HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-16, Page 1"Smogs of theAries" ceeteining the national map of the .flied natures. Beery =Ague! subscriber when periog for his paper for 1916 may have hie choice of this folio .1 music or a 1916 calendar. ...-,.-.-.._ __ - - - Now Is tie Time to resew far The qtr fur lel& We thaak those tlnbecribers who bare already rearmed and peewiee all • great big dollar's worth dot- ing the hominy! year. MIX TY-RIHHT 1 111ihLlt.-Ns, tray GODERIOH. ONTARIO, THURSDAY. MARCH :13, 19U; THE SIGNAL PRINTING 00., LIMITED. Pveteslean THE STERLIMIBANK O F CANADA SAVE, Because --- To open a savings account now is equivalent to equipping yourself with happiness and pleasure in after life. , ...maimentryanit., .. el Storm Sash and Storm Doors Made any Size or Style. Order Now. Shingles, Cement and all Planing Mill. Products always in stock. GODERiCH PLANING MILLS, LTD. JAMBS BUCHANAN. PRISIDRNT AD MANAOFIi. 'Phone 47 A. 1',U. Box iS. l PUBLIC NOTICE. NOTICE: OV DISSOLUTION OF GPAHTN CRNHIP. inth N 1■ hereby shwa that the Ayer W Mar 11s ihethsew rwrrylag lam bs..rsa a. merchant Wiese at the Iowa of Gedeeloh was this day mmtlally41/eetved and Ihst the btrahsan. -111 be euatlawd by Frank H. Martin, w h.a put e►o.od the busiest of theses H. llarth. las sail hulas., AR oneaint' miring to lhft aid arta will be Mid to F. H. Man Ih and all Ii&Mk, la, of poo raid Sem w,U be liquidated by the said r. H. Mantis. ser 7t. Vate4 t3is 1K day of Manic, I'll;. home, F H. MARTIN. I- L DANCES'. O. H. MARTIN 1 AMR000Ds.-MRA, A. NiCHOLL, Nelsen et ret, le prepared to de all t lade atabm ale oath ode frocu hats or roa4ags, wpieys hale for orders. dsntllo treat - 1, eneal04. Mc • . i.t also has forr� td:N r•eatl.tw. ebaeawn poled,.:, cream Di B...r. sI ltwwaee erase. betties and GIo-s.Yeo. Wif PIANO TUNING. W. 1'. TAYWS. South street. (F.derle3, P. O. Bea Ors. Highest treimewt0L i. tows. ,T ole. `len.4octane; octane work .0001.1 l CREDITORS' NOTICE.` NOTICE TO TI I E PI "i3LIC., NOTiOIM TO CRED1TORB. Irving heen desirous of enlisting lot Tons tares OF JAN 1. Nos4u. Lary w for some time peat, I have finally ' TWE Towrrratr• er W ,w eio.N. 14 Tnk Conxrr err 141 awn, 94111.%14.3%, iraox..er.. suc'c't•I5dcd in makingarrangements wren Uoe% all person. hoc• 1 tr�a*,.d Jame. Nfvr,.., shodbd Mach wan, Manager) to take over Ma Its SH 4yd tlMlamint r. lt.l a. .1 the ensu. 4hlp.1 We are uirr4 pe or before amt' carry Oil mycartage bunaness *3.. rue j. .r buy t at de during mi absence. U,er a toot, or Janne. Darla Nivel -. g J I Da Y. u, etm.wteewar the will of the , swid d, or ...IP. under..Mo of - Akitoa s, I have therefore signed up with talipvtsoolce:.f•bele 'was- arld tbwt aner tM antionitewsal dos the sed lexecuto.. the ltllst Battalion for active ser- wilier= to 4f0lrtbu.. the w• - orf the .aid vice overseas, and 1 wotl:d respect- dena,e4owwr the encs. entitled thaw. r^` `- M to .id elegy to the slats• of whfrh tMl folly solicit from the public Renee- i hid serene, and that one .ted va0e.er ow be UAW kr the aid a. -c•., ` - froiu my old customers 'sr , ret ... of 4ilip�lnllroea tfil»T pitronage unttf Such time as can again resume my occupation. 1, Any business affairs entrusted to KR - - their care during my absence will = - therefore be thankfully appreciated (.e•WR SALE. -HOU$K ON EAST by me. 'Telephone all orders to' } Street, peen reels*. hot water hest* 'phone 1. ALFRED H. J:�\ E. I (ioderk.h ' et`' Apply I. F IPotH RT Y. g Naar" li bsef,y WIIh the Goderich Coal Co, (1'. J. ai *0) 01.00 III It COMER. asrl.tw arra al4 Lancets ee FOR *ALE OR RENT GIRLS WANTED NV, can give employment n flow more bright girl. a. KNITTERS AND LEARNE Kant, P.un 11* ('uNTt,N. CLINTON KNITTING Limited. RS CO. •P0K SALE.- 6000 BRiCK HOUSE [a and -et en acre. of 1.,n,1 f, r sale In Sett ford. Hood bank tarn with -none .table ; lame 1 variety of ,-hon a fruit., and .eppl. 00b.rd nes er faking ertmoing swing Moos (. in aro colas rep.lr. An 04 pla,ye for. Maus for .nr Ioto. For pantomime.r pantommewl, to WILLIAM s ss�44 MAKDEL on t►irea or ar.. R K. No. 1. lioderich, t - 11161n.11161n.a FARMS FOR SAIL Two Orrt•rlao tams 1. McEntee. Ion acne each : two miles frwq H..foeth : rood botlet fop chubs t.rm. Wal be .old .sp��l1 or oi.tf'. Apply to PKOUDF'ixyr KILLlrKAN It 1'UOK IC Dederick. IT -if. WANTEIJ. MAN WANTED.- WITH SOME experience of lion wok HF:1.1. TELE PHONE CO., Gaul ice Women's War Auxiliary As pari of the work of the norm of the \Vas Auxiliary-. it it tr,fwn- mond...! that an investigation should lie ntottic of induntr-ial condition. fit the perm re• of determining to what extent woni•n lila'. 11.e cmpLlycd to talc the place of men um, enlist. Registration bin' nii. .1...11.1 then 1e•estaldabed. All wo111,•11 4r ho are nide 41/ eek.. 111,•t1.• IVIV1 .hoould be enrolled so se ti Ion• In••l.ttwl for nny emergency el1.i.1. non) arrive, ,Mea. Thelon. Mis., Mil 11 Millar and Mi,.. 1.4. Tinr1•I hot.• I,,•., 0111..1111.11 n 111.101 rnnituitl.•.• to n•.cis. such names. In otbet count ie. and in Great ltritaie many vilnntier. hot •- been familial amongst tIn- a onw•n for such n p. r .ou and their se•rvicis hacr prote11 metre 11.4131 in 4. ting men fro,. Thls is a rhan,o•for at • wotnetl•• to do their hit. end the names should 1a• .evil in nt ot1cc. Il Your)] (p' l" Your country needs y Don't wait to be ur COME ALONG NOW AND GIVE US YOUR HELP IN WINNING THE FIGHT. The 161 st Battalion-- your own Home Battalion - needs recruit:. information as to terms of enlistment, pay, etc., cheerfully furnished. Recruiting Office for Goderich and district in Horton's Block, The Square, Goderich. Recraitiag °scen{ LI*Ur. HETHICS! PRITOx, `LisvT. Coram rs. it KNIGHT, D04TOR OF (MIR0- h es at Pitt.►a.raYeoer,peon./ a psemanant of- . own/ of n.M•.n .frost and C'aa.btia road. Owes hewn : 6 to 11 a m., 1 tr s p. m.. and ; tow p. a (a.sultaUwt free. laly aftmda01. fu -lm FOR SALE THE LADS IN KHAKI. Within the peat two weeks the fol- Iowiog have 'rained with the local detachment of the 191st Battalion : Jobe Newcombe. H. W. B. Fimitb. Alex. MCNevin, (leo. W. (;nekthai11. J. R. McKay. R. M. Bell. Wm. T. Bridle. Jo.rph MoNevin. Thebes( named has linos been given a medical discharge. Harold Newcomlve, son of Pte. Jnbo Newc0181110. bas .,Mated, and will join the battalion band K Clinton. The family of Mr. David Bell is "doing Its bit' Is Food .tyIr. One .on. Victor. ham bran in the trenches in Fes one for some Byes. Recently Mr. Boll himself enl3uod with the l�ffh Battalion. et Porbldll, and two sone, Wilfred and H. 11., are with the 161.1 at (.udericb. Lieut.. Sturdy and Hetherington attended a recruiting meeting at Dun- gannon on Wodoeeday and while no recruits enlisted M the time a number signified their interption of signing up in the near future.. The Ooderleh de+achment expects to LiOR NALE.-NSW PERFECTION march to Nile spd Dungannon on . teLRTe,%`Ce toe' only a few cum la. F).turday end retort, un Monday, after Ord Imo w i l .dl for Nan. Can Saturday i attending divine •evict at Nile. w Mannas,, 1I 1'.1RK HT.. Goderintt. R EGGS FOR 11.tIY:HING FROM Finns that Luny - We are iscepard 10 sup- ply • 1.r4. unmber of eggs for hatching per pose. Ism the fa.elu. Gu, id bred-tolayr stride of Single ('oalb White Leghorn... Settlaas on. p r 13 or t3 pee hr.. t be special pea of -wayear- old hen, tasted with 'rem Parson .lraia kr'''. el ds Incubator lair V • oo' eh - m•u w roam y Ho3nw..vuY Miry Yard.. Pleas 1 on 112. N W. t'KILWARtH.I. Proprietor. 02-11. LEER GRAiN FOR SALE. -FREE from weed sed. No dont. strain all treated lest year, Kenner alta. No. •: alar s, !►.ebony A. C. No. 3l barley. The two latter , iprn 4 tether and give • I.•rllrnt yield. o order taffy A. H. GLUT CON. it M. No. 3. blade min phone 1111. Benwltler. 01-4t. MAY FOR SALE -1 HAVE A gn.ntity of good lucerne hey fie sale. Auleee wanting a Wee .-r1 It toe it we gime 1., the tato. ..ti Art M,:,i4#I: K. 1: No. 3, _tuhu,n. l'e n. .ri r Mune•,p.l '1 rlepl u,:c Isl3. t L11'(iK cult H.17Y'HINfi FROM 11J Mei-l. lay S. C. W. Leet.. rm. Oland 0rn . r• Isar P r I't ar $* P./ 148. Ab.-. I'Alan Ka• ... r don k ens. 730 Ler 13 H. J. 1 Rw- W A It 1 A. if -•huwvtl le. phone L: ,1r. 11 . t�Ir-toLDAR R -y ]Major McPhail r.e gone to London to take a course be Meek try and Lt. 1 Mcle an hos lett four: tionforth to take : •'barge of recr ttiltum throe, Lieuta Hetherington A. d Grieves are now the recruiting °alerts bete. Mr. Lottie Oar and Mr. Hurry Wwean have j••l 1 the ors• battery Irring,oTganlx d a Guelph. Mr. Carey has been on the M of , he Bank of t' roe here I. the fifth son of Mr. 0. F. Carey to j tin the routes. AUCT 4 UOTION N DAIRY CA 7111' ` will .011 by stabile:I I eu W RiDNlrD a Jerre somber 0f hard of Hobs SAIBS. OF ('11010E AND oT4)CKCK'. - 4Re W, :.1 Sal:ford height-. MARCH And. aWaal. how tb.eir r Mho., tin sale k�a: RECRUITING MEETINGS. Canoe Hill, Rev. Dr. Manama and Others thing is now ready, an exeellent pro- gram tea (wing p,epared, and there are onstantly Io14omu,g Up features that will make • vet y attractive eveninyg. The I)ungaonuu people are prepeedig to give the soldier lads a tight royal reception on Saturday. They are to be w-co/wmodated as r.yol guests. Every available home is opening its door. to weleume our brave lads to the very brut comforts and luxitrile. Ample prov45ion has been made to entertain seventy over night. Address Large Gatherings. The recruiting meetings on Sunday were well attended. At the Model Theatre in the afternoon an attractive musical promo= was contributed by Mr. 0. L. Patrons. I4erteeant (looiwin and Lieut. Sturdy, es solubta, and rs• (' 1t quartette consl.ting of Menem C. Tweedy, Kergt. (ioodwin, S. Belcher and J. F. Thomson, with the bugle' land of the local company and • num- 1 her of other soldiers as • chorus. Capt. V•osto ne, adjutant of the 161,t Bat- - talion, in an address stated the posi- tion of the Huron Battalion and •p - pealed to all present to resist in bring- ing the Battalion up to strength by March '24th. Rev. J. B. Fotberingham, who was chairman, gave • vigorous address in which he showed the events :i00,1.:i00,1.1101that led up to the calling for :I,01 moo trout t'auada He' pointed tut that there war • splendid opportunity for the young men to limit the moat historic countries and cities of the expense'world at the Government's expense and appealed to the spirit of adven- lure. humanity and chivalry in the, young men in an off ort to persuade' them to roli.t. Al the evening meeting held in 1 Kunz church the speakers were Rev. Canon H.11, of'trgt a. Rev. Dr. Man- ning, of Stratford, end Capt. Van - atone. The first speaker, who has three sons 1 411 that 11e has) now sere- hog in tonsure, dealt with the righter u.- Dees of the Allies' cause. Capt. Van -1 striae spoke of the G iendly rivalry that exlea between the Bruce and Huron Battalions end .fated that Mitre had nearly twenty five ,per cent. mote recruits than Huron. He held the opinion that Huron would yet give Ithe Battalion its full quota within the ✓ eit few weeks. Dr. Manning. who K latt has two sons with the troops, appealed for a spirit of pan ioti.ul among the civilian population that would make 1t harder for a young able bodied man to remain a civilian than to don the khaki. Ht. was of the opinion that enable bodied young man should be working in a muni ion fisc tory ; the work there and on the farms could be carried on by the older men and three w ho had br.0 rejected by t be m.lit i* au boriti.. as mrufcall A khaki choir of about for' y vi ices led a set vice of song a t be evening wren:mi. I The meet' at the Model Theatre mat mob wiH tm •i�demeed � opr m: of Tort ler'. • - The(*' R will alar be a WUa•i l'T.gMm. In seek 1 we 4'son. old. ;Inc epi :,h: 1'ow, l year. aid. • ase .pia 3,d : I run. ]•-t1• old.. due April 1•.Ih : I euw. 0 )car. • 11...1.,.- May tr1 1 row, 3 eats art. our May nib ; 1 :how, 8 y.cu . old. dor Maya h ; 1 or1.,-i yn.r. old. due May 4th ; 1 cow. 4 year. u .1, dee May I4:th ; 1 cow, /ear. doe-eptealber 111h : 1 ow, 6 y. an due September Is k ; I cow, 3 ware Uwe two certain; 1 cow. 3 years (dd. due abut May 4.t: 2 cows, 10 weal• old. time not certain : t •l,urtborn Io-ifer. roans 1 year . nvas ; 1 eer, ri-ing. )vas: s .leer calve-. Bl One1.1X ne pare-l•rd H.-I-tein toll, ..4 mond". old. b .. Our.hoed by IU,creat ',chatting Mertonur pre.rnt mentor h rd hut', Elme.re.t Schullb* )I.-rcrne, No. 1364u, L, 14.1f.H.K whoho. In him acme of th. brat blood of the bawl iu Ca,ad,, He w... three wear- old 5. 3.o,em- her M la -t. and 1- ju., in bi- prime. Hodson for . eilir,g-t , prorenl Inbroedir . Hi. +4e'- dam, olive S. -hinting Porch. ':,1511. ha• an otth earned at ate Irene. of age ; i batter 27111w, milk .1:1t1 Ibe in f day..Hi- dam. hetherl.. d. Hrwoty Pock. No. 11!4;. whiner of three -year -add championship at I:uelph %Vito er Fair, 1612 and Is anu.ry. 1113. -he gave 7.4••0 lb. of mita. 0n extended ped ig.r will 11e .hewn at .110e of -ale. Our rra.on for hbig al hchi. .ale n. that we are aver -•to. ked. Ili- fr (xt;a.n1) the best- produeiug IM of row. ever •nal In the tuvnahip . cw of Colborne. There it a now In the let bat, snit b«. gad eta+inn . pmperitioo. Tka14A -Eight u.onlh.' rr int on red Joint notes. ora a.r..0s nt of 1 per at, fur ar.h. If the wee t her i. un favora,,ie the owls .11i be held undercover. INe1MA" OL NDKI•, HISSET BKaa o. .a ectsnneer. Proprietors. �r /111..•r•► o .1114..11.1 t he ' I ton 3) ler • old deur Mar1-t CAR= OF TANKS CAR- D OF THANKS. We wY to thank aU ler friend. wed neigh. bmeareths Modern shown is. in our /went berlsi*...t. MRN R nWIT7,k'lt AND r.L MILT, AUCTION SALES 4 CCTION SALE OF FARM STOCK AND IMPLEM KNT4. Mut. ANDREW ORKKN win ..11 by mobile .uctioa at north half of lot PI, eon. 8„1 taboret town -hip (kart mile north of bevel. on TUE3D.IY."MARCH .I, c•ommcoetne .t 1 o'^kirk P m. : HUKS&•.-, general pnrpor• horse. 7 years old : 1 agricultul.d man•. 5 years old. sin d by Hake, held,-uppnotl tube in foal .1 general put pose ware. 11 years .4d. sired by Lm-hlnvar : 1 road mare, s yew - old rlrM by Sydney : 1 Med er.l p mass RI 1 risiz 3 year. , led 1 m Ila[ y ianieri I. 1 Re, floor, R year r11. sled Ny Royal Hilly ; 1 en mg. r- laid rd by r the.. I ago oral 511. rider 3 years Did .3004 b IY Monewa! - ral'unalrally,rhos' I year, Mnd by [hoodoo S. new.11, CAT 1 LK, -I grade new, 3 year, 044. wppo.nl to be In calf ; I grade cow. 3 year. ofd. wippos d to be in calf ; 1 grade cow, r rear, Wel summed to b• in calf : I gra le bell. r, s years 014. ee nTCITI(1SALEOF FA KM .YCOCK po-ed to be ll calf : I'wife+. 2- rein retro u ' A SALEANtN PLKM KNTa nem M steers, Y d 1 calves if vowed to be in ,.If; 2 h.-, 1 ar ; 6 1I0N -4 Hmrk.4lr. lion. 1 month. old ; I 'tear•` torkwhile row. Cu to (arrow in Advil. w,n -.11 h e Hk-\R--?► d )rwn hen.. )' Cal archon at north ball of lot No. 1 fuer 1 1111 e r Halog plow. l /1«a p n Rh' No. K : I Cock -Anti, gang I Inw, 1 set Ir tl hnr- row- I land roller. 1 its- ha tow. 1 fanning mi11. 1 set sal..,, w .Igh.nw Mn 11.,. ; 1 Noxa. reused 4,111,1 scorner. 1 Fleury .5111. g hos. 1 hay anrk, 1 IemM•r w.go,, wirh bot and .prl, r-. 1 -et truck., 1 top buggy. 1 light wagon, 1 •utl• r, 1 hay fork. rope and pull.y., 1 wheal bar row. f -e U double harness. r .ct- .4, ole hay nes.. 1 Magna co Am sop ,rater, 1 Doi -y churn. nemerntt. ether Art tele. Rye Akins w III be -dd without resew., as Mr. Ons-. b.. old the tont. 1 aceta. --All aunt. of tun and under. cash : n1 ►• th.1 amount, held mora h: credit will b• in.rn on hlrnrhing approved j••lal n01u' e di.rnnnta 1 I.er over. .u,yrbt showed for nab. A\DIt4W 411:KEN. TH(rt. GI NIt1ty, P, omit, or. Auct looser. 41HS M IRY .1. MpRItIKN MPLIRLE.'T` 1 7g.. ty Han i. Moder. a, ro,terwai i 13. Matti:end Block. Hallett tow,. t;1 rune mow. trul:l►a rwke ship, on n THI R8DA\'. MARCH 22, ilLKAKINO AUCTION SALE: OF ti FARM arta K AND IMPLEMENT-.. MIS" M tRY BI'RRIIW-4 *111 sell h7 pihli• •ort Ion at IM :t • ,)tree -.ton 1, AakMM til Sheppard IOW, ,.n MONDAY. II %NCH .+11 h. non aseeelee at 1 le o'clock .harp On. row. 7 years oM. dna May loth : 1 cow, 1 year* Hid. dot' May S. b : 1 tow, 4 N•arr old. due April 14 : I few. t rears old. doe April 2nd . 1 ,n., "years std, doe April 1; h : 1 e..w, ' years old. don April Sib ; 1 be,f.v. N -Ina y sew : Samoa stoma ellIVVIP. *1 well howl hen. . led pullets, I turkey bee. 1 top berry, 1 open baggy. 1 matter, 1 set drl01. Mame. I mina stave, 1 fannies will. 1 Mw rnwm ohne elor, 2 wont nova.. 1 Dalq Mourn, 1 ladder, nese hon.. Moth 1.34tet.. kirks. shovels all nem - eine ether articles. T r s -All sawn of ten and under. cash ; r that a.s0011- nine meatM. credit settl be Fren c10 faral.Nnapp aovad lett solos, A d -,'Dunt of 1 par ,wet 4rwlrllt albwe4 for chit es reedit amount. MISS MART RVRHUW.i T OUNDRY, I'reprinemi. *ta4Nse..., AUCTION 8A LK OF FARO STOOK. • LIIUT. RETRcsucaTtON will mall by sahib maim at In 5, dee. 31, M,A , OelkseeI-NOR1DAY. MAItCR alb at ro....ed+41are1akhlymawles�trawk dram tM rwrhlae onto eti l subset ems Itimeloommodat 06.4=6•111r r .aper,s le stats* ,•0mm nine at 1 o'clock LIVE STOCK. -1 mare, Mang a )ear. ; 1 ted mw, e, 1 dnci,•g boon, ,louse 4 yvtar : a eaw-a..uppo-d to M In eel, ; 2 betfoen, ti -ins 3 Tears, supposed .o be in c.1i ; 2 0eife.., none year- old : 3 yearling•. 3 70 1144 pigs. 1 b,.aal row, 4 we lieL.lee-ter ewes, about :G Wu-. It tarsi') hen. nod gobbler. IMPi•KAI4N.TS. -1 Man•ey-H..rri. mower. -ft. cut :1 .ingk-furro. e111k) glow. l'ora-huts. 1 •Irate torr .w walking plow, Cork -holt : I g ang p'ow. I .cvHter. 1.4 hon karma-, 1 pain bobhikh. and platform. 1 argon wilt. box. 1 dlen:a-rat. 1 -inane. buggy. I cutler 1 finning WW1. 1 a h. lean , -..w, 1 grn,d.tone. I runt polymer, 11w 1 al Al curs I0pwrator 1 r1 -iugk• ker- n e-ota ., 1 lei dho , h..rn, ... 1 Itaiy ...turn. No. 33 4id..., 1 Ptak .1 u. e, on ly n -w • ch di. a QMotloy of hay. eluent 4.e, bn•hel. ut oat-, e1Wn.. fork., wnitartrees aad tact, .n cies too numerou. to mention Tams. -Hay. gr .in end all some of tl•• and endw,o eh; mer. hat wasronl, etre. nm nl b. (1144 "wig be rlvo.n on furni-lung sppraaed wlHeat : adios fol conk a, ct ofcrditlr u mn" .. it It MRH. M. J. McH IIN. TMt1ti 01:NI) RY. Ate brise. AU(11ON FIA LH OFPAR M .TOCK, MIs ,)HN (•, DUHIT slut sell h) pubtle analogs at Id '281. Mal land conow•lun. 1 ,Ih,lrnr, a1 FItIII 4Y. MARCH 24th. o0mmene-ing at 1 o'clock alms, p One stallion ,04. riving 1 year old. .3 .4 hy Prince of Amon, Imp., dam 4.4, Martha. Imp ' 1 �aa Irsrt g.14Iag, rising a yew,. old. d eed ly The Viking ; 1 draft colt. ri-Im 1 ).'err old. by Prince of Aceom • 1 drab molt, rising ens year old, by Nen • bay Bone. ; I debris. colt. Song 2 year. .id, by Dane Ring; 1 geed erode Heelless taws, noise 3 years Md, t. calve 1. 13. .prune; 3 goad porde eon.. rinse 4 ,Mrs .11tt to neve is Uwo.grbm� 3 dr esw,r, T .id. f41i uremsa rice .1 f 3 ro- wed • 3 Arwbred 4.,.. rMlMiY W• t ateen ire kr(.p.s rMtt je a years la�r i�ane ski : 4 nal... sbsrtksea ►e 1. 2 ►mag d rlt.pur see rue. :T'0M TsIn aim, 1 swaths 4 wrwiee ME- I NW kah4..ew. peb0.r Mwyam MdMSiwes o''eMrm-CIO* ~ .sYam MIN O. lealiel SUNNI 4111121Lor. T PATutoru • MOIrrINli. -The recruit- ing meeting in the Agricultural Hall on Tut..day evening wise a deeid.d soccer., Owing to sickness and the bitterly cold evening. the attendance was not as large as it might have been, but the hall was eomG-rtably 1111rd. Rev. J. B. Fotberingbam, ol (i.wlrt ich, was the chief speaker of the evening. Ile made very urgent appeals end gate furrible retascoa why the young men ol Huron county should cubit. He was listened to very eagerly. No doubt many see their way clearer for enlistment than before. Lieut. Il'ith- etingtun we. presented with a wrist- watch by the Agricultural Society, in connection with which he has been an active r,340;Ier for some year-, and Meter.. Breyier and Lorne Johnston were presented with watches by the ettixt-n. of Dungannon and vicinity. Mr. Chas liirvio read an address fur L,eut. Hetherington, and Rev. G. Oonitu addrewed the hey. of our village. The address to L.e-ut. Herb• rringten war as follows: To Limit 1!.wac Hetherington, IUI.I Satiation COURT SITTINGS. There was a small docket for the .ittieg.uf the Supreme Oeruct of On- tario bald Court this week. Oort opened Tuesday alternnoe alai closed t` ednesday night_ M. . Justice Clete beard the cars, whish numbered 1three. There was no criminal business Iand the grand jury wee dispensed with. i The Bret ease was Oovenlock ver The London Fres Press Piloting Co., an action for libel. This cats leas !MK tried in (buderieblast September. when judgment was given for the defend - On appeal a re -trial woe i The plaintiff, Wu.. oovekr ork, of forth, complained of an article pub - limbed in The l,,.odon Free Pimm on May 251h, 1915, or , he . ffect that the plaintiff end Wm Cudenote had been fined SIM each, and their horses im- pended, tot having assaulted the moat ter at Mitchell terse the previous day.- For the plaintiff it was calmed that be bad lost the ogle tit his horse land hi. tepu- it•ion had Oran injured through the put -die -Minn of the article. It wee above r. thatOovenlock had noth- ing whatever to do with the assault land the article was otherwise insecur- ate. 1Te jnry gave r verdict Goy the pheinlitf for $e4). His Lordship di- rected that the defendant sbould pa the costa of thio trial and that each party should pay his own costs of tbe former trial. R. M. Robertson (Strat- fold) anti R. S. 11 .)e 'Seaforth) for plaintiff ; J. M. McEvoy (London) for 'defendant. - Kntith vie. Dale was an action for malicious pre...we'dwe. The defendant. Victor F.. Dal., A fanner :,f Stanley township, bed the plaintiff. Alex. 'Smith. implement agent. of Mewatt, art erred Lot eun111:er on a charge of striating • horse. Smith eel. turd on ,this ( haige in the l,uunty Judge's Criminal ('Quit and found not guilty. 1 He then took this erten against Dale, t . Claiming dew.gee for expenses he was put to in dt frndo g h'uleelf and also Lot injury to he. repute, hut. The jury Dxan 81K- We the directors of Dunsenoon Agri.uuti.t.1Society take this oppl,1unuy of esprt..l.A oar .ppreriatlon 0( the ma it ion you are now t.Liug .ervloe for your King and .0.11,1 ry. F'o, twelve pear. er0 hate been continuously a.•.ta hated with you In our Aaricnnnn.l Sect et) anti h.ete fours 1c u a willing walker, act tete f• r the it -tercet of the Society, thane% ire Kb•g's uniform evgalrosa w(.-rllleo anal h .rd wore, ere fowl that one who he. 1..•., faithful In .melt.. dnt{r...w111 I i.e to 4110 bon that Is Mut shot, he re. pond. to the call u his country. fiNo But-nddeoly bis country cla-h. d to ono. 1 • Isle bloom u "•' " „" r „" retrt1e,l a verdict ,4 1'r the d.ndant, Be„eeth the iaerie.- feet of u.•,', and beauand the plainr.t(w;t din teed t„ pry Tb•• Trot Id an, turmoil. stirred from we.t to the code. \1',. latuiwvu IE:xeter) I cast. 'Rcsuorandtdvlm h.dnol•carer rnon,. t Nt, Mur),. \lillin tor dpemandbugle culled with tits, ,oms. K Co. von, Town of St Mersa lea. 1%1.-11 without A jury, for plaintiff ; J. M. lust (Seaforth) for •defendant • one ever.lt g 54 .Jur (t.rt'bw will speak at Vie orbs, street Ill.tbodist church. Severe -Winter in the Okanagan. Mr. John Galt, jr., of the Heck of Montreal, 8umwrrland, B. ('., writer $ renew his subscription to The Signal and (olds: '•11 might pos.ibly 'merest you to hear that the Weil - known Okanagan iake, 111,1111 the' shore of which this town is situated, is frozen from shore to shore this year, half -way for the whole expanse of lake. As the ice is over seven inches thick motors and rigs have leen able to 010.. to Naramat.a on the ice. Indiana here say this e.tab- lrabra a record for the past fifty yeer.. iceboating and miles of epee-eir skat- ing make s record for B. C. The peach crop of the Okanagan will ion light, very Tight. if not nil, this year' on account of frost. Apricots may also have suffered." . • , A..nau.11 lokrn of nor good lei -hr, for lour This WAS A di- u-'tte A. to lLenwll•'1sh p .are 1,11itn, we ,re -cut , 1.t• cut Drueauwou. March 11. MIR of laude in Ili, town oil St. M.ti. ya M- I Org.utizstlen in behalf of the \V.r el,adiug poet of Ihr Iwd l i for Hivrr ( A,izlIi-•ry 1A. then made, Her Mr. 'pin hotel on of --d the plaintiff teed Futheringh•.w a xplainlag its ollje•'t, Isom ow crown a data. oT;, deed (row the Otvwu order whish that Tile oat y. Are as f.Yo. s: For , plain, if c.,aer anT elaiutrd .I.wr>rrsblfti - r • xP1r<� Ao3.*rl�� tttlaed a •f erlrt viik,n err ••aa,vigsl•It . elm J. 1 .1 m : vier-prosi- w*tvr.. and the c4'..ho,ge,l la aerly dent, Kilo. McKenzie : srerrtwry- treasure•-,' F. Linn' ; couro ntt ee, Meowed. T slit lie, t:. I1•fT end 6 J•..-.o••.n, For polling sub -division No. I, Wee IWaw,u,•.h-1'reoidrnt, 1Vw• W -tabu,: view president. W. Bailie : secretary- !treasurer, C. Girvin ; ronlnlitt e• Moses. J. A. Malluugh, ('. Mown and A. Penman,). Sergeant Goodwin nod Lieut. ti'urd.e entrrtWiled with solos. Ali. \Vitt. Beier occupied the chair iu a very acceptable runuurr. The witting eloped wish the National Anthem. after which all the enter- tainers rindR t a it• were Invited to the u.aneto. where they were pr,•vidrd with mfrs-hments before their return to Goderich. 1 DUNGANNON. W40NISn.AT. March Li. Mr. PeterCa.e, of Exeter, is visiting his brother, Dr. T. E. lase. Mr. Johnston, of the Sterling Bank, has been moved to Gotlerich, while Mr. Chas. Lockhart. of Auburn, takes up hie work hese. Measles Ilave become (elite prev- alent in this district, and as a con - eel uence on-eelluence the school is cloned this week. The attendance taut week was extremely small owing t,sirknes., Mrs. Wan. Smith, jr , was honored by her choir friends last Monday night. The members if the choir of hrskine chinch met at the home of Mr and Mrs. F. H11101 and presented Mn. Mmith dish atlrlle table linen on the eve of her departure. to the 1Ve4t. A big time in expected at the bemuse here Io'xt set utility evening. The IAdir. ore taking great paint to make the affair a decided sncceae. Every - MILLINERY ! AN ATTR.\CTIVF: SID MING or SPRING MILLINERY WII.L BE SEEN o -r Miss Campbell's Parlors KINGSTON STREET, SAT.,MARCH 18T11 YOU M'ILI. FIND AL1, TiHE SEASON'S LATTv1T NOVILTI*S IN Tailored and Dress Hofs MISS C. M. CAMPBELL Kilplon St. 111141111he; tlursh.rt. wleth.r '1.r River 1'battles at St. Mary.. is . r i- not • a nsvigwhfr" nttl•nm. 'Joignien.t was reserved, K. M. K .hart -on tettalford) f.rplaintiff ; F. H Thomson, K. C. (Mitchell). for defendant. Thr ladies will be interested in the shoeing of spring utillliur• y las he seen at the abuwa-.okra if Mi.- C..mehell, King -ton street, .','-M.' only peri, Blackstone. have ane, Red for spec- ial shipments of fresh uyeters during lbs Lenten .carton If you want o s,•ve mon •y in buy ing yolat footwear, t links, '•lub hag!, a,litca.ee, etc., go WALTRga & CO.'. [f it's ice cream In bit k or fanny boot and shoe -tote. where yon will bricks you want, the tight place toil save Gout Jl10 PO per cent.R--pair- get it is Black.tunr'a. Phone 3111. ing neatly do ••• a' a n1n•t.•rate price. Mies Cameron announces that her spring led .ummer militate y opening will oak• plaice on Wednesday, Match ,.dnd. and following days. Tr v Fdwardti' for nysterr-..elect seal- ]ipt, solid meat. :.11 cents a quart. 'Phone 314. SUN LiFE HAS RECORD YEAR. 1s Now in Strongest Posot on in History -- Largest of All Lanadian Compan,es• 1t ha. Iain a natter of kern setts - faction to otsert ere ..1 Canadian Inlet. ores rondlt ions that 111E statements of our barge financial institutions Are re- Hecting . growth in strength*nd pro. - pertly in keeping with the improve- ment now fully evidenced in general husiness cirelcw. The lite as.urence atalemenrs puhliehed rhos far in the year hate revealed* moa esti.fertory c lu,.t lion of affairs and the trport of the Sun 1.ife A.surenre Company of Canada, the largest of our Can ohne life companies, is no exception to th rule. The Company elnaed the year wit� the strongest statement In its hist. ry. A.suranres leaned and paid for in ,yob during the veer totalled over 1E11,8110,- 111111)--1 be largest amount ever i.surd by any Canadian life company. An in roes.... of $1.74!,11141 over the Com- pany's record for 11114 in hoeines. is. sued in Canada is wrongly uugge.tive of the popularity of Sun Life of Can - ride. poli,•iee among the L'Auadien people A*.,ran:es in force now total over Mee5tiI,1$s1,6131, much the largest .mount carried hy any ('anadian life remp•ny. Area increased by $10,• 1010,1100 during the yeti to m4.WJf,uon, the largest annual increase ever reels, terve' by any Canadian life company. !taring the year net surplus increased tel $7,ii)0,010, while rash income untaped nearly $16,Ial13100. The pros- perity reflected in the Oompany'sstem memo 'Inds tangible exprewirn in the maintenance of its wale of increasing policy -dividends : accordingly, five- year dividend and reserve dividend policies will receive larger dividends in 1916 than were received by Nadler policies le 19113 Altmgetber, the reeved of the Roe Life M Caned* donna the past year should 'wove a sourest of so small pride "Now, the toy 1 want 4., chia office must be. honest, )-right, dean and healthy. Have you porepirarity r "Oh, no, air ; I had any' king but whooping -cough and the mumps." Spring millinery is now s eerie -enable attraction. Mee., remptoell invites the 'Adieu of (1oderich And virin.ty to see the latest styles a• her pedant., King- ston street, on 'ear urdsy. GUNDRY'S AUCTION SALE LIST. Mnr.ir ' --Auction -'.1.' off farm 1s k, etc . pr-.lorrt •d Mr Walter M •Ir, Hui Ill' town+nil•. one o d ., half mile- north of Clinton. Moen t• Mar••h :-,. \net ion sale of term tock, implemrt d- ,nd rhart.l., pt„p•rt7 01 Mies Marl Nurn.w-, lot S .- cnuorto,, I. Mb- "heppardtun, Tugnp*V. Man h 21.--Anetln ale of farm awe, Irtlpkmenl r.r. ereterty of M.. An di,w Goren, tiro (arm n.,r hof Loyal.. 01borne town.hip. W 1411Ygsn Ar, Mach Y- Armin, ol. of high -.Ion Hol -ten, entitle Foolery of Rt --et Nnoa. a' Nmlr(a.l. Tell'foner. Merc-t, Sl 31 notion sale of farm k. 11111 Ieueent., .e pro,rr) •,f Mr -.Afar) J.. eltrien, Alan land 141 .•.: Hull••'o. 30,044, Marsh le. - Lucticwn •vie of 4 piers - bred reentered -botthorn bill gaol tulle relive rind ynong tel•. nurr',rwd err k hire pig. and •.•or, .1 w.11bn•d draft a It-. t roperty of Mr. John 1'. 1)134, 711Attlusl .•onerewoon. (',•Iborna, TwcNana v. Mar, h 3n, (notion -wh' 1.f farm 'anrk gad harass-•. a1 Io• n, rtro ,r1, ''Otho,,,.. IL1e,t. Methyl inston. proprietor BORN. 11* 01010 - At Sandwk'h, (14.1,, en Mork 3rd, 1414, to Nr. and Mr. Wnli.m l', ilea, w on 1W1111111111 Mel, i.1. ,. DIED. SN teerR. in Ogden. h .n elsterd.y. Memo I n h Hen).,la Switil•r. ,n Ala 7911 lett. 11A1111' 1n(3n4 4.es I1, Mr. a/.rt ln, h M the Ma Jahn Mottos of Krnsdlrkl , and teman NEW ADVERTISEMENTS-Marrh 16 Pato Allot Igo Sale- Mn M. J McRra.. .... .. I Auction tale- Asoiree (;tern . 1 4,015.. Owe (User. HMMrdywN-T. use 4r,R. • 1 New .o.1.- as Life of Comadis. •. _ 1 Yat Wasted ABA t:' "as a. 1 wsmsor War Auxiliary ....- .... 1 (lard et Theiokm- Mrs R Pain DWasetww tieterv-Ylawel Pahl lag Drew ter nab -a4 Part et ... .... DRb. M1111awr--Yom G Y CMINtsa« illmdmm--M1m (: 111. C...be/ Oba'daM., lea -w, asale e Mt been tM "Wire "II 1111. A.�eYw..1t gb we a Alb:::aiwt► QgmFnay math ..•N r 1 1 + ,)