The Signal, 1916-3-16, Page 7Child Safe from Infection? Think of the many germ -laden things every child must touch every day. Then remember that Lifebuoy is not only an excellent soap, but it means protection from germs, it means cleanliness and purity. l t means a heal thy sk in. It means safety. LIFEBUOY HEALTHY 5OAP THE E Iu?: A L GODERUGH ONTARIO M. G. CAMERON AT HAMILTON. Addresses the Canadian Club on Canada's Doty in the War. Mr. M. ti Cameron, K. (C.. of God.- l rich, addre.rtd the C.nrdiao Lib of ' Hamilton on Friday, Meads :lid. The address is thus tenoned by The Ham - ikon Time.: . Malcolm li. Cana•' 11. K. l'.. one of the best-kuuw1 wen of hitt profe,.ion ill the Do addressed the mem- ber.' of the Canadian .:Iib last evening at their luncheon. He spoke of toe war and Canadian ittrwtiruh, and, while not. discounting the imperishable role that Canadian arcus have already played in the great struggle. sounded i ,t nide of warning, and, 'with grave emphasis, said that Canada tnust do • fur her national existence is in peril. an clap ient speaker, his address. lt1 go deeding wholly sial' the war and embracing no new essential thought, ..as refreshingly. appealing Iby the rugged argument and vigorous lugi.• he injected into it. if for noth- ing el e, his mart rly .naly.is of Brit- ain'. status in the struggle watt well lworth any war student's kern atteu- twu. He held that the love for country springs fr tate truest putt of than- - - Ikh id. for ••w hu never to himself hath said: 'Phis is Illy own, my native land !'•• In this connt•cti , tat, it were vain to think that tiermaur who have euh-te 1 frow he town. The sl Id hose their love for their fatber- COUN fYand DISTRICT I r 'coeds, tai- • paying for the land. in date to how the did not pi of baring a urine 44 teed on always appreciate W the full to what the guilt. our voted to $I3) which was extent we are indebted to Englund, d..nated to i hr , path i •t i• land. The what heritages she had laequeuthed us. The cum of 843 was raised for Red 'lull' is to b' scut t•• tit- Canadian hylic had given us civil .end religions Croat purp..res by a ounce'''. given at theluted at UipinKo0. E..gland, liberty; and more than that she had /4. 8. N. 1, Morns, on March :ted. BRUSSELS. • made tea all Inc own. -All down the James Cert ight. . t he Uta con Mr. and Mi.. Leon -.d Hut.tan, of ages else tax liattltd forfnwluw. She ns cession of Mullett, has purchased I Bluevalr, have removed to Brussels. Isganwi oleh J n, and 1 Caesar, • kr.l hot pe thin acres djoining his own farm' sir. and Mrs. Henrytwood and with theai.s.n,and is at death gripe 7 with lir. arch -tyrant of thew all to - from Wur.•B•uhuley. Ison Joshua have removed from Bras- dos"WOO Agues Sales and Mr. Charles I s.lit to their term uo the lath conees- It behooved uta, therefore, to be pat Weymouth were quietly married at ! ..tun of Urey• the t rhde'r ho•ue on he 9 b cuuceerionriutic, not only ie tithes ..f war, but it Mie. Hazel Prone. eldr-t daughter • of times of peace as well. No paradox of Mullett on March is . Mr,. K. Crude. of Canni.gton, torhher- in that, It r a roan could serve h' On March let Ida M. Becker and Ed- ly of Bruawl , wee married at her ro,.ntry•r Iw.t interns during th ward Mire, both of UM•hwood, wets home recently to fierg•wnt John G. 'wasteful eras as at any uthe period united in marriage at the Lutheran I Marston, of Peterborti . Having an eye to national welfare parsonage by Hes. P. Gsupoer. 1 Mir Lauri Iters, dan,th•er of Mrs, striving to help the proletariat, these Wm. Moi.. of Toronto, formerly of Hem y Keys, of Brute Is. was warlied and sundry other things mode for th Hensall. bee presented the •illap of at bee home here ooMa•ch7th to Fred peaceful p.triot. Hen.all with three and a -half ages of tlardiff, of the 8,h eooc...ion of Gra`_ Dwelling on Canada's rrsponsihili 'an we the our eats to the furtent .f that threat 1' Who eta). the hand that would execute it all tat Yvon? Ib huts. -An the sner.d principles of marlins - freedom and a flirt,1i:w civiliz- :.to in ar.• this day 1. emhlinl; in the balance. Justice herself has Been Out- raged, for the clash of .0 nus on the pile side is l'rusaia5 liege )•, un the other, the freedom of the green hills and lits' blue sky --the rattle of w captor's chains, the elang of freenu.n•s steel. Which of tllrsr .11.11 it. ts•Y Kish iw the tars that eoi(i ,i Le Lotion in in this, its blackest 1 ••What should he Ilse position of (24110.4164 us iIl this cruris:'" asked Mr. Cameron. -The law, as it tow staude, cath force no ratan to leave these shores Phone 1:i6 Haintlton Street to tight. At least, welt is my inter- pretatiah. It is 'purely. mat teref in- dividual .•., science, he ,.it tonal ex- istence of Canada, however, is at - stake. The principles of self-goveru- ment err in jet manly. -The cry is,rai.td, •whey .1 Id we demun.trateour patrioti.5. naw,•ai>' ARE YOU GOING :utower io t hat is tot.: Because the universal law of +elf -preset vat' gives tad a pall of alari. ; our country Now that the cold weather:is here you'll want your • homes more comfortable. Get our price, on Furnaces, Mot Water Boilers, etc. Our Perfect:on Oil Heaters are just the thing to drive the cold out of chilly corners. AU repairing to plumbing, furuace work, etc., promptly attended to. " W. R. PINDER x is e • • e land to be used aa • recreation park. Mies Tit -sie Halliday. of Belgrave. aod Garnet Procter. of Melhoorne, Manitoba, were mars ied at Belgrave on March S. h. They will reside in tLe Mies Mary Ann Topham. of the 2nd concession of Howick. wee married at the parsonage, Ford.. ich, on February :Med Samuel E. Boyd, of Minto Two aged r,ritlenta of the Bauble line. Hay, pissed away recently In oa the hrd Met., and Alex. Moe - w an, wbo died on 'be 4th inet. Re•. A. J. Mann offleteted at the Mime Elisabeth Forsyth died at the borne of her brother. Alex , hese on Mirth 5.h. aged eighty-four years. Sas wall • native of Scot I md, but had residsd in Hama county for sixty year.. One brother end one sister CLI W. Heppler, of Kincardine, is the new teller at the Royal Bank bent. Mr. and Mrs. W. Jecksoe, of town. are spending e few wort+ in Florida. A' recruiting meeting was held in ,„ Wesley ebitren oh March 64.8, when Jack Rsavie, of R.pley, 24ed D,. J. L. Hughes was the principal tetro, bad hie atm tholly injured by - Mr. JOhn Illayment him disposed of chine at the II te 113 i. It yam newer hi • household • !Vets and removed with his datipthie.s to B Assevain, Man. All ill" MA 44"ile• nA°P'"' the fossil are now located in the of Willett, wart tit r ied on March '1th " 'A• rno. of Clinton, p •rtartneti the cere- Mrs. Mi.:fusel McQuadeand daughter, tunny. of tleaforth, are removing to Stratford to teside. Mrs% Nora] Brownlee, formerly A.nna B. Howard. of Orauge F.delity L'elge, 1. 0. 0.F.. presented Hill, died at tirant, New Orem io, on Chas les Clark. one or its members who March lst. She war met -reed in July. bar enlist e•I, wit h a beaut iful radium - 1914. The interment took piece at dial wi ist-e•th. ties, he said We had ditach to lie protu GRAND TRUNK p Y', EM WEST ? is in peril- no mistaking it. and duty The Grand Trunk Railway Sy,teni sl lol lat%e had o'ur halt' milli will run troops °vet -swam long mince. We have Booeseekerst Excursions lif..itlitA•111 WO long. Hilt (Or what are we waiting?* Not for a fuller kuowl- EACH T17ESDAV of our duty ; surely wit that. Af ter the fate of Belgium a hat need to Nay re ; for in all the pages of his- tory recent or retina , holy or profane, nothing can lie found to opprodcb that carnival of lust, slaughter and March 7ti to October 31st Tickets valid to return withiti two, months inchutive of Itilte Of Salle. 1,1,..1. WINNIPEG asil Muria - USA. Mr. Cameron appealed tit Canadian ' EmsoffroN asii nose, _ tAiess not Item', as folk sornet emelt Raid. • l,et Ilanitaim. dlashateamen and Mime.. every eligible num in l'anaria emulate Tirksto sad folk trifenastiostoa at=tien h. tht•se heroes' of ours who fell at Lange marek -their 'la.. ea shall lie trans m tir il to future ages ; yes, to ever- • hutting life; the glory re their value 410406684084400444.0440.404040414040.40 quicken the yestseheats of gener- ations yet. unknown, for they Mtunthled -those sons of ours-wartyre into victory's acme." Towardri the end of his address. Mr. Cameron maid there was too 111111Ch COO - &knee beim; ntortored as to the out- come of the struggle. Smelt irrational Cdiakpla.e-ncy WAR dangerous. He of -We lug it sprttng from the loins or quoted Lloyd George's ominous arorda: a rare that has never known defeat. ••N thing but our best ran pull um The epirit thet repelled the foe at tli•rooKh•" ix iieeded thie hour of gravity. of Paris! Awaken. Cansulians. to the ••Cattada's wart The c ttttt mon, avow - or •ItttY! The tell EftiPire• bit 311. Cameron, who was roundly ap- Captain 'Rev.) J. ti. Paarlin, chaps lain (of the /111th Machines Gun Battal- ion tendered a hearty vote of thank• Queenstori Heights er the spirit that -.me ''erfnen• ere within MY pia" et1 enemy of civilization today s not two it toot. Drugged wit h II:wanton], this mighty cult, thinking itself doe ered with "tome specisl geniis), of em- pire, has let the word go ftwth that small nations 'mist be subeervient to t•• the *pens er. Norniten Slater pre -- its iron will or he humbled in the duet. eided- The Winter Tenn now on at YOUR OPPORTUSrTY THE NORTHERN BUSINESS COLLEGE Three enietiest. elm eta qp-10- Sets coarse. el tamer short- wertar wedelns awweed to rind Par- ise penis.. we rave an nue t,..1 d =dibeirot, for mutable. Flan in- -eat ries cm apolicatioe. Gorrie. Thomas Niviti. organist and choir - Mary Agnes. daughter of Mr. and master 4.1 Knox cbureh, St. Thomas, Mts. Thos. Bradshaw, of the 4th con- who (untimely held a like poeitIon at cession of Morris, was married at the Knox church. seitforth, ha. enlisted ) manse, Brus-els, on March lith to at St. l'honias. Relit. J. Gild -11.4 of Colborne town' "Jimmy," the nine-yeer-ohl son of ship. Mt. and Mrs. A. D. Sutherland. passed Christens May. daughter of Mr. and •way on March 3rd. Ile had not. been Mrs. Henry Adams, ot Mullett, wee robust f •t• some time paid hut ha.1 married st her home on March 1st to been confined to the house only • few Austin •. Dexter. also of Mullett. days. Hew. C. C. K411111 was the °Meeting EXETER. minister. John Routledge has heen transferred Nene Msy, dsughtsr of Daniel Mc - to the Eerier branctt of M Aron,. Bulk Card', of Centritli-t, wai married •t from Zurich. the Methodist patronage there on March lth to Trooper G. A. Hurdon, The Exeter Canning C.o. bei puL. of Exeter. Rsv. A. Fitilay performed chased t be SO acre faros of Mr. Gillies. I which heti I/1 the north of the coos - the ceremony. dent of thr 17th concession of Orel% H. J. White, nusnsger of the Cana- -died on March 4th. He Wbs born neariy dian Bank of Comments here. has sixty-four years appi on this feral on been appointed manager of the branch which be died. Him wife and oue at Moucion, N. B. A. R. Kuhn, of Crediton, wili be the new manager daughter survive. Mies Myrtle Taylor and Pte. Regi- nald Angel, hoth of Hensel', VI Mrs. Keyrs. for many years a tod- dled at Clinton on worried on March tith by Rev. F. McL. dent of Exeter. Smith. The young couple will reside March 3rd. Mhe was a native of Bog - for the preeenl at Clinton, esteems the land, hut had spent the greater part of ber life in Canada. She was eighty- ,grooto is in trsiiiing. eight years old. The heavy storm of the 6th inst. did much damage to the line of the Mr- "Dkl you have a pleasant voyage ?' JEIllop telephone system which runs ..Delightful. The wallow ansooth oorth from Seafortb. For more than as glass all the way acrose." -Bee wale tb•it wires were Itl°wn down soy sharks ?" "Not until we got tri and many poise broken. the New Tack Custom House." Frances Birdens, daughter of Mr. Kits y -o Jack mid ma'am. night tut and Ike. John Hopper. of the 3rd con- , I was the prettiest gill hs'd *vet seen." weewinn. M°1114°, "41 Illwrind that'. nothing he said boom on Marsh iltb "Nall Mou."'' the seine to me • year ago." Kitty- inneo• 04 the nalleenlannill•• "I know that. boa am one grow* older Parmsby portotaied tbe sermoily. one.. t../. improve.. you know:, DelitatAY. "IP nuinT 7na" 61 An Irishman had just. landed in rasktest of mon mellaty but who la ;New York. and as he made his way Man.. on February 111kb. The dotawase11.,k, Going over to the nearest Is survived by Ith wife, Sys daughters ;k15:;aiim. mk.d_owist " kind. sod titres soot. He was seventy roan tau mile, um. in two 111.0417 eght. old. or eon impute Join Is r Lillian Mildred, chotighter of Mr. solo zis township, was tesarrieatbsr bum March Ilth to ThOlitall Tbowpson, of Bluovale. pssamose dal appstlto, my blood was preempt lie ot Om Nide. assimed bir art. D. D. Alive. va. - I was weak. 1pat sleds Rift& SOW 101- . work. lialieless bed failed to bat= Tim sebools r.opened thlt week wail 1 %Mk Thal- Alter "Mae arbor beas closed tor two wsisks boe=liergetirmi.a Mr. and Mr.. John Reid hays cowl n-itamAiiwoW711agoisr. Most, est &slider walker sail pres $so 111...•ngeo. 8.40.. to reside with their =toe • swam ohs mamas at 10 mos quilt of angina faselga 10614 R. C.Dsaloa. pewa 1st VIRGINIA FARMER p AINT dircet from factory saving dealer's profit Ready Mixed and H ou s e Paint, inside or outside, Flat or Oil Finish, Quarts 45c 51 .50 Gallons A -- Why pay regular retail prices far patnt when you am get what Fire Resistant -Barn, Roof, Iron, Priming 51.25 a gallon $ 10 gallons for want at less than wholes. e? Our Paints are guaranteed to give sattsfaction. MINERAL PAINT COMPANY, LONDON, ONT. IOWA 'VIES If it isn't a Dunlop, it isn't the original wired -on bicycle tire. Any dealer will suppiy you with "Traction," "Special," or other Dunlop brands. TREAD" SPEaAC DUNL NOP MIE 1 IMMO OMNI CO., Limited 264 4114141414410414140414104064004140.40.40.04 ThCYanaT, Itowr. 114 110111 IT'S A WINNER ! No excipir is needed fOr The Bachelor Suit It carries its own /recommen- dation. It combines style. wearing qualities anti a price to -alit the times. $15 to $20 .Wheir you are fitting out the children with new suits you cannot tlo better than call and inspect our stock. We have built up our business ins the foundation of GOOD VALUES AND FAIR DEALING McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors issormsamoisessofessrobe "I think papa is dreadful. W he tbe only mon yob could get, endure& F. MUNeCIPAL COUNCILS. Munieipal Council of West. Wawa - noels met February 28th. aa per &a - Minutes of Wit sueetaig read awl cot - firmed On tuotioo of Naylor and Pur - don. Vinsncial statement read by treastner showing balance on band of II&LTi. Thee repot t tiled on motion of Johnston aud Naylor. Conimuniea- tion (IOW Let .4)91 Combs., Mist Hal - talion, asking council to petition the Minister of Millais that a camp for four or moie battalions be established at Goderieb. Motion by Portion end Naylor thet petitions be written, aigned and forwarded. Carried. By - law No.2, 191n, in compliance with a retpusition from trustees of' whool reetion No. 1, asking t het tiehenttires term of ten years for the purpose of building a new school. was plumed on wer John Rogers,' general report was read re Young creek drsin and ordered Rid on the table for further consider - •tion ley a full hoard Ott d•te LAO hi! eer's time for completion of eetiociates 15th. on motion of Naylor wed Punkin. pawed and paid on 'notion a Purdon and Naylor. Hylew No. 3, 19In. was an motion nt Johneton and qa71711r. making the following •ppoint- McPherson. Poondkeepe re-- J. Tay - J. NValsh„ Joe. Kiiinaghsti, M. Humphrey, •W. MIllei, P. smeliz.r. Pal hamsters- A Itivers, W. M !twain. Doyle. A. Colbert, Gee. Pollock. Jas. Elliott. W. Wilson. R. l'Iunkett, Fo• wler. Geo. Melloherts, J. Cranston, • Thoenp.nte. J. Boyle, J. ce4111. Charuney. W. Tiedate. T. McDonald, J. Reid. It Harper, D. Krtington, Oro. Alexanier. S. Phillip.. J. Anderson, 8mehzer, i'.0synor, K. Cameros. (bunt, Jae. 11, Quillen, W. C. Webb, Joe. Leidlaw, J. Riglestori. 0. A. Omer. J. McQiiiilan, I). Tbotopoon. Dungannon -Dr. Caw, 11. Fowler. ()outsell adjourned to mesa , St Call or Were. ISpecie! meeting of 11 held in Lurknow M•rvh 4th. Members don. Naylor. Reeve Murray presiding This meeting was ooavened for the Iporpour of repealing bylaw No. 2, , tinder which 1. was found dehenturise • for school erection No 1 wrould not roll Iat par. Bylaw NIL 1916, was read and passed on motion of Maillough and Neytor. flitehentures were Issued and mid at • small premiums. Cooncil adjourned to meet as above. W. A. Homeseekers Every' Tuesday, March to October "All Rail" Every Wednesday DurintSeason Navigation "Great Lakes Route" Seetwwhere out cm the prairies whore lest year Camudies Quotes* Wheat Crop wee produced there is • hease wasting fer you. The CANADIAN PACIFIC 111101, erffl teams yens them give you an We hillermatien shout the hest Particulars trots aay Canadlaa Oscine Ticket Anent, sr erns W. 111. Howard, Inotriet Prowsgoe agent. Termite. I • BIG PROFITS -ARE MADE IN RAISING CHICKENS and DUCKS OTHERS ARE DOING IT. WHY DON'T YOU TRY ? Ger the be t Incubatbr that you can buy - THE CYPHERS, that is recommended by the majority of people using Incubators and recognized by the Underwriters as' to perfect safety from fire They are made iu four sizes. No. 0 Incubator, capacitY 70 hen eggs or .56 duck eggs. If you would like a book on poultry raising, call at our store and see the Incubators and get a book free. With the coming of Spring you will require Garden Tools We have a very complete line of Samson tools. All Samson tools are guarantad. Now is the time to look over your lawn mower and see if it requires to be sharpened and over- hauled. Do not leave it until you require it. Leave word at the store aud we will sentl for it and have it repaired ready for Spring. Now is the time to use Stock Food. Yeti- horses and cattle have been on hard feed all Winter, and in r -der that they should thrive you should give them Dr. H • ..'s Stock Tonic. This Tonic is guaranteed by Dr. Hess. H • ...iv% if it does not do as advertised and you are not sratisfied w ; the result, you may return the empty package and get yo money back. What is more fair than this ? Are you going to have the Electric Light ,41 in your house ? If co. let us figure on it for you. • figure on \ our Heating and Plumbing. All work I \ attended to and fully- guaranteed. Do not let yourself run short of t. every probability of a stri e the 1st of April. Vol; ,at that meant a few Tears ago. Protect yourself hv oink itt at once. ft' 11 Chestnut rohl 22 112 itn o 11 CHAS. C. LEE