HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-9, Page 8• T1111711111aaV MAIM, 9 DOM St. Patrick's Day Friday, March 17th A splendid assortment of Si Patrick Decorations and Poat Cards. 'Vable Coer, artistically' decorated with Irish flags and shamrock, price, each ......... :10c Tissue Paper Napkins same decoration, per dozen ...... St. Patrick Doilies, pet paCkage of 2 dozeh 25c St. ! Patrick !lace Cards. decorated with s ni a 11 gold basket-. of sham- rock. per dozen Green Crept Paper Gar- lands, per pa:kage 10c ll'hite and green fireproof crepe paper Festoons, per roll 10c Small tissue St. Patrick Flags: price 2 for tie St. Patrick Post Cards, lc each, and 2 for.. . 1 fresh 401 of Lititts Lists it Initialed Note Paper and Cor - 25e and THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE Geo Porte. BEEF, IRON and WINE A Standard Teak Remedy Whose value in all debili- tated and anaemic con- dition!, is it n i v er sally recognized. Penslar Agency Only James sf. `Campbell 'Pim. ql. CENTRAL DRUG STORE Corner forth St. and Squat, Goderith Rug. 00 'PHONES Res. :e2.-, • - TO THEPUBLIC Mr. A. I,. Caldwell takes the.op- portunity of advising the citizens OfGoderich that lie has purchased the Drug Ilusioess formerly con- ducted by Mr. C. L. Coultis. and respectfully' solicits a continuance of their patronage. Ile will carry a complete stock of Drugs, Sundries, Stationery, Photo Supplies and Confectionery. and looks forward with pleasure to an early call. Winter Footwear Style, Fit and Durability Are three very important features in footwear. They are qualities that every line of Shoes and Rubbers in our immense stock must possess. Every line is selected with these ends in view, there- fore ensuring perfect quality, and footwear that will stand the test in any weather. REPAIRING Gco. Mac Vicar NILE. IVatessio,vv. Match it 14(rricti.-Lieut. I-aar Hethisr. inliKon it of. Semiley ('lint wb.r, 11. will Ir in wi h the diviaion of the 16Ist Hattslion thee. L*.t.. • 1 he') 1. en ing her silo,. M110. John (' 5.t.• il, of 1le11, returned home Iasi w Moo Grate 84.11 prnt flood y her home her, Mr. nod 14 e. Geolge Peril - land, of Cedar Volley. eni• rtoined a number of ft tend • n.. Fr ..ay evening last .. 111los 111111 I) .rssol /rpm Sunday at h.r thane h M. and Mee. David M4 i a., seta now entehliohed on the fo m h rh they mooed ly onrcha-ed M. Geo. Fettman. W. weleone then, in oar ft J Itealey in- enonannit y tends holding ts.,est al tn.-pi/rigs et Mherocordten this w.ek. SWISH RED CROSS FUND. ata....1 from rs.ate t limegarth. 13. so Hamilton, Ni....., 60 Hurley. Mrs so Hayti. Mite. . 2.. Huiland. Mrs 2 01 'Iodises.. F. R. 5 00 Illoonsoll„ Mn so Humber, C. 11 2 01 Holmes, Rev. G. N 50 Hall, 'I 25 H'odrit'.oll , W. I(, t: V.I. fiat ton, Mrs. 14 11 ,15 00 Illo1 oWar.l. R. J nis: Horn, W 5 01 Hari -moo, to 2 00 HiRier, Ilis 1lii Hamilton. Mrs..... ..... ._ 1 Otii Hunter, J 1 011 Hunter. Mrs. Grace 5 (5' Hunter, Ilr. 2 (5) Hayden. 1*. W1' Hays. R. (' 3 (Si Hager, Rev 10 (1' Hutchins, Xleo. 1 011 50 011 Hsoulink, It. F 2 Olt Holt, .1 mtge. . Holt, Mo. 25trl 1:: H•bel. Site 50 Henderson. I'. J 1 110 Herr. Mrs 2 (1' If ohiateter. Mr 2 00 Hoag. T I 111 H011111... De. W. J. M 150 (10 Hort),. Mis. H 5 (111 Heestm. Mir 25 Ilayr. !lector. :i 00 llodgene. Mn. 11. F !ban on. inters GI (54(vs ylowrie. Mr. : s Haley, 111... . 11,00. Mr. 1, 1 00 iititrili*On. Sir. .. . 1 Oil ' 1110 L Mr, S. F. flitutfalv•. Mro Hyslop. Mee 1). 114y. 1)11,41) [Delete:id, Mrs. 11 11 6:35(54(1111: Hockey N. !barber) Healey. NI i s 1 (.ID 'flacon. ('apt 1 00 lioagerib. Thcs • 75 II at twell. Mrs 1 00 11 eginsoi., A 1 00 Hogan. Mir( ••.. ....... 50 11 trrison, W 11 2 (11) If Man& James 5 00 Ifunillon, 160. James 5 00 Ilaggsrth A McLeod, Mimes 2 00 If srper. C. J . 500 Hawthorne, W 200 limon. Eliza 26 Inkster, Capt 2 (10 Johnston. Wm 5(1 Johnston. E 3 CO Johnston, John 50 Johnstoth Ada 50 Jardine, Mr 25 Johnston. Mrs 1 00 Johnston. M rP. ('hris.....- 1 (10 Jenkii,, 11 50 Johnston. Mrs 2 00 Jacksoti. C. 1. 5 00 Jone-,M r• 25 .1.ff.ey, .1.... .....".- Jordsn, Pate 5 00 Johnston. ('apt. E 5 00 Joh,-don Time 2 00 Johnston.. Miss 60 Jewell. Ethel fili Jewell. Stella 50 Kerr. Rohr 5 00 Keislake.Mre 1 00 K neeshsw. T 1(10 Keene. W 50 Knox. I.. L. . 2 00 K,Ilotan. J. L .•.. 5 00 Knight, Mts. H 1 00 Kn,ght, L. 1 (10 Enoch,. lit 1 00 • Rio, 1' so Kiwi,. Mom Pearl 1 00 Kelly . W. IE • 5 oil Kiiiickle. Mr..$ .... . _ '..Z K .itting, Mn. A. 25 Kelly..I •htt i K. Hider, Mr..... (s)0(500 xii....-tisss, Mrs. Ii Keme, 11 . Knuckle, 8 ...... .. 1 00 Kittoe, A Rine. 1 G. II 1(5)50 Kelly, J H. 100 Kelly. Thoo 2 (5) K nira At-. Joseph I 01 Laws. Mr . ... 910 Litt les-1,ild, .1 1 00 Iatmliut tie, Mrs 25 liesch. M s(••• 1 00 LsCin-• , Nib,. so lieggel tr. Mr 1 to 2 011 1.1nd• .r, M's* 1 OU l_ashbrooke, 11 • 50 Laws,,,,, Capt .. 5 00 15tnner,, J. 1 15) leittle..1 W 24)0 Lasha..•, Mrs. W I (X) Long. 11 'Eawr. tie- , Mrs ,.,2 u1,(11) 1, vita. Mr. Leeelt, Aft- 11) (5) Lloyd, 5 515V. 5 01 Low 01, M s. E. N 6 0) Litithtv.....,J.0 a) on Le -amid, Mrs.. 50 Lloyd, K 1 011 1.stie W.,5 (5) 1..ver Pte.., F.F., A Sons Litittle.• NI s. G. 11 i Lay M n , :t 015111:1 liect ie, T. l' 215) Liao by , I". -(in so 1 )1y. T11'. 50 :10 M.,rroe . (; o 100 Myrrh*. , 511.• ... 50 Iii it*Iinli. 51, -. John .... .. 75 atiteheil. ltd -. J... . ...... 1 s milt -II. •'. 115 . T M ' riot'. T. 11 .... It::: M ir, %Vitt 1 00 50 M.rt 51, F. 1 ..... ..... .„„ 5 01 Ma•ii.y. M is., Mr. 511 M , ey, M s.F.0 100 Morro, 1) 50 Mills., I). *Mc'n 5 (1) hi ,sk..i. Mi., .. 10) M ifs . J. .. ....... .... 115) MO, h• II, M a. Alex...- 201) hioo .M.-. .... 50 M. 0, W'altifr. . 2 le 51) 100 5 00 rs M111101, Ii 141P .... .... ... M .int i... Mrs M ... J. J 114,o,..riet-. Afro. 111 .o,... .1 . ... .... ..... . 25 W Orr 1 00 M r, .11. 'y 1(10 Mu.. i • . R. 0 6 00 Motet y,, 14 . no Mil ek.Mes . 00 M th•-•• , al .Agnes 00 M tr.•... . Mi- Msiy .... on M nto. IC • (10 lemma. al -a 10 11 et nt . IM -* 00 id.,..,.. , ill M Moll. 111 • M fie *nisi, . M .. lbsiald DO _THE SIGNAL GODERICH ONTARIO Mamba. Men J. li 10) 10(5' Megan. Doris 2 50') Murray, Mrs.' 2 i Morph). Conway 1 00 5151sursteihm..J50 Mali iali 1 00 Morrow, Thos. 50 %!organ. Mot John 1 Si Mingo, Mira 25 Muir, 1fre 50 Millian. Mn. I 00 abirray, Mr. 1 tin Mort -lab, Wm 2 00 tlurrIsh. M1141 L 1 00 Niihau. Mrs A 5 00 Murray, 11. It 1 00 alegaw, Frank 1 01 Mega -yr. R. 2 25 00 Millie°, Witt 1 00 Mabt.e. l'i. 5 DO MatItou. Wm. 10 00 Malian. J. 11. 2 00 McLachlan. dys 1 00 McKt.nzie. Mt 1 00 McKay. Mr. 25 McMahon. bliss 1 00 McLean, 1:obt 2.1 00 McNevin, Joe 1 041 McNee, Mr 50 Mc(5eatli. Mrs Win. Jr. 50 Mckeurie. Mrs 50 McItonald, Mrs 31) McMurehy, Mr WMcKay, R 101 0012451 14cCreatii, Mrs m McIntosh. Mee 1 00 McLean, W 1 00 Etc ',sod, Mitts Margaret 1 00 McConoruy. Mins F. E 1 00 McCreath, Mist. L 50 McNally., Miss Verna 1 00 McDonaid, D 10 00 hIcCreath, H. 1 01) McKay, Malcolm 0 00 McDonagh F 2 00 McClure, Mrs 1 00 AlcEwan Peter , 1 00 McArtlitii. Mr lifclilillistri. Mr tt; MeL.ean. W 5 00 McLean A. 1' ..., . 5 00 McKinnon.J 50 McVlear, Geo 3 00 McKay, 1). B ' 200 McPhee. Hugh 1 00 McDonald, Angus - 2 00 McPhee, James 1 so bleCracken. J 2.1 McNally, Mn 1 tio licKaRalRe • Geo1 00 Rev. Father- ... ...- 1 00 lacE wan Este* ...-----. 100 McLaren I) 2 00 4.40.0 00.41.00. Mc McKee, Mrs ..• 25 McLeod, John 1 00 Meteor, Mrs 50 -.. McDonald, P. 2 nO McCreath. W. J 1 00 McDonald, S. •••••• 50 McDonald, Mrs Norman ._ 1 00 McFarlane, Dr. 5 00 McDonald. Mrs 11 25 MoCresth. Wm. Er 1(3) McClacherty. 3 -, 00 McDermott, Thos 5 00 Malattle. Mrs 5 00 McLean. Miss Ruby 1 00 McEwan, J. J. 2 00 McCarthy, l' 1 00 McDona.ld, Mr 50 McFarlane, Mrs 5 00 McLachiln, A. 15 ...._ 1 00 McClinton. J. H 5 00 McClinton, Ada 1 00 McLeod. Ales ,I McKay, Mrs Robt 25 McDonald, Mrs 511 McDonald. Mr 25 McEwan. Mrs 50 McAuley. Mrs N 25 Mclvor, Mrs 25 McKay, Jno 2 OW 411404)••••••••••••••••••••••• MacEtvan Estate Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Any quantity hest all Maple tilaho, Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling (Cedar or Pine.) TELEPHONES. office95 residence • !a Or 68 • eneenite••••••••••••••••••aemmi Made in Kandyland "Chicken Bones" A vanilla shell with ground walnut filling. Dainty pick- ing, at per pound 30C "Turkey Bones" A cinnamon shell with chocolate centre. Espec- ially good, at per pound "kc "Pretty Pouts' A chocolate shell with nec- tar cream filling. Good eat- ing. at per pound 25c "Queen's Pudding" A maple cream pudding filled and iced with English walnuts, at per pound30c Opera Creme Caramel A delicious sugar creme made of dairy cream and granulated sugar and dip- ped in chocolate, at per pound cgireatiirr iltrvOirt-AP*0 J. E. ROBBINS Tr. tiandy Man Beeeespeor le T. J. Ralateld WSW* M McPhail, Mrs Jos. Wks), Lavas McCracken, J McLeod, Miss 1 McLeod, Miss • de •• Mies 8. McBala, R. N Mrs Ellen McDonald. Mho A kicKsY. Joie McPherson, Mn. McPherson, Miss Malan''', Charles. MOtaill, Mae McKay, Capt McKinnon, D. 11 hated, Mrs Niven., W Nairn, Jao. butt, Mrs Bea). Nilett, Mn W. 8 Nett toe, Mr ••••••••• • mom ....... 540(.11. Victor ......... Nicholson, De ' Naftt I. Mr D. Nicholsoe, Mine Nene'. Mrs W. Y. Nairn, Chas. A. New COM be, J. W. . Newell, Cleo Nevi comb,. H malty. Mrs. Brien& Legg, orms, Iles OsbeldeekieL A. Oke, J. 4 Osman A ....... • • • • N • • Pridham, W. C. Packwood, Mra Paltridge. A. .Y Powrle, James Parker, R Yellow, Mrs. Pinder, W.. l'owell, Alex Panzer, Max Platt, J. 8 Pladt, lire Gilbert Palmer. Wm. Powell, W. I Pipe. 1 Parana, G. L Phalen, Jotn P. Porter, Geo Proudfoot, Mrs Wm Protidfoot, Miss I l'orter, Mrs Andrew l'riee, Mrs Rees. Price. Mrs George Press. T. L Priddle, Mrs Polley, Miss Annie Ryan, P. J. Robertson, Mi.. 51 Robinson, Masi Robertson. C. M Robertson, W. R. Robertson. Mies liedlern, 14 lioterieon, J. it hyena, Roberta, Mrs Resale Roberts, Mr Mrt Rosa, Gordon Rowston, Mrs Robinson, Wry]. Robinson, Capt. C. IV Robinson. M. E. Rutledge, Mrs Tho Red Cross Red Croon. Robbin, Mr Robbins. M Reid, Mrs Jamieson Reid. 1) E. Reynolds. (' Rance, Mr Rix, Mrs Robertson, Olive Reid, C. A Robertson A. M. SwaMeld, Wm. Sproule. Mrs W Straiton, .1. W. ....... Squab, Geo.' Smith. \Ire G Spence. Mrs Sproule. David Sanderson, Mrs C Soimnon. Mrs .... Smith, James Symonds. Mrs Shepherd, Chas Sharne, Mrs Sperling. Roy Sharman, Mrs Wm. - Stevens. Mrs Wm Story. Jno. Sex•mith, E. Salkeld, Mos Stewart, Mrs Snitch, Broe Speiren, Mrs Sharman, Wm. Stoddart, Mrs Shepherd, Capt. Moser. Mies Stratton A. Smith, Mrs Wilmer Somertall, Miss Snazel, J. Saunders. C. K. Sande rP011. W (4wanson, M. Smith .1. W. Shearmis a, W. Spahr. .1. fitewart..1. 1) Stuniy. Thos. Somersall, Mr Sterliniz, Mist; Strachan. Wm. Sannd. rs, W. Freak Stewart, Geo Stothers, S. Stotbers, W. E. Swart.. (' Stewart.. Wm Sharman, Mrs 0. Bale. Mrs Sten corn lie. (leo. Sharma*. Mr .......... Sloggett. 11. E. Sturdy, 0. L. Stratton. Alex "(allows 111r0 Smith, Mr Shephard, Mn F. Stet en•on. Albert Siirrnan nag Sharman. Mrs Reg Swart'.. Thos. Strang, Miss Strang. Mimi Sanders.Nt, W Sharman. Wainer Sinclair. Mrs Smith. Miss Elam Thee. we. wart. John fleieeth. Wm Prowls Nelms threnerers 1111Skes. James. re. Mrs. Jos. .N A. a. It. R. ..... Silewass. &mars* illebool ..... C.._ 61416111 ----- Thomson, Ike J. I0 100 100 71 le 50 5. 5 80 150 SO 50 100 500 6 00 50 150 1 00 5 00 50 100 101) 100 100 1 00 5 00 100 50 60 00 2 00 100 100 50 .5 00 1 00 101) 25 sa 200 00 300 1 00 50 50 2 00 50 0.5 100 25 100 5 00 3 00 500 100 20 00 10 00 15 00 1 00 10 00 100 200 I 00 50 1 00 50 .50 100 100 50 ft)) 15 00 6 00 100 200 5 00 1 110 100 50 5 00 104) 1 01 1 00 1 00 5 00 5 00 so 25 50 500 10 00 5 00 1) 200 50 50 2.5 50 50 100 54) 100 I 00 50 100 .100 1 00 100 100 3 00 50 100 100 10 00 50 1 00 5 00 1 00 100 25 100 5 00 25 50 100 25 '201i 2 00 100 100 50 100 5 00 100 100 5 00 100 1045 5 00 104) .5 00 2 00 2 00 100 50 50 2.5 100 100 '1 00 1(5) 1500 200 Se a 05 50 100 160 100 100 4100 3.5 50 150 121 100 SO 50 11 OS 100 00 10 00 5. 150 One of the New "North - way" Suits THIS is one of the new "Northway" / Suits for Spring, and is but one of the many good things shown by these famous makers for the coming season. You can see these Suits in our ready-to-wear de- partment where %ye are showing some of the nattiest and most attractive tailored Suits and Coats for Women that have ever been in the store. This particular Suit is made in a good quality all -wool serge and can be had in either black or navy. The coat is lined throughout with either silk or satin. Altogether it is a Suit that will appeal to you both for its good style and wear- ing qualities. "Northway" Suits in many styles at $I6.50, $20.00, $23.50 and $26.50. "Northway"Coats in many styles and cloths at $10.00, $12.50, $15.00 and $20.00. Some Embroidery and Lace Bargains herr are two or three Extra Special Bargains in Tor- chon Laces and Swiss Embroideries, ordered niontli. and months ago or they could not be sold at these prices. Buy- all you are likely to need for sortie time to come, while you can get values like these. Torchon Laces 5c s(m),Arns English Torchon Laces, widths up to four inches. Dozens of neat and attractive patterns. g, splendid a raring qualities. Special per yard only Cambric Embroideries 15c 400 vards in this lot. Beautiful Swiss Embroidery Edging... in widths from three inches to eight inches. Nice fine Cambrics and Nainsooks with at- tractivespatterns. Special value at per yard 114C Embroideries at 5c just about the same quality at this latter price. Neat. narrow Edgings in very fine' quality. Will appeal to every lover of fitie Embroideries. Worth more ga... money. On sale Saturday at per yard New Embroidered Voiles Ettnhbi,rozieverky.. New Entbroidered .St.p.veriaoltputiew designs re. At per yard.eived I ..PI•It..1 Yard Wide American Percales Light and dark blue grounds. l'er 11 IL DIRECT IMPORTERS GODERICH, ONTARIO Apprentices Wanted We want two apprentices to irain the millinery and one to learn the dressmaking. Those who have had some experience in sewing preferred. Applv at once. Umbrellas Re-covered Get ready for spring shower. by- •haling a new top put un your old umbrella. Von can have practicali:, any.quality you like and at a very moderate.cost. New Milhnery All 'Tad:, to show you new Millinery styles any da‘. 11)00 want your Spring Hat early,. we can give it 1' you now. Big shipments received this week make otir stock complete with all the season's novelties. DRESSMAKING DEPARTMENT Re -opens Tuesday. March 1 4th Miss Coutts Will retarn fiom her vacation on Monday and be ready to receive cus- tomers 00 Tuesday, March lit h. Hodgens Bros. Thomson. J. F. Thompson. Wm Thomas, Mrs C. Tweedy, Mrs Chas. Travers, Mr F. Tye. Mrs Thornton, Mrs Thompson, Mrs Traveller Thompnon, W Tweedy, C. Thomas, Miss Trussler. J.. W. Tiffin, Jno. Taylor. Wm Tabb, Thos. Townsend. A. Tufford. Mrs Taylor, Jim Troy, Mrs Trill:1bl)% Ed Thompson, Mrs G Temple. G. Taylor, Dr. Treble, Mr Tom, .1 E. Trotheasa, Capt. Toole. B. Tait, Miss Thomas, J. V 2 00 100 21 50 100 1 00 50 25 15 100 100 75 100 (40 25 1 00 1 0) 1,0 50 so 2 co 2 00 400 5 00 50 5 05) 5 00 2 00 100 100 Up-to-date Plumlling This is what you want inlyour house or place of business. Don't let anybody put yon off with tile inferior kind that is al- ways cawing inconvenience and trouble. When you have s Plumb- ing job to be done, call in Fred Hunt HAMILTON STeReT FRONK 136 5. Tait, R. Townsend. B. Taggart, Mr Tharlow. Mn Thom man, Adam Thurlow. Miss 1 Townsend, B. Town of Goderich 'ProCeeds 31000 note 914-55 100 100 25 00 1 00 50 100 52 67 10 100 1 00 3.5100 II 00 155 100 15 50 50 50 2 (5) 5 00 50 100 100 2 00 60 100 2 00 r. 00 100 3 00 1 0(1 100 110 25 10(1 100 100 200 100 5 00 25 104) 50 5 00 100 so 101) 200 230 00 5214(4 50 25 A 00 100 100 10 00 110 1440 100 1 00 SO 1 al ictoria School Vroornan Mrs Vollmershausem E. Videan. Mi... B. V rooman . Wm. Vanstone, N'anatter Naftel rt. -auxin. 1 Videan. James wright. Mr Waite. Mee Williams. Mr. Geo. Wetmore. WM Y. Wootton, Thom. Wallace, W. W. Webster, Mrs W...... Miss Whitely. 0. C. Wallin, T. R Walters, Mrs M. Winters. Mrs Whiting. Kim waiters & Co. Worsen, C. Watson. Fred Webater. Mn Wetness, Blanche Weir, Fred Webeter, A. Wiison. B. Warnock, Wm. Wallace, H. S. Warrener T. Weil.). Jan Wigh E. R Webb. Mn M.o. • Me...-. Wilkins, A. Weller. 8..... Wilson. !Int Jos. D Westbrook. Dee. --- - Winter... A -- Walbenk•C Whitely, Dr. . -- Westerly Canada Flour KUM co. .. Employees of W. C. Flour MTh. Employees, W. C. Flour Wills (2 Pi) Williams. Geo. --- Watson, Mr Woolccesbe. Mr Wellaos, Mn Wes......-- Weemons. Nt..-.- Weems. H. L. Weasels. Verife...... Waimea. Min Too 41 Walter. Miss 2 00 Walker, Mins E 1 00 Wanton. l' It 1 00 Women's Institute (Goderich Branch Miss M. E. Salkeld )lecy.) ,. 10 00 Woods, 0 '2 00 Wootton. Miss ft 1 00 Walters, Miss 13. 50 Williams. Rohl. 1 00 Waltent. Thos, 1 00 Weston, 1). 1 00 Wiggins. John 2 00 Warrener, E. A 1 01) Washington, Mime 1 00 Wooton, Florence 1 00 Walters, Della 25 Wells, My rtic 54) Wornen•s Institute (Mrs E.Young Secy.) 10 00 Young, lira Wm. 25 Young, James 25 TOungbi01, Mrs 50 Young, ft J 1 00 Young, Mrs Harvey 2 00 Young. F. 1 00 Yates, J. 2 00 Yonng. Robt. 2 00 Young. Joh. ao Youngson. Mr 1 00 Youngson. Miss 1 00 Yates, Mow (8. 8. No. 2 Col borne Tp.I 4 00 Young. L.. ... 2 00 *Young. Ben 1 00 Yates. 5 11 1 00 No Name DI•. 1 1 00 No Name Div. 1 1 00 No Name Dir. 1 60 Flag Div, 2 0.3 Notlame Di...6 115) Rank Interest 13 Os C. Total 1355s 05 Hy Printing ,t Ad.. 23 77 Amount remitted $35.115 11011AI 81 YEARS DUI la& Street By noel Oreenvilis. R. C.,--•• I waist 04•0111 1 know.( &D ' 110•1018 I have livid ham Vint I am 111 pews end Vinci bee glom me elmmith. bealtity appetite sad evensame sm. it is Ohs hest heeds elemetor 1 emir t"-MnmeM. Hammen. 'WI es a eelieleue fed Over i deleseeme no Olewe. bee male wIlkeue el.perreseeed me Om dwells =It DueMes, Drugniet. Goderleh