .rt ai,t-
.ey remedies mol a mrd,cei, which i, at
present doing me a wo111 of ,t •.1 They
are worth their weight ie gold to asp
suffers,. '
Get GIN 711,1.5 today •t your d.slrr •
gar. a vox. or a boxes for syn. anal t.�.'t-
Mee Paktil you write la
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto
h im Even he hard seemed to ris•tegn1S
this. Miserable and halt neaned as
his lite had been he had aftrren b1m-
selt man enough not to nitwit -ate his
young slater In the crime ,aid to his
charge Mint. then rap 1 that I
should presume to dlsrei rrd his lead
In the difficult mar.' In whit h rr wen
both lost? Yet hrrnn•e ot the ..If re-
e'straint he manIfestit1 he has my aym-
patby. and 1 resolved 10 stand his
friend It I naw the ea.e'teatly going
• tnlnet hfrn '1'111 then 1 ...,aid coo -
alder the helplea• girl toneue tied by
her condition and tnlrtre,l enough al-
ready- by my misptnred tors end Its
direful conwouenees.
Theisnty rhsnre 1 now allowed my
self wn• an occasional wtdnicht stroll
up Rne.led street This wn• as near
IS 1 dared appFunrh Canners windows.
1 fenrrd came watchful rx,ltre spy.
refloat.. 1 fraud my own hardly to be
reetrnlnt•d longings
Thl• • -as twfore Cermet left with
her nnrw for 1Jkew.s'a Atter that
event 1 thrusts my mom nu more 1a
taking my midnight stroll. 1 was not
Mid the day or boar of nener departure.
happily. perhaps, for us both. for I
could never bare kept away from tbe
station. 1 beard Inter that abe was
deliberately driven past the Whisper-
ing Pines, though the other road wax
more direct and Tess free. It anything,
from possible specatorw They [bought,
no doubt. that a sight of the place
might reawaken whatever memorls
remained of the last desperate scene
ptecedlog her brother and slaters.de-
parture for this out of the way spot
They little knew how cruel was the
test or what a storm of realization
might have overwhelmed ber mind as
her eye fell on those accursed walla,
peering from their bower of mow
laden pines. But I did. and 1 never
rested till 1 learned bow she bad borne
herself In ber slow drive by the two
guarded gateways- merrily. It seems,
and with oo sign of tine remembrances
1 feared
011e sentence, and one only. reached
my ears of all she said before she dis-
ieappeared from town
"1f Adelaide were only going too!
Bat 1 suppose 1 shall meet her and Mr.
Ranelagh somewhere before my re-
turn. She most be very happy. bat
not so peaceful as I am Eine will see
that whoa we tweet 1 can hardly welt
for the day."
one incident more before I enter
upon the merlons business of the treat
1 started one Melts for my walk at
10 o'clock Issteed of 12. 1 west tike
old way, aa1d. the old boring rets
ring at the one charmed spot on till.
road, 1 cast • gotrt loom st the dose-
fated boas[ whlcb. abort as It was.
roused teetlage which teff my boss
lowered for the remainder of my wade
north and to the vert moment whoa,
on an, return. the same rblma.ys and
evanescing roots rams •gala tate
stew ar.sgs the wintry branches.
Tela Mbit Med my heed and 1 pane-
ased M Met amain. when the law Nand
of • beau votes. Suppe seed Into a
0Nan se tale store no to stases
• beat lmr tin. wean. er eine wimp bag
uttered tats sees ot sorrow N•
waa In ilst[, but as 1 started te
A 1 NOM /Mr MAW atter d la eha55*
tense tram beard tM bodge sem&
tag tbe Fulton greYd• hem t,.
To Be Oowlba.d N. • 't •'k
The eretonof`sem, 1•• hug hhsa
many stories 10 111 n' 1 '•'.meets
.rade ley visitors. 0 •• r asalon
of • f•.Ilval when 1 it h was
Mau ifnlly 41.0014111110 w t itreene
and flowers an old •• • •'k• -d up
the . s1.• to Ibe eh. • . net .trwed
N OM F the air aft. r •• •• beet
loft he• rhumb. ' 1 'I - smell
..•i.,.• r *he said as 1 h s.ltan
a. eh, 'owned away • •,Int m-
ine • •"e "I dss't k 1 ever
reelrs.•d post what 11 • -1 sere.
tity n•.wnt bees. ter •