HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-16, Page 3THAT OtItINAL IND ONLY SENUINE BEWARE OF IM ITA• TION8 SOLD ON 1'HB MERITS Ot, 11N&RD'S LINIIIENT Blit) i1t31NIIN(. %..ALINES, 1 ERIt.)DICALS and I IIiRARIES hound or repaired. SOLD 1.IKT'1'EKING .n LEATHER HOODS Alese.e...a ated te warb sent u T It I 'BION.4L, tegdw le oedettn . A. s 1 aY 1.4 IR. WI&aryaan. MEDICAL 1 IR. (41•0. Hh1LKMANN, (J TE - kr PATH.-1.a4e16N to .ewes'• and dal 'tree'. Meurer, acute, innate rad aervwed(r seders sye. ear. bore .rd latest 4sa1- awe, luobago .os( •a..maihe mealtime, Ado seeds Heawte rub• et the knits. Uses et e mede.ce, owner Nel oe and St. Andrew. greet. A. Mims ogee Mondry.. Wednesday. and Seturdy.: Say inmates by appel.tmeet. R. F. J. R. VORfTER-EY it, EAR. doe. and Gerold only. Hoareon. Yank ophthalmia end Astral 1 tate. %.611.L. Ear. Noce sail 1 throat eeptW. Square, aa4 Moon4.ld Eye BeeplW. England. t ama. 46 B. W atrton Street. o•esrte .. Chetah. .. Mo.Twa�ehowe etl►.rtelpw.. AUCTIOMU1. THOMAS GUMMY ii AUCTIONEER: Bos C. bwrrtcb. All lastrecuoe. oy nut left u inions! ..Atte will be pro at,.•) . ended to. ILrWe=..i. 1=1.pboue 119 LEGAL R. liAkN »BBAltttlarati. S..11cIThIt• NOTARY PL BLit% ICfL. 061tr-8,.. aster t..•k mock. Hamilton tl _rent . 31ederlcL Telephone to Rear Seat. naw end !sasses. PRUU IKuUT, Y I1aLORAN • UOOK E aal4ttar mos - ttouc- ttiTtt8- NCYYAR1E8 PCUUC, £1C. Omo. on . he +., tea....eooad door tr .u, Boa lar n .u.et, lwu.. a-4 ✓rlv.te Wort. to loan at towed ride, W. Pilocwtwr. 11:-C. .1. L Ik•••oa•s. H. J. L. Coon . Lfee, b. t.AMhKUA, K. C., HARRIS �• 1 kit,.u.kaWt. notary public. tallow. th..eriea. &lard door fr Al l I.n.un laundry of each week 1. Oe, on e.t...1 Duret vecup.ed by Mr. • Alec b..ur. Y .m. to. p.m. tldAril.aa lasttttLiW, LL.ri.. itAn- R,ln t tat, 0...w3 .0I. eatkmw.. .13... Godo ✓ . k. i ,.a r Wwrwt 110.45. r e t/WER. BARRISTER, �Sl1L- • imtuu„• e, NoG.ry Public .hs( l outaoer. •woe--• Hou.. (hderlch. Toner. ihaUttAtICk. LAMS. £TC. ! ckiLl t,r MUTUAL 1.1kh IN e L h A h C a C U. -Tees and wended teem presorts moored. Ocoee. -J. H. McL.sa. Pres.. 8saterta P.O.; Jen Oosonally, V toe -Pres.. Godrlo1 P. 0; 1/1=1.. Hey ileo. -flee.„ 8eatortk P. O. Y. YcUre/w aw1rth ; Job. O . Grin N lntbrop W lllrw Mae. Cosetaao,; Jean bel.u. wet., Htod> ; James Evans, 8e0ekwoa4 . Robert reerb. Mare& ; M.Jeedm IE.Ewen. .n uoeiteld. Aa.a.1.. • N. Yeo. Bo(wesviU.; AMR. kj,�to� Clinten ; Witham Owen'Sesrrth ; Hletan.y.boast U. Pettey- eaa pay tr/MY.no. Y,a. I,t �t �&kalr cards rsoslptee at J. Ma.rr..k - CWtalaa Mare, CHaton. R. .. sr. U • .. y. �.• euros treet. Ooderieb. r J. 8. }.els('. General8.tie, Baya.ht. t�/ , is s� PRIVATE FUNDS TO pf/V,ouu 14.n. Apply to M. O. CAM - N. Barrister Hamilton street, Oodr4et. • - R. ROBERTSON INSURANCE AGENT. ✓ iga AAD W.er8IN. • BritL►. C...afaa and American. Annus r•r Siam= Aso yirrt.ornare Wien, ITT : The Orr'.. Aceldeet and Gttarabtee Caryoe.uon, Limited. of Landon. Eng. ffeskrrT AND tooana rr a DOWNS : Tbe U.S. Maus rod Overeats campsar• O01ee at res(ds..ee eoetheaet of TM. Soda and St. Davi'. AMU Tt s. Ifs. MA111AQ1 LIQUISLS WALTER M. KELLY, J.P.• oODIWCa, ONT. ISIULR Or 1MAH81AOL WCLN880. Patents, Trace larks, Designs l 'cured in A11 Counlrles. WHOA tor tree book "PATENTS PROTS(' TiON. Tribe .11 sheet and Mw to net pat eats t SONS, ..*.1b.be4 13T7 I.rwwfy Palest gars E8.wia.?. Mester of Panted law.. R.al•tere4 Patent Attorney. Ma. IOW. James Street, Montreal NeMbeke� ser Ottawa AAM Washington. Rop eePetWtres In all -Mew es ceentrle.. Brophe) Bros. OODERiOB ll.e Leediag Nam! Dlnctsn and Embalmers Order easehR, s06arbod to at . 8U boon. '11+6 w OA/. i HE SIGNAI. GODERICH. ONTARIO Tw1 TOWN COUNCIL. Mini tee w ritiw Pelisse's( a IwMW a Camp at Dederick. '1'he town council held its regular meeting on Friday evening, Ynl lies., with all the memlwrs present. A letter was rear from the t'uivu of Canaaliau Municipalities with refer- ence to the \Venter,, !'mads Tele - !delete bill, now before Perliamvnt. 1 t was ordered to be filed. A commuuicatiun war read from the foal relief committer, asking that $100 be placed to Lite credit of the cuutwitlrr for local ' .liefp one.. Th.. matter was referent to tlrritispecial end relief committee. A letter trout the Nat' 1 Sanitar- ium Associ.tion, sinking the council again W consider the matter of malt- ing a grant to the Association, was ordered to he A letter was read from Lieut -Gd. Comb. omcer ding the lAlst Battalion, with rrtereuce toestablish- iug a military camp at (ieolerich. It was •eel end .rcoudrd that the council petition Sir Stat Hughe. to establish a mobilizestion camp at (lode - rich for the purposte of training four or more ovetvras lultalious, the.. cil (wing strongly 31 the opinion that the cantp ground at (aal.rich offeror it suitably place for such a catnip and is in every way convenient fur the offi- cers, non-e"t11111 iesiotted /1f1t1'rrs std omen serving in the battalions raised herr and in the adjacent counties. The motion was carried. A letter was received fro,,, Inc Sid - way Mercantile Co.. stating that a rep- resentetive of the Cunttluy would shortly visit lanlrrieh. A circular letter from 1 he Ontario Municipal A.,.lwiation with reference to the council'r joining the Association was 1r -fermi to the specie' c"u"uttttc. The finance c tee Ita•omntrnd- ed that the -um of $2.51J IN• refunded to Chas. A. N'Ititrlp out the purchaw Cif a lot at Maitlntel ..Trete! y : tb.il the c3win ty rate. for 1913 fel the county war tax for 1915 he Laid ; that it mem- ber of accounts ba paid. The report was adopted. The sties ial c • • retorted that the report of the medical he,11h "M- crr had been exemitted and w -a4 con sidere•el very 'rat if yang A coley of the;ileum referring to the water sup- lply had leen sent to the water and ight rotund% • . The retort was aelopt.di. A cion was passed to have the names of the contributors to the Brit- ish Reel rowel fund published in the two local papers at cost tyd to ex - C1.141 =Ill for each paper. Councillor % iglu introduced the matter of placing liability insurance on the town employees. 'rhe nutter was referred to the special a • tee. The council then adjourned. HYDRO -RADIALS. Exeter-Goderioh-Kincardine Line One of Eight Surveyed. Toronto, March 10. -After a.ary months of work the engineers of the Ontario Hydro system have finished their work on the sof ve ing and gath- ering of dots f. right Hydro -electric raduM int en* P4Ottinlett. The Hgarti (commission is now waiting for action by the municipalities, sa, with the ex- cept ion of the route tbtough Hamil- ton, which is still "in this air." the lines aro ready for actual construction. TOOK THE ADYICE Of HIS FRIEND ab1-ar Trouble sed Rleewadem wsierei Sy 'i'eilea•6ieea' MR. L. LAIRI[ 594 Champlain St., Montreal. "I have been restored to health by taking 'Fruit-a-tives'. For two years, I wits a miserable sufferer from Rheu- matism sod Stomach Trouble. I became very weak, had frequent dizzy spells and when I took food, felt wretched and sleepy. I suffered from Rheuma- tism dreadfully, wiltpaisu in say bath end joints and say ,rends swollen. A friend advised me to try'Fruit-a- tives' and from the outset, they did me gu.dl. After I had started the second box, I felt I was getting well and I persevered in the treatment. I can truthfully say that 'F ruit-a-tires' is the only medicine that helped me. LOUIS LABRIF. "FRUIT-A-TIVES" is the famous tstedicise madeJrvNm fruit juices. 60c. t box, 6 for $.5O, trial size, 25c. At all dealers or sent on receipt of price by Fruit -a -Lives Limited, Ottawa. The following are the routes selected by the commission : Ill Toronto, Port Credit and 'Oak- ville to IVemilton-this line will con. Peas -No. 2, per car cut. 81.60. 81 nect at Port Credit with the Toronto- to 81.30. according to sample. London line already approved ny the Barley -Malting. outside. 62c to voters of the municipalities interested; 64c: No. 2 feed, 57c to 30c. 12) Ha'niltnn, Grimsby and SL Cath- arines to Niagara Falls ; (31 8t. Cath- arines, Welland and Port Colborne ; (4) Dunnville, fort Colborne, Fort Manitoba flour -First pate :tor. In Erie, Bridgrherg and Niagara Falls ; II Jute bags, 86.50; aecdnds. 86; strong 15) Elmira. \Vat•rnn, Fierlin, Preuy._kbakar•', $5.80, in Jute bags. Balt and 11-nlil•nn : in. Owen S;n 'r Ontario flour -\\•Inter, era, l:. Toron Chrsley, Hru.sel., !l.•aforth, \1' sal- '0, prompt shipment, r....rding to ham and I. . it ton. This line will cor- sample, 14 15 to 84.30. i. pre bags; hulk. seaboard. 1413 to t, MllIfeed--Carloads. per ion,'del;ver- ed. Montreal efreigitti.; bran. 125; shorts, 826; middlings. s27; good feed flour, bag, 11.6u to 81.70. LIAREi QUOTATIONS Toronto Cattle Market Heavy choke .atrers....18. 10 to it 50 Handy choice butchers. 7.75 8.15 Butcl.ere. good .......'.40 7.76 do. medium 1.76 7.25 do. common 6.50 6.75 Heifers, choice 7.60 7.26 do. good 6.76 7.35 do. medium 4.00 6 60 Butcher cows, choke6.26 7 00 do. good 5 75 6.25 do. medium 6. SO 6.76 do. common 6.25 6.60 Butcher bulls, choice6.50 7 25 do. medium to good6.75 6.60 do. bologna 4.00 4.76 Feeders, 900 to 1,100 lbs. 6.25 7.25 do. bulls 5.00 5.26 Stockers, 750 to 900 lbs. 6.00 6.75 do. mrd.. G50 to 760 5.60 6.00 do. light 75 6.60 ('utters 4 25 5 25 Campers 3 00 4.26 Milkers, choice, each 80.00 100.00 do. medium 55 00 80 30 Springers .. GO 00 103 Ou Calves. veal, good 10.00 12.50 do. medium 6.50 10.00 do. common 5.25 6.50 do. grass ... 4.75 6.00 Spring lambs, cwt 10.50 13.00 Medium and heavy 8.00 10.6u Yearling sheet 10.00 11.00 Sheep, ewes. light 8.00 9.50 do. heavy and bucks6.00 7 6, do. culls 3.0. 4.60 (logs, fed and watered 10.25 10.53 do. Tight and heavy . 9.75 10100 do. weighed off can10.65 10.901 do. f.o.b. country9.90 10.15 Sows. fed and watered . 7.40 7 .63 Toronto Grain Markets Manitoba wheat -In -store at Fort William, No. 1 northern. $1.07•ly; Nu $1.05 ie. ; No. 3. Manitoba osts-lu store at Fort William, No. 3 C.W.. •..i%c; No. 3 C.W., 38 c; No. 1 ektr:t feed. 3S%c; No. 1 feed. 3714c. American corn -No. 3 yellow, 791jc. Canadian corn -Feed. 68e to 70c. Ontario wheat-Nu.2 winter, per car lot, 96c to 98c; alightly sprouted and tough, according to sample.. 94c to 96c; sprouted or smutty and lough. according to sample, Ile to 933 feud wheat, 85c to S8c. Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 41c to 42c; commercial oats, 40.- to 41e. Buckwheat -69c to 70c. Rye -No. 1 commercial. 55_ to SGc; rejected, 82c to 84c. nett with 1 a' coverteg the Si'. M.ry., Stut•turl: lo, on. 0liar, and with the Toronto -1. •n,ton line at (:rant .n. Ea•'•rr, I;.olerich and Kincardine i+ the eighth line. You west work: nothing is is b� got for teehing • and no man who chi ..es t•. I. • indu.trioue nerd be under o1.Ito,tion. to emu her. for labor ..f eves y kind comma' de its reward. • �11 ■ ■ A tailor's goose can put a veneer of style into your clothes -hut the beauty that is more than skin deep rc- quires careful, skillful 'masterly hand tailoring -the kind that goes into made to measure clothes. There's more hand tailoring employ- ed in a custom made suit than in any tether kind- hand tailoring is a time- hpno, custom method -it gives the rfothes their style permanency. (-land tailoring is just one f the advantages that custom tailored clothes provide - their styles are more distinctive and their wool- ens of a really worth while individuality. ART CLIMES vvK s a rx WALTER C.PRiDHAM Goderich - Ontario IC 111 r .11 tr 1U WPolesal6 Al hoc. . - Toroato whole:.ate p: lees to the trade: Eggs - Special (cart's) newlrld$ 71:o..'2 New -laid. ex -cartons.... . _9 .30 Butter - Creamery prints, fresh.. .34 Creamery. solids .31 Choice dairy prints .28 Ordinary dairy prints.25 3akers' .. .23 Cheese -New. large, 19c; 11c; old. large, t9yc; t-vins, triplets, 20c. Honey -Buckwheat, barrel;, 7c to 7%c; tins, 7tsc to Sc; clover, 60 -Ib. tins, 12%c; 10 -Ib. tins, 13c; 5 -Ib. tins, 12%e to 13c; comb honey, No. 1, per dozen, 12.50 to 17; No. 2, per dozen, 12 to 82.40. Poultry Live Dressed Old fowl, Ib IGc 18c 16c 18c Chickens 16c 18c 1Sc 22c Turkeys 1Sc 20c 25c 30c Ducks Ilc 14c 16c 20c 3eese .....deed 10c 12c 17c ac .36 33 .31 .28 .24 twins. 19%c; East Buffalo Cattle , Cattle -Receipts. 2.800 head; active; prime steers, $9 to 19.26; shipping. 18.25 to 18.90; butchers, 16.75 to 18.85; i,eifers, 16 50 to 18; cows, 14 to 17.50; bulls. 15 to 57.50; stockers and feed- ers, 85.76 to $7.25; stockers and feed• to $6; fresh cows and' springers, ac- tive and strong. $50 to $100. Veals-Recelpts, 1,600 head; ac- tive; $4 to 513. Hogs -Receipts, 12.000 head; ac- tive; heavy. 110.40 to 110.60; mixed, 110.25 to 110.40; sorters, 19.50 to 810.40; pigs, 19.25 to 7'19.50; roughs, 19.25 to $9 35; stags, 86 to 87.26. Sheep and lamb.-Recelpts, 16.000 need; sheep, active; 'ambs. slow; lambs. 38 to 111.60; yearlings, 16.50 to 110.25; wet here, 18.75 to 10.25; ewe.. 14 to 18.50; sheep, mixed. 18.50 to 13.72 Dressed Meats Toronto wholesale houses are quot- ing to the trade as follows: Beef, forequarters ....$ f. 0 to $10.60 do. hind.ival ter'... 13.60 13.60 Carcases, choice 11.00 11.78 do. common 9.0� 10. 00 t sats, common 7.64 6.60 do , ed t u m 10. $11iW111//// 12.60 do prime 12.60 16.60 do prime 13.10 14.66 Heavy hogs ... 11.11 11.60 Shop hogs 11.60 14.11 Maros, heavy 10.0 13 11 do light deed13.11 14.11 Lambs 18.60 21.00 Chicago Cattle Market cattle -Receipts, 14.00; 'satinet Arm at years btgb.st prises; beeves, 60 to 58.85 ; stockers and feeders, 11 to $8.10, cows sad hotter*, 13.76 t• $6.76; calves. 13.00 to a11.05 Hogs -Receipts, 1,450; marten weak tight, $1.36 to $f 15; armM, 56.00 to 51: hoary, 116 46 to 56.11; rough. M.41 to 19.11; pigs, $s to 56.10; bulk of stere. $ 76 to 16.66. Sk.er-Reeetpte. 17,151; market an - Nettled; native, 51.26 0 pest; lambs. mattes, 56.40 to $11.00. Sated Hey and Barer, Merchants aro Maytag ea track, crest*. at eke tatlowles Baled hap. are. Na 1.811.0100$111.1141 Ne. 2 16.40 14.46 Wed Anew, fee . , 6.46 t es TMVYO.&T. MaacR 1141. Mws a D.MILLAR;fSON Special Values in Irish Linens We would advise all (luirements at once. practically old prices. housekeepers to buy their Linen re - All our stock of Table Linens at Linens are now getting very scarce. Old Bleach Table Linen Sets Our -Old Bleach" Table Sets, consist- ing of cloth and dozen napkins, special value $ 10.00 set Exceptional value in Bleached Table Linen by the yard, at 50c, 60c, 75c, 85c, 90c, $ I.00, $1.25 yard Unbleached Table Linen by the yard, at 39c, 50c and 75c yard Special Values in Napkins Special All -linen Napkins, dinner size, hemmed ready for use. Very special.. $1.50 dozen Other Lines :,,at ..$1.25, $I.75, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50 dozen Special Values in Towels 10 dozen only Bleached Huck Towels, heavy quality, size 20 x 40 inches, hem- stitched, only $ I.50 per dozen A special offering in Huck Towels, large size, hemmed 1 5c each, 2 for 25c Old Bleach Huck Towels, fancy and many suitable for initialing, all at old prices, 50c, 60c, 75c, 90c, $T.00,$1.25 each FancyLinen Tow''1lings by the Yard Complete stock of fancy Linen Towellings for embroidering, in neat designs, in dif- ferent widths, at 25c to 60c per yard Exceptional Values in Bedspreads Special values in Dimity Bedspreads, light weight, easily washed, beautiful design;, large size, while our present stock lasts... ..deed ......................... $1.2S each Our extra special Quilt value -Crochet Quilt, super quality, extra large size, only $1.5. each Much under present price.. Special Values in Mercella Quilts Mercella Quilts, super quality, for all sizes of beds, beautiful, rich design., from • •••• $I.75to$5.Neach Sheetings and Pillow Cottons Special values in Bleached Sheeting, :, pieces only, h yards wide, plain or twilled with very little dressing. Special per yard Circular Pillow Cottons in all widths, at 2Ac to 30c per yard McCall's Patterns PHONE 56 McCall's Quarterly McCall's Magazine Millar's ,Scotch Store Have You Tried Our Bread Buns Cakes Pastry ? MP' We are pleasing a large ,number of customers and should like to have a trial :order;- front- 1111... edle DAVID BURNS The Baker Kingston Street Y SEC R Tn al cwntrlra Alk t,.r our I\\'f:N. TOR d ADVIBRR,whlch will be sent free MARION .! MARION. 204 University St-. Montrdel. PHONE 56 Let There be Light And there' was light wherever we were given an opportunity of installing Electric fixtures Experienced men and the best materials is thesecret of our success. Our store is Headquarters for everything in Electrical Appliances, from. a POCKET SEARCHLIGHT to an ELECTRIC STOVE Beauty and Utility are combined in much of our stock, and- PRiCES ARE RiGHT. SW ET ROBT. TAIT o 3 Th£ HOWELL HARDWARE SELLIAiG-OUT SALE This is your time to buy your Spring Paints, Varnishes, etc. We find, after coni pleting stock -taking, that we have a Targe stock of Hardware yet on hand, even much larger than we anticipated after such a successful sale as we have had so far. Buy of us NOW and SAVE MONEY. We must close all out as quickly- as possible TIIiS WEEK'S EXTRA SPECIALS Fifty gal. Gasoline. in 5 gal. lots, 30c a gal. Four 40 -gal. Oil Tanks, 11.00 each One Base Burner Heater, used three seasons. extra value 124.00 PHONE 57.