The Signal, 1916-3-23, Page 2I
• AT MAwr'r Zi, 1916
Tse MN►L V publlabed every1 Tbur.d.
Atae the mks The Signal Building, Nor? h
ttend. tgea.rbth Unur'o Telephone No a.
aussoairTIeN RVs. -the Ilollar u•d Fifty
•,.•� • If paid at net ly In advwure 011111IUleat�W bed; to-ubscrlber. in the
the rate la One Dollar llar and Fift y
Cease senetly in advance. $ubeerlber. who
IS ve Tem riumal. regularly by oust!
wills • tares by wquahrlutt Uue creeks,
t atlas feetat as early • date we h..tbl.. l%' hr u
t days M wddre... 1. de -Ind, bole old •act
Weise Marr.. ,hould be Theft. Itemltlautra
mel M made by bank theft, enpreea tummy
seder. pow -oilier order. ur reerleterrd letter.
9ut.rrlpl tut,- to •y aanu,rure 4111 any that.
A oviatristao Teuvs.- Itates for display and
e.rutrart ad...r• tarWvota will tad• given at applf-
eaoos. Legal and et her .tmllaradvert
ten cant. per les••- for nr.t i.,rn hul and four
vat. per line for each rnl.rgornl ineertios.
Meaaared by of .olid nonlwn•i1--Iwelter
hose to au t -h. It u+lhr.. r . nl• of
and under, Fl,e 11• per 11.4r \dvrtlhat
stoat. of l.,ta, Found, reyeA, Snook ton.
Vacant, el t ua, un,• W . it cf , H.. usee for dale t r
to W,nt. 1,41 m- f .r >4Ale or to Kett. Aril les
for $.I...•lr .1.ot e%reediur,•i ht Ilse•,Twenty.
Ave Vero- .dart. tnrrtIon : 4In+Dollar for ant
nee tad Yin y tent • for et«,h su '- •gnent rnMrt h.
Larger ad,••ttt-en,.•nt. nu prop{ortion. Ait.
no79e.meot. in ordinary reading type, len
l' 2nt. per line•. Su uotlee 1... than Twenty.
five Cont.. Any .p•r•lal no. Ice. the object of
whit.—hie the i•-•un1 try benefit of any bdh-id-.
eat or an.•r•i.t fors,, t •b. stn -Mena an adver-
tb..ment awl rho e.rd ar•rrrdlnsly.
T11 IL e' nna/w't,vrnirre.—The cetoppenrati.•n of
our ..sheet liter alt readers I. rordlallr i,tl'-
al t• ward• making THE Mtt.%*1. a weekly record
of all l.ral. I"I y and di.' Het defog•,. Tn,'Wy
u,,,nkwtlu'. ata he wielded to unie•a 11 at'
Leh". othe ti and "Adm. of the writer, n
ogre -eerily for publics, Mn. but as an evldraty
of goad fauh. New- Unites . ould reach Ink
$to.t at olA•-e .ot later than Wednesday 0000
of ',o.
THI h'I).1V, MARCID 21, win
8pritag is Isere— if you take any stock
in the calendar.
; et ate bigotry out of the bilingua l
dispute and it would really be- settled.
Ager the recruiting effort of this
week, why not call them the Hustling
The Canadian Forester: Battalion is
armed with axe. instead of lilies. To
be employed against Turkey. no doubt.
The Provincial Auditor reports that
the ilydro-electric Commission has
spent over four million dollars with-
out proper authorization.
Hon. T. W. ()rotifers, who "isn't so
sure' that the Allies will win, is
charged with "cold f. et." The trouble
with the Minister of Labor is with his
Beed, not with his feet.
Sir Sem Hughes got away before the
liuderich deputation reached Ottawa.
He knew he could not resist the ar-
gument for holding the military camp
at Attrill's Point this summer.
permanent law. To haws • referendum
now and another after the war has
'mobility been decided again.. The
Federal Uorrrnluent is expected to
enact legislation probi►dting the int
portation of liquor into any Province
that payers Is pr"hll,liion uteawre. 1n
the utetntivar Manitoba has carried a
I' probibttion law t'1 a very
Loge our j..ri, v.
The Signal bas received from the
publebers, Messrs. Hodder and
Stoughton, a copy of Air Mat Aitken's
book, "Canada in Flanders." When
the editor hashad time to read it, a
further reference will
The futile German attack upon Ver
dun is looked upon Ity many as the
turning point of the war. From this
time on the Allies will exert an ever-
increesitig pressure upon the enemy
until the moment of anal triumph.
••••11114•41,e, M F OADbl't••SI•SS
(MAN a, MArrh Sri d.— Mae eHirn-
real!1 a1etrr..t 111 t laer of the
enemy ha• the elTeet of mob rug: uglite
Haul. oYetlhe shell C'• :t'.•.. 1101
friends eonfld«ettly expected that t
\I ••j 1 1;eheral would remain to hod
back' 1he Carvell eh, so when S.r
titin brat 1t to F:ngl•ud vis Palm
It -r►. II 11 11.111i .lIy threw their aI-
ratlgrinet t - .0.11. The reset've., rt.n•
..i .t iug ad 11. It. Iirnuett and Arthur
Meigheu, at. .• itrought up hurriedly
watt 1111'y Itrihrt a mr.t.t of It.
A. noiUe. of feet. M.sjot-General
Maau'a relit at wee a sir ke of s: pigmy.
Hr could unt hurl hack the Carvell
char je•., h.•. au.. he had dour all his
inulotg itr tep'y to Mr. Carvell's theft
attack snout' worke ago and the hurl-
ing wn.e'l n 1401,d as it fined to he.
l'•dnin•l t'., v.•ll kept pulling new stuff
all , he time and Al the Mei .r-lieneral
didn't know whet, lie gut It or what
4.1.e be might have tip hie blesses, he
conciliar d •hat the lima bed a sassed.
for weed, -+wing, which hwdid accord-
ingly. This, in i self, proves that Sir
Sam i4 one of the ideate -t cominand-
ers of all time. He knows when dis-
cretion i. the 114t1er p ttf valor—be
has the maid 'courage to run away
when twee"eary. Napoleon wasted
his whole life without 'raining this
we -fill leaven.
The Mn jot -funeral may or may not
have pau.wl in hi+ masterly flight to
cnnf.r with l'uhmel John IVreley Al -
makes the United 5t+les
his headquarters and who never by
soy chance comes north of the 401h
parallel when the piddle aceountatnm-
wittee happens to he meeting. The
chimers ale the' he did .o pause, and
that Colonel John Wesley Allison
Las been fully instructed by his
superior officer how to save more
money for Canada and Great Britain
during the's absence.
Colonel John Wesley Allison has a
method all his own of saving money
fol• the British Empire—he does it by
Peddling contracts at fat prices to
United States ammunition companies
in whirl' be has a fatherly Interest.
He does not accept commissions—for
Canadian business—hut he has been
known 'to accept presents, from the
Colt's revolver people for Inst.nce, for
ordets at large, or to speak. The
Colonel bas his code of honor and
mirk* to it -if be swallows these in-
sults in the form of cash. he does it for
the love of country and Major-Ueneral
Sam. When a man is in the business
of saving millions, as the Colonel b,
It is only natural that be should save
a few foe himself.
With the Major-General nut of the
country it is not likely that Parlia-
ment will clip eye. nn Colonel John
Wesley Allison this yes -ion. The
Colonel L also a military man, though
an honorary one, and understands
quite as well as his Major-General that
discretion is the better part of valor.
To put in an appearance now would
be a sin stainst good tactics. Mean-
while, if Parliament can't see Colonel
John Wesley Allison it would like ,to
see his picture. If it can't lay bends
on him bodily, it would like to glimpse
his features, hie counterfeit present-
ment. es It wete, with the accent on
the counterfeit. Fancy limos him in
various ways, but alwayr with long
white hair. shiny forehead, and w
heavenward gaze as hellis his two first
Ontario sheriffs have put themselves
on record as ',rem ing the electric chair
in preference to hanging in carrying
out the death penalty. This is merely
an ex parte opinion, however ; the
fellows moat interested have not been
heard frorn yet.
There is some criticism of the recruit -
ng of young boys for military service.
Several b>ys under the military age
have been seat back to Canada from
the 01d Country. The recruiting
oMcra a ought not to accept any boy
who is below the regulation age.
The Mexican outbreak may lie Presi-
dent Wilson's •alvat ion. It will pro-
vide a vent foe the belligerent ekmebt
among his countrymen and leave him
a freer band to deal with the trouble
makers across the sea. And it may
help some people to forget that unfor-
tunate too-proud-to-flitht /perch.
The schools of Perth county are to
have • big union picnic no June 16th.
it looks like a good idea and one .bat
might ie &der rd in this county. If
Huron is torr big for one picnic. two
might 1>e held, each accommodating
one-half of the county, Such an
affair would he not only enjoyable but
practically educative.
All sorts of suggrations are being
made for supplying the shortage in
ferns help. The Owen Sound Sun
asks : How would the business men,
clerks and rthers in Owen Round and
other towns who have been in the
habit of taking weekly half -holidays
during the *summer month. like to
mak. it • whole day each week and
spend the time assisting their farmer
friends ?
it seems to he now the general ex
peetation that the Provincial (invent
west will/ Introduce and bring into
force a prohibition measure for On-
tario without • referendum. tut will
provide for a vote on the question
after the ennelusion of the war. it 1s
understood that the opponents of pm
hibitioe that a vote at
the present time would not give them
as favorable an opportunity of defest-
lag the Treasure as would a vote afar
pewee ie declared Many voters sah ebt
support problbltloa as • wartime
• snewssse et he wn*M tot favor It as a
Wards off 1.r.ons Break Down
Alburtis, Pa. —" I am • teacher in the
public schools and I got into a very ner-
votts ran -down condition. I could not
sleep and bad no appetite. I was tired
all the time. My rioter asked me to try
Vino!. I did so,and within a week my ap-
petite improved and I could sleep an
night and Dow I feel well and strong. "—
RoaA M. KELLss, Alburtis, Pa.
We guarantee Vinol, our delicious cod
liver and iron tonic, for all weakened
run-down conditions and for chronic
coughs. colds and bronchitis.
H. C. Dunlop, Druggist, Oodelieh
Massey -Harris Agent
Hamilton St., Godench
7000 Rods of
must be sold by .Italy let,
19111. We have two car loads of
the best fence that mom, can
buy and we bave bought so
we can sell rightfall in and
see our stock and get hnr
price before you hey your
fence. We need the rnoney
and yon need the fence.
Farm Mae`iaery
We carry • full line of Farm
Machinery always on hand.
Boggles and Carriages
We have them, •II ehspee and
sitar. A large aaatMment al-
ways on our floor.
if you need a few tons cif stat
FAMOUS 01.1) H0Y5-
have a carload just fn.
Five Cents is
all you need pay
for the best and
purest soap in the world
unli ht Soap.
The inducements offered with common
soaps cannot make up for the purity
of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to
make pure soap; but it costs YOU less
to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in
the clothes, as it does not wear and rub
the fabrics like common soaps do.
5c. a bar at all Grocers.
names. . What does this other half of ioet bonots pretty soon. Just now
Sir Sam's soul, this expatriated lover R. B. is • great pet. Sooner than lose
of the British Empire, look like ? A sight of him for • minute, Premier
man who goes about saving millions Horden takes him everywbere. But
for nothing but exercise and the love who knows bow long • grand passion
of humanity is worth knowing. The 1•ke that will last ? Consequently, R.
Colonel ought to pay a visit to Canada B. leaves himself free to lift veils, as
and see the reoept ion he gets. It will he did on the C. N. R.—if and when
give him a jolt, or I lose my tet.I necessary. Moreover, I suspect he wa.
Major-Oenel Sem left his rear- taking • rise out. of Sir Sam when he
guard in the hands of R. B. Bennett, argued that a "man with a calmer
who, haying no ammunition in the mind" might have accomplished much
way of argument or facts, naturally lees that tee Major-Oeoeral. Which
made •gas attack. The member for mean• that Sir Sam was a greet sur -
Calgary gave vent to • number of etre because he was halt crazy. do
beautiful sentiments, hoping that far no Liberal has dared to may t his--
Major-Oeneral Sam would be able to, { but R B. puts it rather well, don't
Ret away while the noise wa.going on. You think ?
He •poke, as 1 remember, of Themo- Dr. Pugsley dealt playfully with R.
plat, of our own heroes at the front, We soap bubbles—dealt playfully wit h
of the sob of the mother overseas, them, but poked his finger through
waked for .sur tear*, wept in our ears, th9m at the same time. especially with
worked the pump good and plenty, Ma plea to suspend judgment until
but by no chance ensweredthe Carvell
after the war, lest the Empire Mie en -
chargee. What Mr. Carvell said war. dangered. 1f the Empire was not en -
in suhetance, "Homebody Is grafting," en-
dangered by the inquiry into shoes,
to which Mr. B-nnett replied, 'What horses, binoculars, bandage,. etc.. haw
are glorious sunsets we ahaving :" or could it be endanggered byan inquiry
words to that effect. This is known into the actions of the 8e11 Commit -
in military circles as creating a diver- tee ? It is only fair 10 say that Ilr•
sion, and it must be admitted that as a Pugsley'' question has nM ee
nbn an -
diversion creator Colonel Richard towered yet, and will not be, for one
Bedford Bennett is a lollapalooza. very good reason—the right answer is
In the course of a two hours' speech not available. rod the Government
R. B. wove garlands for all the Cabinet has For o do • Iittie sr. Pug.
Ministers, twined • laurel wreath for the rest, Dr. Pugsley took up
Sir Sam, gilded the old Shell Commit- Premier Borden's against
tge. Hel'made
fSl definite charge against the Shell Com -
tee as • body of misunderstood pat- and the Minister of Militia.
riots, gave the British Empire his un- These charges be put in good tight
qualified approval, took the muse of legal English, with the idea of watch-
0history by the hand and told her what ing the Government squirm. This
to write, slapped Destiny on the wrist, pleasurs was els later on when Arthur
mentioned his I' E. L. ancestor. once ilei ben did the aquirminh with his
or twig. gave Details of • sentimental*then
skill and a long black
journey he made with Premier Bor- (oat DI. pmcdey,s eharge. give the
den through the British War Office, public in round numbers $102,f00,000
described his emotions on visiting the chew on -x,000,000 overpaid by
trenches. and wound up with a perm the Shell Committee to itself and
•tion that roared into the empyrean, friends, and a ins.n00,000 corms/set crowded the firmament with banded out to the American
jewelled rhetoric. Ammunition Company, otos of
But when all was said and done, R. Colonel J. Wesley Allison's pets, for
B. got down to ewes 1t was time fusee which have not yet been
all wind, not because R. R. likes wind delivered. The Boss qusnee of this
--he is letting mor, and mors out of achyfe
in battles et and soldiers slain
the habit—hat because there was oath- is too horrible to eosteoplate.
log but wind to work on. it's pretty Dr. Plumley did another good pies
tough on • Heine young statesmen, of work In riveting the evidence which
after be thfbb be'a got rid of the old links Sir Liam ttp with the Shell Com-
ramproeeting style he brought with mitt. and makesb. tOan•dlan Gov.
eminent, him fimoi the prairies and has built up eminent, • portt.r of to ikitieb Goy-
a reputation for close rwst>ofog and eretmeet in the tomb a of sappfiesfor
eelsp ntter•o ,—it's pretty tough on t6. joint use of Canadian and British
R, B., 1 repeat, to be asked toga hack
to the vacuum -cleaner stuff again.
But that Mas R. B.'s job and be had
to go through with it.
TM Meet Weird Conc.ption• of Paw
cels That Hav• seen Passed by an
Englishman Through tM Mails
Moat of us are content to send the
usual letters. postcards. ur parcels by
Post; but not so Mr. W. Reginald Bray
of England. This gentleman claims
to have the largest collection of postal
curiosities to the world, and some of
the articles described In this article
bear out his claim. First, he set out
to discover exactly what could be
tient by post. headers will be sur-
prised to hear that all articles of
clothing, live persons, animals, liquids
and bees have been posted as letters.
The tirst item was au ordinary tin
box used as a postcard. The address
and stamp %i re attached Inside with
paper fasteet-rs, and by an oversight
it travelled to its destination with
only a cent stamp. Even in the days
before the uses of the halfpenny
'tamp acre curtailed, this box really
required a penny stamp.
Next on the list is a leather purse
of the "marketing" variety. The ad-
dress was written on the Inner lining.
An old slipper, with the address and
stamp on the sole, arrived Rattly,
which is more than can be said about
the little trumpet. '.his "came home
to roost" In two sections. And. Judg-
ing what trouble these out-of-the-way
;"packages" give the postmen, this 1s
not to be wondered at.
The "Dickie" Letter
A leather glove was another "letter"
Mr. Bray sent, while still another was
a "gent's dickie"—and has a little
story along with 1L When ported, this
fragment of linen bore only the ad-
dress, message, and stamp. The words
"my dickie" were added by • post-
man or sorting clerk of a humorous
turn of mind, who perhaps recognised
In it a distant relative of similar gar-
ments of his own. But Mr. Bray did
not end his attempts to puzzle the
Post once with- "freak" letters of this
description. He once sent himself
and his bicycle through the post—of
course. not by way of the letter box!
—and. through an oversight. the clerk
actually registered Mm for the sum
of $26. He also trie l some of the
most puzzling of addresses. Every
postal district has its code number,
which appears on the postmark Mr
• :y discovered which post number
-oriented his district, and sent Mw-
. • . • • card. bearing that number in-
stead of the name. It arrived all
Still It. Il. let himself out in one or
two places. He refused to micelle*
his reputation as • man of eoesnon
gree entirely. There was subtle Irnoy
is his .arwgguumeet that the gnat Duke
of Marlborough was • initiate who
mammies, Investigated- -at least while
the war was on. '1'M mall Comm' Rae
maytake what along*, they tam out
of that.
t . R. R. alae added • tows of
prophecy to the e*eet that rspstatloue
would fall need veil* be lifted after the
Hard Of delivered wo10 _wbieh that however he
aaaaa>Rw b• M .g to draw the wool over
to any part of town. usher pw*IA oyes. he wasn't drswim*
Piton No. 1 6 Nwar MeOwn. Itiololentally, R. B.'•
teach d prophesy lemo.e him roes. to
make another break it M ayen't get
what M slsa,rv.e la the way of Om►•
troops at the trod. Me made a neat
lawyer -like job of R. When the ease
goer to the jury—which will not be until
attar the war, If then. **eh twine
Premier Borden's lash word—Parlia-
ment will find in this speech of Dr.
Pogsley'e all the teats ,..edea to trail
the Borden Uove sweet down.
Not the lease part of the evidence is
Sir Sam's own trotde 1m whist's be &.-
eland himself Atter of the Shell Ogset-
tektites, and hie intender of el letting to
It as long as It "hes • button urs Its
et." Thus ism will slat as Dr.
pointed out. that to Shell
Gomm Gas waellsoie badly. Hie war
baby. by the sntm• tattoo. The poen
Inds thing. b•wlig evMfed Itself te
the estent of 111111,01111,0011. died 1u ewe.
taisiosb while two to Geneve den-
im. Maes Maggaad helped It aloeg.
R. F. G.
One Way of Parcelling
Another little feat of this ingenious
gentleman 1s to send his friends post-
cards from places which he himself
has never visited. it's quite easy to
do this. Address the postcard. and
affix to It an unused stamp of the
place selected—say, New York. Now
you fold up a newspaper and put 1t
in a wrapper, inside which is slipped
the postcard. The newspaper Is then
despatched to a fictitious address to
New York Arriving there, 1t eventu-
ally arrives In the Dead Letter Office
and is opened before being destroyed.
Then the postcard Is discovered in-
side and promptly sent through the
usual postal channels.
W. ACfiE50N & SON
A Magnificent Showing
• - •
• HE largest shipments of new Suitings have •
arrived •
7 and are open for inspection. The best selection •
probably we have ever shown for Spring. We •
• expected a higher price in all the goods which we buy -
• and sell. We bought months ago as heavily as our -
• finances could stand. The result will be satisfactory •
1 to our customers and to ourselves. -
• in every desirable color ''and shade. Materials and
• prices are exceptionally pleasing. Priced per yard
• 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.40, $1.85.
" •
• Wash (1 Cods
Brevity is Carried to the Highest
Pitch in dome Appellations
Have you been to A?
Perhaps you have, for 1t is the
name of a town In Sweden.
There are also at least seven Euro-
pean rivers called Aa.
If not, possibly you have been to
0? This a plain, common sense ques-
tion, which anyone familiar with the
highways and byways of Normandy
would immediately understand. For
In Normandy, twenty miles from Ar-
genton, there is • village of the name
of 0, where the magnate 1s the Mar-
quis d'O. Nor is he the only gentle-
man of this name. Both In Brussels
and In Paris this surname, the short-
est In the wend, 1s to be found.
There are several one -letter places
1n the world's geography. In lite Zap -
der Zee there is • bay called T. and
there 1s a town called Y 1n ulna
China has also a city called U, in
the Province of Homan.
We have said that 0 Is the shortest
surname in the world, but the shortest
Christian and surname combined Is
probably Ede 11*, the outlandish ap-
rdation of a Massachusetts lady.
r The Carrier Memos
«Pigeon pie or pigeon post r (men
lad the magllstr•te, and the prisoner.
a German, was subeequent'y sin
meed to mu months' hard labor tot
carrier ptg•o•s ea the mem-
Persia is credited with being
the deet nattoa to train thew birds
iter "settee service." though honing
!lased their part 1• Bttlosames
and the aneemt O omit&. used
them es amosengest dewlap the flaw
lire a glttt lea pMl.wlag • on
r r •16 sates, 0 hastIlnlas
1Ri6 Iain enact. the Woes Boot
nth bed he More M •e
OMNI of Baru. In MR
• 3500 yards of new Dress Ginghams, Crepes.. Voiles •
and Crinkle Cloths, in checks, stripes and neat •
effects, beautiful colorings and warranted fast •
colors. Today's value would be 15c to 18c, but -
we will place all at per yard 12 I -2c IP
New Prints
• Hundreds to choose from, all our best makes, at per •
• yard 10c, 12 1-2c and DSc
• . Men's Far Coats, Ladies' Coats and Farr clearing
at from 20 to 50 -per cent. redaction.
w. Ac,nE�o•
i N & SON •
the %tnat
/ram Pisa Towers
A pat card addressed to us
as below. with goer name
andeddressom.v 'Mother
aide. wit and bat ono ant.
Drop it amen mail
box. and twill grazipt-
Iv a copy of art Ess ated
SO -page catalogue for 1916.
With it will comeelw—free
—s 1Sc. packet of •
Bron Pink
A perfectly (armed tomato the Byron Pink is uniform. 1er$a, and
attracdre. The flesh is firm, and the flavor delicious and 10th bodied.
It is a robust grower and a heavy cropper. It 1e an ideal tomato for
forcing. Yon ars going to boy seeds anyway; then yore might just as
well send for our catalogue end get this tree premise for yourself.
The Cita/epee tette ebout the other oeleehk
peeware,a which we etre with *eery Mer.
DAttcH & Huwrri SI® Co., LIIR ED, Losooa,, ONTARIO, CAItAoA
Let There be Light
And there was light wherever we were given
,an opportunity of installing
Electric fixtures
Experienced men and the best
materials is the secret of our
Our store is Headquarters for everryythiQg in
Electrical Appliances, from a POCKET
Beauty and Utility are combined
in much of our stock, and—
,�. ROBT.l'AI
;,.,1:s'.,.tf.._9. • . ...n.--
Ras. 193