HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-16, Page 5MICHELIN TIRES
This tire has given extraordinary service to
local users and now that you have the chance
to buy at about the same price as an ordin-
ary tire, you should lose no time in getting
your season's requirements filled before the
price goes up.
Owned riel oral—tiled I.y a prtu•tpcul uutu.
Town Water Is All Right
The Irtr.t report by the I',uvineial
Hoard of Health aolhot mem on tee
tiuderieh weir. .upply, date! March
lath ie t h a• the ea rr ie .111 right.
The report is the r, eels of chi -usual
analysis • 1 a .aiaple .d the town %v,trr
sent by Ire A. l' Monte,. the I ical
medical t nicer of h al, h.
Maple Lea( Club.
The Mettle Leaf .wsnI (':uih held a
hoz aurtal and prugie-.aye euchre on
friday night last Thr buffe.'rues at
card* were in:11 by M... .1. 11. Mc-
Lean and \Ins..1. flail day and the
gentlemen's prises boy Mestere. H.
Fisher and A. bort. litys• laze. were
'suet toned , R hy bear. Jo'rn Newrumbe
and after lut.ch a dem. we. enjoys!.
Altogether the, a1Tair we• a great
"Russia and the Russians...
-Tbe Canadian l•luh announces an
address to he given by Mr. J. 1).
Sale of
Stamped Goods
and SCARVES at
Now is your time to pro-
cure a beautiful article and
silks for embroidering
Bath Towels, Baby Towels,
ordinary linen Towels,
Nightgowns. Corset Covers,
Combinations. D r e s s e s,
etc., at 10 per cent. dis-
Other lines'plso. *
A few boxes of genuine
D. M. C. to band.
mica E. Bowler, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. M. J. Bowler, and Mr. John 11.
Kenney, of Detroit, were united in
marriage. 'I'be ceremony was per-
formed by Rev. Mather McRae. The
bride looked sweet its ber trevell.mg
suit of blue ehiM mn brusdelteh. W o -k
bat trimmed walls gold and old suer,
and carrying a b ?woe of Midit awes
and maidenhair term ripe wA• warded
by her slider, Miss L•rrroa B.o gler,
who wore a blue snit. Iola- k bat
trimmed with piok roses. and carrind
a bouquet of pink conation'. Tne
groove was assisted by hie brother
Joseph. After for common, the
happy young couple drove to the
home of the bride's parents. where a
sumptuous breakfast was served. Thr
groom'. gift :o the bride wait a sun-
burst set with a diamond and pearls,
to the bridesmaid a gobl pendant and
to the groom a set of gold cuR-links.
Mr. and Mrs. Kenney left on the 1 t►)
1: T. R. train for Detroit, where they
intend W reside.
The Frdzley Inquest.
Au ingi.est was held into the death
ot David F ritzley, of Saltford, which
Allan, of Toronto, in the court house occurred on Thursday eve g of Inst
.•u 1bursday evening, March 51r.l. on week Its trported in The Signal. After
"threes) and the 1{useiaris. Mr. Allan
is a member of the firm of A A
Allam k C.•., the well known wholesale
furriers ..1 1'onantl, and tea. an se -
the view;nit of the hardy the inquiry
was resumed on Mnuday afternoon in
Lbe towtn hall. Dr. Holmes presided
as coronet end the following were
quainunre with lt,ussis and the Ecus- jer ore : SAmurl Bisset, lieu. Fowler,
1 sign people coveriulg the. last twenty- Wm. Massie,. W. J. Symonds, Roy
Iwo years. An interesting; and inform- M •bene, H. McLrau and R. J. 1i.
hag adds ems enty tete rxpe.tesl, and ae'Walter. " The eyidenceof Drs. Taylor
. the Clu►t wi-ties a. many not possible to and F:tulurr.•un wan taken. Dr. '1'ay-
• hear Mr. Allan ,a ureteral Invitation is lor we* called to tire Fritzley hove
extended it he public. The meeting a1.1) t II o'clo.'k on Trims lay evening
will Mar S o's-l.w•k. and a6 1111.. time he wait matinee,' that
The Baechler Factory Running, the young 111 in waw w what de.
ranged mentally. After leaving soave
Thr. O drncF �Ianufactwing co.instruct olio Dr. Trylor returned to
tnuw h.. al+ tremor) cowpl. ted and is town and had just gut h when he
oprl at j''e, lied t he .plendol ti;g build-
Iing ts hunnuing with activity. In ad-
tdition G/ thr.toffaltearlysecured,ntec
an• rowing t r..ni Klmii,. lei rstan, Balt
and Lindon and et Inst seven familuve
'will he weving to town froth these
,points within the next few weeks. Mr.
Aud.ew Edward. of Elmira, will have
Merge of the fnruituu
.r ivaufacturing
1depattmeta of ihr fart •. v and will be
bete to take chat ire on Monday. The
i,ta10 onlrr to rG►rt
Company has a W
with l'he people of litderich are
greatly pleased with the prospect of
splendid rucre.s before .hes Company
and have eery confidence that in the
capable bends of Mr. J. E. Haechler
the li;xlrrich Meinufec tiring Co. will
be one of the wont substantial indite.
tiles of the town.
Flick -Matheson.
On Tbured..v, March 9th, at high
n oon, a quiet hut pretty wedding
waa anleru,.ise-d et the h..we of Mr.
Wnt. Matheson, Hinck. street, 11ode-
racb, wbeu titer daughter, Katharine
leabelle, was molted in marriage to
Mr. lrihe 0. W. Flick, of Beniiller.
Tb.. bride we. prettily attired in a
gown of white ilk poplin trimmed
Ruh uvrrlure and carried a bouquet
of cream rosea and ferns. The nuptial
knot was ued by Ree. A. F. Nash, of
Hret,eler, under an arch of evergreens '
and palms teautifully decorate with
whit... The grooms gift to the bride
it necklace and to the pianist.
Miss Angie Flick. it gold brooch. A
Large array of beautiful and costly
present. at►••.ted to the popularity of
the bride. Guests were psescnt from
Orion ( Mis an ).HebrinEville. Sits k
ford, 1'•tr•a, Norwf.11t Seafol't1
Hen.all anal other pont.. Mr. and
Mrs Flick left on the 2.M train for
Brent( r 1 and °thee point", torrid
ahcwere of COI. 1 tti. The bride's '.rav-
elliug -um waa of blue broadcloth with
hat to nsatcb. Mr. and Mrr. Flick
a ill he et home to friend. after Apt i1
let on the gt.onis fares Ile .1* Leeourn.
Kenney -Bowler.
b pre• t v wedding took place s tit.
Peter's church on Monday mot ui ng,
tttb init...t ti o'clock. when Miss V, r
reeeivrd as message fruur F'ritil-y'. 10
come at nose, as ))avid heel cut bus
them( with a laznr. lir. Taylor call.•d
for Ih• Emmerson and the two hur-
ried to the scene, Iona the young man
lived only a few minutes after their
arrivsl. l'he evidence of the father
and brother also was ttken, telling of
the pecu•isrec ions of the young wan
iY.mtt.Ohl '..IntIIrs min •A1
pen:',.W wrll!un'll
'tt1(li, tLJ1e1c.
',C a tr u o 3Q Moputax
inn tit umous sn mat;
pool Matin .iyeg ilio.(
130 ••pagalt:y ay tong
MAI sleigh 31)18 iso
-ureldita 1i aAey pile
1t aldwes pus lle'J
4191 'Ada IIILVS
uo Sl uot1e.riSuottl
IeaiN ueulo�
loo to Xep 1se1 ata
'Et'tete .%ep
-inlet ''. xoy 31)9
ut tin Ind lnatulio�1U
luattaaxa uV sale[
-oaot17 „t•aus„ 00
sao1Jd mo pau.nq aarg altsi
'Cjuo A vamni VSJO.J
New Records
Created by
The Sun Life of Canada
One of the molt danger-
ous aid repuhise form. e(
Kidaey Disease Is
for which 11.xdd'• Kidney
hits are 111,- .1111y certain
cure. In hrophythe Kod-
neysare actually doe.»red
a and the water, wtuch
should be expelled its the
fors of urine, flow. hack
4 itJ ledges in the cell. of
the flesh and puffs out the
skin. R.•move the filth
whish plugs up the drain.
Restore the Kidney. 10
health. There is poly one
K.dn; y Il. dicine
snore he had rouse front 1• [reit the
day nrevioue to hie death The jury
it -turned a verdict in acconlance with
the evident feet..
The funeral waw held on Sunday
efiernofn to Colborne .wii,etety, Itev.
.1. B. Fotheringham ufllriat in i .
)lark J. MARTI'I.
The death of Mrs. John %I artin, of
Kiugshridge, occurred on Tuesday last
while sbr was staying in town at the
home of \Ir.. Jove b Noble. Mrs.
Martie had reached the set of eighty-
three years. The remains have been
taken to the home of her soon -in-law,
Nr. John Hussey, hlogebrudge, and
the inteuueut will take plater tomor-
row attar seraiw in St. Joseph's
Mt-- Mabel Fat r. of Stratford, it .1 lug in
MI -•Sweet. of Winehe.trr, .y the geest of
Mr-. V..1. Mla-ere
Mr. F. It, !lodger- ha, retort id from .1 trip
t,, t 1.•. el..nd, Ohio.
l'te. 1..-.W Correll. of the tend Highlander-.
Toronto. 'pent the wo-t eu.l wish rclativee in
tow n.
Dr. H. 1. Strang has bran 111 • he Pent week
nd to tea., hid there• at the
In.ti1 ie.
After a long period of failing health
tienjatliu .w,t%er petered 'away un
Saturday at lie homy in Victo,ia
street. The decrasad had bx•rn a resi-
dent of l:oderich for ever fifteen year..
fir was born in 4ioderich lownnhip in
the year I412 and when a young ...au
engaged in bu.iness at Clinton, where
he epees nearly twenty years. He
then went on hie farm ors the t)th eon -
cession of Goderich township. leaving
the fame to come M tine town. He it
survived by his wife, one eon—A. \I .
Switzer, 11 1)., ot I:leie, Mich.—and
two daughter.: Mrs, A. \V. Wise, of
Coliicrne township, and Mrs. Albert
Cain, of huelph. The funeral geek
place to Maitland cemetery on Tues-
day, Rev. %V. K. Haim .'onductingthe
services. The pallbearers were Mestere
A. J. 1'altridge .Andrew Foley, .1. H.
tirabani. ‘V.Sbeardown, M. Hater and
T. R. n'allie. Those present included
Dr A. M. Switzer, Mr. and Mts. A. W.
Wise. Mr. end Mil-. Albert Lain. Mrs.
James Elliott, of (iodrrich township, 1
a sister, and (here brut hero : Joseph
Switzer, of Whitrehorch : James, of
(iodieich township, and Samuel, of
Tucleramilh. Two other sisters also
survive : Mrs. Edward Grieves, of
Palley, and Mt s, Arthur Macliurnev,
of Kincardine. The late Mr. Switzer
wan at lifelong Methodist and a staunch
llaortao&T, M ut a 16, 1016
Give Year Wife
an Interest
In the family's finan-
cial progress by open -
Ing a Joint Account
In the Union Bank
of Canada, In her name and your own.
You will find It a very convenient arrangement, for
then either can attend to the banking when In town,
making deposits or withdrawing money. In case of
death, the balance automatically gces to the survivor.
Godericn Branch—F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
\Ir. James Steven -..t( Cllnterl.sl- vi -i, ing lIl-
relatices m /i„tenon and b the gni-t of Mi. J.
t'. Martin.
Pte. Geo. Hell, of the Il•th Ilattaliou.
find. 1- vl.it. ug Iii- gram' parent-, Mr. suit Mitt
It. De 1. seg.
Mei...Revd F H. L.r►la. of Reatortb .- $bit
Inti,. toast. ..d it the guest or M. taev.,
J.. me- Hamilton.
Ilse. H. Switzer left yeetcrtny with Mr
d,orhtcr. Mea A Cain. for Guelph. where she
will -say for ,woo time.
Mr. and Mr.. %Valt.se SIAM hare left on their
re•urn t.• their boom at WNtla. Alberta, a.-
cumpesn•d by Harold Stoat asset ford.
Mr. Hilary Hutton, of Exeter. w..+ lo town
• hi. week In • tteedanot at the t'ourt and took
• he opportunity to vitt hla relative. at Dunlop.
We are glad to be able to report that Mr. J
H. \,dr... of tI,e Signal oaf, who 1, X11 at .Ue.-
n.dra boapltat, .how- a very wall -factory iu-
ylw. smut to h.. eoodltion tale week.
111. W. 1t. MItebe4 of the G. T H. freight
oMl.w, wh•a has been laid seise a mouth with
a -. slew ulnr.e. kr. .ding eemewhat improved.
hoo.h re,ta0 et i. oeee.weriiiV very ,,low in the
• 11.e.
Mr and Mr•. Fred Divi le nod ramify let- on
Wednewlay for Imeana, Alberta. veneer they
w, 1 mate In. it home. Mr. Pa, l+ hay baro
rug.g• d In eaten -.re farmtfg thane for -tevertll
year. while the family bas nrelaln• d 1t. Bode.
rick. Mra Dart. ba. Mao In poor health for
some t inn,, and It ie bowl the dismay will be
Alilverton Sun : Another of the
old residents of Mornington pareted
to her test after about two month*
Mores, on Sunday last (March
in the [rerun' of Niro. John Turn-
bull. of Morningtor. Mrs. Turnbull
was a native of Selkirk, Scotlend, and
cisme to Canada with her late husband
shortly after their marriage about
sixty-one years ago. They first sett-
led at '1 roy, New Wok, aftcrwards
coming to (lett and finally to Morn-
ington about flfty-eight years ago. Kaministiquia Purchased.
elhe lived for forty-three years at
''Burnt-ide,” the old homestead, where At a recent meeting of the share-
holders of the Western Navigation
Co.„Fort William, thedesd for the sale
of the Strainer Kaministiquis. was
closed, the march/seers being the
Great Lakes Trensportation Co. of
Midland. The Weetern Navigation
Co., Fort. %Villiene is a purely local
concern. of which J•ines Murphy has
been president and H.'' W Robinson
seeretary eller. its organization. The
Kaministionia. was purchased in 19119:
the boat being forilt on the Tyne, and
brought over under her own Hearn by
captain Ikeehen, who hes teen in
command ever mince. From that da'e
was a mend er, took place from her she has Min on the upper likes cream
late residence on Wednesday after- uously and profitably iintil • year ago,
noon to riceenwood cemetery, Nlilver- when she taken hrough the can* s
ton, where intertnent took place beside and put into the Atlatitic coastwise
Tired- ii/onsen—IP Ridge;
Ottawa, Ont., March 13th. —
Speetal. 1—'•1 ern glad to say I have
found IkmIti's Kidney Pills have clone
nte • wonderful lot of good." So says
Miss Uladys E. M. Logan, of LSKI Queen
street, this city.
"1 suffered from drowsiness and
sharp ptins acmes iny back. My
I had headaches and was subject to
I. neuralgia and rheumatism. I was
depressed and lost •-pirited and troub-
led with pelpitetitin of the heart.
I was 41WILys tired and nervous and
very 'sensitive and there were hollows
under my eyes. For two years I wes
in (bit worn -mit condition, cften
having to lay off for a day or two.
I was attended hy doctors, and wasted
only found relief when I used Dodd's
Kidney Pills."
PROGRF.-SSIVE business methods, backed by forty-
five years of fair -dealing, have achieved for the Sun Life
of Canada during 1915 records that are new in the
Canadian life assurance field.
Assurances of over $34,000,000 issued and paid for in cash ; Total
Amerman in Force of over $250,000,000; Total Payments to Policy-
holders since organisation of more than $52,600,000 ; Assets in excess
ef $74,000.000 ; a Cash income of nearly $16,000,000 and an
Undistributed Net Surplus of over 67,500,000— all are high-water
marks in the annals of Canadian life assurance.
Their achievement maistains the established prestige of the Sun Life
ef Camas as
A Leader Among the Life Companies of the Empire
Tim follovring substantial and uniform increases registered during the
pest year clearly demonstrate the strength of the Company's position :-
1915 1914 INCREASE
Cads bresses
966.4117 261,763 123,724 (14.39
Teta reredoses te Fellariselises . 7,129,479 6,161,267 969,192 (1L7 )
Agawam= Ilimme4 end NM ka Cads 34.173,151 32,167,3M L706.212 ( 11.4
Minn numbs Me 01010[1.0a.
11111.11117.1111 1.4u.sms•
.227 1410.4
Custom Hatching 7
Let us hatch your eggs lot' you
this season. It costs less to
hatch eggs at the hatchery than
H Keith Revell, Goderich
thi-• flue frnit. write for 'wire list
t 11,•W groW healthy plants
Jas. L Johnson & Bros., Siincoe, Ont.
moving. fitain in the elevi.ters at
the head of the lakes totals approx-
iniateIV 3.;),0110,0110 bushels.
she died. Mrs. Turnbull possessed a
very lovable and kindly, disposition,
which endeared her to all with whom
she came in contact. She was mother
of a family of seven sons and three
daughters, namely :— William, Morn -
L. end Dr. Walter s.. Vancouver,
B.C. ;.I ohn. on the homestead: Allau and
Frank, deceased; Mos. John Devideon,
Mornington: Mrs. John Neilson and
Men. Chas. Neilson, Stratlinii. The
iurreral. which was conducted by Rev.
P. W. Mahaffy, pastor of Burns
church, Milverton, of which deceased
The monthly meeting of the Red
Cr as Society will take plave in the
North street rooms on Monday even -
Rebekah I. Age, No Goderich,
recently forwarded the following
goods to rhe El.., Cross iety Tor-
onto : 1444 .1.y -shirts. 12 nightithirts,
14 khaki hantikei chiefs, 12 pairm sock.,
14 bare chocnlate, 121 packages totracee.
t rade.
the remains of her late husband, who
predeceased her several veers ago.
Pallbearers were her soi;s
an& Jahn. her sonein-law Mr. Joh
Davidson end Mr. Chia. Neilsim. her
nephew Mr. James S. lockie •Itd Mr.
John Munro. The funeral watt very
largely attended by her itionetous
friends and acquaintanees.
The name of Mra. It. C. Postleth-
waite. who contributed '111 to tbe
British Red Cross fund, was not in-
cluded in the bet published lust week.
It is noted that foot- amounts in the
list had no names attached.
The anniversary ser•ices at Victoria
street 'Methodist rhurch last. Sunday
were well attended, Rev, Dr. Mann-
ing, oreedent of t he London Con-
ference. preacbc•d morning and even-
ing and delivered thoughtfui and able
was rendered hy the choir, **minted by
Miss Ada McClinton and Mr. White.
Catarrh Cannot Be Cured
with LIM APPLICATIONS, a. they cannot
teach the- -cat of the iliaest-e. Catarrh la ri
local Macaw.. great') Iniltieneed by conatIlti
'Mimi condition-. and in order t Care it you
moat take an Internal remedy. 11.II'a '..tarrh
'ore is taken internally and wt.. ihrough the
the beet pityaielana in Gil. oatotty for year...
It is eumpo-tod of -cane of the t On tr.
file perfect. eumbinat to., of the Mgr cdienUi in
HAI. Catarrh ''ore what proditeet. oleh
wilrbderful math* in catarrhal eondit sone. Send
for t 4,4 Iniontal-. frost.
All Aruyett.,.
Gall.- Family Pill. foe coital ipat
lhe thank• of the Society- are due
Mrs. Chatter., Mrs. %V L. Horton. Mr..
Mrs. Del'eudry, Aline Driver, Airs.
Will Carey, Mrs. Thurlow, Mr.. Moire.
2 pairs each Mita 1..11.1.• Kauko., Mins
Whitely. Mrs. Bondi', Miss Histritt,
Miss M. A Borritt, Heger. Mrs.
Alex Minn Roberlt.ori. Mrs.
St ewart, M las Cameron, Al s.
Miss Snider, Mrs. Kneesshaw, Mrs.
tioldtho.p.., Mtg. Clark, 1 pair
each ; Mr s. Marton, waidicloths.
Lots or g..0.1 yes on hand for our
The ladies of Knox church served
oystere et. cetera to several hundred
People on Thursday evening lard.
Afterward. a brief hte.. select program
was rendered. Thin annual event al\
K nox church is always enjoyed.
alWellizraa v.
w wean
aa Life ▪ erento. Oot
Mertes Watesee.
tiodleeteli. Oat.
1,10 riot 141.111
Geober4eb, Om.
When Baby Is III.
When hiflie is III no ter medicine
to • this root of most rituldhOOd &Unbent a
—J hose de smarms -nig ot the at onlach
and bowels which ranee difficult teeth
Ing, col Is, ennui ipet ion, vendible and
simple fevers They dosses the bow-
els and .weeien the stomach and driv•
net ..11 ramie of illnews. Ovneernine
Bab▪ y's Own Tablets In the hint.... se
we ham I Atria ow? an It orlient novii-
so• ld try medielne dealers or ity mail
at V. emits a hoz frees The Dr.
VI/Imams Medicine Co., Brockville.
Get them at wholesale tailoimg rrwed!
Wanted at Once
Representabve m:in to secure
prospects for Life Insurance.
General anent will make peri
commissions will be paid for
this service Previous insur-
ance expertence not necessary.
Reply, stating age and present
occupation. to J. H. Brinker,
Manager for Western Ontario,
42 Weltington street south,
Hamilton, Ont. 2t
409 Hallam Building - Toronto
Officers' Uniforms
Made to Order in 4 days
from British -woven Khaki
--guaranteed good service
British Warms, tailored to measure from
English Frieze; British Warms, of fine
Khaki Meltons.
Tunics, Breeches. Great Coats and Trousers
of best materials and finished to order ac-
cording to COrreCt Imperial dress regulations.
Send for or see samples of the Frieze',
Melton, Serges. and English Whipcord and
English Bedford Cord.
Breeches made with
plain facings or
leather facings.
Nsvigation has cpened at Alpena.
Mich. The tug Sylvi• went mit. on
Set urday sool vet tern groupm of nets..
It is rep frted that two tiew grain
pleVatorn will lie total. (luring the.
coming ses.pon at Port Arther. 011e
of these will he for the Saskatchewen
Ca -operative Grain Aefrociation, with
and mit conntructed thet additional
capacity can he readily added. Tile
:',00,tinu bushels. No announcemert
tow been made as to' the identity of
the owner.hip of i he seeond elevator,
but C N. It. officials state that its
cons! ruction in rineured.
A Imlay season for freight baits on
the Orval Lakes is in prospect. So
much tenn•ge has been taken for
ocean treffic. on account of the war,
that the remaining 'loran will have all
the traffic 'bey ean handle 14 good
price". A large reinther of vessels are
tinder sonnet . tiction in the ohiphailding
yard , 'and it. is said it i• now impos-
sibM to place order. for new boats
for d livery tinder two yea, tit.
The Square
Tunics and Cciat• are
made to measure
charge for rank
McLean Bros.
Goderich, Ont.
You Take Your Choice.
Duluth, March 11. -Marine 1111.11
not look I, at. an early opening of nav-
igation •t the hen(' of the lake•, ties
day thisi he ire mit rif Duluth herbor
War. 31 :i inches thick Ind that the
field ex ended out from fifteen to
twenty milra. Ftem two to R•o. feet
of Mow rov*rn the ion, whir+ meta
melt hefore there are indications of •
Poet Arthur, Meech 12. lee condi-
tions sweets law •,ratile to) an smarty 0000 -
tugs will be ready f milers eut a
zhannel any tIme after Mareh 13, and
the first if AprIl mey see the boats
To Builders and Contractors
We have a large stock
of Square Timber up to
12 in. square to lb feet
Jointing and Se:lulling.
all widths and lengths
up to 20 feet long.
Lath, Ontario White Celar
Pine, Spruce, licnilock
and Oak Lumber. All grack,
Drussed Me 311(1 Spruce. Cali -
Harlon(' and l'ine Flooring.
fornia Sio log. Always in stock.
Sectional Poultry Houses
a; sizes.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
Factory T7'.1
Paget Grain Door Co., Ltd.