HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-3-2, Page 5THE SIGNAL ONTA Automobile �� ��pp TiresTO y� Have Risen - z: _ __ rtla/ ARE IMELY OE AGAIN ,. _ _ - _ _ We will accept orders for a kw days for MICHELIN TIRES AT OLD PRICES This tiro has gimes extraordinary service to ocal.liaers and now that you have the chance to buy at about the same price as an ordin- ary tine. you should lose no time in getting your season's requirements filled before the price goes up. EAST STREET GARAGE A. M. GLOVER PI4ONSC 2143 LOCAL TOPICS (;hang. ie Drug Business. Mr. A. L. Caldwell, late of St. Cath- arines. has perehaaed the drug busi- ness of Mr. C.L. Cuultis, who is going to Turanian. Mr. Caldwell is. an ex- perienced pbaru.ami.t, and The Signal welcomes dim t r the business (tater pity of tiuderich. Mr. Uoultis has the beat wie a of meaty friends here foe hie future twee..,. He and Mn. Coultb leave for Toronto on Friday. Huron Promotion Examinations. The anM W promo' ion ezamioatioes for Huron treble scboola wall be bead oo Aptil 19th, Ittb and 17th nelL Papers for junior acrd sector teens' and third curves and for junior fourth classes won be neat to teacher aboot April 511. Teachers are requested to notify their puM•c arboul inspector some. staling the number of papers required for each class. Writs Issued. Acting in behalf of William H. Ree- der, of Zurich. Mr. L. E. Daacey has secured the Ie.eanee ..t • writ against A . T. Cooper, of Moto*, eleiming i1S,Umfur libels alleged to have been mbed by said (' r in The s Isms Press and The London Adee.tiser on February 24th. Another writ, emend against John Hey, jr., of Hs We'eship, on behalf of the game plaistiff, demands $1,000 damages for alleged malicious prosecution, false arrest. false imprisonment, trespass and slander. The Patriotic Fund. A meetieg of the local brameh execu- tive enonanee out's. th. Canadian Pa- triotic Fund was held on Tuesday afternoon., The treasurer reported cash on hand $27M.12, the total collee- tions to date ,being 11u,23M.lt The I treasurer was instructed to for'war'd tt .'elll) to the treasurer of the central Ned at Ottawa, making total remit- tances to date 110,01.10. There are a few subscriptions due Janupr y let which r. still unpaid and instruetioos were given the treasurer in regard to the arlleetiun of these outstanding amounts. Collegiate Hockey. t)he was b.saneh a signing seaseems - a eae. His story elbow liermasy oes- deem a campaign rbuuld be beard by all the mea of town. Oyster Supper. The ladies of Klee church will serve en oyster supper in the lecture re..•u of the ebureh o0 Thieedsy evening, March 9tb, from 3./1 to ti ...dos Is. Aft.rwerds there will e. w en"rr pr. - gram. Admission '2 -. Thi. will Le one of the eojoy.l.le eieLI aveu.a .d toe season wad soil w.s d.wbt .CtIaIct the newel large attealsacs. Malcolm Macdonald's Election. The Liherale of Hriti •b 1' .luruiaa won ♦ (neat victory on &stair lay last in the Vsacouver bye -election fur tbe Provincial House. and • Huron -old boy" was the leader in the elec:ural triumph. Malcrder A. Macdooal4 was the Liberal es*d'date, and he had an overwbelming vote over Hou. Ch teles Tiedail, Minister of Public Worts In the newly-coaatructed Bowser Cabi- net. The ballot was: Macdnneld,11301 ; f5atialt. I,UtiU : Teykx, 'Independent, lit. The result is taken as foreshad- owing the defeat of the Bowser tiov- erntnest when a general election is held. Mr. Macdonald is a son of the tate Jobe MacdooaU, of the 12th eon• cession mf Asbfieli. Hr studied law in tioderieh and is very well known bere. On receipt of the news of his election* the editor of The Signal sent a congratulatory telegram on behalf of his Oodeticb friends. On Thursday evening of last week a hockey team representing O. C. 1. ex - students went to Clinton and met de- feat et the bend'sof the Clinton Col- legiate Institute team. At full time the score wan 2-2 and it wise necessary to plAy thirty minutes extra to de- cile the winners, the anal *cure being 3-2. ••Butch" Murney of thetiowderich tram received a cut over the eye ne- ea.' itating several stitches. • The return match was played on the West street rink on Tuesday night. when the locals defeated the vieiteirs by li-t thus winning the round by five goals. Despite the score some good hockey was played. ICopt Windeyer's Visit. Nest Sunday night at S 311 o'clock C .pt. Windeyer will speak o0 the yrsostios of the war in North street Metbndist church. It is expected there will lie • targe attendance. Capt. Windeyer spent considerable t ime at the front in Belgium and France as an observer. He was an eye -witness of many of the worst German atrocities and eau speak of them from personal testimony. He is wen known in Tor- onto circle, and his word carries weight, alike from his character. ate end sober judgment s. from the partic- ular artiesular mission °pod which he was en- gaged. Some of the Merl of Ooderieb have beard him and they .ay that no one that has .p pken nn the subject of He Who Chooses ART L1�TN� CVOs[ kftN LiMITp will be safe from clothes worry. He gets style, fit, all wool and satisfaction. Cook Bros. & Allen, Limited label is an insurance policy of satisfaction. Walter C. Pridham GODERICH OBITUARY. HRS. ANDXR ON, IIRANTI'OKI). . The death took place this morning at the home et ber son -in law, J. W. Sbeppeeson, 105 Chatham street. of Mrs. Chabot., Anderson, reli.•t of the Irate James Anderson. aged eighty years, after a short illness. The de- ceased was the first white child taro in the township of Colborne, in Huron county, being a daughter of the late Andrew lireeo. She bits been a resi- dent of Brantford for al.out fifty years and was one of the oldest members of Wellington street church. She leaves to mourn ber Imo three children : Mr. Robert Anderson. Mn. John T. Ham and Mrs. J. W. Sbepperson, all of this city. The foregoing from • Brentford rrefers to an aunt of Mr. O. H. fiand Mr, .1 . P. Brown. of town. and a sister of Mr,. Samuel Morrie, of Colborne. RORIRT SIIARM.tN. On Thursday, February 2Ith, Mr. P.obert Sharman, one of the oldest residents of Ooderich, passed away after an illness of several months. When • young man he came with his rrerenntetoGoderichfrom Manchester, Egland, and from that time until two or three years ago be wan actively e ngaged in his trade .s a builder. He was a respe,;ted member of North street Methodist church, A staunch Conservative and a uaetpbst of the Orange Order. He .leaves a wife and Mur children : Mallet, at hood ; Robe.. in Ore,goo, George and John, in California. The funeral took place on Saturday last from hie late resi- dence, St. David's street, to Maitland cemetery. The service was conduct. d by Rev. W. K. Hager end et the rave a short service was held by L 0. L No. i!L'. The pallbearers were Meagre. John Robert.00, Wm. Campbell. Walter C. Pridham 'nephews), W. R. Pinder, .1. H. Mil - ban .ad David Sproul, the last three being members of the L. 0. L. MRM. HARRIS. Mabel Cole Westaway, beloved wife of John Harris. primed away at her home here on Monday after a brief but painful illness. The deceased. who war in her thirty-fourth rear, was a native of Devonshire, England. and sante to Oolerich in April. 1914. For a time the family kept the Mc- Donald boarding house on St. David's street. afterwards removing to their present home on the southerly limits of tbe town. Mee. Harris was an earnest Christian and tract an active part in the work of Vietorie street Methodist church, where. her services in the choir were greatly appreciated, and her demiae is keenly regretted. Besides a sorrowing husband a family of four survive : Albert, Doris M.. Austin J. are Kingsley R. Her moth- er. two sisters. Mitch Eva Weetaway. of Detroit, and Mn. Fred Gilbert, of O.eIerich township and two brothers. Albert, of (ioderich township. end Richard. of Purvis, Man.,alsosurvive. The funeral took place this afternoon from the hoose on Palmerston street to Maitland cemetery. Rev. J. E. Ford conducted the werviees and the pw11-hearers were Me.eirn. Nicholas Allen, Wallace Morris', Fred Nilson. That. Tahb, Rd. Speiran And C. M. Robert/eon. All the relatives mention- ed were present at the funeral with the exception of the brother , from the Wse. moire MURRAY. Angus Murray, whose death occurred 0s Tuesday of last week after but • week's Illness, was horn in (,odeeioh forty -sight years ago. He was the third tem of the late Roderick and Mn. Murraynd with the ezceptioe of periods .pent at other Rating 0,941 oo the (creat L ike• bad Ised .11 his 'fe here, being engaged in the fishing bosiosee. 11 is survived by hie soother and three troth, s : Collie. .1 Oode leb : Neil, of Port Stanley. and Rev. Roderick Murray. of Chicago The deseeeed reeenuly *reined Ibis ietewUUos of enlisting, Mut was pis - IU .m fhis • front herng the troops f byfeet use Meese of ►M her road the feet that be bed to a go • slight operation on hi* foot. funeral took plate no PiIday and was largely attended, tunny of the members of Maple Leaf Ledge. A. 0. U. W. mt which the deerwrd we. • reeleb.r, Won reseed. Rev. Oea R Ross coo l sted the ser - 'Hem and the pa11hea ere were Meerw. M. Reek. Ther Hawkins. Jolla Clardy, Pear Mac/horn. Woe. Good find A11•w Me( n.N. Anomie the slaw, neral intens was • basecitel amber from the Mbsrmen at Pert 1194e MluadiaettM heave. ( 1.1ra •sense weal awl and Mew o array. of -Port creaky s Mr. Murray. of Diana. and Mr. Illaeray. of Pori Manby. the fwd Meat eV being aeatte. of the d•t.ms.ed. Ietereseet woe .rude la Maio Iasi smeeMery. Dodd's Kidooy Pills are the only areae.- fiat wit M Dir beim Like Bright's Diu. ewes this die. ease .as in. e arable until node. Kidney .,,red it. Doctors themselves raw... -es that without Daatd'. Pills lbry are ��•ite' t f1a- -te, Dodds Kidney Pills are the firm med.*:oe that ever cured Itiahries Imitations --box, 'sate and pill, are advertised to do so, but the medicine that dors tare labotos is Dodd's KCdery Pills. Dodd's rsdney Pills are fifty cents a box at all druggists. !lwraT. Modes art- se 39 hones' use pr eaealh sioon.eot d bed we mexisewes dienead. Plea 3.3. per k.w.h. lee the wooed :Ohioan"' use per mouth of c000ected had our maximum demand. Plus G. tan per k.w.b. for all addl.- Genesi ceswuuptlos per mouth. P.o.spt p•yuseat diseonut ten per sect. NITWIT LIti HT No. 1114 per le). att lauip per year. gat) per &lt standard per year. OS per 1 1*. etsoderd 150 w. per year. fol per I -IL standard ►u) w. per year. 21r new rate pelta consumer of do. 'nestle lighting ue the cheaper rate more quickly ciao the old rate and win be of ars-lit. for tustancr, to per - goes wing electric irons, electric beater,, ete. The commercial rate. Tare the seem- as before. The only change in the power rate i, • teduc- twa frr aIimuo consumption. '1b. rates foe street lighting will make • reduction for the year cf about $ioO. The former rates for the street lies, ps were eoosid.red by the local commie- aims ommaaims to be altogether too high. CAPT. HINDSON'S ADDRESS. Recrvttieg Manioc at - St. George's Hears • Staving Appeal. The recruiting meeting held at RL George's church on Sunday evening was well attended. After devotional - exereisec and ao rzplanation ty the NEW ELECTRIC LIGHT RATES. Re:ommendabo.s ef Provincial Hydro Commission Adopted. The regular meeting of the water and light commission was held on Thursday evening. Tne engineer re - pored tbat Uj old transformers, 2273 Jae scrap copper wire, 13 ib. scrap Crass wire and ail 1b. acr•p are -lamp limesI.s had been sold and theatres of 111%: paid to the treasurer.o Met. David Brown applied for water service, enclosing cheque for $ i as payment in advance : but the applica- tion was refused and the cheque re- turned. the secretary being instructed to notify Mn. Brown that in accord- ance with the bylaw the water will not be turned on until the arrears for this movies, are paid. An application was received from Mr. George Etymonde for electric light service for his residence In Saltfod The engineer was instructed to eau- raaa the residents of Saltford and at - certain if enough currant would be used to warrant the Inetallatior of a IBS -volt service there. The engineer reported that the cost of supplying light service 91P residents on tbe Huron road outside the town limits, as petitioned for, would cost approximate) $430. It was decided that the rate � these services should be 5c per k.w.b. and 24e per 4. w. b. and that contracts he -reed accord- ingly before the line is installed. A letter from the Ontario Hydro - Electric Commission, advising the adoption of new electric t rates. was taken into ooaeieer and it was decided that the rates metro - mended be adopted. .The eget..; are as (oflo*. : DwXImTIC LIGHTISH. :1: per RIO square feet of re area per month. Minimum r area charge for 1.000 .quare feet ; me:- imum charge Inc s au0 smarts feet. eofee Plus 4.5c per k.w.h. for all e- sumrtion up to 3 k.w.b. per mouthal tor each 100 sq. (eeof door area charted• perk.w.b.Incl Plus 226- faaddi- tional consumption per month.Prompt payment discount ten per cent. COMMRacI.IL LIGHTt$.n. 9c per k.w.h. Inc the first 30 hours' use per month of coonected load. 4.Sc per k.w.h. for the next .0 hours' use per month of eoeoected load. 11,9c per k.w.b. loran consumption per month over the first 100 bourn' use of conneeted load. Prompt payment discount ten per cent FON IR SI per b.p. per month of been acted load or maximum demand. Plus tSr per k.w.b. for the Ant rector. R... J. B. otberingbam, of the reason that the meeting was held oo Sunday and in church, Pte. Thos. Pritchard, of the ••Princess Pate." gave a summary of bus experiences tram the time that he enlisted until be was invalided home. In closing be appealed to all present to face the situ - atlas conscientious) and he {prepared to sacrifice for the conscientiously sake. The next speakerwa.Capt. Hindson of the idled Battalion, Guelph. former- ly ormer1y p.etor of the Baptist church there. The Captain is an eloquent and force- ful speaker and was listened to with rept et tego ion. After his introductory remarks be dwelt particularly open the appeal to Patriotism, to Heroistb. to Chivalry. to Sacrifice and to Service. As the speaker enlarged upon these flee points the very ateeepbere of the teeming seemed to be in sympathy with the thoughts expressed. to clos- ing( Capt. Hindeou asked them preeeot to face the question before them and so answer It that they would not be •abamed in future days to state what pest they had taken in the gaeat war, and also that they should be able to give • good account of their action wbeo celled to appear before the judgment seat of God. The singing of the National Anthem closed the meeting, WERE A BOON TO A PAISLEY MAN. Dedd's Kidney tills Cured Pain in His Back. Paisley, Ont , Feb. _.s Special). - "I can highly recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to anyone suffering from pats► is the back, 'says lir. J mores A. rB je., well known and highly re- speeted in this neighborhood. "I bad Wee troubled with patio in my back for about a year. Reading the self- ezaoi0etiou peg. in Dodd's Almanac led me to believe that my trouble came from nay kidneys, so 1 eent and got • box of Dodd's Kidney Pills. Be- fore they were done I was feeling as well as ever.' Dodd's Kidney Pills set directly on the kidneys. By putting them in con- do -toe to do their proper work they accomplish the cures so regularly re - pureed. Healthy kidneys make pure blood and the man or woman who baa pun blood coursing through their veins can laugh at nioe-tenths of tbe ills of life. CHURCH NOTES. Rev. W. K. Hager w- ill preach at both service@ at North street Methodist "-hutch next Suodev. Morning subject: "Coopeasitr0 Inc the Sinful --Christy and pugs Evening subject : "The Red Ocoee of Christ " The service at Victoria street Meth- odist ebur •b next Sunday morning. The Late Mr. A. R. Creel man, K.C.: t� NI of the �J eutat•stl- tattle- urea of the 'laaadlan bar 'Pawed away In eatrsal I• the early part of the week In the death of Mr. A. R. Creel - man, K.f', for eight years general counsel to the Canadian Poetic Rly. Mr. Creejman was cf Irish and Scotrb or- igin. reIgin. lee bele: the nos of the late James Ru- therford Creel - man sed Isa- bella Christina P• t t e r Goa Crestas Bern 46 ?etre ago at Hellebores, V. ft- be gas do. caned ct the Grammar 8caeol three and M for f l•tkam 1 N.D 1 Academy 11e stedled law enb the tate Hee. Aec! Crooks, Q.C. was called to the Ontario bar in 1174 and to the41 Q.ebec Is 1942. sad was created a QC In teal, by lord Steaky of o•, tben 0eeernor4lrnenl of Canada and later Earl of Betty. Mr. Credos's taken' carried him'etesdlly fors ard In his prsf.es4e.. and be became ane ef the Mien of the Mr In O.terin, beteg for years aseseinged b part•ersbip .1415 such foments lawyer es th. las D'Alt.a M.Cagt17. Q.C., M.P.. tae late G R. 14.4.,. Q (' . sad 1)r. John Heekl•. K C. He remained • member of the Toronto firm of McCarthy. /tiler, Heals • Cretinism seen 1101. when he was appointed r111M..;biter rn ebe Caadh• Peeler Railway, tattles ••n permanent re- elde•re M :nntr.•I at that Coe He was well krown as one of the Ivedis* ersnf.rrlal I.weer• to comma. p•rtlrstarly .rp•rt In tr•+:rant-. taw. 1n lee:. M mesmmed the title of tperral eeeneel. a peat he held until 1111. w hem M twlae.ed. het remained • dtreetnr moll the frim . int year. is paellas, he ore pled tee 4 veers. bevies ares Netted In 111n to oak. OMGethe plate ef gorge A. Mvmnseed. ile wee also • direetnr of the * Miele Melly -ay Me. Creoles. wee a member ofaia whirl reload .s emleetaImt hail for t7pprr ('anad• (' in h IUR sad was Itenr.latel as entry rnrreapnndlnr in, re - tori 01 lbw Peed (Wella) ieeteste. Is,IN, Is 1001 it. was a LIh-nl 1• psdaIM 1M/d. bet tseb •e settee hart t. pnlletre. In faith br wan s Preebyt*Naa Wise • senabr et tin Peel's Clonrrb Ur ('reelmsn era• dcretM to crena sed wh avert doing mach to further the Interests of encyst, Neter, reviles. beetles 'mid golf. tied la '1100 be was elected prealleat 0f tens Ceua = Crab.' AaT.nW1... OR CANADA i Ce -operative Savin' Is fxilitated and en- couraged by the open- ing of a Joint Savings Account In the hawses ., of Husband and Wife, Father and Son, Brother and ' Sister, or any two or more members of the family. Either can deposit or withdraw money at will, and the interest accrues to the credit of both. Ask the Manager for full particulars. Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager. conducted by the pastor. will he a memorial service for the late Mn., John Harris. The evening subject will he '•Ao urgent fall to the Busy." The anniversaryservices of the church will be held unday, March 12th, when Rev. I)r. Maiming, of Stratford, president of the London Conference, will be the preacher of the day, Rev. (leo. E Rocs will preach at hntb services at Knox church neat Sunday. Morning subject : "'The V ictoty of.8tephen :" evening subject. ••Steadfast Service." For delicious homemade candy go to Blackstone's. LOCAL TOPICS IN BRIEF. The Huron count sitting. of the Suprerule Court of Ontario will open in (ioderieb on Tuesday, March lltb. Mr. M. G. Cameron, K. C., will ad- dress the Canadian Cluh of Hamilton tomorrow evening on 1be War." Bisset firms., of 8wltford Heights, are having a sale of Holstein cows and young cattle on March 2.2od. Further particulars will be given next week. Mrs. J. F. .todrews has purchased the dwelling on Elgin avenue fooreser.1 ly owned aid .occupied by the bis.� Mrs. D. Boyd. The purchase prier wee V.360. Classes for instruction in flat aid and °Seeing at home are Ming ar- ranged by the General Brough Chap- ter, hapter, 1. 0. IJ E. Anynoe wishing to join should see Mies Walton. or call telephone leo. 12 • his week. Prof. C. V. Henry, late of London. Eng., is coming to town to make his tesiden:. here. He is a violinist of considerable repute and will start a class in violin, beside. joining the Stewart orchestra as solo violinist. A number of voting men, friends of Mr. J. D. Moffat, getbered at the home of Mr. 8. J. Young last Thu•• day evening to hid goof -bye to Me. Monet prior to his dep•rtore Air Guelph. In beba#f °Ube Melt. Bee•tonth preceded t of honor with a gold -mounted log -cane. Mr. Moffat made • sults acknowledgment. PERSONAL MENTION. MI -s Rath Hamlkon 'kite.* her (tater, Li Att.K •t Lai ter Met week. Mra H of Toronto, i. ri-itiag Mr.. Hare +w art:, (1WitowaerTrrraw. Mr.. (Capt.) A. Bogle of 8mipmariltosi. .pmt last week with her d..rater. Mr. H.H. Grow of town. -%lowb. Advance : Mrs. Jaren Rwtisad, past menet! Ina. boon •i..u,wr (lode - rich sad IAreeso..oe trbnde, riga rued to !r home le..' weak. Mrs. Lorne Macdonald and two dnugh4•ra who had bees vld Inn %hear nlatlre. M -re tier NEWGATE STKEE T LIVERY 4 Having purehaeed the livery business of Wm. Knox, 1 am improving the equipment and in- tend to provide Good Horses Prompt Service and Up-to-date Rigs All orders will receive pr. mpt and careful at- tention. TK1.KI•Hu,H No. 173 for • go..d turnout. N- R. STOWE • iso meot10 hate returned to their boar, ** Swift I'um-nt,Shale. Mr Norman Moas in, of th, Hawk of Cam - norm has returned tram • tire* Mee:• •.,44 3gs. obs bane .1 M. signal ., Re % ..1. M. and Mr.,. 41.Bes of Tfb.oabartt. Mr. Chan. Worthington watt hag brava v la. Ns .Mer, Ili-• Wa.►iurtoo. for reacral ssa.1M. Mee rata week for Hsn.ihon ter wend a w.k * 414 bte1.. her. Me. 8 F. Wash - Mews. K. C., before retardne to hegira I. 111110N3 LETTER To Jird Wsrayat antlers Jackson, Mir.-" I shall feel repaid for writing this letter if I can help Almy tired, worn -oat another or bimseke.per to find b.stth maidetrength as I have. "I have a funny of five, sew, ee•k and do my housework and I became very Enoch run-down in health- A friend malted me to try V inol. I did so and new I am well mad etromt and my told time has been restored. basso s er ae a took for worn -oat, rem - dews, tired mothers or bosumkesp.z, -Mea J. N. Mtn.Tos . Jaekaa4 iris. Drugciet, Goderich r ■ Singer New Goods Singer Store. Store. 1916 MIDDYS JUST TO HAND. All sizes for ladies, misses and children. Will shortly have in stock a full line of Children'; and Vies. Ready-to-wear [)renes. Watch for window and store display. Bargains all through this mouth in many. lines. Fancy Work. embroidered and stamped, choice of fifty Cushions, Scatves and Centres at half-price. FIRST COME -- FIRST CHOICE. Baby's Bonnet,, Dresses, Jackets, etc. Other lines too many to enumerate. Visit our store, get warm and look around. Mrs. Tape, Singer Store To Builders and Contractors We have a large stock of Square Timber tip to 12 in square to it; feet long. Hemlock. Sprue' - Jointing and Scantling, all widths and length. np to 20 feet long 1-ath, Ontario White Cedar Shingles. Pine, Spruce. Hemlock and Oak i.nmber. Ml grades, Hardwood and Pine Flooring. Dressed Pine atxi Spruce. Cali- fornia Siding. Always in stock. Moulding. ;a.h Stock on hand. Sectional Poultry Houses all sizes. Estimates cheerfully furnished. Fwc1'111 iN .yY7 Paget Grain Door •Co., Ltd. h.ry { Ii,nn.• cls► 111 1