HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-2, Page 7til
YOU OI'?O$Tonrt
The Winter Term weer us at
OWNS 1110 ND,oNT
Tt n.,e.rtl..l rause Ma
••w...d s/V.
dei . rs-
...4 . sdr ; mu ■ as
o.. eel
1'464 a ?new Ionia -w4 P..* rsterr.
W61061,4•0111,111 a -..I6414 u see cdr-
leg t hers W. a+•. ser sarisel d
asarte*tare mak toed bra -has h sum
e ti re
no. n .d.st•- .0..ectiris ea,'
p�dtss�sd. ar M
nt. 'err ir.
firwtiti m ,cwt 1..• •.•/t*ta.M..
(. A. 11114111111011;11.C.&„ Pru lee
U. U. /40111 •0. + e• •ase .
the disr.n,fort .1 do -tie's -but
few r.atiz• ter da•'g•-r-. When
sweeping carpe,. and fi ion' with-
t be flee. ''ray, 'tet obi -1 oaten
duet i thrown up in clouds, to
art h• •'n table., eh •,r, window
ledge+ end ever• ether piece
where a miner'• p •rtirle eat. fl• d
a re -ting p'ar. A. i furs it
auris- gee urs f envoy dicier.
along. wiis' h ars breath -.1 into
the lungs of t'..- w••w.n who
sweet's, and .•t child en and
every body .1+ .n the hires.•
Gaud ataist the great evil.
at all an., • s.
in.ist on baying t),enhanr, for
imh at ions . rr not e.. `nod.
Massey -Hams agent
.Hasdtm , Goderrch
7000 Rods of
]Ir.. Klsnre Herm. feenterly of Zur-
ich, died recently at Detroit
Seu'uel J..or.. of S,. Heb.•, bad
two flower* out .,If while cutting wand
with .a 1 ir.•ulwr •aW.
C. Joliette. of Hel.u.re. has brought
the 1.11 pl.ning .ar 11 at Wit. steer and
intrude lek•og it down.
tie:. Waugh, a well-known •'-Weal
art l'alr•ee, eti •.i on Fete oast y Its. Is, it
hb►eventy-.rv.•..ih year
iierv.y, .he lour -yea'- 4.11•011 of Mr.
and Mn. li-•-. l;el••rsilh of t)reti e
Hill. deed ON Feb. oat y 19tb.
The Illeterte fame of Hastily Duncan,
ori the i h roure•••i• n of M- rri•, has
been pu•elea.e 1 by N. ebb.' iiemiltoe,
of Atw.■.d.
A roe .• •i t he'd .it Helga ave under the
gust-i,v. o1 Hrt.ir ve Prir...i•c Society
on Velem'. y it h netted $10! far the
Red Cr... food
Mr• Ai)rr• Marr.. sister of the they.
1. A M •Krlvey, • f Dungwo . died
at Ktraih•.d • o trete u.ry 19th in her
thir ty-.re n•.1 pot.
Luther it - y•.. -Ids, of xi t •r, ha. pure
eha.ed the :N •.to farm of Melvin
lioullIr.lis...nv own -hip and took
poa.er.lou •ws 11.014. Isl.
James M•v.tee ba- -old his farm
trout h of 11...e -11.•1.1 I.. K. HO' ce. of i be
Hr..n..we hr*.: It -health is , he reason
Gtr. Mo •1be has -rid oi,t.
Jamas J. N.h 1.n•. M'-. Sarah 1-
Hawkin-, le it. .•' Moroi- town.hip,
wee. m'err.' ... W.0016640 us Frlru-
ary•le h by Rev. D. P-Iri .
Gene F.•-'• soot hie Perm on the
Blind line. 11 .y, 1.. P -ter Deo hett for
$7.10s) and ha. q•.t. h..e'.1 the farm at
Brake of Prove Castling for $1,5t11.
Knox chore., th•ti m...., held be
anniv• revery .e.,.c-., on F. bo nary .10
and 22 The .• freer. proved soccer s-
ful and be financial p1 o.•rred.aniounted
to $100
Mrs. Laura K. el r• reg, of Saskatoon,
formerly of Clio ri•, deed en February
lltb. He: buah.rd and one daughter
survive. The interment took glare at
Dori ie.
John Blew.n.fiehi, for the pest ten
ears a re-htrt of Morrie, died oa
February 2Y ..i, yard seven• y years.
Hie wife. two ,aro4 and o..e daughter
R.v. R. J M.C>•rmerk. of Hnlnee+-
vine, bra so -espied calf to Blyth
Melh.di.' church..rrhj-e P. the 141-
Pproem! of the Iloofesimer wbiete meets
ID June.
Francis Richard., n abed at the boos
of his son -in l.w, J •ho Curring■. of
Morris tn..nsbm'. a , remota. v 21st,
aged nevelt' y--rx year.. A family of
four survive
The .ng.ertaee' re annonneed of
Lena. dsogh'e' of Mr and M'.. John
Harris, of W Ir.•... 4. W.... Alien Mr.
ifavia.i•f McKillop, the marriage to
i take pia.. it, )Iarrb.
Miss 1.1.11. Wood end Perry Madge.
Iboth of Hen.a11, ware married .t the
,trans. thea- ..o Feb. um y lie h by Rev.
IK. MrI. 9w.itb. Thr young couple
will reside at eserortaffleed, Mask
m.. -t to a•1, toy July 1st,
• 1916. 'We have tstorer wadi of
the. Leer fracn tb.' money' can
Gary rod we hese 16 light 110
we can ..11 right. 1'.11 an and
.re ,.Ir stock a••d get our
pr ce hel.•re y ••. buy your
(enc... We to ed the money
and you tie. d 'he fence.
Farm Maeiaery
We C611 r foil .i..e of Farm
Alec hineey ■1- v- on hand.
Buggies aid Carriages
\\-e bar- h- ••,. it lopes and
cit•r. A 'sive .s.ortwent al -
way. on our f1 '. r.
If you need a few teen of tt'.at
FAMOUS 11 1.1) HOME-
have a earl ed joie ne.
Hard or Soft Wood delivered
to any part of town.
Phone No. 16:i
TiauwtwAT, MARCH 2, If1tm 7
There's a Subtle Charm
about the delirious flavour of
This flavour is unique and never found
in cheap, ordinary teas. Let us mail
you a sample. Black, Mixed or Green.
instructed to publish extracts frost
the appeal In the local pvpen.
O. motion of Judge Holt and kin.
Phelan pur:ba.ss to the followen.
a4l.wnte wet* authorised for the bale
of neat month : Koittiog departinao
$15rI. sewing isenenittee $100, Britan-
nia branch E5. The balance still un
expended of the sunt voted the surgi
cal committee is Viw).
Sixty per cent. of the wounded an
retooled to the fighting lines throng,
the .-tforte of t 4'. Reel t'rus..
The sewing ...mruitiee will di.tri.lut
material to tho.e w.IUng t easiest with
t his work on Friday afore tenons from
t to 5 p.m. i1 the Red (Tues rocas
Are you doing you' bit?
The $..cir, y heartily thanks the con-
oo-tritutors of wi olkn comforts received
during Ibe pest week : 31r.. Yiebul
son, , pairs rocks ; Mr.. W. 1., Horton.
sionary at Nankin. China, died cud- traced. 1t belongs to a settler its the Mr'• 1). Forguwn• d weirs .*eh : Mi.-
.lenly ou February 2Ynd. The deceeerd West who bad it stared in she same 1l-. 5 pair.: Mre. \\'ill ferry,
w,ts a native .1 Huron, having hewn I warehouse that Mr. Andre. u,'• fu. ui- Mi.. M. ('lark, Mr.. L1,•vd, pair-
(sa a en that 2u1 roneeseiou of :Stanley I tura wet n' and the drevmen who a rein ; Mr*..4... Dickson, lies. (:orlon.
\ Friend. Misr Jessie l'outte,
k're.uwn, M.., Denney t I)uogann vote
:1 luta. rack ; M• r, IValw.n, Mr.. H1 t
g ins •Dungaoo
uot, Mr.. Thor low, Mr..
S. Andrew•.. (Mrs. .14.. M. %Vhinr.ey
Mir. 1I Hawkins, Mr... John li,.1 •h' -
son, Port Alberti. Mr•. A. Methn-oo.
Mire. Ww. Howard, Mr-. Burkholder
Mrd. Angus McNevin, Mrs. If ,It. Mr -
D. Marwick, Mi.. Lurie. Mr,. 51.•
Clinton. '2 pairs each ; 31,.. Atuo
,ur.Mrs.Mrs. O. Carry. Mrs. Hy. feaster. Mr.
Hell NrI.onstreso klrJ. Howtie, 11'.
K. (leek. Mr... W. E hrlly, Mr.. \\
McMath, Mrs. sw 111-1d. Mir. Long
n itre. Mrs. Joe Merited, Mr,. AVall..el•
Mr.. Newcomb-, .r., Mrs. Semon, .\l
M. A. Hurritt, Mrs. John Milli -we, Mi.,
Cameron, Miss F. K. Mct'onomv, Mr'.
Alex. Stirling, Min Snider, MuteI.iL.
Howitt, 3Ir•. ti Porter, 1- pair each
kin.. Burrito, caps : Mrs. Macara,
8 washcloth..
township I loaded the car packed 1t in with the
Mr. Charlie Tall, sor of Mr. and )Ire. furniture The box contained dyne-
Frrl Toll. Fest Wewanneb. who has mote iut.enaed to he used fur removing
been teaching ocbcol near H.wilton, tree .tuu)ps,
has r'..ignrd bid .cbool and er,li.trd j HRl li=K[.�.
with the Auihulance Coater and Is in � Arebie Ritchie broke Lie leg while
training at Loudon. ,kiting at she rink one day recently.
John PFebruett, rf tirlglsede locality. 1 The corporatbin is adverti-nog for
decd ••n February -red. flee Mel. rd,1,tas) Irrad•o./ field stone to li nerd in
who war •rsty-right yeas old, era.
for feu yea!street improvement next-priug.
r pnopriet 'r of Bo Igrrve I Mrs. O. A. Fear died et her home at
l. Hsurvived by his wit., f
ohneotedrugbieriris abut two ceras. Chico l alifon.ir, on February Li'l,
lames Weir died at hie home on the Her husband was a former re.i.lrut of
1 d the decee.ed'e father
At S'nueh'on, Sask.. .•n January
22Htb, Mies C'hrl.tin • M MarFarlaee,
daughter ed h. bee Fists. John Mac -
of Kinr..dine, wee married
to Mr John McWhennie
Annie Kbssihrth, 1w'cond daughter
of Mr. and tits. W'h.. !ibvtn. .1 she
Path a-nncre••.n of Tuek vaoith, died
on Fetrurty 171h after a long illness.
She web in h- r fourteenth year.
Andrew Macher ha4 purchased the
iINI serer on the 17•h .-,,merlon of
Grey offered for ..I.. by tin. exe-utors
of the rota . of hie father, the bate
Rohr. Machan. The tutee p.id was
The engagement i. announced of
Mary Ellen, y..nngr.t daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. 1). C. Brown, of tb•- 17th con-
cession of Ore v, t� • Kveret' N. Ward,
of Logan. the mare 'tore to lake place
in March
De. James Butane, t, w medial mite
re r
* I ' 1 • : /era 17 e
ea ce,sea�ea�.uswrs-ss� 6 es • ' t y
es nom' wa.iitwala • . i'� C ,,11
in towns and
villages through-
out Canada you will find bicycle riders who
believe no other bicycle tire is made in
this country but Dunlop. These riders
want the time -proven. honest-all-through-
the -years tire; and you can rest
suck riders are not
by imitations of Du
all .through -
Dunlop. ' v
Dunlop Tire
Rubber Goods
01 Ass
and Fades en:
shwa hse 1r*
S. 1M
llih rorice.aon of Turoberry i n Fah Bruer r rn
merry '22nd. alter a short Moose. lie I Rey. M. 9wrno, was at one time pre-
was forty-six year. old and Is outaieed for here.
�] his wife and two young daughter.. 'tor
r•. Champion and fanily, of the
His mother and four brother* also sur- 5th conceesion of Morris, inner *Loved
rive. to this village. Three soar are with
Wm. Tarr, a native of the lath con -1 'he 1llist Hattelion here.
cession of Grey, died •t, Big River, I Mr* Benjamin Walkse peesrd away
Son:., on Februarynth. He was at the home of her parents. Mr. and
mem five yearsaland was the on Mrs. Geo. Flirt. of Brussels, nn Fehru-
of Mr. and lire. P. Tarr, of Macl;reg• ary 2let. The deceased was born here
or, Man.. at w hi' h place the tutermeut thirty years ago. Besides her hut,
was made band real parents one son survives.
Roy Tr.quair, moor Mr. and Gln. 1 Roht. N. Newsome died at th. home
John Traquair• of Lumley, died at De. of his mother here on February '5)th.
trait oo February '5 .b. 'the deceawd Thedeceased, who was torn im Orey
was in his ferrety- evrntb year and is , town.hip fifty-three years ego, bad
survived by his wife and one chill.
spent some years in the limited Sere...
The interment was made in Hensel' He herd been unwell several months.
union comet/etc. His mother. ane brother sod e:s sis-
(la the evening of Fehr nary 15th the ten sterner•
oomgregal i )m of Knox 9burch. Hlue-
vale, held an oyster supper. after RED CROSS NOTES.
wbieb the church woe. gage was ----
burned The church budding which The monthly meeting of the lied
is now fres of debt was erected in 1907 Cross Soriety took place in the North
a. a cost of $trap. street rooms on February 21. The re-
slargaret Miller. second daughter ports of the waking committees were
of Mr. and Mrs. Radiant Miller, of las follows :
Wroxeter, died there on February During the month the sewing com-
.3)tb, aged twenty-r.ve years. The de. emitter purchased material to the value
ceased hal been i11 for several months, lo/ $ld3.75, from which the following
Before moving to Wroxeter the tam- article.. valued at Ir212 70, were made:
ily livid at Jamestown. 1 -11 convalescent suit., 13 had jackets,
:bor. Bielby, of the H h concession 1 pillow, 24 day sbirta, 5 dressing
orf Morris. has sold his Its) -acre farm to gown., 11 pairs lied socks, 3 surgeon
Nelson Nicholson. of Blyth locality. eclat', IN sbeeto, 12 apron., _l suits of
Mr. Bielby intends going Wert. The pyjamas, 15 hospital nierhtshiite, 42
pries was to the neighborhood of Pillowslip..
65.4100. lir. Nicholson has purchased ' In the knitting department 113E143
also the adj lining 10) acre from John was paid for yarn, aed the following
Vuddeo ( articled of w total value of $3.--3.t10 were
Moe. David Reid. for man sbtl2Qed,• 1.tu
pairs socks, :r cape. 3
resident of Hallett, died at hears a err home'rCSITs. 5 Pair+ wriaterr. Mn. Mo-
on the 12th concession on February . Kim reported that the total number
17tb..•'she was horn in deodand eighty-1of soaks made to date id 3016 pairs
coo -
eight years ago and dame to this cone- Tke expenditure of the surgical m,, ably
4 mittee wad giU tlu and the mutably
being spent in Hallett, I dotbs. mouthwipw, 3i8 bandages, '21
Y a femily of five-, personal property begs., 4') dozen ab-
sorbent pads 122318 in., 19dozen !absorb-
cot peds 9 x 12 m., 11'2dozen absorbent
prided x 1 in., the total beiog valued
at $150.
The Britannia branch parttimed sup-
plies to the value of 121.57 and their
orale contained 1.1.1111I .pongee, 00 down
Mrs. , Dr,l C. W. Ross. 01 Winnipeg. compresses, 12 dozen handkerchiefs,
died on February `21st. The deceased 17 sheet. 5 pillowslip. 2 dr'e.sin.t
was a daughter of the late Joe. White- vow, 2 bed jacket., 2 Dui Sea' apron',
bead and nad many friends here. 11 hurpetal nightshirts,. 2l mitre lad
Mies Mary Clarke, an aged resident soar, 1'2 pans of convalescent shoes,
of Clinton, died on February 10th, 1 rig, 2 pairs knitted socks. Value
The deceased, who was seventy-five
years old. was r mistime of Was. Clarke.
of Onderi:h township.
try when a c ild of rix, the greater tbac cintained 1 pa' it- blankets, face -
part of her life
Nine is survived b
Robb., of M: Killop ; !)arid, Anger
and Mary. of Hullett, sod Mrs. frank
Martin, of Morris.
The Collegiate Institute bas bees
clewed owing Loan outbreak of measles.
The military ball held herr on Tues-
day night of last week. ander the sue.
pines of the officers of the Inlet Bat tat-
loo, was a brilliant affair. Besides
thous from tawn, guests were present
from l;'dericb, hosforth, \Vingbam,
Exeter and Hensel'.
Thos. (;rieve, brother of Mir. A.
Somerville, of town. died in the Wert
'on Febreshry 124th.
Mn. Joseph Brownell, for many
Mn.aa resident of Mwafortb, died at
elguod, Mau., on February 13 le.
Mn. Rohl. Mrl;rath died recently
at her home at Owen N .und. She
seas a sister of J. S. Welsh, of Sea-
torth, and was well known herr.
John Shine died at his home here nn
February 22nd. The deceased, who
was sixty-five years old, was for many
years • ►evident of McKillop, but on
retiring from the farm fifteen year.'
ago came 1.. Seaforth to reside. He is
survived by his wife.
Ralph Hanna, an offl.-er of the
L,'6ited `+tate+ naval service. visited
his brother, S. C. lianas, here last
The secretary s report was as fol-
lows :
Helene@ reported last month $34)t.15
Additional amount from W.C.
F.M. last month . . .. 2.3.5
Received during the month. ..58.711
Total $93 . 1
Expenses of Jan., Feb. bales.. Shift lit
Made Her Delicate Boy Strom
New York City. -'• My little boy was
in a very weak, delicate tooditioo as a
ersult of gastritis and the meealee and
there seemed no hope of saving his life.
The doctor prescribed cod liver oil but
he could not take it. 1 deckled to try
\enrol -and with splendid results t
seemed to agree with him ss that crow he
W a strong healthy. boy. -Matt Tholes
FYnczaaLo 1090 Pah Ave., N. Y. Qty.
We guarantee Vinci, our delidcbe
cod liver sod iron tonic, for ren -down
conditions, chronic coughs, colds and
H. C.Dunlop, Drug ist
Balance on hand *343 So
The receipt during the month were
as follows : Ward eoikctionr, $.1.5.10:
W. C. Fluter M:11, $tic : Eureka Bible
claw. I. Wino. •t• rel NI- thodirtchurch,
tt E) hal : Dr. White.. $.,• : 31..6 Hudgr.
E' : Mn. Field. Mies Kate Watson, 11
Judge Holt. 1h. treasurer of the
Brilliant relief fund, reperteel a receipt
of $71.511 On motion of Mr. Porter
and Mr.. Fiend it was decided to keep
the list open moil March 1. when the
amount is to be fi rw.rded to head-
An appeal was read from the Se1' nm
National on teehalf of the ILO.o..,tes)
refugees from the der..lated dist. kis
of Northern Franca. .judge /11.-t was
sppointrd to 1reel Ye contribution. for
this propose, and 1Le secretary was
Thos. Peahale, who hos been attend-
ing 1.,runto University, was Douse but
week in the uniform of s lientenant
of the limpet lal Army. He well Wave
with thirty flue other University men
for England, where be wilt 1complete
his gna4fldlions for his oAti};
John Broderick died at is home
Mn on Psbr .i v 21st in hi ••eveet y-
filtb year. He wee horn in \V too
eow0ty, but renrove.l 10 Huron w
twenty years arta and taught
V. farmed 9n Bay !nonstop natal
years ago when be moved to Ex.-
He is •hived by bis wife and
eight cbildree.
"I)ntter b• will he held at Wieg
ham ne Msrob
Mrs. Jobs iitl.Meea. nether of
Mn. A. J. Prion, of town. died at le-
perentl on Fobret ry 21st io her seven -
teeth year.
Mrs. ILT. B.flee died I. bnepital
her. e0 February 2sad after a Fong
Maine A falsify of 1.e dasightere
and one sea .swine..
Tho otigln of the neyeterinue box of
espied est which wee booed in a ear.
lead of Mwhold cake+ta sae bees
Now that the cold weather;is
herr you'll want your
homes more comfortable.
Get our prices on
Hot Water Boilers,
Our Perfection Oil Heaters
are just the thing to drive the
cokl oqt of chilly corners.
All repairing to plumbing,
furnace work, etc., promptly
attended to.
Phew, Illi Reenlist Street
Special Round Trip Fared
tout Limit Stopover.
A.heville and lint spring- N 1'.: t'hartstun
A C. ; Nara.. N.H.: Hu; Spriest.. Ars.
French ick sprines,Ind.: Ja^krorit- N .s.1
all /fetido fres. t.: H.v.nr. Cuba, •od New
Orissa.., L.. .1a New Tack rad rail -lee
slower ac, online to de,t iota ion I. „r e u Hug
ski, Detroit or Chicago.
Herm.'ds sed Wert l cal iso. cit her 6.6116 r •'rt.
Monet C1.-as.o-. Ml .In.: Rattle Ir.,•a. Mb h.
ttr a'rtharitw.. Well.. Ont.: Pte.toa Spring.
Ticket. ..d fall lora-met loo 00 •jroti.-.,' Inn
to F. I. Lei .i-RKNCE.e $ONS, Phuoe
achelor Suit
-415 to $20---
41 Come in and pati tine.c
!lobby garments in t. ' •
date +tyle and han,lss i
reliable material..
Clothing for
the Children
New Norfolk Snits and othei1 styles. - Built to we.tr.-'
The Semi -Ready Tailors
Through equipment including Electric Lighted Compartment Observa-
tion Car, Standard and Tourist sleepers, ()ming Car, First-classCoaches.
The tregneot C.P.R. ra.roe• ewiso ' bowel 'tee ,'en:.-.
City i• .n 6-60 to 0... Tr.vrller
irsis:colar- from Pitt C.P.R.KIDD•Agent, or. ice M.0 Mt'RPIIY :'i'.i r,... ,.
- :-AND-:-
Wnt.e for Particulars
Registrar. Mos. Sac. tDunelml Principal.
Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont -
Are You Interested in FOWL? I
If so, call and get one of Cyphers Incubator Co.'s books on Incubators, Brooders and
care of fowl. These are free for the asking of them. We have in stock :
1 small Columbia Incubator, 130 to 140 Eggs.
1 Cyphers Incubator, 244 Eggs.
3 Portable Hovers.
This company manufactures Electrobators in two sizes.
No. 1 Electrobator, capacity 60 Eggs.
No. 2 Electrobator, capacity 12Q Eggs.
ti ,n, we 44,14 to pleased to take it up with the
Cypher. Intubator Co.
Ar • y .0 getting the number of eggs you
should % If not try Dr. Hwa' Panwrrw. This is
g.r tramped to he one of the b •.t egg pro dnrxn on
the',nrrke,. Hit doses not do a6 guaranteed, re-
turn t h-• enrp y package .end get your money hark.
'With these Eleetroh.tor., if the elerrrir cur-
rent i.• off for is few hour. it doe. not afre1•t the
eggs, as there is eunugh heat stored to keep the
tewneratore up.
If there iPi anything you want to know abaft
Inrehator.. Brooders and Hover., call and get one
of these book.. 1f you wish any special inform*.
At Ihi. time of the year vcur hors." .red
,•*111e are ioing fad on dt v fest. They should
herr a tonic to aid Jiges ' . l'uy 1)r. He-..' Stork
Food. 1t i• folly guaranteed. if you thi•'k that
it has not been any benefit to our .tock. being
hack the emit v p.ekwge rand get your ne...ey
hack. It is filly grim enteed by Dr Hese, and it ,e
his instruct ion• to it. to ret orb' the money for the.
empty p..•knie ,f the porchaaer i. not goo oiled
with the result of the test. We have sold tone of
it, and have yet to have a d,.srtistled customer.
Electric Fixtures
you want prome goal value. to Electric Fir
tures.' We have then.. 4. ell and sae what we
We are going to handle eirto.ir.iy the Auto-
m,l•ile Skates 11111.1 in order to .leer out what Iwo
have of other limes we have cut some of them to
lees t hats egret.
Shelf and Heavy Hardware
in Shelf and Heavy Har.iw..re err awry anrm-
t'let. -t ark, and can serve your wants on a mo-
- c.'t,e".
Plumbing and Heating
it t ns figure nn your I'leunbmc, He.' ing,
snit tong and Eleetnr Worm:. All work peonrpt•
1v attended t . ani (ally gu.ranwrd. ...,lei.
Coal and Wood
\\'e carry w full line of ie -4 Scranton White
A•h t •„.l.
V(.,ve and 'hest not ('ono .. P.M per ton
Egg l'aal , .......... .. 7.75
tam" 1 0.41el . Hal)
Dome tic I.rr,np _l. ooal. 1)
7.1 •'
Hlwek.w+ith yowl .......... '".. 7.11)
V.'Fvey Nut l'.'ke . . 7.1111 '•
Hard 1.:.)peteurJ
\\'falls t !left....... .. ... 1.23 .,
Mir Mee .... .... ......... Reviler price IP 59 MOW $2:A)
Hnker's Perfect. .... ..
Bokn'a Stied aeons .. .. .................. ..
H}ekey (10h
44.14..r'. Lightning......... 7.
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Sprieg Skate. N•ealn Steel
Where i nnbie End Hockey
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Sbre 22 IICHAS.C LEE East Side Square
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