HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-2, Page 8f Lotus Lawn Cor- respondence Cards With and without Initials. '25 cards and .S etttelopes to bot. Platte 'LSC pgr box ; in- itialed, :ir ant 50c per box. Lotus Lawn Note Paper With anti w itbout Initial.. Plain 10c ler quire : initialed. -pecial :::c Pet box. paper anti eurelope.. Wall Paper A splendid showing of Neat Spring Call Paper.. Positively ro advance in price. in this t•tablishment. THE COLONIAL BOOK STORE POr'r' KIPPEN, Wgs.eiatoay, March 1. The Wait to enlist from berg V Melville Me lyawnt. He i. training .a Chalon. Mr. John Hyde, jr.. eft last week for Stratford. whose be has secured • prettiest as bookkeeper. 1 he wowseo of the Red ('rows Society are worktiror teithfatly arse are certeia- I y deism their "bit- /a the argot Two weeks ago the soldiery !roe' Hendee nsarcbrd to our village for the morning errs ire in the Presbyter ia■ rhumb, where her. J Hiram -J- ams pew.'hed a good and .ppropnste ser moo . Special sermons are to be preached in Use Methodist church iso Sunday, Mmes 12th. by the p.atyr. Rev. A. W. Brown. The sebieet ■t 2.21 is -The Boy of My Dreams." and at 7.011 it is 1'b. (girl of My Heart." The music in the afternoon is to tie supplied by tbe young men and in the evening by the young .women. 1dr. and Mn. Dayid liyelman lett recently for tbetr bowie la Dakota Best wishes from a barge circle of friends and acquaintances follow them Mrs. Ryckmad(formerly- Mier Mayne, P.rsoosi will be missed in many ways. especially for her help in eaterWn- tuests in coosaction with the Mrtbo- diet church. wane her elocutionary talents were higbly valued SAL-Ex.-I.mei' Flatlet • Sale In Turkersmith last week was well at- tended and gobs' pi ices were realised. He is renting his farm for thewcan to Tailor A Hicbardsoo. John Moffat is having • sir on the 2nd lost. and Jo -vier It,sd ill about two weeks. A 1111...1.1.:- of fend is the re.son in the 1.0 lar ea ins'rnor.. Tbr lager bean crop- II this section cut down the n••,i no of feed solid. to rn..-• tor. selves lr.r,.lire w.r• of ar r. -a a.. t'1.1-n,R:+.-alt Nod JD/e. right and wr.nlf, s.nd having k•rtted,'Alfred Furry, of Kinder ley. Suet., we must chore. --Maris (Juu,Ir left on Tuesday of this week fur borne -- - after speeding a pleasant holiday with 1rieeds here, in Bayfield and in the comedy o/ Haldimend. Six yews ago they left a rented farm here to try for • bowie in Saskatchewan. Fortune W ensiled upr.n them. They loe*ted is a good district. always had a .rep, were never bailed. or frozen badly, amd Ibis year t be threshed 01,11110 bushels of wheat, :t ale of flax, 8.000 of OLDER BUT MONGER To be healthy at severity, prepare at forty. is sound advice, because in tbe strength of middle life we too often forget that neglectr.l colds, or careless treat- ment of slight aches ■n.1 pains, simply undermine strength and bring chronic weakness for later years. l oats, and still have a large quanuty of To be stronger alien older, keep your I •casts uothreabed because they had no blood pure and rich aa.l active with tlat !more granary room- They n sw ova strength-buil,tin;; and blood -nourishing tle acres, including that owned by P prrt es of Scott's Emulsion which iso tbalr twosons. They thiol Saakakb - loot, • tonic and a medicine to keep your wan is just the pot. They also give blood rich elle% iate rheumatism and !great praise to prohibition as the test avoid sickness. At any drug store. tiring that ever bappened in 8askatcb- scatter &mar. Tat..to. out swan. They believe the license system will be in force there again. because those who formerly dean are now the stroogest opponents of the traffic. Myo who formerly came hems drunk from town now come hems sober and are paying tbeir debts instead of sliding into bankruptcy as they formerly were. Hotels are not allowed to sell the so-called weft darks and a man it he willdriok and happens to tet • supply somewhere must drink it in the seelu.ion of his own home. If caught drinking elwewbere or treating others, punishment, swift and sure, is his lot. Surely those earnest West- erners steal like the IMOD we have in Ontario. They aren't afraid to make a job of it when they stat t. What can be said in favor ot whiskey -selling, anyway ? ST. HELENS. Tev.sw.i, Feb. S). Miss Edna Woods spent the week- end at Luekoow. Mims May Cameroo. of Moorefield, spent 8uoday) at home. Mr. and Mee tiiahahs Salkeld, of Pao 'it Richter'. Sank., called on friends bete 'last week. CENTRAL rDRU(. STORE Mr. J. B. Rutherford was called to Kiolough on Monday. Husuter, Mrs. Corner North St. and Square John Lane, is.t p, event very low. Goderich 1 ST, HIILLrn Pt tic HAt1.-After Pus- 1/0!'HONE~ Re. 11v ,over altren years of goodeetvscegiven to tbe public ball as uea.urer Mr. P. • Clark has resigned the position. Mr. 1 W. I. Miller war elected president and treasurer and Mr. T. B. Taylor secre- tory. The huliding committee are Messrs. W. E MrPhetson, Hugh Rutherford. D. B. Murray and Geo. Webb. A Hc.y Ess.wtos.-Tbr Women's Institute met at Mrs. R. K. Midler': on Thursday. The bu•inem consisted of arranging for sew log and knitting for the Red ('row. A committee to look alar and to do the cutticgof the gar- ments waa appointed : the yarn and material to he bought at either of the .tore.. The ladies for the 18.b con- cessios--Mrs B. Naylor and Mrs. An- drews ; 10th cooceesion, east of vitt ate- Mrs. Corrosion and Mn. W. Tay - 14111. ; went, on loth concession -Mr.. W.J Humphrey and Mw Mary Ruth- erford : a h eooeession-Mrs McRob- e r is and Mrs. D. B. Murrey : village -- Mn. Little and Mass T. B. 'Gordon. A good program wise given, including a p.per by Miss M. E. Rutherford un Marino. and their customs : a talk by M.... T. B. Gordon on Red Crude woo k: t.Ik by Nurse Anderson on her work et 0 tawa among the Russians : an in- strument..l by Mas. Elbe! alcl'beison • twin by Mies [wattle : the editorial by Nt.■ Marguet Web'. Yarn can be g -.t at .'i•her car the wore* for anybody S .rr ho Yw.isbea to knit for th• soldiers.-- "rear BEEF, IRON and WINE A Standard ' T.gic Remedy Whoae Value in alldebili- tated and anaemic con- ditions is universally recognised. . Penalar Agency Only banes .sif. Vampbell For the Busy armer Who Ra Chickens TaiIfTAIL Impair a il Imes ie seas rent erten heat epee i as• leek with.sS OW eaelyeaC r sed. s, res willies* su lies* es ed e rsasr kq ceel for taw vas s-w.ellsskkser. gad teal •e* Lam sew prallir Prue r din ami d Ike Icer. Amoebaesus w eerier . b r . Casale* each be.... N n awl elms dr diets a tame hew J Os ' fest se tb., . trsa oswyedbeds r s cyst; •e* cress evade. IEE COLONY CAN iliml 'MODELS Ye. amid • his nresir seta y kiss k%ist...Me Cod.. r a.A. t ss tlithie miry Ow s*,y+. AsaIke Aril is .. Ad ..-=.... nae seal mhos lar paw bns*, eV -tin.: bl b.nl r •waw he he g.esa.sa*r dwwa+e.l Y .sass+• rnihe beat mew Ow heswei,oVii w de sense is me hasp Os mem. saars week ere A si s4.s fir•-• wg rl aeMr nillarigiPrneaii.tt:rl=illi=tterig Nr*i• est fr. C..A.. p.er Dries ..w e. w_w.Oia 1 sessass awl 111.14•••• N H. KED H REV! LL RIRKIGCRESIT FARM Com, R. R. No. 2. Cedwirb .•ling man ..1 tet. Helens, who do ri.0 think .aught 10 offer hi• are Creel 111 p meet you, no, her. wife or si-ter, as well a• your home and country. if not YOQ - LOTHIAN. TOMCAT. Fel,. g1. LAWMAN Lot ALS. - Mr. Remelt Ritchie .nhhft vd ...hien Menlo., digsk., • few ds ago. and :Mendsy Ing here fir .paw time Mies art i aware of a.m. spent 1heleti.r p• t .4 •be week •lilting .1 John .1 he-twig...•..Mier EDI. Ma.IMn- .1.i, of Aerberley, i. .p-ndi, g .. few .1.ti h.- w efM'..Mary 4..'1t.n- aid Mis. Jean Jobn.tntte spent a ••et slating 1'1.nil • at Rapt. -v . A newts r fr• as here a• tended' h. tins oriel miff r'owrert 41 Pat ain,:lint Lst P .lily . ht sed al rr"a a fine ee.e. atsrsib 1r. and Mrs tithe M.ynit. ada.ght;•r• WATrdLD. 'llensisav, Felt. sa Mr. end Mr. J 11. Hems,,, of tie•y, re visiting '►saes in this a einey thi. week A **rimher of the s nesg ween of this .wighhsehete hove eaNited for over- MacEcuan Estate THE SIGNAL - GOD .4' ICA ONTARIO Exclusive agents for SCRANTON COAL for Goderich and District. Best Coal Mined. Auy quantity best ell Maple Slabs. Mixed Wood, Hemlock and Kindling 'Cedar or Pine., TELEPHONES. s` 0 renglemeg Meta Made 1 Bones" Yandyl "Chicken • A vanilla shell with ground walnut filling. Dainty- pick- ing, at per pound 30c "Turkey Bones" A cinnamon shell with chocolate centre. Espec- ially- good, at per pound "Pretty Pouts" A chocolate shell with nec- tar cream filling. Gond eat- ing, at per pound 25c "Queen's ng" A maple cream pudding filled and iced with English walnuts, at per pound30c Opera Creme Caramel A delicious sugar creme made of dairy cream and granulated sugar and dip- ped chocolate, at per ppound 30c - FIR/T ANO Cao HOI•tuC m NAPPY. J. E. ROBBINS The Gandy Man Succee.wr to T. J. Halteld. eesa servsce. James Redmond bas been indisposed for some time. We lope (cc his speedy recovery. DILATE( OF MRI,. W. J. P..RM:S.-Mee. W. J. Pathe, wbo ear a ger.1 sufferer from neuritis, pas -ed to the Great Be- vond on Monday, 28th inst., at the home of her brother. W. Johnston, of Blyth. Ste lived the greater part of her life here and was highly respected. 8be was an earnest worker in the Metho- dist clutch, wbere.he will be greatly missed. To mourn her lora she leaves a sorrowing husband and several brothers and sisters SALTFORD. tt THURSDAY. March 'L RIFLE LEAtct?: Sot 1.11. --The box eocual held list Fi:tlav evening under the auspices of the Colborne Rifle League. for the benefit of the Saltford branch of the Red Cro>a Society, was a splendid success. although for League members expected alarger attendance. The first part of the evening was !pent in Drotrersirr euchre. tbe prizes being awarded to Mr,. H. Walter and Mr. G. \lacEwan. Following the cards the lunch'...xr were auctinnrd off by CouncillorH. Hill. who made • very clever aortioneer, receiving generous bids for all the bozo,. The bids varied from $1 two Xi and the proceeds amounted to 1114:. 11 was the inten- tion of the Clun io snake presentations to several of its members who have enlisted, but ibeir •b.eece prevented this. C. Tbotnra and W. Farman have since received wrist -watches and W. Straiton a ring. Oliver Goldthorpe altar was presented with a wrier -watch before his departure for England. Young man of Stratford. wbo do you think ought to offer his services to protect your mother. wife or sister, as well as your borne and country. it not YOU1- WEAK LUNGS Bronchitis -As.h ma - Coughs -Night Sweats -Debility Orel those conditions leading to CONSUMPTION Sane Extracts from Swan Evidence : RANDOLPH E PALMER. on (cath, says : "'Nature's Cres:toa' I, IOW helped me." CHABLIS IINOPH, cal: (hall, &IV.: " My night sweats stopped and sty hemorrhage stoppe.t from the first day LOUiS C ZINL nn Oath. vys . " 1 hair to thank 'Nature. Creation' that i e n here today" Send for Booklet containing complete stateeteat. on Oath Mae. those wbn have used " Natere's Creation.'. NATURE'S CREATION COIRANT OF CANADA. LTD. RODS 14. COSO*AVE BUiLDiNG. TORONTO. CANADA OOOENNOM TOaLalr. Unisys+ Pavaavisc ao.ITY.-The e eases. 31 the Called Patrlor lc s. cel y .t (iode.eh township h•.* for- warded orwarded to the Med Orem &misty .t 'hwtlta dung J.s..r ' 11th s SI tiktis. b7 p.ir'e soaks tied 11 ba.- Don•tfene from A Vilma aid .Knish Sturdy of RI earth have hese mas.lved. The members of Tay - aerie Deduce, wW have • eowtag at the haeme of Mea Wm. Patton, 7th romemde. o. Wednesday. March b. All lug welcome. A &alai. Kv urs. -On Priday ev.aleg of Met week *r. Heeiess Yooggitegs, of the Huron road, Nine tensed • .umber of hie friends mid !wishbone. The early part of the evening wag west in water and various games. Those wbo did not play cards listened to mese exodeat music by Mr by 31sery on the violin, by Miss Iva hemming* on the gegen.. Ahout midnight the dioiapertus was the centre of attrac- tion. tlrt fables heiag spread with ail the lith edea gf the nems.. After all the gest s bad done ironies to the ratithlelgs provided by the logien, woe indulged in. with Mr. G. Montgomery and Mr. alert. Lamprey as violinists, and Mr. Will Driver as . rachet.! eevemaeias. Towards morn- ing Use guests departed. declaring they had spent a very rte joyst.le even- ing. DUNGANNON PA'llttane Mggrtrts. - A grand meting will be head in the church, Duagaeaoa, on evening, March 11. b, at '7 911. ltev. J. Poth.ritstbam. of Goderieb, wW driver an address and it is eco e xpected that two returned nurses will' be present and Speak of their expert- etiers at the front. There win also be some musical numbers. This messilag, is bold under+the auspices of the Hums 1 County War Auxiliary and It is hoped there will be • large attendance. COLbORNE. Pcntor Mer'rist: -A public meet- ing will be bees on Monday eveniog at S o'clock in the Pre.byteri•n church, Carlow, under the auspices of the Huron County War Auxiliary. This meeting will be addressed by Rev. J. B. Fotberingbam. of Goderich, and 0.pt Wlndryer, of Toronto. Capt. Wfndeyer is addrewing • meeting in G.deriea on Sunday evening and bait kindly coometed to remain over and speak et Carlow Monday. He has lately returned from France. where be was at the front enraged in observa- tion wort for the British and Cana- dian Governments. His address will be most interesting and instructive sod it is hoped that there will be • Iarn•e attendance. Mr. Fntberiogham's ability as a speaker is well known and all wbo attend may be assured of an in teres t ing'addrees. \ TILL ENDS WHITE FLANNELETTE Soo mill ends White Flannelette go on sale Saturday morning. All are beautiful soft quality and mostly wide widths. Lengths are syr to 10 yards, and real bargains for these are very scarce goods today. Saturday morning by the end at less than mill price. The "Northwaj ' Suits and Coats are Here First showing of " Northway " models in Ladies' Tailored Suits and Coats for Spring wear. These spring models are worthy of the name they bear and absolutely correct in every detail that goes to make a stylish garment. Of most of them we show but ono garment In any particular style, and these will not be duplicated, thus assuring buyers that individuality in dress so much desired. We strongly advise early selection, more so this season than ever before, for materials are becoming harder to get every day, in fact many lines are already off the market and will be impossible -to procure until the war is over. '' Northway " Suits for Ladies, $16.50 to S3o.00, Northway " Coats for Ladies, $7.5o to $2o.00. Wide Width Americas Percale 17c Fast color American Cotfo. Percale, nary and butche blot ground, wltb neat spot or small floral pat- terns. Splendid wearing, fast colored cloth. which we can strongly recommend. per card 17o trusty D.Fartrment Now Ready for &mi ees MUnaery Department is now ready for sprint( blase nese Our milliners have returned from the (aab- 100 centres where they have been studying the season's new styles. Case after ease of hats, flowers and trimmings have been opened up rind we are ready to give every order prompt attention. Saki of Gats at $5.00 Our big clearing sale of Ladies' Wisher Chide Mfr will coottnae until every gauntest is mid_ Coatswe are selling are the biggest kind of • tour - gain. There are Clacks and colors in tbs lot sad they are worth two. three sod four rimes the trice you can buy them for. "Nemo" Grants New models in this popular Americas Corset, jet to hand. All the popular "Nemo" features shows. The ideal Corset for stoat figures, ■1 per par ... a2.75 to $11.50 OD 1ENS BRO Direct Importers • GODERICH Eat an Active Food To avoid indigestion and constipa- tion eat lea of the highly -refined. fancy cereals and stag chy foods. Wh.t the stora.rh, liner and bowels rryuire is an unrefined. active cereal to keep them working right. Dr. Jackson's Roman Meal has more active. stimu- leting power than any other breakfast cereal. It contains whole berries of wheat, whole ben ies of rye, deodor- ized flaxseed and bran. Makes delici- ous I..,rtidge and all irked products. At all groceries, 10 rents and 2.5 cents. Made by Roman Meal Co., Toronto. FROM PTE. KELLY, M.T.A.S.C. Now is a ted tint* to flu your Furniture Utielstared• We Ile it and de it well. NEURASTHENIA THAT FOLLOWS LA GRIPPE Rest and a Tonic Is the Proper Treatment Dis- 1 tinguished Medical Authority Says. ( There is a form 1.1 neurasthenia that follows la grippe. Doctors call it post-grippal" neurasthenia. One of the foremost medical author - A letter from Pte. Basil Kelly, of. the Imperial Mechanical Traoeport Corps, bits been received by his par- ents, Mr. and'Mrs. J. B. Kelly. He is at Grove Perk, Lee. S. England. He tells of passing the test for motor - drivers. Out of 4:A men about half passed the first test. The test was made on a long six -too truck. Some of those wbo failed in this test, and who wou'd have to take • smaller car at. lower guy, are conning beck to Ceas- ed* rather than do this. The men are living in huts. about forty iu each hie. They sleep with six blankets under them and Gear above. Basil expected to get a week's leave -from Saturday to Saturday -when he would go up to London. He sends his regards to the Goderich toys. He asks for some Canadian tobacco -he doesn't like the tobacco they have over there -and for copies of The Signal. Needless to say, both requests are being complied with. COUNTY COURT DECISIONS. Naegele et al. v. Oke. The plaintiff suedin the County Court to nsaiotain a hydraulic ram upon. and take water from. the defrn- drat's land in Colborne township, and for an injunction to restrain the de- fendant trona interfering with tbe plaintiff's water rights. One John Halliday and his wife made a verbal agreement with the plaintiff concerning the water rights in question. The plaintiff enteral years ago established a hydraulic ram .cad piped the water a ron.iderahle distance to bin farm. Snbsegoentay, its• n .I. int lo sell their f.rtu by auc non, the HaIliday. gave to 11.e plain- tiff a writing to protect him. Tbe defence contended that the writing war not under real and was not valid, and 1 bat (bore eras tea 0.i.sideratlon for it. and teat .t amounted onlyto a licence, which wee revoked, anthat the deli -edam. Oke was sot bound by it. His Honer Judge Doyle bold. that Mrs. Halliday actively participated with be. husband in wtierce- tn. s giving the grr m• cat to the plaints for protectors: that the defeodsnt (lee bought the lord "Fhb lull knowledge u/ ibe water nights ; *het the waste water wench defendant easiest wee good seaside's- ; that a mai was sot required to ha 1.11116/4/. and 'bat LM plaintiff hold. • valid right to an e.rsesent on ter- defendant'. lands Judsesrerl is in f4•or of the piano iff eetahlishing him water right. lys.areseing the de- f.nda... Gusa i..ievferi.R with raise, and •tote dam for the i..trrfer- mee l y alae d dar•t whleh tusk pis.o ' he p. inn a 191 •ted Oouoly Oou. t r,.et• of tie.- action. N. Pl,.wifoot, K. (1. and J L Lil loran fon the plaintiff ; Charles Oar• r..w for • he defendeso- Fromm .t al. v. Oeldthsrpe- Tbi- w.. .s appeal by H. n ry7 Free- man. J vomit 01 ink and Wiliam 0. Misrl.ng, as ..gmetlanta. to tae O.wsl Judge .4 Mews. Iron am award • Ries of New York city in a lecture in the international elioica said: 'Broadly speaking, every victim of la grippe will suffer from poet-grippal neurasthenia sloe. Lowering of ner- vous tome with increased irritability is the most striking effect of the div- es/Ie. languor of mind and body, die - turbot'. fitful sleep and vogue pain., in the head and elsewhere. The treat- ' meet :ails for rest and a tonic." If you have sod 1• grippe read those symptoms *gain • "Ltagtwr of mind and body, disturbed, fitful sleep and vague Towing in the bead lord else- where. If you have any or all of them it means that you ore still suf- fetinlc from the effects of la grippe sod that you will not be weld and ('tee from danger of relapse until your blood is built up. 'Ise treatment, says the distingu- ished physician rooted above, is rest and a tonic. Dr. William.' Pink Pills, a non-alcoholic tonic, at e pen 14 ularly suited for building up the blood and ' sttergtbening the nerve. after an at- tack of grippe. The rich, red bleed expels the lingering 'germs from the system and trensfo,w. de.pOnden1 grippe victims into v.brerful, healthy, bapyy men and woman. Ifou have bad 1a griPDe do not wait fur • relapse or for the neural'. !Arnie that so often fallows grippe, hut get a box of Dr. Pink Palls now from the nearest drug store •od l•egin the treatment at once. Ycu can get Dr. lt'illi•mr' Pink Pills from any medicine dealer or by mail, at 10 fasts a box or six boxes for $2.60, from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brookville, Ont. for the respondeat, J. T. •Goldthorpe. by V. M. Roberts, towagbip engineer for Colborne, concerning the drainage of the lands along and adj scent to the Point Farm road in Colborne. ilia Honor Judge Doyle holds that the award improperly diverts the water from the natural course e-e-t- etly and improperly directs it to go try a right angle. northward. throe b rising ground, and owing to the right single turn and the !ergs Waterfall down the read the water would .till go westerly. where it had gone tor a great number of year. The award is ordered to he amenderi rs art to carry the drainage in the direction of the old drain westeriv to the lake : the work and material are Up-to-date Plumbing This is what yon want in your house or place of business. Dont let anybody put you of with the inferior kind that is al- ways causing inconvenience and trouble. When you have a Plumb- ing job to i* done, call in Fred Hunt HAMILTON STRIRKT 'Putout 1&5 IPure i., -crew.., in bulk or fan -y bricks, at Mark- o•.• 'a 'Phone 1111, Winter Footwear Style, Fit and Durability Are three very important features in footwear. They are qualities that every line of Shoes and Rubber. in our immense stock must possess. Every line is selected with ends inview, there- fore ensuring quality and footwear that will stand the test in any weather. REPAIRING Geo. Mac Vicar assessed •proportionately among eke TO THE PUBLIC several owners. The respondent J. T. Goldthorpe is directed to pry the costs of the appellants and the costa 'for me king an additional survey neoesai- tated by the stale+ having b- en re- moved, and the respondent is further indented to pay the costa of Engio.er Roberti award un the ground tbat the re.poodent failed to attend a meeting of owners called by him. J L. Killoran for the appellants ; L E D..eey foe the respoodert,. ONE HUNDRED YOUNG WOMEN ..a u•• aeadnd Yuan. ]carr warded a. ores 4. true. M .-h.dre elite r•••r tw.. T • .ease oaths T's1 Trap R T eaalo. M w.an verse yes Mat ate le T ',partook). DsnT dela,. Write ted.i . Mr. A. L. Caldwell takes the op. portunity of advising the citizens of Goderich that be has purchased the Drug Business formerly con- ducted by Mr. C. L. Coultis, and respectfully solicits a continuance of their patronage. He will carry a complete stock of Drug.. Sundries, Stationery, Photo Supplies and Coofectiooery•r and looks forward with pleasure t0 an early call. 1 The Early Bird Set your eggs now and have the chicks out early. LAYS THE WINTER EGGS LAYS THE WINTER EGGS Raise your Rock all at one time with a Brooder, its easy. We'll Hatch the Chicks. H. KEITH REVELL • GODERK}i