HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-9, Page 6Tit'asOAT 111 L a H 9, 19111
Stopped Most Terrible Suf-
fering by Getting Her Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegeta-
ble Compound.
Denison, Texas. -"After my little
girt was born two years ago 1 began 'buf-
fering 'with female
trouble and could
hardly du my work.
1 was very nervous
but just kept drag-
ging on until last
summer when I got
where 1 could not do
my work. I would
have a chill every
day and hot Rashes
and dizzy spells and
niy bead would al -
moat bunt 1 got where I was almost
a walking skeleton and life was a burden
to me until one day my husband's step-
sister told my husband if he did not do
something for me 1 would not last long
sent told him to get your medicine. So he
got Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com-
pound res me. and after taking the first
three doses I began to improv... I ron-
tinued its use, and !hate never had any
female trouble sin.•e. I feel that 1 owe
gay life to you and your remrdiee. They
did for me what doctor4 could not do
and I will always praise it wherever I
go "-Yrs. G. 0. Lowest', 119 W.Moo-
terry Street, Denison, Teas.
If you are suffering from any form of
female ills, get a bottle of Lydia E.
Pkakbaat's Vegetable Compound. and
commence the treatment without &I.7 -
Domestic economy represents not
oily theft end the evoidance•nt wast•.
but it also oboe. the way which lead•
toa healthy body -Princess Louise.
!inches of Arg' 11.
it God gave you gaiety and cheer of
►pmts lift up the careworn by it.
\ t'berever you go.hise and sing. In
every household there is drudgery. In
every household there is sorrow. -
Henry Ward Beecher.
Unless Rooted 'Jut of the
System it Grows Worse
and Worse.
some diseases give immunity from
another attack, but rheumatism work.
just the othrt, way. Eyre y attack of
rheumatism in.ite. Another. Worse
than that it reduces the body'. power,
S o that each attack is worse than the
rme before. If any disease needs, cur-
ing roily it is rheumatism, but their
are few di.ease. physicians find more
difficult to treat successfully. %Vet
weather does not c wee rheumatism as
wire nice thought. though weather
renditions may „tart the aches and
pain.. litres met ism i -i now known to, be
• dependent upon the blood condition and
nodical authoci,ies agree that the
blond Iw ,.'nes thin with alarming ra-
pidity a.. rheu,nati..udevelops.. M•in-
taining lite quality of the blood i,.
t herefore, a reareinxble way of prevent
ing and curing rheumatism. 1'bat i.
works out in tart a shown by (he bents
tleial reemit• which follow a fair use of
Dr. wilhatns' fink Pilla. Thew pill•
actually make new, rich blood which
drives out the rheumatic poison. ant'
while the blood is kept in this condi-
tion there is no danger of the troubl •
returning. M!. W; T. 'Pell. Palermo,
Ont., say* :-'•I was attacked with a
trouble which ws ultimately pro-
nounced rheumatism. (Often 1 wit -
barely able top crawl into bed, and
/seldom able to do a full day's work. In
this condition 1 doctored for a year.
absolutely- getting no better. Then 1
consulted another doctor whose chi. -1
Gonadal ion was that unless I could get
rid of the trouble. I would he a :Tipple
for life. De prei.crihed diet.rg, and
doctored with hint for et least
months, but instead of getting relief I
became weAl.er. and leo able to Re,
Around. Then 1 decided to try • d."•
tor 'In Toronto, and was under hi-
t•eatmeni for about four months w ii b
no better results. 1 Rave up the doc-
tors and tried other remedies whirl)
were equally futile. Then use day our
storekeeper rept rte a Fart of D..
Williams' Pink Pill.. saying that if
they did not help rue 1 need not pat
for them. i took them and then go,
sone more and foetid they were help-
ing me. 1 pr..tal.ly used COP worth
before 1 felt fatty cued, but they dud
cure me and wen•' cheap an c•.wpwnd
with the other Irraiments which dot
not b.Ip aye.' The rune wa. made
.everal sent. a..'. end 1 have not Ted
A twinge of rheunr.t.-m ...nee. Today
1 am well anti Hwang and 1 believe]
owe it A11 to i),. Wile.....w Pool P.l*.'
You can pet thew pi1M tbromeh nee
sedieisw Teale- or by Mail. re let psi •
at 60 rents w bus or ell bias 6a i2.fel
frog The D . Wiltteaa 111 didne C .
Brookville, O..t.
Monte of u- xr• ynnn, lung after (1 .
calendar nook us nM. dad o Mr.
'old before the oat- odes mark. u a old
Mr. A Toth.
In onm l+. i.nn with the Celine= and
other terra the K i i .h G •... Alrpeeb
have managed: the t, earn, Wee WI'(,
the greatest 'kill ever known. -M .
Toe Cam Swore a Paid=
if you take a tussis with us The de
mond epee as fox trained help L. many
times the number graduating. Sto-
deetm are entering each week Yost
may ester at oily time Write at once
fee our free cataloger.
11. A. VIOLA. BUM. reendp.l
The House of the
C.stese . Iola.
y Awe k.et.afa. a•hw.
Nevertheless tt was a night virtually
wasted. He lei mod nothing mon
than what was revealed by that ore
slight movement on the part of the
The driving' In of the farmer, and
the awakening of fife In the market
and all the stir It oerasloned inside the
house and out prevented sleep even if
be bad been Inclined that way. Soon-
er than was expe"ted ot..blm, s000er
than was wise, perbapa. be was on O1*
feet and peering out of the one small
window this most dismal day room
roalained. He bed not mistaken the
outlook. It gate o0 to the alley and
all tbet was amble from behind the
curtain• where he stood was tbe high
brisk. windowless wall of the neigh-
borinJ; noose. Iie turned back into the
room, drsgu.,ted, then crept 10 the w1s-
dow again. and. softly raising the
sash. cast one of his ltgbtning glances
up and down the alley. Then be softly
let the meats fail agate and retreat-
etreated to the renter of the room, where 0. 1
stood for a moment with a growing
smite of inteWgeoee and hope on lib
face Be bad detected elaee agate*
tire aide of the wall • box or hand-
cart Rill of empty bottles. It gave Olga
an idea. With an Impetnestty be
would have criticised 1s another gall
he Bung bimself oat of the room b
whleb be had been for eo many bonus
confined and, rowing face to face with
toe landlady standing 1a unexpected
wateb before the door. found tt a
strain on bb nerves to testaotiy r
some the sullen. vaguely abused air
with which he bad derided to leave
the bottae. Nevertbelers be made the
attempt and if be did not emceed to
his own satisfaction be evidently did
to ben, for sbe made 1.40 eQort to stop
him as be stumbled out sod In her
final look, which tie managed with
some address to tntereept be perrely•
ed nothing but relief. What bad been
to her mud -tear for him or fear toe
tbemeetvesT Fie felted not deride 0n -
til be. bad rummaged that ran of tot.
We Hut bow wsn be to do this with -
sat attracting attention to bin eft it
a way be still tet to be endue -abut
When Tater In the day a certain old
peddler went his rounds through thin
portion of the city a disreputable Wok-
ing fellow accompauled Ohm whom
even the sharp landlady la Cuthbert
road would bay failed to recognise
as the same gaga wbo had occupied
Use snuggery the night before. He was
many hours on the route and bad
many new experiences esti human
nature. But be gained little else and
was conslderlag with what words be
should acknowledge 01. defeat •t po-
lice beadquarten obeli be found him-
self again at the market sad a min-
ute later im t0• alley wbere the cart
stood, the cooteats of which 0e bad
seen moiler 1a t0• day.
He had followed the peddler bees
bemuse be had followed him to every
Ober back door and alley. Bat he
was tired and bad small interest In the
tart which looked quite undisturbed
and In exactly the ane condition •z
whim be turned Ws bark upon It to
the morning. But ',bee be drew near-
ee and began to Mod a hand In remov-
ing the bottles to the wagon be dim
covered that • bottle had been added
to the p11e and that *hie bottle bon
the label wblrb marked tt .a beteg
else of the two which had been taken
from the clubhouse as the night of
the murder.
• • • • • • •
Tb. Tamp In the coroner's room shoes
dally on fife perturbed faces of three
maxims men Tber bad been talking
dareer.tly sod lots, bot were now Impa-
tiently •walting the appearance of •
fourth p.rt7
The district attorney courted the
light and at where be wonld be the
Inn erten by any one entering Far-
arthen beet and rattier brined the lamp
than In front of It stood or met •s his
ellsthewnese prompted Coroner Perry.
the nld mend of Amapa Cumberland.
with whoop acs be bed now to da
B ehind nim and atilt farther In the
shadow .,,mid be acne the outer figure
of Seeww•ter All rnont.d the milit-
in-ate• and all showed relief, the coroner
by a prod sigh 'then the door finally
opened end as otheer appeared follow-
ed b. roe 4aoging form of Adelalde'a
Anbar Cumberland had come o•wpi-
rgly •0d tile db.w•ttsfartion did sot
Illnp1w•e its aurally beery coast -
rare -i rail this bard." be buret
Beeth '-lir Mace 1s at borne mod at
ill. 0.stetde of my emfferiag siner. sad
you drag we down hen .t 9 e•cloek at
nigh, to •newer gevwttnne abort things
of whk•b 1 am •,impo•tMy tgeanst
r.. sake •11 1 have res say above the
trembly wi1M Das •o,n. hien my fate
*17 het If •anther •epetltlen •t till
Bear 'Mnp will nelp to rnnv et lbat
aryeedny who eais heenken gip mly
home and made me rte" ',retried**
Meg sew. 'bee I'ew '..dv to task De
S ee es..eed i0' Perryand lets be
dime Imo K •
-ese *own ' .epn.dt reg dhrtriet M
tereev enrol• wee s persue► ef d1
sauna I M tbe •AI• et • M r (`mSal
Weil r Mw. spared yw Se en Mt
1 misting links rt1U to be aoppued. sad
Oita Is why we have summoned you
Dere and ask you to be patient Red
Ore the dtserkt attorney a little cleats
er eccoaot of what went on In your
own house before you broke up t0at
evening and yon went to your de-
nser!) and roar •Inter Adelaide to Der
death at the N n.•ne"ring eines.
SOMETHING went on at dinner
Woe. It was not a weal meal,"
put 1n the district attorney.
"Yoe and your sister."-
titopl Don't talk to me about that
dinner. 1 want to forget that dinner.
1 want to forget everything bat 10e
two things 1 Ilse tor -to see that fel-
low banged and to"- Tb. words
cboked tem, sad be let his bead tail
but presently threw It op again. 'That
dastard, whom may God confound,
passed a letter across Adelaide tab
Camara band." be panted out " I
saw blurt bot t didn't take It is 1
wasn't thinking. 1 was" -
"Wire brute the glasses," urged its
mimed*. Inquisitor, -one at your
plate, one at Carrel's and one at the
Dead of W board where .It your Mi-
ter Aselalder
"host 1 tell these things? Dave tt,
tbeol Decree knows 1 think of tt
aaoost not to be afraid to speak tt
mu la worth. Adelaide never Dad
touch petieoee with me Sbe was a
girl wbo only saw one way. wirier 1
wanted pigment. ■ free time .ad •
goad debt wbeoever tbe fancy took
us Toe know what 1 atm. Dr. Perry,'
and everybody In town knows. bot the
taper, wbirb 0as always ruled m•
was set • dewsrtgbt evil one. or if It
was 1 earned It Datum tadepeudenrs
earn let It go •t that But Adelaide
setfelued. 1 didn't esderettad It, and
1 meat care a es for 1t bot els did
seder tied forgive mer
He stepped sod mopped his Teem
wed "That aReraooa." be pxemeotts
rairoated, "Moe was keyed es met
lbaa usual S0• loved Ree►lagb. ma
he had Pelee or was ptytag Mar
Ikea ale sew him Mt et (kraus&
Hold rel Mw Carmel leek at Mia
r• bee eyes MI es ma 1 was aw
pi-ati ry at Wpm a1 -♦ad 1 waned
• drab. it was set Mer babe to Maya
w0. ow MMe able. bee eimetfmes
oma 1BmMaab was rhes sbe ea
Sbe was a Idem to ■eae.lage 'lase
10. bolt' 1 awaited. fwd Mea to gib
i0p•gmi 1 wave M Mat es your
mimed" •M *M Mom days m mew
pert tar em as it wan leanest. •a! 1
Mow R bit 1 was ro at.sl and w1a
time for two
were In great
Only Fine, Fiavoury Teas
are used to produce the famous
blends. Every leaf is fresh, fragrant
full of its natural deliciousness. Sold
in sealed packets only. B 107
for the were, tlo. t Enema. wail Hams -
very good reeeees. rose Ugh. for be smiled at her, and abs
trouble, and you appear rung for the champagne. Wheel the
gleams had been set beside each plate
she turned toward Carmel 'W• will
'1 gait. lis wee." ma meet Irma
epi to be 1n 10e possession et no teats -
rimy wlleb would tmatertally belp bra
But smatters Oave cbaaged dace yet
held coovert•tlon with Dr Petry oa
the day following your sisters decease.
You have laid that sister away. the
will whish makes you an independent
mine for ate has been read to your
bearing, you are to as much mese of
mind as you can be while yonr re-
maining sister's life bangs trembling
In the balance and. more tmporteet
still, discoveries not made before the
funeral have been made since, render-
ing tt very desirable for you to enter
Into partIenlate at this prexeot mo-
ment !bleb were not thought neees•
sary then "
"Particulars? Wbat particulars?
Dool you know eoougb as It 1s to
bang the fellow? Wasn't be seen with
his fingers oD Adelaide's thrust? Wbat
can 1 tel you that Is any more dam-
agtag than that? 1'artieulan!" The
word seemed to irritate tilos beyond
"We cnn understand." said tbe cor-
oner. -why you sbourd feet so strong-
ly agalm.t one wt:o bas divided tbe
hearts of yonr sisters nod played with
one It not with botb Hut there are
all drink,' Ow said. 'ro my coming
marriage.' Tbis made Carmel turn
pale, for Adelaide bad never been
known to drink • drop of liquor 1R
her Ufa I telt • tittle queer mywrelf.
and not este of w spoke till the glasses
were fined and the maid bad lett the
dieing room and abut the door.
-me Adelaide roes. 'We will drink
atand4.' said a0e, sod never had 1
seen bur leek as the did then. She
drank. Ws wouldn't can It drinking.
for she lust toorbed *be wine web
ber tips, bot to Der It was debauch.
Theo she stood welting. with the
strangest gleam is per eyes, while
Remotest drained 0b glans and 1
dratted mime f:iDelach tbongbt she
'wanted some sentiment •od started to
way something appropriate, but bis
age fell oo Carmel, woo bad tried to
drink • od couldn't. sad 0e Debris'
over Mb words and at last etme to a
pause under the steady titan of Ade-
laide's eyes.
"Never tsled. Elwood-' abs meld.
'1 know what you would Uke to sly.
But titers Dot what I am thinking of
sew. I am thinking of my brotber.
the boy wbo will soon be left to rod
to way throne tits without even 10e
mew•icome restrI1nt of my presence.
I want Ida to remember 10,1 day. t
want Mia to eoember me as 1 stand
bore before 0ta wltb this glass In my
bawd You see wine In It Arthur; but
I see robes. Carmel. yen bas. "elev-
ed as well as 1 over what has palmed
for pleasure 1n this hoose. Do as 1
do, and may Arthur we and remem-
'Her fingers opened: the glass fell
from her band and lay In broken frig
meets beside her plate Carmel rot
lowed soft and, before 1 knew It my
own finger, bad opened and my own
glass lay In pieces on the tablecloth
beneath me Only Ranelagb's band re-
malned "steady. Sbe beld her breath.
watching that band. and 1 can bear
the Asp let wolf whkh she saw Otm
set his glass down quietly on the
board That's the story of those tires
broken glasses."
The district attorney sought out and
lifted a paper from the others lying on
the desk beton blm. it was the first
movement be bar made since Comber
land began his tale.
"I'm sorry," Bald be. web • rapid
examinetlon of the paper 1n kis band.
"bot 1 •ball bate to detain you a few
minutes Wager. 'What bappeoed atter
the dinner? Where did yea go from
the table?
-I went to my room to ameba 1
was upset and thirsty .a a flab."
"Have you liquor In your room?
"Did you bays any that olgbt?
"Nota drop 1 didn't dart I want-
ed that ehampagos bottle. bat Adelaide
bad been too quick for me 1t was
thrown out -wasted -I do believe, wast.
"So you did not drink? You only
smoked In your rooms
"Smoked one cigar That was an.
Theo I went down town."
"May 1 ask b7 obeli door you left
(be boomer
"The stde door -the ese 1 atw•ys
take "
"Wbat overre•t did you wear?"
"1 don't remember. Tb. Ont one I
came to. 1 stir ,owe"
"Bet you can sorely tell what tsar
They elperted a violent reply. and
they got It
"Ne. 1 can't Wbat bum my hat got
to do with the guilt of Elwood Rase-
"Nothing. we bops" was the Impar-
t•rtn1*. *Moss. "Bet w. and 1t see
emery to ettabllab absolutely 7p
Inuit overcoat and what bat yea were
Brun street that siert-
-I've told yogi tyat I don't remem-
ber." The young seta's color was tits
`Are net these tis weer queried
the Metric* attorney. tasking • etre to
Sweetwater. wbo Iattts.dletety ■teppad
forward, with a stubby giid ulster over
01e arm and • Mttseed derby Ia W
The roma men started. resat ties
sat again, shooting out will angry ea
"Yet you recognize these!"
"Why shouldn't I? They're mina
Only 1 don't wear them any more.
Tberre does for. You must have
[rooted them out from some closet"
']try Cumberland." -lbs district at-
torney was very •ertous-"this bat and
this cwt old aa they are. were worn
into town from your house that night
This we know absolutely We can
even trace them to the clubbouse."
lescbaolcally, Dot spontaneously this
time, the young man roes to his feet
staring Ofet at the mac wbo had sit -
feted these words, them at the gar-
toents which Sweetwater still held in
"1 dost know anything about ht"
were the words wltb which be sought
to escape from the net which had been
thus deftly cast •bout him. -I didn't
wear the things. Anybody can tell
you what clotbes 1 came home in.
Bandage may hare borrowed"-
"Ranelagb wore bis own cwt and
bat kir Cumberland. you have told
us that you didn't know at the time
and can't remember now. when you
spent that night and most of the De=b
morning. AU you can remember 1s
that it was in tome place where they
let you drink all you wished and leave
wbeD the fancy took you, and not he -
fore It was none of your tartest
haunts You dreaded to have your
sister know bow soon you could es-
cape toe influence of that moment
You wished to drink your fill and leave
your family none the wiser. Am I
Dot rights
"Yes. It's plain enough, isn't It?
Wby harp on that string?"
"You cannot remember the saloon
in which you drank. That's possible
enough, but perhaps sot can remem-
ber what they gave you. Was 1t
wbfskv, rum. absinth or what?" 1`
The goeetlon took his irritable Its. I
toner by surprise. Arthur gawped and
Med to steal some comfort from Coro-
oar Perry's eye. bot that old Mead%
this was toe moat lin the shallow.
I drank -absinth." be cried at last
"From this bottler queried the oth-
er, motioning again to Sweetwater,
who now broorbt forward the bottle
be bad picked up to Cuthbert road.
Arthur Cumbertaod stewed at the
bottle the detective held ap. mew the
label, saw the shape and sank Ump(y
In tee ebalr,;bis eyes starting, kis JsW
"Where did you get that?" be embed.
palling himself together with males!
desperate .elf poem/meow
"That" answered the district atter-
nes, "was reeked op at • small betel
on Cuthbert road. ?oat beck of the
markets, Dot tar from the Whispering
"I don't know the place"
"ICs not a high class resort. Oct see
Met mouth by • long shot to have
this brand of liquor to its cellar.
There were only two bottles of tt IBR
10 the chebboess w0ee the inventory
was last takes. flow two bottles
are sow gone, and" -
'Tide M er of them? La that what
yes want to say? Wen. It may be for
all I know. i ekiri carry tt theta I
didn't have the drinking of IL"
"We have moo the man and woman
woe keep that boot They Ida 1010
u they ha.. tel"
"they w1D? lite dogged self row
steabs rather •statd•bed them -Well.
that *tight to please you. t v. noth-
4 Se do "Fitt the mutter"
A eManse bad taken place to him
The Irritability approaching to rio-
lence wbk b had •tteoded every
speer'b and Infused fewer Into every
movement dace be came Into the
room bed left bin 14. spoke quiet-
ly Rad with . touch of booty 1n his
"Thea t 0•.. Do doubt bet you will
do us this favor' volunteered /tweet -
water b 0b pleasantest maser "it's
tot • long walk from beer. Wpb yon
go Mere in my mammy. with your
cwt sellar palled op and veer bet well
down ever your .ey.w and ask for a
w t to the aeggery and show them
101. borne? T0ry wont knee !bat It'.
empty Th. nee 0. •hnrti lied the
wears SatWOgMe rhet wlh wile that
yes are a owreaser and admit you
Mdlly Tbey are nosy .hs of etre
seas the men wee, drank there en the
able of year emetee. murder -
-Tw ra a old-M'h. traso 0Hh n
•sero of bla Mnoe Het. malls
ieg. preempt. lbs• tee awe. -r. were 1s
• tree he seedined 01. m,nwer •pis
h ad recall/Moe • .r• •lubcly "rile Is
se Md "owes, .• make 1 weal go
with tiro to tin.• We drinking heft
e 01.ve ,'see nuke no. Ler 111 -weer--
ton t ■wows' .r 4 eno,e.esinary bo
eat tette stook. We w.w.dn t beilere
yea And Y wroe tw root seeing per
Nei ., Ili. rent
. wootdel leets.►. see'
-t.• lee haw• syn-.ew my boy
• .eir
ntbr► b,. tree Owned Deafer
•at'• • trick Toe'," an p tw
• •' Is fila •. s *r+ sir lit eat.
*Direst you in memory of Mr rattler
to be candid with os. W bays ars
rested • man. He denies 0b guilt, but
tan produce oo witnesses 1a support
of 01s asaertloaa Yet such witnesses
may exist Indeed. we t01ok that one
such doss exist The man woo took
the bottles from the clubhouse's wail
fault did so within a few minutes of
the time when this crime was perpe-
trate' on your sister. Ile should be
able to gine valuable testimony fur or
sgain.t Elwood Itaueligh.•'
"Tits is awful!" Timor Cumberland
had risen to his feet and was sway-
ing to and fro before them Uke a man
struck between the eyes by some mad-
dening blow.
"If I had only died that night.!" be
muttered, with his eyes upon the floor
and every muss
cle tense with
the shock of this
"Dr. Perry. let
tae go for to-
night. lot M
think. iffy brats
Is all In a whlei
i1* try to aim
ewer tomorrow."
Bot even as be
spoke be re-
eslued the tett
ty of 0b request
Ma eye had ran-
ee again On Bre
bottie,.•sod la Rs
shape and tell-
tale label be be
"is 1 MAD OnLT nate bald • witness
racer ethers pound to testify
•galnat hien 1f be kept silent himself.
"Don't answer," he went on. "I
may as well own the truth and be
done with ►t I was In the clubhouse.
I didirob the wine melt i did carry
off t0e bottles to have a quiet spree.
and tt was to some place on Cuthbert
road I went Rot when I're admitted
so much Vv, admitted all I mew
nothing of my sister's murder, mew
nothing of what went on In the rooms
upstairs. I crept In by the open win-
dow at the top of the kitchen stairs,
and i came out by tbe same. I cooly
wanted the liquor. and when 1 got it
I slid out as quickly an I could and
made my _way over the golf links to
the road."
The district attorney's voice soaoded
thin. almost piercing, as he made this
"Yon entered by an open wfodow.
Why didn't you go In by the doors
"I hadn't the key. I had only ab
strarted tbe one which opens the wine
vault. The rest I left ❑ the ring. it
was the sight of thio key lying on our
ball table wbleb first gave me the
Mee . i feel like a end when 1 think
of It. Ant that's of no account now."
Flushed, he slowly sant beet into
his set No complaint now of being
, Inn berry or of his anxiety to errata
his sick sister's bedside. Be seemed
to have forgotten those fears in the
perturbations of the moment Hb
mind and interest were there; every-
thing else bad grown dim with d1s-
"Did you try the front door?
."What was the use? I knew tt to
ho locked."
"What was the ase of trying the
window? Wasn't It also, presumably,
locked r
The red mounted bot and feverish to
bis cheek. •
"You'll think me no better than •
street archin or something worse." be
exclaimed. "i knew that window. F
had been through It before. You can
move that lock with your knife blade.
I had calculated on entering (bat
way. ,.
"Nr. BYOeIag4's story receives con-
firmation." commented the Mallet at-
tof e7, wheeling suddenly toward the
eerooer. "He says that be found this
window unlocked when be apprweb.d
It with the Idea of escaping that way."
Arthur teimb.Aand remained un-
The di trtet attorney wbeeted belt
'There were a number of bottles
taken tram the wine vault Some half
11111111111111, Ithsaaatiss and Diopsy.
Ellteey. Btedd•r and the Acid troubles
bring misery to essay. W0en the kldn.ys
are weak or diseased, these na W rill titian
do not cleanse tbe blood sufflcleenUy, and
the poems are serried b all parte of tee
body. There follow depre.,lom, aches
and palm, he•yloeru, drowsiness, irrita-
bility,besdac0se, anilines'msod rhea-
alIn some people there are sharp
palm la the back and Iona distressing
udder disorders and sometime, obstin-
ate dropsy, The uric .cid sometimes
toes into or kid wMstones. When
jotnta. M canna- Ioabago, rbetim$U.m,d
gout or sciatica This 1s the erne to try
• Rennes Seed lee for trial package.
Dmg digesttoo. Id Y bx
late *0. system frommere mee►t even,abaorandd
even from nese vegetable& Tee poor
kldreyt la i eka
t Yewd aid bscbe begins.
Tidfwd time to take •Anur1
the new iscovery of Dr. id -
trouble gad Racket-be.Netteforrrted
kidney trouble is respenalble for many
deaths, and lsten►aee Corneae yumin-
lag dinetor always test e water of an
•yplleaat before s pulley will be leveed.
Hay yea Mer th
met asides bntee i1 water
teuety ffeur emirs? A beavy wade
ft aesmeumes lode -awe kid-
Etroebiire true nature and char
r of dbp•s Tiree•&especially!those of t0•
ed by urinary
rgans, cam oarefol chestiest atenn-
1rla and sicriz eopk'a! etrnte
alnaon -
this Is dem by expert cbeml.0 of the
Medical Stager the. Invalids' Hos. It
yea wee ie know your condition lend •
ample of er watto Doctor Pewee's
le tis' Rotel•, Buffalo, N. Y. sod dos
retie e/meInfirm
roe omIt bell be a-
P0y imam I
0 ng
mom retreats t
P>fey •R Moot yes,. k7
554 all yygg� ref ►
resin In 10.'( MOO Ms.
Sar sib ;VT -IL . Flees of
Regulate Kldweys
Relieve Oonstlpatiea
Gin P1112 are acknowledged to ham I0.
.largest r4 ur say proprietary medicine 1.
dyads -.a achievement solely due to lire,
remarkable .fetes as a Kidney sad Bladder
But merit of Gi. Pills have discovered that
Otis invaluable remedy a!r acts •• • mile
Cathartic The evidence of bu•dred• et letters
we have received ewbbJes the very logical
het that .a tom ed/.g a mrdrtioe to ...1
Nod_ 1..o up lie Inane a a.d Bladder certals
1 the ingredients have • stimulating caret
Mos lie other organ, especially the bone/a.
It is important to ksow, in the env* of cow
Tooted patients. that (Oa Pills du ■.a act
harshly on the bowels, there u no gn(d.g,
hot • gradual and `Hite .eetwos .l. .1 the
feartw.. sly Iain FII• for con.t.p■tios. 1a
thus reneeing the bowels. you .Jeg.ard year -
sett against wow hie )(Wintry trouble.
Gin Hlls •re 50c. • be, or e bores for sin
a. your deal.,.. A teal treat:ueat will be
sat epos r Noon, to
National Drug & Chemical Co.
of Canada, Limited, Toronto.
down were left on the kitchen table.
Why did you trouble yourself to carry
op eo many?"
"Because my greed outran my con-
venience. 1 thought I could lag away
an armful but there are Smits to meg
ability. I realized this when 1 re-
membered how tar 1 bad to go and se
left the greater part of them behind."
"Wby, when you bad a team reedy
to carry your
"A -I bad no team" Bot the denial
est him something. Elis cheek last
lb ruddiness and took on a sicktt
white whleb did not leave It again O
long as the interview tasted.
"You bad Do team! Ilow then did
you manage to reach home In time be
make your way back to Cuthbert road
by half past 11 T'
'I didn't go borne: 1 went straight
across the golf links. If fresh .noes
hadn't fallen you would have sees
my tracks all the way to Cothiere
"If fresh .now had Dot fallen we
should bare known the whole story of
that night before an Dour had passe&
new did ynn sassy those bottle?'
"Ip my overcoat pockets. -these
pockets-" be blurted out, clapping hhe
hands on either side of atm.
"Had It begun to snow when your
left the clubboeser
"Was It dirks
1 gases Dot; the links were bright oar
day. or I shouldn't bare got over these
as quickly as I did"
"Quickly? Flow quickly?" The dime
trlct attorney stole a glance at the
coroner, which made Sweetwater ad -
vanes R step from his corner
"I don't know. 1 doter Dodershand
these gnestioas." was the wiles re -
"Yee walked qulekly. Does that
mean you didn't look barks
"How Wok bark?"
"Your sister 11t a rand*. le toe small
room where her en.t wax found This
tight aboeld nave been visible from the
golf links"
"I didn't nee nery nine "
A few more rleeetlona followed, but
May were of mttt.w Twiner nee aruugsdt
Ilex violet,. . gee-
fee of the etamin•ttoa ft time 11
night be called. tram over
The oseaser reneedm••eiegiy at
the Metier attorney. wbo. tappleg
With Itis fingers oo the table. beattated
for a moment beton. be deafly Mimed
Meta apes Artbor Cumberland
'Yoe wish to return to your slater?
You are at liberty to do so 1 will trou-
ble you no more (onight Tour Webb
M at the door I prenume "
They watched him go verb as Wail
as M. The rorwer tried to speak. bet
smcesedld no better than the boy bine
maf. When the door opened melee Ids
band they all sh..wed reliefbat were
starti•d back Into ewer ewers' alas -
dna by his terse., suddenly la the
doorway with the. final remark:
"What did yew may ebreat • bottle
with • swim Mire on 1t b110g (Dead
et ewe worse? 1t sever was. er. if It
was, es.e Mbw Iwo hoe* playing yew
a trick. 1 earvled .Cat Moir two bottle,
sem* * One rot, ore thee.. the ether
1s -I caa'1 tete wits• tree 1 didn't take
It Mesa flat yew can bet no"
One gage kook wet..4 by a heavy
thews sad • Mier eTuwtatsg enwa/ M
Mas tb♦tab-was h may lave bees h
wee at sestair rnwdh. red be we
A few ere sow*aane,. med...tesde
4 me to, flee morrow sod Pweetwe ler
was ata rima" 1 ate Cat -tree •rte mp
mod alts eta.ew...tt•.wt. we hers Nam
Ilmga•d Wtwwer. • rte. eter9 ewe,
Med •mesh th • • o imbed gip.
hmt wirer ....were Mum
selm`i Mae ram Tits
WSW Per It.
tor a•rp ", ed
' M r..a. matt e1111;t �,
alibwt Psi leemitm -
I To Be (••