HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-9, Page 2Menefee,' llasrau 9, 1916 THE SIGNAL GODLRICR ONTARIO to the electors by sir Charge Hibbert • Tupper to defeat the Bowser candi- 1 .Isle. Tupper has not changed hie e.,liiics, but be has oo use for the nut - fit that at present constitutes the! Guvern int of British Columbia. TaI 6RWUL PRINTINU CU., Len. PtMagnin* - Tlisimany Nora Vs >V Ten Insaat Y gsa Use ell 10 tee b.st.O.e.rtti, uet.rr• Jummai riore Tstw►-0s.. Ili.iar sod Fifty per year. U paid strictly In %drone 1).•e will b. •80181111041: to eibeertberw in tie seise mete . . rete Orate la.11ar sad PM, Oras .ttRetly es sar.*ea reieoribere who AM 1e revel.• lam alus •n eeselarlr by wail .wesaler • furor by aCquainting the push► • setae fact at ai eat ly edam a. [.,,...this. W bee a ehaase of aedrr. 1, drtred, bolls old and las new •darer +M.u* 1 he strew rtemlltaaose may be goons by bans draft, empress .Dory srd.r, trait. -ss order. or r•eal.ter.d water. Hal arlw tunsIMS s111aMeoos al any time Auvsar•a(NS TYrIi-Ratae for display and SJstrr•t .Aront. will be pli re w: app!. ' .etas. Legal aw/��pe e.lnailaradvrn.-..r„t- tee amt. pre lies pr fM .....•r•t,,., ,... 1 1..,.r •Vela pet 11.. fat each blainequrokt tn.rrtion. lllr•srd by a .Dale el stale •••ieur.I -twelve Nam te w owe. flbeasser..rd. of els ger anal under. r'iv'e ta•ttar• per year. Adverliee- meol. of Lost. VMsd. arrayed. Mtn*. kyr Vacant.61• orations Wanted. Wale.. for tis& cr to [teat, rami- f f 14,.1r or to It.ot. Arti lea. too f04, sac.. out excels., .l sht I►rw •. Tweet,- ' e ve weet,- eve ('en•- wa'b lu-rrtion urn* Dollar for apt manta. blew rent -fore.. b.0 . e..rnt month Larger ad vett-a u..•.,r. r. ,.moor.ion. An •ww.a• meat. .a ...di...) mad toe Epps. les IOrnt.per I:ns. No 0.,10. 1•w than Teenty- Ire Cool, Any .►.coal wake, the obleel of wh ell to Me pecuniary tensa[ ef any udlrle• cal Or w+-iwtwo, t . h.•o.dd eteso sa.er tfer.ent anase d chased sic.adl.tly. To rr•aeae.•rimay,i.- the es operation of nor .nM •nher awl reader. 1. emanate Inch- es Inward- .sus we Tam Mw •.s.1. • weekly nand of dl 1 r.*. run y raid d•.trwr doing.. No coat eunk,.tioa well lee ••tended to utast.• it nou- taloa the n.m•t and address of the writer. sot aaV-,only for p'•blu-a•tow but a. a•. e•kd.o.'e ga.a1 (.0it New lien, -hook' reach Tum et*AL o`re not later than W.dneday noon of saes week. THURSDAY. MARCH 11. Hild EDI TOHIAL NOTES. "YVateb your step !" Winter is dying hard. Bruce boast. of fleeting Huron in renruiting. What about it, boys The (ierman raider Moewe is ss hard to catch as its name is to pronounce. This seems to he the cleaning -up season in 'Provincial politic. -except in Ontario. Turkey is said ter le willing to quit tbe war : hut the Allies will not be satisfied until Turkey quits the earth. Now the suggestion is made that the retired farmers he "wobotized",for work on the farms during the coming season. Won't it he great tun for Ontario's ecboolboys to be turned out on the farm+ and allowed to rise at 4 a. m. to do the chores! An O.bawa woman who celebrate 1 her sixteenth birthday last week is a grandmother. She was born on the 111th of ef'ebruary. The Regina scandalearel • veritable godsend to Tory editors. They were becoming vii y tired of the news from ManiWbe and British Columbia. The German Heel is repotted to he coming out of ita hiding place. No- body will be .mon pleased ase belss it than the jacks of Jelliceee Meath 8es f1 -et: 1 he African continent will soon he almost entirely British. Mouth .1fii- cao troops under the British Hag are now engaged in ousting the German fortis from East .ifrica, Germany's sole 'renaming possession on the con- tinent. There will be no difficulty about the Cape to Cairc railway o0 British soil. Sir Thomas White has announced some changes In his war tax measure, w went the difficulties in respect to watered ►tock and other phases of the tueal ure which have conte under et it- iei•u.. The taxation period will com- mence Jaouety 1st. 11113, instead of August 4, 1911 The %Sinister of Fi- nance stated that the reaasn s straight incorur tax was not adopted was that it would tate too long to put it into effect. Premier Hearst has stated the Government's intent' to enact an advanced temperance measure for the Province. Mit the details of the hill have not yet been isnoouncel. Ir. the Federal arena. too. prohibition is be- ing seriously diet -weed. and a remain - turn has been submitted calling for the total prohibition of the importa- tion. manufacture end sale of a!1 in- toxicating beverages, throughout the Dominion until the close of ebe war. YVben challenged on the suhjert he- lot? lb. Hydro bylaw was voted on in (ioderieh, Mir Adam Heck declared that the price of power supplied to Oodericb would never. never, never be increased above tbe contract figure of 11137 per horsepower. Gogderieh ia now being charged $43 per horsepower. The contract, se The Signal declared at the time, is a fraud. It binds the fawn of (ioderiebeictually for thirty year. ; it leaves Provincial Hydro- Electric Commandos free to do as it please.. �• Theweer Government of' British I:olum got soother herd knot last Het •y in the defeat of its Fi.•ao. Nloieler in the bye -election is Victoria edty. Just • week before Mr. M. A Macdonald bad defeated Mr. Bewsee'e Minister of Palette Work. t• Vaaeonver. The vietoriosa candi- date o. Set.rday last was Mr. H. t'. Br.w.ter, the le.A.r of the liberal party i. the Onset Preview. A Natured the molest was an appeal It it. announced from the Drp.rt- mrr.t of F..lJest ion Ihata pl.n is being worked out to Ielra.e students of M. teen years of age id older bon" three e ch.rtl work to assist on the farms of the Province during the e g mer. In this w.y it i. hilted to 'sleet the [mime situation resulting from I itINUSBRIOOE. the e.listaoeet of thousands t f 'tease 8101110.11. T. Mereb t). termites mod farm laborers. It i. mold I Kenneth M.Lses vetted at James there are at last 1:,,W0 young fellows sow attending the edvaneed classes in the educatia•.al institutions of the Province who will 1.e available for work under this plan. A large pto- larrtiun el these 1„tya c from the farm and hare already • practice! knowledge of tun. work. Nu doubt atm* ■r. augeweut le ill be made wh. re- try the students who are taken out of echo I for the summer Months will not Tose their close .tnndin,t. Sennett's last inset. ' Yir Annie Sullivan left on Satur- day to resuure her duties in Date .tt after • Irugtby rt.tt uudrt the perverted rue'. John 14. Dalton, J •ore Krtenett and Je•hn J. Omen at ..n.I.-d a t..a ' wcial and ca.d party at Bt. Au-uetine I..l 1'ue-day alibi, Loot: HMILS ! - The Kinast.reds* [►mutat.. Club r.11 ,tyle te.rir areond s .wring .1. ami, eo itlyd "The B..• nn D.• 1 Alyea-rp,' u.. the ev ..ing of ,larch 171h. Peri... en tare. c.•.utuen.•• • •i 8 o'clock. liwtruuae...al tau -.c and 1EAK ±1T� MOTtR!WLAW IL t�a.rw�e."1'fir -'.ye.y7.•�'^ . Tab:du_ e;._y a.s..at Society Editor Ita:.ed Ler t.rrd httie a..ueu bead ag..ti.s. tae wludua s..an and stared a..u6a at Levi*, wiser. a church spire . aught the last sou o.. 11s cross tip. tale was so done out sue couidu t rrmen.ber her own name ex- cept In patcurs. Cut she was tnuw- pbant pas. all ',riling. fur sbe waa pet. 11:g o.t the stout of tier career! -Miss Ne.ln...n,' one could hear the City Editor keying,. ' wlsn to bea.en you bad more e.perience, but 1 ve no- body e... 1 can s*._re. J.rque*ninot s going to Quebec cm lac r honeymoon and you gotta tol.ow bcr. T..ry re good ter, a co.uwu ur ts.o to begin with. Dun t wire or they Il get uu to you. bell keep taking till your heat stuff tones through. "Yep, to -night. Eleven -thirty from the Central Station. here your tic- ket and some expense money. Your •-, ram's r.,er.ed by wire.' The deputy assistant caught her breath as she remembered R. Jacqucminut' The thrice or n.ore. wedded stag. beauty whom she'd aeru a miraculous once across the footlights. In the moors times a1t:.uut number. and via the Sunday Supplement pre -t)• nearly e.rry week, had just rapped h. r successful dl*orce by -..annexing 101 Me Updike. whose mother lived on klirbl- gen Iloule.ard wbeoever she deigned to tome home and run social Chlcagn. Jacqueminots little to,. toad kicked holes In many a money nag before now, freta not eves lb. dancer s beavlest backers would have thought ber cap- able of reaching Mrs. t'pdikea lor- gnette. The deputy assistant --whose name was Lu.•elle Larose oo the staff and Mary Imogen at home-- packed her suitcase with more grins and groans than gauds and gowns How she was. The Major Crowed, smiled. but didn't to remain a -week et the ('bateau Froo• kiln in the b.dloage directed at the tenac with one navy blue serge suit. honeymooners ins•ead. Mary saw half a dozen.btouses and a black ••el.- •Ith a jerk of the heart, his eyes •an Rig gown she dtdn t know. but the City , dertng restlessly over the tea room as Ed. eau tnrzorable add besides. twenty- tt`ough he were looking for .omebody two -and blonde -1s nervy anyhow But whoever It was didn't happen to The train --a perilous glimpse Inro be there. Or perta,,+ there wax Ina the Updike private rar-• lags thrill light In the corners than one would some, fakesome story reeled off in the think. lower berth between twelve and two MI thlrin retrospr.•t. Now, her one and posted by an obliging porter -the •,enfng dress donned, the big French Canadian boundary -Montreal and a rose fastened fur Sole color In the ror- spanking drive a. roes town in a gorge- ously befurred sleigh -train again - and at last the sunshine of Quebec and the quick cries of "1'olture, yolture, M's.Ye!" which reminded her that she and her prey bad reached a foreign - speaking and most picturesquely dif- ferent land. There was a room reserved for her as near the Updikes as posselble and they actually west up to the same elera•or. Suddenly her eyes dropped to the 1 so close that Mary leaned out and terrace below. Two men went pains -1 touched the beauty a silver fox furs takingly along Its border One was In - just acs she could say shed done It. tent on his job as steadier. nut the Jacquemtnot was even pert•r and other raised his eyes to the hotel front prettier In reality than she was in the and searched the farad.. reetiess:y. • supplements. Incidentally Mary saw Mary eau a little late for dinner. her looking at her new husband under the t'polke SbIllington party had two her long lashes In a way that suggested tables In the centre and the Major was the thought -but it wasn't probable. with them.. Mary got the gayety and surely' - that the nimble -toed lady had the gowns verbatim. She also receiv- e heart under her radium -lar• blouse. ed a few glances that were more Inter- Acyhow tbe glance would make stun- eating to her than either, though they Ding good cepy. didn't figure in her letter to the City Just as tbey get out of the elevator Ed. -Mary last as belated blue serge -a But the shattering adventure didn't man passed through the .orridor He come t111 twenty-four hours eater. Clad was tall -over six feet Or at least be in her oo• black gown. Mary had play - bad been. Now h• was bent a bit and ed variations on the girdle and corsage he leased no another mans arm. Beth bouquet and had done her hair differ wen In khaki. hut the tall man's ently It was all the re -costuming she sbonld•r strap bor. a crown and his could manage She was painfully con face -oh. It was a drawn, wklt• parch- .nous of her utter unclrteauIMaesr meet, scribbled with ghastly tales of and she slipped unobtrusively .lsvalsr bombs and wet trenches, wire entangle ward. meets and the green mist of deadly The door of the t'polk• suite was 11•ae•- open and Jacqueminot could be oven "Poor chap'" said Jeequeminot perched on a chair arm From beyond aloud. 'lack from the front and all came a shriek of feminine merriment, tors tip!" accompanied by two male guffaws. The man raised his eyes butt Instead Jecd.seminot was declaimingeom.tkfag of tootle. et the dancer his gaze acme- to which thee shrieks were obligate. bow taped straight Inc Mary. What Mary didn't mean to Hates but there \apposed Deet was hard to understand la retrospect, but at th• time It had messed quit* natural. Their eyes had heed see\ other for a full slanta tiee bees bed ailed suddenly with big bet rebellious tears and she bad rem lote the shelter .f the deer that ti. salon - lobed bell bey held oyes for bee. The day's werk Ives to fellow the Up- dike' and the deeutyaesistaat 4W It therosgbly They got a sleigh with • reoebsan furred up Ilk. Ursa Maler - tbey dreww/ tee miles *et Imo the and balk bends rot of If she rot held sp•rkliag rhaspagaralred wirers' 1f hem." ted across the three-foot Ito of the it /bra ga) •Iced second Mary's heart Law Neter. roamed to 1 Thew somehow see (it.$. -They held basis -et least felt that wow of Pyre behind that Mettle *ed, to twine by kb tare 1 tells • swYe watched They leer -bed Is (belt revs They h wee Major Torrlagham. For tla leb•gga.M le the bct.k teatime of seend tar• kis gay, met hers for • .fiw..s. Qwebee. Mrs. trpdfle N startled be•rtbest. Tiee. peerlpltate- peered 1. the latest of sports rest times ly. riled wttb nere•evelag terror. tie 0Jltee Mary ri 4 frees the es M.tya.Mrta.t [dried sad liea rte ehistrg ~Mit rV to tM belle= . her reedit the short full white e7:1rt, which canoe est era. ►!cher sown, r tush youd e•rr Lave thoeget it . ould. It ow: er a laugh shrL.ed fron. tee King's Ha...u:, of Inc l'tW..el straigb: a, r..aa terrace. And uotwdy ho heard it mould have teamed id1 kle a bot. iN.B.-He told her after the third trip that her cheeks were American Beauties--there;ore dut.aoo . ,J brr Ips also must be colli r u e. Recorded And dcspat, t.1 They tea -ed at the 4 •«, m1t the Shi 1 - . u I. Who intrrwu•,.. r breath at her •• ' . .i . e - "Major Torr a' . n ., t Canadians, wounded at t'a_ _ , L. Mrs. t polke appeared to all the latest sports costumes. sage, her eyes tired but triumphant under the rebellious little curls, Mary leaned against the sash and looked across the river at 'aria. it was lone- some work chronicling the doings of honeymooners in a hotel where you knew nobody. Sbe had heard Jarque- minot say aer•n-thirty to Marton Shl1-I lington. There were two long unoccu-. pled hours before that time are some *brags that haul you up by the heartstrings And en. 1s the re - Mad of your owe prosection. The little dancer was reading abed the 1h.1 m 11- ssw m fakeso. earratl,e that the deputya*tstaat had srrtbbl.4 to the sanctity w the tower berth' .'N.. yew lost ear*, yon witch,' she heard 1)Ickle Cpdik.0 vole., whet tie eswrrtmest had died to ripple, "Ret what about Sly poor mamma, She'd heve that reporter imprisoned 'for IIh ' She didn't ire to dinner. Her bead ached Her heart pounded. That night t!.e dreamed fitfully. The City Ed. wag ..0 tar sloe of her In his ahirts!eeve.. s Hoe gripped in g menacing mouth. On tbe other side stood Mrs. Updike, n -.-tor. with a welt that would glaciate a volcano. At the entrance to the dining room noxi n.on.ing a man stepped forward. a dapper little man with • smile. ' Sines Nevtnsnn!" he breathed. "just a word with you. If you don t mind. lot nee stow you the viek- from ttto ..est window here 1n the writing room." Mary didn't ae'd the lard be paused under her started eyes. In fact she didn't even read the name and ad- dress, though she tock 1a s^bcons.-tout• ly that it said l'hicag r. .The one word atai.du.g out I1ke a nightmare was that mcnacit.g horror. "liege tic e' "Now." he said e.enly. when he had led her to the farthest window. "no one will disturb us here You are t or- ering the Updike honeymoon. Not to waste time. I have the honor to repre- atnt Mrs. Updike, Scr.tor. You .i11 return to Chkago by this mornings train." Mary opened her r outh and shut it again. She could fairly hear the click of handcuffs. "If you go wi:bout maklcg any troub'e no one need know," he went on, "If not-" 'Pardon me.- esti a voice at his e1 - bow. It •as so .--,o!d, an incisive and wt'hal so uc.e�•••ted that the little man jumped u m>�b as Mary did. "Pardon m the Major repeated, "but I fear you are annoying my cou- sin. If you hare any business to dis- cuss you can do it with me. She leaves everything of the sort In my hands." The man looked et the Major. The Major looked back. It was the Sort of look that went with the D. 3. O. that he had won and the newcomer knew It TL -re would be no trenches abandoned In this war. Mary looked at them both and ..r number train fell into action with a dick. Hr couldn't prove anything since all her stuff hid been Dotted not w Ired. Rut If she could only play up to Mb heaven -cert Major -- "('ome, Mary," said the latter lmper- terbably. "If this - er - gentleman wishes to speak to me he can do it later." Pardon me 1 fear you ars annoy- ing my cousin. "Tem 11 breakfast with me. Miss Nevis. nowt' he hald as soon r they were emit of earshot "Tt's absolutely necessary. Ind is the meantime for heaven's sake ;Ive me your arm. This Is the first walk i've had Move sinew Festubert!- "1.1.T he queried later, over the toasted rrump.ta, "set 1 don't bosestly believe it Is Wasn't your mother Selma Norton end didn't she seine frees D.► tin• Then w• are cssaf.e oh eery distant ones 1 assert you, but .til oeusfaa. 1 recognised the family re- s.mblan.• In my mothers people r soca as I saw you." • • When n come tear dieser time Mary had an Impulsive ph,a.e call f4em sea trete loot 'My dear'. gurgled that Iere Prowl NSA "oar darling Major's se hard bit time be had to tell ase; all •beet it' And I think you re pasltle.ly the chter.la tblag that .ver happaeed. I've hid reams of :ryes settees but sever emeb e trims u yours. 1 .-veld oat every word of It' And be says yve'' des* a coleus every day' Pay. senors.. he teed me eh pease. you know -[sheet that darn fees who gave yew such a sten W hew you sold you'd w *wait It woe '..eta eau bad se clothes WWI. Eve pt Mz freaks -er 1 tem eight. *54 the Sootiest Wogs tee, straight trees Paris (hese on ep ..d tate ye.? Aware. Dlebtes a dear, 7011 know, bet -pm! seeded emseh llyt te help me locos to fay .Mileriwkawl", reined vaudeville between act.. Ad- miriuo-adult• ffit cents, children 25 ern U. tlo, reader, don't forget the date. tiring *I1 your fries& rod don't be late. You'll net regret It if yo•. see „tile Burt...1Jiamond Mystery." FOIL THt Htw 1'aome Wolin -The food pony which was beet in the pari.b hall trot Weder..l.y night 1.. •.d of floe Ashfield Red Crewe w.. largely attended and a conaidrr.Me *um is ava.l.blr to turn over t.. the Ireesurer til the Society. Nies 411...... Q.I.glryy took the fer.t lady'. prise and MI-. Herm. nali •fin, of Kintall, the 1 second peter. Jorepb O'Connor car ' tied off the grntl..u*n'slautels, clop* ly sollowr.l by Jerry O'Connor with the bat..n.l poise. A SMART I.I1 TLt Blau. -Weru tarentni,r un .hr n•dividurl ectiogailr os:- • hthit.d by ll.r K. D. 1'. troop- - u 1..-orw►wo „Nth s..d January Elul'. (avurahle mention was often toad• of the little huff 0 piugton hen wl.icb war, c... i. -d ...note the (taillight- by "13eve.ly lit -own." the funny "c.o.u." T.•i. food .ha pl.y.d in "roe R il. Wl.i r and Blue," according to the .l•orltion of he. owner, Andrew N •rtiu, ha- dwtlegit .hw. hes welt agate. u• au•.ther w..y -We a.n.rtimre h• .., 11 gh rattly, of chickens b 1 or bora-h.d not` * y a hen in the woo 1. of \larch. Neil, tin. little dram c t tgnraker h • •rt•el out ten elrol,g heellhy check.',.- on Much 1.. '1: bruoiy'0) h Mr. Martin omit•.• t tell us •h..,,loco•, the chi. krill., but. Or pr. --outs that 1 hey are "red, white anal [`loco" FIUHTtnu L.llea. -Mr . M«Iv-i. J lr'H i.ly. a.....•1 .N . Nichae•l O'Hr 11., wbu recently a• 1•.ird at S. rat 1...d wish the Ila h Su taboo Ambul•.. r Corp., vi-ile1 in A•linrld over Su. slay. Melvin has 1•-rn •.. the employ of n Canadi.n Exprr-a C.. et Stralfo,.. 1. alum, two year. and upon sever ing 4.. C-•nn.etien w i 1. 10. concern to d• v tee • bis time and enr.gy "for Kir.g .. d • c..utry" he was presented eau r writ -w ten by his colleagues isi 1••• • employ of • he i'o.upany. He ear ro•- wi h him the best wi-bee of his ul.-... Ashfield hired-. Melvin'. youugrl hr..the., Stanley, was among the Mr t r.1 the Canadi... boys to face 0. Karel'. war ear• bine. He was in le 1•.wrr State. tit Attie. Pea at the time of floe u.lsrrrkAttitime of h •.hlaiee, but iwwc.l- iately came to C.n.da and rnlis rel with the- Se/ O.otn.grnt a. • on! p- r with the Royal C..u.di•n Engine - Ilr, 11.. been ..i • he front ever - u• r and hoe had aloe inlrresting exla 1 epees. H.- was .tor ugh the ba.tl• fn• the p...er-.ion 01 . be historic 'Hill elf, through t he Lii ge.uarck engagement, and en one ol..stou had two bot • shut (torn under him. Despite t• e-. miraculous roc •p.e be has not be it wounded yet. L.., week his pa.- n - had * lei [erten b m train "Somewhere in France" in welsh ise state. the he is well and in good fighting trim. Catarrh Cannot Be Cured ••••••••••••N•••••••••••• • •• • W. A CI-HESON & SON • • •• •• • •• • •• •• •• • • • • •• • • • • • •• •• •• •• •• SALE OF SILKS A large shipment of Silks bought months ago and delayed almost beyond hope has just arrived. Prices away below today's values and a concession as well allowed. 3g -inch Black Toilette Silk, gotxl weight and superior quality, regular $1.111), at per yard SC 36 -inch Bl ick Satin I)ucheps, hoavy quality-, ,;[ none French dee and beautiful lustre, regular $I.oO ill ''•i, at i*'r yard. \'ard-wide, 11 inlet's famous S•lk Duchess, dr l' 114',1 sheen and 'i! i.'s wrii;lit for suits or dresses, guarante..,1 quality, regular $1..: 0, per yard 1.25 Cott i11. and Camhrics • :Id inches tvi 1.• bests \Glut, • Flannelette. special 12' C • per yardGo with LOCAL APPWC a I1ON9, a. they . scout reach the east of the disease. Catarrh a a local di.ssae, grew ly influe••ad by eon-, Ito - Lionel condition-, aal in order to core Ir . tea mast take an int -r' -al remedy. Hall'. Ca -rib 1 use Is. taken totem 1 y sed act. threw.tb lh Wool on rhe ni.100W1.trrfa.e. of the ay. rut. H W'.l rata. r h ran w - pro cribs 1 b urn - 1 the beet ph..l•iaes Is thus country fee ye..,. 11 i.. omp wed of come se tM beet topical' cows, aombhied with - me of the bot blood poria r� the perfect recibir sU••n of tie Inred•. e - in Hall. l'a.snh.' rr *e oto' erudite• -sea wonderful ral••n•[atonaloarad4b... egos fon to.0 al1a•le, free. F. J. cHE . gY k , O.. Roy., Tondo. Oafs. All d -i.., ,sr. HaL'. really rine for meet Mat :on . There •in obi ref ow., old pr%rh.•r old designs, whi.•b cannot beimp, o.ed upon today. tout we must get out of rho hahit of •orsbipping the of einiply becau.e it is old, and of opp. . ing eves y inno•ati••n simply be. su- it la new. -Mr, H. E. Morgan. S.•me men w. ole rather he abused 'ban ucumulate • lot of recruited hill•. aelewrieseeseamewnereseametoweesereree Now that the cold weather:is here you'll want your homes more comfortable. Get our prices on FFurnaces, Mot Water Boilers. etc. Our Perfection Oil Heaters are just the tiring to drive the cold out of chilly corners. All repairing to plumbing, furnace work, etc., promptly attended to. W. R. PINDER Phone 1t Hamilton Street • •• • •• • t tt :i; -inch Lons,laIe I21 Cambric, special.. 3t1 -inch Factory Cot- IOC ton, best quality, at 31 -inch \fili:ar.• Flannel, sup- er quality, mill price today 45c, at per yd. .75c 30 -inch genuine !lalifa's Tweeds, heavy, all -wool. Navy and Greys, for men's or boys' wear worth 60C today itis, at per yd Shantung Silks clearing sale of fifty pieces :::: inch Natural Shan- tung Silk., will wear and wash to no end.. regular Ak- and 61k: q uid einc - atperrd JD' Japanese Rugs Splendid quality and neat patttrns, heavy fwarfjorl..rd)p, . apsize fix9Iefeet25, • ;aye 9x9 feet, C_! 25, • for ..... $I.75 • a • • • •• • 2 •• • s • • • • • • • • • • W ACM ESOty & SON • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • awatiatiammiamoomatmamastamatiaamasatamsamatisnamaas Let There be Light And there was light wherever we were given an opportunity of installing Electric fixtures Experienced men and the best materials is the secret of our success. Our store is Headquarters for everything in Electrical Appliances, from a POCKET SEARCH LIGHT to an ELECTRIC STOVE Beauty and Utility are combined in much of our stock, and - PRICES ARE RIGHT. ��. ROBT. TAIT P1..es : Office 82 Res• 193 ■ ONE :HUNDRED YOUNG WOKEN 0000000000000 end Ih.. Hendee 1 Yon •nor M +ant..! • poor b• train fir ch ,ice urn e p -, ker. The do- lma/ smad setae .1-;4,7 , ROBT. WILSON :A Yong Pt Terme°. I. enotte.u.. W. .an eseviax yoa that this h YUI. it opportunity. Dont d.l.y. Writ. today. Sim Pen FREE A pest lord *admired Se os la beim with your Naas aplailessaasars• doadter [tin ant lot OM MIK Dap it la MN IgNngllt owl liskadltwS pgfigtg�glgpt• t• wry el sor pos will lmalm-i MI* ki -a tft mint of Bron Pink Heol 1 A ptAae"b isms. feels► the lora Ptak l ttfl- - yg, tee gales)•. Tb Nishrfin.[lidIlelg...11litb=amiQlliagtL It is a maim *owes ataf a kgitry nom mr• 4 M se lid Innis fir Owl. Yes so eingioessistorims: bet w and flu off Ieole r at We fres pt� slawawa The tembese s ns Mese Nr emir wishe swims ee wet we ON welt mum mem num & Harm -_ Co. Ltmt Umiak •moo. CASAfii Massey -Harris Agent Hamilton St, Gederleb 7000 Rods of a STANDARD FENCE it 1 meet rte sold by Jolly let, 1916. We have two car load. of the hest fence that mon* can boy and we have bought an we can sell right. (1.11 in mid see our stock and get our price before you buy your tenor. We seed the money and you need the trace. Far. MasL:ery %Ve carry a full line of Parr. Macbiwery always on band. loggi sod We have AtCarriagesall atop. and Hass. A Iarme assortment •1 - ways oe our goer. if you need a few toes of ttat FAMOUS O L 11 H O M 1- NTEAD FKRTIL17.6R, we have • carioed jest Ia. Hard or Soft Wood delivered to any part of town. Phone No. 16.5 ••••••••••••• .. v . ••• • ,. .. e- we an. en nor