HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1916-2-24, Page 5THE SIGN*
Ttva..AT Platit7Ano 21 UN
Antonseb& Tires Have Ren !
We will acwept orders for a few days for
This tire h.. given Mary service to
local users and now that you have the chance
to buy at about the same price as an ordin-
ary tire, you should lose no time in getting
your season's requirements filled before the
pry goes up
P llot.ter 24A
LOCAL TOPICS Hietiona. of 6..Iph, Pte. Pritchard'
of the Peewees Poleicia's. Gail others.
- - Tb. ratan .f those mttstlaas is to in.
Os.ile erg Age/4y. tom the oomph as se what 1r regained
sea expected o/ them, bet le, •OWL'
/.d recruits wile be made at th s wee/ -
hap All citizens are urged to attend.
Who Wil Name It?
Magistrate Kelly's offer of • prize of
SW for Reap met esceptaMe name for
the Ispat Hums B•tt•bon is open es -
tit Mareb 1st. Aayose who ha. a
Tb. r•Rai•r rsontbl awtiag e.f time nameemessetion /lake way place the
(redia.' 1.1°1.6 a1 Woe... Ir. OMMi in at. em tombs*
mark a tie
s ae" w� be bt.Y .t tea bum. of Leet " r °t time envelope •tPrize Cot
Mn. A. Q 1r.{eum. L22kri avemw, aw Hat1� Gail either Sita it to theMr. P. R.
Thama�a)/• M... 2md, at E p qa itis. "�""..ov secretary d the War
.Imia� tt►liary, or assail it to the county
rtes wstsamo. 1( hidor secretary.Mr. A. T. C..per. Clinton.
•Rte m.-. a ..wing m.Miug i• Mid to
the basement of lea ghtercL Could Mr Johnston's Address.
set ware d the members snake an •f- -Caned& befoe, and After the War'
tort tostte.d. as the seed a utrtent ? is the title of the address to he gives
b Mr. E. F. B. Johnston. K. C.. of
Terosto, in time est beam on Friday
ensaing of this west. The speaker
COMM under the of the Cama.
dire Club mad as he 6• oar of (sand•'s
most petunia nt lawyaeand Seamier§
ANwt 1�IMhsi1. The exreesbe should be beard by obpos-
wbo can
.p the Ren. A. P Miomt ; nay emend. The mesiag is open to
el M A= Pis.eaa/ Prealrytarian the . without admission lee.
wisea invitto itd.
abaeL-Vs.rwvw Sem t Feb. 1; t.
Trp boas e • mime es Mn. K. B. inch, Debenture Issue AS Subscribed.
el Immo. ani whined bore m few years j The b4 per mat debenturegi to the
sea `amount of 116,(1110, lewd to toter the
p C.
Fund. 1 eost,ibstiome the town loo veil to
• ? I the t'a_rigtic t and mad the British
The fmrmwiag emanate hint been Rd (;roe• fond, were on taken up by
sd i. re.oto the 7°61,„, lo- i.i people within four or eve days
S1y i
e..i ta1f d the.C.A. ' after tbe advertisement bed spewed
.tietgm, food d : Y. M.C.A lades' is the (Deal papers. no mein.. d
A.a0..ry !b J. P. Hum. t. 1». the conned are mach gratified at the
BMWS *1. Mrs. Carrie 1gt: len P. !z ! ~CON d the appeal to the local is
1101111•11101101111•1110fl. A. N. Robdrtaou 111. slam ..e'motors. Since the ewe was fully mob -
If. SewngSIL 6. C. 1. literary Society !scribed, the town clerk bee received a
Sh-tetal til. Aa? fortis" conaibs- camber d imgvirie•, showing that
Gems .id ` wdieamed by the local tier. k money in town awaiting Mr. A. M. kobert.oe. //able iavewtmesR
Roentilinly Social Service L..gu..
The Mi0arAswr:iatioo of Gode- I Tb. folbwi.g are ti. oaken of the
rk$ he /unaged to bold 'vermilion Citizen& Mew Sonja. Lammas ter
....leap so someday mei ags atom- 119K elected at the ussti.g bet week :
/ tidy be the alio*. eharetsa Tb. President, R. J. McGee,. vie-p,vsi-
iat d three mme14Rs will be held i• dem, 1. E. Tom. J. H. Colborne, Jobs
St.e.t.. slam* on d Sunday eves- Cy : b ee, g Ly Elberton:
lag .oi
mariffiligstoll her eAdues ed b7 Ceps. Immowit(es. Dr. A. T. Rmm..s s. 6.11l.
grarpin. i. Waitaki* es a reel. OW
Rima twat to he °Maimed mt he 1lljs.
Nees imedumgem es Mareh sad fat.
Tao hes been �preesall g
/.r die flat she wets sad toafimilh•d
week will la t r.i.hed tram seller te
•tile with in.gbter mad morriesent.
Wort fee Wont....
A Va meoever Wading.
Awa wading was .oi.mniz.d at
the bee. d ]ter. rd Mrs. J. Medi-
-Aar. tiaaabesesq Height.. on Wed-
n esday. whom their daughter. Mie
tllatlyu MA wee tn.erW to Nr. N. n -
We start oar incubator on Marrh 1st
Capacity 3000 Eggs
Bring us your eggs and we will hatch than.
Starting Saturday, February 5th
Walters & Co.Shoe Store
Read ower the knowing bst and see what we are doing :
Mena I buckle O,•trthoe-'. th•
best quality, for this 1.69
sale only . . - -
Men's 2 buckle Over- 1.98
shoes, for this side
Men's 7 -:ich loather L'pLt::- w
hermen's Rubbers. / 69
for this sale only (as•••��•
Yen's 12 -inch high katbcr
top Lumbermen , 3.69
0' �✓
Rlibbers. for this,
Yr.'s 3 hackle Air- 2. :, 69 Boy-s'Lttmherntec Rn 1
hoes, .39
mt,oes, for this s.k hers, 1 toin sire
Boys'Luermen Rtt 1.1
ben. 8 t 1 : in sire -
Yen's 1 bleakiatsbat-.'. , button. for this sale
Rubbers, fordebt oak 1ea only. ��s�Cm
only R .wensh
's Overoes. 2 1.65
Yea's _ b ekk ' 7i wi'e hackle. for this sail
Rehhemfor tbii eve ' 111 loses' Oversbor i. 1.25
lath battou,tbis isle
lit.'s; Woaet s, Yates'. Boys' and Cbiiidre.-S Felt Shoes
with It111t Soles. Fos with Leather Soks.
?rusks, Suit cases. Club Begs. etc.
Yeti s 4 buckle Oyer 298
oboes, for this sole
EVERYTHING REDUCED. .Be sure and see us if
rola want anything in the shoe line.
alle amOeee t.
1. ILlileCliesee
Walters & Co.
Bast Ilia
Ap aro
Phase OIL
L Meek A. a ass. R.
seareaaMellow� •L ..01 la t�
Maid warma ear the ..,area of
Hr. P14 a
pear'. te.= :�----. 01
Ns. w/s.'e uv
kg neared ms11 -
trail. with Wee
win m t' dia.t .tilt. aasa.
d the s salary.
P'eeidem Durso Tr ngarains. pub.
At tan annual Stamm/ d eaves of
the Transportable flab of Dards
Mr. Anima 111.40. mammal al
the t.af. iwtin..a e1 the Gtii.ja
k Alton IL ii.. wow ni.taed
Nr. N.edd to • aatlire of
where W mrth•r sad wise OW bee
. ad be i. • br0.14.. of Mr. William
Medd of Seltt. d. His him& ten
will be pleased to lass of hie .a.ri•n
as the head d nos sir Detr.lt's lamer-
tasn sesoaWlens. Me Transporta-
tion Melo le e/tm.bed ler serial se weft
r .. SMR rail -
w0yay and ~Men may
o(llei.ht a loml11m managers of
various Indlletaille.
Diod'at Pori OaOtousie.
re: p►wed sway recently •s Part
a forum r.sideat of (lode -
rid" M the perms of Mr. (iilbert(kr..v.
The dewar•d. who was .boot eighty
mem old. reside4 bare for • Dumber
of Vass with Mr. •ad !Iran James
Sheeran P.Lz abatb et reet I Y. a.!ibaw be -
Mg ria daughter mad .coved with Mesa
lam fail to Port Delimiter Mr. Oren
was a member of the tlode,icb Bemir
church and, wbeo bin health permit-
ted. regularly attended ..rviee. The
funeral took place on Sunday. 12th
inst.. from the Grand Trunk hailway
statim. to Maitland cemetery. Rev.
G. M. Holmes conducted the services
rad the pallbearers wpm Me -
Canby. David Wilma, Job. McByoy
mad. Fitzsimmons► ler. Shaw
aewrp••i.d the remains to their toot
reties place.
Tiffin -Comets.
Rev. A. C. Time. of Loadoe, • ane
of Mr. Jobe rims. of Godrrido, was
married last week to Miss Comma. of
Trowbridge where the groom was
torwiy stationed fcr • term. The
following mecum of the happt event
i• from The Listowel Ruiner :
A veldts; of mach local int:rr.t
took place oa Wadneday eventing.
Februarylath. at ted beof .sJkp
bride, wbeam Mira Minnie �a. ('.Nemec
daughter of Mr. Ctsefe. Cosmo
merehaet of Trorbridge. wets united
i0 rar,tags to Rev. A. C. Tiffin, pastor
of Memorial Methodist chord". Los-
otdo.. Rev. T. Watley Comae. of Lo. -
dem, blether of the bride, officiated
and was assisted by Rev. C. J. Moore-
oor♦house. Methodist mroieter of Trow-
bridge. After the esremo•y . teams,
Mg wedding dieser was served. among
the guests at the table beiag
from CondoDodgem and Ts. Ou
Sunday *gasbag the bile was bot
Deed by the garterly board .ad co.-.
gregmti•n of tb. Trowbridge abe.eh,
wbo in recognition of her faitbt.l and
adieknt earn ieea aa orpsiat toe the
past fourteen ��e.m+� praseme Mit
a parse d gs46. .cc' psi wbl.h
w... vary em.pltmestery .adru...
Thee horsing. merlins tine
BM paths wkfab ago mpa7 er
..mea sad skta rants. step very
*tats r 7sa 0,07 Sm-a0k.
The .s.tblag. keret eemare..1
lab we.tisrfal hale, lathe .ad mid
r laming skis. kill Use dime.*
and the pafa• ala predate •
altMttal f..ttas se fMet. At the
seise time the proems 0f trona(
peso es. ale very quickly the .kin
dhiss.s is ended.
•Roden* baby hoe rashes wkleh
mon llrbloy, and glee rise a hours
d worry ani tr..Ms is the soother.
Sewn resseds-Zon-1 mh.
Pre all skin d4anM.s and for
Pia Druggists sad steres every-
verywlora. He bas. See full .amt.
b•.utIlnl pres..ts. The groose's gift
to the bridesmaid tree a ere.e.st of
pearls Grad to the rprwmmem•o a est of
Rood cufflink,. Mr. mod Mr.. Martin
left me the afternoon C. P. R. train for
Montreal and after speeding a week
witb the groos.'. mother. Mrs. Sidney
Martin. at Yap.se.r will leave at the
.ad of the r.estb Ira their borne at
Regina, where the groom is eoonected
witb tis Doused?"' taproom Company.
Mn W . F. Maa.dms took part re -
costly is A patriotic sneertaimment in
reboot sectio. No. 1. fitesey. and T e
Sealortb &mee er ia reporting the
inset Gay.: "Dearing theesterWOMt
several solos were 1esatrfdly rendered
by Mn. W. F. Sausdees, of (loomed',
who was* pupil of this sebod toward
the does of Mr. Baird's balteestury
o1 Wool :ilea. Novara) d Mrs 8•on-
dere selection. -Mary of Argyle. As-
sle Lawrie sod Angus DeDonaid-
were Scoter and eoesgeratly meek
appreciated by the majority of the as
meablage. Teat sweetest of all some.,
'My wry,' was shoo well received."
A pretty waddles and oar .t tte.mb.
lateness to the yammer _people ed
6od.ri.b took Moos at Stet., .(
hereb oe Turd., morning. 13th i nst.. !
at 9 o'clock. wise Miss Mary Elie.
Phelan. d•.gbter of Mr. and Mrs.
Rlebard .1 Phelan, and Mr Rota
Everett Yard.. of Regis.. mea •
mead in marriage. Rev. Father .--
Rae p.rf.dm.d the ceremony. The
bride looked sweet and girlish is her
,pia( snit of peplos-soie, small
spring tri.00 bat and tarrying a
bouquet of bridal rases. Tb. Only
ornament .Ks wore wee • 'pendant d
dismowds. the gift of the groom. Her
agar. ]lies Nagel Maisie made a very
pmr.ty toilesmaid, dressed is re.•
chaos alk made with Georgette gnat -
dram larm..pt ing bat trimmed with
Americas Beauty rose& and carrying
pink ranee.. Mr. James Commie.. of ,
8t. AOgwtior. cousin rel the bt'fde, 1
assisted the groom. After the core-
teoal the happy young edupie drove
to the home of the bride'. psrenNt,
Britannia road. where • no
dinner was sieved. Telegram,
rv.-e(ved from the bride's shier sad
brothers. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Illressan.
of Gary. tat.. ase Mr. W. E. Phelan.
of Juniata, Seek., who were usable to
be present. Tbr bride received many
■ ■
Randy for Your Order
For Spring. Snit
or Overcoat
Samples have ar-
rived -hundreds of
there in the newest
and svrellest cloths
on the market.
To give our cur- -
torners a large range
to select from, we
will give you your •
choice of the large
range in both
and 20th CENTURY
Walter C. Pridba.
M.M. 1408 1.1111'.
0. 1110144.7 least IMIt• M.ri.y, wile
a1 Mr. lite Unehry. St. Devito onset,
paned .way atter a Wei maw. ths
meek d .*Gamed. Them* a anti a al
Pas thin. Mw. Harley bad Hili fa
G.iwich •iaa. early childhood. Nee
�p.arnv5�1 war. the (ata Mr. Gad Idyl
Zhsm.a Kelly. Tweet ytieree years
ego she was mentd bey to bMaWW1
Mss../, Gad she Lases a t�i(y d
mw. mr Gad tem deweMen : 'limo../,
d Now.omb., N. Y , the Mime. Nary
Gad Nora, Gad Joseph at home. There
are also tiro.isb.. . Mho Kelly. grim
W jest Harmed from a leseseb visit
with relatives Dee Agates, am No.
&Beim., of Detroit. The deemaised was
me& est..sed by the.e who knew
her Gad was the rent,e of as a/setles-
at. home. Th. 1omeral ..,vice took
ea Mesda morning at St
N•,church, '. f/\, Rev. rather McRee
officiating .t the we The
hearers were lase. Dean, lobs fin
imaees Pan. Owes Nr0voy, Anges
1/ .os ase Thos. Griffis. The 10-
1t was in tette Roman catholic
cemetery i. ('olborwe. Among Dross
wt at the toenail were Mr.. Muir -
ot It Ant Edward : Meson. Dom.
iriek Ptynn, Andrew Flynn. Patrick
Rey •.d Mia. Kate Reynold.,
of C rota.. Mr. Thomas Hari,. sore
Of 11• dece...d, also was bow tor the MrMJKby, T. It. W'al1 ., 4. J. Pelt
fusers,. ridge, J. J. 1/el.we. anal J. M. Wil -
Mas. WM. M+rntz.ts0MAM. son .Meatus thr, and •t K.ntail Mr. Wit -
Jeers MacDougall. widow of ted eon. Kennet& F. MacL.nnaa, Jabs
l.'" W m Poth,erin;baa.. o/ TnekO,- Cowan. aim Duncanl. Ray. t. . 1), Mari•
.mull. died •t the boon of bet' di' i. tine o std (f' o Stew art. Is elsh.i
I". Nn $taj.oi.. Mein on Waled- hors to those from town android tthose
Metier. bet's and Mirada from A.hfleld, thou.
...isY. Pe).r..ry 14th. after bat Ill present at the fuoeral included Mr.
( wet..'• inns.- For the peat nineChas, E McLean and ler. Keseeth
yams time deerased had been in time McGregor. of Duluth : fir and Mrs.
habit of ,•.ding tier winter moth. W. E. Hanna, Mr.. A. M•cLeen.a,
at Od.rlet, the sorumer being spool Mr. W McGoiyin and ler. J. A. Mee.
to th. cesrarry. Mrs. Fotber10 .Sam L.,00411. of Toronto : M . and Mn. J.
0as born a Isla, Scot/sod. /Righty M. Wilmot and Mr. W.... Wilson., .1
yeses ago aril when • ebild of fly. )ieafoeue. All the m.mhees ^d ted
rasa to Canada. Thetma�(y settled [Gaily west horne with the exception
to Bla.•0
t -d tonabip, t'artb eOtaty. a Kenneth, wbo came up from Halt -
.ad fifty -Ave yaw+ •go 11. deeea.ed fax, Y. S. • few weeks ago to visit bts
was rnan,d to her Imt. bttat.•nd, who
feat8er b' f kaviog 1o. F.agla.d N
died nine years ego. In 1fee2 Mr. amid serve in time war as an aviator.
Mn.. Fotheri.g1ate 'moved to Tacker- NOW r.. an vi MOON.
smith. Of a family of .igbt, masers ars
still living They are Mn. Yc.mpeam, tM Saturday Dews wan received la
of Grants,.: ifs. Maleois IlasWmy. SOWS of tbe death of Mies Prances
of (iod.ricb; she. Air., mespid b, a Ogilvie Hutchison, whicboccurred Met
Kipp : Mn. A. H. Clorioo, d Don- t at Bnurnemautb, England.
1o'p : . Doog•Id, en tlw •---4 !h.1.seased 05131 over to
in Tueksremitb ; Thomas, of As oor. fiber, bring accompanied by her
S. D. • Gad Miw Potieenheh0m, of .feels. Mrs. Jae. Thom. of Momtreale
Loneea: all of whom Dere neeeaa.t a ani Miss IIutcbi•oo. Since the b/mm1.
tbtt...ral. Les Pot war tag op of their borne here altatr tie
sweetens". „f Gail Cir{ s ober• i of Rhear .anther two yeses.os,
rmpeetd aid {mild aA h.. time MiaO.. Hutchison lead •pent tilos*
arquelntaneer. The fused. which se tb•it time at Mootreel, (boogb tbry
wan pr1.&t.. took place oo m.turday were in Goderieb for ..venal pita
H the G.T. K. station. thence to Me- • lam ?s10• The lar. Mr. Matthew
too. ►intet'raemt 1.1004 plans at Bntehl•on, fntbe eof time deeesesiwwa
Baird'.b. exw.Kery, Rt•.fe7 township iar messy 70+10 Doe of God06ck'• m..R
Rev. lieu. E. Rom condoned time ser- promises'. citizen., being the --atter
RA Citi beIle la*
Teo Cal SWle
You knew haw wwgsiog
comb mans when pm knee to
boy to credit Why :.r t
practice sell -dead fora whim B s.meery, opus a Smiley Aaca:r. t
in the lemma Bash at Cassia, sed *Reim tete money in band,
buy st Cash pekes) The discounts will help to swell your barb
balance, and you meed have .Rade a good start towards financial
Godericn Branch -F. WOOLLCOM BE, Manager.
place from the family re+idene. cm Fri-
day less. the re...•ise meg moneyed
to Rioted cemetery f... interm.al.
Th. services weir condi. -ted by R...
tiro. R. Hoes, pant.•? of Kirin char, b.
assisted at the graveside ivy Rev. J. 8.
Hardie, pastor of the A.hfeid Presby -
herein church, in which the deemed
worshipped for many ) e as Wore her
removal to Golerieh. Toe pallbearers
in (ioderieb were Jame. L. Grant. D.
vices. assisted by Key. J. Ri•bardsoo. of 'the Beg Mtll, ' tben °woad by chic
of Kipper,. and Kee Jas. Hamilton. Irmo( ()gilvieekHoebisom. Dr.J.Alsx.
d Coder i^h. A feratur0 0(the rnw a H.tebi.o.. chief medwal .flie r of ted
00• elm ebaatiwg of the 33rd and ittlth Gr.md Trunk Peri& Railway C. atoll
p.rtpbmen, of the 8eottish path"... Mr. Wm. W. "Hoeehi,on. p0vsiieet of
ire palltsearers wore the four .ons-ia- ted lnkt of the Wood. Mitnag Co.,
We. Mr. Rohl. Mee/av, of Tncker.1 tom wive at Montreal. are beotb.rs
/with, Dad Mr. Henry Carter. d 1 at the esovased. Much regret is felt at
jfileierich. A .umber of relative, were tbs wsestroctiw demise.
psesawt from Gramma and 8t Marys.
Cutting Down .,
Mew I$OYD: A great number of people bare, un-
Tbe news of the death of Sir.. Boyd. fortunately. had tbe.r /Grams, rr•
widow of the late *10 aid Boyd. wbteb ducal .ince the war, and eo.entuent-
eresrred no Tuesday of hat work at ly they deem it wase to cot down liv-
her horn* on Lrltin events., was re- am expenses. (lee s nsil.le plan is to
eared with mOeb rP rK both in town . eat Ins of the highly refined foods and
and in the dec.ssed's bow township meat and more of the coarser sad
of Asitkli As illnew rnmmetteing more ontri:sous cereals such as Dr.
with an attack of 1e grippe developed Jackson's Komao Meal. This i. the
compl.ca. ton, which in • few days re- most w1ole0orw, most noirisbing,
eared fatally. Mn. Boyd, whore' mid most healthful tete.) fond ..n the
maid►: tame wan Ganee Mel /man. 0ss market, and net. mnoeh k' than the
bless to tb. towmbipof Asbfi.W sixty-' bigbi7 reftoed Are.kf.M twill.
six Tears ago. in the year I'47 she 1 Mold by by. grorer. at 1" •od :ri
eros marred to Mr Donald ft ,yd. of 1 cents-
th•sam.towo.bip. Tw.iveyesrs,tRo1 Try the ready -rooked ttonuut Meal
114.7 removed to (soderirb 1,.,.. tbnr Nugs(ets. They .re ddic, .u* wgth bot
I farm near Amberieysod in April. IW, mi1k- -
Boy.ard Threem Made by Basila. 11pJ I o.. Te.""°.
and Mord dapautbters.03away.4..: Chadno/.,
of A -Afield : Grant, of Tomtit'. and LVCAI TOPICS IN BRIEF.
Kooneth, of ter Royil Cavy Air Ser•
.ice. now in En¢r.dM: lets. W B. The Arthur Circle will servo tem at
Hanna and the Nae Lily an.l Mal, Knox church on Mt. Patrick". Day
ed Toronto, •oil Mmim 11.1).. .t baste- 'Friday. !larch 171 from i to 7 o'clock.
Ito. Kenneth McLe.0a, of KIntmil. and Mae Glenn, of (iirs�d'harlee, Tor -
Nr. Cfw.°.1.1:.
F. Mel,emq, of Ih., arc nnto. Caoda's hair fa.hiow sew., will
hsO hen nl time dK31r' .,.. tbeyo h' in (iadMrb, at fl.dford' hotel.
are tbrwe sin' rs Mn ...ryey ..an,
ata. Rumen, of Chi :MRo. anal Mr.. Mr.
• Qimid. of Seattle. Tb. funeral Reil►
Tbor.de,. Ma rim • with a /men line
dhair,c••o•1s. Mos Glens will be Messed
W d.iu mate.. a •a.i.r.
Mr. K. R. Sail•.*s will 'irate mist
■ Toe -.lay for the 1.•k. Aeolis re.(i.,n
ato do some photo% r a phi. woo► tor t he
ieity Jep.rtm.-..t of tae National
t.de.,e..l Railway. He will
ibe away *tem• two weeks -
R.,. W K. Hisser will pr,r,-h st
bib wrr,.+s a• Nor. b street Netb.o
des, rburrh next 8a*d.y. Morning
.ab/s, t : "Compnn-ism/or tete l effer-
i g-^L'bti . a..d Gert.." Evening
see j-ct : "C'D•i• in the tate of the
A Bulletin of Attractive Values
Embroideries in New, beat Patterns
18 -in. to 27 -in. skirting embroideries on fine sheer muslin and in the very daintiest of
patterns are here to fill your wants. Our stock of underwaist embroidery is
most complete being made up of new designs on new cloths. Both narrow and
wide embroideries and insertions for trimmings are here in abundance. We are
showing 45 -in. skirting embroidery in many attractive designs.
It is hard to tell you gP about the many beautiful and pleasing creations that our stock
represents. I s show them to you as they actually appear in the piece. Let
us help you to choose the embroideries that you will need this season.
Cottons and Crepes for Underwear
Right now people are busy at the early Spring
sewing. Our Kook i. complete with just the Zines
that you will need fot making your cotton
underwear. pillowca. ee, sheet, and the many
other articks that you are making .t this
time bf the yrs,.
Wbite dvtttos, 44 Ws. to 34 in. wide, in berry and
fine cloths, .t .1M. 110. 1So. 141sa, 11110. 1111w
White naiammot, 316 is. aide, very bee, et ....
..........1 M. lean SSG
White cotton etepe for underwear, in several
different armee. or . • ... 1M lana Sibs
Cr t Pmts
A strong. 'er.iecahte cloth. Farr r�ttaiit ',
color arae deeignt unestetle,J .%
large range in good washing cuiors
This cloth i' Shown in regatta spots.
stripes and object,, pinks and red',
blue greys, Macs and black'.
Thirclotb is trade .➢U to 32 inches wide and
the colors are warranted pure indigo.
We stand behind every piece that
k sold.
A teal print, at per yard
14.1-rk:: J.H.COLBORNE
1i. 1«.
• =I ===11 ==••.= ■ 1=1====i ■
Pbr dehe.iow b'.m-ass+e c and) go to
filar k.t us.e'..
Choice designs for Cu hion,,
Centrepiece,, Table Scarves
etc., to Tan linen, 'Brawn
Linen and White. D. M. C
Threads, also Embroekr;
Silks alias, in Stock.
Free i,esson 1 Enil rsiiery
Choice Linen Towelling.; a.Nl
Towels at exceptionally loss
prices. Come and bay.
Buss/el Cats 1w IlsWs Wass
Dainty Voile Dresses, perfect-
ly made - 111.'25
1)res ei embroidered in Pink,
Sky and White 75c
Bothof .hove in A soothe, 1
year and year *ilea. Pnll line of
rroolkn wear for rabies.
Logs Waoted
We will pay the highest r_aah.
piers for for all kind. err Ing, doll.. -red
.t the mill in Ood.ri.b.
Custom ..wing done promptly a1
Goy time.
We wilt also boy grain at. oar
elevator and will pay the best mar-
ket prices.
Ordem for chopping or rolling
grain promptly Lod carefully al
tended to at our chopping mill.
J. E. Baechler
Mill and elevator north of Mar.
Ewao'. coal yards, Godericb.
YM Ca Same a Position
if yno take a rouse nab e,. The de-
emed upon to for traise.i help is amity
times the nester graduating. t4t.-
de'ets are entrring rich week. Sari
may eters at say time. Write at ono.
he oar fr.r. e..talogoe. N
f. A. licIA('111,AN. Prissism/.
The Wet. -r Term now on at.
.1aW1.% tt, Vit,, o4T
Mime tffWIlcagnmol sae sn4 sip W
.1 err e•*.r•.r• ,.f weir : w.... Ma..
a.M a: Twee M(..r sat Preer+0aw:
%Iireelbv 4515*'- a.•i.rei to mood t
r.. P+ -r.. ere We ere aw .•trisat' '
'+w..eet6.s sigh 0.-t * -10'.. ii.-•
• Ire► our mrd5a' •• .r. mrtwGrty
.1.,i . On'S.se r.s..••te-. ►.n •
tungsmai 0 •e.4 he e w ,ppW:a:Jnot. •
.'. 4. rLb:wrXc. r.C.L, Prowlysl. •
ie. P. lt.X1(t,.i. srevra.ry. •
■ ■
To Builders and Contractors
We hare a Urge .tock
of Square Timber,.,r to
12 m s care to 10. feet
Hemlock. Spruce
jointing and Rear:'ing.
aH,,width' and k•':ON
up to 2() feet long.
Lath. °swi., '.Whitt; Cedar
Shingles. Pine, Softie/. Hemlock
and teak (.amber. Ail grades.
IlardwnrJ ani l'ioe FIra r"n:
I)re.wrl Pine and Spruce.
fotnia Siding.. Alimps in -.
Moulding.' _ Sash Stock ,.t.
Sectional Poultry Houses
Ers.ery ria.
Hi • ease 'ta
all sizes.
Estimates cheerfully furnished.
et Grain Door Co., Ltd.