HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-23, Page 3&I 5 „Irir!1 IINARD'S LININENT Bio ' ttsi N DIN 01111INIL AND ONLY GENUINE BZW•RE OF IMITA- TION8 SOLb ON THIC MERITS 09 NIAtJALINLS, l'ER101)1(..ALS and 1 IBRARIES b1u...1 .1 repairs& SOLJU LKTTICHIbt• nn LEATHER GOODS AA) attended to es lasebilt mg 147111141h k ()obi**. A. E. 1 Ai IA)H. reamaTvosio. MEDICAL nil hit U. Ht.ILli.h1ANN, MTH- Lr PA'1 11. -yen Wart aa. • u.14 cMl nimib's area'. hr...ir and woreeoady. awkwa. spa. ow. Dare .141 Lareat. Partial 40141. Welle• lumbago and anatomic condition.. Ado web& resuu•e Ob. et Oaf kuife. Ohio, at ...goer Nal d 14t. Audrey/ • eta ore. • e Illuuday Welt. yds y. and liatutaay • .a.yr‘ousuab appeatanet. git F. J. W IfO1U4TER-7KYIL RAW nen and threat wily. Rowe intralon. Tara Ottlitkahnic .HCI Aland larthate, bor. Sur Wad 1h70.1. 1. 1.1.t. ...d 11,dltKJ* lateetital. goeuuet. tidier. 414 Waterloo Maori, . 06111.4.14. Knoz t Muck. Hour. 11. • nwy p. , I • p. cu. Talfueuise AUCTIONEER. AM t.alstoti` AULTIoNaatt: Ikea C. boaerica. All a.tivatioad by IBM . WI at Iblousi Ake well be p 10.114•11) waiel to. Ifesideu. ..1.0wour 419 LEGAL 444 3, 0 r, - 4. i KR SIGNAL GODFAUCH, ONTARIO TortranlAY. Min Asserwrie. MARKET QUOTATIONS Toronto Cattle Verses Heavy choice steer.. _SS 144 90 11 50 Handy choice Wieners. 7.73 8.15 Butc1:ere. good 7.40 7.1!. med'uni . 6.73 7.to do. ion:: lon Heiftr3, 11101C0 7.60 7 •5 do. good 6.73 7.-5 do. moulum G r0 6 •; Butcher coed, cholera- 6.51 7. • do. good S73 ". do. medium . ,41 r • do. common 5.23 3. Botcher bulls, choice6.50 7 do. medium to good• 5-73 6.51 do. bologna 4.00 .1 Feeders. 900 to 1.100 lbs. 6.25 7. do. bull 5.00 5 1.5 Stockers, 750 to 900 lbs. 6.25 7.00 do. tued.. 650 to 700 5.50 4; do. lied 5.00 6 or) Cutters 4.25 5 Canners 3.50 4.25 Milkers. choice, each80.00 160.00 do. medium 65 00 9,0 aO Springers 60 00 101 . 1.41 Calves. veal. good 10.00 12 . 0,1 do. medium ; 9,00) 10 0" do. common 5.25 6 fl) do. grass 4.75 6 50 Lambs. cwt. 10.50 13.50 Springs lambs, each9.50 12.00 Medium and heavy 8.00 14) 3" Sheep. ewes. light 8.00 9.50 do. heavy and bucks. 6.00 7.75 do. culls 1.01 4 51 I Hogs. weighed off cars10.65 0 4.1 • do. ted and watered 10 .25 0 ..40 do. f.o.b. country9.90 0 --- Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -In dare at Fort William. No. 1 northern, 91.09. No 2. 21.06%; No. 3, 91.04. Manitoba osts--In store at Fen 'William. No. 2 ('.W.„ 42•44c; No: 31 C.W., 40%c; No. 1 extra feed. No. 1 teed. 39%t. American corn -No. 3 yellow, 7f4e Canadian corn -Feed, 61c to 70c. Ontario wheat -No. 2 winter. per car lot, 91 to 91.02; No. 1 commercial. ' 97c to 99c; No. 2 commercial. 944• to 97c; No. 3 commercial, 92c to 9::c; feed wheat, ::Sc to 88c. Ontario oats -No. 3 whi• , 42 to 43c; commercial oats. 41.- 04 42, Peas -No. 2. per carlot, 59 5.4. cording to sample. 91 to 91.30. Barley -Malting, outside. Gic to 63e. No. 2 feed. 5Se to 61c. Buckwheat -68c to 69r Rye -No 1 commercial, s5 s4;4': .rejected, 52c to 84c. Manitoba flour -First pat eLt 4, in jute bag., 96.50; seconds. 96; strong bakers', 95.s0. in Jute bags 0:Hario flour -Winter. track. Toron to. prompt shipment., Ate. ..Nine to sample. 94.05 to $4.20, in j;de bulk, seaboard, 94.15 to 24 2e. . I Millteed --,:arloads. per ton. deliver ed. Monti% al frights $21; shorts, 925; V.:U. 1-- tr,,1 r Sour, bag. 51.60 $1.70 1 11., I : "Welt have to atop every financial reek if we Want to win J 9,, 1 .. -Leave it to me. 111 put another million mere, uncle. Wile ' It.. I : "That. is mete patchwork yo. . in 0..111ing ti .wn? '1114...' ,ere...1 re ' " , . .-y you ('1. 41 eV. r lay y I Nee I POI N le :-'''Irhe Canadian Forest, 4 4' I I. lad take th...'mple o • . • .• oueraaved would pay the An "'WO 4490.40 lc •Ily t.oy. Why not, stop yoor -plendid t.mher at your door rrp• .esr hands on." te.ociation maket the statement is teed to '.top the plague of fovea! 44.1 .1 interest on the last Dominion A Pos sr. Ili , %It li ...1.1 .1. .o ii.Vaii y deter n..., • i. , .. ...th degree. siker his 11441., 11. I 41, ,144011,01 velem arts. 1 ..y hi.. little 44(1 , 44- 4441 I C441 U•sulded him. . • , I !h., "1 raw sem 4.- 4 11 1 10141411i6 144•44^0. th 100 I 4.14 kite %V14,4t, lilt I, f RX.. BAJelJella Li, el Lie Wit NOTARY kft.14 , 0001.--8,ese4b1. hl blue, k. lhaulltou 13 Agit . 3erbarica. TeloyOuter ... .% .. .: I i. i • ... ill •••• went 'tit i . Real 1.0044 I onto. null Inear.0011. Pfluctwool,h11.L41KANtC00iE "le I. ; ;.--; . otal • xpiained to 14 .1.4 e ; , , l'e .14T l:erinsto y was BAB/Gel ItItt4. b411.14 11 oitr. NOITAR1103 ..X.e r ••• it. , y mie. tugg .,r 1,11.1i It I- . PlAildt . Etc. k- .. 01100 on Ow riga.. r, ...proud doom trout Raw • • 11 %% i 1, • lien," •h•• 104114.1.. . . ... . 1.,/, y 1 .414 I 4 VOI 1 1114311gb (it 1,44•n, Wee Alegi. tw..... I 44,01. erly.l.elle..a. teams at 1.....ea rata. -. Ile"- we ...., w.tresael yqu bity W. Prvutamttan. a.t,. J. 1.. kut.tonso " lake . ye.- 4 A e. 44..3 set vbrnsali - ___ - - _ ___ •glueet. 1..1 pee. .. frnot itritegh trpsr • H. J. 0. Cook.. NI. l Asa CHUN. hs. O., HARRIS 1 akt, ...wit.t. twangy yablia- 01111are a in. A • .%I • to, M,f.. . unnanna. Mos &OW in, ...... Al t tauuti •[44%44_7 bt wick week lo t. • Moe turue... It ...an. WS p.m. en AA.. t L...rrri e.curaed by Mr. rktl...r.t. Ustit NAJW, LL.B., BAK- hint a.h. .....s.y. ...aloe. eta.. blorIe- a tt • • k% I y • t o eve need I b•aesIlt. giv• • M.. little la ly 'R„ AGM STOMACHS GASES OR INDIGESTION 'Pape's. Diapepein' digests 3000 nos feed, ending all stomach misery in five minutes. :me It! to five minutes an ibm- 1 distress will go. No tndigestion. artburn, sonnies.; or belching of 11eructations of undigested 4.1 *C1.I, or CF fa0.1. no dizziness. bloating. foul. I reath or I ow -lathe. 11.1 I. • .. rape's Du“ eosin la noted for lts, 44;oecci In r. wilatIng upset rtomachs. B. Ge. many diffed. It Is the lowest. quickest atomach rem- . the whole world and besides It 4..`barmless rut an end to stomach rront,le forever by getting a large 1 hyeent case of Pape's Diapeptin front any drug store. You realize In five mlnet. s how needless It .is suf- f. r from di Hon dyspepsia or any stomach disorder. .lt's the quickest, t.tere- eat most harmless stomach T • fll••••. ,t.-41 the old wawa Bakers' .23 .24 1914c; old. large. itslz2e; twins. 19%. triplets, 20c. . Honey --Buckwheat. barrels, 7c to 7'4c' tins, 71,.; to Sc; clover. 50-M. Una, 131.ic; 10-114. tins, 14c; 5-1b. tins„ 14e, comb honey No. 1. per dozen, 92.50 to 93; No. 2, per den. 92 to 52.40. ()Id fowl. lb16(1.: took pat t in Po Chickens 164 lSc 20c 23.• w'ed•• S"n". t4.I we's "ye MI riots profited hy the Pit; 444 144114.44 expertnients in the eradication 0444 WPolesale Produce Toronto who:, ale tre trade: Eggs- Spcclal cart's newlaid .5 New-laids. Butter - Creamery print 4. fresh.. .74 ." Choice dairy prints .... .293.4 I 4 4"•‘ M I LLAP ;:y SON NEW SUITINGS! Serges a.m. the most popular materials for Spring suits. We have been exceedingly fortunate in getting together a splendid range of Blackand Navy Servs in all the different weaves at r yard 55c.60c.65c. 75c.1$1.00.$1.25.$1.50, 51.75 $3.00 Black and white checks and stripes are also very miich in demand. A splendid assortment from 50c- $2.501- "rd (We shrink all materials- if desired.) ft) Special Values in Silks Taffeta Silks are the correct Silks this season for suits, dresses and skirts. We' have an extra quality super Taffeta, rich finish, wear guaranteed, all $1 co popular colors, 36 inches wide, at per yard 1. Pailette Silks, Fancy Silks The ever popular Pailette Silk which gives such satisfactory wear and $1•00 will not cut. Ali shades in stock, 36 inches wide, per yard. Fancy Silks for waists and trimmings in all the newest designs. Ninons Rich Crepe de Chem. Ninons are greatly in demand and have not been so popular for many seasons. Special rich quality Silk Crepe rle Almost all cizilors in stock, 95c Chene, in black and $1 50 451.inches wide, per:yard.. white,40in.wide, per yd. • Fashion range Of Fancy lar prices. Our Special $1.00 greatly favors the extensive use of Ribbons. We are showing a lovely Ribbons in tartans, stripes, checks. flowers and dresdens, at most popti- New Ribbons Spring Gloves Corset Notwithstanding the great scarcity in gc t - ting kid gloves, our stock is most vom- in the season's correct model, made of plete. Perrin's famous G 1.) v heavy quality jean ; hose SI .00 peratpair $11 $1•25 to $2.50 supporters,P..C.make,pair NEW BUTTONS NEW LACES reamery, ,u 4 PHONE 56 0 dins dairy prInts.25 doctor In toe world. r 17 .4,4)...! tid v Cheese -New. large, 19c; twins. e ••ou issta. 41 .KAU9R. BAHHISTEK, SOL- Nwerry Peon, aod Conveyancer. ▪ uu, 0.eirrio..11. 0.1421u INSURANCE. LOANS. ETC: liAchiLlt•V ML1UAL FMK IN 0.--11 arm and Wasted mt. 'nowt', saran& 0111x.y. -J. 41.11...1.au. Otaforte P.O.; Jen 4,..anonl, Uoderkeb P. 0.: name. aft. .1,1.11., kleatorta P. 0. Ilitre.we.-14. I/. hatirerw. rWatIviO • Jelin 11.4.111ev v. it, tummy .14 ramoiltian.l.:00ekeoee; firl=k14. We 14 4e, ke..110(404 ; Jaggier Igrass, *awn , Itobeat Ferri.. Oarlock ; Malcolm 444....eneat. Asset, eu, iianasivtlis ; 9 W WII. litet.11, IL Magary. Seatorta : 1. hawk.). Imaged. 14.4.01-1.4.14.ers aim pa) amme.a. O.. 00 alai/ olerdo reosieted at B. J. M., k L1.411414 Mare, CUrneo. o. cud . . y, r• 0 4. -treat, 01114411rklb. at J. 811. held.. Iwo...reit{ ore. bay keld. PRJ IVAATE: terTi.NrCATA2 y-111•71-/ 9091 Barrioar Hainiltew Amt. aolonek. R. IttlbliNTOON ‘t • INNURANug AGSNT sum um user/nee • 11110.6. Canailkis aad amerioaa. Iloomasx, saw= axe LISPLOY111111 Luso, rev : Tbe Aveadent and Guarantee ..oroursuon, Ladled. of Lowden. Too. Irthot.rer mit% 1110111XI: u.s. 4098t .44 sue heoraatom tmeeses. 011be. at reafd.ww.. ueetbeen comer elt Tio• Sena sad at. losorid. owlet. Mime 176 MARRIAGE UCINSIS WALTIRK IL MELIA, J.P.. tiotisauca. ONT. MUSA Or 111AWRIA011 LICSNSIIL Patents, Trace Nuts, Designs is.ured in •11 Countries. WA. Ise tree Leek -PATENTS PROTIIX • TION. Tiro, rat abort and to set set ego. 'ADCOCK & SONS. estaktkiked 111177 lensed, Pause tam Beamieer. Master et Paula Laws, Rantatereil Patera Attenest, We.. 0 St. J. Sweet, Meesseal. Ieseshm- moms and Nesterstes. Rememataohis 4.1 (wattles, 11 asoiahoolokowoussimmaeseseemeessayetelltel :I • ;44 Brophe3 Bros. 'hoe Laidig Puma! Waders 1S4 Embalmers Orem earataly .U.. 6. ea an boom slebt aa nay. 4) 0- • 1/4.; (;" *I 1 1. I ‘. I; • , J. • • • • s 2.4 , • '• • -guaranteed clothes you get a com- plete and absolute guarantee when you buy made to measure clothes here -the guarantee means what it says -you're the judge. You'll find that we don't ask you why the clothes are unsatisfactory or how -if you say they're not right we don't argue about the matter. That sort of a guarantee, added to the very evident advantage of wear- ing custom tailored clothes, makes them all the wiser choiccs. ggetcreknIES /I\ Walter C. Pridham, Goderich Ontario NM= e eat, • •• (•_,A1 • , • NEW EMI3ROIDERU'S ,McCall Patterns are the best. "Once used always used." Millar' s Scotch CO-OPERATIVE EXPERIMENTS IN WEED ERADICATION, 1918 --- During the past tour vet. the On - tet io Agricultural and Experimental h at t ied ativ e VININM■01.0 PHONE 56 AM& 1.'athirr .•.mp!on 3. That mustard may he prevrotril 11.r“fAts‘iln'erthiligil.14s::f col! .1 141 Hind fi seeding in OW s, wheat ond barley hy spiayit it .wit 11 a tarot y c rto 111*(leet 114 of (5441(41 goliai inn of iron sulphat.t without any 9I 4', Mel 4011+ II y 10 1144. emiting (4 091 4ir , 74 A met hod for the eratli".rt , ritlatItler. (tampion or cow hell. to the fresh beetling. of clover. t • • I es•• x r- I'oultry Stolle ittr7cesse Touucrkkesys . 11c 14c 16c 20c 1-c 20t. 26c 30e tit krn pas t three experiments and inmAne, ; 111,1. wane vet)" inl•r"•linK 1.41(4 ,valual" the Held experimented upon, demon- ..... 1„, 1„ 27, toils have been 0144Intd• wfi-ds iatat.,1 in own en ii Seeae experimented with were perennial sow -. ottle. twitch gross, bladder eauipion. Cattle-- Ilrceipt.., 3,300; active; ! 'Id n ottard arid ox.eve daky. The prime steer.t. $9.27. to $9.t5; shipping: ' a,„ result. obtained WS y I4e 4111410111114 1 1744d 17,25; 144!11,4. 85 t0 57 50; stockers and , 'mans of eraelicatit.g 1.1th , I. That go wi cultivation, followed perennial $8.25 to 59.15; but,•liers. 97 to 58.7. 1 heifers. 9.; 54 to $S 25; !cows, 94 to i by 1,9„ ,,,,,,, in d,i110. pr.,i,tes a era, actlie and tirm. $50 10 9100. .ow OW le and twit.•11 gri-s. '' That rape Is a 41101 V. Allieftert0rO feeders. 96 to 27.25; stock heifers, 45.50 to 5025; fr. sh, cows and spring- Veals- Receipts, 1,400 head; slow crop to use in the dertt iirtion of and steady; 94 to 211.50. , tw.tch grabs than hocks lirat. Hogs- Receipts. 1.600 head; I . 3. That rap, give. row+ better Live; heavy. $9.95 to 910; mixed. $94!9e4..; results in the eradication of tw itch IV Mall stot perenniel row thistle when to 51°. Yurkers' $9 (0 51'16; Pigs...run in drills and cultivated than it ivetiess of (4,,. method I vied, and at the same 1 init. 1 he result . ii4iiii-Iii.411 East Buffalo Cattle ' - practical information to 40 ilere. I Tin.... i•ii-01,..iiiiivi. exiii.i.inii.iiiw 111 wend eradication will he (.010111%1,d I, this year (1916), anti it h. hoped thrti ti i huge ti ..... her . f men w will take part nil I hem in order that stifIloient tutor ma- Iiia may 0. gathered 4,, 44441 Vali?. tit finite iiiitliiiiiento liroirg mode in r. Irani to the heat methods 01 oi in t I ol- ! ling there pet nicious weed,. The experiments (4)1. 1916 are as follows : 1 • 1. The uae ef rape in the tlest roc- lion of perenniri 10V thief le . . 58.50 to SN.S5; roughs, 98.90 to 29.10; • and cult t% ation. using 2 A sy.tem of intentiti•it clopping stags, $6.50 to 97.75. Idoes when sown hroadciot. To....1 he thrnip-, 1 ape or 1.11,k -u heat. 11 Aii'llITt",: 01+1110::::,1, .1111414.44' '141' 9 tto,,111.4,.. Sheep and lambs-Recelpta, 10,000; 4. That thorough. deep cult lino ioo, for eradicating yoremeini 100V tlii.tle. active; iambs, 99 to 512; yearlings. ; in fall and spring. followed by et well - 3. The use of rape in t.1••• .1...i. me- lim`11,11• 56,50 to $10.60; wethera, $11 to 99.40; 1 es red -f or hoed citip, sr ill detoiroy 1 _.. ewes. 94 to 98.50; 'sheep, mixed, $8.50 to ea.7.1i. 0. Sill nyit,g with iron sulphate t de ti •tartl 111 ('('real 7. .1 method of coltivation :grid cropping hit the (lest' Ortim, .3E.eye daisV. Those who are troubled Any of the -e had weeds are invited 1.. VCI eft. te) t he Director of ('0-, '41,, peri - melds in Weed Eradication, 0..trrio Att. ioultural College. Gib !pit, In,. He will be glad to furnish hill totorma- ion coneet ning threat. eitil I -totems and t supply applic it' for the saine. All experimenters wall ho Wird With kik 01141 &tailed hist' ii' ion for carrying .4.0 the cxiteritii "1,1' (‚14.41. and ‘sith blatik 1 '11114 041 which to npoi t, the tes4olt-, id the .3itte All inter 'sled in deal, farming . . I ate asked to eo. wrate in tins work. Dressed Meats Toronto wholesale houses are quo: Ing to the trads cs follows: neer. forequarters .... 9.50 to 270.50 do. hindquarters... 13.50 14.60 carcases, choice 11.00 12.00 do. common 1.00 10.00 Veal', common 7.50 1.10 do. tedium 10.60 12.60 do. prime 13.50 16.60 Heavy hogs 11.00 11.65 Shop hogs 11.00 14.60 Mutton. heavy 11.00 12.00 do. light 14.55 16.00 Lambs 19.50 21.00 Chicago Cattle Market Cattle--Recelpts, 17.116; atarket weak; beeves. 974010 INA; stock - ' re and feeders. Si to $$.11 cows and betters. $3.80 to $$.T0; Mayes, $8 to 511.25. Hogs -Receipts. 13.095; market Weak; light, MIS to WO; Oiled, NM to 10.$1; heavy. NM to SILK; MIN. NM to 10.1.11• NIL STAN to 91.50; bulk of sales. :.111 to N.N. Sbeer-armetpta. Oa; Market ulnas; native. NM to SO; tombs, N.50 to 911.05. Seeds Tomato wholosalerifi i -ll to araary trade: Ns. 1 red clover, .wt..9N.S0bo$1$.SS ts 110. 1 00.00 11.10 No. 14.60 NAPO Mo. 1 NAM. sort. NAM MOO . 1 IS.'S 11.00 404 110 1 111.10 5II.11 Oa 1 Walla. rat- S.* ff.* t lea I 11.05 tro Ina 1 ILO • '4 1941190N14111141119410111NdR9411191111991190101111, ThE HOWELL HARDWARE SELLING OUT SALE This is your time to buy your Spring Paints, Varnishes, etc. We find, after coin pieting stock -taking, that we have a large stock of Hardware yet on hand, even much larger than we anticipated after such a successful sale as we have had so far. Buy of us NOW and SAVE MONEY. We must close all out as quickly as possible. THIS WEEK'S EXTRA SPECIALS Fifty gal. Gasoline, in 5 gal. lots, 30c a gal. Four 40 -gal. Oil Tanks, $1.00 each One Base Burner Heater, used three seas, extra value $24.00 THE HOWELL HARDWARE CO., LTD PHONE 57. ."Y"krik ?kW; !Litfrot 41911,61121.001MINININIINIF00.141.116