HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-24, Page 8• Tntamt►v PaincaviT mit, MS
Gra Vain is Sete raper •ai
A hese sop& of our messiah Haim
Liam.]suer. door up in all
p rtae.: M. pts Willie,�stirea lie IS/. and SS fur a
f.A pu..Ml parl.yl►. E-rtrcl.*Web
M m*trn er N'* portage. Y
portage. for I. or 1 for .
Fire T4rtr.atrl baro V tiiu b..t
Beiselope.. corn. 1 .bate, giul
rat•, else. awl r per portage.
Khaki ■tati.pwn, alrrdutely the
r..rrr.4 tni..g. P1agm (A the
Alhe. nut■....•l in colors un
f..themir " nrrr/. elopes. nicely
beard in art t.tie sorak. Hu:,
r.r.taining , yuitr t -..-n paper
and ..t,ret. p-. Special Sr.
Special 144iiii i Agents f..r each pape1 Ieiniitain Pen.,
flMS' np.
tt'itersnar. • Recur-%, alr.hitely the
16..4.al.w .n,tiro- market. special
, OWL Parser
eel (la. 14rwd.d Yu.ee. Mee emoe i .1 erre
wale wle rise ranks .nese rend••' The n-
ooseMte sr t
SAS! N'A/YA1KIili.
Wenn .1 meant meeting had en
Pslowas7 lith Members a•Nl,/.nsost-
Minute. .f last sererttwt read end seer
.reed. ea ses, td C..sc411ses Ma-
t/owes .4 Meelea e . Rev. lir.
Boyle, os WINN of the Delipreve
tram* of the tlamadaas Red Com
Moiety. add.eend the mem'
.skint that • terra be made te..t
the townsblp }a aid of taw .love
waned society. Aetlea is tab swatter
deferred foe the present. The Reeve
stated that the Reeve of Terabnvp
outgun roe reams the of
Eat V&wa.osb t0 ammo liability
for the meint.sra.0 of the rad It..
this northers booming/ tkroegb L.
W*Ogb•se and .led for the sgiaies
of the comma co this matter. Mored b
Mr. Mc(iowaa, seco.do$ kr! Ke.-
s*, that we refine to to.aything
relating to amistaaes whatever iieTI5'te
particular reed. and further that a
copy of this re.dutiow be seal to lie,
Reeve of Taeaberry. Carried. Mr.
Agee. R idtlrr bong upside to pay her
bs.., amut+Yaa$ to 11.78. this .ssosee
.a motion el Bo.Mama sod Irwin
was uttered W D. ref waded. Messrs.
Bone sod Sett reeaseted their re-
port as auditors of aecosasts for 1917*,
the abstract state...t showing a Ital-
aac. on head of /0T7.74. The rennet
was accepted and the auditors wets
ordered to be paid as formerly, 1N
mob, for their services. O. motion
of Hochman mad Currie tb Emitter et
procuring Omsk for the repairing of
different miige. is Div. No. 4 was
lett tot 31r. Irwin to use his ossa die -
cookie resaiding the rpmiri.g .1
three bridges. The loam* ,.•g aeew.te
wets p.id : The Municipal World.
Poppy •. 4a19: A. Porterfield. fen se
Ih.. R..intrae is 1913. One) : J. M.
Kilo. blames o1 salary as collector,
$15 : Mn. A. Raker. retired of tame,
11.73: Joseph Bnw.ehosss. rup..0
washout, $ J. W. Boor 8=1-V-
04 J. 8.
Scott. auditors, ties each ; P. *Woman,
salary as trsaeurer and postage, lid.
:rl Veen et Tartom
ibis s resrsa
a. M ..s. Next m.ruof oouacil will be I.atd
e,mas.twgattkY t. YOLK olfarta.er.l0a lfa;dsm", March 'hit. A. Ptte'rsa-
pert May, weer (.day. Preset., Clot k.
and W INE
A Staniar! Tseic Remaly
1A -host value in all debili-
tated and anaemic con-
ditions is universally
recd ni,ed.
PerarA� Oily
jams A febell
Corner North St. and Square
Ise,. An 'PHONES Yes. NS
llacEtuan Est*
Exclusive agents for
for Goderich
and District.
Best Coal Mined.
Amy quantity best .11 Maple
Mahe. Mired Wood. Hemlock
and Kindling CedarsrPine.
residence • u or da
Conseil met February lith ; as
present. Minutes of January 10th
approved. Reeve Stewart and CouweO-
kw Hackett were appointed delegates
to the sheeting of the H dro-K& sial
Association at Toronto, February 1dta.
Doman McLean and Jobn Long pre-
vented the auditors' _rep rt, which
• receipts o $4 I913p.16 and bateau of
dltnre. ttl 1a1,
$1,ttei 93 in trs.attry on Dsnemnrre fast.
WV. : awed el $1.5o4.50, with 8+riMai-
d $77.00. The amount due from net -
with eve par amt. extra 140-47=
g/rru 16. The report also gives the
1135.100 Monde of Ontario West (Shore
R. It. Co. guaranteed with interest
thereon halt -yearly at eve per cent. se
•' liability. The auditors' report was
aocei.ted on motion of Richardson and
Dalton, the [swat copies to be printed
and auditors paid The collector re-
ported all taxes. paid except $74.5,.
which b.- was usable to collect.
Moved by Hackett .ad Alton tbst tie
eotleetot be relieved of tbia amount.
1. ".b, and has roll accepted, the said
Miami' to be emended with .a pro -
sided by statute. Carried. On motion
of Dalton and Hackett, the following
accounts were ordered paid, , viz. :
T G. Alien, to pay expenses of local
Board of Health. 184' : H. Bellamy,
special printings actou.t, 117 -Li ; H.
bhields, clearing ice .0d repairing two
culvert., S. It. 6, '7 E.,13.0(1 : T. Elliott,
wiring biidee and keeping light, con-
cession 4. fano ; D. McLean, auditor
see 110.10, extra tee 11 11), supplies Ile.
$11.25 ; J. Loop, auditor tee 110.00,
extra $Lttn,, 'mit); Geo. H. Harris.
plank. ; John Glenn. mp•iiing
bridge, concession 4. MO) ; N. John-
ston, repairing Calvert, 8. R. lis and 13,
50c ; Jos. Devereaux, repairing two
culverts, coo•'eesion 9, 11.00 ; (J- 8.
)IeDooagh, balance salary $35.0n.
ppooKet• account $4.33, $�.i; W. 1'.
Reed,geb.Lhce talar y $31.00, war tax
on chequer 11.70, 1•:1.711 ; T. ti. Alien,
registration of births, deaths add mar-
riages. 118411: total $199.10. Oo
Motion by Alton and Hackett, about
.,0110 Gest of hemlock plank 16x3 was
ordered from. T. G. Allen at *21.ln a
thousand delivered into tow oabip.
Uiseussion a.• t0 placing notices on
bridge over Nine (tile River, conces-
sion 4, warning the public against
erossrng with bogey, louts, did not
result in any definite action, but the
bridge . ant considered safe except (or
light trance. On motion by Alton and
Hackett ink 'urn (pent was made to
March 27th a•_ 12.30 p. in.
Made in Kandyland
"Chicken Bones"
:1 vanilla shell with ground
walnut filling. Dainty pick-
ing. at per pottnd 30c
" p�a�s"
ci with
hocolate centre Ester -
.iii good. at per pound
"Pretty Pouts"
A chocolate .hell with nec-
tar cream filling. Good eat-
ing, at per pound 2ric
"Queen's Pudding"
A maple cream pudding
filled and iced with English
walnuts, at ler pound...30c
Opera Crane Caarts/wai
A delicious sower creme
made of dam cream and
granulated sugar and dip.
ped in chocolate. et
C41,111641111WIT T;WQ 0o HOg
The litany Kea
Scosse.ar to T. J. aalt.M.
'ff 1r Is is SO
k Ms lob& lies
ec.n.eas, Oat, Aug. 'Mk OIL
"My wile era.s urar yrs Qurl1adise.
We tried ev.rytbi g am the es ender
witboet satisfaction, sad spat legs
suns of money, ram we bapps.ed ea
'Fruit -.-urea'. We have toed It fa the
family for about two years, sad we
would not use anythiag etae as long as
we than get "Fruit -•-tis."
"FBCIT-A-TIviD3" is made hem
trait juices sad tones- is maid la
actio. --and plainest 1a taste.
10c. a be=e 4 ter «.d, Mid bee Me.
At dosing at send w ssadpt of prise
by Fruit-aUm United, Olins.
Fre frons our midst sod some who
ham beee msu`ed to their homes
owing agate w theMrs arers. A. r bieto be oat
Cusabstili +a
sad Miss Mary CwoiasMi spent
Saturday wItb the tatters W. wieder,
Meme.. of ealttord
Mr. stud Mn. Roy Alto& of Lases,
galled ea friends here the latter part
d last week .. ... Mrs. Jobe Quaid le
virdtr.g her sister. Mn. Rost Derain.
Ota coaesgrgn. this weak. .. Mrs.
Joseph, of Detroit, neat the week-
end the goon of her wiser. Mrs. W.
Murray... Ed. Sebosons le up from
'Meme asaigtiag with the wort la the
mull here.
Do aside 'Nettie os roar chest or in your
enediol mho( Do comfits bang as, or
mem yaw eekgent So throat troubles?
Sob tsodine nand dove inem eNote
Isentmnt ser tfn nese cursive powers
oe loss's *mom to loud apses
nwomplaism which so easily igloos.
licotreli ne .los containscod liver
all which be*
bpca.et ry proles itcas t ot
=rend; the �glycerin in it soothes and
Wahl the Wader a.ee6nses el the tfrvet.
Bast's i prescribed by the best special-
ists. Yea me get It et any drag store.
assn a ae.m. T ran. Oat
The n.unicipal council of the town-
b ip 01 Gollos ne met in the immobile'
ball on Pet.ruary tsh. Members all
prssemt. Minutes of lis' meeting were
read and adopted. on motion of Hill
and Hetherington. The fo:Iowian
aceoet is wen passed and nrde red psid :
Mrs James Loog, Benumiller Red Ora,
fend, 11:' : Mn,. It. M. Young, Carlow
Red Cross fund, $15 : Mrs. Rev. Ham-
ilton. Leeburn Red (,. sit fund, 115 :
Mrs. Wal for Lean, Ralf ford Red Orgss
food. 115: James Jane., cutting weeds
and repairing culvert, $1.75: A. P.
auditor. tr ; Herbert
M�auditor, r : Thomas Wilton,
break's., road.. 13: Milfflosel Printing
Co., pr1Etlag account, bp. Moved
by ;mow and Young that we grant
e~.td.rd Sid Cross society the sum of
11b per month for flee months. A. P.
presented the auditors' re-
Mowed 1.y Voting and Hill that
Ow report be adopted. Moved by Hill
ash�� that l •law No. 2 n( 1974
Ise mem".•.tlmorfUng the Reeve mad
trwmrer 10 borrow the son. of fB OM
for the pumice of pay ing the current
.xpueee- of the tnwn.bip dnring the
Tsar. Saltsr read first, woad and
third ` tea finally pauawd. Moved
bby7 grew and Young that ens
adjswes M [meet on Tuesday, Mares
.1i.a, sd 1 p. in. R. Mcltwarr. Clerk.
1itin. P sa.a:ro't.t tthe o
r61001111001 TOWNSHIP.
Jw-':aht `' hoes :
. Mora Lis. as IMP r�:.m..�
Beautifullindtty �iiiaii t...
lala aiai k • swab'
wIl ba takes le •44 d tar Belgium ren
Painnonar OLv.--Oa Wsimeday
.v_ bi. /rbaasrf 11th. Mr. Thos. •r
Masa. oi an ansiloot
adtilesse toSrthesetPvae_s• 4J1� 11 i;
Melne Is ass o1 the mwtwrwu
!eraser* al Ib.end V i
boom r is ass
and his elle. was atseb b
those /.amt. Mr. M. L gess
. �shsoart address sed es ieimed the
J.ia � man a orWar rt7of Mr
e1 the Udted Yarns= as
ri• ramta. whisk M aMemdot so Mks
driapsa bora +Mem* The a.ttoMo/•
lag of the Club will M hail se WEi.I
asadsy. Marsh Int. at the Oeatasw W.
1'he ..►Iect for Meemreiea ww7� be :
* Tht be taken try 8. Use sad
et ues Orchard and •
(ieer/s S1.edy.
PAoaso se SoctaL.-4141 the ...nags
dFebewary 144h ahead Ii aas.mlrme
.id Minds of the Patri
ic t8oeist1
.remise st the a' ' 1 and
hoi*ikuble iibye d Mrs. T. J. Jobs -
ONO. A short preheats was rendered.
Consumr Psisear o itp7tse the
chair ten the ratheectloo ad[ _ragortivirrit.
Tie emestary gam •
week doe by tbe Soshole aloft
as s W bow ,aimed.)
.r' al whisk W reap .hod aur pMs4o-
tam sad Mal Cruse week. with the
rtssption of a few dans M the brow
airy. Attar the report as ata ilio t
pSsr0m was Rives.soar d m
obsess by Mims. Daytime sad7�e .1
mad Meows. Elliott. Animas, and
Sieben ; violin solo. Mr. Charlie Ors ;
dust, Dirs. Jobs Mollies sad lir.
Olires Ildwud ; .io*tt eels, Mr. Lar
Palmy. *r. Revell the gram a shore
and helemetU g talc toe the war. !as. -
sem et the nes sbr. took poet in a
•mask grid,' is wheel this pektapso
was bead p.ut7 0f .roes
eNwai the treads of mstrisegsy . o
dsart the bachelors of Fro Iowsebip
w1 new see des errors of their ways
sad somady them as speedily as po.-
sfiis. Poor spathe were thea auctioned
tlfi' by Mr. Revell. who made a entree
and sleepiest •uctiuseer. A heart
vote of drake was moved by Mr. T.
Jot.aoo, and .wooded by Mr. With -
wake. to Mrs. Johnston and taaio
toe their hospitality. after which honk
was served. Total proceeds for the
evening amounted to II18-s
W *D!r*0DAT, Feb. 2i
Mrs. tie*. Hawse is visiting ber
cousin as Dungannon.
Mie Peru Symlagtoo has gone to
Toronto. haring enured a position
Ren. F. H. Latin, of S.afoetb,
occupied the Baptist pulpit Punchy,
abet boon.
The Young People's (.olid visited
the Londeeborougb society oe Wed -
Mr. B4wsrdg
of Si.St. Awo-
ti.., sb&pped a ear of of
to the
West o0 Tueed•c.
Mt. Jas. Ingram has started for his
boom in the West to say farewell to
his parents before joining the 561st
Battalion at Myth.
Mr. Geo. Howatt. of Wi.pbam, has
moved to Auhurn to live with hu
daughter. Mrs. John Pbillip.,owing to
the low by death of bis partum -i0 -tile.
It is imported that Mr. Jaa. Joha-
ston. has sold his house .ad tot in the
village to N'm Minh mad will give
pnm.ee►iva April 1st. Purchase price
The 1otlowimg have enlisted the mat
week : Colin Campbell, Nelson Robin-
son, James Ingram. Russell Kip
Herb. Lawson. They all expect to be
is uniform the Hist of cleat week.
Mr. and Mn. ('bas. Asquith arrived
dome on Moodey night from Nova
Scotia, where Mr. Asquith has been
engaged in the evaporator business'.
He looks bettet for t be change of
Fos 'rut REI) C.oa,t.-The common
in aid of the lied Crone held in the
Foresters' Hall on Thursday was well
attended and all eojoyed the program
which consisted of quartettes. solos
and.adresses. The principal address
of the evening was given by Rev. J.
B. Fotberingbam. Ott Goderieb, of
The /Secret of Germany's Success.'
He urged every mac. woman and cbild
to got behind ole lid Crome -if they
ooald not go and Sglt to do their best
at home to supply the moldier, with all
the comforts possible. The proceeds'
of the among •mom to 1:4-05.
Tonmeao, Psb. *.
Amounts' AID. -The tMathlyT nest -
lag et OS Amkadd Beidlsre' AM Seet-
eett�7 was MM at the bowie at ifs.
RfiMe4 MSW1SS 7 stud a bait was
moi by IM hies. waked at 1414*.
10 tM overlie* $ Bed Otos Ws teas
▪ y lean. McWhianry is aid GI
Maitwa.-M Parsley Me.Tw7 has
✓ storwsd barna *flee a swath% vM
with • hbsde 1. Mink -The
. swiss hairs mow take. ihele deport -
1 f you want your boots repaired call
at Walters .k Co.'s more. when a Ang-
ela.* repair neo is now estyioyed.
Dodds Kober Piga Cared His
Victoria Harbor. Oat., Feb. 21.-
1Special' -Cured of rheumatism over a
year ago by using Dodd's Kidney
Posy, 1(r. 1). A. Brotherston, • well-
known resident of this place, is stall
singing the praises of the guest ('aaa-
dian kidney remedy.
"I was troubled with rheamstiem la
my left hand. which would shin to
my elbow add thea to my •bo.adet."
Mr. Brotbaretoo says. "It was very
annoying and painful at times. but I
heard of DoddKid ey Pills bl lig
others, quit thewas
ming and took six boxes of them.
The rbeumati.m disappeared. That
was Geer a year ago, hut it has tet
returned. I know Dodds Kidney Pills
are good for kidney tensible bosh (n
my own ease rued through others wbo
have used than.' -
Bronchitis -Asthma -
Coughs -Night Sieab-OebiMly
And there conditions leading to
Some Extracts iron Swarm Eviiaac.:
oars : " 'Nature's Cooties* is worst
helped ase."
CIAILlli IIOPm. on Oath, ways :
" My sight sweats stopped and air
betao.rbage stopped tom the lint
LOUIS C. LW[. nn Oath. says
" i have to thank 'Nature's Creation'
tint I sen less today."
Send for booklet c..tari.g coseplak
enters ate M Ostti., boss fleet wire
beet end " 0. .'. CrmMhh."
kboro.Y, Feb.21.
Mr. Edgar Racine is leaving soon foe
London. where he has enlisted with
the Medical Corps. He has leen work-
ing in J. G. Armstrong's drug store
for nearly two years and in leaving
town he will be greatly mowed.
The local ostlers ld weeka v r was a
esting boospiel last
patriotic affair and each player was at
liberty to give anywbere from 5', to
$31.00 for each game played. A hand-
some sum will likely be handed to the
Patriotic fund.
Mr. Walter Lovett, of the 71st Bat-
talion at Woodstock. paid a flying
visit to Laeksow oo /Saturday ow bis
way to Riney to .pend itlundsy. He
was biddies farewell to 1ri.odee before
the battalion leaves Woodstock foe
France Food Lack. Walter '
The Presbyterian little class hockey
team were In Brussels Tuesday even-
ing of Inst week. playing hockey.
Tne w enece•_ful o bringing bolo.
DAM E'S maw O i ANT
mai araraisrami.
Most attractive and pleasing patterns in "Anderson's" famous
Scotch Ginghams now on our counters. Colors absolutely
fast, they will boil. Designs and colorings suitable -for house
dresses, street dresses and children's wear. ,
Per yard 15c, 20c and 25c
A shipment of Rugs just in
from England
The last lot of Velvet and Tapestry Rugs
we will have at old prices came in this
week. Values are much better than they
will be for a long time. These Rugs will
give splendid year. The pattern are
new. They conte in sixes frau 2 1-4
by 3 yards to 4 by 4 1,-2 yards. If you
have rug buying to do this spring this is
a good time to do it.
The Popular "Nemo" Corset
A big shipment of these popular Corsets
has just come in from New Ye* Some
new models in this. America's beat corset
for stout figures, and all our i
styles are now in stock. Puts 2.75
up to $5.50.
Ready with Spring Millinery
The Millinery is here and our
staff are busy for
the formal opening display of
which will be announced later. In the
meantime we are ready to show you
what's new and correct in Millinery for
Final Clearing of Winter Hats
Choice of all left. SEC
Saturday we must sell the last of the Winter Hats, ao pas you your choice of allC oc
in the show rooms for only. 7
Hodgens Bros.
to 0edeneh this week after .
with bee sister, Mrs. Juba C. Denote.
Miss Uma. McCarthy is visiting
in Kingsbridg. at present.
Ktxu.sattx;* NIA IATI (' Ct,ra.-
The new Kingsbridge scribe wbo.e
budget appeared iaat week was mine -
what premature with bis report on
the H. D. C. At a meeting of the
Club held this week a good. stirring
comedy-draata of American lite wee
definite) decided on. At this meet-
ing the drama was read by the troupe
and rehearsal will sonersrnee In tie
near future.
Guard the Baby Against
To guard tut mils
nothing can oil Bayb7'. Own Tab-
lets The Tablets are a mild laxative
that will keep tie little one's stomach
and bawds working ry. it We
recognised tact haat w case stom-
ach and boogie are in good order
golds will not exist : that the health of
the little ones wilt be good and that
they will thrive tend be happy sod
good-natured. The Tablets are sold
by medic -hes dealers or by mail at Si
Beate a box from The William Medi-
cine Co., B.o-kville, Ont.
WtOWIDAT. Fel. .�.1.
Monday morning was the coldest
were this .eighb orbood has experienced
[be h
The aockey ate\ on Thursday eves- hag four below zero at Ir o'clock that
news. Tam wooer was 11-5 this reason, the thermometer register-
ing was keenly contested. at was the emeni.g.
11401 Lakeside geese in Leeknow. 7b.' Quite a number from this neighbor
nom was 141. favor t f Oodtericb. ( hood attended Lb. funeral of the late
gxttf-y.-..Rstpb Pottage is laid o11 Mr. A Alla, of Dunlop. on 8aturdsy
work st peiset. He is s.A.rieg from
a Freere sail Mes. Wm. ltise8sw
see was la Kinoardiw on Thursday
last attrudl t Ihs emit,
feeler l of her eie,
Mr. John 'iklmio PbiAtp,Meth/-M�
Ian is enn.1.1 to (he hats. s.Qwi.g
with I.,mhsgo Nest Sunday tie
sat -rano et tai the Lord's Supper win be
dispenser. is the Preehyt.rlaa church
at the m xirg service.
Otstrt-*s1.-Mr. Jia. Campbell. of
town, died at her bore hero on Se. -
day. She W Mee ailing for some
time and a kw der ago was .ended
N. bed. heart trouble beteg the nesse.
The family have tie beartfdt gym
pathy of tdlw •omm.alty Death
alsattsete sataabss on tieoday he the
manes of Wil Andrew, Ilth sow•
easel,„,. Aa118d4. He wee bet s youth
sad al ways a height mad soave flims
He bad wawa MI with
bad sot ..I. .4
..ete salh whoa M
was seISraway mi af. iii.
Haber, tease Amtfrew. sad ether rake
i1tr.E bore tar .1mMwy of lam oars
meshy am theirsed bsssa..saat
tilasasaart400tL .
Tamoay. Polo. a
Powa.t. Ma rrtolr.-Maw. 11e1mae
Vitus. ire Dears*. wire was vM111as M
Wm. Mofa.tkrta. ieR die weak
Jamas Oam dna. of St. sM
Jobs Os.i lben. .1
moat * milk /theab bow. . .
Mr. Patel* Vasa for war M his hams
la lie1eeli Wt *Nay siker a trick
tit DOH&
swiith�AMOY L45 -b, ...
aid mC. IMMO aro- 4lMMsR 9alotton
bore.... Sabo Masseat Moss .eh air/
hast. Mr. Ali.. was one o( the oldest
settlers he title tew..-bip.
Master Frank Clark w.. wecemfn I
in carrying off Rev. A. Latest a prise
L r tb1915 given is the Meath's
Hill Sarbta1' ached er-r an may roe the
NM sad
�aiameter of Joseph• a me -
Trask e
sein tai.
..ells ase oegaaiNag a Passers' Club.
TM& Seat wisstiag was hold 1w the
bans a1 Mr. WT. T last There -
der eewrslg. It tram dogsled to call
aaatrer mewling ia the bear (star..
We are all phased to tapass that nor
Met ass all donor implownia Our
all sad imossaied frigid Mr J. Me -
HardT who wee laid op with a severe
amainaain of pipe Is sheets be up agate.
Mr. Yffd.rO family also have tura
under the do.tsr'e .acv. Our viltege
names Mus msss kept very busy
1Mb To 1fiaisas Nuel
7.1 1 was
EdiMud a wee �hri�
=lips tts s'
Clairem.411.4 472;
•. 0. D. n. preSeh4, Aodort.b
Take a dose in time!
gar. ,
Don't lot your orate,: become lowered by
the attacks of a cough or cold. "Safer
Finn" - blas a doss of Chamberlain's Coag
Ramody et mega It loosens the Cosset se
dna Noma disappear ; it bub 'bittersweet ; the throat
.nil hags so **yore aa.Reetnd by amen of tempsetdQa Chamberlain's
esmiaima oe .arooiice .r hareefek drum While it lees. raid ha
Not ik n he a
safely need with the Toong. 11
WEDrmIDAT, Feb. L4.
INcrres.-Mr. :M Saris. from Bao
katcb.waa, visited at B. F. Caastow'e
lest week Jae. Fisher has goats to
Goderich to work Rev. P. J.
Rutherford is commencing • series of
Wednesday Tight mentiegs for prayer
at the p*rso.*ge A box social
will be held in theTemperaaee Hall oda
February doh for the purposed rah -
Mrs Florence Smith and liras Mary Tan
Capture Tws Caster ScielMaYaa,
The award mit the Carter
ase been announced by the
Department. For the sonsity
Huron the drat sehai
cash. has been awarded to Messes A.
Smith, of Ooderieb. The snood
Ing mono- for Red Cross work. A eehoteeolip value IND -
awsadod to Mary I. Tom. atOodorisb,
silver colle
ttioe 0411 (ie bkem at the a0d the third ecboaardij. va45. o
door and every tady is nyuested to essb. to Frtdee4 k L HwtcM.oa. of
bring w moi. whicprogram
will htia sir n Zleatorth. Miss Smltb has thea won
hoA good peogrsm will bm given by 1s5'... scholarship on tae Uaiweeaty
Home talent ezars1Eatioes of Jmne. 1915. smossofilig
to sh and .1M years' &eolith's&
04 Da*t SIM. Mas Teas *Ise hast
woe three snbolarsbtp•, aemsaadati to
61911 emelt and six .ears has teak*,
slued at WO.
Thomerecords are • sple0did WPM -
away to the tattled gime at the
aod.eieh Collegiate loatitat•
This is what you want is your
hoax or place of L'- --'s.
Don't let s.ybody pat you Mt
with the inferior kind fist is al-
ways offing if not and
trouble. Wien you tarvtba Plnmb-
igg . job to be deme,
Fred Iltmt
HAKift.TOSSTales'r 'Pnowtr 115
t * r .. wlr1oral
144 Yrawnr(P Oho M_l.I4.
pyre lee-erram. in bulk or wary
bricks, at Bleetatoat'. Plow 1441.
Wmtear Footwear
Style, Fit awl
Are three very Important
features ie footwear. They
are quidilies that every line
of Shoes and Rubbers in our
immock ock must possess.
Fiery Cue is selected wits
these ends in view. there-
fore swarm' g perfect quaky
tad footwear that Ai shed
the Best on any weather.
Gro. MacVicar ar