HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-23, Page 1Ra+ • "Sas of the Apes" esaMtiaieg the national songs of the silted amounts fiery Signal mbarober when p•yLtg tae his papa for !elite say have bis choice of lira holo of music sr • IVIN calendar. Il[T!-gM_HTH VIAlt-Na Sem (•OUERICH, ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH -?a. 11►11► 1 I Now Is the Time y to renew foe The .igua! for 1Y18. 1 \10 thank three sutrr•ribers who I hate already renewed and promise 1 l all a great big dollar's worth der - tug the riming year, Tit r. SIUNAL PRINTING t'O.. LIMITED. Pt.tJraat THE STERLING BANK OF CANADA _ ..agerlwte�e,v SAVE,., Because --- Without a savings account your life is a failure. Beyond keeping your- self going you are doing nothing. And you can't always keep going. Storm Sash Mande any Site or Style. Order Now. , Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill Produ;ks always in .sleek. GOI)ERICI{ PLANING MILLS, un).--- JAMES TI).J.tMK7 BUCHANAN. PRhcltILEYT •ND JttNA•,I1..- 'Mitre li A. P.O. Bon 1b. and Storm Doors 1 AT0T1 i' I 1 I l 11 l: i'I RLI(.' FOR SALE OR RENT • Hriing been desirous of enlisting for some time. past, I have finally succeeded in tuakin • arrangements with the Goderich Coal Co. ( P. J. Macliwan, manager) to 'take over and carry on, my cartage business, during In: absence. I have therefore signed up with the 161st Battalion for active Ser- vice overseas, and I would respect- fully- solicit from the public goner- ally. and from rot old customers particularly, a continuance of their slued patronage until aaeh time as I can again resume my occupation. Any buiinecs affairs entrusted to their care during my absence Will by me. Telephone all orders to 'phone41. ALFRED H. J.‘ NE. PUBLIC NOTICE. !THE TOWN COUNC.L NOTICE T() THE PUBLIC. War the uetder.lguedere paying the himheCOUNCIL WILL MAKE EFFORT TO ,l Dake for •11 kind. of junk. We {{pity the bLUURE MILITARY CAMP. htgkt-1 p --lel- t rio far rata Who toe poultry fur .a o f We are wt ing high pro*. for all kind. of [wltuy Ui mrd• n prom tit y ---- arlend,tl t0. I'Iro.le rap DAVID LROWN. Ant IRO&•troor. Councillor Moser Wants to See Street Signs and House Numbers -Other 1.1 1�AIRfiO>ODy.-MIHN. A. NICHOI.1•• Business Before the Regular Meet- ICration.ural, i, prepared to do ■111 ltd. ,f hair wo,k made horn rut hair ur rev ing of the Municipal Fathers. an .1 .uppli. • hair fur ..rd, -t •..,•irnli0,• Ired alt to, ch-toleg, 1t' ,.asst alio baa fur Nile toiled --- ,• qui -1•e-, ,.ketep u powdr.., cream 1k locant.' ur wareape caws. Herb.• and Ute-.elItw. ) If 1)IANO TUNING. %%. (. TAYU)R, Foot h -Dr t (rode- k k. P.4). Hox Ityfhr.l te,tinwnlato in town. T•nh.g in town. 111.,a,; on .ids work sorrel Ing to dt.l4t•ce. (t KYIt.HI, 1)01:•1014 OF ('11114th 111I'KAI lt', h-+ opened a permanent of• ore, at hi- I, .1. corner of ttla,n .t feet alai • ton lrtit 111111. I/ 00.1 0•-: sto 11w m.. Ito 3 p.m. di 7 to 1 ,, 1.t. •:trn.ult tit m five. Lady irtetaia.rt. 7 t -tui WANTED rPKA1'11ER WANTED --Fede as, s. 11 No. 17, ASHF11 Ltr : ,.00une • I pr oe renal pr•'ernd 111111 • to 0.01.•, _ce Sla> Id Apldtranu , 1.e. it •.1 1.p to 14.t.1 A 1'. .(t SOY. -taoI:g-,Int... to DAVID It.0 .ttN."lcy,- nct- \i'.. poi , I:t.. xi)ME • 41011. 1.111. IE:I.L • AUCTION SALES 1'tTIUN s. ILEoFFARNIS1'OCK. MI. JOAN t . DUit9T - " will-elt bt publicaerit,rl at Lit L'.. Maitland COI•ae •i it. 1 .,11r 1.t•, on t FRIDAY. M.iPI•:I4ph nom netwit,i ant °clock -1,01111, L'OR SALE.. -1 I ill'sals; /►N k seT J. .heel. or. -eel rem-. h, • ».iter heath,*. .lertrle light. et.. Appt) 1. T. IN)HERTI. Oealerk-b. • •4.11. SWR SALE. -----60011 BRICK HOUSE L and -et es POTI of r 1101 _ct 4.111 In 9.11• ford. Bond bok seep with stows oak's : large r•ricly of rhel-, two... Ord} pine orehar never fel-log 'lasso, Home bin Or -1 ciao. repair. An -.t1 t l .e.. Tor it borne for say no. FMforam` i .rtk011:.•..(1.2) to YI1,IJAM, MAED4I.,at the lteen •r., or adder- R It N0. 4, lhalerieh. 001. (It 1 FARMS FOH (;ALF:. Tate erielatasrm. +n M. Ki1b1. MM acres ear*: ma from •.,tronh : goo_ Mass- lista oalora : rheas ti rel be sold -FOR SALE FOR SALE.- NEW PERFECTION herefore be thankfully appreciated e11I. +Tv•Tg. strl .•alit :, few wawttb.. 1 laP t a1 113:■• : wtl;'ell Kw 1. (l all t;.tueday or Mo.day 21 1'.t It K -ST.. Bode, lett. GIRLS WANTED \\'1• con give employment to :1 few more bright girls a. KNITTERS ANO LEARNERS FARE: I'Ali. To l't.I]Tt•,. CLINTON KNITTING CO. Limited. 1.,V6(.t. it/It 11.\ FClll\t:' FROM 111 lien. 11,' Lit %%'o' w" pared to 'ore ply a IarMO numla•r of ONT. for talrhing ear. mew eros the f.n•ou- t1.,rid h..d-t..M) -:rain • (single I '.went w hits 1a geom.. letting. :Vic p r 11 or 43 per 1-.. One epee tall pen of :w •.year- old item mated with TWO N.r,•.n ',train '.ertient. el1rr1". Incubator la.a•trr+alt>r••. ' Hslutre,111e POUR el' Yard', Phone 100 114. N, W. rRiwARTH.I, Pispc .ter. Pito-11. LF.RD (TRAIN FOR SALE. -FRB} k3 from w-.'.•1 red No -nisi. [rain all treated , M -t year Hamlet oat-, No. 72 eat-. Itaubeay ' est.. •I A. e'. No 21 barter. The two latter i ripen together 0,111400-e.se-intent yield. t)rder. early A. H 4 I.LTTON, It, R No. :: (rods ' rich. shape lilt. HensWer. ill It , LMl1O4 FOR HATCHIN(l FROM I LA br.d Daley S. 1'. W. I., bon,. tO.illd Irainl. Ski per la or VI per psi. Also Indian Runner du• k egg.. , ta'r 1:e H. 5 TIM' N'.tItTHA. Holrneerllle. phone Ilial Int 1'1 In, (FOR SAL':.--I•F:OAR POST4,ALSO ✓ R. 4 -hitter- .Apply 1'.. T. RIDI)ELL. Auburn. Stitt Women's War Auxiliary As pate of the 4totk of th.• Reunion of the \\-1.r Anxilial I it nrami- m,cnd.d that nn int 104igalion should be tamale of imlu.+triatl r.tmlitions fur thepurl.rrse of deter ' ' g to what extent we may he employed G. take the place of (nen who, enlist. Hegistrnlion billion, shn11111 then h-e'stahlisheil. All . to w ho are nhle to Take men's place. should be enrolled wt as to be pnywls.l he any en ley which may arrive. Mn. Phelan, Mi.. Eolith Millar and Mists 1 ,uze•1 have leen nlrjN)IntAYI a Ise -al co 'tier, 1" receit•c such IMM.*. 11. rusher (*.inti,'* rind in Great Britain many volunteer. hate 1os•n found al11nngst the• w omen for sneh t purls•..• and their w•ryie... hay.• prevel-111104 lawful in .totting men fn•t•. This is A chance forsolne women- to do their llit,- and the names should 1s• ...of in et once. 11 Yogill (11' MEn Yourcountryneedsyou Don't wait to be urged COME ALONG NOW AN GIVE US YOUR HELP IN WINNING Atka? FiGHT. The 161st Battalion -your own Home Battalion needs recruits, Information as to terms of enlistment, pay, etc., cheerfully furnished. Recruiting Office for Goderich and district in Horton'+ Block, The Square, Goderich. Recruiting Ofgoers{I'istrr. H1tTNltRlltf01oN, '''''`�'LllttPr, OhlrVIkt. /one Malikm en 1; using 1 year nil, .iter by i'rise's of .1 ••.u,, hap., dam 1...d. M.on lm. leap. : I herb, y draft priding, rItlryr;; res... old. .t., d bit for V ntt .•.1 draft riot. notal > ..r. old. by Pro e. r 4 t e on : 1 draft colt, i f-i.,g one yea- old. by ton.. Lor horse ; 1 driving colt, ti -one : ye r u d, by IAin,o glut; Igo -d critic Durham ,- w ,'coop 3 year..W1. to .•-aloe In the. .1. mg .tf of made t.tw, .H.g 1 )err. r ••1' . N to .en ,10 a. •prutc: nr .asal • . row.. : yr.' - ...d. fre-b : 1 ret'.. ,d 7. Inc, :1-041-.1 4: •, ye.,. '44 3..' Ind :lit,-tbd: 4L ..._•r Ir.g 1 1.., 4 -,*ire- 1 tau •.,11 , , II 1",' ,I .1101.0 •rr1 (.•lit14 " to, .7 -Mol herrn 1. , bowl r.•.wiy f r , • n r 1-1871 t-¢ c: memo. r , 1 �' red 1L' k•1 .1 i • 1: .g.htt try . rt. 1 ,1 - •o., .: ru•eet, n : 7 srAde Y. •••.ileo ••• tuna 11).old:tet'•.6:edlv,;- i -ter.- , eon ..1 i r • , .w. Eee•)thl••• watershed will Or .i .-r•-ed of, ■r ���pprl for t:.. n , pw►ul4 for the .um.ug sea- -'7tgtyrw- rrht'ael•tb•' ewer: *11114 5ft-er • ft.e.d. b4 .t -p roved Merit s. t•.: • di. - mount of l 4, ••. til. :t,. idl,t 41:oa•rl fora,:l. JOHN C. 11.14 •r. THOS. ItCNI•RY, i,o,,r etre. Ili 1 °Ione. AUCTION •ALK OF VALUABLE EARL IN cl)DifJtft II TOO 'a:11P. For thn p 'rpo a of winding apo n►: Ear (Txor THE LITZ JAMK11 HAT i) watt In put-uane•r of the node, m,.detn III* Au- prtme l tont of Oo tnrio, In the motor of the total of 11•. -'it J.13/4.:r II.\Y. hr.rtog doe th nth d..> of Jo,.e, 1911. there will b •.old by Me 1NOMIA, 14UNI1141. %C, TIONt0R: •T ▪ 10I'RT BOVRILIN TIM'i'owt 01,110p11- Rt, H, oN t4ATI'RDA1*, nu I.r 11IT or APRIL. IOC, at the hoer of TWKLYIt ut'Ltn'K 50)5. the foltowfhe land. and premise-, vi,.: Arra' NCWInwK17e. 41. the M..1r, A7, , 1.I, ►:.einN of the TOWNSHIP OF HuhElt1711 in the Ct sTv or HI tort. eon:aiomg 7:1 were more orle-.a1the ', •of to- death oetup.e4 by the aoke JAMES HAV mer that Mr a 1. era led ,t ar11Nx 11111 -1. 1 R.w): 1* 4RN and other out bni'dine-. There 1- a taloablo weevil pit Meeted un 411e farm from n Lit „ able revenue revenue might be deet, •d. TERMS.--ltwant ire Ivrarigeotut 1 on 1'1. given In ,he (lurch...er npOn l.gment of h. purrbare money. The fa, m • all 1a• ,.old .alb _Met to 4 re -roved h1,1 Th. percha.ur .ball at the Moe of .ale pay down a delay -It of ten per cone of the porch..e mnuty and .hall Roy the remainder 1 f the int n•ha-.• mosey wabin Ih`t1f dar-t hereof •r. Y,,rt her t Art Lrular-and ane dlnot - of 0114 witl he made tonere at. the ons of -ole And in the menet i•ne tory be had from the aid *Ando i.t it:or or from its,ul,,itor.. If the (atm be m4 Auld it will be offered for ren' ing. It tTku Ihi. 21-1 dap of \lar -h, 111113. N1 KINNn\ A: HOtt'ITT. of oho City of Guelph, r44tMton for the Nal Ione) Trutt Company, Limited Adn.a,i.tr.tor. of tit 1:.1'10 of James Hay. D reamed A11(TION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD • EFF-h:(TI OF MR. CLARE 9WARI-, Olouoeater Terra -e. ronai.tinS of p:oinr• d ningrt.•m, 11 .11. 3 an 1 bedroom furni, 1111. 011 MONDAY. NI ARl'll 2711, At 1 o cloak o. m. Everything to b• .old. ,.- the proprietor 1. re- mmo•g 101110 HHti-b Exchange hoot' MOS. 01N1014V. Auctioneer. (ILEARING AU('TION SALE OF V FARM al'OCK. IMI'LKME\Ts ANI( HOU8KHOLL 1Ult\ITU RE. MK RICHAIRDRO)11' will -.ell by nubile ane Iloa at M. rent no the Min Howe, 1 mile trout tlalerlcn, or, 11ON11.1tr. APRIL:trd. 1ommeneing alt ,t tio, k -horn One bay mare. 9 year. o14. • toad re1Mtete mare; 1 work sono. l :.yeer-oId ae.o. sooty roved • limed roan rows, due Oil. .pith • 1 1+011. YI dy. old ; M pin.. Moot It. law •aw; el hogs and pullet.. ! amass awl 1 hum. oke. 1 Drew Ing mower, s leis rut, st.rly new . 1 1Mrteg hay rake, nearly now : 1 beaty wattle. 1i tars, wearty new : t rel Mao ey.Harr 1. 41.,.. reserly new . 1 .prtrg-test* contralto. 1 , ed drill, 1 7 one -hors women, 1 sew bleary plow . 1 siewe, 1 .will r. • goe lty wire, 1 ass of b► alekit•. 1 eaoto.r, 1 mall box. 1 grovel bin. 1 erg lock. I Or abase . 4 1 est box, a eeaa4ty 0 yoet'. w quantity of leekbmw rod Ana. s Moble horn„•.. 1 est el ebw baeue... of slash brew... 1 .et a 'aero VOWS, 1 °lbw net, 1 wlsslbar,00. a er•.tito %cots. toot ! meta of w10IAletre.., 1 seek- ferksi, eases. ole.. 1 o 1 Crean tomer 1 worst went. 1 rued i•� 1 n� f bedrworsta aorta," W ssetroeoe. 1 .torr ase/ arwt era 1 t suis, 1 Malt Ober. 3 water ♦ 1 brtlr of aspl.q s erodes and ages Brook ase otN►e, •tt000Miltof entre t 1 t Ste, 1 on l Fel 1 ~maws. t `eek. sed • 044.0 erase bw_4, ae er.p,4ter911eaes q ia-Aa .0.1 l Meodender edlerejiMM.w..2a401f•4aelW/w K TROD O(ttlllOtT, ser. The 1rgul4r meeting it the town enured wee held 111. F'.i t;.y evening All Ihr 11p whets wear pie .alt, 1..)of illcL-an pr -..1111.5. 'l'nr and iLoll' .. $l.-m••11t 1„t 1111:, ai,. tit rn•rd and utW.•trJ to In• p, alt . d. An apt•lln.ltt n fn.u1 1. out, l) lo, ler a t.-tew,rl of hi► beeose l.. 1-1.11 p• ..- nu'-, Isq entn and cite..ing•gum Irons• a tart, on the rime cunditonio es last yeas., woo tete. zed to the nlelial cuu,- 01i1110'. 1 An application L Cul .Lurie. 11 iw man trot 1Lr 4a. 1, 14.n of rwrr'al.'t of tuwm p,, les for the canning wmmnrl, on the :ante tee alas Aa last yr.,, w•1I 0011E 1,.r Ihr .1 k• cunt1110ttr'. \ letter fe OM the 11c I ro•rleel t ie It al Cay 440,11101 11.0411. ion o'n11-1g,a ••. p) • 1 the repo! t alt tile i4et tutu -oat wept - i11,1 of the As -its i 41.,1., and -asking 1 hat Ile. eor4an at ion pay lb. annual u.rwla't•tup Ire of gli, Kau referred_ to Il.r num., a cofn P1111r• . A t Inliuunic..tlon Dont the G•alr- i let Ma, uta,rti i*g li., et:a,t,g 144. ele1y11.i14t (vis lruw Irvtly fur the vaMil 11 II of the C• lipati)'. p7upert,v. an that t Ile loan tirtang• n::•t+l wuh :1+c , ow•', co 11IJ b.• (83 tied r ,,. was erne 10 ll*-• tlua11ce cernulittt,•, • - A in er from the Doty Marine Ei,,ginr A B..iler Qe., with reference to the fire ensu; once ao jnst me lit,- WAR lysyl.• the wore renown tee. The Dominium Gossamer .\ .Acci,lent. Insnr••nce l,.,, 1'or,plo, soling wl h reference to • large richt•Of glass ht }11111th'. 'Art Stott' L 'ken try, the. la ;der of the fire brig .dr while. return- ing from a, tiny. chimed that it was c.tr•c of nvmllgente un the part of the wive, and a -kid tout the liwili pay the anuwnt of the claim, $41 111. - Thele waw sum•• diecu--1.'1 titer this trNnwllnicat iul', tete r.. lnellora not being disposed to ,..•ogo i • the Gout - pony's cl iru. Thr cunna)a's of the fire committee saw a.ilhurilrd to interview the town ,wrlieuur in the matte'. Communication wet.. tee. bred from • tb. o.unictpal dsnyngs 01 limas town- ' wad inn wiLb tbo material Along the Wee of the O. -%V. K. Hallway; hot t.s 11,.•,.' w,. nu wo,d from Ashfield the matter• wars left in •Iwy•oer, - Report'. 1-•f the Apt etal. t lire and finance colnmitlees here read and a dopte d. •a The special • roil tee recommended that an order ter $A1 Iw granted to the local relief committee Looe. A. Porter, treautlrer ). 'This committee had .pent dotting INI.1 the mina of $3:r1, the funds tiring contributed by benevolent Nuri. plies and indinduale. Reg -aiding the -cmmnn,nication from the Ontario Mu11icipal Association. aeking 1hat the town pay lite anuti•t1 Illew11lwrsll1p ler, it was recommended that no action be taken. '('he fire committee *•ked for power to purchase some new 1 Oilier footsie, rotate, roc., for the members of the tit brigade. The finanee conln,itte'recommended payment of a number of accounts ; also that Mt. C. A. Reid he appoint,.) valuator of the linechter rutniture factory buildings and go11111+. The memo iug of bands for the Baecbler loan alt $2.-•,b*I0 woos left in the bands alt the finance comm) titre. Councillor 10\ Igor suggested that ion effort be made to me'cury afire sr,viee for Uonlerich telephone -users with th,' Colborne mllMellott telephone system. 'Phis mat trr was reel reed to the special committer. The pal k. committee was em- powered to cut down some trees on Wrist cedant which it was said the engineer and the property-cwnets wiehrd ter hive removed. There was considerable discussion with Reference to the military ramp proposition. The Huard 01 11rdr, which was meeting the sante evening, went in a niesrago to the effect that the Board intended eroding a delegate to 0llawa to see the acting Minister of Mail i• and s.Iggewt•'d that the council also vend • delegate. It was decided that Mayor Mclean should go as the council's representative. At Council for Wigle'. wugge,t Ion, the Mayor wen asked also to Mt ev 1 IOw Col. Shannon, 1). O. C.. at London, with the view of .-nlistin,t hits sympathies in the etfoit 10 ...core the ramp fur li,rderieb. M.* or McLear) had a letter Crow M . A. H, Califon. les*. a of a 4Rlrtitl11 of the I•nd which it 14 proposed to use or camp purlr.•ar.. Mr. Clutton ark -d $21111 fol hes right., provider) arrange- ... n a could he wade with Mr. Flem- ing, ill.- h-swrr. A ier of 11 .a'd of Trade mem- s e supe in to the council chamber w'hilc the rump pa(posit io11 was bring d.•cu.-epi, aid two nit there of thew . e .• ll. al 1 on the i,ciiation of the l' , •1l1.11' M•nwr br•.Ilght up the .roller of nnwtwting the hooses in t .0.11 and also replacing the street -n12n-. Ile thought the town rh,tuhl 1s• re,.,t fur theint ridiot' ion of • ryatsl d livery syw'rnti The pp Ihlic works enttirriterr, Olt whirl* Mr. Mnw,•r is chairman. war aimed to I. ok fill lhrr int., the matter. • The c 'i1 then Atli owned, Mr. L. li_ Parson.. sec. etiry of t h.• Bowel of Trade. left yrsteiday lot• Montreal and 01'nw•a. A mit-rage ter e111.11 earlier in the week f 1)1- ,*wH eta. Iso the effect that the ntiug M,bt•l^c O. 1I.I.1.0 would 1101 rerite ad.p,.t11. nn the estop matter in the alwence of the-Min•►t"r, Mayor 1I. Lean aceordiuily stayed at home, batt Mr. Parsons bad other business at \I,•11ural and intr11dru to 31.4 the THE BIG DRIVE. OVEN 'EIGHTY ENLISTMENTS IN GODEHICH IN THREE DAYS. • Special Recruiting Effort in Behalf of I81st Battalion a Magnificent Suc- cess-- Nobody Can Now Say This Old Town Is Not Doing Its Bit. • As a result of the "big ,I/ i c• t - cure reel ui•a for the 11i1.t B.v t,aiou, Mode: i -h has been thoroughly can- vassed Otos week, with splendid tit • ulln. Acing 111 coujun.'tion w'11h the R or Auxiliary, the wtlruUy &,.t twit lea gr tot rd the ..oldiers four days' frrrdotu fit• cif drill that tin y: the 111,11, alright tut n 0,) their enemy toward ...- curing a -reroute. jhe so Wim sneered heartily into tLe• 0011 it of the caulpai , i 141111 by 51. u4•ty evening solar truly recruit. Lail leen srtur'•d. IlvTin -- duv even 114 1111• lot al w:,a over .1.ixtt 141111 In' \'S 0J11t-rday midnight eighty - our haJ h . t el 1•,11. d. The whole tuw.n has 1,e011 thorn.+ghly c:r v,tsst•d and every- 11,1 II of nn111wty age hat her n waked To give tt era -on erhy he is not In Maki. Nish hilt one or lsto ex^ep' ions t. lir es. uvessel . were coin l- e„11e1y tweetvl•d a n d • reasonabh. rxpnl and' see- if anything 11 ,iI,I b.• •a'ssw els tr gin. 140.1,1140.1,1tet now emu -,i dontit. po1'e%v••Iy' Ittolahly with Ihr target "1'Y '1,1011 I•,.,,•.• 15.18 _ eontf•. 1.1 I lie tomtit. r, 1 044-11f'll!1 ,+ed ii,t,t, It ced i'1 1 h. 1. : t. . t, .t••I'- THE CALL TO ENLIST. fu ({trop.- t in0 -19-the ;m1'10461117. The da>. It i. plat, ,_ r, I , t • t I'• '- lluwoh; I. a lost „f the utcn 1111n11.rt - - up in noon f,,,* v (Thursday). A num- Canadian Patriotic Fund Ottawa, March 7, 1916. The Canadian Patriotic Fund gratefully acknowledges the receipt of twenty-five hundred dollars from Goderich, Ontario, branch C. P. F. (second instal- ment from citizens of Goderich) per Geo. Williams, Treasurer. On behalf of the Fund, W. T. White, Hon. Treas. Subscribers to the above- named fund are reminded that .the third instalment falls due on April 1st, and are requested to pay same to, the 'Treasurer at the Canadian Bank of Com- merce. P4ADV1,.CIAL Pu Ii1BLTl0Y. Onta:.o •W Be Dry 01 Lel.t Until the Closet f the War. The 11111:11''• (. •r tl!',r , ''- Lt. -Col. Weight and Major Boehm. of Toronto, Address Recruiting Meetings. The r'reiuiting met -Doge tm Sl.Jay afternoon rod evening proud very p,'pulaw At the •ftetn.!on meeting M.. 10\'w, Prouulout, K. l'.. 11 P. 4,t a -i Intl: Major 11 t hie, of 'l'.tropto, who (Sits the spr,rkrr f. it Iheolay, gave a vigorous allures. in which he cun- llurd hituselt 10 the reasons, orexciews, otirrcd I,y' many our 1101. r'uli•tuo1;. He enumerated these as- ( Cline to realize the set iwbt)tt'.,f erraLV*t iva: the mistaken idea that this it riot 4,'.•nesoa'- war : the plat w, 111011 *1'0 0e 1714 I.r 1.44'410),: sneer:ono t 111i.lillg ; ll*e ,. o prouJ 1 :0011.,.1 I I 10 1,411.,.. toe 11 :and the now who sot out ra1Nt 601. s. tor can la• r1. aft 'er, lIto sp-siker dealt with 11,.•..• various poo t. At Iu111,. 1-•1•1,t, II alba h s str•r- menus were rely foicef,ll :ted calcu- lateePto inks • wan who eli nut Is eve • ROA 01•+011 f..e biting il► ctrili.0 `ttthe+r410,1 wrf•rood.',l1' t•rytlrr+A�t iha talonDot)fl meeting ,.,nlititl,.r h41tlt'tl to Ulric, 1111.1 - n I be' 11„1 4.. soused I.HLlrr' a, he.eg willing to • 1.11if the -y could pa-. toe .u,d'eal el trainer. Al the .'yelling meeting ill Knox choreal the. speaker deal: tv,th -molar theme and was glen close attend , Last Night's Meeting. Viotti, 'a Opera Hou -r woo filled to it. cap•cl y un 10Ve,u►rvliy evening, when a 11lrellIY In 11w interests of tcruit ing for for 11i1at l3ath.huu. was held at which L'oui.-Uel. 10\'1 ight, 0. C. 180th Battalion, loront°, arms the ptincipal speaker. Among others on. the platlutm were Mr. W. Nrydune, of Clinton, president -01 the Huron War Auxiliary, who presided : 1Ir. Hulloes, who woe dterred in hi. n'gtotrotal parade dress as a vete'rmlof the Fenian raid, : ,Major R. S. Maya, of Se/Borth, who evoke on behalf of the 121st in the absence of Lieut. -Cul. Comte. : Judge Hutt, who mored • vote of thanks, and Whitten Livingstone. who sec- onded the ;notion. A chutus of thirty soldieta in motto an assisted with t musical part of the program and 'Mrs. King and Mies McColl coi.t11butrd p.1tlolic solea. The Stewart O; chestoa supplital musical nuwbere .t Val iva. intervals. Lieut,.1oL %Vright'1 address was'• particula.Iy 1111prrstin1( toil interw- ove. The speaker lntrrsiwl'+erl his teta ok. with many humorous *nett- ft. then Is 1,0' teat J. M..•utllt 11. 11-11 one A. S.,mer•.tI A. Corktle:d 11. Smola Foley 1). l'iratlihom.p-uitn M. tw'i N. Jlrlvur B. 1•', Voting J. A: McI'lu-key E. ('raigie 6'. 411wnnon l- .. Matra C. 1t ,1 mess's H. 1'. E.14rrr.!s 0. C. 10Vhitrly ' l'. Black W . Hat•n.tnt K C, i4dwnL, 11. tin,: b \L neon •`t sld,art J. Hal,ti.k E. Yon..ghlnt 11. M••tiow.su It. Weston H. V4 i(Lsu11 r Fs.':t 11 ,001•.4 H. MrCrrath F. Weir31.:M' 4iinn L. F McCartney H. 11unt J. R. (ursdn It. Kay F:. Lvttn H. W. ('roigie 31. (-1, amount 1010'. Hall 11. H. Allen It Hone '*V, .1. ('.dl,)w : W. B. idle H. Sumets.11 4. 10Vilkpr C. Knight H. Wsittgterann E. (' J, E. Y•ning W. N. Hasa) ' Recite: l 14 t 1t. CItrk (2 Tot lot' R. J. 11- H.res H, t'.3Ie(iu.key Penn It. Moh,'ing J. Louder J. 'aMe. tw+y ingtoa C. Doty A. Iloag H. Laoxon J. Niven. J. 1."utlat'd (2, Burke W. Kitiou A. Townshend .\ndrews H. Iia'. A. 31 't )oug*II 1010'. Me'•1)uugall R. J. %lover F. Steele W. Drew Cha.. Cat man J. And: ewe W. II-tete- A. l-teINA. h acting 11. Steep C. Nicholson J. Steller ° (i. Vii.'krt•t, , l', Johnston . dote• And quaint phrase., hot it WAR neverthrleos solid it, substance an.1 c,Jcul.t..'d to deal a blow at any lethargy or procrastination with re- g ort to euli.ting. His 'slain thoughts weir arranged under Ilo ee .iivi'ione : 1 he call of the past, the call of the pies"nt, and the call of lb,- future, 'The applause, which was. vt•ty ire- gtirl,l and vigorous. proved th.lt he had a .ynlprthei lc audience and it is exp -rt. -.l Mat recruiting will he *p- preciab:y pl :ted by the ..dderer. THE HIKE TO DUNGANNON. on satiating the Uiid,rieh detach meat of the 111181 Battalion, recent strung, marched to Dungannon. The hoys left (Materiels at Na. in. to the strains of the bogie hand, the first halt tieing made at Ilunlop. Melia the time of their arrival there a snow- storm carne on and from Dunlop to Ynmtn'c Hill the tramp was anything but pleasant. At L.o)'a1 Mr. Ales. AUCTION SALES. Young regaled the buy. with heel) milk. After a brief teat at Smith-. ISLi.ARINO AUCTION MALE OF V FARM STOCK AND SEED 011.5 I\. LIRUT. 1. HCTHKR1NUTON will sell by public auction at lot R coo. 11, w'.1). IbIboro. on TH1:RIDAY. MARCH LIN. commencing at 1,10 o'riook .harp lx)W11. 1 reran row, fiinlg 7 yearn nM. due to cairn le Avrll . I roan new, rl.tane 7 )ear-. old. dM to calve 1n Ap11 : 1 red row. ding , year,. S et ons Ie siva la Jane : 1 row, 4 year. Ori, dee )leptesb.•r 14 : 1 row-. r ?mora old due May lel.: 1 sew, P year. old. dew M111.. , I Cow, dy 11 $ year. or May reit : 1 row, 7 year. eM, doe April filth : 1 farrow COIF, •lgttd milking: !tat .lasso, Heine 1 rows W : 1 to heifer. Hama ! year. Cid : 1 r+•rllrtg •neer, 4 .Nm., Y m3 Meet 1 rear .44 : leaf. I 1 Mit -1 airfare!, Anal sere, 1 yeas eks : lt .eitersl Move. 4 roan old ; 1 •errteuer e l bees, Adair 7 soar. ; 1 heavy draft bete*, 1 trail rat f•1•dei:v11 nS[eeal 0002, . 11puyerpele`m10era cset. rMlg O -1 5 foes[.u/eMt In slm tit, sows, l 1. ea slay; Som slay )e 1 abort arca.. e� mei wl ase of wheat, •blot N Mss of deter *04 Wane bait .d rev. artistes tee eamseeea q asu.Hw. will be mold wnbset ro•■eya . ea M eretee('te r sown relnugy -M ...me of One end seder. each eml�or not .awes. elab �,eero de old be dbo m of 4 �eesrrWere . eleeW- earn l Aoe seem i I rein ea weft inwiets. 14*21'. L )t/r111Yt1NOTOR, T. GUN T. �MeMaert ♦selesswr. Hill the detachment proceeded 11. Nile, where it was announced that a "light lunch" would be nerved. Th., "light lunch" proved l0 1'e such a bounteous supply of sandwiches and pie. with bot coffer. that reel-, man was able to make a good meal. The journe7 from Nile to DungI(1I)nn was made In good time and toll detach- ment reached ill destination at 3 p. m. with Mrt two eaalt*lties. The citizens of Dungannon had dee- orated their village with flags and hunting in honor of the neesainr. and all the.chMd children had been sup- plied with Hags and peunanta. The soldiers paraded the main street and tame to a halt beneath a large "Wel- come" streamer etrwtched across the Iroad. Rev. 1. A. McKelvey addressed the eoldien and wel.'omed them to the village. A number of p•Irfotie wows were sung. after which the soldiers proceeded to the Methodist °torsk where( dinner wadi served. In the afternoon the boys le khaki found various waft of amusing tb•roaetvee, bus She greater part attended shimmer bell ender the oundoes of the Red Cross Soeletand the Ss pond were qusapellesietly of candy thin �n 4oilrtly es- blasted sod attoelioo was send 11041 ion .h.tll 1,. .,.ideal -,I IT not. Thotl;h :he 11, low trill 11 ' ire c01111• 11,1.. 01'11 t t 1st of May. ti ill 11.• t'(i. J1Ji'd 1„1' 8 f,•w len-1111 is 't., entild,•Ito •.. •, •,. ,1 '1*b.- tno10'ft. ,li.4.•., •et Ileal, • .• 111.1,• 4 •rin)•ii•, ! t tit. -'„f 1110 111.41.- uft'.an`agfltlt,trii, f, +`. • Prohibition- Nt'l auto effect in rpt• 1.11. 1' 1111 1,ati t' 1`tl \, t'l,•ttliwr it;rc. t a ct•' a Cus p \ll lis t sirs. with It hate .•N. lit nm. swill he eztt-tt.1.',l after Mirk'1-t until dale SionLi leen i,.". meet of seminal few of gl'► of int Referenlfimu will be tnknn after tl•ar and g 54845.011- nie ohne• rcttlr•j Or t,oldler.•. New (hrtari►. 'l'etrpetimee Art fol low. Maniterlkt Act. eang.t for incier: pieration.)11 i111pntv.t.m'Id. tak('11. (item Llrttnrio I.it•t•n.r .\ct. ' • \Vittdrsalednlggists will he lie'rnL rd t.. -11.11 in w'hol.•s.ele gtmntitit•s forsr-ien- titic and 111'•clianical puriftrw•s, IlJwnl product ifin of utHdavit. as In lues to w hide !Mu, r w ill lie devoteL Retail license. will It:issue) permit- ting sale 10 i041ivid1ii11r, 11114111% d.w•tur's imeseript ion. amt to a doetor not noon. than 11 pint ata time or w veterinary not 1111111.1 than two galloon at a time. 4bitario 1.i1.ens0 M111%114 will its• rN'o1- '.11111tt'd • a it 1* 1114)111w•r4hip of three, and rh+u•ge•d with ad ' strat- of 111'w hast.. Bill Will not interfere' w'ithnimisa'• Didion of liquor for private tuft• or keel.. i1:ait in the home.' Heavy tines ranging up 1.1 $l.0(101uld .t'nt.•nces up to eight ' t.hs are t-i,tel fol' 1111111r1te.115 111 the law. BI*rk,rone, have aria; g)•d fer ep •e- iwl shipnten(a of fr.-41 oysters during the I.enten season. to the tables of faneyerm k. Theev the hays,.00n cleand nod allerwarda they paraded the streets decked in fancy *prone, housedresses and other articles of feminine apparel. Slipper was served at 6 o elo -k, and AI t•1. c'•neart, arranged and carried out by lora! talent, was put on, Ser- geant Goodwin and Pte. Brimmed, of the 161st, assisting as soloists Lieut. Sturdy embraced this nppnttunit yy to thank the citizens for their kindness and literality and incidentally to call', fur recruit., The return journey was made on Sunday. The detachment left thin- gannon at N a. m. and upon arriving at Nile attended divine service, A cheer of twenty voices war selected 1 from the detach MHO 10 lead 1 hi. ser- vice of song and an *ppwopriale *4I- dreaa was delivered by Rev. .1 W. Hedley, after whieh dinner was served in the basement of the church. Brief complimentary addresses were made by Mr, Woe. Bailie on twhalf of the citizens of Nile and Lieut Hethering- ton on behalf of the soldier*. The I return to (lnderleh was made without' further ineidMt, with the reception that after baring Dunlop the boys were furnished by Mr. (;has. McNeil with • supply of apples tlnderich I was reached at 4 p. m. and although 1 the roads had 'proved very heavy all Ibis boys were In their plaices au the detachment marched around the Wra soldiers were delighted with the treatment .eelrwded them by the paogle of Dungaree.* and Nile. The 0.10•1e fuel 5o*iient shot the trip whit Mag trewMs and that • number elf r.meita wW yee vapor* roes Duo- fisw and shish'. 1f you wn,,r • n r.*v. ,.v in Islay ing your fo..te ..a.,t link., t'luh hags, a,lttt4.ee, • t )tot., %%AI.Tr:He et co.'. 1. et, apt! ail . ole, 0101r ), •• will w ave Dom :Pi ; tibI per cane. 14 pair. ing neatly 1i•,, a o4 nook' ofr price. GUNDRY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. 1.4111.41. March '41.- 4mlion ogle .r 4 cure - bred rest-tend-hoelhor.• bull♦ Boot .c J• Clew-. and 1011,.14 raft!, , curetted tie 1,411r,' PtIPI Md ..•v.I .1 wpIlb:-•11 dr.'? a It , 1101.•,)y of Mr. Jul*' C. Der -1, Maitland .•o.... -w1., l'• !torn. . Tale R.1141-, Mar to 3•. ...."i.,'. •new i.1 farm 'LANA 'Intl 11., 0, .. 41 In 0, to.,. 11, ''td'.,ors', Lunt Het hrrmgtun. Mop blur. M,rst. . 11 r'1 1. .', 4.1101 :ah• Or fags •to s, r•rt'irlitet101. etc . property of R4.•h•rd Ream, MeaMerl mai. S in• Ru 4 t..\pril 1. - , tearing au -lion a .le of awe furniture at Hohntrier . (urnlste et .re. SORN, %%DITTY In lledeek s, on 54.4,'4 5. to Ira Iwr, tyhill) and Mr. 4Ahnty -. - •• FH 1111.)1 In N,aivri• h. ,,n March 1'1.". 31r. and Nr. En den. It Fra -dr, • 1 rnzteer tMlldrrd 1,e4101. • MARRIED. DRAPER YIOCNti.-At linos chit: el, in Oro*, llodert"h...n Mar1•h 22 d, by R.•. 17eorge Ito'•. H,.1.. H2O, William !nape , of t Albert. ami ren... Angeline luo,a(.ef swum os. DIED. PRt)'1'DI'OOT. 1.. 4:aterl.-h. on WMne.11/, March and. Robert Peon Ifuot, aged W e r.. MAI)'4'THI:Ws, In I:Merv-h, en Toe -day, March 41. tA'In1..n, Uro.[e Matthew-. _amid ,w year. NICHOIJSON. to Ordera•k, be Wednesday, March 4!, Mod troy Niche .on. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Mar, h 29 I' .go R1111111111 -0 T. R ..... .. Wolters l'a..d*--c. N H Asdle.g•1s-11.•t, N.'1erl•'Io. ... Tedieter Wsated -A 5. N'. 17, AsbIlleid 1 AIpr[V a aelea (hr00 Oe► IM Nay •t 4- Me .d Awri Ilabo-11, . .. ........ . 1 (*neaten i 'unser iced ........ ... .... 1 Meller Davi 14sw12 ....... .. ......... 1 Tensest Hesse (Mere IFIL A Mil ..w 4