HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-24, Page 6• 'Htc..t►.t FIamvAatr x, esu r r The use of Drente" Beep sakes the bath a •0pr.medr ao,taag pinion a• will am a be•tth-lneur►n( The creast of pure tate ghee ea velvety lather lemerm. and1f that is mild nlati•t TIM seam a vee? txrb.aYe ctly beriadr Theodor random IsY: fur emends after w a Lt. al�•.(*S wal- LIFEBUOY HEALTHY 5OAP Qumran tbsrw Harries. sat ardor. gal and 10napireW ted toil/swing in its admin of (,epi Q... tions and Opinion : f r. 0.. Rs t 1) A w•• appointed tax collector and gave a bead ee Meas - ity to the nerpwrstios foe loony coil Mtn. After making hie eoil•etion• he retained his rr.l1. olden was ac- cepted by the council. sad be was paid Ms salary. 1s he entitled to have tb.• bond ra*eelled ..e given up to Men e_l Is it legal kr an agriculture! w- ety to wake a dons ion to a local patriotic fond: Ans.-(1) TMenon.il have aright re retain the bond hereafter be dies which say snake a reset to the bond eososeary Therefore the Lemdesse asmmot leaai- Iy requ,t• that led hood shall be can- celled hbewt•it v. E sardine. L O. W. N. Zr ad Tai. (21 Except in so fat as the society is restricted toy statute a otherwise from the tippe..- pr..tion or use of the fonds ander ata control there can he no objection to miss the funds for olber claaa •Rti- rultutal purposes. The prooebilit, is that the soclrty has no autborit r to tote Ito% fuoda 1..r the tpurp•ne men ti••sed.indwillh.ve to apply to the L•Rielaturr for perroirnn to do a ; or fora coca. resat 10111 of the art, if the money baa already brr• lo o- priated. H. $. 0., 0sµ 48. minim la. WOMANWOMAN'SSHEALTH lNEEDSCOP CONSTANT CARE. Work and Worry Leave Her a Victim of Many Distressing Ailments. Etetywnrnanah.at.l. i• Pe;oiia.le depet4ent upon the condi i..n t f bet • moot' w.a,. ...vffr. er.u. headache. pato :a the 1... k, poor .I - ppeetite. weak typesii 11, » t oo.to t &clink of weariness, paper raw.. t.i the br*rr. *boners* of bteatb. pallor and nervousness. If . n, bare any of this •Zmptoroa you should begin 1.. j to b.u4 op your blood with Dr. c S llliasa. Pick Pilate Cadet their tae the nervous rowdy of the tardy is re stored as the blood becomes red and pare and the entire 'yens is atr.sg,h- ened to net every d&wwand 0po0 it. They oowni•b every part of the body, Riving briRbtnww to•1he eye sod coker to the Ask. sad bps. Mrs. Jas. $. nameia. Oakwood. On.. says : "i ebould have written long age, to tell whet Dr. Williams' Prat PA. did foe sue but I suppose it • t. better late than .ever. 1a June, I5Q:J. 1 bad to ao to a hospital for ao opet - atiem foe female weals's. iwas lathe bosyital for • ts,o.Ih before 1 wag elite to net bole. Three weeks after ibis 1 started /or a trip to the Pacific coa.t, in. the hope that my health would further improve. On the war i stoo- ped to visit a .rater in Southern Abee t& and on a.rivinlr at her boor (alter • thirty-five mut drive. I was co.opbetely done out. 1 found m. .es- ter ul, fort habv haring been horo the week helot,. Aa 110,/ wed no nae 14. beIp I had to take rare of the child and do the bouseaold wort, and in the three week. that panel before any Meter look charge 1 way completely intro oat and again nearly 111. Ho. - erer, I vaned on may westward trip. and derided to stop ../l at fiend, vibe. • I reenadlsed • week. Iran it diol mot teem to heap me. and 1 resumed nay lunacy. 1)r. the train 1 took seek and c -old se. eat, and as 1 am attire ass crw.dith..t. way pit+ane. ►'inally the porter wired abewd to N..'b Hard for . doe -or t e re r. The doctor wearied tie to leave the trot. cart go to a brr.p.t-1. heti deer mined to nation my }OUT - nev to Vancouver. The tadieta., .bb dormer gayer se did not help as. and I was R•tes•0 worse al the thew A e then a young moan who bed the ..pr poste teeth a. k d M if 1 would • r7 Ih. R ilh..ws' P..t Pills and gave sr a fon* be bad 1 tied those and t tee praetor got se two sore lona, sed by the taw 1 re .. h..e 3.y }......y'. sod 1 w w reeling wine Mier. 1 «ynd en etbe o. the Boast mad neelitioaed taaf.g Dr. William? Ptak Pi. .1 teat time. 1 had gabbed ia welobe ee t app.*ranae►. sad who. 1 terbd for home 1 Mt baser shoo I elle/ dub. Po ter* No. 1 atop Dr. Wil- liams' Ptak Pine M the 10..•. earl beta my b -'-•+d aad may too er have b$. besotted by twit tea I Me.s ter day last rem. use 0n the lege.. Iran eyes W kora of pp�Sr otherwise 1 myth mover hors ieW Mot sad woad bail tall boas se T• m cea got a. wise-' Nat PIM - trim say sassiesios or di hoz oi~hats Ow mow, eso bet ll r0ivbe oat TheUooseofthe ArHARINE �^ Whispering KSo ems � GREEN Pines 0 4Se most Tmp+et-iai Solidest Maim view, aecordb( M 1b put toad mat was 1M •taYe•sa wee* co tett it well the doer above, lot 1d lea W atoll ids mom tar tab on- iambs oiambs be would trot lave told Toa. as deaakesb might have Mass, lest It was become it was the met direst awe arm adest approach to Carmel Cam. torture rwee. Sas sone* be bias art to a rack epos which has. sev- eral eats and a matiessso'• flat He Imparted the former mad cosi that toe was dtelsbed with a Mite et - kir. bet be most ted latter by -It was set a deny. The table stood asst ttu rack, sod on Its top lay mantas a,of• lnterenmng tam a elotbeebrmeb and one sr two tear laslgdlc•st ob- jects: bet. web kis asesery for de- tain, M bad mate the hays which ... et the alai lad tined up swam wain abet the bons .ad laid es • ball table. If HO woo tie ball sod tele tee table lbw was ovary laeb at Ms latter'• simple dye emend top et the greatest baprtaeeo te kb a7•. He lad so torten ter YR acus test cursory bevuodg•tJoma Sedate step cost be beard as the vewaia. sad Sweewator was analogs to kends blmeelf before the °deer came in lar brim the roam before bias. be ca.wwd to the mail group elostr.d is lb t .sir doorway. The. were ....cal saspt7 /bolts b Might, but b passe armed teem an to • dart amt lama spinosa eons, tram weld' walnut effort he cold taken ovary /was es that leer -boas the largo parlor ta which the malt Mood to the r+tmesd legion et tee serrate hall. The clergyman lad net yet dsneusb tai. sad Swest..ter had thee to Me serve the row of little girls stltLg la front of the bearers, awls with a small duster of wet Gowen be bar bad -M1.. Cu.h.trita.d'. Susdq school dart. M tootiortursd. .ad conjectured rightly. He toe perceived teat some at these .nit.. loved Mr. Hl eyes dwelt a•eertagly on those before pas is. to that heaped up mead of dew• on oder *barb lay a tendered body sad a tinted Bart H. not sot iso the taco. lot the spectacle was sof• eleatly awe eempeltIng without that Would it aye seemed yet ear.. ked be know* at wedne nines tae bass bench of Mies herd beets placed over that 41.-.t Mart' The .1.1.r .Irk. the brother Invisi- ble. avedble. there Tray alt:, rays/ to bold me * tt.r.11..,, In 11)39 'IuenA- so he lot 10 rano a• n.v the On -A. of tee paopb boot hire le !be dt.unt fon commis- aerating ommaaerating olio the kitchen. Serena persons were approadlag from this direction. among them !•- dot -the servants of ted Muss. so debt, for they earn l all together aid sat down side by olds is the Mfrs Sweetwater W as ean[sUy passed by. TMs wore he nesse l al -two sees gad throe wows. Osiy two Jsteresbd boas-Zadek, with wet be had already made • super- d eial •epdatamee sad had had ase bout mad a smart bright eyed girl with • rosette meth softened by as iade..t tllapga who street Wm as posoMag ezrelia•t boa. sad .emit enteral cleverness. A girl to knew sad • girl to talk te was hie betas totem iudgseot Dont the serving S..ecwabr food himself watt -Mag. w11e tee. moms eorieety. the attitude tad ab- sorbed expends, of a good leaking y0••( mm• +boas M was Lr foes ouspoetner to to the inert repro mbe the of the present suspect warm so- led* body mW tons. lee wkoma nosey wished to remember at this 1dMwed Mas. Bad tide attitude mad fhb sharp. tin Mea directed toward ted casket sew which toe clergyman's words rase and felt wilt ever Inereseing tas- prienvesew he slider bare noted the masa. bat wsuM •.musty Yore Mem h eld be his Rat fhb interest, sn- eers o-ewe sad strew as tt andoentedt7 was entered un so sere in the setrie.., careful as 1r was te s•emtaa• a M- enem ewer• attitude fawned red sis but s the false worsen wale% now mad nem ease dews from shwa. where meemarlesase- roused and no otrirtw .meter wstebed over ted do - f lees seater with • .temrestratl•m .td .1•adamase*1 en tsar wtlrb made to obs esu• .1 N sett deft sad Siam r owe srss N tale telae. M Mims bold ban. ever errs Iris hid Non as • mw t e. a his n the art Ort ho.tt wit hon em•mket mad le pwtluser -UAL Liar TM dote try w•'.ibg this p emeeapd•d stemagw. sited o ..eat atemsoem her oven eche bier W lar wet pA FM to ewvauer•d /loan. s /low twee.. Psis. t :he Seal were, ton boa odd awl She /test porn bent so bah Moir ger w the ream hire w1Mn to meq rhos bed tem woes a swot • astir o ale ester sod lememml, bas mom late .bored eke semmot, ammo tat twee. won Sem be hod won more new is won Is r rase gsemoso Is kw mot for mhe 111s was. 10 wren w.ditap 1001001111r•►» Optr- new .11100 11111900/11. GNI *. sswmet test to womb algo . 1 sled f7. droittg as easy de . • tributes of fragraat sewers mem Me tart bruit flay woes blows by the sorvtahe. *moa( wets Laden had divided kb roma As les bat resect tel from tee ewetlmaa's fro Wog land ted *adtrtaiet Natal web O• Id and, swots • Immo 10 be sora teat a1 iron tads& M gam s seder at ea S•dlmy lase. was a esy. as Ae aowt abut the deer I••`g fade filo oda MS tatted bark as wild tops were heard w to stain sod a 7vma•s masa mend d i e the roes, "Tape it gel" M cried, polatkts •t the W which had fust bon OustsM dews. 'I hors sot seem bit I must ra bre Tabs K et7' It win the beetsr- awake at bot to lbs elgslle*ae:e et t3*. heart �• t1w4m•s. stain at the seen - legions leek sae tome at 1M tarts.. stopped bet taluses sus ase low semestraaeo sad sidabling the /latent with twist. Sot the mmdrbk*r saw Is Ma fasts' aye, tad spas 1b era test whack wand "ems a an 1 " me masa. Mma to eespty wtti the matt thus Meaty mad peremptorily sitars& IIs- ser.wia, the lid. he made way for the Intruder, wive. drawbar ser, Imbed tide tee rots white 1N Mos a Or sptaraed two, awd, laying 11• Mad a ted brow, attired a few low words to hime•0L Tow be withdraw bb bad, asst without Omen 10 right or loft staggered back to the door amid • Mob as •abrokw as that which Mimed bolded him la that ogee casket Amstar mot est sad hb widen haggard fare *ad disordered Was would be blotted from sight by Ma der iamb. The stssbr recovered hes poise d. 1 tee bearers thMr breath The - stirred l their seats sad the mitre began to east frightened looks at .web tear and then at the children, MOO of whom had began to widens,. whits I as fastest all were street melds bis steam Tbe young mos 1M tars ' d mad was facing them all, wile he Mab bed out t* a nisei grebe n itself •ono bottle 9f they let bee mea en" be caned set b loud sad throe teeing tows, 9 win •trample blas with lbws two tsar TM ward mad rot the s1ebk whit best ittpesibly from mere toe owe wotaa beton him breast 1tm be blea••If With a gb••tly Mk w W beast features he seamed Se .t• Mart the row of e -.-r7 seeebd blow before him tow dated Met oat at dpi mad lied toward ted stair- eat aineon Ail thought that as n/ w mom to the barrettes seat sed Matt sad pops fond o• b tear swiss molt, wits, bed sad sharp dram abwvs teare meg dews ted dell my of a tlrism, ten elms n enfeeble weeds wide! mem ted /Mils este Msaessa& "IMO k opts, i • wl Desk a p•• sad sea if tow heart is thenr /t was toe awful Its mad want wad centime leaped to tbMr tee *ad daub•d a way Into rho streets. stt•rit wtmbewed tis mai wed .f*eesatkewa L vain the clergymen need be video sod bob tat reason the ds& tot tee rooms were well nigh empty la fon be W aaf•ed W appeal Only 10 least of the eldldesw rumais•& Mow time too. wore get•, ase ted casket was relast*w0d sod carded out by tbe o&rtstlag be.?,. loans. is those de rte..d rooms • nun of der bakes we03* was eats Moto flow Ileac to time by tow Dow fast sad It* board nitration ort the mese of sr who W fust bum erre away 'Lila. Lar Serostwwt•r. b•www affect' by bear tete le the tusorall e n for, W Dot Mt tout at bemwelt won torlwns@ the Otos 01 I. tib toed st • item Mot into Me o00dd baker enbsw wens Mod be 1' bow hMwog wow s meek •w}A.1 10 the net at the tato et Me brwt,pree-wait be bei -.. j satiety ed •0d for welt M '.us b oust at /mere p epr.&-bs was ofd promo the most dopey sod prtmrt7 teamby Mob s limbs Iwins •mdb.et was a No Wad Odin • peso •n Ind les. mode so es by to drams sod matt of mot Cmusbws.t It ms 0e ea est Its drwemloe t IN a sawn 4.1 .eve MOO wish Only ow of Ohm •sewed • Onto .meta amt cwt tie was wilts! w Pleed1 ll7 of dada tie tot M was • f.swm dttewar Mad wow i My toned by ens swevbwe d tea she W Mss .•Imot Tine was t mdeoYte M Stnrgs Mt lbws •f .s�70oman'd 9roblem How to Fed Wei During Waddle life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. The Change of Life is a most critical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere shodd remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry worsen throughthis trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable nd, made from native roots and herbi. Read these esters : - Philadelphia, h adelphia, P -'I started the Ch d Life ache milk Ens years 1 alwys had a handoe�a tag bark. best du It pain• I would have mes with dimegnatills sod Welt 1Mll-Lge After taking LydiaI MMus's Vegetable Com olmd I feel hke a new ofd am in better health and no more tnotiied milk the aches and pains I had before I took I dertol remedy. I recommend it to my br 7 R BL, Philadelphia, Ps. it "-Mrs. liAso.taar 6elaas- sum,eitnnTN N. sum, Beverly, Mass.-" I took Lydia L Plaki dm's Vegetable C poand, for vousness and dyapeps whoa I was mule through the Cimino of life. I lowed it ve ypall ham always spoken of ' to other women who Imam as I did tad I have had them try it and they also have reed*.& good results from it"- Mrs. Games A. Dvsaan, 17 Roundy tit., Beverly, Maas. Erie, Pa. -"I was in poor health vrben the Champ of Lila started with me and I took Lydia L Pb*ham'a Vegetable t,bmpottad, or I think I should not have got over it as easy as -I did Ives now if I do not feel good I take the Compound and it restores the in a short time. I will podia your remedies to every women for it may help them as it has me." - Mrs. L K ia•a.ata, 441 Lei 24th St., Erie, Pa. No other medletae lea• be M we onsfaJ tap rodrth1 vrwwlaa's atlffertag as has Lydia R. Plaklbaa's Vegetable Competed. Wastes may receive frees d belpf*l advice by erritlag the Lydia E. Plakbam Medic -foe Co., Lynn, Masa. Hoch letters are received and answered by writes .may tali held le Stelet /widen// the ether two grooms wen, more rets lfts- do were those of ted meg Zatot specially watcbed soca al0roseat o! Ike 7•1•s master with '.pso diatrust sad very hearty started uprlgbt la his r.pup•see sad dismay watt that im- treem. Mad fol as the poseett brow 01 Mr ever whose este to his Iona our pit he bad trey a3M b sb•d teats. Aad the woos! night sot to mase explanation aeeount for that es- ti•o• hoop et the eye with which the two yeast" d barbed at sorb others Mab to pep from srr.as tag aN taareea*pd whispered words which Sreltwater would b•.• giros eat& snit oat •f Ms carefully ebsrisld board to ham baud. It was tapeebie to tell at itrmo& but be was a teloat that it would set be lot briars be oadonette dims latter at 41st He had great coaddemes a 1e Rens with meet Mmsty as be was He was est se mars et btanhv wen maul. sad be Mit Mat soots aidlestter aN set a bon pitfalls lay between 11m sad, ter is - steam tete memenannicsttn Wort 'Dot r,. tha Whole tog emote be - ewe ewe me." be added fa quiet /sett. tea he Mama "It w11 M a pts V I earl work some of teem b that Mos' Paas W ]taws made tor earring tbe sonsols ho the e.mser7. oat dmsplts the adveust di enetases mar -hent span team tests. tete plat wore Whored M Sweetwater .stee- d MMus all fids o way is the last two ••rotes• This gave him the ope tellilty de washed 1ea.lag be /gigot. be look- ed up Hesford sad sited who was loft b the haus. "Dr. Perry. lir. anem, tee Winer 1sr. Cato barbed. Ms Mk Oat •N Ms corms" 9dr. (ontsis el DIM% le p to do ems?' 'DM TM =MO Me to after that?' Msewabefs destdors Owe sad W yoke took as a Ouse of Mlfetaata, 'i1w.'s w stns. Whom b be slow. de yon Otak-ipts1ur "Ta it somas M spends at IW M• b a Mee drove opposites W de Ws dose 1fes won't 1st Ms bads for taw of tel. paatOsoo NO ALUM he foal e(:s weeeris TM fold ANL solidi teat Weans 10 every mord that roses Waugh the doer" "WMNs M roes? Ia night rot tib• •/neve lot 100110.? 'No; tearoom a prtitlea er tons M mesa. u 7w go up by tem side slab - ease 7a eta rL 1st it widest mass ear sodas ltd Comm Pep mad lit. Gelates us Is frost' 90 ted db door kertatr "No." "Lek 1t The beet door, of owns. e." "T.: the coot atanded to that" "I meat a taw Moot= all by my. soft Help m•, Haatreed. 1f Dr. Pony has eves you se otters take your stand moth. where 7e0 dam gees no wars - tat ff Kr. OtamNebmd ell a mem to Woe W past .r bee Mmes her pa- tient" Pivu .dote titer Pea twmter W veered fret s'k sad for sets fids at ens Hastomil bow weave be was • • • • • • • "Dt. rery, m4 1 Moe a ton words with yen TM meow Mead witty. tett _ Mem Kai 'KU sit las hal,' tad 10. des, i.. wile a Oat sigalikat gimes is the dlw0Mwkr. Clint 01 Dr. Parry sedad..sv0td Ymodt to the limner sad Mewed tha dv4mttre Ito ted mann wrftlag non widen be hs stempMd during the 1001. la ted diet= win which Swawte Ater Owed the doer beta/ them term at momatetal lett maned the WO to trust is ib /mess's brow. "Taw bays mode sato 10.., T said M. "A vary important ted." els• ted ddafet 'ambit ropey, Aad is • few brit words tbe drbetlre rotated 1b strvlew wlti ted mast teeleasies will on ted 11g1/.aL Thus wale w ager 'Now let N dam you moo teem' be tad tee eoros0r through the diems ram sat the elle 1ta, wire be oust/ before Me ~ream "DO" emerged tee reewer with on /Meso. Ortolan. from west be teat .mtwusbr above. "Na" woe et write./ rgt7. "Whet w *mot be be." Aid. Push - beg mew • sort door tet so the so dond the .airway. ne mse isd • 11 mase Is Mat nom a cost M two tai nae /sibs eat H. mob dews ale RUM set aleabl4 k eat ao tee light farrow w • spot on the mit seed .f No arta T1. caw+ .foga..' s he .w it sad damned •ssMeeeee Oat 1r. He 1N knows take heti* M tor Moo NW tee Weer bad tow bb detail Meted- le•t M mesa soy oaths Is bees of ten witty/. TM spat mus • dew smirk_ to wash% reale teas.( be dbrrmse ted sett et • '.sneers CH A PTelt II en trrwt.ee weans Tea los. . aero. it wee perm sir .sensor •nee • malls./ 0 me r•e•r.te 40 1 -. "we bed .tees, WI D Ow bee ere •04. MI 7.w ass he se parr mod wane or de wed u+. V..• dueNt► mgr .r 0,400,107' "Ilk 11011 M ' 40 ail got sloes(. 113101+1.5. 1 Iasi iwersart'iiia O. stela 1r'- r must away leweetww•w •m.Ra, pMt.mN ss 1M Y to pts. twat 18• Imp r Os Ism •ad stay it ew.d 1b atttprev 1.ee evils tats dabs root IoM Owes to lieu (.ease/ mutt. 9eussea that Wslady tbs dreadful food•+." 1e vested s w mark as ted two 10 fir is lore sga1. "fat weirs .. dials. Pats ors forte. sod wee see so wale tbe bet of Mew Tom mama ate t• es sr "Se oar -.s1owag ons 1!• clews w.a yea haat Pewit gives mor row •at► a ias' .1O sae; there* *toOst^- " !1s bother 'Too. the bets. I Mims teat i dal met gal than ff 1.0'1 Om wed a VIM tat. re a sassier lm Iowa 7w memb r. sad .wet Is mast. M Is sews as foot as a deal dam O m" 'fw.etwatn; we bars Mt to defy -es rept+ beth dews s for w they will tab as Od7 be worst 10 t..tker th..rld..a agate IBM* ash. Too will baro to Sopa as as. •s•dliaty steams sista o hold 7.e owe against the tato witch hew lowsglt this newest lover Is Mak Tea es -.i. I w1i that poor gW sews got suer M Impala 044 treed s "ii. Lar rayls attain tenth Me boos "1M in the ••h sire who is windy basest n tele weds fosses Ona d ear Mr at tory post Bar 1Ss Is lambotefe to every tee .warmed. O at at wt sot broused bdo loll -met 7.1. Nor met M be nsrlbe Aim; you knew whom I mow Quist dm 1t'. Sweetwater. Q.bt sae a a•rtag derreaes to bb intim so leo pleat led et tee low" 1* the /bee hit Hoa 1Klt One - behind arse • was? "Sir will win be toad tasoowt. I►trr sdslt Arthet antonese's pie Also eon is the Yash(. .t • mute5." 9 w! rumen K it. sp M as rue o mable Mosta I tort Mak M mei Metes ens. say troabls Here est at as llmpremod by our prommea All M seams to sus about is wad M ant nay be led to m7 is for d. 'Rears bow los took at DT The pe.serU toes was at of oboe. Thom ease • motet .f Mete- "Ton may 1031 my carriage. Se rrwater. I eta do stet; runty here today." Sweetwater threw open ted Mer. cwt M wbtt.l look did eat escape tee .ter m*a's eye. "retro sot resd7 to go? Wish 1e •.•tib the boum perlap. it hos •1• reedy beta deme m a geowfl way." 'I wish to tto It The rarestsighed. � " 1 should b wrong to stand s 1•1e way- den ler wariest and the bout lo yours. Dot remember the sick gilt" "'Tears wiry I wit to do .he 1•b myself." "Torre • good fellow, Swustwabr. TM bays oil tee igen-tis keys and ted bat. If the former had boss lest la tee eittommo amt the betsr ahead plllieul the mart set es It h7 leo mrlaale^* wire laadwghb deem would mets •Ike today as flay did bsswdlatuf7 .tier M• mist dert'wub Maga as they aro M easy well not sadly budget The elm& aro Meg Sr Ma" The terwar peak Sw.otwstdr masa W way to the room wirer. M bead last Ma Kr. Mts. He toot it saws and was owes Isle by B.sterd eat tin lawyer W bit H. Mtn* Hes- ford gastro 'Td tied to se the girt asd rd Loo to ••• tee W.teer arts be tewglt es ma was wattle. him." he • d. 9 mitt +bet sed mast by tot wife cry et veer tt spear M tt Mr Mart Is Osier Tor '.tat .pss 0 coda? matt Besloe& "Of court Wst oho east see Ism mowetr 'w.4 Mine= is a tract tetet; makes • Mist tens recopy sdl er.r. 1.. dealt nets w my Webb 100." "H•af4rt bee a• to a pep. ices Ill/ NAearls" Is ale INSURAPICO Against Sudden Death. Poke. as Istar•eo. Oospssy will take a risk w year has the exaamiaiag pipioi•a wit bat the arias me yaw minty, �wlestetyes asea Sisagiskped k. sad Weeiiieog., p• sir bon backache, ick -bead - stela. or the misses sad poise �0 rrtb•ge ilea -ahem sad put. TM mime is is cloudy, WI .f -thins= thea_ sem pt eon sod dump le didmrbee tons or three lbws a might. Tie isthe lie Tot dishIld semi someal wi aop.eyob 'Dr'. sician 711001 tb h.o laui tae iWel sod S•rtisel Lditet., litho, �N. Y. Seed his 111 dome for inmpis ol hi aim dboreory, "AA IWrika it year .., 1- d did end a rple of wrist 10 sett tagewiste hos De. Plows Mt " is Yalu M p.wrhd Woe i• dhsei.ieg orb deli. se need ant .doe eager; besides big •bedsits bends i id it smile iei with ellerimis er ty bur D w dl�MOg m. Wag •yi `Rem mat active team Dhi.,, iholl3t fire whim& nay deg beset valves of 0 mels the Zrairisilimplissing bleed ei tY bleed-vtmtle. Fiftitdeli smie tamamd deptls r 10thfoe jlsdads. ierek dF.mliiwifie pet psshape ay J3T1N3* 3- lh w 1 Theses Mewl .1. a• ale 'RR slim 1st e, .odea cr us • tote* Mil w/ Milt ten ji s. NadaEllik es LAME BACK apes *Merry Tris* Te..'* am Des Memos sae mom perre ads year know Mk -has weakly is Mids. Yew +fops M os et etdw. bill ►IUi ea nit or sae mum of Or endo a ted beef arse loo sten rte missy ted Metier sties Tbwa lye pt watt p ,..ons rate f tater a wee _ad�w.weaa Ms be lays op ae+wale bre be eg se asp wen 10 thewbptaNab test lee bast sow bon•& awl /..null ke atolls Too br•ssq&tiyeaedbnlddm*A+i et L..., MS. .1 M• steer list asp bookie .ah aryl's* atom' b nye. 1.0 b-ar RR el ASL can boa irmemllawll ter r adwai a or �tiock. Trite bow mat arae i yea webs National Dreg & Cinoical Co. of Canada. shad Teo..•. • oast t1 got a d>te51t fob betae s•, and 1 and a1 ted aid I baa pt' "Ob. teare's rtes trey about teats Walk hotly s1.0(: be won't soder- 93o meet sato? 91e-, he soleus ••t1.s but wins eats tram tee Aetrat a" H• No Ism all the thee" "Doss the oafs tow tear RM wall Is a ptssise" "Hew •o? "Haff .•rum fad batt- Sat go maw for 7.0rs•t1 Hete's.a pelage to Mee is-s0dkfae from tee drag tors Tit for then was •e elle use be Mit 1/ u p. PRY skew .e +Ogress" 110110rlag bed teams. Sweetwater sigh the proffered package as belle tamed Owed with It bowls the •oil Ho W bores tar as the tarn wore. foot now be roomed the torn to Sed. Not s he ezpaeted. a Owed doer w 11 aft and on open •bore 00 OW 41104 The door led tato ilea l`stMvhllffb toot The alcor. etrestar lie simple sad lighted by trent ..l.Mwo. pro totted from the rear; of the ertead•a t ad Mel for Its outlook the state est the bogs syea.ore tree growler bee asst It 1 Sweetwater raid sot see' Arthur. lac. Bat Ids dr.ptog lewd. tied int aspirate tktateg: ids Maud Mad dosed anted ted seek of • dee costar, wNca smortheis b dad set ski mob ops Sweetwater as Impfo des wok" bones. be saw atsrwti1 ever juke eracd. "W1us 1 boas bark that whit, w/ it hath got.' tett M and Ibsa0d to • e the mans tilled *rod the ant Idraft taint Rut as. The bead slowly uarsspd tit this a way tom the tse*.tor. W hood sank farmed oat 1b As its► d es his 'east sad * dei ~Meg to Sweetwater. ha fres Km aye Bao ford was tight -mets .me les. amid west Km Sweetwater sow tried teat Mag. Ho Misted softly w the sickroom door The ,wb•t ted ear Mins to all des Tsang Combsrt•ad tend to W fret, mad ter a .•west Swe•ewo ter mw agate ted Novy feateus widen as her before 1' produced w et a rspidvs effort spun Idea le tee roots blow T1so ted Denim Imes sok tab to pave mate the some esumtraM l Its 10 mad tha Mole dejertaoa_ Swestwat•rs hood. Med b roper nes of W home. bong suspewde& 1N bad stn Qyet d quit wee trdlhw aim as illi* it atom/ be ealetsamle lout a trek. The door was pulled to Mea des time As it swung back be m w rash a brit et rosy Mew as a room So and n egemds plea brat ems hi t teem. ted• /poet pareses of his lir -1s la der. Yeellires et (lard eats' be ted atsMlsat ate dap. Sweetwater gamed at lee whom* toms hood mar tee awl •-maim sad Mt that for bias • aka sad be - ported tsetse ton tort teem tills emir wile his rerega tem• of MY vet , bar r gnat hasty dew Mop a do w0• ear from se mpwt354 la RIMY lest hove ase les w00% yon won •s so Awry .ad it este- ed 9rwlo the teewMoa" b ML "Wei lb egbt 7ea tot tad thele thltel Shalot etaued M teem," "Tin MAW r yo. An r'sF.dls at Sus? ahs /Mrwr treat 'Aiwa/ It denim Fes to 1 won't 1 asps sat r Mob mh teesons Intro 'Wit M JAa marl base+. Olio it a sem Memo simsdir a ahem. dot' Olu madded boost tea bei 10 S.tldwter took swnodhg..f Ole Ma- tte tb etreatme use eels* r sem hlrlb r was • s5104, +Meso stead Se L1 �esvashell i htatbaeml► gr! Ib 1le Oat• • .t 3c