HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-2, Page 6• 'I11ua•DAT M till H 2, Ip!u TH R SIGNAI. GODERICH ONTARIO WOMAN NAD NERY$JS TROUBLE Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta- ble Compound Helped Her. West Danby N. Y. -"I have had nervous trouble all my life until 1 took Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- posed for serves and for female tree hies and it straight- ened me out in good shape. 1 work Nearly all the time, .s we live on • farm and I have four girls. Ido all my sewing and other work with their help. so it shows that 1 stand it real well. I took th.• Compound when my ten year odd daughter came ant' it helped me • lot. 1 have also had my oldest girt take it and it did her lots of good. I keep it in the hoose all the time and recommend it." -Mrs. DV.WITT St4IUAUGH, West Dsaby. N. Y. Sleeplessness. nervousness. irritabil- ity backache. heir laches, dragging sen- sations. till point to female derange- ments which may he overcome b; Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal begrediente of which are dem .•d from u ndue toots and herbs, has for forty year. proved to be a most valuable tonic e nd invigorator of the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi- mony to the wooderfal virtue of Lydia s Pinkham'g Vsptabi• Compound. BRITISH RED CROSS FUND. Hu -on County 'Contributions in Response to Trafalgar Day Appeal. A report of the donations to the British Red ('roes fund in "espouse to the Trafalgar Hat appeal (October .'1, 1x•1:,1 has been issued by the Lieuten- atu-tiovernot. etlaicutap of the cuul- luittee lot Ontario. Huron county shows up well in the list of conttibut- inht wunicipeltt•e•, the total from thie county l.eing gat,;47S.lill. The returns from the varioun municipalities of the m,.uty were . latter )tants xp. Cmtribu- 7e•mt..,r, kraut. tlonn•.. Total. v.i 11,16 11, pl,al told�n.- eau .e• (a•nob IMO m lea 30 1.10130 they . . 11.411110. 1.0 e• LUG .e Mas - .. Nat* •'45 .;t' - Bow. -t . ... Seen' 771 as 1.171 at Hallett 751E :tint r. Yrs. diet. .. S.R. 1u i•i ten eel .el Harts. . �,4, 1e, 7 m fl a' B•aaM1 ... 1,5011 A:ei•ben I.1L: ts•151 47 "47' Tneksnaith XMr t•el i ou> r , it.*. L Tentiterry.... se. ie• le :. .L J, 1 eters*. ' ,. 1am6 31, I.3..5 e. " r►waaH rXr..,N et ID. n. M'.w�a�nm I(c-b Wd Baree. ...: 111 M e1S M teeth sn 514 Pl tutee s4 .. e.4 mar s 1.313 _'4 heater. . t ce 1.!131 to. Hse..n .. UM 36 tot 33 Wr.aeter H1 In 344 i., l ewe.. (411'x. ....... . elm c iederich tree er IY"h,Hb .•• oust 1e. 3.781 7s WI, Oro, ... 1,07a'W 4,411151 Ar4a1s' ' Soo au :se. as .5 K' ••Oftyr contribution." includes indi- vidual giving,, contributions from wnuhen'v urdanixations, school', eta. t 1 ye. ,4 Is Tait :Y I:,uw e The House of the Whispering Pines 0 By ANNA KATHARINE GREEN tesedobt teen In Aar aesbestoa Robles "1 want another good leak at year playact and 1 want year eaaid•aa. alms Toa and 1 sway have M ..e it ch et each other before this 'setter 35 ended. You asked me to speak plain- ly and I tate doee en" "Toe are from budges/toter "O user Peery east sea" Throwing back kb eat he bowed ble hedge. "Me comer has returned to kb d- ace. He was gaits .pat by the setae which came from Ulla room at an um happy w 'meat during the f.aersL" "I know. It was my fault i opined the door jest for as natant and la that Instant my patient broke through ber torpor and spots' She had drawn him la by this thea and. after anotber glance at bee pa- dent. stient, softly closed the doer bs dtkta `l bar., noshing to report," geld MA "hot the one .@ntwee everybody beard" Sweetwater took i the Bttn nor madam book lad used whir* bog at her aids and .ndereteed bar poi doe and extraordinary amwsblLb b kb wtsbea Uoeoosdousiy a low es- Mamtdoo escaped atm He was young and had not yet soak the man earths 4 i the detective His eye went wanderlag a11 ever the room as be spoke ort I It tell epee a peculiar looking cabinet or eldest let into the wan directly opponts the lied, "What's that, be asked '1 don't know. 1 taa't make 11 est. and 1 don't elk. to ask." Sweetwater ezamtned It fora Nen anent from wbere be stood- time cross ed over and scrutinised it more pas ticularty. It was a ualgoe specimen What It !meted 1n betgbt- t coon net have measured more tban • foot from Use bottom to the topes -It made ap n length. which must Mee exceeded eve feet Tb. doom. of which It bad two, were both tightly locked. bot as they were made of transparent "tam the objects behind them wet, quite 711E tea It was the nature of thew ole• jests whlrb made the mystery. The Mager Sweetwater examined them the lees be understood the memo for tbeer e•ilecdon, much les for their preen. venom to a room w bleb to all other respoefs expremed toe galntemenee d taste. At one end be saw t staffed emery, lot perebed on • twig. bot tying prose on tt< aide. Near It was a doll. with Storcbed face and Umbs half comma- An sem a - tali IA 3.:.*3 I+- An Excellent Remedy for the Children. Mt- i.auraJackson, Brant ford ,(int.. writes 1 have found Baby's Own Tablets •uch an C1 .Hent remedy for cbtldren that 1 have so hesitation in reyonm.oding them to all mothers." Tbuu.ands of mothers say the same thing concerning the Tablets. Once a mother has tired them "he would use nothing else. They are for sale at all druggists or 1.y ,pail at 2' cent• a hos from 1.Y Dr Williams' Medicine (`o., Brockville, (Int. To maize the best use of tin.• we must have life in the souL--J. Clarke. The eo.enee of honor is eeneibility : warm, tender fellow -feeling with all forms of exis1enre.-Carlyle, SALTS IS FINE FOR KIDNEYS, QUIT MEAT Mush the Bldneys at once when Back harts or Bladder bothers -Meet forms uric acid No urn or woman aito eats meat inn• burly can m lite a mistake by hushing the kids.,. .ar•.t.ionally, whys a well haewo authority. Meat forme vis rid whist clop the kidney pores •r dggisbly filter cr strain only part et the waste end poisons frees the Mmol, thee you, Ret sick. Nearly all rheuae- ti5m. headaches liver trouble, nerve,e teas, ennetipation, diayinees, eleeplesaeej', Meyeaader disorders some fromul 4ab kid - TM moulted you feel • doll robe in w kieseya or your beck ,arta. or if the ares te cloudy, offensive, fall of midi hast, it erelar of power• ort attended by • arn•en lion of weld ,rtg. rt shot bar eases* of Jud Saito from any reliable paarm.ey end take a tal>lo*pnoaf•l i• a glass of water before breakfast for • f*w days and your kidneys will then set dna 71n famous salt* is mad. from MN amid d grapes .d lamas jade., sem- head wptit this and ias ben seed t•* gmeesWss to tab titR1lar ki4wys and mals ben M aseivity, eye M ass - Welke 1.b aside to grim .s H se l0.pr miens b iibbie , taus sedieg WMsr i► 3M SLIM le inmstes/M sad ma - sob blue: smiles •d... mega rrl..w.br blue lsoead ger Ur mea mem rwle We use .d tbse mo its. endMead pee.k d- tsetsesuse b `JOG *Haar suott.n ■a ,mesa m 3Llt1 ala? lm3 414 ^ ed. Next this the broken pieces of a china bowl sod wbat looted cite the torn eminent, of some very an. lace Further along bis eye Ilgbted on ■ 7otang girl's bonnet. exquisite In rotor and nicety of material. bot ertusbed out of all shape and only betraying Its Identity by Its dangling strings. "Some ebIldleh nonoeuv," he re. matted and moved toward the door. 'The servants will be rooting bark. and I bad ember not be toned here. You'll MVP In. ■rasa 1 nno.dt tell Nod wean Probity* von may wool 1e mod for me If so. my nam. is Sweet. Wafer 11• hand wee on the tnnt% and be was alaat..? .rat ret rhe room whorl 1.na manna and '...tart eta, It A violent cisme. 35 714. reo.oer.r sad s -tiered Disturbed by Me mire or by son. la- w psloUoe of the fever whleb do - vowed bur. Carte.4 had risen from the plow and pow eat •taring atrmm& before ber. with every fee - tem wartime •od Ups opened as If to speak. Sweetwater land bis breath, sad the .ural leaped toward low .ad pttb esetrdsd bar with p oton:log ems Flashes eau bar Med. abm cried out W ily. just ea she bed cried as boor "Weak It epee! d'e•t the gimes sad bei M M Mort ab.eld b. tame. S ir Menet Ser t r •ebe s I casae( mike bee- embroil the mum sed Sweetw•e.r turned le ehey Met • pew shame's seared. The bielher - beard this ery .ad sew stood in the doorway. 'Who are you'" be Impatiently de- manded, surveying Sweetwater in sud- den •ager "I brought np the drugs." was the quiet explanation of the ever ready de - teethe. "I didn't mean W alarm !b. young lady, said I don't think I did. It's the fe'vet; alt, which make bet talk so wildly." "We want no strangers hater" w young ttitmbertaad'a response "Be - member. nurse, no struggle." Hi toe . wan actually peremptory. Sweetwater observed him in nal as- tonishment as Ile slid by and made leb quiet escape He was Mill more es- toabbed when, ea glancing toward the sleeve, he perceived that, eootrary to Wb own prognostication. the whisky flood as high In the decanter as before CHAPTER Z ash nr svasaugs ewalwATld 1HE servants returning from the funeral drove ap just as Sweetwater reached the lower door. He esu at the side door when they tare tn, and a single glance coortaced his that all had use of decorously at the grave and that asthIng tatter bad occurred dura tag their Menem to disturb thea Se followed them as they died away lete the kitches and, wafting till the saw bed goes *boot tbelr work. turn- ed W attention to toe girls. who Mood about very much as if they did sat know just what to do with them - galena "Sit ladles," said he. drawing up theirs quite as if be were doing the Moors of the bona "You're all up- set you are. by wbat Mr. Cumberland said to such aa unbecoming way at the funeraL He'd tike to strangle Mr. Ranelagb! Wby couldn't he waft for the sberttl' it looks as If tbat gee - demo wonld have the job, all right" `0h. don't!' walled out one of the ern. the Impressionable. warm beart- ed Maggie. '<rbs horrors of Cols boos' will kill me. 1 can't stand It • minute longer. I'll go -Ill go to -mor- row." 'Toe wool; you're too kind hearted to leave Mr. Cumberland and his sis- ter in their desperate trouble," Sweet- water pat in. with • &&kion as sug- gestive of admiration as be dared to assoma Her eyes ailed and she said no more. 8weetwater shifted 44le atten- don to Vetere- Working around by her side, be managed to drop these words Into her ear: "Sbe talk. most. leu? she doesn't feel bee reeponslbitlttes any mon than you do. I've bad my experlesce with wo- men. .ad you're of the sort tbat Sys" She rolled her eyes toward Wm 1n a n ow. surprised way that would Dave abashed most men. "I don't know 'your name or year business here." said she. "but 1 do know that you take a good deal upon yourself when you say what I shall do or shan't do. 1 don't even know t yealL" With the most innocent air 1n the world be isnot-bed forth in a tirade h/att the man tbeo in custody. u tib tads guilt were an accepted feet and lathing bat the formalities of the law stood between bin and his Mal Geom. "It must make you all feel queer," be wound up. "to think yes have welted on tem and seen Doo tramptng'about thew rooms for months Just as 1.f be had no wicked feedings In his D'art and meant to marry Klee Cumberland -not to kill bear." "04 obi" Maggie sobbed out. "Ana a perfect gentleman be was too. 1 can't believe no bad of Dim. He was D ot Ute"- Her breetb aught and se suddenly that Sweetwater was always convinced that the more cautious Hokee bad twitcbed her by ber skirt. "Like - like other gentlemen who came ben. It was a kind word be had or a smile i -i"- 8De made no attempt to eolith. bot Weeded to bur feet pulling ace the more sedate Hens with bet "Let's g o." she walspurea -rim •feared of the man." The otter yielded and began to eros Se Mar bMld the bapetsou 351 OIL Sweetwater mi 'seed ep lei cour- age "Ole moment" be prays& "Wen yes set tell um before you ge ',tether the ea.dletiet 1 Mire embed on 4M dldag mom mused 35 not tree d • pair r 'Tee: them wen two -setas." said Henna relating Maggie's Mort to drag her out thrush 1M epee door "oven' sod hod Ream weter; 'fry whir% y+ll mea• thea. days ye" A lowering of ler heed .d s em4de• k. 41, tb. 4u Sweetwater rh••g.4 W woo 35 eta et ample bgdry "Ad was that where they always tend. the par of tem. see ee gab mid et be SON room ameststr Ube Mbet added. ibMb perhaps,ve.rehaps, bety Sweetwater W Ms 4hmp0siree.t The ream me.(M.ed me • themole Sem tee the Mists Ramify Arm mar M of It meld Mire tabs the awe" Mist. s cows mil Groans. Sunlight Soap The inducements offered with ootnmoa soaps cannot make up for the purity of Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to make pure soap. But it costs YOU less to use it, for Sunlight pays for itself in the clothes it saves. It does not wear and rub the fabrics as common soaps do. a1,No tearemt5l e/ a pertly sesta 'eery cake c✓ Sne4gtr Sap '7'm obliged to you," said be -7 -Mai might have ventured turner bad she giren him the opportunity. But she was too near tbe door to resist tbe temptation of dight In another mo- ment aGent the was gope, and 8weetwatee foamed himself alone wkh his reflec- tions. The moos those that olgbt, much 1.t. Bwestwateta discomforture. The house presented an equally dolor. out and forsaken appearance, and in the stable It was no better. Zadok had bought an evening paper and was seeking solace from Its columna Sweetwater had attempted the so- edable, but bad been met by a decided rebuff. • Soon Sweetwater realised that his work was over for the night and plan- ned to leave. But there was one point to be settled first. Was there any oth- er means of exit from these grounds save that offered by the ordinary drib. way? He had an impression that In one of his strolls about be had detected the outlines of a door 1n what looked like a high brick wall In the extreme rear. 1f so it were well worth his while to know where that door led. It mlglt be as well to try the lock, but be would hare to crass a very wide strip of moonlight to order to do so, and be feared to attract attention to his ez- treme Inquisitlrenees. Adrancing in a quiet sidelong way ho had, be Isld his band on the small knob above the lock and quickly turn- ed 1L The door was unlocked and swung under Ws gentle push. An alley- way lleyway opened before him tending to what appeared to be another resideoce street. He was shoot to test the truth of this surmise wben he beard a step behind bIm and turning. encoantered the beavy figure of the coachman ad- vatting toward bins wit! a key to his land. Zadok was of an easy turn. bat be bad been sorely tried that day, and M. limit had been reached "Too snoopers he bawled "What io you want 44em? Wot't the rat .4 the boos' contest you? Come! I watt to lock tbat door. 11's my last ditty before goingbed.b ., Sweetwater ow mimed the inner cent "And 1 was jest going t14la way. it leets Ute a short road Into tows it 35, isn't ti r "No! Year growled the oth sr. "Whfebver it la. it Mal year r • a 4 toagbt T1.rs private property. s 1 r . The alley you see Mimes to our abet- bora. bgfbons No esu passes tbruugl there bet myself gad" - He caught Massif Is ties iota a sullen grsot wkk'b may have bum the result of fathom or of that latest Ms etlnct of loyalty ethic* 35 often the most dlmealt etetaeae a detective bee to encounter `Aced Yr fassMgb, I emppe.e yep weeld eayr was Sweetwater's easy Sabal No easwer The medusa nano Meted the deer .d pet the lb i hes porhet Ilweetw.ter made se 'fart be dein Mm Mee, I3st fast ha dosed Sem teethes, gewttssa timet* be w bine se ash whorl 41435 ley was kept at stall ed whether N W been i Ms usual pane en 1.b embed se the ala! Mgr Se bed use fir smugt. r ' dear these* Awls r seep sad be lad gruttp. tNd "diet IMISISMILILSILAIS "Too snoorrar es aA wt2D. art- 1 l I h 41 ti Gt LLETTS= F PTS LYE rIi9T" •• 1.1 I1 11 (1 1e. 1 ainuty. But he did pot bay. use sumo - one into w4Jc44 he again receded and/ he had satisfied blm..1f that the key wast into the stable with Ute coacb- >w. wbere 1t probably remained for tact Wet at least It was after 10 wben Sweetwater reentered the house to sal good night to Herford He found him on watch in the upper ball. and the man, Clarke. below. He hada word with the for mer: "What la the purpose of the little door in the wall back of the stabler "it connects these grounds with those of tbe Fulton& The Fultna• live on Huested street" "Are the two familia Intimater "Very. Mr. Cumber35od b sweat w tae young lady there." "He uses that door, timer Sweet. water pursued "Pro ba bly. ^ "Did he use It that night, "He didn't visit bee." "W bere did be go?" "We can't dad out He was Int seen as Garden street coming hems after a night of debauch. Se bed drunk bard. Asked where 1.M get the llgoor, be maundered eat something about a saloon. bat nose of the pineal whin, be usually frequents had seen bin that nlgft_ 1 have tried them all aced some that weren't la his books It was no good." "That door is supposed to the looked at night Zadok says that's Els day. Was 1.t socked that algatr 'Can't sty. Perhaps the cermet eau To sus the inquiry ran In sect a !f>lt ferent direction at first that a sued tatter like that bey 1tye poen seer looked' • Sweetwater eabileed the natural re. tort and. reverting to the subject eel the saloons. got some specific Wormer doll- in regard (0 thea Theo ha pealed tboaghtfuUy downstairs, tidy to come woo Helen, wbo was just e* - languishing the trout 3511 ugbt. `Good night" b. said 35 passing. "Good night Mr. Sweetwater." There was seest1i.g is ler ter wtk'b made Wes lop and Met peek. •* bad stepped tate the Misery tied its blowing *et the imp dare. Si poured ■ _ moment tad sighed @MIS% Then 4 started toward the dose, may te pip agate and east amber leek Met She was standing i oae of lits dserways, aazlonty watehtng biro and twietteg her angers In .04 out to an bTestw way truly atgniticant la use of bar disposition. He felt 141a ,*art leap. Returning softly. be took ap h35 stand beton, bet. looking ber a zaleat in the eye. "Good night" be repeated with an odd .swpbasl.. "Good unlit" .44. answered with equal fors, sod meaning But the next moment abs was speak - Ing rsp$dly. earoserny. "i rant steep." ata. said '1 neves cal wbeo I'm Dot certain of my duty Mr Ran.ua1 Is an bljared eta■ Ask what was said and dooe at their last dtaa.r bete 1 real telt you 1 dlds't IM.e. and 1 didn't see wbat lampooned. Mt it was woahethl■g oat of the ordl eery. Terve bootee wlselrl•.ww My on the tabs doth wino 1 went In re clear away 1 beard the elatt.t wan they tali tied emuu.ed, bet 1 sae ..siting 4 Mr. meld nothing store bat I ku..w there we• s q'arret. and *fret M. Rano 3516 was wail If it for leu rum we Me ss., .ws. 531414.14 eemale.d nen/s��en�a a.1 arrows ha ',Meg you 4 w•se*w't If U 11 wire Dot for lit 11.11.35435 Ne Aid.. N right by II . ' wed boil be dwea.'t deer... n., pet... sod w mould Mho .4 P. rue .l ,lee knew what wn. ''ate se tan retie "rest SM terrol hint god I t • red ea.r.gf-I've ...d • iamb she ignored del (weta'rd as to• teem se -.peen ,..ward bee '1 .--.....in'. re •ase 5) tate. Good aleft. . .t .'w 1'w,m' tinea *ay 1 •-.«-.., d • msment. term ,•erased ht- ' , the slit two • .41 ar frit el .. use tees the et e'1. AN.. he w, •- , oto eM enol of m.. '.rt.e lo "O.• Slag i wet sults, eel end flat where 435 mbmable fellow tent n. Mem MMus this dimer they speak et sad be ties of kb reals asst day ee2>wrd has taped at iL Term well tee whet a hamming Mraatier cmc de." (HA PTIta XL d vvra.setr aeon. STISITWATEU was seas at the bottom of the *M1 whet' the street taunt a turn pleaded his at me. Into a thickly pop- slued opslated 435171.1. As this was .till the nafien•e quarter, be gamed se midi be Weed the heart of (N town and the nein or the saloons. Hen be dashed pap and consulted a mem- mssdate be had made while tailing b Seaford 1t was .o1 lei intention to revisit the geese all theroagkly overhauled by the podia He carried another Wt. that et certain small groeeriea rad waist. ea.1frwaly, betels, wbere a m•. arab 1.W a private room In which be 4ri1 dab, 1.t being Sweetwater's omelettes that i much a plack lad b seek a place @sly. would be found be a.kem ee those solitary beets .peat by Ata., Osethartand hawses the Mese et hi beefs murder e.4 his re- appearance sappearance the nett day. He asked tae east pemsrky 1.he wap b Hubbell's allay. It was a mile oat -That sanies It" muttered Sweetwater. "Besides. 1 doubt 1f be w'sld go into u alley. The imam baa soak tow, bat hardly se tow as that Wier. the oast address I ban? Canister' road. Where's that?" Irpytag a policeman eying him wlt14 amen or Ise curiosity from the other side et the street he crossed over and (343 u4 to be directed to Cuthbert ✓ eed. "Oatbbert road! Tbars when the markets an. Tbeyn closed at this tins at night" was the somewhat sus- picious uspidous reply. leyideoUy the locatloo was not a mem one. 'e there nothing but markets there?" igdtnd Sweetwater quite Innocent - b. 1t was 1.W present deers not to be recognised as a detective even by the men on beat "1'm better ep a blesd. He keeps a grocery or some kind of small hotel 1 bare bis num (ler, but I don't know bow to get to Cuthbert read." "Theo torn straight about and go Mwn tbe first street, and you!!! reach It beton the trolley car yon see ep them can strati this corner. Bat ard sew op your pockets. There's a bad block between you sod the mar- kets." arkets." Sweetwater slapped hes trousers and laughed. "i wasn't born ye.terd.ty." he Med mad, following the ofilcer's directions, made atralgbt for tbe boas. Sixty-two was not far off. He 4eeltated when he reached It Some Douses Invite and some repeL lids boos* repelled Tet them was bethtnc shabby or tysterioo• about It There was the decent entrance. flitted. bot not too brilliantly; a row of dark windows over It. and above 44 all a sloping roof in wblcb another sparkle of light drew his attention to so upper row of windows. this time et the ofd dormer shape. An rlley rata down one side of the Mese to the stables, now locked, but later to be thrown open for the ane of the farm- ers who begin to gather bens as ear- ly arly as 4 o'clock. Notbtng wrong In its appearance. everytbing sbtmbape and yet- "I shall end some strange characters ben," was the Sweetwater eonmeot wltb wbleb onr detectlre opened the door and walked into the ,bone. It was an e.o.orl boor tor miens. god the woman whom be saw Deeding ever • sort of drat In one turner of the room be strode into- hooked up Madly. Olson enepleionste ...well. and what le yoor Doelsemr she Raked. "I went a nam." be thione .anodal to her. 'in wIMtt i .sn deist and drink till 1 aaaaot .ser-.l35kv, jet A PROMINENT NURSE SPEAK& Many Nurses Is Gmbh' and Blew where Say the lee. Chatham Ont.-" Being a puree 1 have had occasion to ger Dr. Pierre', Favorite Prescrip tion mane • lot. 1 14. always re.Omlnnd ':( it to top patient/ and It has been s wonderful Delp t( many of them. 1 slaver knew of s ease where it failed 1 have • who le pausal to sow poi 13. h Jag ftsie1 'tak- taken le myself and the mei Wet re- I subs. I senm'4w k it the ism semdlieit there is I day for wastes who •w albs& " -Sea Sams Moan; SS Damp Oki ChalLain. Oat. THAT WEAK *ACT tar(raf.b7 two hes and time-- ha bi.t or. +* -_ 1 thee: elabg bum duals of dilltin f 35 orrwaas.aL_j -gating am hewn t. mmum- bakbliellZhilikrkoZilaroollig me bulfor lall n• 13 ismdweAla'maMo sheer 3dYh76.,..ried..... of ho imicomaipe rots rated m fpnteas �b�eeda� win so lo iib C: bp Mew es= w'ho S'� m bin ht► rfll • ISPI-..ii.el le sow ii What They Do Dave ahs. Gorr. "4 ywl trouble w14 u r [id.rys mid Illiold r ... 1 jot • .maple at (,i• Pllb and hollowed Jan. tees 1 het bettor sifter tie first dors ,nal 1 ►opt.wm for a .o One Jar, Mr. MrSLto. psst� O! tt.L sew., told eve ,hest the Donbas belied with his .aJ 1 re oasousadsd Mtn to iry GIN PI en,1 gave him one te tole. The .eat ds , A, bought some for ne 14i.4, aid both be ,o.1 lo. %dr haw derived great boogie from s►s". HERBERT H. HAVER. l:.n Pills are as. a boa to ria boxes 6r 11.. in at dl druggists. Sample sat fres Y r ap..tad. t, National Drug & Cipoical Co. of Canada Limited, Toronto. slinky. Give me a Lasa ru be quiet - "III give you •othlog." She sea. bet lad angry and tail of dbtrwd R11m hoses 35 lot for such ea yen Ira • tlrtaers' lodging -Must - who'd stare wad go mad to ass a bi- ker Elar like you about Go along. I tai you. er 1'u cau Jim. Hell thew what to do wtth you." "Timm be'tl k.ew more'• I de • y. self." mumbled the detective. with tasmbed a.d discouraged air. "deem aid .at a place to spend It t.! Why cea't 1 go is therer M peevie 1.y 1.s• spied wtth a tremulous gesture two ward a bait open deer throne' wbidll • glimpse could be got of • feat little snuggery. 'Nobod7'u me son GM me a glass and leave me till 1 rap fes tett" a "mks mom 15 nor r0a sum es TOG" you in the morning. Thars worth a Over. Don't you think so, misses/ Aad we'll begin by passing over the 0... • "Na" She was m4Rbty peremptory, ..d, what was more, •be was In a greed burry to get rid of hint This base and the anxious ear she turned to- ward sward the hall eangbteoed bins as to the situation. Tbers was some olio within bearing or liable to come withla hearing wbo losslbly was not so stiff tinder temptatlon Changing Dia tactics, be turned 4411 back oo the snuggery and 'surveyed the offended woman with just • tooth at monde. sentiment "1 say.' he cried Just hod enough to attract 144. •ttetiuoo of any ooe within ear dot- -you're • mighty dee sea. mac and the tions of this here estab- lishment that's evident I'd like to see Use me who could my Do to you. Se's never eat In tbat 'eve cashier's seat wbere you be. of that I'm deed sure. He wouldo't rare for ri.en it you didn't nor for tens eltber " He began Ib edge toward the door. always eying ber and always speak- ing loudly in admirably acted tipuy U.conseionness of the fact "Tm • man wbo tikes my own way as well as anybody. but I sever "num M with a woman I'm going, tnimos; I'M gulag. OD!' The man wbo bad mimed was nm•2 about to the violet of being • .enure, oma mete tban ,tut 1.N was weasels et bee and Ul blared se les two tiny. tidiealoes lege "1. she matbg • toot of her alar asked the tatty' man i • trice 51 UM as N wits west "Do year bob ss with me. Women are no geed." And he stalked into the room $. OW Mtn tees can_ Sweetwater took ort kb 4411 pointed to the sf.ggery and tapped 1435 breast pocket -Whisky there." be welded. 'Drift me • glass 1 don't mod year farmers. They wool bother sae. What I want is • larked diet lad a •dU metal In year bead. I want be Mese to my Mat's esarwt with no- body body 4 te mut the gtaae!Woege Yoe knows e ntob faders before, tad that easy utile teem over there ben known tom too. Jest add me to the host It won't bare yea" The man's Mad timed ee the his Sweetwater noted (M artiste sot et the corner of W e7.. bet k35 lest gleam was e5 the woman. Her heti ores to aim tot •De bad started se be mentioned the @natatory amid made as if to tura. bat thosgit better of 11 and but lower Over bet books. T've struck the spot" be mormmet arnitsat1y to htmmelt 'This is the pace 1 waft mad bar' Til speed the night bot sot is home my wits away; elk .w" To Be ('ontit u' 't • ek Are You Going West This Spring ? 1f so. bear in mina' t readies Pastille Railway n4.r- • fin. -I pee• able equipment and 1• 44 ally (Odd :rail. wrvic, : rep - " . or= .w standard and to i .1 .. _, vise dining . oars to Wit, i'• a is. d Voi- r, utMv, vi. use of r h..a• et' rename r eta .. the ward. 1 ' a trip 35 undue eoo•identlon. . •Iv n my O P. R. agent for f'111 1• -to user., oe write W. B. Hower , 1' Mt Pato "MR -r Agent Tomei . Atforty amem kw'. thalf .e Hoods as be *meth .t . waw twenty. uosaaa/wee M beth e t wag -ei.sen-Professor Kesel. Fame woe by self- a ..35 esspeM all our prfem.- W. Plow ,. ( honks. Da the eight grows mat pretests but t t Ir heses mmat Mite ami elms wee t, a'.,•tyem4 lot the seemese s1. elm y•3.35, S1 1{;