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The Signal, 1916-2-24, Page 3
Ttt&T 1111.11111 AIII ONLY 1ENOINO /111111•RII O/ IMITA- TIONS SOLD O:1 Tae Mllitl'!! Ott 1110111 u BOOKBINDING 1dAGAZI NES, PERIODICALS and LIBRARIES loosed se ropahroL SOLD IiIT1dt3Ns es LLTIIIR GOODS `m .: - A. IL TAY LA& tltaalsotau, Ky. oernt. ATTL + dsdla `i *Ants• sad All =R,,?dela. amok tbeals and ores odb. ..si esti :..ra'�.:.t1.'..e` W wigs maseret slabs dis MaYsw, mew teat � Morse► As holm sdrs els awl. rreeboo cpm anal lko d sr : ser reeei e W qp ls*s m• Emoot. J. R. VO TIiR-Rs. LR sod Om*Idmwily NM* masa% ikons! 1E kmta.ltse =AV Clitualgm WrI"'sftote.m. 1lseper_ TahteelY�eta•e O. lI OMAB 6 Y 1 At sLIa im Y atp.i add wW prom a. thelarich. in a �ca Imrsw e.r0as.. tb LRGAL oar �l t/31� n t tl/r/T du'L1C1ltia..aYTAB! Pt eax. ►R. 1=ersellog bask Rhoda. listoiltso Asst. Insisert bag Saone tees sad _•-- & COME Viltioiie. soL K ITaaaa, a LOT ►LET. R: ate, SIC. rrw.ewea elco.er ..mad ate. ties tsar rani* .wade r bias ser fere* mum W. Asa -no .. .4.. J. 1.. a •, • sea R J. A vases 6:.GAMMON. L Cmosso a .est ib essF�Rr hand asir MAi taw= t._.ea, els& cure in ee Ane au..e •meter. br Mr. - anis bas. • um to eteal d MAMI.aae INAW/OW.11.Js.. 1LAs,- ShaliJk s••--. as, •ed. .seer sarins ea teem sash .J. s Illso-t tree ions , IMMMMAMG&, LOAN& ETC. 11 CS LLI GP MUTUAL PIR 1 Lest mg S I: a A Il c a C� -rens sed warred arca. P. k=1„.:111.1LialitallielliLliratnea enips. LOerdY : Jibe mom I icaraiJ- , Tee. Wwle h-hese_ �M sep�siiswti �it� aur �. =.6% +MMs� . Maw I. J t mos siis Oa *ht. etiont.eleasieve w etitlll PBIVAT1t PVNDeI TO l.. Apakr w M. G. lirsatnw is.ses stress. •rdih. �r & Unman= AUDIT M s sale tereems : ter Cisaars and Animanim aratibmi on r Aien�ssh�ess a�� tsame2teis. amasses : UAL RA LASS LIM= WALMIR & KILL/. J.P, • •OOg1bCM. ow. ow= o, MAail1A•s mamma. Plats, Trade /arts, gns •esered ell ae.erL. craw. 4 M best "%Iwo PnOTi c- T1oK Yogi ea ethane are how to gat ma urs 'BASCOM t ION& ems -Mei !*t Paisst Lows. mai g• !mss* Massed i tree gib1. A1ese ewes Mrnr.k s - ou .loo a.mseemaliseas<r.m ...�. Brophej Bros, 000•11/011 las Leal* Penni Illreders sod Dolmen at all Wm. Wale ar 410," • THE SIGNAL : GODERJCH, ONTARIO LORD SHAUGHNESSY SEA 0018111111111L r ty a t.1 •.t.R Asidir�iea d, « ss he ems tie.. 1t glee his Ile bow Ness sane. Gsafl* 1 be in kT le r r esiesees b the WS Ytw�r «s is ids«ea N -T. ll'), ca ads twgetydigbt roan ale te r41 the railroad ge4a He lisd abase that easter IN tku wNg& barbs rep bite, had wee this settles a 100th.+d ell Mo Shier of IMoO-rfu tame, VY Roes W hot shortly emu ,OW to Cassia he give the weed tat bee ttarehd .til0 ss the a.sdlie. Paler tae. 1e is huw sed rgehred sees et **haemo*aid Ws Is carrying es tine M petite 1s wile!! be led tact Ne bead. it sea • 1611..id Mr. r=1.4 gy w.e the. tI bees aid .test, seda ' s ,sr to WA,• nrgataI1 face basal aro woo Id Vag IMree wen lensed; www truly G.' Need *e to the hese re. pseud 1. beim: .ed bear dart* nee Asad. wee Ie keestertas tea a mine_ eta alai wh, hi. gregriboesd - eft �7 la w tie Deeelleiss.aumenses eatery MOO i kre If MY Parallel, to the Met err) « the mons oaths Lao Ment of the M else bay* caned eat a career fee them mime Lend abeethecany Is a bard worker. Re bee .e wee Ise Whew His salary as bead eta wesithy and apprsehltlee earpereelea, combined with weewelul levestseets, Imes snared his future eesf eta r ra this w•vld but be does wet }� weep foe tee mere salt* of 4.4414 earalas mosey. e 4C), fie perms b worts with a per % view. and that entrees r Use prosperity et Canada 14.- does met believe te clefs. '1 believe the Ise is ewrelrtp.- to Si tree!'rer wttb 0171a1 -Ir!.'"tt will he eeasidered vulgar tor a sae to bar. mer- boa a mimeo dollars 1 do eat .odes. a the arlaseracy of dollars. If there Meat be as artstarr$ry. let I. be of brain. reAneneet and work. let tt be above 9!1 *re an aristcet•ary of weii .beefed: osefil coos. t`•atious wort -- Pe was bora in Mliw: ate* le 1153. as the saris implies. of Irish ancestry At the est 01 .b- ines. • graduating trim a =nines corers,. he )deed the etas of the Chicago. Milwaukee and St. Pea! Railway. and riot aao:•e so well la Et, wort that an MR:) use ext appointed gst.eral storekeeper. Yah Horse wasted a goad man In that departmeet'of the C. P. R. had to 111S2 ask. lir. Shatz;n- esq to take the taloa purchasing egret, spicy h. dtd ' I ;+i �«1•a was rapt. There were to hoar} tralietsy WIMP the antral Tea «an a dea. -*`� Precedents meld not b referred to: there were sone Tie lest mule le the work* to •.Moate red tape was Yr Van Horne. Ind Mr St.asgbae-'s, noun became the letter's rigde nand in the new system. Assistant to the manager. amistaat e•..+,ver. re' aver rice -president genera: =nearer. eresiden: hrecwad ed.bead et the syxor� cm artVih became rest In th. e• 01 1 s -rte geaerattoa-Itis le tea. 0Lc: 4 A greet wort of exteetwon and ,e'onro•tlttstnen Cad been dose ?y air Willtilm Via Hoer.. b.:t whoa Ssanghaes.y ,..e,e tato rumple:* res•ro!. t1r .ttaiia•v was jest beghtning, as ate st_h: tar. to rant the :milt of its persistent campsite* fa F.a.bpe The V.-st made an Impr-'iio. at Iasi. It get spot the sir mind of Europe that there was a r w ., chid. in wrhh al the disesteems .Might , sed itd•*eadesce. The Caaadrs Patine RAP- a, '•14 Fs:. *tat t* aa` Ecronean tarS2a-e_. foe Tears. ,`?-t sad Europe did not heed. But th-rp es'a frb'I-,P az••^- •v ter the statement that if re•'ta.- your T - broad es cite waters tt wfti roes- lark to sou N r a-, s �r� .. ti i e) aye Tt a iTrst bazar to El! ¢ t`te tel- r� ''fwtUr act+_•atte was holt extended. As 31r t+v"'!.R. V -R itn�e tetra eat. -We lhre�itt the ~- . % nagger. bet we want the spent.' Amid at the psych lart'+stil resent R`asgssessy hone'.t a A•)a.ti- ,',.• tS,7I![1.Y7 Seel 1Rftawa vessels la a:lt-bo,•r{bt tt arta eel u mire 4s eoeteet:aa win the Lad vest.:•- *. +•,s anx!larr ee enoottm.•tary arm to feed the retlwat's wi:t. In-frar trate orerse's. ✓� Tref followed the policy of anticipating the sett. -r k, "'miss dew. the rem toVance of We.«1ag: the Polley act the read, «*4. a: Ossthe psi.* df dowb'-tracking. of easter sts la of ariasiaties la on beget. b owe ate•^.. t.a3.*i0e acres are to be netts -zed to me - Wass sed Or -Weeds tis policy of building boteb of 1.'-h standard to attraet t=- eta- tour -As ui: Somme ash the I" sited States j •' Is lbs bestaeds life el Canada titer. r so sow et AY, ... -*toe.. r,r int ► C -events a• Lord eha teerieg t.. tread K -ventsatters a the nitnesey His epettnises sheer rite gr -^t dere:elem.ent wine) mist come ita Ike As la optimism of certainty. for it 5 ma amiemias. d of nae .Issg err •r"•*p7! fiat treat.- tsresor•- ia largo tars Meisrearmade a `, j%. oars r syseigs.e. with tiro growth N 4*. jasitsa Pa -14e Ps T- err the ws th ran throe decades e wets Dotri4ksa of . -. Mega tie beres.ter et bur •wstrot been hfcb `'s ; • Material wept beteg ?'*tat a' •h+t ttt•te the aresi.:rot loss teen dir►rt', :_..,1)-i � 4 res responsible far that expenditure of at least Unit ern tie► In e.tatsainws and tsprwvees ears. • 'k. have - t the mesas of etwelsg •p the ^warstry. eimenTerter 1-T'sys•4*., hiervss4c trade • r- i't:trs e•- Pasthu sad basegaradat batstriea and pbear.•Ing arrt.�ttwcv t• an extent tbs. was ar.4..vanst of ` -.71 - ere leas sew It lett wed heehaws was ee the er•et ata toed weer of seisoertte the r-aa.di•n f ;1 ti °fisc Partin warred Its statbgeldert a hash Lose et etAtpenn *!oras at SI .s • desire. s -•f tsnatedt rely - 7 sleek soared is show sass. Tberewrwre sane See* •tt'•..* eiensiee coi t!'.d s-1 raid O.!. sae -•A oarrt their, to have bees soli so that Ca ad4a !seems onfele me the twelvebet ht s-'aet as• re.. ...Oleg Qct rel' 1' sat explain_ There wen ethers •be aswetel them '•aps-efms P. -lite. -testi Rare ver toe ft.1-_steas ' of ss. weeny by *ribs, row pre eget heeds at nor w •r a earrearie cameo eri ,ew s•.rt,d that C.a.it dt•a Pectic heves ties Siee.MI.M. Is its Ireiewew teed 1h.y thwght tear raaadiao Parlez. iter' abed. held eR Its iesaei.eg nem t•i treater, wee it►a-rsted. a'iges14 • that It.n iia. sed dereopoo.I_ and Imo. -slated '. sy sf .-w t h14.1. .. R. a .•sterol 0 `• "t Sere Us ..*shay •anyone >t i,. ,1 to 1•a r. ...rt, ,T„t.,.., frit to t.' -7 hstg IND Ike morn the treat aster -veto.' of •Tat �-sol+.. H. taw at+.,.n.wae etr ,.}e seat- s:3+ tetra of I.10 Mesa, 1r awes* Is the W.o•ers f aesttaa whirls* sed ted Iamb. -inn df. :i,�.. tag + th *Rhin nCob eb% monet.i re 4* that Greett .r4 fertels.. a•1 reu•'A-lee seer►... were tomb- J• .:�l 1.p el war rapwenCassels s so hart to Freres far tette"-, s.vvdre- He Gleno !hat the f, abets 4. be let r*1*e mei fiat tient war inlet Iaro'r. ail ;at seat cVIOLS Of Quiet as morals. be tanned the worlds tea,.r t'q►atmi /nip star, awn .,•e F.I. rook srraalsre f ef'tie charter wblrb dins a mow stark tssce to retie. hent. Tsse tr4.4.1 ..v„ tet dee het be sat 4etpatel that ash got the sow* and pard as the bends for r dd v*g rs, I'aJlas.Me tosses/ iia C P. R v additions! � In 1lpl H was mewed ♦ 61aht Ssrlh►aev set a Rteaatr inner any bel e•..r. Mr E•s st the Meld of the rte Rbcs. who. le H1':, treated Inn • ram,' ^aMtwewder or tie Vietr.an Order. 1. l Oreot•eit hewer of oil be bee bees ewes*.d a Pone? vb. Pirated i .'sly., ]--- been a e1eeeh, bJps•.e el her illethemen d bosnot 4 Iwrhie rho ley s sibeee -. who !ss , Mgr. w rattles, eMtskin is the pr*•.desey of a ,oars w/ pts Ph.wea••.-,l twilit L. of wrest easMwvtst sad serial crest ewrn.retfwtt. M , l -,.tad ,. i er°., to ee. : were, they were tasevl..t • lase. rest M 3r•nt oinrree? wtt►i her h"re p ...is s ..a•tell .,. ample elf ,gars v alis apwsrt wa�ia the history .1 wtk 1. has pwyw srwtr+la+ry parent to ►r trot eKe clew en Ito"rsl� !!.Y SCHOOL REPORTS. IPtil4tte. Jr it -Ernest' t Trslsi.. Part I. C- Wtlaers Thom NM , Win. Oa m.e Pa.te.a, Janet Pok L 13-04,35 Heil. Those wbo S S. SO t 13UDI>RJCIL Thea Pert 11 -W'rby M•hler.�sglseudrd Moat � wee. Leong resomp it is the „Imes ei R s, Igo. Mind Aon. Pali L $r. -tidy, bek�1. (Apology !Lagan. Glens Far titsImih, Ise Jaa„ry. Rams an in wiry of merit - !)r. IV -1114* Olen, Lame r�**H gemd.,ra Whilst. Plied 1Sebwass. Jr. t . - Oruro 111•Cabo. Vern On aL-Thomioao.firrir-- Thegagmo.1>k. tt-Milani• Rant... Ansi, McCabe. ars L• -alar• Mamba odipak Goo- Jaaamae.LPr(m•r-DR elm lbaggm► Pro Ir,Caia IL R Kiva. Tnwasar. WIWI' WAWA.s4O•ti ing ed * loolb t am..• abatog of the 1,11si*•4 ter y OWN i,Dwat/td ll. Mario t4 Ibmilp Mr •� Pewre at- XL- eds 1edlms Slar awe- NIL Tproal,'..Prolr W.t" P' Or. 1410i -r.ry L lasIPbaxsatr M. A. rioter Tr.aasr. _•. B. MIR i ppP 10.1. r: oho rail wt Jaw Ism or as alar wally ar Lir'!! XL - Midge J rkom, lb. Moi P.itlq •J~ w. FREE A gni alievof ea r ao New. •r r•at tar goiggemVOA *Ram sihootbor hlt� on epic. Moo it la ale sewn mil imeh SISI d stet rliared A psis* ere hr. he lasem sarha The Ilia Ogg. mall barair g`M�emser.serw, mourn Or INE and err star dams mg N r her eh 1' am fkr wits ears. reine lit Whir e.reat snashia• Ma* se amp no res mart Dr • isle >` Os. VmammAla fthare. hr Ibil Pbk tomato r aid r TtwtgooT. Imewma >r ab OW S New SPRJNG Goods NOW ARRIVING The new Spring Goods to arrive during the last few days NEW PRINTS NEW GINGHAMS NEW WASH GOODS NEW sumNGS NEW SILKS NEW NECKWEAR The New Prints Millar's spacial "Clyde Prints" in light and dark colorings, in all designs to suit ; colors absolutely fast, 31 �+ I inches wide. per yd. J 5\r Anderson's Celebrated cotch (iinghams We feature Anderson's celebrated Scotch Gingham* in plaids, checks, stripes and plain colorings. These are the best Gingham* on the market. 15c Fast colors, 27 inches, per yd. i1 The New Ws'i Me rials ©L'R showing of Wash Materials this season will surpass any of our former show- ings and should be seen early, as many of the more expensive ones are in dress lengths. Voiles in every conceivable style will predominate and g most popular. Plain Voiles and Marquisettes in all leadingpatterns,.Sp isbethe o Embroidered Voiles, Printed Ve colooh h Voiles, ales► Perim Beach Suiting*, Special Middy Cloths. CREPONS FOULARDS BATISTES Nainsooks, Cambrics, Cottons, Madapolams, Indian Linens, Lisle Muslin, Organdies, Crossbar Mu;Iins Special values in • Nain- s o o k s, beautiful, fine qualities, 36 and 40 inch- es wide. at 15c. 19c, lac and Victoria Lawns, extra ' i-lorrockses' English Cot - fine qualities, at tons. absolutely pure and 10c,21-!: laic, free from dressing, 36 inches wide, at 20c and lac 18c, 20c and 22c 30c yard " yard yard New Neckwear I '� PHONE Si atterns New Veilings Wads *Shue &Cal Millar's Scoichpt'' Store E Vera and Viola Alyn. Thome who ob- tained e pat bele, cols A .Iona ore- � •���� ■ JOB AND COMMERCIAL Carel a Alli Viol. An.in, Iona Pow! - ere Clive Alba. tasdya J. ha.. Gladys! e Treble. Those wino obtained greatest awsberof peiteets in antbmetec, Lau -i rel frets*, and in spelling, iaurel Treble. nosemar\ed with .in • were ( - alswni from one or more et trauma ion - IL A. Levy. Te.aeher. REO CROSS NOTES Many thanks are dux the to/lowing enetribut.ws : Mr.. Robe. Young, Si pairs socks : Ness S. Cha. 1., Mr. Jas.. Dickson, 5 pairs : Moe. Y. McDonald, Mrs. 1)., Perat.soa. Mrs. S. Aadr.ws, Mho. 11. MOS. 4 pairs each : Mn. Graham. Mi.e Fraser. Mew Annie Me- C'lay. Mint Jordan. a pure each : Miss norevee Mel►.0.w- Mew M. Dark, tin. Huh, lir+. Lloyd. Mrs. Jae. Mc- ilwaise, ]tris Y. \aitch. Mrs. E. Shawl iL•ebwr.), air. Str..melo. Mrs. M11 - cols McKay, Mn. Wainpnl.. Mrs. D. Merwiek, airs. Jas. Ta -t. Jin Anse McNeria, Mr.. Geo. McLeod, Mn (io4d- th•xp. +r . Mr. Maitre, airs. Bursar. 31r,. Peter McDuo./d. Mrs. McLean.* treyy x.s Sitraitor'. Mrs. E liltckgll, Mr.. McFarlane. Sin. W. Watao,. 2 p+ers each : Mrs. W. J. ]leNiee.. Mrs. Marinelli McDonald. Mies S Dark. Mus Bingos. Mr.. Wan. Sanders. Mie Etta Santis, No Macs Mrs. Mande. Mims `,fender. Mies U. Dark. A t�, Minn Taylor. airs. Fred Weir, Mrs. Geo. CoebfYM. Mr. ReLlsesi . ,is. Jessie McDonald; MS Ltieetet,,- has. 31i.. Await McDonald. Mae. Me- isel,. Mies Doris 4.6.. Mian ntu. M4. M. A. B.srritt. Mie. Odle Atsseroeg. Mrs. H.ge,. Mn Wa Le.. Mrs. W. RL Reny, Mrs. De=i1 Mrs. W.. chew/*., I raft .oeks eaei : 34s Merritt. 1 pin wriseers : M•' feint, 2 eat. - Mrs. Descry. I seifs. A Ponieds$ , . pairs soaks ; ]Irs, kelpmss : Mrs Deo Aire, Mies 8. h. t parrs wagb : Mie M Come'. Mee. J. P. largwa . s pairs •eel: Mrs.,Menay. Mrs- W. L MK. is Awie Aad ew% Mn.! Them Berl M MRbei1U, New tam. Mt,. M. R Clare, 2 pas each ; Mrs, Ownr Own*, Mn. D. N. Bantu Mrs. Mage. Mss. McC.rtley keit is Dv. Msyep.'..i... Myo W Mss- *bless. Woo t 1isfhd. Maw Merry Weis.. Mn. B.. T. Drink• swine, res. Fred Wi, Mets. a Ms •. Pewees it less llrew Ms r�.iaa.. i hemp •eadih. IILe B. f1W- t ee.a kiss .ea..l tsrw o `Mgr!w S pipe 't'* : MIL ThisEMIL?.am.. N. Awa► i R rt dehuehra. amok the Signa[ Visit the Good Roads Congress at Sohmer Park, Montreal, March 6th to 10th inclusive. Every au zen who is interested in the welfare of his community should take advantage of this Opportunity to obtain information about the kind of good roads that will create better and more economical living conditions is that community. See our Concrete Road Exhibit and learn without cost the advantages, the pracacability and economy of the "best good razed"--tbe C,osoete Road Om road engineers wil be in attendance to give yea the fullest detailed iarmantoa aid the soon. y of Canotr4 as a road bung materiel. Don't wait forelse to take the lea Cars in person I andget fore- . fa Ask for our free * d booklet "Cordal* Roads". Crass Raves Department CONSIII COMM Limited. 671amid Siii, 161realldir •