HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-9, Page 44 Tuotemnay. NAM'. U. 1916
It could not be done h.ui it
not been for the fact that
we bought this piece of
English Bine Serge last
Spring -since then Blue
Serge• have gone up very-;
We have got just enough
cloth to snake nine suits, so
get ' oIit order in early and
save dollars on your Spring
Fine imported Blue
Serge Suit made to
special measure,
$20. rxo
a I COLISORNE. 'that coo.crip awn applied with Co- their friends to the number 01 sites
credos was lbs only fair way to raise gathered e1 the booms of lira ('um-
DIIIATg ug C0100111IP ION. -The troops. It was 1104 right that some tutnson Thutday evening of last week
I. meetteg et the Cotbt me pars- wen should walk arouoddoing nothing and gave her daughter, Mrs. J. KW-
! rut. (%tub bid at Beautifier on the to belp the F.utpiro.. while others were hen, Jr.. a very pleasant surprise i•
everting A Frt.ruary'.i b was marked leaving farms or perhaps machine the form of a • kitobeo •►ower." Mrs
by adehats ort the subject: ••Resolved, •bops where tb.y sbrwld he waking Kiuihen has best' • member of St.
that in the conduct of warfare con ahem, Ile disputes, Mr. Korai ban's (Augustine Institute ever since it was
Walter C. Pridham
■ ■
. emotion isnot justiflahle.'• The affirm
alive waa taken by Frank Stanley.
Arthur Fisher and Jahn Kernigha•;
the urgative by Hugh 11i11 and l'. A.
figures w to the percentage of men ,organized and wit/ b• greatly mlseed.
raised without conscription. 11e also On Nondyevei,tog of this week
showed that without conscription souse !Mr. and Mr.. P. Kenrrtley entertained
parts of the country were not rending • ge.;sdly number of young people in
li..brru.w. Mr. Stanley, the first their fair siert' of risen to the (tont. their new home. Everyone reported
speaker, held that a wan e pilled lis Mr. Ilii1 and Mr. Stanley spike /groinIhaviug w g . d time Two more
fight would lee a (seer soldier and in reply. and the judge.. Mere. •of our boys. Joe Thomps in and John
riled instwrtcn in intoner wan of (Jordon Young, Ifd. S.ewart and At • Jefferson, droned the khaki I ret wrek,
battles being hat bemuse the soldiers Thur ('Irak, gave their decision in fevor and have gone 10 do their hit 1 it King
were not fighting ..f chili own free of the nega•ive. Mr. J. J. Robertson and country The Trap sear hos
Wall Chairman. The nett wSstinR of ..Mt
♦I held in the
Hall t.rt February
ymil1. r held. too, that *roan might
the club will be held March Itlth. when •Leith was w decided succrn.. P.oeeed.
have. on•cientious obj+et tom to [•king • f.wture of the r ,
the life of another reran iu battle. The p ogrun' will he an 'amounted to E1, Mrs. Stafford
terser speaker, Mr. Hill, stated that in �addrew by Mr. James Mitchell on the and children returned nowe this week
the,Jiwe of cross it war for duty of 1br plow -err of Canada The Members are after spending the last few months
their household. to Iwitb her b
Eut Lire to organize the entire forces "'trite" to bringbrother, Mr. A. Boyle. lithEin
this meeting.
within its [orders so as to secure the
needed meddlers, keep up Ibe food .up -
ply of the Empire and maintain in. CROSS,FRETFUL BABIES.' du/trial organization. To accomplish
lthis be claimed r-.n.rt iption was neces-
sary and justifiable He gave Hautes The cross fretful baby is • sickly
also to show list conscription would bahy -the well child is slweys bappy
'save the country a very large, of and swilling. Mothers. if your baby is
I money pow spent in recruiting effort crews and airs a great deal something
! and in other ways ;that would nut tee it wrong. His little stomach and
',necessary under conscription. .lr. buwrls way he out Of order ; bis teeth
Maher followed ani combatted some oftroubling bwayun, or he ay be bothered
the wry autems of the previous speaker. I with worms. The mother should Urn -
He .poke of Koine of the ev:Is of -con.' mediately give hits Baby's Own Tab -
set iption mind claimed that once it was! lrtr. They never fell to relieve the
restored it would I,.comr en establish- ' baby. ('oucrrning them Mr.. Ronald
rel t hing. He claimed cringe' ipt;an . Hurley, liilkr. N. H.. wt.:tr.: - •'1 kudw
teas unfair toil'. poor roan, who would I of nothing No gored for eros, bagful Following la the report of i he higher
have to g.i to the front while the rich! babies :w Baby's Oou Pallets and I classes of S. S. Nu. . Owleri.•h• fur
wan roold buy a s•tbslitute. Mr. Ker est pleased to recommend thew to the month of February. Nemec ere
nighan next supported the •fm
ir-! other inutberi.'• The tablet 4 are sold in ord-r of tuerit. the standing bring
•tier. He quoted figures to show that I by medicine dealers or by wall et '. hared nn examination test. aid general
without cur.• ription B.itain had reit- cents a box from The Dr. %Villinws demeanour : Sr 1V. -Ella Rutledge,
ed a larger army in proportion to her lirdicine Co.. Brockville. Oat. Gladys Ginn, (iordou Telibutt, \lana;
population than the other countries - Rutledge, Lorne It Alger., * Fred
now engaged in war had raised by I ST. AUGUSTINE. Schwarz. Jr. IV.-4,eaee McCabe,
conscription. 11e claimed that it wasVert Thompson Sr. I11. -Alvis
only in the rare of an unjustifiable war 1't'gsut1. Hatch Thompson. Jr. III. --Mildred Thoutp-
t hat conscription was necessary. Mr. 1 Nates N.rr .-The minders of the sem. Sr. 11. -Annie McCabe, 'IIiunir
Robertson, for the negative. claimed ' 8t. Augustine %Vitnen•r Institute an 1 :s( eke.. H. Kava`. Test her.
concession. East Wswetio.h .. M s.
0. end Miss Dunelda McD.naid. of
Jamestown, are lint ng friends in
thio vicinity We asst' sorry to re-
port that Mrs, Rosa Stnithaw is nun -
ung • broken arm Rev. J Wil
son, of Toronto, is visiting hiendr in
this vicinity Last week ht.
Augustin.. Rifle Club and Women's
Institute sent SIM to furnish a room
with four beds in the military con-
valescent hospital in old Knox ColIeg.•,
Our ribbon counter JUST IN
is great. TIME !
We have all colors
in Velvets.
to solve the problem facing you, as to what will satisfy the demands of your fashion-
able taste, in style and quality of fabric to be used in the making of your new suit.
dress, skirt or blouse for the coming season.
icor light -weight fabric dresses nothing is more
popular than fine woven poplin cloth. Its
wearing qualities are the best and we re-
cotnmcud it We have this cloth in stock
in black, blue and brown.
Black ......SBo. 51 00. 51.46. 51.60 a yard
Blue S. $1.00. 51.46. 51.60 a yard
Brown Sea $1.00. 51.46. 51.60 a yard
The key to your Spring suit is broadcloth.
This fashionable cloth makes a real smart
suit and one that sets off personality and
shows perfect taste. We guarantee the
dyes in every yard of broadcloth we sell.
Black 51.40. 51.86 54.00 a yard
Green........sees. 51.40. 51.60. 0.60 a yard
Brown 51.40. 51.60 51 75 a yard
Serge• No rlulh is h •t ter km.wn t Itti .mgr. N. chilli i. ;lune ..•t•vicrable t11:111 serge. Nn cloth
is ... -h used a. serge. F••ur suit, dress 1.1. skirt serge is always in the lend. Thr Best.
loth in the trade.
%Ve ser• •hnw•ing it %%intim-Ml range of serge% in all colors nu•1 .haul.•'. Hln.•s and hitch's ahvay. barrel.
Hmw•n.,ind greens are chew ..C.1111.. Nearly every color ..:111 h.• mut 1 in ...rip-, in a range of prices ret t Ili.
.1.11%1 ):i, .h..wiug of ...Ego. rang,. iii price from til' 1 . a' :. t n - -.I. I. •t u. -dem-the. • iii.•. 1 •yon.
Coverts IV, are showing covert chills into' ltesilda Ithi k r••.ildn cloth fur a trnl do w.
41411e, o1 brow ti and nue of grey. , of Iw• Ie•:Il.':1. lie.ihlx i. w
This i. n very s •rvi.•rald.• c1..isi for suits and in very time silk and wool cloth. and one that has
mines that are very popular. Brim II and grey the Is•.t nearing .ftutlitit.. Block
-51.60 ,t yawl _ _ 51.25. $1.60 a yawl
The Newest
in Laces
..t■I =I =I = • =
The Latest
in Buttons
PPORTUNITY TO • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••
FT7.R NI T 1711 E
Having to pay rent for my store for the month of March, I will continue my
Mammoth Sale for a Few Weeks, Longer
There Are Still Many Rare Bargains to be Picked Up
One only Ash Side- $io.00
board, to clear at
The Chance of a Life Time ---
Sideboard, regular price
$19.00. Sale price .. .
Parlor Tables, regular price $9.7 5
$14.00. Sale price 7�
Parlor Tables, regular price
$4.75. Sale price $3.00
Parlor Tables, regular price $5. 50
$8.50. Sale price
Only one Couch left, regular g
price S14.50. Sale price.... • 7
Hall Stand, regular price Q� 16 e o o
$21.50. Sale price `Y
Steel Bed Couch, regular Price$g 75
$14.00. Sale price `Y •
$1,000.00 WORTH OF RUGS
I leaving bought these Rugs at the old prices we will he able
to sell them at a large reduction. Union Rugs, Tapestry
Rugs, Brussels Rugs andWilton Rugs, ranging in price from
$2.5o up to $50.00
A chance to get a
good instrument at
a Bargain
Regular price S325
Sale Price
Hundreds of
Pictures from
5c `to $10
Combination Buffet, regular
price $56.00. Sale price $41.00
Combination Buffet, regular 1'j.00
price $22.75. Sale price
Brass Bed. regular Price $21 .co
$31.00. Sale price
Iron Bed, regular price $12.50$8
Sale price
Iron Bed, regular price $4.00. $
Sale price
Music Cabinet, regular price $7
$11.50. Sale price
We have 35 Parlor and Library Tables
to clear out. .
25 Baby Carriages and Go-carts.
Store Open
•i s`