HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-23, Page 5TILE SiGNAL : GfDERICH : ONTARIO THUImD&r. MLwoa ti, 10113 MICHELIN TIRES AT OLD PRICES This tire has given extraordinary service to local users and now that you have the chance to buy at about the same price as an ordin- ary tire, you should lose no time in getting your season's requirements filled before the price goes up. EAST STREET GARAGE 11,, o I t.'.' .1 pl'lu •I Ir.( .,t.' n. A. M. GLOVER PHONE 2421 Grand Trunk Special Makes Fast Ran.. PERSONAL MENTION. The special Granit 'trunk train I -- Car t yit,g a rerarJ shit •Ili of ow,. M''• Arrh. bleep. of Walton, we. de tae„ ;04) N N,r.d.) rolrt motor carr her arrived in 1\'iuli' Mr '1'4,0. Podlrthwa.L , ha. ?ecu peg, 41fty-eine !inure-atter!raving the 1„wu f1. n, t orkt I.lan,. ,pNl irlge of the motor cool ploy'» plant ' r..rn ('has. Harker. rod nH,..'lo:,. wa. home at Oshawa. Ont. The. mileage tet wren for.ct.r..ldq«Ihr 44.1 wrvk. Oshawa and %Vinui1wg its I.'abl, and I 1't,• Thr.. Million, et the -1'' tN1tlhibri, 1. Imam ft. int %Vias e'•'t fu: .. Isla eau.- this ie w remarkably fast ran, d«.eloan- le.i et, to ing the expe•ditio.nweek,. n1,«rr.l1 4 M. towt%alt J. Hn'8aurn. ;I-t.Mat- town. w..• hum, frau tli.,tf- 1 lir-a -twat to •hipper. by the /,rand Tim ink troll.- ,y,4). continental line over the new I'.41..1,M„j•,e11t'.Dunlop andI.i.•yy,t.A.G. \iib.••. through Nei -thrill Ontn, in hetwern l of the :I -t 11.tteaee. ate 4)r .awn fu. ., tat.-, Eastern 11101 Western Cpthada. I u )Ir. Hair) Hall. of Itrand.,., )Lw., Hen Fr _ town for.e,erald.)-4)n ., , a1L 111 h,. u...tber ,.tel-I.ten. M,-• MIMI Morn and suss Miry tl•rk..tu- d.,tt..f the I.tonfm.) Surreal richt».1. were home over Sunday. 14„ rt. Krae»t I'rltCt.,rd. ,r the Army !dental Senn,. w.,. home from r44. 'l'hnw o for a few Ida?. thirhu tar weak. Dr. H. I. airing h:.- resumed his mai. st 'he I obeg.»te 11/0u1.u'.. ha, i,1,( re•..o,ere,' from h )'.rt. enc IIID.•. Mr. T. It. Stratton 1rft on Wndne.d..y for his 1 home at tltr.ltou. 8. 1 after a two umm.1 h- 14 i.it with hl. parent-, Mr, .aid Mr.. A. tiet,.ot- uo, , Da( id .4 met. Mrs. ('autpbell, of .% t, iny, Mlwonrl. widow led the bete J. M. 4'otopbe'1. N.1)., of 41.•,.1..11 h. 1. visiting her sou -in., Mr. and Mrs. Thomas !(4uadr). Elgin..eoue, 111.'+.John I. Aitken left for Crsr*r, Mich, Ia.t week after rw.i'teg word that no hone 1 w»., held for the reouserr of her elite it tee, he,, Mr. lteob•inin Wil.•... whahad uuderaonc »u ropy :,thio ,', Saginaw I, -mut. At Bisset Bros.' auction sale of Holstein cattle yeste d.y all the »lock advertised was dirpos. 1 of. 'Cows sold et pri-es ranging ft,nu $73 to ilei. { Another change in the 4•P R time- lable is announced. Commencing !next Monday. Minch 271h. the Otto ner.n train w111 (rave at 2 u, o'clock. instead of ,2.2.5. arriving at l'onnito p. in. ' SINGER STORE Children's Dresses in all the newest up -t4) .late 1416 wOles.All size,- Come ize•Come and see then!. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Middies Good•fitting, well -made. ftp -to -date goofs. New goods to hand in Stamped Underwear. MRS. TAPE THE SQUARE Have You Tried Our Bread Buns Cakes Pastry ? low -Tes. We. arc j,icu•in a large nutn})l'r ,)f cn,t4Jlucr1 and should like to'hat .h trial tidier froti, \'t)i seis wall DAVID BURNS Ii It 11.9.. -ton Street WESTERN CANADA NEEDS 10,000 MEN FOR SPRING SEEDING. steady Etiipto) went SINN t'• ( i \1" Low Settlers' and Homeseekers' Fares Now in Effect. tr0ti.11 tickets. til. 11 ,.Inas i.n \lal►ito!..t. Saskatelte- c,:t t .ut,l Alla•.'!.111. iat.'rna- tiou. apply to. J. W. CRAIGIE. Agent CAN,1.:f1MiR Custom Haiching d k H. Keith Re 'cl1, RiDGCREST FARM The e_arly'hatcl!ied bird lady:; the winter eggs: Let us save you the worry an woe of hatching your eggs this season. S2.00 PER TRAY OF 70 EGGS. ■_.__ To Builders and Contractor: We have a large ,tock of square Timber 111) to 12 in. square to iii feet long, 1lemlock, Spruce Jointing and ican(1iug, all widths and lengths up to _'I) feet long. 1.atlt. Ontario White Cedar Shingles, rine, spruce. Hemlock and Oak i-untlicr. All grad, - 11ardwctoll and fine lalt,o;in,.. Dressed rine and Spruce. Celt fornia Siding. - Always in stock. MouldingsSashStock on hand Sectional Poultry Houses all sizes. Estimates cheerfully furnished. "r'"„ Paget Grain Door Co., Ltd. LOCAL TOPICS Good Friday Concert. The North street Methodist choir i4 prep a Ing fur a . oneert t . 1e given 44.1 (itt.ld Fl 14114y. Apli1 21.1. The pro - gruel will consist of 11440, .d and p orb title rhos 4)•r.., 144118, readings, ole. Further auuuuucu;uents w114 be made later. Major Lewis in Khaki Ottaw*, \l •ur4 ph- Mel .r E. N0r- wau Lewis, Al P., is the hurt titender of the 11••use to appear in khaki. The rew Major, Who i. 44) ciiiii Ma 0f the 5th Battery• now teing urgrtu'r. •d i4) \\'ester it Ontario. a11P041. 4 i4) the 1'ou,u,ons chamber in full uni- form. 111* fame,. ted uw•kti", w't.h• out which he 1.44 never b•dore Ap- twared in 1,ntlli ', 114 eephrt•d by the regulation (Onk. M•jit. Lewis lade gu'.Ihye to the member* tonight before leeving for King -tun tomorrow. where in• will take the artilloly 4'. arse for th.• next I It, pi i •r to titling active C4 11111 I*fltt of his hat ter y. Y. M. C. A. Military Fund. The following *ek.rowl0.1gn*ent hitt. Vern received trout NI r, C. N1. Cupe- I.nd, seereta•y of the National 1'Jutt- c,l of Abe Y. V C. A of Canada: "Please iter -pt oar thanks for. the contributions towards our military fund as pet- ruche -et! receipt-. \\•e greaUy appreciate your interest and cJ-np-ration in this matter The e ' fol warded from (bele- We understand Robert Moore hasten- world than ,'duration." The negative rich was' $:Y1,ISI, in,•luJing $li from listed in the lel.t Hurons. side, which was upheld by Ill• Lurk- the 14. C. 1. Literary S n•iety, 85 from Mt Andrew Kirk 11 in Detroit this now detesters. w4), buceeesful by the the Y. M. C. A. 1. sties Aux,li try. 81 week, visiting her daughter, Mrs. smell margin of one point .Anang. Trona A. M . Robertson, 82 each tr C1cightmt. - turnts ere being mule for another de - J. 1'. Huai.• and Mrs. 1'at, le, 161 each pert %Vigg:us it a victim of measles In.te by the 114 Me debater,. in Luckuuw frena 14r. Strang, Mrs. h'. R. Iltxl}ens, this week. Al a consequence his in the near future. Mr.. Clement, !Riese.; Fr•eeuwn, 1. E. school is closed. Sharman, K. \%', tsun, N1. Fraser and Some of our eoldiers have ,..turned Catarrh Cannot Be Cured 11.Mtrang, this week and are seeking recruits. ..ithl-4t. it. .\{'I'l.h'A'I1' 1,a+the)o.il)ot1 The U,uuieipality is organized end reseh thet• -'an of the ,li-.'...e. t'atarrh 1. a they are to be given a fair show. We brat da.e:,.e, ri e.4), n,duenex1 tot ror»dtta- wish t ,rut •uecera. ,tonal condo ton-, sae in unse4 to Curr 11 lou Tul NI KAat Kx 'Eri Ul:x4) - Nlies intuit b.ke an intra...) remedy. H•.1i.4 atarrh lure is tak,•n internally and U. through the Ryan, of the junior room of Dungan- blood en the woee,,. eurfarv's of the -4.-tem. non school, has resumed duties .,gain Hall'. l'atanh euro wit. pro rrlbc1 by one of after her illnebe. The **nine room also, p.ed"ofsoweof the b, lIltonic. kknown, BACK - ACNE c :.,cl.: c'.-• „1,.t ! -a KIJncy D;was.s. If (Al 4).'p,:•, t 1 .,.ka'.::o it will dds.etSp .. u •.,,:.'thing' 1z,rec-Htigiit r t.,.r or Dubctrs. Thera 1, No t • tubbing and doctoring ,•ur 14 I,o, ICUI-0 the ki.1,w.» Tli,•ro is 44111y 4)140 kidney utr►ii ,44,. tut it Ct:rea Bete:..eche every ting Todd's Kidney mills DUNGANNON. \\'t''LNK4ll.ty, March 42 street Leaguers of Clinton on NIond.y of this week. The vtrltorr nruught with them a splendid program, con. spiting of readings. trio. and std"e, which were eo we•iolly well ',Meted Rrfr..hulruts welt. eervwt NMI a very enjoykhleeveuiug was then 1•i might to • cl,we. - -- - LUCKNOW. Movut, M.arcli _11. It..lrtdrew Orr .tau ted tut Mouda) 1,14 apprentice with Nr..\tett. Ito... Ice intends teat ;nog the het oP»a.rr- I (uliriu►; 1184.14'. P, . , Jo* 4111 'Toni McDon- ald, of the \V.,Ikt•i too .,I1u41 el in ,.eruct , spent Smits)? a) Unear respective home.. The !elect Loyd in khali are spinet- Plow ydnevPlow t bait and do, .1, • n Smelt /. •, . I'tr. Itobimun, of tit. Hokin*. al.., jonn•d (lir Unit un :Monday, The Intal vol muter. ,441,4, 1 • rew• seater tot i"t'ot,y to t..le pan i4) the parade these 411 the inure 1L, tali.U. Se%rral mitts W. re un:'.hle to bit pies• ent and T11r 014,,11414 war 01111111. it i. , 4)r end .1.44 y to • hruuirle the deal h of 1110 of l.uekn.w'w old citi- z••nb in the pet mon* of MI., .lutea Atchel atm Alias Catharine U.,ulphrlL The sympathy of the e' by is extended 141 the 6 -reeved friend.. 1.1', k1•1(11 •OO:ri.'TKRs \\'IN. - V,ry few wd.'eJ war the' het who drove to tit. IlrI,ue on Friday, the 17th. t0 heal the debit* between Luck low and Mt. Helena talent. The subject for diarusrion WAR: '•It••solvrd, that wealth has N I.. alter iulbienoe in the Well Fed. In a letter received by his brothers here this week Victor 14.11. who is with the Roy al ('auadian Regiment, "eoulewherr in France," writes as follows, : "1 don't believe I ever fed 14 err in 1i re -opened this week, but the at- eowbloed with .mine of the beet blood purifier-. my life than I stn doing at present. 1 tendency is yet very small owing to ,'he )M'rreeL'.,mbl.atim. of tM Ingredients in had soup, roast tau, boiled pita• ' the measles. The following homes in H';,4el lul 10. 111. Io aciirnin twn,iIii a w.Sei a teres. dutupplinK'. and rice r•Iddibc for the village are affected ' A. l'IJlwrt, torte.timnnlal-, foe. dinner tales,. Can you,*.al ,bat cur Hey, I. McKelvey, 0. E. Augustine, F.J.4'HK\B\'aCU.,lhnp+,Toledo. Ohio. a *oldie' on active service ? I will tell H. levan, W. Shwa kleton, \Ire. T. Dur- All d. l�m(b Pill. for eoD tip.tioo. yon wile• the company had fur dinner 8141 .I. K. 111c'.rab, J. Savage. A. Pent. - you today -tried Imo. t'n chops. boiled laud end A. Disher. Terence Kidd, son of Mr. and Mrs. p3tatot •and turnip+ and tic. puddornu.y: ' EDIT'111 IBE1.l..IMY ENLIATM.-11. BoI- Jour ,h Ki, d, has enlisted i4) the 1st .'low's ti at fee the common rt,namy ?" 1 The writer is wish the signalling corps' 181117. the geni-•l editor of The Dun- Divisional Engineering Co,;.. es a Kennon News, has answered the call to Matteotti operator and is now at Ot.. of ht+ reg went and the letter is dried Meech "4)d. :serve his King taw...'1' mind country. He hes taw. «ernes had lately been hold - In a (comer letter he tell+ of a 1140.leen .trongly advocating the nerd of ing the position of esei.t•ant city pas- • recruit'. and urging our duly to the 'tenser agent forthe C. P. It. at ('hat - tow escape he had when s4) reality■hrllc ae from one of their own nig Empire through the weekly issues of haat. guns buried' itself three feet in the his (utper, alai 11110110, tartaric l4) with - guns buried' les de hime stand the dirt etre of his c.nsci,•nce. he Ire olvld to het aside minor duties and Iroquois at Strattord. resp old to the urgent call : "Your That Settled It. •r Fair- NI aideo (-lawmen, on Mandhar by incuwil.g ti.t. ,: 1 kn. w »out•• 01 •.10(• 1'h•• 1re qua,. hockey ream p4tyed Kiat and country need pin volt." Mr. would c e. AA ...1,1-1, !tent ort II anexhiliuun game at Mt ratforil Thurs- tiel'ann' will be greatly numbed from. few a ruck,r y ,u can stay 1het,. day Bight butt and were def,'-.trd ha• • ,,,44 vill.g4, hitt we lupe that his ab - the flat 1).ttslion team. 1'hr Stat- erne.• ail) he Inst tempo, say tool thatFlaxseed as Food. ford ti..*eon reporting the game sn)'e! Ilia ',turn will tit• crowned. with sue I':us-red bite b•,'n lr,uta'n hrmlgL- The g,t,ne wit. f4•t to 1 furious' front ' cr444. (40(4(4 luck aha ware return is1 out h's101iC time to posse.$ wtoudertul (*.ginning to end, with the final •,`'..re ,nue e.ndtd wt'.h, food and medicinal ro 111... 7h« i in 4 fur (hr 7 1s The 110.4""" 14 I p' '. De.tnl 4)V Yet•.. Ru'1lwacu RF.IU.- Kum r 1m -fed a lo .law.'. to Lees) S,,,•th in goal and 111e alritnc,» in, the I nets hid much to do with the ocal. 41114ro 11 cur dep t •'t,..red Davidson.motheret emi in c.inditital and 41ylre The I,y Ow »n( drmth nf) Ir.nnr D(st+tl, civilized .pahtlr tns gra. 1.411.y rebelled 11101/1041 the gator, while MCI)ivalJ• I,,,l,ved 1tfr of Richard Reid. 4'.1i CI111- i :t( its linseed' din and taste. it I.us r• on the ofh' r ride, lru,led to be ori - '(44- ion ••f Aohfl• M. at the nge of forty-' nretn'd 1,1 a phy•ir441 to .l snivel' it. V1.1114 IL,th testes displayed rX'e4) 111reeyears. Mr.. Reidba-1 (awn ail- Imethod '.! (biting -4)81,1rn out of the lb Ila' g cal rhr,kirg and enwli°t ing for sone lime, but the ra'e wa'I linseed oil by electrical', tbangiegl)o• lieu work. J'+Htnly 1.(411.' got Ihr gnlDr• butapp.l• tliy_rrr'iou• until some 110(4. oil /11//11./111.411I. Odin 11..4. Malt T.s,.1e... Igoing 'toile 11.447 a few 1",'"',1,"'. 441(01., w.,,«l. pr'e'iou4 :,1 to her demise. She 1 AA 01'11. yet Ie4vi(.10.441f(.10.441 ai4.1 'ilei;, cmuut-using, hy,.e'r mg 1114 (41",'"',1,"'441 84)1 . 1. soe» a bulb 4).d snd fuer 'little hit- I cin Op aper ie. nnch.irge 1. Tuis is now which wn'. r1usel7 1041ow' d Lv II' s''''• l dren. 1,-. des 4 luuihrr, three bn,there . used 4)t lir. .1 .rks1 4).4 Ita,wao WA!. ond, with the sent.' in the lira Url;t.l , rind the• -e sie`.er$. to mo0rn her 1..,...I V1.'1 -fired to 1.•• Ihr .111/1-1 r.t.uri-11.104 :: t1 1 for .t hr tocol+. In the (..rood 1 411.. truism* were inlet r• d rn Dun- t 10 -d sold 447,-1 .1 1.,...11%, 'veto{ r.,,. • - period it avNc,a 44. (1 Lir Ihr brat*. In gann:,n ceu,••t.•ty on S.•' inlay, -tieing i two: t N the thin) period the visitors gut u), w lie 4)o.) (.acne 1;•at-d Most g• • thrix. spunk scores two goals i4)• fcllowrd to .41r1ri.r411.4 l Ly"a sell.., l'1 g' large numI.-r 4)l tt:end. •ted ;.quaint-• :Ii,t:e 1 r 11 1t:a1 31, t »uccrvsiun, nuikinq things imrtrati to mice,. Much sympathy is felt for Phe Tl',t.ut.•. I'an4Ja: - for dice ,l=t for n while. NlcDcmn''I 1 iet'raa«t huarwuJ end little 1 -1li10 i4, i ••- played .t vv. y' gout! Caine fur the vier thrix win rt -ort, 'rhe (11'1°'' ,I 'tri vi ,si furs the rnu u•. The 1111,4 periodGENERAL BROU-GI CHAPTER. ,u Walesa to 1 for tn.. S4ilori•, tit oh,. will/ conducted by It a•. 1:, 14omm. - 114!11:8 f'.d4s Irferu•, TheSot:limns tat 1mN.•ANwN. ya;• Re?ort' at A:inuil Meeting of the Work The •,•,' toe ; - urday I:o.t wit! he arc •olid x. 4 red- Accomplished Doing the Year. S110(1 ,l_G,o14!• Su,ith; rlrfrnco letter day in D11gan..4)t. The fore. Hayes and Buchan tilt Hover. 1w.we: 14) 4" war spent i4) pn t"' 'ion and in 1 \ t1« 888,1.1 nine tine • f t t...., Hayes .entre, Lavelle- 11.4111 awing, Thome; p1u'iog d.•cornti'•n• to y.• tit.. hots )'1'•c1 1110.Igh t h44trr, 1. if. II I • to khaki w• tov,.I t,rep.te•n., F!a}i f i 'Nil¢ 1H r w,r ,h•,t , left wing, 1•..-•' n. NI \I U, n r 1 \,••, r •g hl,'4 4 ,*L* -,t.'1, -4i.. d. A. McDonald:.de- hannrt4 and hu•.1ing a-.,,•-tream•ug1 fetes, 'I(4III and 1'roudfunt; rover. 11 the .air ,dung Mnn •t•r.•t,• fuelj\r ,o4)-'_8,1,1 , r., 1,.. \1' . I.. Wallowa. ciot'.,1 Ir• ., ..l trots vat- at., to r•we',t, \1r- ' ,' 1':,, Sn, z I ; r' t:t.'r, Vridtranl : right wing; tier .. !. I_ %11,1,, l M. Nle0 1.1.4 ; left wing, 11 /1et%.u*1 ions 0,41,, -. In Ill I:e, t , h i „g, r Death of W. C. Rut'gdgC. e•yrMlvr,rdlrrclydt w.,I• -!lir »uulli.I\�• . ;rto.lod'„•.r r ''I mad tin.11. the wet n d ., 1.- weir "'',r 111 . N1r- 1 - ., 1Vrb-1••a• 110" -"all Itatled)tr, Pot of se .11 wppr011(11 IL. •,n . e.•,•, i,t,,, 11 , . 11 h, .. Sit end NI,.. 11.11 1tut1elige, of 1: ale- i• ,i• tee- 1.1 :.d 141 Ili. 4•, ..h.•tn .hd tea. r 1(1'‘ " I1 rich, ,ties) at Toronto •.n rhurstlety of led I heti op edit, .. h.• r thew were I 1'1 t ;., -, :111 I!. lag Secs alert only is few .lay,: i11- given sortie of wele,ui,e I•y It •o. 1. Me- 4)104" •• • i' "- . law++ 4)l toe utu0n1.4. The . ,trcras•'l Kr1. ey in hellish 01 the• v iti3O-•. Pa- SecteWny•it Report • r• township !n Ilse 1,4 •tr• rm1. r. n d t• Ili note *het N i , ., N . ),• was cairn 4)t l'od'•i. h n �p k 4 g 1 at t t to,„,.,".t, T 1 I l a „ <. v.•un 4.•; ,,ndiUrt.dri1 ,dread at S. S. exe):4111, • d, .1 •- ,I t t 4. , t,.4; r'. deter: \i::n. 1 ,,.,'. • the pi a. 11l••.1? i ,..,1". NII; l4) 1111 4._ township. lie nt'rt- of then ut',n ' •i•,, nn , 1 ,•• m 4",".r.n) 1:.4; 1).y ,•,•,1 4rpo:rl ( 1 .,. 01.•11..•.1 w,ud. .(1,1,410,1 ow'441,4:,to School whie11111,y 14er•et0'ei'•• 1'10, t4) -tv •1 • t4. u'' , 1 411 11''r „ I'i,,o 110,-y 411,1 gt:\d.t►te.l fru.ri rntly they wet, t"4..ii t - • •• .• rat I" !, ., belt • 111 •-( •',, •. .1 tl11r that 1 n 1, a 4ou i4) Ilse! with the l'h 1. of the NI"'11na1.t ehitr•i•, U!1, re 1 ,•i ,• ,a.. , . ,1 „•, v . •, t -.i , i ,, y,•4t; If. 11 gt.'.. Hr .v.. coninr,'ted 1,4114 Per aa. +y, s', -al. •.tt , L.!, .•1 41 y 0 -ere , I ), 14),• ,old sevrr..l (,e:-ku.,(u (+t.4 film,. for doectr,ltotheie ,I I I ng I.i, +144.1! ,: ,• . several y.•,oa anti ltetvvartle started given full 1•1.-.10,11f a• !1•• " ,,,,T:.ti,,. ' 711 the thug liu.inso, for himself' at 'I'll v c.•o.ti' lc merle •4 4.1.,1-04'ing!,11.. r • %Veit Toronto. In .latitt.try, 11111, h • tit?A• for th 1•i, lies at t , 1 .: a•. slit.; to •I I;" I i ,. Mai tied \fila Etta Ilan y'. of (Indium,. hail no din? ...Hy in 41,4' '-g p nonose,•.'»/ „'• , , i I • 1 who, with Ihrn two children, belie., tor 01.41 1orris go.,.... ,.1 e in (ire :•t 1 tier rptir a1,.1 Batley Hall, .ultn't•.. t•xUtaveg4nl. p• lees •I•••r•.• .• 1 itg. - , . , AI, � , ,,. ,. 11+1.144,14., Purvi.rJ ht by . parent-, tot a 111.141 tell 4 4.414.1 11 116.7-... 0 • ' 1 1110111 Mn. in. 14 ' t 1 1 n ,. i ,• ; 1) us. ,- '1 Lrutber; Alb.. 1,..4.1 14,0'1,14, mud Lou. well. .11 1,....1; • t 1111. 1 .. t h e )„ 1,,, 41; , , • Al ,1 , . 1, .hosts, Ur:. Thornton :snit Mrs. Whit. ttlateh,d tot!..• anti. is I..., ..)„,!,4111 i,,1 „1 t • 14, . i 111411, of low n. and Mr... lledtes and supper, mb.1 .. i n.I ' ,. , ' e . f g".41 . i;, 1 ,, - Nits. Emily .Itutl. di..., of ',outdo. thtnge. At. "' ell, o' 1• ' I.4) wits ,. .lo ; , , ,r ,.- ,,N The drr+•wsrd'.1441'. a'.•t7 1111p4.1.11* booth 81140171 the e'.. 1 41:: I• . I „1 the ,ted t. . •,..I on , .: , .1 • ",1•"rs ■ in 11. business and i1 1114 pi av,ite hr.. Cross. The i 11,11444 ' 1 ,44. • 44 hrde 1.. 41 ,1 11 ,- 1.'. ,1 i,. the and the ,stern) in %Ohtch he was 11.i41 filled 1 4 th'•deo,. %I - I'', •apds ace , 01 , ,11141)S,.11••1 • 1 • ` 1 • t ' Huhu• wets .ter -tee( 1y 111e g104t 110 1 0Anemone.,1' 111 sl. Anemone., 0,•,•01,0,•,•01,• 1 , • ''' ' ; , • •,,'l 1" ,••-,.,,,, 4'' ' 1 ,•,•,• 4• •11 _ )(,cal It'biers wile11 1.:rdlllp.lnlyd the NI41•IC 4,444 11: •l•lied 1„ n 11:, , , ri nouns from 'Forman. rte. Tuner.. -1 took pi at• 'ia 'r4)•-»,1ay f...1. , hr paten's' h-'tl.- on I'altrnt•tnn stn -et, Ito set Vtern 411- ng c.11diO,rd 1 y ltrv. W. K. Haw t•. -1 or )vl11-1ealrl4 31114' Messrs. ('11.s. II herr and Iteg. 1hartn.tn, of t:. drr,ca. and 11„1: y Salkeld, %Vat. Edo -0, Milt.,,, \V,,.t. and Alex. Mterling, of (114-,,.b town- ship. In adahti n to tits 111111 ediate .41 •tivo•a those) T. sent tit the ',Metal from 1 .11.. 4111')' ...ere !111. �n,l Mrs. A. l'.'l'ruedell, of ('nsalimn ; ilea. \\'..I. Little. 4)t L1, i,.ow ; N1,.. Plunkett and Mr. tiro, Rutledge, .4 Aul,nrn. The intcrmen1 '..1{4 made in \LotI:old cetne1 et 4. • 1f it's ire create in lot 1. or L►n••y Wicks y at want, th.• tight place W get it ie 141 irk atone..,. Phone 210. Nett Mundy will be anlivrreaty Sutmtey Nt N nth .trent Methodi.t , bureh. Hey. Dr. D. swell, of Akin at reef Nle: beat,.' rh,,reb. L lndon, a former manor of N.,rth attert L11;11 -ib. wits preach at both serviree ro deleting of Nieto!, •, 1 ' I' ..•,I 1I- • 1 • t , . t.' 1 x1.01 Ntle. 11..,,4. . • n ; t . , 1 1 deir.l by 74 i•• f•. Eti .1, 1„ I,,, -1 t, tow, M0I s by NI.. 11 1'1 1 •`P1 ;Conn, Go- .o • , , i1 •r. 4..4.1 e: i1. 1 I , ,',- di4 '' 1S, win 1{4.41 , .Ten')... ,1. 11 , C,1 1.'. ' , 1, o. I .. c; !"1.n.11•'y {Wel 11,..411{'" '1 - I1. e . ,. by !try. Nesse. (comm and \Villlams1th•• , %% . " "' ' ) •, > and Lien,. Sturdy. 'r„ I• .,1- 1)1 •.l ', 0..10 ., the bits ...a and r. nrert tele $11:..1411. a, .1 , •, I i., , 40,1.• I, - $1 . 1 . 1 • I i 1 , •C 1:,,, .1 ,,.' ) HOLME.0 VI1a., 1Uat to N. .tT't- sr,- awn v,,a.l \Vt n\ t -11'. 1. 11 , c1, '_: r, . ..! .1 sal... f r.. .ly et .1 The 1(1/ 1/ Patriot 40 1-...1• y paekPl1 I. 41.' II, t.' 4' r t •1e • ►A 4.' 111111- t„ •,tr n4r' ,t nr'n.)••e ' 4 nnl• in t,. • nnuUlrlt,enfe•pp1• ,1,1- lbmtday 1 1 to tat Toro - ode.' t1 h. at 1... let•. 1 n• -.y '1811 ,:1 t • trip out „11'1, , • Mr. B. 11,..,', 11 a..•1 I1 It-dnhill ,tuned' 1 love 1eto,i'r,1 flr-,n A\'1iii, •'tt niter t1r grhe nun:emir 4 1:. t n i 14 i.'d-lure. A 04.7 ►'icrer•fnl '.:I , 4 4 t 41 no atock i• 411.1411 on Tuesday , t '10• !arm of Mt. 14. Ache.'o,, 114,' 1e,'.-. .portly 1,-t Modlel,,. 11 t. On Fri,l»y evening lea Hey. .1. Knit:,t dellartr,l l4)' 10,11.'. entitled ••(ire any Arid 11.4' AV 41" to a h intr.'sled ,,,14th,,.'.. In the \Ielhudl Ichinch. During the es ening Mr-. Knight ,'elighlet the ,,,,diener 11111,11 t. ,n, •,1 I,In•1 'I.'1, sits of the „1 1 . ^' • h 414 •1', ! j R''• weft-L•i•4 Th,. a1 4en r t? 1411* t. k' 4)t, MI AI •elk 4,.14!, 111. (tern 011y m(trh tit . .t 14^`r td at '•Ili fn.t•. .ng'. 044 11 - „• h:.• h en nnildei ,*'teld for. mr'4• ti o•• tato len Ills•'•*. II .wryer, 1 a... ‚.4..4 re. 1e 411- 111 .•y chit Mr•. Mac lronabt 4.•.,,lion-t reenverr•I nn,l et - peel M 10 IP" wish u. '4047) ag..in to help us its the bolt yea. that is elle ul of a+. \\'P 11.'••1)11 r' pre, 4., 1. a 't 1 floe Ti v Kdward� for ny.tero-melect. ►evrnl welt rendered n lo . Itrat.41 of two of one 0.'1(118 .I m• ml*.r•. oral -h p • mlid so, 41 :0) , ('1,14 * q') rt. '1'!.t. I.nal 1•;,,,, ell, 1. • •01:1• Pntr . in * 41. pet 4 •• . 04 4.4". A. (',,t z w mod '!'hone 2.111, tamed about 11 ly of .1... Ontario M's• J• B• ‘1,•i r'y'e Altto igh t 4(1. 1 OF CANADA Are Your Childre* Learning to Save Money? • Each maturing son and daughter should have a personal Savings Account In the Union Bank of Canada, with oppertunities to save regularly, and training in how to expend money wisely. Such an education In thrift and saving will prove invaluable in later life. • -'Godericn Branch -1+. WOOLI.COM13E, Manager. 4)l thew ladi«e 414,1411411) fore* of rir• c, lances rswaxn1,tr411.• 1 •• with u. ,4t. all our meetings, thew acre alwayr forst w llliugt helpers :.n,1 Aided us 01. every I,Cca.inn. The follow mg Indies were appointed a .penial a Iter from our Chapter l0 Help the War Ailxiliery when e.11.•,1 4)4441r. 1.44 10 w.: MTs Kt.1,1, %Ir,.. ti silt ('Intl, Mo•..Kill„ran, Albs NI ill*r, Miss 1\'alt , Mrs. \Vill•.un•. \\'e hope the 84)40.1 wall arrntupli.h.•J 111' year 14 •4111y a ieginnitig of 4411.1r we expect fm, are titipli•h in. the %c.or to conte. .7411 1111• cILn•t 4 will lo. I edunhl•t(11ae the strain Rod .10 P44 of flu• Empire it 1,2