HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-24, Page 7THE SIGNAL : GOD1gRICR Ol!''PABMO ,•resile CMOs tltrbet �tNy Aske atewts....47.71 to $.11 �tlj Myler steps.... 7.14 7.76 111slshser. Mull 7 W 7 44 da --/lo. 4 M 7 N del .oames 1 75 �Med .. / SS M. •eruct . 4 0e MateMent mows. *bake 4 11 der Neste .... • 5 76 du dllilsen 5 25 11104••• had Min 4.26 di Mildl.m 6.75 d► beluga* 4.00 • 111111da .. 119 to 1.106 lbs4.00 -do. heft 4.40 dfirebers. 754 to MA IM I . N 40 kat fit u 761 1.0 Caters 4.10 43iwwers4 2.26 >Ie1k-n. Awes, each . 90.00 (. Ibs Medium 16.11 00 Canal. veal, (God 9.00 de. swam .. 4.00 M. comma 5.21 da puss I 71 agetag Was. east. 11.45 Coll Mills.,.1.40 Tearing abem 9.00 Blimp, ewsa. Ifg4t 9.00 da heavy and htscks4.00 da calls .......... , 2.07 MOM td and watered9.76 M. light sad beery9.21 do- weighed. 0* aka 10.iS do. tab. country1 40 Sews, ted and watered 7.1. 6.M 7.74 7.24 4.76 x.16 N 5.71 7.00 I 25 4.71 6. III 1.34 4.54 6.'4 1-S0 4.76 4.00 100.09 N.l4 103 N 11 N I.N 6.44 12.71 5.4s 0.40 7.1e 4.1'1 9.43 511 5.1! Tweet* Grein Markets *aaltoba wbett-l. .tore at Fort William. No. 1 eortbern. $1.33% .:o 2. $1.29%; No. 2, $1.17%. . No. 2 C.R., 431ac: No. C.W., 41%e; No. 1 erns teed, 4 _ t , No. 1 teed. 29yke. - Amtrtea. con -No. 3 y.!Icc-. 'lc. Ca.ed1Y cors --reed. 71c to 7:c. Omani) wheat -No 2 winter. per oar lot. 11.10 to $1.12; Nightly apron: all aad tough, .cecrdlor to sample 11.14 to $1.1.; smarted or smutty and tone, seeo.dl.g to saa.ple, 11 to 11.00; teed wheat, foe to 15*. Ostarb oats -No. 3 white. 44c to 4401 commercial cats. 42c to 44c. Peso -No. 2 per car lot. ;1114; aimple Dpmp� 11.21 to $L76. aeeu4lne Bwrliy--I4altf.g, ootside. 14c to Ms; oto. 2 teed, 67e to 40e. Beehvbea/-75c to 76r. Ry. -Na 1. commercial. 12e to Mk; reJaeta. 43c to tie, ecce . ding to sompie. Mnaltsha goer -First patents. In fald MM. 47.24: merowde. 84.10; ,.trot., 1f -it. k. Jou bass. Ontario ltosr-Wl.ter, track. Torm to: p'K fit. scnrllog to tallapte. $4.70 to 14.44. Ia bees; sea board. 84.44 to 84.94. Ml1feed--CarM.d., per too, 4.IIrn .d. Montreal freights: beam. 125; . 40rts. 114; Salddlt.a. 427; ped teed * Dur, bag. 8171 u 81.16. Wbele..l. Produce Tomato wookteale prices to the trade: Special t can's r imolatd$ . 21 to .22 Ennis I selects' storage . 27 .24 Ms. 1 straight .towage.. .2S Na 2 .:2 .24 Creamery prints, fresh.. .1S .34 Creamery, solids .1: .34 Dairy prima .26 . 14 Sabers' .22 .24 Oases --Imre, Ile; Ivies, 11%e_ flower-Bsetw►eat. barrel:. 7 • to 7%c; Use. T%e to lc; clover, 40.4b. Use, 13e to 12yke; 14.14. tins. 12%e to Ise; 6-1k tine. 12>4c to 12c comb beery. No 1. per doom, 82.54 to 13; ?M. 2. per data, *2 to 42.44. Peoltry Live Dressed Old feet, 1b14c 14e 14e 111c (M1eke•s . 14c 14e lie 22c Torben 14e 30c 26e 30e Mete 11 a 14e 14e !te some 14e 12. 17e . 19e Dressed Meets Twwtb wbeles•le houses are mot- her( u the trade as fellows: B ed, forequarters... .5 9.54 to $14.54 M. hindquarters ... 12. 61 13.54 Careers, dish* 11. M 11.71 do. coasmum 1. M 10.M Veale, common 7.64 9. lit M. media 1.11 11.$1 da press 12. N 14.14 Heavy boss 11.00 11.41 Shop bogs 11.54 14.11 Mimeo. heavy '1 M 12.47 do. tight ..... 12.04 14.40 Lambe 11.14 13.54 tart Bala* Catty Cantle -Receipts. 4.211 head; Writ' active, steady to may; prime steers. am is 11.7i:.btppl.t. $7.54 to 11.24.: 4wtebers, 44.A to 84.26: halters, $6.71 to $7.76; cows. 15.54 to 47.40; 45110. 14.71 to STA*: fresh tows and spring- • ere. sine ...d sr.. 164 to Its. vale-R.cclpts, 1,411 bend; settee; 14.M to 111.01. Hess -Receipts. 14,111 bad; ar- tike; heavy ad sued. 41,M to $&41; y�len. 11.40 to MN: pip. 17.78 to 19.04: roughs. 47.40 a 47.54; stags. M to 16.75. Mon and Iamb-Reeelpts. 9.311 bead; entre. limbs, ISM a 411.71; ye•rimd 84. S1 b 111 .. .!1; wether 41.71 to 89.25; ew 41.40 to 1154; @Meega whet. WM o 1178 Chicago C. Motet (settle--Reeelpts, 11.11: market straw; barna. $4.i to et41; w. test stews. 0.76 t $1.24. Nxbws tall feeders. 14 1 to 17 44; rows and rases, 4.111 to 11.34; calve*. 81.54 M-Retretpta. 12,411; mallet]•511:116. MOM VII to .4.66; NOM. e 4140; heavy. 87.96 to P.M: meta. 1716 N 11.14: alp. 14.15 to 87.45; hulk et mlati 14.16 s MC 14,111; mwAet firs; slatlts. .31 to 41.54; Minim asttw. 41 to 111.41. MOM shy and Strew lese.b.w1. 170 Mas w hook. .scut.. p 410 Missive pima /reed bay, sew. Na 1.$111.4.6 to 111.41 Ia Na 1 24 M 14.54 filed Naw. tow 4 M 7 M 1OOUNTYasd DISTRICT IMo. Prier Solider *fiat bur Mem at Zurich on February Ill Is otter a beset Maim Pim Weetiake buttes, W110 lite near Wwreeter, eallMei together oar My r.esetly. The sw.ageilist is a.aoe.e.d d Mies V. Limit* and Wspoi.o. A. (Ma- us. boo b of Dr•ydase. The vete o. time Hydro bylaw at Dsa(.wood resulted i. 101 voting for it sad t wo against it. Jacob Qesek .bu.h bac purchased the fano of Jacob Mry.•t at Watm.s 1 Carer, Hay tow.sbip, for 0 i09. Mr. Med Ila.. Jima H.0, of Orville tom e.i.Mred tbs. Sitletba..ivetns:, of thele w-ddlwg as February 14th. Jo.hs. Walsh. td ISM W....o•i, was sevendy b j.rrd when he was thrown from hi. bony Due night r. wetly. The 'tate-year-old daughter d lir. ed Ilse. Edwasd Reichert, , of the Had awe. Hay. died on February 13th .t peeweesola. Omraeid McMichael, of the Ind coo - 04 Mullett, has sold ho farm to ▪ Joh. L. Bell, of $ts.tfo.d. The pries was 1711%). Wm Cbristlan Wi1Mrt passed away at her home on the 14t11 en.ees.io. of Stephen on February 11th, in her eight y - :lab tb.year . -Alen. Dirk son, son of Adria Diehew., of 11eKtllop, who rrrently terSSd from tiwkatcbewut, has purr.Md a hardware Lesion a: Serous. Cbarisworth R. Wallace. pompon sue of Mr. and Mrs Akz. W0Mr.., of Tuckere.tit. p.a••d away ow Feline ary 13tb aged twenty threw years. Wm. (Sarni.., who r.o 50ly aid his farm on IN Ind commies of Morris, h es purchased the how of Wm. Sel- lers at Btoevale and iatw& to recede there. Miss Jean Barrows glad W. J. Bas- sett. both of Wale, were Married et the boos of the bride's parents then on February 9•.h by Rev. F. R. Craik. The Presbyterian thereto at Er. mowdville held its ..saivri.ry we - met oar Febrsar y 13 ad II . h.se ore eery .acewful sod the financial peepeds amo..ted to 9790. Wm. Reid, of lames., bad Doe Iqt basion and the other badly eru.bmd adieu he wan pissed beneath his en - • which most while be eras going boars atter • day'. thrembi:am Thomas Willa Of Hens*11, was .Brock on tb thigh by • lamb while working in the bush and cut a severely that more than a dress addles were needed to dose the wooed `J Nim Ida J., daugl•ter d Mr. ad Mrs. Cha.. Rtntool, 04 Tuesberry, wss married at her how there r. /rpOrs ary 16th to Percy D. McLean, d Bei. gran. Rm. Ora/UM Tau per. *rased Use trsma.y. On Pebusey blkh, at the Ontario street Mates. Rev. B. J. Ann Me iterema7 which ser tern ail wife Mia D. May 2bsr_wwd of Mr. and Mn. Amos Teerossid, and Fraiche It. Wal- ter., both at T.ekars.sitb. Mrs. Sophia Villa, relict d UM late Job. Milk., pawed away at lar ham. at Bey(M.W on Fehreary 1atb. The deeemsed was bora in Germany in 1B6 h od tame to Canada whs. Dineen years old. flhs was twine maerild ani u survived by he tMsgbters and 1•011 t00. The .5O -sere farm es the Parr line, S. aelev. ha -bowing to the estate of the 11ate Wm. Wily, has bees purehassd by Chs. Farquhar for 144.000. The Mane farm on the mase line owned aRe.. H. Murray has loonno•ed by ae. R. Job.stow. John Odom. widely known *mons the residents of the northern pert of the amity, died at for home of his "a-W-Ima Otranto Town. st Wrote. ter. on PO4w.ary 10th, aged 1022 years, He wee ARMis the hotel Ninon .K Wrrz.ter for • mealm of years awed was rese.rkably healthy op to the time d W Mame. The homed Mee. G. Lyne, of Lemke. boos o', was the seem et a pretty India, on February IAtb, when bee only daughter, Rorie. bomm- the Nide of Wt r. L. Hoskin, o1 Hallett. Rev. C. C. Keine perfdrmad the cere- mony. After the honeymoon the roar... 4e will read. se hb 13th eo.os.dn- of Hallett. Thu. Bernard, as aged reddest of the et► e-.creio. a Morrie, died sod- ded, o. February 13i.b. The deceased was mi.it0F • 1yma when • fainting sped over took bias and bep►•� fay aw• H. woe in Maio year sod 1. survived by his wife, two .cos sad ore'd.-gbter. Pte. Archie Wright, tort of llr. and Mrs.. F. C. Wright, of lamsetows MesUty, died in ho.oital at Toronto es Febewry 1411. The dreoswd row ed he the W.. sod was attached to t M -mm.wtttow MOMS el the Came dies Mdd Artillery. He was in his tw.ety.rztb year. The Iwuemset leek plass is BresnM •wrier,. Mange Ru►W.. a satin aad Ste - /mg ._mN.mt of Cabers*, died very suddenly es Pehrw-wy 11th tram par. My*. B• woe bora h the year 191Y and le survive/ by Me wife, two attar. WNMNtw sof Walter. -.Id este Ilea Fred illesset, all tit hU�..� Throe Mother*. Jobe and Maim. e4 U.S..*., sod Wastes of Weymouth. fiat, and oseM.tee. Mare. Wm. Btse4, el Ushers,, stun mev{w. .r W d'lu AM Mrs. Joh. Serra mad family, of 0ilae•ve. bow moves' to R -i igham to r mode. Bssdm.Mer Stint t., who was placed .wdss.1Nury germe4 hen, ha* hese released. R B. Flr.teso., chief of pond at Wakarusa ter In .rens is the army .ad hes bfmrelf sallied. Hs forss.,ty resided here. MAIM D•w.4., as employes .1 the Wnerna P..•dry (o., bad 134 foot bunted by .skew mial ' eft e. Inside h Mr. sad Mrs. Lewis Jowitt, of Whig - Mae, tag•10., an.uswrw the emmerineat of their es►ly denahtur M1 u T. R. Wadded, el Mwwi0RWs, the woddlas The Virtue of the Natural Leaf is perliectiT lireserved la the sealed LA, s u. B 4414 packet. Young tender leaves only, grown with utmost care and with flavour as the prime ob t, are used m to produce the faous 5alada blends. to take Mass M MasMb. Tete fireman norived a gall' to the home of Min. Oen. Putnam ora day recently. Ou art ire' it was (mod the Sin bad bees soonest -bed. Some e.rpete and *nature ware horned. A smelled joke. arranged • tin hoz to lout No an t,.t.roal machine ,tad it=arie otdoorstep of Nr. Phil. t:p.,. ,ovestiguinn it was tou.d that the tin contained there dryad) 12e tie. tied togetbee with striem Tho polies .re now I.w,king foe the perpetrator of the • joke. ' ER EYE R. TM wedding took Moat at Berlin o0 P.briary 0th of act.. Helen William•, former! d F:t.t.r, to Wilbert J Mitchell. son ..f Win. Mitchell, of the Metropil,w hotel, Exeter. Mr. and Mrs !'hes. Everett. of Sar - .h% formerly of tae village. celebrated rhoUtti.tb anniversary ..f their wad- y ne Fehruary 17th. Mrs. lobo of Exeter, went down for the Mr. and Mrs. J)hn .larrott have re- BRIQHT3 DISEASE is dee deedrheet and most pi4ul malady to which Namaland is sebmct., Dodd s Kreeey Pr7. wits care any Mas a Bright's Disease. They hare serer failed in ams sigh case. They are the Gay moody that ever has cured it, avid they are Moody remedy that can. Tone are im,atiotu fir( Diadirs Kidney boa: sad -bots edema are daagerorr. The ur iu.l avid 7 gen....w averfor&i 4*:'L7i.ea.en DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS 11 Dodd. 1Gd.ey PM are Ma Isom at al It's Cutter -Time! lA teas What better intestrnent could you make just row than to purchase a fine new Cotter We handle the Gray and McLaughlin makes, the best in Canada. STOVES We have a number of Ranges and Neaten left and can give you good value for your money. High-class Gasoline Engines for pumping and pone:. Come in and see then!. Mar allaleel ROBT. WILSON Agent for Massey -Harris Implements Hands= St, Csedertch .dead word el the Myth at their AosirAtw. Mrs. Wm. A.rrkt, who passed Tway at $tabme. Man. TN d-swd a, who wee het ser fit(. -fink year, is survi a ed by bet bmsbmnd, i* Boos and two daughters. CLINTON. Pts. Morgan Agnew and Tbos. Britton, of the :tied Battalion; Queoee, were house for the wsek-med. Tboms. Ma.,., cilli• dealer, was .trieken with paralysis sidle week1. at the stork yard. Den day renew ty. He is showing signs of rev -every. The public school board 44 eating for 1118.1110 to build an additb0 to the Present school. The town council has .eked the board to refrain from expen- sive repairs for two yeses. Mn. Frank M.:Collaas did at Mon- treal on February 1atb. Her maiden name wan Mildred Dressy, she beteg a daughter of Mn H. D. Vistaed. of Tomato. formerly ..1 (Mato.. He- ade* .sides her husband oats child arvives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McDonald alio Mated the fiftieth anniversary 01 their wedding day n. February 161. They were married in Kinloss, the minister driving from Teeswur to perform the ceremony. Mr. sing Mrs. McDon- ald have lived ben •hilly -five years. The boost of Mr. and Mn. George Davis ma the some a • quirt wedding no February kith, when tbeir daugbter, heath., homes. the bride of O. A. Bradshaw. Rev. Dr. !tut ledge performed the ceremony. After the boieymeas she y oowng couple will towhees to reside hers.fEAFORTH. Catberine Grieve, widow of the last James 131ttetb. passed away at her home ban o. Febenary 13th in her fifty-fourth year. Mrs. Toward and Alexander ficott, both of SoUortb. were quietly mar- ried at the Presbyter'sa moose o0 February 12 b by Rev. P. H. Larkin. Fidelity Lodes, 1.0.0.F., presented arsenal su .aemb.ra, who have ra- llied with the 161st Beualioo, *414 emblematic ring. at • social evening bold r.etotly. Was. McLellan, a pioneer reediest d H 410,1, did at the home all his Mi- ters, i.to s, We Mesa McLefwe, hers a Febrmary 941. He was izty-flye years of Mgr end .wm.rried. A meieale given under the direc- tion of MN Hazel Winter netted 1M1 for the Red Crass food. Amowg those who took part was Mise Ni.. Wooll- eomtbe, of Ooderieh. At the animal meeting of the First Presbyterian church Meld on Pebrr- ar y Ibt h the treasurer's report .bowed • balance on hand of 9&.69. Toasty - nine m•mbery bad bores added during the year, fourteen letters of transfer had ben granted and deem amen - hers had hoer t •mored ny death. The present membership is 410. BRUSSELS. Robe Ferguson has opesed op • tailor *bop and gent.' furni.iieg sore in the Leebie block. Pte. Geo. Jollities, of the 1st am - 01 nyMists.Br...ela w mod nt day Ise, weak. Z. H. Woks letie sew tease and A. A. Moist the www jmwior al Iib• HIM d Nova !boli. base. 'They re iw d asst illIgas and Rankle% who r. *mid Mr*. W. aemmpa.id by the fos=r Piser, Mn. ArebiL•Id. lett for Provost. ARA, lost week. They took • eaabed el settler' •flees., with Kesmltb Rik Leri, of tiny township, in Masse d the ear. ` LUC /SOW. T>;aos.. Pet, la Born --On F.Muary Pith, to Mr. and Mrs Hobert Brewn•a d■oghter. Altai. Croon, d Wtngham High School, sport Sunday at hie home Deur. We are sorry to report so ,many eases of sicklier a, we tare is tows *t preempt. meas.. and I . grippe. for both old and young. Mr. T. H. Han. a Ierturer *.d taw - emote fur the Muskoka -anitariwm, • gave • Very interesting t. I It on tslbN- talosi• o. Thursday ovenisp ammo Now that the cold a. atbse is here you'll want yosr homes more comfortable. Get our prices .,n Furnaces. Hot Water Boner!, etc. Onr Perfeet:oo Oil Heater, are just the thing to drive the cold out of chilly corners. All repairing to plumbing. fnrn•ce work. etc y.-,.r;httc attended to. W. R. PINDER Pbn.e 144 Hamiltr.n Street M4i.. bderg in the atonal • y lamas* Mita earlVent th. e.week.e A bad e1 load spurts drum. toiled. rich a Friday tors game .t h-aey We believe they were too slow ter th Ooderish boys. Mr. Melees Haebswu hoe taken • po«iJoa as Jaime sporwt.ier to t► Ackert A Rathwe* shoe shop. 0. will tasks a gond rubhtr. The Methodist KPworts League se time**tie Prwlytenth Guild o• Mondry evening. s affair coca th Nes of a Valentine social arida meet for pertaer•. Am a repent presume was rendered mad leach was served. We lei pre •venue• moot a sweat Mile maim. • resell DAT. Plrsaw*wi 21, IOW 7 Farmers of Huron. Por Male. -'Peed cora. ?9e to t81e : shorts. Hood tan wheat. *ILL It f to .12 : oats. Cie to 41c ; barky, Me : if ..oar going ahm you loam is you will get: it. (4econd .torebouee 111 Leedom road. south side track, u toms to 0iy house. opposite the pea Varier Matsu•. Always home. W. H PItera,. Clintoo,`F.•b. 14, 191d. :B _•t NILE. Trosioty. Feb. 15. Mr. and Mn. Win Watson enter Lusted • number of friends to as en formai dame at their home last week We are pleased t., reoort that Mt R. P.ehlio 4.. almost recovered from the severs attack of la grippe from w►ie► he baa been euffe.riag Min Orme Meek who ha. lie -en at - Oodles her aunt tam Clinton, spew iloodat at bur home hen. The potrl.tlee�t�tlw/ti-R 12.4 few PIM oo Tuesday A number from New alluded the em1Mirst rsedee,�i_ ed Me May •'Tie dpirt .' epmti�w' Mae. Ira the mum ks et kb.vicinity ated ea ytho evening wbrwsr y WEAK, AIM WIII Made Strom By Debases nes Vil.i Lakeport. N. H. - •• Ota ktW girl 8 years elage was i. a 4.4441.1.4, rem- tloww earilWow sod had • •Wslee cough se she was weak sod alba dl the time_ Nottriag_ helped hue •we tried Visa. Then her til increased and she is Meng and end I wish other parents et weak. eM/nook mold try oL -Om. A. c This MawbIs becausesTIssl tsstgtheataigai Me liver elements pad Se lade Mee Maas weak sad r-dowe yam abeda. H. C. Dunlop, Druggist CP.AND TRUNK p°' EM WINTER RESORTS Special Round Trip Fs gee Lamg limit - stopovers Aisne. avid Meet Springs, N 1,. r Charlene. $C.;.* WNems• N.B.: t r..SJek >�el.ni:.r.: Ja.,saserill sad a• naw to: t8I lama. tubs. and Me. 4410.., 1.4 , vb .Pew Tab, cud .nil wt r4aat�rr aeaoMiae te d..rtlsatlmJ. yr is Ref els. D.2ts:t.r llieasa I Dermaa eda d Wee ladies. 014.si . health ...tu Mama Clemw.. 11t ..: Matt!. (r '-a. 111:4. I et C.tiuttasr. lt'.Il . wt . Prestos •'r l that. .maI Thelma aad tailintsrmMM M spselost1 is P. I' LA .vlF2CE t tt0NIa Pima t. THERE IS IG VALUE IN THE achelor Suit _$15 to $20- Q Cume in and we these nobby garments in up-to- date cotyles and handsome, reliable material.. Clothing for us the Children New Norfolk Suits and other style. •'Built to wear ' McLEAN BROS. The Semi -Ready Tailors THE SQUARE - - - GODERICH isarsamammemsomommartbowsaaamberimmaammorma tS CANADIAN PACIFIC For WINNIPEG and ` VANCOUVER LEAVE TORONTO 6.40 P.M. DAILY VIA THE TRANSCANADA CONNECTING TRAIN LEAVES AT 7 A.M. Through equipment including Electric Lighted Compartment Observa- tion Car, Standard and Tourist bleepers, Dining Car, First-cle•sCoaches. The trega..t C.P.R tryo.t.fnet► 1MSodomDCentred each Cly i.ana•s.ttothe Par enters bum J0.. KIDD.C.P R. Apet.r writs Y O. 111.'RYBY.I1.P.a.. Toronto I LONDON CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC - :-AND-:- SCHOOL OF ELOCUTION, LIMITED UNPRECEDENTED OFFER OF SCHOLARSHIP AND PRIZES. Write for Perbcnlars LOTTIE ARMSTRONG, F LINFORTH WiLLGOOSE, Registrar. idem. Bac. t Domeim) Peiadpal. Address: -354-6 Dundas St., London, Ont. Are You Interested in FOWL? If so, call and get one of Cyphers incubator Co.'s books on Incubators, Brooders and care of fowl. These are free for the asking of them. We have in stock : 1 small Columbia Incubator, 130 to 140Eggs. 1 Cyphers Incubator, 244 Eggs. 3 Portable Hovers. This company manufactures Eiectrobators in two sizes. No. 1 Electrobator, capacity 60 Eggs. No. 2 Electi'obator, capacity 120 Eggs. With thieve Elertrobatore, if the electric cur- rent ia off for a few hones it dor not affect the eggs, as there is enough hest stored to keep the temperature up. If then i. anything you want to know shoat ambition. Brooders and Hoven, call and gut one of thee. hooky. 1f you wi.b any .pedal informs. tiro, we will be pleased to take it up with the Cyphers Incubator Co. Ar, you getting the number of riga you should i1 not try Dr. Hess Panacea. This is g-aarsnt.ed u. he one of the h•.t egg prodocerw on the market. 1f it dorm not do as guaranteed. re- turn the empty package and get your money hack. STOCK FOOD At this tines of the year your borers sod rattle aro being fed o0 di y feed. They should have • tonic to aid digestion. Try Dr. Heat.' stock Fond. It is fully gnarsnto d. If you think that .t hag not been any ...melt to y.,ur stock, hiring hack the' empty polka.• end get your roomy heck. it be tally guaranteed by Dr Hews, and it is big retract loos to us to return the mousey for the empty package if the pinholes ie not satisfied with the result of the test. We have wild tons of .t, and have yet to have ailia.tisfled rtt4totner Electric Fist res Do Foie Meat soar good va'ues in EIretrie Fix totes? We have thew. I' .1l and see what we Mire. SKATES tVe are going •., h.ndl. r.rl•r.irel the Asto- n. i.ile 1katee •rod in nyder to . Isar ..f t whist we hare of other knee we base ens some of them to Iwo than Bost. •Shelf and Heavy Hardware In Shelf and Heavy HarJwar* we rarry acom- plete .t ick . and can serve your wants on • me. menti notice. Plumbing and Heating If • lei Revue nn your Plumbing. Heat iog. Tin omitting and Electric Waring. All work proton" Iy attended ,sand fully gusr.nt..'d. . Coal and Wood We rarry a full line of best Scranton White Ash 1'oal. lime and t bwtn.t Coal ...MM per tnn Rpt Coal. ... 74 Camel Coal hosme.ti.' Lome Coal 7JI1 Mad..eitb (NMI Moine Nut CDM Wood Har. ..... . 1.30 per curve . t4041$ .....t . ... 1.Zi lice M.- 1 oke.'. Patriot ........ . Baker'. Blwdossw...... .. Hooke, Upbtnisa.. . . (brunt Mau. Nnafit Steel ...............a+ • Babes'. Double Itsd Hoek. y R.gnlar pies 13 !Ito ma:" s2 1.tifn 1.1r► n •• 196 •• 2.50 3.10 Lot 1.09 221 /So .75 1.75 lug; CHAS. C. LEE, East spa. Square 1