HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-16, Page 8a ritvaaoAT MAaru. is tom
2(eto Wall gapers
\\'e have already received
.aural large shipnr_ut. of
Spring Wall l'at'er., and while
our .tuck is not yet complete
manof th.• new lines art
out yet made. we can show
you very pretty Canadian
Papers at .M , tic. Sc and lly
ler n•11.
. Imports -41 Wall Papers this
year are very reasonable in
price. eommt ncing as low a
per roll up to .10e. Many
of these papers priced tit 1.ic,
20e and :rte. with pretty cut-
out 1.,rticr. to match. many
of the borders already cut
out. others designed to be
cut out. ranging in prier
from lc p.r tad tilt to ifk
anti I e%
Gee. Porter
Fresh Shipment Just In.
29c lb.
Regularly sold at 40c to SOc Ib.
lam :ampbell
'Pilo. 93.
Corner North St. and Square
Rus. MI
Winter Footwear
Style, Fit and
Are three very important
features in footwear. They
are qualities that every line
of Shoes and Rubbers in our
immense stock must possess.
Every line is selected with
these ends in view. there-
fore ersuring perfect quality
and footwear that will stand
the test in any weather.
Geo. Mac Vicar
(tire out window f.o
pail bat hue
A full line of
Toilet Artides,
Drugs, Pula Supplies
Avt tit- for
Wil ard't Forkdipt
Try our .saturdav Special
Reg. 40c Ib. for 29c 16.
A.L.Caldwen, Ph .B.
TIn(•e1•..e'1 141
C. I.. Coulti..
l'houc 19
Trrnnse. March 14.
Mr. Thom. O'Genre .r his rerirnd
after a trop to Detroit and ('hieagn.
Mise Barham Austin ire visiting
Kingsle(dgs friends
Mr. MWrier Griffin ia visiting his
sister. Mrs. Tim. Griffin.
Owing to unexpected and nnavnid.
absa elreuesro•ancre the Kinersheidge
D1'elaatie Club has found It necessary
to postpone until some Tutor. date
Dtanwvnd My t.,, "
which was advertised for Marsh 17, h.
MrtlrnAT, March 13.
Mrs. Root. Mullin. who baa bad a
severe attack of broaching, is not
improving as fast as ber many friend.
would wed,.
Mr. and Mrs. Mcl'hailesentertained
on Friday evening in h ,nor of Mr.
and Mrs. Neil McKers.ee, who leave on
Tuesday fur their home at 8en,ans.
Messrs. Duncan and /'otcber Mc•
Chitties. who have spent the winter
herr, ate telurning West this week.
Mr. Holtp McMillan is out •gain
atter being laid up with lumbago.
Miss )Lisle `therwotal st.rnl Sunday
with her parrots at Belfast.
Mrr iarl Begley is slowly improv-
ing alter an attack of the measles.
Mis. Lyle Taylor, wbo spent a fort-
night in Kincardine with her friend
Miss'1'ohnie, has returned home.
Mew Mildird Horn is in Toronto
taking treatment for spinal trouble.
Miss Irene Hoboes i• home from
Southampton alter spending fru da) r
with M. J. ('lark.
Mu. Ilolmes, of l'linton, is at pres-
ent tet h ht r brother, Mi . \\ . S.
ItAY I�.
Tie-isv, March 11.
The Ladle: Aid of St. Andrew's
church is busy- preparing for the
annual St. Patrick's social, t.. to
held en Friday, March 17th. The
usual ¢.sof outs ie expected.
HAITI -limb's 11111.1. tit, HONOR.-- A
must unique service will be held in
the Methodist church on Sunday
monung DUX', when the local squad
.l soldiers *ill attend iii a body and
witness the unveiling of the village
"Roll "f Minor.- This roll will ^_on-
tain the moues of all the Luys who
hay,- r1.Ii.trd for overseas service
truncate village. and the list will be
added to as others loin the colors from
time to time. Mr. Jones' subject at
next Sabbath morning's service will
be "England and her Stake in the War..
Mrs. Richard... who has been visit•
ing for the past three Weeks with her
brother. Mr. Donaldaotl, returned
home nn Monday.
Mr. .John Davidson has gone to
13rucrfield, where he is employed in
Mr. Mustard's sawmill
Fat mere and teamsters are all busy
hauling kings and wood, taking advant-
age of the good roads while tory last,
as no doubt another week or two will
bring the spring break-up.
We regret to learn that Mn. F.
Qeruinhardt is again confined W bed.
M,.. J, Brock, of Port Dover, 1•
visiting at. the home of ber brother,
Mr. J. McLeod.
Mr. Fraser. took the service in St.
Andrew's church on Sabbath morning,
AN Key. A. .Macfarlane was laid up
with a cold and sore throat.
The tower room of the public school
commenced work again on Monday.
Mrs. Fergusuu haying been released
from quarantine,
\VKDXI SIA y, March 15.
COCNTRY 1.1 left (NoirabBNCSa,-
Meetiog. which should he both inter-
esting and helpful will be held in the
Foresters' Hall, Auburn, on Wednes-
day, March Gni, tinder the auspices
of the Farmer: Club. The program
for the afternoon seesion, to cnm-
tuence.et 2 o'clock, includes discussions
on the fellrwiog subjects: How to
twantify the heli aero around the
borne: Woman's .hare in rural better-
ment; What recreations and pleasures
the community nerds and how to
provide than: The work of the di.-
ttict reptes.•ntatrve of the Depart-
ment of Agricul.ure. The evening
eteeion will commence at 7.4:,, and the
subj.-as on the program are: The
church's share in the country life
movement ; The objects and purposes
of a Farmers' (Inn; An ideal rural
civilization and the means of its at-
tainment. Among the speakers ex-
Bected to he present are Mr. W. J.
ell, of the Dep •rt runt of Agriculture,
Toronto ; Ms G. R. Green, B. 8. A.,
district r len... tative of agriculture,
\Voodstock, and Miss It. Thompson.
St. Augustine. :1 general invitation
in erten led to the puhlie to attend
these meetings and take part in thej
discussio ie.''.
(toed For Children.
Mothers' Phte,rians agree tbat
flavor and the body -budding elements
of grain. lie in the dark parte usually
thrown away. So also do the lime
salts which your child needs to harden
bones and teeth. Children fel upon
COSMIC, dark •errata develop greater
resistance. \\'i r.e.s the Bulger.. and
Serhs. iG,wan soldier.. who conquered
the world feed upon two brands of en-
tire grain food n day. Dr. Jeckson's
Roman Mral is a scientifically bal-
anced ration male frau, several entire
grains. It's delicious, easily prepared
in a variety of ways and nourishes
Letter then meat. Ii a a natural Iaxa-
1,vr. Moor gr. , era sell it.
Made by Rouigr, Meal Co., Toronto,
\1'It»Mlt14uAy, Msreh I
Mr. Tout., ..f Kincauline, vialted a
few days with hi- neph,•.i, Mr. Harry
Hawkins, list wr. k.
Ars yeti a sufferer( Know
that terrible aching, draggles -
down pain, that robs you or
pleasure. even of rest, and wakes
I.tr wircrable'. Don't you believe
t the law of average! It a remedy
i ..: cared hundreds of people. don't
eiink It Il:.sly 1t enepht at tease
• you!
.ire Zarn.Duk a fair trial!
r J. Mct:wen, of Dundas, sur-
f r. d fro::, plies for Moran years.
'11e lays: "1 trice pretty nearly
b•t gest no pet -maw -10
✓ it one: I tried ZaniBuk. This
t.al..i r^11.•:el the pain: continued
t•Ar t,_ .,'e••.'y and permanently
cared rte."
Tt.e :1e. h hera:J essences of w filch
7n -r -11-'t !, cie:tpoard. quickly re-
t ova '.eweeest!on. relieve the dull.
br'-ning paln• and cure.
• All dnito-Isis and stores, or puc-
e:lis from Zt^••Iluk Co.. Tnronto,
for prig. Sec. box, 3 boxes $1.25.
\\'glrsesDAY, March 15.
P.tTKttrrtc SotIvry Newsy. -It will
be of interest to some to know that a
reply- to a note sent with a fruit cake
shipped to the soldiers in No ember
has been received by • ,member of the
1'nited Patriotic Society. It was dated
F,•hruary :nth, Belgium, and slated
that t he cake was very much appreci-
ated by the fellow. of the4thCanedian
Field Ambulance, R. 8. F., who re-
ceived it. The letter was signed by
lien. Falconer ....A collection amount-
ing to $12 i►2 was divided between the
Belgian relief fund and the "Secours
National." A donation of $1 was grate-
fully received from Mrs. .los. N bitely.
Sewing meetings will he held at the
home of Mrs. 6. U. Sturdy on Wed•
needay, bisect 22nd. and at the hone
of Miss Alice Andrews on Friday.
March 24th. All the women of the
neighborhood are urgently invited to
Bronchitis -Asthma -
Coughs -Night Sweats -Debility
And those conditions leading to
Ss.s Eftttat b from Sarni Evidence :
says ; y` 'Nature's Creation' is what
helped me."
CHARLES [NOPH, or Oeth. says :
" My night sweats "stopped and my
hemorrhage stopped from the fiat
LOUIS C. ZINK. on Oath, says :
" I have to thank `Nature's Creation'
that I ant here today."
Send for Booklet containing comptetr
statements on Oath. from those w'ho
have- used '• Nature's Creation."
Mr and Mr.. A. F. Cunningham.
after * lengthy vi.i• with the formers
parent•, rettoced fir their bow. at MacE'twan Estate
Torun, o 011 Soutane.
S• -viral of the y„i.ng folks from these
pert. 'pent a most et.j ,yahlr es -ening
at the home "f M.. Alex. Horde, of
Shepparlron, one evening last week.
T on lb. Loon hs. 1s. -en on the sick
list the hot few days. 11'e all hope
for a speedy ter••ve, y.
Word has le. -n tsvrivwt front Lind-
say Rurr,w,. He is still in teaming
in England and enj ing life
thoroughly. ^VV
Mr. WiliNdlQnai•t left le the Nest
1.•t week after attending a winter
1 month. with hi. (,ren,. here.
Fd. Sch.'nals spout the week -end at
his 5•.n.. st (lint .n
Iteg Me(c,-e has returned home after
a few day: visit with friend. at, %Vind-
enr I
I'RgaglrTATnttr. - 44.1110 a number of
the members of 1!hriet church west at
the hoer a of Mr. and Mrs Irwin
Pn.ter ono .vendor errant) and pee -
waited their dam/Aber. Mrs. Orland
Ralph. with a handsome mantel eloeb
and ratting set ea a "oven of thele
•povw•fati.'n of her work in she
ebureh. 4 very e. treats* time was
latent In daaeing ens reeds. Mr. and
Mrs have .lose left /Or their
bowie Is Um Wee.
Logs Wanted
We will pay the highest cash
prices for all kinds of logs delivered
at the mill in (:oderich.
Custom sawing done promptly et
any time.
Grain aid CMppiag
We- will ales buy grain at our
elevator and will pay the hest mar-
ket prices.
Orders for chopping or rolling
grain promptly and carefully at-
tended to at our chopping mill.
J. E. Baechler
Mill and elevator north of Mac-
Ewan's coal yard., O,tderich.
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Any quantity heat all Maple
Slabs, Ml:ed Wond, H..,roek
old [ladling ICrdar or Plow.)
Tu.RPMUMiIs, fret I>•
retiilsne • vs et
♦ very pleasant time was enjoyed at
the home of Mr and 4rv. Chas.
Prunus on Thursday evening of last
week. when their n.tghbors and
friends gathered at their home to
•pend a social evening together before
\I, end Mrs. Prows leave for their
mew home in Colborne.
F e aetliN.i ('Ll'tt. • - The Farmer&
('I.ib held a roost eejoyable'oriel even -
log at the hospitable home of Mi. and
Mrs. Oliver Edward on the evening of
March 13th. There was an excellent
short program. after whicb Mr. Thos.
McMillan, of ttraforth, gave an able
and Interesting address on Rural
Problems After lunch was eervsd and
trod Mace the King sung the older
members dispersed. leaving the young.
er ones to finish the evening in gawee
and other amusements ....On Friday,
March 31st, the Fanner. Club will
hold a social eveniog at the Bowe of
Mr. Keith Revell at which the flub
wish to hay. the pleasure of the pres
ruceof the ladies After the business
there will oe • program by some of the
last talent int the township. A unique
feature of the evening will be the in-
troduction of Lb. audience to the oew
arrivals in Mr. Itevell'. 1010.egg-power
incubator, and the proud possessor
will give some interesting information
on the raising of chickens. Let every
member of the Club come, and not.
Tusc Pinter Ronite-Mr. IIsmic 8al-
kelo reports the arrival 1.4 the first
robin of the season. 11e (that is, the
robin) was sewn this morning eating an
apple on n tree at Walnut Farm ; alao
be was having a bout *Oh a hostile
woodpecker - pretty good identifica-
tion omits of a genuine robin, all right.
To ENFrtttlt. 11K.tLTtt Air. -On tic -
count of the increasing number of
cases of measles, the council was noti-
fied by the Provincial health officer
to have s sanitary inspector appoint-
ed. Mr- U. W. Putter, of Potter's
Hill. was appointed for the present
year and entered 'mon his duties this
week. At the I.osrd of health meeting
in (cods -rich on Tuesday afternocz it
was decided to enforce the Provincial
Health Art to the letter. R is Inrgely
due to gross tateles,nees that the ep-
idemic of wra.lee has spread w rapid-
ly in the township.
It is s grave mistake Inc mothers to Ber-
emlar! their aches and rain-. and suffer m
Marla -thin only leads to Chronic sick -
nese and often shortens life.
If your work is tiri ng; if your nerves are
excitable; if you feel languid, weary or
deprwai, you should know that Soots'.
Rmnleion overcomes just such conditions.
It possesses in concentrated forest the
very elements to invigorate the blood,
strengthen the tissues, nourish the nerves
and build strength.
Scott's is strengthening thousands of
mothexsr-•and will help you. Try it.
sceit & 11,1rue. T•,mnto. Out
Fon '•im SoLmItita.=I'he Ashfield
Sohriers' Aid Circle packed n bele
valued at 4111 l:t, which hoe been 1,•r -
warded. The following ladies comtt Bi-
mini to the hale :
Mrs A. Quaid. 2 Pillows 2 P. Slips
Mr. 1t. Metal -nese 2 "
�I else Hu -s. y Id•n "
Mrs H. Hayden
Mrs. \V. Crawford 2 "
Mrs IH unningham
Mrs. %V. Carey
Mi...1.. Oliver 1
Nias 1 Me\lillian
Mr'. John guard 1 "
Nis. Maize
M.s. \1. Brown 1 d'n '•
Mrs. G. Richardson 2 d'n "
Mr'..4. Myst. 1 Wu " 3
M•s. I'. C.awford 2 " 2
Mrs. 1t Higgins 1 " 2
Mrs. M. Shackleton 1 "
Mrs. W. Bl.ke 2 sheets 2
Mis. Jake- N.t;:ee 2 pillows
Mrs '1' Richardson 1 "
Mrs. W. 11. Maize 1 2
Mrs, H. Reid 1 ••
Mrs. A. Alt to 2
Mrs. HA. Juhuatou 2
Miss Leila Hlske 2
Mrs. W.'tli others 2
\des. Roby. (Ate ren 2
M.. J. B. Graham 2d'n " 1
Mrrl..las Stevenson 1 " I
Ws J. Bennett jr. 1 " 2
Mrs. Jas. Hayden 1 " I
111.s. J• firs "ternary 1 "
Mrs. A. Horden 1 " 1
Mrs.R M. -Whinney 1 " 1
M... P M. Sullivan l d'o "
Mr -.Morgan Dalton 1 "
Mr-. J a. Crawford 2 1 sheet
Mr-. Nelson Orabstu 1 1 P. Slip
MieM.l:unninghawl "
M.N. It. Curwen 2 "
A Stunts r of articles have been bold
over tial nese .hipment-
The Ulrcle is o,dehted to the follow-
ing 1.•diee for knitting socks : Mrs.
R. Higgins, Mus May 8aundru, Mrs.
Wm. Blake, 3 pairs each : Mrs. H.
Johitst:,., Mrs. 1'. McCarthy, 2 pairs
each ; Mee. AngusOordon, Mins Mary
McKena,e, M.,'. J. Petrie. Mrs. !toy
Ma z.., Mrs. O. Hall, Mr.. Albert
ARe n, Ne•. Rd Joh.o.ton, Mts. If.
Alton, Mrs. (1 .•. Twamley, Mr.. Wm.
Hro. n, Mi.. Geo, Felder, Mrs. R.I.
McWittenry, Mies Mary 14.11, 1 (writ
each. Miss R. Higgins. Mr. Jae.
('• of . 4, ho -petal &hitt. loch ; Mts.
N111 Foul y, 3 ebb t&; Nis. %Vm.
Slot... is. M... Wm. Blake, 2 .birts
each ; Y • s. Rd. McWhinney, 1 shirt.
Miss lees(• Mcllillart.ap- ie.. pyjama.:
Moe. John Qt id. Mies tt.rab the e.,
Me -.•1a'.. Ohver, Miss M•ry McKen-
tie. Mi-- F h.l Honwe. Mise M.hnda
Biers. 2p its e.eh ; Miss May Dick-
ae n M - Jobe. Hussey, Miss Jenn,.
McGee. Mrs W. H. Maize, 1 pair each.
715I I..outhelp.. and a number of
1111•0,11i ries•--
Tbi. Sortety will take in old •melon,
lines end w,r,llen pisso4 at any time.
TvbenAv. March 14.
Capt knee Habs•tirur•oD .pent the
weekend et hi- home here.
Mi s 8+J r flamer, of Aul`,irn, is
.brti.,K.t,. . un , Mr-. K. Mellwain.
Mr. le+lie Pusher and the Mises*
Young, of Leval, wore guests at Mr.
i.eac 1 at h' .•n Ntunday.
MI-ese Muriel and Adeline Smith.
who have been vidllreIa•i..e at
flesh+•., • e a turd home last
Mr. Roy el. On Si'," a Snorte of
daps sidle Tr. *water frlend. la. t
Ili. 01 v. M.Ns.'. of Gnd.e(eb, has
here vlel l,.g at the home of Mr. D.
Mr Melvin Reid wee a N. visitor
on Sweeny
Mr lJn,d Meoann and Mr Oda
1 OU are cordially invited to attend E
4 our F
4 S ries Milliner Operung*
I Thursday, March 23rd F
1 f
1 The season's latest and most popular styles will be F.
4displayed and you are welcome to study them at your F
1 leisure. Commencing at 2 o'clock, Thursday, March E
3 2 3rd, and continuing all week, E
Nein Tailored Suits
$16.50 to $25.00
There is a variety of styles and a variety of colors greater
than we can list here. There are Suits of poplins, serges, gab-
erdines. worsteds, etc., in navy, black, greens and tans. Each
garment is designed and tailored by experts and reflects the
latest and most popular styles for the coming season.
There Is Wisdom and Satisfaction in
Buying a Suit Early
Buying your Spring Suit early, you not only have the ad-
vantage of choosing while the stocks are at their hest. but
also the satisfaction of wearing the new styles when they are
first shown. Make your selection now and you will be ready
for the fine days when they come.
This week we are showing many popular -priced Suits fresh
from the designer's hands. Each reflects the very latest
touches and ideas in Tailored Suits for Spring. Especially
good. both from the standpoint of style and value. are the
new Tailored Suits we are showing as
$16.50 -$20.00-$22.50-$25.00
These come in serges or gaberdines. The coats are silk -lined. many having braid
trimmings. Of most there is but one suit of any distinct style.
You Are Safe in Buying "NEMO"
On.• l'otvt piny lash a, g.ssl to you n- another.
but • may git.• you a Moire, entirely 4itf.•n•nt
twcast•it i• letitt•for a eery 11itr.•r•nt tylpes,• lin
at, safe in lasting "Neth," Cor -.•t.. (flee• ace
"Nemo" trodeisfor all tlgor••. No matter u hat
the size or proportion t lr•n• i- a '•N,•uto- C'orse't to
suit and a design that will 11....111•1111,i"'Je•I
for every indiyidnn! figure. S,•1ent ing the right
model tuean+ nut nilly style leo comfort. Th.•
young bullies in charge of our department ran
render yin' great assistance in selecting t he !el e•r
,.tyle.;. "Ne•ne.-I'tempt s have hes ,y,e1 thrm.w`lye,
10 be better in fashion, 4gttn• and fit than infest
any Comet made. Prices ar•
$2.75 to $5.75 per pair.
New Prints, Shirting(, Cottons, etc.
Immense Yeti.'ty in new 11 ash .Material. .4 ,ill
Lind- opened tip this peek. Hingham.. (hills.
I be (cotton material- in all the ..pular e..11r ••
in 1,•w d.•sigli+. .\iI gnarnnt,..t 41.1 dyes and
"lots fast. Nee,' via th,-n• n r.•nw,h, when early
Intying would levy 11. well eta it will belay, tot- dyes
arc sure and prices lou.-! 111:111 I h,•y can posoilay-
le. 44.1 - t. • t0 room .
Scotch Gingham• 15c, 20c and 25c
Uniform Cloths
`splendid wa.ehing and %rearing niat.•rial. Half
d,ri.•u o1. more weed pati •rn.Ntitahfe for children'.
wear and hour,• dresses. Per yard ...... ...460
Scotch Linoleunrs
"Wear Ever -quality. ANe..
patterns. 4 yards 6Vc
wide. per -q. yank
Hodgens Bros.
visited Zion frier d. on Is .nday.
Mr. and Mr-. Wm 1. ,,•tt, of Hen -
miller. pent Sunday 'sith Mr. and
Mrs. U. Stewart
1Vableg !DAT, March 1:i.
The symp.thy . f •hr eo.umunity is
extended to Mr A. J. t' orrice on the
Up-to-date Plumbing
This is what you want in yo/r
house or place of business.
Don't let anybody put you on
with the inferior kind that is al-
ways causing inconvenience and
trouble. Wbenfon have s Plumb-
ing job to be done, call in
Fred Hunt
HAirtrlr TI&rat r 'Pones 184
death of his deter, which occurred at
Orillie on Monday. Mr. (bournee kft
on Tuesday morning to attend the
A pleasant and prottt.11es evening
was spent at the home of Mr S. Proc-
tor on Wednesday of rhes week by the
(cleaners' Mission Circle.
1 lecture entitled "Germany and
the War" will be delivered by Rev. J.
Knight this Fridav evening unlet the
auspi: ee of the itolme.ville Patriotic
Soviet y.
TUESDAY, March 11th.
Norga. - Mr. Henry Kyle, of Zurich.
is Heftiest at the home of Mr. J. C.
Durst this week .... Mr. and M rs.
Mellish. of Miebigan, are renewing
old aeq,aintanoes in this vicinity after
an ebonite of several years Mrs.
Peter Fieher is visiting with friends
a4 Bl th this week We are
ptete..d to note tba'. Mr. MObler is
able to be around again Nr.
Chas. Prones moved into the house
oe Mr. D. P. Schwan(s property hest
week. having engaged to work for Mr.
Schwan. for the anmmer Mn.
Roe, who has been keeping house for
Mr. N. Biter for 'several months,
left for her bore at London last
WEDR>:tiuAY, March II
Mr. Wm. Asquith 1s confined to his
had at present.
Mn. Peed Yumtblut does sot im-
prove se We Men& would like.
Mr. and Mats. lea Araotettsg, of
Brunel*. Heat ibis week with relatives
bliAwed teen the village attended
She fetal d Mew Wm. I. Peeks on
P+wy b* pay their lame Whets err
respect to one who was very highly
esteemed here.
Nr. Oliver lAwsnn is visiting h:s
sinter at Stratford before starting for
the West
Mr. Joseph H.•spy. of North Dakota,
is visiting his sister... Mesdarnee
i(oberton. of Witmer.
Mr..l C. ('lark has been adding to
itis real notate, having purchased the
stable cued by Olivet Lawfon as a
livery aahle.
Miss Klma Mitch has been at Tor-
onto for the millinety openings. She
expects to remain at home and work
at ber trade here.
Nr. and Mrs. John W. Jackson left
on Monday for their home at Four
Ways, Alta., after two months here
visiting his mother, Mrs. Wm. Jack-
You reheard off many stiiious
moments if, *t the first coign r 4 a
Omagh terCold. you will n,'linin•
itttnlab'aCo. h Remedy. It loos-
oos.ens the phleger,, it heals the sore
ulnas sad brooehial tissues, allays
fever and Fires gond results
at once. if influenza, Bron-
chitis or %Vbnop.
lag Cengb here
ele•elneed, yen
can count en this
eiplesdld old feat -
i l y remedy for
sore Tong